/** ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| * | O2OA 活力办公 创意无限 o2.js | * |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| * | Distributed under the AGPL license: | * |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| * | Copyright © 2018, o2oa.net, o2server.io O2 Team | * | All rights reserved. | * |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| * * This file is part of O2OA. * * O2OA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * O2OA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see . * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ******/ /* load o2 Core * |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| * |addReady: o2.addReady(fn), | * |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| * |load: o2.load(urls, callback, reload) | * |loadCss: o2.loadCss(urls, dom, callback, reload, doc) | * |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| * |typeOf: o2.typeOf(o) | * |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| * |uuid: o2.uuid() | * |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| */ //Element.firstElementChild Polyfill (function(constructor) { if (constructor && constructor.prototype && constructor.prototype.firstElementChild == null) { Object.defineProperty(constructor.prototype, 'firstElementChild', { get: function() { var node, nodes = this.childNodes, i = 0; while (node = nodes[i++]) { if (node.nodeType === 1) { return node; } } return null; } }); } })(window.Node || window.Element); (function(){ var _href = window.location.href; var _debug = (_href.indexOf("debugger")!==-1); var _par = _href.substr(_href.lastIndexOf("?")+1, _href.length); var _lp = "zh-cn"; if (_par){ var _parList = _par.split("&"); for (var i=0; i<_parList.length; i++){ var _v = _parList[i]; var _kv = _v.split("="); if (_kv[0].toLowerCase()==="lg") _lp = _kv[1]; if (_kv[0].toLowerCase()==="lp") _lp = _kv[1]; } } this.o2 = window.o2 || {}; this.o2.version = { "v": "5.1.1", "build": "2020.06.12", "info": "O2OA 活力办公 创意无限. Copyright © 2020, o2oa.net O2 Team All rights reserved." }; if (!this.o2.session) this.o2.session ={ "isDebugger": _debug, "path": "../o2_core/o2" }; this.o2.language = _lp; this.o2.splitStr = /\s*(?:,|;)\s*/; // this.o2 = { // "version": { // "v": "2.3.1", // "build": "2019.07.31", // "info": "O2OA 活力办公 创意无限. Copyright © 2018, o2oa.net O2 Team All rights reserved." // }, // "session": { // "isDebugger": _debug, // "path": "../o2_core/o2" // }, // "language": _lp, // "splitStr": /\s*(?:,|;)\s*/ // }; this.wrdp = this.o2; var debug = function(reload){ if (reload){ window.location.assign(_href + ((_href.indexOf("?")==-1) ? "?" : "&")+"debugger"); }else{ if (!o2.session.isDebugger){ o2.session.isDebugger = true; if (o2.session.isMobile || layout.mobile) o2.load("../o2_lib/eruda/eruda.js"); } } }; this.o2.debug = debug; var _attempt = function(){ for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){ try { arguments[i](); return arguments[i]; } catch (e){} } return null; }; var _typeOf = function(item){ if (item == null) return 'null'; if (item.$family != null) return item.$family(); if (item.constructor == window.Array) return "array"; if (item.nodeName){ if (item.nodeType == 1) return 'element'; if (item.nodeType == 3) return (/\S/).test(item.nodeValue) ? 'textnode' : 'whitespace'; } else if (typeof item.length == 'number'){ if (item.callee) return 'arguments'; } return typeof item; }; this.o2.typeOf = _typeOf; var _addListener = function(dom, type, fn){ if (type == 'unload'){ var old = fn, self = this; fn = function(){ _removeListener(dom, 'unload', fn); old(); }; } if (dom.addEventListener) dom.addEventListener(type, fn, !!arguments[2]); else dom.attachEvent('on' + type, fn); }; var _removeListener = function(dom, type, fn){ if (dom.removeEventListener) dom.removeEventListener(type, fn, !!arguments[2]); else dom.detachEvent('on' + type, fn); }; //http request class var _request = (function(){ var XMLHTTP = function(){ return new XMLHttpRequest(); }; var MSXML2 = function(){ return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP'); }; var MSXML = function(){ return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); }; return _attempt(XMLHTTP, MSXML2, MSXML); })(); this.o2.request = _request; var _returnBase = function(number, base) { return (number).toString(base).toUpperCase(); }; var _getIntegerBits = function(val, start, end){ var base16 = _returnBase(val, 16); var quadArray = new Array(); var quadString = ''; var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < base16.length; i++) { quadArray.push(base16.substring(i, i + 1)); } for (i = Math.floor(start / 4); i <= Math.floor(end / 4); i++) { if (!quadArray[i] || quadArray[i] == '') quadString += '0'; else quadString += quadArray[i]; } return quadString; }; var _rand = function(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1)); }; this.o2.addListener = _addListener; this.o2.removeListener = _removeListener; //uuid var _uuid = function(){ var dg = new Date(1582, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0); var dc = new Date(); var t = dc.getTime() - dg.getTime(); var tl = _getIntegerBits(t, 0, 31); var tm = _getIntegerBits(t, 32, 47); var thv = _getIntegerBits(t, 48, 59) + '1'; var csar = _getIntegerBits(_rand(4095), 0, 7); var csl = _getIntegerBits(_rand(4095), 0, 7); var n = _getIntegerBits(_rand(8191), 0, 7) + _getIntegerBits(_rand(8191), 8, 15) + _getIntegerBits(_rand(8191), 0, 7) + _getIntegerBits(_rand(8191), 8, 15) + _getIntegerBits(_rand(8191), 0, 15); return tl + tm + thv + csar + csl + n; }; this.o2.uuid = _uuid; var _runCallback = function(callback, key, par){ if (typeOf(callback).toLowerCase() === 'function'){ if (key.toLowerCase()==="success") callback.apply(callback, par); }else{ if (typeOf(callback).toLowerCase()==='object'){ var name = ("on-"+key).camelCase(); if (callback[name]) callback[name].apply(callback, par); } } }; this.o2.runCallback = _runCallback; //load js, css, html adn all. var _getAllOptions = function(options){ var doc = (options && options.doc) || document; if (!doc.unid) doc.unid = _uuid(); var type = (options && options.type) || "text/javascript"; return { "noCache": !!(options && options.nocache), "reload": !!(options && options.reload), "sequence": !!(options && options.sequence), "type": type, "doc": doc, "dom": (options && options.dom) || document.body, "module": (options && options.module) || null, "noConflict": (options && options.noConflict) || false, "bind": (options && options.bind) || null, "position": (options && options.position) || "beforeend" //'beforebegin' 'afterbegin' 'beforeend' 'afterend'debugger } }; var _getCssOptions = function(options){ var doc = (options && options.doc) || document; if (!doc.unid) doc.unid = _uuid(); return { "noCache": !!(options && options.nocache), "reload": !!(options && options.reload), "sequence": !!(options && options.sequence), "doc": doc, "dom": (options && options.dom) || null } }; var _getJsOptions = function(options){ var doc = (options && options.doc) || document; if (!doc.unid) doc.unid = _uuid(); var type = (options && options.type) || "text/javascript"; return { "noCache": !!(options && options.nocache), "reload": !!(options && options.reload), "sequence": (!(options && options.sequence == false)), "type": type, "doc": doc } }; var _getHtmlOptions = function(options){ var doc = (options && options.doc) || document; if (!doc.unid) doc.unid = _uuid(); return { "noCache": !!(options && options.nocache), "reload": !!(options && options.reload), "sequence": !!(options && options.sequence), "doc": doc, "dom": (options && options.dom) || null, "module": (options && options.module) || null, "noConflict": (options && options.noConflict) || false, "bind": (options && options.bind) || null, "position": (options && options.position) || "beforeend" //'beforebegin' 'afterbegin' 'beforeend' 'afterend' } }; _filterUrl = function(url){ if (o2.base){ if (url.indexOf(":")===-1){ var s = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("/")+1); var r = url.substring(url.indexOf("/")+1, url.length); if ("../"===s || "./"===s || "/"===s){ return s+o2.base+r; }else{ return o2.base+url } } } // if (!window.layout) window.layout = {}; // if (!window.layout.config){ // new Request.JSON({ // url: "../x_desktop/res/config/config.json", // secure: false, // method: "get", // noCache: true, // async: false, // onSuccess: function(responseJSON, responseText){ // window.layout.config = responseJSON; // }.bind(this), // }).send(); // } if (window.layout && layout.config && layout.config.urlMapping){ for (var k in layout.config.urlMapping){ var regex = new RegExp(k); if (regex.test(url)){ return url.replace(regex, layout.config.urlMapping[k]); } } } return url; }; this.o2.filterUrl = _filterUrl; var _xhr_get = function(url, success, failure, completed){ var xhr = new _request(); url = _filterUrl(url); xhr.open("GET", url, true); var _checkCssLoaded= function(_, err){ if (!(xhr.readyState == 4)) return; if (err){ if (completed) completed(xhr); return; } _removeListener(xhr, 'readystatechange', _checkCssLoaded); _removeListener(xhr, 'load', _checkCssLoaded); _removeListener(xhr, 'error', _checkCssErrorLoaded); if (err) {if (failure) failure(xhr); return} var status = xhr.status; status = (status == 1223) ? 204 : status; if ((status >= 200 && status < 300)) if (success) success(xhr); else if ((status >= 300 && status < 400)) if (failure) failure(xhr); else failure(xhr); if (completed) completed(xhr); }; var _checkCssErrorLoaded= function(err){ _checkCssLoaded(err) }; if ("load" in xhr) _addListener(xhr, "load", _checkCssLoaded); if ("error" in xhr) _addListener(xhr, "load", _checkCssErrorLoaded); _addListener(xhr, "readystatechange", _checkCssLoaded); xhr.send(); }; this.o2.xhr_get = _xhr_get; var _loadSequence = function(ms, cb, op, n, thisLoaded, loadSingle, uuid, fun){ loadSingle(ms[n], function(module){ if (module) thisLoaded.push(module); n++; if (fun) fun(module); if (n===ms.length){ if (cb) cb(thisLoaded); }else{ _loadSequence(ms, cb, op, n, thisLoaded, loadSingle, uuid, fun); } }, op, uuid); }; var _loadDisarray = function(ms, cb, op, thisLoaded, loadSingle, uuid, fun){ var count=0; for (var i=0; i1){ node.addEventListener(evs[0], function(e){ if (m[evs[1]]) m[evs[1]].apply(m, [e]); }, false); } }); } var _bindToModule = function(m, node, name){ // if (m[name]){ // if (o2.typeOf(m[name])!=="array"){ // var tmp = m[name]; // m[name] = []; // m[name].push(tmp); // } // m[name].push(node); // }else{ m[name] = node; // } }; var _loadHtml = function(modules, options, callback){ var ms = (_typeOf(modules)==="array") ? modules : [modules]; var op = (_typeOf(options)==="object") ? _getHtmlOptions(options) : _getHtmlOptions(null); var cb = (_typeOf(options)==="function") ? options : callback; var thisLoaded = []; if (op.sequence){ _loadSequence(ms, cb, op, 0, thisLoaded, _loadSingleHtml, null, function(html){ if (html) _injectHtml(op, html.data ); }); }else{ _loadDisarray(ms, cb, op, thisLoaded, _loadSingleHtml, null, function(html){ if (html) _injectHtml(op, html.data ); }); } }; this.o2.loadHtml = _loadHtml; if (window.Element) Element.prototype.loadHtml = function(modules, options, callback){ var op = (_typeOf(options)==="object") ? options : {}; var cb = (_typeOf(options)==="function") ? options : callback; op.dom = this; _loadHtml(modules, op, cb); }; this.o2.injectHtml = function(html, op){ _injectHtml(op, html); }; if (window.Element) Element.prototype.injectHtml = function(html, options){ var op = (_typeOf(options)==="object") ? options : {}; op.dom = this; op.position = (options && options.position) || "beforeend" _injectHtml(op, html); }; //load all _loadAll = function(modules, options, callback){ //var ms = (_typeOf(modules)==="array") ? modules : [modules]; var op = (_typeOf(options)==="object") ? _getAllOptions(options) : _getAllOptions(null); var cb = (_typeOf(options)==="function") ? options : callback; var ms, htmls, styles, sctipts; var _htmlLoaded=(!modules.html), _cssLoaded=(!modules.css), _jsLoaded=(!modules.js); var _checkloaded = function(){ if (_htmlLoaded && _cssLoaded && _jsLoaded) if (cb) cb(htmls, styles, sctipts); }; if (modules.html){ _loadHtml(modules.html, op, function(h){ htmls = h; _htmlLoaded = true; _checkloaded(); }); } if (modules.css){ _loadCss(modules.css, op, function(s){ styles = s; _cssLoaded = true; _checkloaded(); }); } if (modules.js){ _load(modules.js, op, function(s){ sctipts = s; _jsLoaded = true; _checkloaded(); }); } }; this.o2.loadAll = _loadAll; if (window.Element) Element.prototype.loadAll = function(modules, options, callback){ var op = (_typeOf(options)==="object") ? options : {}; var cb = (_typeOf(options)==="function") ? options : callback; op.dom = this; _loadAll(modules, op, cb); }; var _getIfBlockEnd = function(v){ var rex = /(\{\{if\s+)|(\{\{\s*end if\s*\}\})/gmi; var rexEnd = /\{\{\s*end if\s*\}\}/gmi; var subs = 1; while ((match = rex.exec(v)) !== null) { var fullMatch = match[0]; if (fullMatch.search(rexEnd)!==-1){ subs--; if (subs==0) break; }else{ subs++ } } if (match) return {"codeIndex": match.index, "lastIndex": rex.lastIndex}; return {"codeIndex": v.length-1, "lastIndex": v.length-1}; } var _getEachBlockEnd = function(v){ var rex = /(\{\{each\s+)|(\{\{\s*end each\s*\}\})/gmi; var rexEnd = /\{\{\s*end each\s*\}\}/gmi; var subs = 1; while ((match = rex.exec(v)) !== null) { var fullMatch = match[0]; if (fullMatch.search(rexEnd)!==-1){ subs--; if (subs==0) break; }else{ subs++; } } if (match) return {"codeIndex": match.index, "lastIndex": rex.lastIndex}; return {"codeIndex": v.length-1, "lastIndex": v.length-1}; } var _parseHtml = function(str, json){ var v = str; var rex = /(\{\{\s*)[\s\S]*?(\s*\}\})/gmi; var match; while ((match = rex.exec(v)) !== null) { var fullMatch = match[0]; var offset = 0; //if statement begin if (fullMatch.search(/\{\{if\s+/i)!==-1){ //找到对应的end if var condition = fullMatch.replace(/^\{\{if\s*/i, ""); condition = condition.replace(/\s*\}\}$/i, ""); var flag = _jsonText(json, condition, "boolean"); var tmpStr = v.substring(rex.lastIndex, v.length); var endIfIndex = _getIfBlockEnd(tmpStr); if (flag){ //if 为 true var parseStr = _parseHtml(tmpStr.substring(0, endIfIndex.codeIndex), json); var vLeft = v.substring(0, match.index); var vRight = v.substring(rex.lastIndex+endIfIndex.lastIndex, v.length); v = vLeft + parseStr + vRight; offset = parseStr.length - fullMatch.length; }else{ v = v.substring(0, match.index) + v.substring(rex.lastIndex+endIfIndex.lastIndex, v.length); offset = 0-fullMatch.length; } }else if (fullMatch.search(/\{\{each\s+/)!==-1) { //each statement var itemString = fullMatch.replace(/^\{\{each\s*/, ""); itemString = itemString.replace(/\s*\}\}$/, ""); var eachValue = _jsonText(json, itemString, "object"); var tmpEachStr = v.substring(rex.lastIndex, v.length); var endEachIndex = _getEachBlockEnd(tmpEachStr); var parseEachStr = tmpEachStr.substring(0, endEachIndex.codeIndex); var eachResult = ""; if (eachValue && _typeOf(eachValue)==="array"){ for (var i=0; i/g, ">"); returnValue = returnValue.replace(/. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ******/ (function (){ var _Class = { create: function(options) { var newClass = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _copyPrototype(newClass, options); return newClass; } }; var _copyPrototype = function (currentNS, props){ if (!props){return currentNS;} if (!currentNS){return currentNS;} if ((typeof currentNS).toLowerCase()==="object"){ for (var prop in props){ currentNS[prop] = props[prop]; } } if ((typeof currentNS).toLowerCase()==="function"){ for (var propfun in props){ currentNS.prototype[propfun] = props[propfun]; } } return currentNS; }; var _loaded = {}; var _requireJs = function(url, callback, async, compression, module){ var key = encodeURIComponent(url); if (_loaded[key]){o2.runCallback(callback, "success", [module]); return "";} var jsPath = (compression || !this.o2.session.isDebugger) ? url.replace(/\.js/, ".min.js") : url; jsPath = (jsPath.indexOf("?")!==-1) ? jsPath+"&v="+this.o2.version.v : jsPath+"?v="+this.o2.version.v; var xhr = new Request({ url: o2.filterUrl(jsPath), async: async, method: "get", onSuccess: function(){ //try{ _loaded[key] = true; o2.runCallback(callback, "success", [module]); //}catch (e){ // o2.runCallback(callback, "failure", [e]); //} }, onFailure: function(r){ var rex = /lp\/.+\.js/; if (rex.test(url)){ var zhcnUrl = url.replace(rex, "lp/zh-cn.js"); if (zhcnUrl!==url){ _requireJs(zhcnUrl, callback, async, compression, module) }else{ o2.runCallback(callback, "failure", [r]); } }else{ o2.runCallback(callback, "failure", [r]); } } }); xhr.send(); }; var _requireSingle = function(module, callback, async, compression){ if (o2.typeOf(module)==="array"){ _requireAppSingle(module, callback, async, compression); }else{ module = module.replace("MWF.", "o2."); var levels = module.split("."); if (levels[levels.length-1]==="*") levels[levels.length-1] = "package"; levels.shift(); var o = o2; var i = 0; while (o && i>> 0; if (typeof predicate !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function'); } var thisArg = arguments[1]; var k = 0; while (k < len) { var kValue = o[k]; if (predicate.call(thisArg, kValue, k, o)) { return k; } k++; } return -1; } }); } if (!Array.prototype.find) { Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'find', { value: function(predicate) { if (this == null) { throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); } var o = Object(this); var len = o.length >>> 0; if (typeof predicate !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function'); } var thisArg = arguments[1]; var k = 0; while (k < len) { var kValue = o[k]; if (predicate.call(thisArg, kValue, k, o)) { return kValue; } k++; } return undefined; } }); } var _txt = function(v){ var t = v.replace(/\. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ******/ (function (){ o2.getCenterPosition = function(el, width, height){ var elPositon = $(el).getPosition(); var elSize = $(el).getSize(); var node = $("layout"); var size = (node) ? $(node).getSize() : $(document.body).getSize(); var top = (elPositon.y+elSize.y)/2 - (height/2); 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styleTop += node.offsetTop; node = node.offsetParent; } return {x: styleLeft, y: styleTop}; }, "tweenScroll": function(to, time){ if (!this.tweenScrollQueue){ this.tweenScrollQueue = []; } if (this.tweenScrollQueue.length){ this.tweenScrollQueue.push(to); }else{ this.tweenScrollQueue.push(to); this.doTweenScrollQueue(time); } }, "doTweenScrollQueue": function(time){ if (this.tweenScrollQueue.length){ var i = this.tweenScrollQueue.length; var to = this.tweenScrollQueue[this.tweenScrollQueue.length-1]; var scroll = this.getScroll(); var dy = to - scroll.y; var step = dy/time; var count = 0; var move = 0; var id = window.setInterval(function(){ this.scrollTo(0, scroll.y+count*step); count++; if (count>time){ window.clearInterval(id); for (var x=1; x<=i; x++) this.tweenScrollQueue.shift(); if (this.tweenScrollQueue.length) this.doTweenScrollQueue(time); } }.bind(this), 1); } }, "isPointIn": function(px, py, offX, offY, el){ if (!offX) offX = 0; if (!offY) offY = 0; var position = this.getPosition(el); var size = this.getSize(); return (position.x-offX<=px && position.x+size.x+offX>=px && position.y-offY<=py && position.y+size.y+offY>=py); }, "isInPointInRect": function(sx, sy, ex, ey){ var position = this.getPosition(); var size = this.getSize(); var p1 = {"x": position.x, "y": position.y}; var p2 = {"x": position.x+size.x, "y": position.y}; var p3 = {"x": position.x+size.x, "y": position.y+size.y}; var p4 = {"x": position.x, "y": position.y+size.y}; var sp = {"x": Math.min(sx, ex), "y": Math.min(sy, ey)}; var ep = {"x": Math.max(sx, ex), "y": Math.max(sy, ey)}; if (p1.x>=sp.x && p1.y>=sp.y && p1.x<=ep.x && p1.y<=ep.y) return true; if (p2.x>=sp.x && p2.y>=sp.y && p2.x<=ep.x && p2.y<=ep.y) return true; if (p3.x>=sp.x && p3.y>=sp.y && p3.x<=ep.x && p3.y<=ep.y) return true; if (p4.x>=sp.x && p4.y>=sp.y && p4.x<=ep.x && p4.y<=ep.y) return true; if (p3.x>=sp.x && p3.y>=sp.y && p1.x<=sp.x && p1.y<=sp.y) return true; if (p3.x>=ep.x && p3.y>=ep.y && p1.x<=ep.x && p1.y<=ep.y) return true; if (p1.x<=sp.x && p2.x>=sp.x && p1.y>=sp.y && p4.y<=ep.y) return true; 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