package main import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" ) const ( isWindows = runtime.GOOS == "windows" //support isLinux = runtime.GOOS == "linux" //support isDarwin = runtime.GOOS == "darwin" //support ) func main() { wd := consts.CurrentExecuteDir println("current:", wd) dist := filepath.Join(wd, "example", "dist") if !isExist(dist) { os.MkdirAll(dist, os.ModePerm) } examples := []string{"context-menu", "control", "cookie", "cookie-manager", "custom-drag-window", "dev-tools", "dom-visitor", "download", "drag-file", "execute-dev-tools-method", "execute-javascript", "flash-for-cef-v87", "frameless", "i18n", "internal-http-server", "ipc-on-emit/go-composite-type", "ipc-on-emit/go-to-js", "ipc-on-emit/js-to-go", "key-event", "lib-checkupdate", "load-html-url", "msgbox", "osr/linux", "osr/windows", "popup-sub-window", "print-pdf", "process-type", "proxy", "response-filter", "scheme", "screen", "search-text", "simple", "sub-process/main-process", "sub-process/sub-process", "sys-dialog", "sys-menu", "tempdll", "view-source", "vue", "webkit-register", "zoom", "audio-video", "clipbrd", "window/close-for-hidden", "window/close-for-minimize", "window/default-hidden-window"} var ( ext string ldflags string tags = `-tags=tempdll` ) if isWindows { examples = append(examples, "windows/custom-browser-create", "windows/transparent") examples = append(examples, "tray/lclceftray", "tray/lcltray", "tray/systray", "tray/lclvftray") ext = ".exe" ldflags = `-H windowsgui -s -w` } else if isLinux || isDarwin { examples = append(examples, "tray/lcltray", "tray/systray") var gtk string if isLinux { print(`Linst: Please select the GTK version to build, default GTK3 1. GTK2 2. GTK3 Input: `) fmt.Scan(>k) if gtk == "1" { tags = `-tags=tempdll gtk2` } else { tags = `-tags=tempdll gtk3` } } } cmd := command.NewCMD() for i, example := range examples { dir := filepath.Join(wd, "example", example) if isExist(dir) { cmd.Dir = dir copySyso(dir) out := filepath.Join(dist, example+ext) println("build example", example, fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", i+1, len(examples)), "\n\tbuild-dir:", dir, "\n\tout-dir:", out) cmd.Command("go", "build", "-ldflags", ldflags, "-o", out, tags) removeSyso(dir) println() } else { println("error not found:", dir) println() } } println("build end.") if isWindows { print(`Build sample completed, do you want to use upx tool for compression Need to install upx compression tool: Input 1 IS: `) var useUPX string fmt.Scan(&useUPX) if useUPX == "1" { for i, example := range examples { filePath := filepath.Join(dist, example+ext) if isExist(filePath) { println("upx compression", example, fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", i+1, len(examples)), "\n\tpath:", filePath) cmd.Command("upx", filePath) // upx 压缩 println() } else { println("error not found:", filePath) println() } } } else { println("upx exit") } println("upx end.") } cmd.Close() } func isExist(path string) bool { _, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { if os.IsExist(err) { return true } else if os.IsNotExist(err) { return false } return false } return true } func sysoname() string { if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" { return "example_windows_amd64.syso" } else if runtime.GOARCH == "386" { return "example_windows_386.syso" } return "" } func copySyso(dir string) { if !syso.Syso { return } if sysoname() != "" { out := filepath.Join(dir, sysoname()) if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" { ioutil.WriteFile(out, syso.SysoBytesx64, 0666) } else if runtime.GOARCH == "386" { ioutil.WriteFile(out, syso.SysoBytes386, 0666) } } } func removeSyso(dir string) { if !syso.Syso { return } if sysoname() != "" { file := filepath.Join(dir, sysoname()) if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" { os.Remove(file) } else if runtime.GOARCH == "386" { os.Remove(file) } } }