package gobrake // import "" import ( "bytes" "crypto/tls" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "net" "net/http" "path/filepath" "strings" "sync" "time" ) const defaultAirbrakeHost = "" const waitTimeout = 5 * time.Second const httpStatusTooManyRequests = 429 var ( errClosed = errors.New("gobrake: notifier is closed") errRateLimited = errors.New("gobrake: rate limited") ) var httpClient = &http.Client{ Transport: &http.Transport{ Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment, Dial: (&net.Dialer{ Timeout: 15 * time.Second, KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second, }).Dial, TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second, TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{ ClientSessionCache: tls.NewLRUClientSessionCache(1024), }, MaxIdleConnsPerHost: 10, ResponseHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second, }, Timeout: 10 * time.Second, } var buffers = sync.Pool{ New: func() interface{} { return new(bytes.Buffer) }, } type filter func(*Notice) *Notice type Notifier struct { // http.Client that is used to interact with Airbrake API. Client *http.Client projectId int64 projectKey string createNoticeURL string filters []filter wg sync.WaitGroup noticeCh chan *Notice closed chan struct{} } func NewNotifier(projectId int64, projectKey string) *Notifier { n := &Notifier{ Client: httpClient, projectId: projectId, projectKey: projectKey, createNoticeURL: getCreateNoticeURL(defaultAirbrakeHost, projectId, projectKey), filters: []filter{noticeBacktraceFilter}, noticeCh: make(chan *Notice, 1000), closed: make(chan struct{}), } for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { go n.worker() } return n } // Sets Airbrake host name. Default is func (n *Notifier) SetHost(h string) { n.createNoticeURL = getCreateNoticeURL(h, n.projectId, n.projectKey) } // AddFilter adds filter that can modify or ignore notice. func (n *Notifier) AddFilter(fn filter) { n.filters = append(n.filters, fn) } // Notify notifies Airbrake about the error. func (n *Notifier) Notify(e interface{}, req *http.Request) { notice := n.Notice(e, req, 1) n.SendNoticeAsync(notice) } // Notice returns Aibrake notice created from error and request. depth // determines which call frame to use when constructing backtrace. func (n *Notifier) Notice(err interface{}, req *http.Request, depth int) *Notice { return NewNotice(err, req, depth+3) } type sendResponse struct { Id string `json:"id"` } // SendNotice sends notice to Airbrake. func (n *Notifier) SendNotice(notice *Notice) (string, error) { for _, fn := range n.filters { notice = fn(notice) if notice == nil { // Notice is ignored. return "", nil } } buf := buffers.Get().(*bytes.Buffer) defer buffers.Put(buf) buf.Reset() if err := json.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(notice); err != nil { return "", err } resp, err := n.Client.Post(n.createNoticeURL, "application/json", buf) if err != nil { return "", err } defer resp.Body.Close() buf.Reset() _, err = buf.ReadFrom(resp.Body) if err != nil { return "", err } if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusCreated { if resp.StatusCode == httpStatusTooManyRequests { return "", errRateLimited } err := fmt.Errorf("gobrake: got response status=%q, wanted 201 CREATED", resp.Status) return "", err } var sendResp sendResponse err = json.NewDecoder(buf).Decode(&sendResp) if err != nil { return "", err } return sendResp.Id, nil } func (n *Notifier) sendNotice(notice *Notice) { if _, err := n.SendNotice(notice); err != nil && err != errRateLimited { logger.Printf("gobrake failed reporting notice=%q: %s", notice, err) } n.wg.Done() } // SendNoticeAsync acts as SendNotice, but sends notice asynchronously // and pending notices can be flushed with Flush. func (n *Notifier) SendNoticeAsync(notice *Notice) { select { case <-n.closed: return default: } n.wg.Add(1) select { case n.noticeCh <- notice: default: n.wg.Done() logger.Printf( "notice=%q is ignored, because queue is full (len=%d)", notice, len(n.noticeCh), ) } } func (n *Notifier) worker() { for { select { case notice := <-n.noticeCh: n.sendNotice(notice) case <-n.closed: select { case notice := <-n.noticeCh: n.sendNotice(notice) default: return } } } } // NotifyOnPanic notifies Airbrake about the panic and should be used // with defer statement. func (n *Notifier) NotifyOnPanic() { if v := recover(); v != nil { notice := n.Notice(v, nil, 3) n.SendNotice(notice) panic(v) } } // Flush waits for pending requests to finish. func (n *Notifier) Flush() { n.waitTimeout(waitTimeout) } // Deprecated. Use CloseTimeout instead. func (n *Notifier) WaitAndClose(timeout time.Duration) error { return n.CloseTimeout(timeout) } // CloseTimeout waits for pending requests to finish and then closes the notifier. func (n *Notifier) CloseTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error { select { case <-n.closed: default: close(n.closed) } return n.waitTimeout(timeout) } func (n *Notifier) waitTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error { done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { n.wg.Wait() close(done) }() select { case <-done: return nil case <-time.After(timeout): return fmt.Errorf("Wait timed out after %s", timeout) } } func (n *Notifier) Close() error { return n.CloseTimeout(waitTimeout) } func getCreateNoticeURL(host string, projectId int64, key string) string { return fmt.Sprintf( "%s/api/v3/projects/%d/notices?key=%s", host, projectId, key, ) } func noticeBacktraceFilter(notice *Notice) *Notice { v, ok := notice.Context["rootDirectory"] if !ok { return notice } dir, ok := v.(string) if !ok { return notice } dir = filepath.Join(dir, "src") for i := range notice.Errors { replaceRootDirectory(notice.Errors[i].Backtrace, dir) } return notice } func replaceRootDirectory(backtrace []StackFrame, rootDir string) { for i := range backtrace { backtrace[i].File = strings.Replace(backtrace[i].File, rootDir, "[PROJECT_ROOT]", 1) } }