/* transport-sample thrift IDL file . Execute thriftme.bat under Windows to generate the cpp stubs from this IDL. */ // See thrift/tutorial/tutorial.thrift and shared.thrift for more extensive examples. namespace cpp Sample namespace java Sample namespace perl Sample //This struct is not used in the sample. Shown here for illustrative purposes only. // struct SampleStruct { 1: i32 key 2: string value } //A service contains the RPC(s). // service SampleService { string HelloThere(1:string HelloString), void ServerDoSomething(), //Client calls this to tell server which port to connect back on. void ClientSideListenPort(1:i16 Port), //Named pipe version void ClientSidePipeName(1:string name), } //Sample RPC on the 'client' side that the master server can call. service SampleCallback { void pingclient(), }