提交 3ddfc9f7 编写于 作者: O o2null

Merge branch 'fix/#273_1' into 'develop'

fix print

See merge request o2oa/o2oa!1337
......@@ -37,11 +37,9 @@ class ActionListWithPerson extends BaseAction {
Optional<?> optional = CacheManager.get(cacheCategory, cacheKey);
if (optional.isPresent()) {
result.setData((Wo) optional.get());
System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GET with cache");
} else {
Wo wo = this.list(business, wi);
CacheManager.put(cacheCategory, cacheKey, wo);
System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!nnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooo cache");
return result;
var Describe = function() {
// 20180730
Describe.splitValue = function(str) {
if (str) {
if (str.length > 0) {
return str.split(',');
return [];
Describe.joinValue = function(o, split) {
var s = ',';
if (split) {
s = '' + split;
if (o) {
if (toString.apply(o) === '[object Array]') {
return o.join(s);
return o;
Describe.doPost = function(address, m, data) {
if ((m.resultContentType) && m.resultContentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) {
url : address,
type : 'POST',
headers : {
'x-debugger' : true
contentType : (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) ? m.contentType : m.contentType,
processData : (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) ? true : false,
xhrFields : {
'withCredentials' : true
data : ((m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) && (!m.useStringParameter) ? JSON.stringify(data) : data)
}).always(function(resultJson) {
$('#result').html(JSON.stringify(resultJson, null, 4));
Describe.writeOut(m.outs, resultJson);
} else {
url : address,
type : 'POST',
headers : {
'x-debugger' : true
contentType : (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) ? m.contentType : false,
processData : (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) ? true : false,
xhrFields : {
'withCredentials' : true
data : ((m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) && (!m.useStringParameter) ? JSON.stringify(data) : data)
Describe.doPut = function(address, m, data) {
if ((m.resultContentType) && m.resultContentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) {
url : address,
type : 'PUT',
headers : {
'x-debugger' : true
contentType : (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) ? m.contentType : false,
processData : (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) ? true : false,
xhrFields : {
'withCredentials' : true
data : ((m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) && (!m.useStringParameter) ? JSON.stringify(data) : data)
}).always(function(resultJson) {
$('#result').html(JSON.stringify(resultJson, null, 4));
Describe.writeOut(m.outs, resultJson);
} else {
url : address,
type : 'PUT',
headers : {
'x-debugger' : true
contentType : (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) ? m.contentType : false,
processData : (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) ? true : false,
xhrFields : {
'withCredentials' : true
data : ((m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) && (!m.useStringParameter) ? JSON.stringify(data) : data)
Describe.doGet = function(address, m) {
if ((m.resultContentType) && m.resultContentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) {
type : 'GET',
dataType : 'json',
url : address,
headers : {
'x-debugger' : true
contentType : m.contentType,
xhrFields : {
'withCredentials' : true
crossDomain : true
}).always(function(resultJson) {
$('#result').html(JSON.stringify(resultJson, null, 4));
Describe.writeOut(m.outs, resultJson);
} else {
window.open(address, '_blank');
Describe.doDelete = function(address, m) {
if ((m.resultContentType) && m.resultContentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) {
type : 'DELETE',
dataType : 'json',
url : address,
headers : {
'x-debugger' : true
contentType : m.contentType,
xhrFields : {
'withCredentials' : true
crossDomain : true
}).always(function(resultJson) {
$('#result').html(JSON.stringify(resultJson, null, 4));
Describe.writeOut(m.outs, resultJson);
} else {
type : 'DELETE',
dataType : 'json',
url : address,
headers : {
'x-debugger' : true
contentType : m.contentType,
xhrFields : {
'withCredentials' : true
crossDomain : true
Describe.writeOut = function(outs, json) {
if (outs && (outs.length) && json && json.data) {
$.each(Object.keys(json.data), function(i, k) {
$('#out_' + k + '_out', '#outs').html(json.data[k]);
Describe.createSampleMootools = function(m) {
var address = window.location.href;
address = address.substring(0,address.indexOf("/jest/"));
var address = address +"/"+ m.path;
if (m.pathParameters && m.pathParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.pathParameters, function(pi, p) {
address = address.replace('{' + p.name + '}', '替换参数'+pi);
if (m.queryParameters && m.queryParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.queryParameters, function(pi, p) {
var query = p.name + '=' + '替换参数'+pi;
if (address.indexOf("?") > 0) {
address += '&' + query;
} else {
address += '?' + query;
var strSample="";
if (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) {
strSample = "var data = {};" + "\n";
if (m.ins && m.ins.length > 0) {
$.each(m.ins, function(ii, i) {
switch (i.type) {
if (i.isBaseType) {
if (i.isCollection) {
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ["参数1"];' + "\n";
} else {
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = "参数";' + "\n";
} else {
if(i.fieldType =='enum'){
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ["'+ i.fieldValue +'"];'+"\n";
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ['+ i.fieldValue +'];'+"\n";
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = [{"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"}];'+"\n";
if(i.fieldType =='enum'){
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = "'+ i.fieldValue +'";'+"\n";
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = {"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"};'+"\n";
} else if (m.useJsonElementParameter) {
strSample += 'data = {"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"};' +"\n";
} else if (m.useStringParameter) {
strSample += 'data = "参数";'+"\n";
strSample += " \n var mootoolsRequest = new Request({" + "\n";
strSample += " url:'"+address + "',\n";
strSample += " method:'"+ m.type + "',\n";
strSample += " dataType:'json',\n";
strSample += " headers : {'Content-Type':'application/json;charset=utf8','x-token':'实际的x-token'}" + ",\n";
if((m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) && (!m.useStringParameter)){
strSample += " data:JSON.stringify(data),\n";
strSample += " data:data,\n";
strSample += " onRequest: function(){ },"+ "\n";
strSample += " onSuccess: function(responseText){},"+ "\n";
strSample += " onFailure: function(){}"+ "\n";
strSample +="}).send();"+ "\n";
} else {
strSample = "var formData = new FormData();" + "\n";
if (m.formParameters && m.formParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.formParameters, function(pi, p) {
if (p.type == "File") {
//formData.append(p.name, $('input[type=file]', '#formParameters')[0].files[0]);
strSample += 'formData.append("'+p.name+'", $("input[type=file]")[0].files[0]);' + "\n";
} else {
strSample += 'formData.append("'+p.name+'", "参数'+pi+'");' + "\n";
strSample += "$.ajax({" + "\n";
strSample += "type : '"+ m.type + "',\n";
strSample += "url : '"+address + "',\n";
strSample += "headers : {'x-debugger' : true}" + ",\n";
strSample += "contentType : false,\n";
strSample += "processData : false,\n";
strSample += "xhrFields : {'withCredentials' : true}" + ",\n";
strSample += "crossDomain : true"+ ",\n";
strSample += "data : formData"+"\n";
strSample += "});";
return strSample;
Describe.createSampleJSO2= function(m) {
var address = window.location.href;
address = address.substring(0,address.indexOf("/jest/"));
var uri = address.substring(address.lastIndexOf("/")+1,address.length);
address = m.path;
address = address.substring(address.indexOf("jaxrs/")+6,address.length);
var parameter = "";
if (m.pathParameters && m.pathParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.pathParameters, function(pi, p) {
address = address.replace('{' + p.name + '}', '替换参数'+pi);
if(parameter == ""){
parameter = "\"" + p.name + "\"" + ":" + '"替换参数'+pi +'"';
parameter = parameter + ",\"" + p.name + "\"" + ":" + '替换参数'+pi +'"';
if (m.queryParameters && m.queryParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.queryParameters, function(pi, p) {
var query = p.name + '=' + '替换参数'+pi;
if (address.indexOf("?") > 0) {
address += '&' + query;
} else {
address += '?' + query;
var strSample="";
if (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) {
strSample = "var data = {};" + "\n";
if (m.ins && m.ins.length > 0) {
$.each(m.ins, function(ii, i) {
switch (i.type) {
if (i.isBaseType) {
if (i.isCollection) {
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ["参数1"];' + "\n";
} else {
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = "参数";' + "\n";
} else {
if(i.fieldType =='enum'){
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ["'+ i.fieldValue +'"];'+"\n";
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ['+ i.fieldValue +'];'+"\n";
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = [{"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"}];'+"\n";
if(i.fieldType =='enum'){
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = "'+ i.fieldValue + '";' + "\n";
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = {"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"};'+"\n";
} else if (m.useJsonElementParameter) {
strSample += 'data = {"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"};' +"\n";
} else if (m.useStringParameter) {
strSample += 'data = "参数";'+"\n";
var functionName = "do";
strSample += "\n var root = \"" + uri + "\";" + "\n";
strSample += " var options = { " + "\n";
strSample += " " + functionName + ":{ //服务命名1,自定义"+ "\n";
strSample += " \"uri\": \"/" + m.path + "\","+ "\n";;
strSample += " \"method\": \""+m.type+"\""+ "\n";
strSample += " }"+ "\n";
strSample += " }" + "\n";
strSample += "var action = new this.Action( root, options);" + "\n\n";
strSample += "action.invoke({" + "\n";
strSample += " \"name\": \"" + functionName+ "\", //自定义的服务名" + "\n";
strSample += " \"parameter\": {" + parameter+ "}, //uri参数 " + "\n";
strSample += " \"data\": data, //请求的正文, JsonObject " + "\n";
strSample += " \"success\": function(json){ //服务调用成功时的回调方法,json 是服务返回的数据" + "\n";
strSample += " //这里进行具体的处理"+ "\n";
strSample += " }.bind(this),"+ "\n";
strSample += " \"failure\" : function(xhr){ //服务调用失败时的回调方法,xhr 为 XMLHttpRequest 对象" + "\n";
strSample += " //这里进行具体的处理"+ "\n";
strSample += " },"+ "\n";
strSample += " \"async\" : true, //同步还是异步,默认为true" + "\n";
strSample += " \"withCredentials\" : true, //是否允许跨域请求,默认为true" + "\n";
strSample += " \"urlEncode\" : true //uri参数是否需要通过encodeURIComponent函数编码,默认为true" + "\n";
strSample += "});"
} else {
return strSample;
Describe.createSampleO2= function(m) {
var address = window.location.href;
address = address.substring(0,address.indexOf("/jest/"));
var uri = address.substring(address.lastIndexOf("/")+1,address.length);
address = m.path;
address = address.substring(address.indexOf("jaxrs/")+6,address.length);
if (m.pathParameters && m.pathParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.pathParameters, function(pi, p) {
address = address.replace('{' + p.name + '}', '替换参数'+pi);
if (m.queryParameters && m.queryParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.queryParameters, function(pi, p) {
var query = p.name + '=' + '替换参数'+pi;
if (address.indexOf("?") > 0) {
address += '&' + query;
} else {
address += '?' + query;
var strSample="";
if (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) {
strSample = "var data = {};" + "\n";
if (m.ins && m.ins.length > 0) {
$.each(m.ins, function(ii, i) {
switch (i.type) {
if (i.isBaseType) {
if (i.isCollection) {
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ["参数1"];' + "\n";
} else {
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = "参数";' + "\n";
} else {
if(i.fieldType =='enum'){
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ["'+ i.fieldValue +'"];'+"\n";
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ['+ i.fieldValue +'];'+"\n";
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = [{"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"}];'+"\n";
if(i.fieldType =='enum'){
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = "'+i.fieldValue+'"\n';
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = {"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"};'+"\n";
} else if (m.useJsonElementParameter) {
strSample += 'data = {"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"};' +"\n";
} else if (m.useStringParameter) {
strSample += 'data = "参数";'+"\n";
strSample += " \n var string = JSON.stringify(data);" + "\n";
strSample += " var applications = this.Action.applications;"+ "\n";
strSample += " var serviceRoot = \"" + uri + "\";"+ "\n";
strSample += " var path = \"" + address + "\";"+ "\n"; ;
strSample += " var resp = applications.postQuery( serviceRoot, path , string);"+ "\n";
strSample += " \n var applications = this.Action.applications;"+ "\n";
strSample += " var serviceRoot = \"" + uri + "\";"+ "\n";
strSample += " var path = \"" + address + "\";"+ "\n"; ;
strSample += " var resp = applications.getQuery( serviceRoot, path );"+ "\n";
strSample += " \n var string = JSON.stringify(data)"+ "\n";
strSample += " var applications = this.Action.applications"+ "\n";
strSample += " var serviceRoot = \"" + uri + "\";"+ "\n";
strSample += " var path = \"" + address+ "\";"+ "\n"; ;
strSample += " var resp = applications.putQuery( serviceRoot, path , string);"+ "\n";
strSample += " \n var applications = this.Action.applications;"+ "\n";
strSample += " var serviceRoot = \" "+ uri + "\";"+ "\n";
strSample += " var path = \"" + address + "\";"+ "\n"; ;
strSample += " var resp = applications.deleteQuery( serviceRoot, path);"+ "\n";
strSample += " var json = JSON.parse( resp.toString() );"+ "\n";
} else {
return strSample;
Describe.createSample= function(m) {
var address = window.location.href;
address = address.substring(0,address.indexOf("/jest/"));
var address = address +"/"+ m.path;
if (m.pathParameters && m.pathParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.pathParameters, function(pi, p) {
address = address.replace('{' + p.name + '}', '替换参数'+pi);
if (m.queryParameters && m.queryParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.queryParameters, function(pi, p) {
var query = p.name + '=' + '替换参数'+pi;
if (address.indexOf("?") > 0) {
address += '&' + query;
} else {
address += '?' + query;
var strSample="";
if (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) {
if (m.ins && m.ins.length > 0) {
strSample = "var data = {};" + "\n";
$.each(m.ins, function(ii, i) {
switch (i.type) {
if (i.isBaseType) {
if (i.isCollection) {
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ["参数1"];' + "\n";
} else {
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = "参数";' + "\n";
} else {
if(i.fieldType =='enum'){
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ["'+ i.fieldValue +'"];'+"\n";
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ['+ i.fieldValue +'];'+"\n";
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = [{"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"}];'+"\n";
if(i.fieldType =='enum'){
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = "'+i.fieldValue+'"\n';
strSample += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = {"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"};'+"\n";
} else if (m.useJsonElementParameter) {
strSample += ' data = {"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"};' +"\n";
} else if (m.useStringParameter) {
strSample += ' data = "参数";'+"\n";
strSample += "\n$.ajax({" + "\n";
strSample += " type : '"+ m.type + "',\n";
strSample += " dataType : 'json'" + ",\n";
strSample += " url : '"+address + "',\n";
strSample += " headers : {'x-debugger' : true}" + ",\n";
strSample += " contentType : '"+m.contentType+ "',\n";
strSample += " xhrFields : {'withCredentials' : true}" + ",\n";
strSample += " crossDomain : true"+ ",\n";
if((m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) && (!m.useStringParameter)){
strSample += " data : JSON.stringify(data),\n";
strSample += " data : data"+"\n";
strSample += "}).always(function(resultJson) {"+"\n";
strSample += " alert(JSON.stringify(resultJson, null, 4))" +"\n";
strSample += "});";
} else {
strSample = "var formData = new FormData();" + "\n";
if (m.formParameters && m.formParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.formParameters, function(pi, p) {
if (p.type == "File") {
//formData.append(p.name, $('input[type=file]', '#formParameters')[0].files[0]);
strSample += 'formData.append("'+p.name+'", $("input[type=file]")[0].files[0]);' + "\n";
} else {
strSample += 'formData.append("'+p.name+'", "参数'+pi+'");' + "\n";
strSample += "$.ajax({" + "\n";
strSample += " type : '"+ m.type + "',\n";
strSample += " url : '"+address + "',\n";
strSample += " headers : {'x-debugger' : true}" + ",\n";
//strSample += " contentType : false,\n";
strSample += " contentType : '"+m.contentType+ "',\n";
strSample += " processData : false,\n";
strSample += " xhrFields : {'withCredentials' : true}" + ",\n";
strSample += " crossDomain : true"+ ",\n";
strSample += " data : formData"+"\n";
strSample += "});";
return strSample;
Describe.createSampleCommon= function(m,className) {
var address = window.location.href;
address = address.substring(0,address.indexOf("/jest/"));
var root = address.substring(address.lastIndexOf("/")+1,address.length);
var parameter = "";
if (m.pathParameters && m.pathParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.pathParameters, function(pi, p) {
if(parameter == ""){
parameter = p.name ;
parameter = parameter + "," + p.name;
var query = "";
if (m.queryParameters && m.queryParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.queryParameters, function(pi, p) {
if (query == "") {
query = "&" + p.name + '=' + '替换参数'+pi;
} else {
query = query + "&"+ p.name + '=' + '替换参数'+pi;
var strSample="";
var body = "";
if (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) {
if (m.ins && m.ins.length > 0) {
body = "var data = {};" + "\n";
$.each(m.ins, function(ii, i) {
switch (i.type) {
if (i.isBaseType) {
if (i.isCollection) {
body += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ["参数1"];' + "\n";
} else {
body += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = "参数";' + "\n";
} else {
if(i.fieldType =='enum'){
body += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ["'+ i.fieldValue +'"];'+"\n";
body +=(i.fieldSample ? " "+'<span style="color:red">//注解:'+i.fieldSample +'</span>\n':"");
body += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = ['+ i.fieldValue +'];'+"\n";
body +=(i.fieldSample ? " "+'<span style="color:red">//注解:'+i.fieldSample +'</span>\n':"");
body += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = [{"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"}];'+"\n";
if(i.fieldType =='enum'){
body += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = "'+ i.fieldValue +'";'+"\n";
body +=(i.fieldSample ? " "+'<span style="color:red">//注解:'+i.fieldSample +'</span>\n':"");
body += ' data["'+i.name+'"] = {"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"};'+"\n";
} else if (m.useJsonElementParameter) {
body += ' data = {"参数1":"value1","参数2":"value2"};' +"\n";
} else if (m.useStringParameter) {
body += ' data = "参数";'+"\n";
if(m.type != "GET" ){
if( body != ""){
strSample += body;
strSample += "var action = this.Actions.load(\"" + root + "\");\n";
strSample += " action."+ className + "."+m.name+ "(//平台封装好的方法\n";
strSample += " " + parameter +",//uri的参数\n";
if(m.type != "GET" ){
if( body != ""){
strSample += " data,//body请求参数\n";
strSample += " function( json ){ //服务调用成功的回调函数, json为服务传回的数据\n";
strSample += " data = json.data; //为变量data赋值\n";
strSample += " }.bind(this),\n";
strSample += " function( json ){ //服务调用失败的回调函数, json为服务传回的数据\n";
strSample += " data = json.data; //为变量data赋值\n";
strSample += " }.bind(this),\n";
strSample += " false //同步执行 \n";
strSample += " );\n";
var formData = "var formData = new FormData();" + "\n";
if (m.formParameters && m.formParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.formParameters, function(pi, p) {
if (p.type == "File") {
formData += ' formData.append("'+p.name+'", $("input[type=file]")[0].files[0]);' + "\n";
} else {
formData += ' formData.append("'+p.name+'", "参数值'+pi+'");' + "\n";
strSample += formData;
strSample += "var action = this.Actions.load(\"" + root + "\");\n";
//strSample += "action."+m.name+ "(//平台封装好的方法\n";
strSample += " action."+ className + "."+m.name+ "(//平台封装好的方法\n";
strSample += " "+parameter +",//uri的参数\n";
strSample += " formData"+",//from参数\n";
strSample += "function( json ){ //服务调用成功的回调函数, json为服务传回的数据\n";
strSample += " data = json.data; //为变量data赋值\n";
strSample += "}.bind(this),\n";
strSample += "function( json ){ //服务调用失败的回调函数, json为服务传回的数据\n";
strSample += " data = json.data; //为变量data赋值\n";
strSample += "}.bind(this),\n";
strSample += "false //同步执行 \n";
strSample += ");\n"
return strSample ;
Describe.prototype = {
"load" : function() {
var str = '<ul>';
$.getJSON('../describe/describe.json?rd=' + Math.random(), function(json) {
Describe.json = json;
$.each(json.jaxrs, function(ji, j) {
str += '<li xtype="menu" ' + 'style="margin-top: 30px;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;"title="' +'" >' + j.name + ' <span style="font-style:italic">(' + j.description+ ')</span>';
$.each(j.methods, function(mi, m) {
str += '<ul><li xtype="li" style="margin-top: 10px;margin-left:-24px;font-size:12px; font-weight:normal;line-height:18px" ><a title="' + m.path + '"id ="' + j.name + '_' + m.name + '" href="#"><b>' + m.name+'</b><br/><span style="color: #666666;">-'+ m.description + '</span>' + '</a></li></ul>';
str += '</li>'
str += '</ul>';
$.each(json.jaxrs, function(ji, j) {
$.each(j.methods, function(mi, m) {
$('#' + j.name + '_' + m.name).click(
function() {
var sample = "";
var txt = '<fieldset id="method"><legend>Method</legend>';
txt += '<table>';
txt += '<tr><td style="width:100px;">name:</td><td><a href="../describe/sources/' + m.className.replace(/\./g, '/') + '.java">' + m.name + '</a></td></tr>';
txt += '<tr><td>path:</td><td>' + m.path + '</td></tr>';
txt += '<tr><td>type:</td><td>' + m.type + '</td></tr>';
txt += '<tr><td>description:</td><td>' + m.description + '</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '<button id="' + m.name + "_" + m.type + '">' + m.type + '</button>';
txt += '<div id="url">&nbsp;</div>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.pathParameters && m.pathParameters.length > 0) {
txt += '<fieldset id="pathParameters"><legend>Path Parameter</legend>';
txt += '<table >';
$.each(m.pathParameters, function(pi, p) {
if (m.name == 'listNext' || m.name == 'listPrev') {
switch (p.name) {
case 'flag':
case 'id':
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid" value="(0)"/></td><td>' + p.name
+ ':' + p.description + '</td></tr>';
case 'count':
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid" value="20"/></td><td>' + p.name + ':'
+ p.description + '</td></tr>';
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>' + p.name + ':'
+ p.description + '</td></tr>';
} else {
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>' + p.name + ':'
+ p.description + '</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.formParameters && m.formParameters.length > 0) {
txt += '<fieldset id="formParameters"><legend>Form Parameter</legend>';
txt += '<table >';
$.each(m.formParameters, function(pi, p) {
if (p.type == "File") {
txt += '<tr><td><input type="file" name="' + p.name + '" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>'
+ p.name + ':' + p.description + '</td></tr>';
} else {
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>' + p.name + ':'
+ p.description + '</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.queryParameters && m.queryParameters.length > 0) {
txt += '<fieldset id="queryParameters"><legend>Query Parameter</legend>';
txt += '<table >';
$.each(m.queryParameters, function(pi, p) {
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>' + p.name + ':' + p.description
+ '</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.ins && m.ins.length > 0) {
txt += '<fieldset id="ins"><legend>In</legend>';
txt += '<table>';
$.each(m.ins, function(ii, i) {
if (i.isCollection) {
txt += '<tr><td><textarea id="' + i.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>' + i.name + ':' + i.description +(i.fieldValue ? " "+'。数据格式:<span style="color:red">'+i.fieldValue +'</span>':"") + (i.fieldSample ? " "+'<span style="color:red">'+i.fieldSample +'</span>':"")
} else {
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + i.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>' + i.name + ':'
+ i.description+ (i.fieldValue ? " "+'。数据格式:<span style="color:red">'+i.fieldValue +'</span>':"") + (i.fieldSample ? " "+'<span style="color:red">'+i.fieldSample +'</span>':"")
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.useJsonElementParameter) {
txt += '<fieldset><legend>JsonElement</legend>';
txt += '<table><tr><td>';
txt += '<textarea id="jsonElement" style="height:300px; width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/>';
txt += '</td><td>json</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.useStringParameter) {
txt += '<fieldset><legend>String</legend>';
txt += '<table><tr><td>';
txt += '<textarea id="string" style="height:300px; width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/>';
txt += '</td><td>string</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.outs && m.outs.length > 0) {
txt += '<fieldset id="outs"><legend>Out</legend>';
txt += '<table>';
$.each(m.outs, function(oi, o) {
txt += '<tr><td style="width: 160px;">' + o.name + '</td><td style="width: 90px;">' + o.type + '</td><td style="width: 90px;">' + (o.isCollection ? 'multi' : 'single') + '</td><td style="width: 90px;">' + o.description + '</td><td id="out_'
+ o.name + '_out">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
$('#' + m.name + '_' + m.type, '#method').click(function() {
var address = '../' + m.path;
if (m.pathParameters && m.pathParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.pathParameters, function(pi, p) {
address = address.replace('{' + p.name + '}', encodeURIComponent($('#' + p.name, '#pathParameters').val()));
if (m.queryParameters && m.queryParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.queryParameters, function(pi, p) {
var query = p.name + '=' + encodeURIComponent($('#' + p.name, '#queryParameters').val());
if (address.indexOf("?") > 0) {
address += '&' + query;
} else {
address += '?' + query;
if (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) {
switch (m.type) {
case 'POST':
var data = {};
if (m.ins && m.ins.length > 0) {
$.each(m.ins, function(ii, i) {
switch (i.type) {
if (i.isBaseType) {
if (i.isCollection) {
data[i.name] = Describe.splitValue($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
} else {
data[i.name] = $('#' + i.name, '#ins').val();
} else {
if($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val() == ""){
data[i.name] = [{}];
data[i.name] = {};
if(i.fieldType == "enum"){
data[i.name] = $('#' + i.name, '#ins').val();
data[i.name] = $.parseJSON($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
if (i.isCollection) {
data[i.name] = Describe.splitValue($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
} else {
data[i.name] = $.parseJSON($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
} else if (m.useJsonElementParameter) {
data = $.parseJSON($('#jsonElement').val());
} else if (m.useStringParameter) {
data = $('#string').val();
Describe.doPost(address, m, data);
case 'PUT':
var data = {};
if (m.ins && m.ins.length > 0) {
$.each(m.ins, function(ii, i) {
switch (i.type) {
if (i.isBaseType) {
if (i.isCollection) {
data[i.name] = Describe.splitValue($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
} else {
data[i.name] = $('#' + i.name, '#ins').val();
} else {
if($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val() == ""){
data[i.name] = [{}];
data[i.name] = {};
if(i.fieldType == "enum"){
data[i.name] = $('#' + i.name, '#ins').val();
data[i.name] = $.parseJSON($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
if (i.isCollection) {
data[i.name] = Describe.splitValue($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
} else {
if (i.isCollection) {
data[i.name] = Describe.splitValue($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
} else {
data[i.name] = $.parseJSON($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
} else if (m.useJsonElementParameter) {
data = $.parseJSON($('#jsonElement').val());
} else if (m.useStringParameter) {
data = $('#string').val();
Describe.doPut(address, m, data);
case 'GET':
Describe.doGet(address, m);
case 'DELETE':
Describe.doDelete(address, m);
} else {
switch (m.type) {
case 'POST':
var formData = new FormData();
if (m.formParameters && m.formParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.formParameters, function(pi, p) {
if (p.type == "File") {
formData.append(p.name, $('input[type=file]', '#formParameters')[0].files[0]);
} else {
formData.append(p.name, $('#' + p.name, '#formParameters').val());
Describe.doPost(address, m, formData);
case 'PUT':
var formData = new FormData();
if (m.formParameters && m.formParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.formParameters, function(pi, p) {
if (p.type == "File") {
formData.append(p.name, $('input[type=file]', '#formParameters')[0].files[0]);
} else {
formData.append(p.name, $('#' + p.name, '#formParameters').val());
Describe.doPut(address, m, formData);
case 'GET':
Describe.doGet(address, m);
case 'DELETE':
Describe.doDelete(address, m);
$('#Sample').html("<div style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #E6E6E6;padding-bottom: 40px;line-height:21px\"><span style=\"font-size:17px;font-weight:bold;color: #1E7ACE;\">\n平台推荐脚本样例</span>\n\n"+ Describe.createSampleCommon(m,j.name)+ "</div><div style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #E6E6E6;padding-bottom: 40px;line-height:21px\"><span style=\"font-size:17px;font-weight:bold;\">\n\n后台脚本样例</span>\n\n" + Describe.createSampleO2(m) + "</div><div style=\"line-height:21px\"><span style=\"font-size:17px;font-weight:bold;\">\n\njquery样例</span>\n\n<span style=\"\">"+ Describe.createSample(m)+"</span></div>");
function(event) {
event.cancelBubble = true;
if(this.tagName != "SPAN"){
$("[xtype='li']").click( function(event) {
event.cancelBubble = true;
// $(this).children().toggle();
if(this.tagName != "SPAN"){
"search":function(strKey) {
var str = '<ul>';
var strTemp = "";
$.each(Describe.json.jaxrs, function(ji, j) {
var flag = false;
strTemp = '<li xtype="menu" ' + 'style="margin-top: 30px;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;"title="' +'" >' + j.name + ' <span style="font-style:italic">(' + j.description+ ')</span>';
$.each(j.methods, function(mi, m) {
if((m.name.toUpperCase().indexOf(strKey.toUpperCase())>-1) || (m.description.toUpperCase().indexOf(strKey.toUpperCase())>-1) || (m.path.toUpperCase().indexOf(strKey.toUpperCase())>-1)){
flag = true;
var tempKey = strKey;
var tempReplace = "<span style='color: #f31313'>"+ strKey + "</span>";
var strDescripthion = m.description.replace(tempKey, tempReplace);
var strName = m.name.replace(tempKey, tempReplace);
var strPath = m.path;
var startPost = m.name.toUpperCase().indexOf(strKey.toUpperCase());
tempReplace = m.name.substr(startPost,tempKey.length);
tempKey = tempReplace;
tempReplace = "<span style='color: #f31313'>"+ tempReplace + "</span>";
strName = m.name.replace(tempKey, tempReplace);
tempKey = strKey;
startPost = m.description.toUpperCase().indexOf(strKey.toUpperCase());
tempReplace = m.description.substr(startPost,tempKey.length);
tempKey = tempReplace;
tempReplace = "<span style='color: #f31313'>"+ tempReplace + "</span>";
strDescripthion = m.description.replace(tempKey, tempReplace);
strTemp += '<ul><li xtype="li" style="margin-top: 10px;margin-left:-24px;font-size:12px; font-weight:normal;line-height:18px" ><a title = "' + strPath+ '" id ="' + j.name + '_' + m.name + '" href="#"><b>' + strName+'</b><br/><span style="color: #666666;">-'+strDescripthion + '</span>' + '</a></li></ul>';
strTemp += '</li>';
if(flag == true){
str += strTemp;
str += '</ul>';
"display":function(json) {
$.each(json.jaxrs, function(ji, j) {
$.each(j.methods, function(mi, m) {
$('#' + j.name + '_' + m.name).click(
function() {
var sample = "";
var txt = '<fieldset id="method"><legend>Method</legend>';
txt += '<table>';
txt += '<tr><td style="width:100px;">name:</td><td><a href="../describe/sources/' + m.className.replace(/\./g, '/') + '.java">' + m.name + '</a></td></tr>';
txt += '<tr><td>path:</td><td>' + m.path + '</td></tr>';
txt += '<tr><td>type:</td><td>' + m.type + '</td></tr>';
txt += '<tr><td>description:</td><td>' + m.description + '</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '<button id="' + m.name + "_" + m.type + '">' + m.type + '</button>';
txt += '<div id="url">&nbsp;</div>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.pathParameters && m.pathParameters.length > 0) {
txt += '<fieldset id="pathParameters"><legend>Path Parameter</legend>';
txt += '<table >';
$.each(m.pathParameters, function(pi, p) {
if (m.name == 'listNext' || m.name == 'listPrev') {
switch (p.name) {
case 'flag':
case 'id':
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid" value="(0)"/></td><td>' + p.name
+ ':' + p.description + '</td></tr>';
case 'count':
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid" value="20"/></td><td>' + p.name + ':'
+ p.description + '</td></tr>';
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>' + p.name + ':'
+ p.description + '</td></tr>';
} else {
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>' + p.name + ':'
+ p.description + '</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.formParameters && m.formParameters.length > 0) {
txt += '<fieldset id="formParameters"><legend>Form Parameter</legend>';
txt += '<table >';
$.each(m.formParameters, function(pi, p) {
if (p.type == "File") {
txt += '<tr><td><input type="file" name="' + p.name + '" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>'
+ p.name + ':' + p.description + '</td></tr>';
} else {
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>' + p.name + ':'
+ p.description + '</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.queryParameters && m.queryParameters.length > 0) {
txt += '<fieldset id="queryParameters"><legend>Query Parameter</legend>';
txt += '<table >';
$.each(m.queryParameters, function(pi, p) {
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + p.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>' + p.name + ':' + p.description
+ '</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.ins && m.ins.length > 0) {
txt += '<fieldset id="ins"><legend>In</legend>';
txt += '<table>';
$.each(m.ins, function(ii, i) {
if (i.isCollection) {
txt += '<tr><td><textarea id="' + i.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>' + i.name + ':' + i.description +(i.fieldValue ? " "+'。数据格式:<span style="color:red">'+i.fieldValue +'</span>':"") + (i.fieldSample ? " "+'<span style="color:red">'+i.fieldSample +'</span>':"")
} else {
txt += '<tr><td><input type="text" id="' + i.name + '" style="width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/></td><td>' + i.name + ':'
+ i.description
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.useJsonElementParameter) {
txt += '<fieldset><legend>JsonElement</legend>';
txt += '<table><tr><td>';
txt += '<textarea id="jsonElement" style="height:300px; width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/>';
txt += '</td><td>json</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.useStringParameter) {
txt += '<fieldset><legend>String</legend>';
txt += '<table><tr><td>';
txt += '<textarea id="string" style="height:300px; width:600px; padding:1px; border:1px #000000 solid"/>';
txt += '</td><td>string</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
if (m.outs && m.outs.length > 0) {
txt += '<fieldset id="outs"><legend>Out</legend>';
txt += '<table>';
$.each(m.outs, function(oi, o) {
txt += '<tr><td style="width: 160px;">' + o.name + '</td><td style="width: 90px;">' + o.type + '</td><td style="width: 90px;">' + (o.isCollection ? 'multi' : 'single') + '</td><td style="width: 90px;">' + o.description + '</td><td id="out_'
+ o.name + '_out">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
txt += '</table>';
txt += '</fieldset>';
$('#' + m.name + '_' + m.type, '#method').click(function() {
var address = '../' + m.path;
if (m.pathParameters && m.pathParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.pathParameters, function(pi, p) {
address = address.replace('{' + p.name + '}', encodeURIComponent($('#' + p.name, '#pathParameters').val()));
if (m.queryParameters && m.queryParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.queryParameters, function(pi, p) {
var query = p.name + '=' + encodeURIComponent($('#' + p.name, '#queryParameters').val());
if (address.indexOf("?") > 0) {
address += '&' + query;
} else {
address += '?' + query;
if (m.contentType.indexOf('application/json') > -1) {
switch (m.type) {
case 'POST':
var data = {};
if (m.ins && m.ins.length > 0) {
$.each(m.ins, function(ii, i) {
switch (i.type) {
if (i.isBaseType) {
if (i.isCollection) {
data[i.name] = Describe.splitValue($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
} else {
data[i.name] = $('#' + i.name, '#ins').val();
} else {
if($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val() == ""){
data[i.name] = [{}];
data[i.name] = {};
if(i.fieldType == "enum"){
data[i.name] = $('#' + i.name, '#ins').val();
data[i.name] = $.parseJSON($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
data[i.name] = $.parseJSON($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
} else if (m.useJsonElementParameter) {
data = $.parseJSON($('#jsonElement').val());
} else if (m.useStringParameter) {
data = $('#string').val();
Describe.doPost(address, m, data);
case 'PUT':
var data = {};
if (m.ins && m.ins.length > 0) {
$.each(m.ins, function(ii, i) {
switch (i.type) {
if (i.isBaseType) {
if (i.isCollection) {
data[i.name] = Describe.splitValue($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
} else {
data[i.name] = $('#' + i.name, '#ins').val();
} else {
if($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val() == ""){
data[i.name] = [{}];
data[i.name] = {};
if(i.fieldType == "enum"){
data[i.name] = $('#' + i.name, '#ins').val();
data[i.name] = $.parseJSON($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
data[i.name] = $.parseJSON($('#' + i.name, '#ins').val());
} else if (m.useJsonElementParameter) {
data = $.parseJSON($('#jsonElement').val());
} else if (m.useStringParameter) {
data = $('#string').val();
Describe.doPut(address, m, data);
case 'GET':
Describe.doGet(address, m);
case 'DELETE':
Describe.doDelete(address, m);
} else {
switch (m.type) {
case 'POST':
var formData = new FormData();
if (m.formParameters && m.formParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.formParameters, function(pi, p) {
if (p.type == "File") {
formData.append(p.name, $('input[type=file]', '#formParameters')[0].files[0]);
} else {
formData.append(p.name, $('#' + p.name, '#formParameters').val());
Describe.doPost(address, m, formData);
case 'PUT':
var formData = new FormData();
if (m.formParameters && m.formParameters.length > 0) {
$.each(m.formParameters, function(pi, p) {
if (p.type == "File") {
formData.append(p.name, $('input[type=file]', '#formParameters')[0].files[0]);
} else {
formData.append(p.name, $('#' + p.name, '#formParameters').val());
Describe.doPut(address, m, formData);
case 'GET':
Describe.doGet(address, m);
case 'DELETE':
Describe.doDelete(address, m);
$('#Sample').html("<div style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #E6E6E6;padding-bottom: 40px;line-height:21px\"><span style=\"font-size:17px;font-weight:bold;color: #1E7ACE;\">\n平台推荐脚本样例</span>\n\n"+ Describe.createSampleCommon(m,j.name)+ "</div><div style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #E6E6E6;padding-bottom: 40px;line-height:21px\"><span style=\"font-size:17px;font-weight:bold;\">\n\n后台脚本样例</span>\n\n" + Describe.createSampleO2(m) + "</div><div style=\"line-height:21px\"><span style=\"font-size:17px;font-weight:bold;\">\n\njquery样例</span>\n\n<span style=\"\">"+ Describe.createSample(m)+"</span></div>");
function(event) {
event.cancelBubble = true;
if(this.tagName != "SPAN"){
$("[xtype='li']").click( function(event) {
event.cancelBubble = true;
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