package console_sqlite3 import ( SQL "database/sql" "encoding/json" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" database2 "" entity "" ) // AddAPI 新增接口 func AddAPI(apiName, requestURL, targetURL, requestMethod, targetMethod, isFollow, linkAPIs, staticResponse, responseDataType, balanceName, protocol string, projectID, groupID, timeout, retryCount, alertValve, managerID, userID, apiType int) (bool, int, error) { db := database2.GetConnection() now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") Tx, _ := db.Begin() res, err := Tx.Exec("INSERT INTO goku_gateway_api (projectID,groupID,apiName,requestURL,targetURL,requestMethod,targetMethod,protocol,linkAPIs,staticResponse,responseDataType,balanceName,isFollow,timeout,retryCount,alertValve,createTime,updateTime,managerID,lastUpdateUserID,createUserID,apiType) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);", projectID, groupID, apiName, requestURL, targetURL, requestMethod, targetMethod, protocol, linkAPIs, staticResponse, responseDataType, balanceName, isFollow, timeout, retryCount, alertValve, now, now, managerID, userID, userID, apiType) if err != nil { Tx.Rollback() return false, 0, err } apiID, _ := res.LastInsertId() // 更新项目更新时间 _, err = Tx.Exec("UPDATE goku_gateway_project SET updateTime = ? WHERE projectID = ?;", now, projectID) if err != nil { Tx.Rollback() return false, 0, err } Tx.Commit() return true, int(apiID), nil } // EditAPI 修改接口 func EditAPI(apiName, requestURL, targetURL, requestMethod, targetMethod, isFollow, linkAPIs, staticResponse, responseDataType, balanceName, protocol string, projectID, groupID, timeout, retryCount, alertValve, apiID, managerID, userID int) (bool, error) { db := database2.GetConnection() now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") Tx, _ := db.Begin() _, err := Tx.Exec("UPDATE goku_gateway_api SET projectID = ?,groupID = ?,apiName = ?,requestURL = ?,targetURL = ?,requestMethod = ?,protocol = ?,balanceName = ?,targetMethod = ?,isFollow = ?,linkAPIs = ?,staticResponse = ?,responseDataType = ?,timeout = ?,retryCount = ?,alertValve = ?,updateTime = ?,managerID = ?,lastUpdateUserID = ? WHERE apiID = ?", projectID, groupID, apiName, requestURL, targetURL, requestMethod, protocol, balanceName, targetMethod, isFollow, linkAPIs, staticResponse, responseDataType, timeout, retryCount, alertValve, now, managerID, userID, apiID) if err != nil { Tx.Rollback() return false, err } // 更新项目更新时间 _, err = Tx.Exec("UPDATE goku_gateway_project SET updateTime = ? WHERE projectID = ?;", now, projectID) if err != nil { Tx.Rollback() return false, err } Tx.Commit() return true, nil } // GetAPIInfo 获取接口信息 func GetAPIInfo(apiID int) (bool, *entity.API, error) { db := database2.GetConnection() sql := `SELECT goku_gateway_api.apiID,goku_gateway_api.groupID,goku_gateway_api.apiName,goku_gateway_api.requestURL,goku_gateway_api.targetURL,goku_gateway_api.requestMethod,goku_gateway_api.targetMethod,IFNULL(goku_gateway_api.protocol,"http"),IFNULL(goku_gateway_api.balanceName,""),goku_gateway_api.isFollow,goku_gateway_api.timeout,goku_gateway_api.retryCount,goku_gateway_api.alertValve,goku_gateway_api.createTime,goku_gateway_api.updateTime,goku_gateway_api.managerID,goku_gateway_api.lastUpdateUserID,goku_gateway_api.createUserID,IFNULL(goku_gateway_api_group.groupPath,"0"),goku_gateway_api.apiType,IFNULL(goku_gateway_api.linkAPIs,''),IFNULL(goku_gateway_api.staticResponse,''),IFNULL(goku_gateway_api.responseDataType,'origin') FROM goku_gateway_api LEFT JOIN goku_gateway_api_group ON goku_gateway_api.groupID = goku_gateway_api_group.groupID WHERE goku_gateway_api.apiID = ?` api := &entity.API{} var managerInfo entity.ManagerInfo var linkAPIs string err := db.QueryRow(sql, apiID).Scan(&api.APIID, &api.GroupID, &api.APIName, &api.RequestURL, &api.ProxyURL, &api.RequestMethod, &api.TargetMethod, &api.Protocol, &api.BalanceName, &api.IsFollow, &api.Timeout, &api.RetryConut, &api.Valve, &api.CreateTime, &api.UpdateTime, &managerInfo.ManagerID, &managerInfo.UpdaterID, &managerInfo.CreateUserID, &api.GroupPath, &api.APIType, &linkAPIs, &api.StaticResponse, &api.ResponseDataType) if err != nil { return false, &entity.API{}, err } json.Unmarshal([]byte(linkAPIs), &api.LinkAPIs) api.RequestMethod = strings.ToUpper(api.RequestMethod) sql = `SELECT IFNULL(remark,loginCall) as userName FROM goku_admin WHERE userID = ?;` err = db.QueryRow(sql, managerInfo.ManagerID).Scan(&managerInfo.ManagerName) if err != nil { if err != SQL.ErrNoRows { return false, &entity.API{}, err } } err = db.QueryRow(sql, managerInfo.UpdaterID).Scan(&managerInfo.UpdaterName) if err != nil { if err != SQL.ErrNoRows { return false, &entity.API{}, err } } err = db.QueryRow(sql, managerInfo.CreateUserID).Scan(&managerInfo.CreateUserName) if err != nil { if err != SQL.ErrNoRows { return false, nil, err } } api.ManagerInfo = &managerInfo return true, api, nil } //GetAPIListByGroupList 通过分组列表获取接口列表 func GetAPIListByGroupList(projectID int, groupIDList string) (bool, []map[string]interface{}, error) { db := database2.GetConnection() // 获取分组ID列表 sql := `SELECT goku_gateway_api.apiID,goku_gateway_api.apiName,goku_gateway_api.requestURL,IFNULL(goku_gateway_api.updateTime,""),goku_gateway_api.lastUpdateUserID,goku_gateway_api.managerID FROM goku_gateway_api WHERE goku_gateway_api.projectID = ? AND goku_gateway_api.groupID IN (` + groupIDList + `) ORDER BY goku_gateway_api.updateTime DESC;` rows, err := db.Query(sql, projectID) if err != nil { return false, make([]map[string]interface{}, 0), err } defer rows.Close() apiList := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) //获取记录列 for rows.Next() { var apiID, updaterID, managerID int var apiName, requestURL, updateTime, managerName, updaterName string err = rows.Scan(&apiID, &apiName, &requestURL, &updateTime, &updaterID, &managerID) if err != nil { return false, make([]map[string]interface{}, 0), err } sql = `SELECT IFNULL(remark,loginCall) as userName FROM goku_admin WHERE userID = ?;` err = db.QueryRow(sql, managerID).Scan(&managerName) if err != nil { if err != SQL.ErrNoRows { return false, make([]map[string]interface{}, 0), err } } err = db.QueryRow(sql, updaterID).Scan(&updaterName) if err != nil { if err != SQL.ErrNoRows { return false, make([]map[string]interface{}, 0), err } } apiInfo := map[string]interface{}{ "apiID": apiID, "apiName": apiName, "requestURL": requestURL, "updateTime": updateTime, "updaterName": updaterName, "managerName": managerName, } apiList = append(apiList, apiInfo) } return true, apiList, nil } // getAPIRule func getAPIRule(projectID int, keyword string, condition int, ids []int) []string { rule := make([]string, 0, 5) rule = append(rule, fmt.Sprintf("A.projectID = %d", projectID)) if keyword != "" { searchRule := "(A.apiName LIKE '%" + keyword + "%' OR A.requestURL LIKE '%" + keyword + "%'" searchRule += " OR IFNULL(A.balanceName,'') LIKE '%" + keyword + "%' OR A.targetURL LIKE '%" + keyword + "%')" rule = append(rule, searchRule) } switch condition { case 0: { break } case 1, 2: { idsStr := "" idLen := len(ids) if len(ids) < 1 { break } for i, id := range ids { idsStr += strconv.Itoa(id) if i < idLen-1 { idsStr += "," } } if condition == 1 { rule = append(rule, fmt.Sprintf("A.managerID IN (%s)", idsStr)) } else if condition == 2 { rule = append(rule, fmt.Sprintf("A.lastUpdateUserID IN (%s)", idsStr)) } } default: { break } } return rule } // GetAPIIDList 获取接口ID列表 func GetAPIIDList(projectID int, groupID int, keyword string, condition int, ids []int) (bool, []int, error) { db := database2.GetConnection() rule := getAPIRule(projectID, keyword, condition, ids) if groupID < 1 { if groupID == 0 { groupRule := fmt.Sprintf("A.groupID = %d", groupID) rule = append(rule, groupRule) } } else { var groupPath string sql := "SELECT groupPath FROM goku_gateway_api_group WHERE groupID = ?;" err := db.QueryRow(sql, groupID).Scan(&groupPath) if err != nil { return false, make([]int, 0), err } // 获取分组ID列表 sql = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT groupID) AS groupID FROM goku_gateway_api_group WHERE projectID = ? AND groupPath LIKE ?;" groupIDList := "" err = db.QueryRow(sql, projectID, groupPath+"%").Scan(&groupIDList) if err != nil { return false, make([]int, 0), err } rule = append(rule, fmt.Sprintf("A.groupID IN (%s)", groupIDList)) } ruleStr := "" if len(rule) > 0 { ruleStr += "WHERE " + strings.Join(rule, " AND ") } sql := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT A.apiID FROM goku_gateway_api A %s`, ruleStr) rows, err := db.Query(sql) if err != nil { return false, make([]int, 0), err } defer rows.Close() apiIDList := make([]int, 0) //获取记录列 for rows.Next() { var apiID int err = rows.Scan(&apiID) if err != nil { return false, make([]int, 0), err } apiIDList = append(apiIDList, apiID) } return true, apiIDList, nil } // GetAPIList 获取所有接口列表 func GetAPIList(projectID int, groupID int, keyword string, condition, page, pageSize int, ids []int) (bool, []map[string]interface{}, int, error) { db := database2.GetConnection() rule := getAPIRule(projectID, keyword, condition, ids) if groupID < 1 { if groupID == 0 { groupRule := fmt.Sprintf("A.groupID = %d", groupID) rule = append(rule, groupRule) } } else { var groupPath string sql := "SELECT groupPath FROM goku_gateway_api_group WHERE groupID = ?;" err := db.QueryRow(sql, groupID).Scan(&groupPath) if err != nil { return false, make([]map[string]interface{}, 0), 0, err } // 获取分组ID列表 sql = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT groupID) AS groupID FROM goku_gateway_api_group WHERE projectID = ? AND groupPath LIKE ?;" groupIDList := "" err = db.QueryRow(sql, projectID, groupPath+"%").Scan(&groupIDList) if err != nil { return false, make([]map[string]interface{}, 0), 0, err } rule = append(rule, fmt.Sprintf("A.groupID IN (%s)", groupIDList)) } ruleStr := "" if len(rule) > 0 { ruleStr += "WHERE " + strings.Join(rule, " AND ") } sql := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT A.apiID,A.apiName,A.requestURL,A.requestMethod,CASE WHEN A.apiType=0 THEN A.targetURL ELSE '' END,A.apiType,IFNULL(A.balanceName,''),IFNULL(A.updateTime,""),CASE WHEN B.remark is null or B.remark = "" THEN B.loginCall ELSE B.remark END AS updaterName,CASE WHEN C.remark is null or C.remark = "" THEN C.loginCall ELSE C.remark END AS managerName,A.lastUpdateUserID,A.managerID,A.isFollow,IFNULL(A.protocol,"http"),A.targetMethod,A.groupID,IFNULL(D.groupPath,"0"),IFNULL(D.groupName,"未分组") FROM goku_gateway_api A INNER JOIN goku_admin B ON A.lastUpdateUserID = B.userID INNER JOIN goku_admin C ON A.managerID=C.userID LEFT JOIN goku_gateway_api_group D ON D.groupID = A.groupID %s`, ruleStr) count := getCountSQL(sql) rows, err := getPageSQL(sql, "A.updateTime", "DESC", page, pageSize) if err != nil { return false, make([]map[string]interface{}, 0), 0, err } defer rows.Close() apiList := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) //获取记录列 for rows.Next() { var apiID, updaterID, managerID, groupID, apiType int var apiName, requestURL, updateTime, managerName, updaterName, requestMethod, targetURL, balanceName, targetMethod, protocol, groupPath, groupName string var isFollow bool err = rows.Scan(&apiID, &apiName, &requestURL, &requestMethod, &targetURL, &apiType, &balanceName, &updateTime, &updaterName, &managerName, &updaterID, &managerID, &isFollow, &protocol, &targetMethod, &groupID, &groupPath, &groupName) if err != nil { return false, make([]map[string]interface{}, 0), 0, err } apiInfo := map[string]interface{}{ "apiID": apiID, "apiName": apiName, "requestURL": requestURL, "updateTime": updateTime, "updaterName": updaterName, "managerName": managerName, "requestMethod": strings.ToUpper(requestMethod), "targetURL": targetURL, "target": balanceName, "protocol": protocol, "targetMethod": strings.ToUpper(targetMethod), "isFollow": isFollow, "groupID": groupID, "groupPath": groupPath, "groupName": groupName, "apiType": apiType, } apiList = append(apiList, apiInfo) } return true, apiList, count, nil } //CheckURLIsExist 接口路径是否存在 func CheckURLIsExist(requestURL, requestMethod string, projectID, apiID int) bool { db := database2.GetConnection() var id int var m string sql := "SELECT apiID,requestMethod FROM goku_gateway_api WHERE requestURL = ? AND projectID = ?;" err := db.QueryRow(sql, requestURL, projectID).Scan(&id, &m) if err != nil { return false } method := strings.Split(requestMethod, ",") mList := strings.Split(m, ",") if apiID == id { return false } for _, v := range mList { for _, n := range method { if strings.ToUpper(n) == strings.ToUpper(v) { return true } } } return false } //CheckAPIIsExist 检查接口是否存在 func CheckAPIIsExist(apiID int) (bool, error) { db := database2.GetConnection() sql := "SELECT apiID FROM goku_gateway_api WHERE apiID = ?;" var id int err := db.QueryRow(sql, apiID).Scan(&id) if err != nil { return false, err } return true, err } //BatchEditAPIBalance 批量修改接口负载 func BatchEditAPIBalance(apiIDList []string, balance string) (string, error) { db := database2.GetConnection() now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") sqlTpl := "UPDATE `goku_gateway_api` A LEFT JOIN `goku_gateway_project` P ON A.`projectID` = P.`projectID` SET A.`updateTime` = ?, P.`updateTime`=?, A.`balanceName`=? WHERE A.`apiID` IN (%s)" sql := fmt.Sprint(sqlTpl, strings.Join(apiIDList, ",")) stmt, err := db.Prepare(sql) if err != nil { return "[ERROR]Fail to Prepare SQL!", err } defer stmt.Close() _, err = stmt.Exec(now, now, balance) if err != nil { return "[ERROR]Fail to excute SQL statement!", err } return "", nil } //BatchEditAPIGroup 批量修改接口分组 func BatchEditAPIGroup(apiIDList []string, groupID int) (string, error) { db := database2.GetConnection() now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") sqlTpl := "UPDATE `goku_gateway_api` A LEFT JOIN `goku_gateway_project` P ON A.`projectID` = P.`projectID` SET A.`updateTime` = ?, P.`updateTime`=?, A.`groupID`=? WHERE A.`apiID` IN (%s)" sql := fmt.Sprintf(sqlTpl, strings.Join(apiIDList, ",")) stmt, err := db.Prepare(sql) if err != nil { return "[ERROR]Fail to Prepare SQL!", err } defer stmt.Close() _, err = stmt.Exec(now, now, groupID) if err != nil { return "[ERROR]Fail to excute SQL statement!", err } return "", nil } //BatchDeleteAPI 批量修改接口 func BatchDeleteAPI(apiIDList string) (bool, string, error) { db := database2.GetConnection() now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") Tx, _ := db.Begin() sql := "DELETE FROM goku_gateway_api WHERE apiID IN (" + apiIDList + ");" _, err := Tx.Exec(sql) if err != nil { Tx.Rollback() return false, "[ERROR]Fail to excute SQL statement!", err } sql = "DELETE FROM goku_conn_strategy_api WHERE apiID IN (" + apiIDList + ");" _, err = Tx.Exec(sql) if err != nil { Tx.Rollback() return false, "[ERROR]Fail to excute SQL statement!", err } sql = "DELETE FROM goku_conn_plugin_api WHERE apiID IN (" + apiIDList + ");" _, err = Tx.Exec(sql) if err != nil { Tx.Rollback() return false, "[ERROR]Fail to delete data!", err } // 查询接口的projectID rows, err := db.Query("SELECT projectID FROM goku_gateway_api WHERE apiID IN (" + apiIDList + ");") if err != nil { Tx.Rollback() return false, "[ERROR]Fail to excute SQL statement!", err } projectIDList := "" defer rows.Close() if _, err = rows.Columns(); err != nil { Tx.Rollback() return false, "[ERROR]Fail to excute SQL statement!", err } for rows.Next() { var projectID int err = rows.Scan(&projectID) if err != nil { Tx.Rollback() return false, "[ERROR]Fail to get data!", err } projectIDList += strconv.Itoa(projectID) + "," } if projectIDList != "" { projectIDList = projectIDList[:len(projectIDList)-1] // 更新项目更新时间 _, err = Tx.Exec("UPDATE goku_gateway_project SET updateTime = ? WHERE projectID = ?;", now, projectIDList) if err != nil { Tx.Rollback() return false, "[ERROR]Fail to update data!", err } } Tx.Commit() return true, "", nil }