提交 e26586eb 编写于 作者: Q qiang

Merge branch 'nvue-dev' of github.com:dcloudio/uni-app into nvue-dev

......@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ function parseApiManifestDeps (manifest, protocol) {
if (manifest[dep[1]]) {
dep[0] = manifest[dep[1]][0]
} else {
console.error(`依赖模块[${dep[1]}]不存在,删除 ${name} 接口\n`)
delete manifest[name]
......@@ -23,10 +23,12 @@ if (process.env.UNI_SERVICE === 'legacy') {
output.format = 'iife'
output.name = 'serviceContext'
output.banner =
`export function createServiceContext(Vue, weex, plus, __uniConfig, __uniRoutes, UniServiceJSBridge){
`export function createServiceContext(Vue, weex, plus, __uniConfig, __uniRoutes, UniServiceJSBridge,instanceContext){
var localStorage = plus.storage
var setTimeout = global.setTimeout
var clearTimeout = global.clearTimeout
var setTimeout = instanceContext.setTimeout
var clearTimeout = instanceContext.clearTimeout
var setInterval = instanceContext.setInterval
var clearInterval = instanceContext.clearInterval
output.footer =
......@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ const media = [
"name": "base",
"title": "基础",
"apiList": {
"uni.getSystemInfo": true,
"uni.getSystemInfoSync": true,
"uni.canIUse": true,
"uni.upx2px": true,
"uni.navigateTo": true,
"uni.redirectTo": true,
"uni.switchTab": true,
"uni.reLaunch": true,
"uni.navigateBack": true
}, {
"name": "network",
"title": "网络",
"apiList": {
"uni.request": true,
"uni.connectSocket": true,
"uni.sendSocketMessage": true,
"uni.closeSocket": true,
"uni.onSocketOpen": true,
"uni.onSocketError": true,
"uni.onSocketMessage": true,
"uni.onSocketClose": true,
"uni.downloadFile": true,
"uni.uploadFile": true
}, {
"name": "storage",
"title": "数据缓存",
"apiList": {
"uni.setStorage": true,
"uni.setStorageSync": true,
"uni.getStorage": true,
"uni.getStorageSync": true,
"uni.removeStorage": true,
"uni.removeStorageSync": true,
"uni.clearStorage": true,
"uni.clearStorageSync": true,
"uni.getStorageInfo": true,
"uni.getStorageInfoSync": true
}, {
"name": "location",
"title": "位置",
"apiList": {
"uni.getLocation": true,
"uni.openLocation": true,
"uni.chooseLocation": true
}, {
"name": "media",
"title": "媒体",
"apiList": {
"uni.chooseImage": true,
"uni.previewImage": true,
"uni.getImageInfo": true,
"uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum": true,
"uni.compressImage": true,
"uni.getRecorderManager": true,
"uni.getBackgroundAudioManager": true,
"uni.createInnerAudioContext": true,
"uni.chooseVideo": true,
"uni.saveVideoToPhotosAlbum": true,
"uni.createVideoContext": true,
"uni.createCameraContext": true,
"uni.createLivePlayerContext": true
}, {
"name": "device",
"title": "设备",
"apiList": {
"uni.onMemoryWarning": true,
"uni.getNetworkType": true,
"uni.onNetworkStatusChange": true,
"uni.onAccelerometerChange": true,
"uni.startAccelerometer": true,
"uni.stopAccelerometer": true,
"uni.onCompassChange": true,
"uni.startCompass": true,
"uni.stopCompass": true,
"uni.onGyroscopeChange": true,
"uni.startGyroscope": true,
"uni.stopGyroscope": true,
"uni.makePhoneCall": true,
"uni.scanCode": true,
"uni.setClipboardData": true,
"uni.getClipboardData": true,
"uni.setScreenBrightness": true,
"uni.getScreenBrightness": true,
"uni.setKeepScreenOn": true,
"uni.onUserCaptureScreen": true,
"uni.vibrateLong": true,
"uni.vibrateShort": true,
"uni.addPhoneContact": true,
"uni.openBluetoothAdapter": true,
"uni.startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery": true,
"uni.onBluetoothDeviceFound": true,
"uni.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery": true,
"uni.onBluetoothAdapterStateChange": true,
"uni.getConnectedBluetoothDevices": true,
"uni.getBluetoothDevices": true,
"uni.getBluetoothAdapterState": true,
"uni.closeBluetoothAdapter": true,
"uni.writeBLECharacteristicValue": true,
"uni.readBLECharacteristicValue": true,
"uni.onBLEConnectionStateChange": true,
"uni.onBLECharacteristicValueChange": true,
"uni.notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange": true,
"uni.getBLEDeviceServices": true,
"uni.getBLEDeviceCharacteristics": true,
"uni.createBLEConnection": true,
"uni.closeBLEConnection": true,
"uni.onBeaconServiceChange": true,
"uni.onBeaconUpdate": true,
"uni.getBeacons": true,
"uni.startBeaconDiscovery": true,
"uni.stopBeaconDiscovery": true
}, {
"name": "ui",
"title": "界面",
"apiList": {
"uni.showToast": true,
"uni.hideToast": true,
"uni.showLoading": true,
"uni.hideLoading": true,
"uni.showModal": true,
"uni.showActionSheet": true,
"uni.setNavigationBarTitle": true,
"uni.setNavigationBarColor": true,
"uni.showNavigationBarLoading": true,
"uni.hideNavigationBarLoading": true,
"uni.setTabBarItem": true,
"uni.setTabBarStyle": true,
"uni.hideTabBar": true,
"uni.showTabBar": true,
"uni.setTabBarBadge": true,
"uni.removeTabBarBadge": true,
"uni.showTabBarRedDot": true,
"uni.hideTabBarRedDot": true,
"uni.setBackgroundColor": true,
"uni.setBackgroundTextStyle": true,
"uni.createAnimation": true,
"uni.pageScrollTo": true,
"uni.onWindowResize": true,
"uni.offWindowResize": true,
"uni.loadFontFace": true,
"uni.startPullDownRefresh": true,
"uni.stopPullDownRefresh": true,
"uni.createSelectorQuery": true,
"uni.createIntersectionObserver": true,
"uni.hideKeyboard": true
}, {
"name": "event",
"title": "页面通讯",
"apiList": {
"uni.$emit": true,
"uni.$on": true,
"uni.$once": true,
"uni.$off": true
}, {
"name": "file",
"title": "文件",
"apiList": {
"uni.saveFile": true,
"uni.getSavedFileList": true,
"uni.getSavedFileInfo": true,
"uni.removeSavedFile": true,
"uni.getFileInfo": true,
"uni.openDocument": true,
"uni.getFileSystemManager": true
}, {
"name": "canvas",
"title": "绘画",
"apiList": {
"uni.createOffscreenCanvas": true,
"uni.createCanvasContext": true,
"uni.canvasToTempFilePath": true,
"uni.canvasPutImageData": true,
"uni.canvasGetImageData": true
}, {
"name": "third",
"title": "第三方服务",
"apiList": {
"uni.getProvider": true,
"uni.login": true,
"uni.checkSession": true,
"uni.getUserInfo": true,
"uni.share": true,
"uni.showShareMenu": true,
"uni.hideShareMenu": true,
"uni.requestPayment": true,
"uni.subscribePush": true,
"uni.unsubscribePush": true,
"uni.onPush": true,
"uni.offPush": true,
"uni.requireNativePlugin": true,
"uni.base64ToArrayBuffer": true,
"uni.arrayBufferToBase64": true
......@@ -429,26 +429,22 @@ function invokeVmMethod (vm, method, args, extras) {
function findElmById (id, vm) {
return findElmByVNode(id, vm._vnode)
return findRefByElm(id, vm.$el)
function findElmByVNode (id, vnode) {
if (!id || !vnode) {
function findRefByElm (id, elm) {
if (!id || !elm) {
if (
vnode.data &&
vnode.data.attrs &&
vnode.data.attrs.id === id
) {
return vnode.elm
if (elm.attr.id === id) {
return elm
const children = vnode.children;
const children = elm.children;
if (!children) {
for (let i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
const elm = findElmByVNode(id, children[i]);
const elm = findRefByElm(id, children[i]);
if (elm) {
return elm
......@@ -406,6 +406,22 @@
"onBluetoothDeviceFound": [
"onBluetoothAdapterStateChange": [
"onBLEConnectionStateChange": [
"onBLECharacteristicValueChange": [
"hideKeyboard": [
......@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ export function switchTab ({
} else {
// TODO 客户端 Bug
// 前一个 tabBar 触发 onHide
......@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ export function registerApp (appVm) {
appCtx = appVm
appCtx.globalData = appVm.$options.globalData || {}
initOn(UniServiceJSBridge.on, {
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export function consumePlusMessage (type, args) {
export function registerPlusMessage (type, callback, keepAlive = true) {
if (callbacks[type]) {
throw new Error(`${type} 已注册:` + (callbacks[type].toString()))
return console.warn(`${type} 已注册:` + (callbacks[type].toString()))
callback.keepAlive = !!keepAlive
callbacks[type] = callback
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