提交 086815c0 编写于 作者: Mr.奇淼('s avatar Mr.奇淼(


上级 b1233097
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ func InitMysqlData(db *gorm.DB) {
err = InitSysDataAuthorityId(db)
err = InitSysDictionaryDetail(db)
err = InitExaFileUploadAndDownload(db)
err = InitWkProcess(db)
if err != nil {
color.Warn.Printf("[Mysql]-->初始化数据失败,err: %v\n", err)
package datas
import (
var WorkflowProcess = []model.WorkflowProcess{
{ID: "leaveFlow", CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now(), Name: "leaveFlow", Clazz: "process", Label: "请假流程(演示)", HideIcon: false, Description: "请假流程演示", View: "view/iconList/index.vue"},
var WorkflowNodes = []model.WorkflowNode{
{ID: "end1603681358043", CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now(), WorkflowProcessID: "leaveFlow", Clazz: "end", Label: "请假失败", Type: "end-node", Shape: "end-node", Description: "", View: "view/exa_wf_leave/exa_wf_leaveFrom.vue", X: 302, Y: 545.5, HideIcon: false, AssignType: "", AssignValue: "", Success: false},
{ID: "end1603681360882", CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now(), WorkflowProcessID: "leaveFlow", Clazz: "end", Label: "请假成功", Type: "end-node", Shape: "end-node", Description: "请假完成,具体结果等待提交", View: "view/exa_wf_leave/exa_wf_leaveFrom.vue", X: 83.5, Y: 546, HideIcon: true, AssignType: "", AssignValue: "", Success: false},
{ID: "start1603681292875", CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now(), WorkflowProcessID: "leaveFlow", Clazz: "start", Label: "发起请假", Type: "start-node", Shape: "start-node", Description: "发起一个请假流程", View: "view/exa_wf_leave/exa_wf_leaveFrom.vue", X: 201, Y: 109, HideIcon: false, AssignType: "", AssignValue: "", Success: false},
{ID: "userTask1603681299962", CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now(), WorkflowProcessID: "leaveFlow", Clazz: "userTask", Label: "审批", Type: "user-task-node", Shape: "user-task-node", Description: "审批会签", DueDate: time.Date(2020, 11, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil), View: "view/exa_wf_leave/exa_wf_leaveFrom.vue", X: 202, Y: 320.5, HideIcon: false, AssignType: "user", AssignValue: ",1,2,", Success: false},
var WorkflowEdge = []model.WorkflowEdge{
{ID: "flow1604985849039", CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now(), WorkflowProcessID: "leaveFlow", Clazz: "flow", Source: "start1603681292875", Target: "userTask1603681299962", SourceAnchor: 1, TargetAnchor: 3, Shape: "flow-polyline-round", Label: "", HideIcon: false, ConditionExpression: "", Reverse: false},
{ID: "flow1604985879574", CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now(), WorkflowProcessID: "leaveFlow", Clazz: "flow", Source: "userTask1603681299962", Target: "end1603681360882", SourceAnchor: 0, TargetAnchor: 2, Shape: "flow-polyline-round", Label: "同意", HideIcon: false, ConditionExpression: "yes", Reverse: false},
{ID: "flow1604985881207", CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now(), WorkflowProcessID: "leaveFlow", Clazz: "flow", Source: "userTask1603681299962", Target: "end1603681358043", SourceAnchor: 2, TargetAnchor: 2, Shape: "flow-polyline-round", Label: "不同意", HideIcon: false, ConditionExpression: "no", Reverse: false},
var WorkflowStartPoint = []model.WorkflowStartPoint{
{WorkflowEdgeID: "flow1604985849039", GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 31, CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now()}, X: 137, Y: 201, Index: 1},
{WorkflowEdgeID: "flow1604985879574", GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 32, CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now()}, X: 320.5, Y: 174, Index: 0},
{WorkflowEdgeID: "flow1604985881207", GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 33, CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now()}, X: 320.5, Y: 230, Index: 2},
var WorkflowEndPoint = []model.WorkflowEndPoint{
{WorkflowEdgeID: "flow1604985849039", GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 31, CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now()}, X: 270, Y: 202, Index: 3},
{WorkflowEdgeID: "flow1604985879574", GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 32, CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now()}, X: 518, Y: 83.5, Index: 2},
{WorkflowEdgeID: "flow1604985881207", GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 33, CreatedAt: time.Now(), UpdatedAt: time.Now()}, X: 517.5, Y: 302, Index: 2},
func InitWkProcess(db *gorm.DB) (err error) {
return db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
if err := tx.Create(&WorkflowProcess).Error; err != nil { // 遇到错误时回滚事务
return err
if err := tx.Create(&WorkflowNodes).Error; err != nil { // 遇到错误时回滚事务
return err
if err := tx.Create(&WorkflowEdge).Error; err != nil { // 遇到错误时回滚事务
return err
if err := tx.Create(&WorkflowStartPoint).Error; err != nil { // 遇到错误时回滚事务
return err
if err := tx.Create(&WorkflowEndPoint).Error; err != nil { // 遇到错误时回滚事务
return err
return nil
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ func Routers() *gin.Engine {
router.InitSysOperationRecordRouter(ApiGroup) // 操作记录
router.InitEmailRouter(ApiGroup) // 邮件相关路由
router.InitWorkflowProcessRouter(ApiGroup) // 工作流创建相关接口
router.InitExaWfLeaveRouter(ApiGroup) // 工作流创建相关接口
global.GVA_LOG.Info("router register success")
return Router
......@@ -145,16 +145,14 @@ type WorkflowEdge struct {
type WorkflowStartPoint struct {
WorkflowEdgeID string
X float64 `json:"x"`
Y float64 `json:"y"`
Index int `json:"index"`
type WorkflowEndPoint struct {
WorkflowEdgeID string
type WorkflowPoint struct {
X float64 `json:"x"`
Y float64 `json:"y"`
......@@ -114,3 +114,51 @@ export const findWorkflowStep = (params) => {
// @Tags ExaWfLeave
// @Summary 创建ExaWfLeave
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @accept application/json
// @Produce application/json
// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"获取成功"}"
// @Router /workflowProcess/startWorkflow [post]
export const startWorkflow = (data, params = { businessType: data.wf.businessType }) => {
return service({
url: "/workflowProcess/startWorkflow",
method: 'post',
// @Tags WorkflowProcess
// @Summary 我发起的工作流
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @accept application/json
// @Produce application/json
// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"获取成功"}"
// @Router /workflowProcess/getMyStated [get]
export const getMyStated = () => {
return service({
url: "/workflowProcess/getMyStated",
method: 'get',
// @Tags WorkflowProcess
// @Summary 我发起的工作流
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @accept application/json
// @Produce application/json
// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"获取成功"}"
// @Router /workflowProcess/getMyNeed [get]
export const getMyNeed = () => {
return service({
url: "/workflowProcess/getMyNeed",
method: 'get',
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export default {
'signalEvent': '信号节点',
'signalEvent.signal': '信号名',
'sequenceFlow': '连接线',
'sequenceFlow.expression': '条件表达式',
'sequenceFlow.expression': '条件参数',
'sequenceFlow.seq': '序号',
'sequenceFlow.reverse': '反向',
'startEvent': '开始节点',
import {getMyNeed} from "@/api/workflowProcess"
export default {
async created(){
const res = await getMyNeed()
if(res.code == 0){
\ No newline at end of file
import {getMyStated} from "@/api/workflowProcess"
export default {
async created(){
const res = await getMyStated()
if(res.code == 0){
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -68,174 +68,8 @@ export default {
lang: "zh",
demoData: {
nodes: [
clazz: "start",
label: "发起请假",
type: "start-node",
shape: "start-node",
x: 110,
y: 195,
id: "start1603681292875",
style: {}
clazz: "parallelGateway",
label: "会签",
type: "parallel-gateway-node",
shape: "parallel-gateway-node",
x: 228,
y: 195,
id: "parallelGateway1603681296419",
style: {}
clazz: "userTask",
label: "审批人1",
type: "user-task-node",
shape: "user-task-node",
x: 372,
y: 84,
id: "userTask1603681299962",
style: {},
assignValue: [1],
assignType: "user"
clazz: "userTask",
label: "审批人2",
type: "user-task-node",
shape: "user-task-node",
x: 370,
y: 321,
id: "userTask1603681302372",
style: {},
assignValue: [2],
assignType: "user"
clazz: "parallelGateway",
label: "会签结果检测",
type: "parallel-gateway-node",
shape: "parallel-gateway-node",
x: 519,
y: 195,
id: "parallelGateway1603681338222",
style: {}
clazz: "end",
label: "请假失败",
type: "end-node",
shape: "end-node",
x: 704,
y: 317,
id: "end1603681358043",
style: {}
clazz: "end",
label: "请假成功",
type: "end-node",
shape: "end-node",
x: 706.5,
y: 55.5,
id: "end1603681360882",
style: {}
edges: [
id: "flow1603681320738",
clazz: "flow",
source: "parallelGateway1603681296419",
target: "userTask1603681299962",
sourceAnchor: 0,
targetAnchor: 3,
shape: "flow-polyline-round",
style: {},
startPoint: { x: 228, y: 169, index: 0 },
endPoint: { x: 321.5, y: 84, index: 3 }
id: "flow1603681321969",
clazz: "flow",
source: "parallelGateway1603681296419",
target: "userTask1603681302372",
sourceAnchor: 2,
targetAnchor: 3,
shape: "flow-polyline-round",
style: {},
startPoint: { x: 228, y: 221, index: 2 },
endPoint: { x: 319.5, y: 321, index: 3 }
id: "flow1603681323274",
clazz: "flow",
source: "start1603681292875",
target: "parallelGateway1603681296419",
sourceAnchor: 1,
targetAnchor: 3,
shape: "flow-polyline-round",
style: {},
startPoint: { x: 138, y: 195, index: 1 },
endPoint: { x: 202, y: 195, index: 3 },
label: "发起",
conditionExpression: "complete"
id: "flow1603681341777",
clazz: "flow",
source: "userTask1603681299962",
target: "parallelGateway1603681338222",
sourceAnchor: 1,
targetAnchor: 3,
shape: "flow-polyline-round",
style: {},
startPoint: { x: 422.5, y: 84, index: 1 },
endPoint: { x: 493, y: 195, index: 3 }
id: "flow1603681343425",
clazz: "flow",
source: "userTask1603681302372",
target: "parallelGateway1603681338222",
sourceAnchor: 1,
targetAnchor: 3,
shape: "flow-polyline-round",
style: {},
startPoint: { x: 420.5, y: 321, index: 1 },
endPoint: { x: 493, y: 195, index: 3 }
id: "flow1603681362913",
clazz: "flow",
source: "parallelGateway1603681338222",
target: "end1603681360882",
sourceAnchor: 0,
targetAnchor: 2,
shape: "flow-polyline-round",
style: {},
startPoint: { x: 519, y: 169, index: 0 },
endPoint: { x: 678.5, y: 55.5, index: 2 },
conditionExpression: "complete",
label: "所有人同意"
id: "flow1603681392729",
clazz: "flow",
source: "parallelGateway1603681338222",
target: "end1603681358043",
sourceAnchor: 2,
targetAnchor: 2,
shape: "flow-polyline-round",
style: {},
startPoint: { x: 519, y: 221, index: 2 },
endPoint: { x: 676, y: 317, index: 2 },
conditionExpression: "reject",
label: "任何一人拒绝"
nodes: [],
edges: []
users: [],
......@@ -249,17 +83,8 @@ export default {
signalDefs: [],
messageDefs: [],
groups: [
{ id: "1", name: "组1" },
{ id: "2", name: "组2" },
{ id: "3", name: "组3" }
categorys: [
{ id: "1", name: "分类1" },
{ id: "2", name: "分类2" },
{ id: "3", name: "分类3" },
{ id: "4", 分组: "分组4" }
groups: [],
categorys: []
methods: {
......@@ -271,7 +96,7 @@ export default {
processModel.nodes = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj.nodes))
item.assignValue = String(item.assignValue)
item.assignValue = ","+String(item.assignValue)+","
......@@ -328,7 +153,7 @@ export default {
if(res.code == 0){
const watiUseArr = item.assignValue.split(",")
const watiUseArr =item.assignValue.substr(1,item.assignValue.length-2).split(",")
if(item.assignType == 'user'){
item.assignValue = []
watiUseArr.map(i => {
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