提交 246d06fa 编写于 作者: zschhh_100's avatar zschhh_100

Merge branch 'master' of gitcode.net:zschhh_100/1024opensource

# Conflicts:
jQuery Tree Plugin ---- zTree
last version : 3.5.48
**Donate to zTree** : http://www.treejs.cn/v3/donate.php
zTree API : http://www.treejs.cn/v3/api.php
zTree Demo : http://www.treejs.cn/v3/demo.php
npm install @ztree/ztree_v3
Introduction of zTree (简介)
* zTree is a multi-functional "tree plug-ins." based on jQuery. The main advantages of zTree includes excellent performance, flexible configuration, and the combination of multiple functions.
(zTree 是一个依靠 jQuery 实现的多功能 “树插件”。优异的性能、灵活的配置、多种功能的组合是 zTree 最大优点。)
* zTree is a free tree plug-in and uses the MIT license.
(zTree 是开源免费的软件, 使用 MIT 许可证)
* The code of zTree v3.x has been separated according to the various functions. You can only load the code you need.
(zTree v3.x 将核心代码按照功能进行了分割,不需要的代码可以不用加载)
* zTree v3.x uses delay loading technique, which can easily load tens of thousands of nodes in seconds even in IE6 browser.
(采用了 延迟加载 技术,上万节点轻松加载,即使在 IE6 下也能基本做到秒杀)
* Compatible with IE, FireFox?, Chrome, Opera, Safari and other browsers.
(兼容 IE、FireFox?、Chrome、Opera、Safari 等浏览器)
* Support for JSON data.
(支持 JSON 数据)
* Support for static and asynchronous data loading node.
(支持静态 和 Ajax 异步加载节点数据)
* Replace the skin / custom icon flexibly.
(支持任意更换皮肤 / 自定义图标)
* Support extremely flexible checkbox or radio selection function.
(支持极其灵活的 checkbox 或 radio 选择功能)
* Provide enough incident response callback.
* Flexible editing (add / delete / change / search) functions, such as drag and drop nodes,you can even drag and drop multiple nodes.
* Enable to generate multiple instances of zTree in one page.
(在一个页面内可同时生成多个 Tree 实例)
* Simple parameters to achieve flexible configuration capabilities.
(简单的参数配置实现 灵活多变的功能)
* To enhance performance, zTree transforms the js & css structure to provide excellent browser compatibility and make the development more easily
(zTree v3.x(JQuery Tree 插件),性能全面提升,js & css 架构全面调整,提供更好的兼容性和易开发性)
jQuery Tree Plugin ---- zTree
last version : 3.5.48
**Donate to zTree** : http://www.treejs.cn/v3/donate.php
zTree API : http://www.treejs.cn/v3/api.php
zTree Demo : http://www.treejs.cn/v3/demo.php
npm install @ztree/ztree_v3
Introduction of zTree (简介)
* zTree is a multi-functional "tree plug-ins." based on jQuery. The main advantages of zTree includes excellent performance, flexible configuration, and the combination of multiple functions.
(zTree 是一个依靠 jQuery 实现的多功能 “树插件”。优异的性能、灵活的配置、多种功能的组合是 zTree 最大优点。)
* zTree is a free tree plug-in and uses the MIT license.
(zTree 是开源免费的软件, 使用 MIT 许可证)
* The code of zTree v3.x has been separated according to the various functions. You can only load the code you need.
(zTree v3.x 将核心代码按照功能进行了分割,不需要的代码可以不用加载)
* zTree v3.x uses delay loading technique, which can easily load tens of thousands of nodes in seconds even in IE6 browser.
(采用了 延迟加载 技术,上万节点轻松加载,即使在 IE6 下也能基本做到秒杀)
* Compatible with IE, FireFox?, Chrome, Opera, Safari and other browsers.
(兼容 IE、FireFox?、Chrome、Opera、Safari 等浏览器)
* Support for JSON data.
(支持 JSON 数据)
* Support for static and asynchronous data loading node.
(支持静态 和 Ajax 异步加载节点数据)
* Replace the skin / custom icon flexibly.
(支持任意更换皮肤 / 自定义图标)
* Support extremely flexible checkbox or radio selection function.
(支持极其灵活的 checkbox 或 radio 选择功能)
* Provide enough incident response callback.
* Flexible editing (add / delete / change / search) functions, such as drag and drop nodes,you can even drag and drop multiple nodes.
* Enable to generate multiple instances of zTree in one page.
(在一个页面内可同时生成多个 Tree 实例)
* Simple parameters to achieve flexible configuration capabilities.
(简单的参数配置实现 灵活多变的功能)
* To enhance performance, zTree transforms the js & css structure to provide excellent browser compatibility and make the development more easily
(zTree v3.x(JQuery Tree 插件),性能全面提升,js & css 架构全面调整,提供更好的兼容性和易开发性)
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## 七、活动声明
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
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{ id:121, pId:12, name:"无 checkbox 1-2-1", nocheck:true},
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|10 |nanshen__ |https://gitcode.net/nanshen__/vhr |
|11 |nicholas1328 |https://gitcode.net/nicholas1328/easyexcel |
|12 |qq_25381649 |https://gitcode.net/qq_25381649/Python-100-Days |
|13 |qq_41008110 |https://gitcode.net/qq_41008110/Python-100-Days |
|14 |qq_43753724 |https://gitcode.net/qq_43753724/mall |
|15 |Thousand_drive |https://gitcode.net/Thousand_drive/Paddle |
|16 |Tych0 |https://gitcode.net/Tych0/fucking-algorithm |
|17 |uestcdwn | https://gitcode.net/uestcdwn/oceanbase|
|18 |weixin_41752797 |https://gitcode.net/weixin_41752797/canal |
|19 |weixin_46383378 |https://gitcode.net/weixin_46383378/echarts |
|20 |weixin_55187389 |https://gitcode.net/weixin_55187389/JavaBooks |
| 21 | m0_61243965 | https://gitcode.net/m0_61243965/echarts |
| 22 | kinghzking | https://gitcode.net/kinghzking/Python-100-Days |
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月24日当天会发放完成。
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
# 任务二:开源项目开发与运行
## 1. 2022/10/23 至 2022/10/30 任务完成名单公布(26人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | m0_38139250 | https://gitcode.net/m0_38139250/1024opensource |
| 2 | nicholas1328 | https://gitcode.net/nicholas1328/1024opensource |
| 3 | ldwqq1234 | https://gitcode.net/ldwqq1234/1024opensource |
| 4 | qq_42390636 | https://gitcode.net/qq_42390636/1024opensource |
| 5 | qq_41923622 | https://gitcode.net/qq_41923622/1024opensource |
| 6 | hshloveyy | https://gitcode.net/hshloveyy/1024opensource |
| 7 | kkk123445 | https://gitcode.net/kkk123445/1024opensource |
| 8 | m0_58724528 | https://gitcode.net/m0_58724528/1024opensource |
| 9 | chichengfengxue | https://gitcode.net/chichengfengxue/1024opensource |
| 10 | yelangkingwuzuhu | https://gitcode.net/yelangkingwuzuhu/1024opensource |
| 11 | weixin_42124384 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_42124384/1024opensource |
| 12 | lk8217 | https://gitcode.net/liuke/1024opensource |
| 13 | m0_61486963 | https://gitcode.net/m0_61486963/1024opensource |
| 14 | qq_58737190 | https://gitcode.net/qq_58737190/1024opensource |
| 15 | qq_35156196 | https://gitcode.net/qq_35156196/1024opensource |
| 16 | qq_42039036 | https://gitcode.net/qq_42039036/1024opensource |
| 17 | m0_49980525 | https://gitcode.net/m0_49980525/vue-pure-admin |
| 18 | Friedrichor | https://gitcode.net/Friedrichor/1024opensource |
| 19 | weixin_47696890 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_47696890/1024opensource|
| 20 | Loser688 | https://gitcode.net/Loser688/1024opensource |
| 21 | qq_36023998 | https://gitcode.net/qq_36023998/1024opensource |
| 22 | o_CanDou6 | https://gitcode.net/o_CanDou6/1024opensource |
| 23 | zhangxin0w0 | https://gitcode.net/zhangxin0w0/1024opensource |
| 24 | weixin_46264622 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_46264622/1024opensource |
| 25 | weixin_46560512 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_46560512/1024opensource |
| 26 | chengyikang20 | https://gitcode.net/chengyikang20/1024opensource |
- 以上用户获得 [CSDN定制书包](https://img-home.csdnimg.cn/images/20221013053300.png),名单公布后7个工作日内工作人员会联系您提供收货地址,奖品30个工作日内会发货。
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
# 任务一:GitCode平台基础操作
## 一、任务步骤
| 步骤 | 步骤名称 | 步骤描述 | 示意图 |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | Fork项目 | 从下方[项目列表](https://gitcode.net/gitcode/1024opensource/-/blob/master/%E5%BC%80%E6%BA%90%E4%BB%BB%E5%8A%A11.md#%E5%85%AD%E9%A1%B9%E7%9B%AE%E5%88%97%E8%A1%A8)fork感兴趣的开源项目,Fork完成即完成步骤1 | ![](https://gitcode.net/theo789/upload_project/uploads/149ed2bf8dc709da03af8a86176d92d0/image.png) |
| 2 | 创建issue | 在fork后的新项目中提交issue表单,说明fork理由 | ![](https://gitcode.net/theo789/upload_project/uploads/508b1d5cf4df84fe60ca0bf33c00957c/image.png) |
| 3 | 项目star | 在fork后的新项目完成star动作 | ![](https://gitcode.net/theo789/upload_project/uploads/e19f6014236c9ff82d805042e7184e18/image.png)|
| 4 | 任务检查 | 至此任务已经完成,用户可参考步骤自行检查是否存在遗漏,等待CSDN官方确认并发放奖励。 | 奖励会于次日发放并公布获奖名单 |
- 提交issue表单必须是有意义的话语,如“111”、“222”、“abc”等无意义的issue不算完成任务。
- fork项目的issue和star对优质开源项目有一定参考意义,希望大家认真对待。
## 二、奖品及发放规则
<br/>4、成功发放后会有短信通知,若未收到短信,可点击[此链接,](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/ide/dashboard )查看VIP是否到账(成功到账的用户,可在页面看到VIP标识及到期时间等提示)
## 三、活动交流
<img src="https://gitcode.net/gitcode/1024opensource/uploads/6f7440e54af1267691ef47fac5523510/image.png" width="400px" style="border: 6px solid #fff;border-radius: 2px;">
## 四、活动点评
### 活动建议
### 活动点赞👍
## 五、开源项目建议
## 六、项目列表
1. [free-programming-books](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books)
1. [Java程序员必读书单, 超1000本PDF](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/itwanger/JavaBooks)
1. [labuladong 的算法小抄
1. [Java学习+面试指南](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/Snailclimb/JavaGuide)
1. [一款使用 Vue+Spring Boot 开发的前后端分离项目](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/antabot/white-jotter)
1. [2004-2020美赛O奖论文](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/dick20/mcm-icm)
1. [Python - 100天从新手到大师](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/jackfrued/Python-100-Days)
1. [Java处理Excel工具](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/alibaba/easyexcel)
1. [SpringBoot+MyBatis实现的电商管理系统](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/macrozheng/mall)
1. [SpringBoot+Vue开发的微人事系统vhr](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/lenve/vhr)
1. [阿里巴巴 MySQL binlog 增量订阅&消费组件canal](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/alibaba/canal)
1. [FASTJSON2为下一个十年提供的高性能的JSON库](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/alibaba/fastjson2)
1. [阿里巴巴分布式数据库同步系统otter](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/alibaba/otter)
1. [微服务框架Dubbo](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/alibaba/dubbo)
1. [DataX阿里云DataWorks数据集成的开源版本](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/alibaba/datax)
1. [Sentinel面向云原生微服务的高可用流控防护组件](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/alibaba/sentinel)
1. [应用性能监控系统Skywalking](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/apache/incubator-skywalking)
1. [前端可视化项目Echarts](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/apache/echarts)
1. [数据可视化系统superset](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/apache/superset)
1. [ZooKeeper提供分布式配置服务、同步服务和命名注册](https://gitcode.net/mirrors/apache/zookeeper)
1. [Oceanbase企业级原生分布式数据库](https://gitcode.net/oceanbase/oceanbase)
1. [TDengine一个高效的存储、查询、分析时序大数据的平台](https://gitcode.net/taosdata/tdengine)
1. [MegEngine一个快速、可拓展、易于使用且支持自动求导的深度学习框架](https://gitcode.net/megvii/megengine)
1. [RT-Thread一个集实时操作系统(RTOS)内核、中间件组件的物联网操作系统](https://gitcode.net/rt-thread/rt-thread)
1. [飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署](https://gitcode.net/paddlepaddle/Paddle)
1. [uni-app 是一个使用 Vue.js 开发小程序、H5、App的统一前端框架](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/uni-app)
1. [uni-starter是集成商用项目常见功能的、云端一体应用快速开发项目模版](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/uni-starter)
1. [iView Admin is a front-end management background integration solution](https://gitcode.net/view-design/iview-admin)
1. [An enterprise-level UI component library and front-end solution based on Vue.js 3](https://gitcode.net/view-design/ViewUIPlus)
1. [Automated CI toolchain to produce precompiled opencv-python, opencv-python-headless, opencv-contrib-python and opencv-contrib-python-headless packages](https://gitcode.net/opencv/opencv-python)
1. [一款Markdown编辑器,支持使用markodwn语法来编写文档,同时支持图片上传等功能](https://gitcode.net/codechina_dev/awesome-markdown-editor)
1. [CSDN版羊了个羊游戏开源项目](https://gitcode.net/hello_tute/SheepASheep)
1. [CSDN技能树社区版本,由一个技能树逐渐变为技能树森林](https://gitcode.net/csdn/skill_tree)
# 任务二:开源项目开发与运行
## 一、任务介绍
1024程序员节结合开源大趋势,开发者可根据自己情况选择业界知名开源项目或自研可开源项目结合GitCode和Cloud IDE进行开发与适配,需要在IDE中能够运行起来为标准获得CSDN定制书包奖励。
## 二、任务步骤
| 顺序 | 步骤名称 | 步骤描述 | 示意图 |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | 任务报名 | Fork创建项目,在项目中右上角点击Fork按钮,完成后即报名成功 | ![](https://gitcode.net/gitcode/1024opensource/uploads/8db3366911695d7e1c6851833634deb7/%E4%BC%81%E4%B8%9A%E5%BE%AE%E4%BF%A1%E6%88%AA%E5%9B%BE_f43ff07c-d546-4dc3-8e00-07fde528d955.png) |
| 2 | 项目导入 | 上传开源项目或自研可开源项目至Fork项目中 | ![](https://gitcode.net/theo789/upload_project/uploads/9280a335d186801ece171b56ee83ad0c/image.png) |
| 3 | IDE打开项目 | 使用Cloud IDE打开项目,Fork项目链接地址中快速启动IDE | ![](https://gitcode.net/theo789/upload_project/uploads/ca739c3c5252cd6f25d0e4d01656afbf/image.png) |
| 4 | IDE中项目运行 | 项目下载完成后,需要下载对应扩展,需要能够运行启动项目 | 前端项目可执行预览,后端项目可展示启动 ![](https://gitcode.net/theo789/upload_project/uploads/4fabe699f2ae7d3870a0562a44ae2505/image.png) |
| 5 | 配置自动运行脚本 | 编写preview.yml文件,能够让项目自动运行 | 可参考 [前端项目2048](https://gitcode.net/cloud-ide/2048)[后端项目CnOCR](https://gitcode.net/cloud-ide/cnocr)|
| 6 | 回传至开源项目 | 完成项目开发后,使用IDE的Git操作完成push代码 | ![](https://gitcode.net/theo789/upload_project/uploads/f29bf06cd2b96e07b67b47873fbe278f/image.png) |
| 7 | 项目完成 | 至此项目已完成开发和运行,即可等待CSDN官方确认奖励 | 希望大家都可以获得CSDN定制书包 ![](https://img-home.csdnimg.cn/images/20221013053300.png) |
## 三、奖品发放规则
| 次数 | 公布中奖名单 |
| ------ | ------ |
| 第一次 | 2022-10-31 |
| 第二次 | 2022-11-07 |
| 第三次 | 2022-11-14 |
- 本项任务,开发者只能获得一次奖励。
- 官方工作人员会通过私信或短信通知获奖开发者填写收货地址。
- 发货时间:活动结束后30个工作日内发货
## 四、活动交流
<img src="https://gitcode.net/gitcode/1024opensource/uploads/6f7440e54af1267691ef47fac5523510/image.png" width="400px" style="border: 6px solid #fff;border-radius: 2px;">
## 五、活动点评
### 活动建议
### 活动点赞👍
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