/* ======================================================================== * ZUI: flowChart.js * http://zui.sexy * ======================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 cnezsoft.com; Licensed MIT * ======================================================================== */ // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.findIndex if (!Array.prototype.findIndex) { Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'findIndex', { value: function (predicate) { // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value). if (this == null) { throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); } var o = Object(this); // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")). var len = o.length >>> 0; // 3. If IsCallable(predicate) is false, throw a TypeError exception. if (typeof predicate !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function'); } // 4. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined. var thisArg = arguments[1]; // 5. Let k be 0. var k = 0; // 6. Repeat, while k < len while (k < len) { // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k). // b. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk). // c. Let testResult be ToBoolean(? Call(predicate, T, « kValue, k, O »)). // d. If testResult is true, return k. var kValue = o[k]; if (predicate.call(thisArg, kValue, k, o)) { return k; } // e. Increase k by 1. k++; } // 7. Return -1. return -1; } }); } // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.find if (!Array.prototype.find) { Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'find', { value: function (predicate) { // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value). if (this == null) { throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); } var o = Object(this); // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")). var len = o.length >>> 0; // 3. If IsCallable(predicate) is false, throw a TypeError exception. if (typeof predicate !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function'); } // 4. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined. var thisArg = arguments[1]; // 5. Let k be 0. var k = 0; // 6. Repeat, while k < len while (k < len) { // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k). // b. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk). // c. Let testResult be ToBoolean(? Call(predicate, T, « kValue, k, O »)). // d. If testResult is true, return kValue. var kValue = o[k]; if (predicate.call(thisArg, kValue, k, o)) { return kValue; } // e. Increase k by 1. k++; } // 7. Return undefined. return undefined; } }); } // Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 5, // Reference: http://es5.github.io/#x15.4.4.18 if (!Array.prototype.forEach) { Array.prototype.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) { var T, k; if (this == null) { throw new TypeError(' this is null or not defined'); } // 1. Let O be the result of calling toObject() passing the // |this| value as the argument. var O = Object(this); // 2. Let lenValue be the result of calling the Get() internal // method of O with the argument "length". // 3. Let len be toUint32(lenValue). var len = O.length >>> 0; // 4. If isCallable(callback) is false, throw a TypeError exception. // See: http://es5.github.com/#x9.11 if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function'); } // 5. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let // T be undefined. if (arguments.length > 1) { T = thisArg; } // 6. Let k be 0 k = 0; // 7. Repeat, while k < len while (k < len) { var kValue; // a. Let Pk be ToString(k). // This is implicit for LHS operands of the in operator // b. Let kPresent be the result of calling the HasProperty // internal method of O with argument Pk. // This step can be combined with c // c. If kPresent is true, then if (k in O) { // i. Let kValue be the result of calling the Get internal // method of O with argument Pk. kValue = O[k]; // ii. Call the Call internal method of callback with T as // the this value and argument list containing kValue, k, and O. callback.call(T, kValue, k, O); } // d. Increase k by 1. k++; } // 8. return undefined }; } // Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 5, // Reference: http://es5.github.io/#x15.4.4.19 if (!Array.prototype.map) { Array.prototype.map = function (callback/*, thisArg*/) { var T, A, k; if (this == null) { throw new TypeError('this is null or not defined'); } // 1. Let O be the result of calling ToObject passing the |this| // value as the argument. var O = Object(this); // 2. Let lenValue be the result of calling the Get internal // method of O with the argument "length". // 3. Let len be ToUint32(lenValue). var len = O.length >>> 0; // 4. If IsCallable(callback) is false, throw a TypeError exception. // See: http://es5.github.com/#x9.11 if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function'); } // 5. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined. if (arguments.length > 1) { T = arguments[1]; } // 6. Let A be a new array created as if by the expression new Array(len) // where Array is the standard built-in constructor with that name and // len is the value of len. A = new Array(len); // 7. Let k be 0 k = 0; // 8. Repeat, while k < len while (k < len) { var kValue, mappedValue; // a. Let Pk be ToString(k). // This is implicit for LHS operands of the in operator // b. Let kPresent be the result of calling the HasProperty internal // method of O with argument Pk. // This step can be combined with c // c. If kPresent is true, then if (k in O) { // i. Let kValue be the result of calling the Get internal // method of O with argument Pk. kValue = O[k]; // ii. Let mappedValue be the result of calling the Call internal // method of callback with T as the this value and argument // list containing kValue, k, and O. mappedValue = callback.call(T, kValue, k, O); // iii. Call the DefineOwnProperty internal method of A with arguments // Pk, Property Descriptor // { Value: mappedValue, // Writable: true, // Enumerable: true, // Configurable: true }, // and false. // In browsers that support Object.defineProperty, use the following: // Object.defineProperty(A, k, { // value: mappedValue, // writable: true, // enumerable: true, // configurable: true // }); // For best browser support, use the following: A[k] = mappedValue; } // d. Increase k by 1. k++; } // 9. return A return A; }; } (function($) { 'use strict'; var selectText = function($e) { var doc = document; var element = $e[0], range; if(doc.body.createTextRange) { range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(element); range.select(); } else if(window.getSelection) { var selection = window.getSelection(); range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } }; /** * Get distance of two points * @param {{left: number, top: number}} point1 * @param {{left: number, top: number}} point2 * @return {number} */ var distanceOfTwoPoints = function(point1, point2) { var left = point1.left - point2.left; var top = point1.top - point2.top; return Math.sqrt(left * left + top * top); }; /** * Add two points * @param {{left: number, top: number}} point1 * @param {{left: number, top: number}} point2 * @return {number} */ var addTwoPoints = function(point1, point2) { return { left: point1.left + point2.left, top: point1.top + point2.top, }; }; var ifUndefinedThen = function(value, thenValue1, thenValue2, thenValue3) { if (value !== undefined) { return value; } if (thenValue1 !== undefined) { return thenValue1; } if (thenValue2 !== undefined) { return thenValue2; } return thenValue3; }; var ifUndefinedOrNullThen = function(value, thenValue1, thenValue2, thenValue3) { if (value !== undefined && value !== null) { return value; } if (thenValue1 !== undefined && thenValue1 !== null) { return thenValue1; } if (thenValue2 !== undefined && thenValue2 !== null) { return thenValue2; } return thenValue3; }; var convertCssToSvgStyle = function(style) { var svgStyle = $.extend({}, style); if (svgStyle.background) { svgStyle.fill = svgStyle.background; delete svgStyle.background; } if (svgStyle.backgroundColor) { svgStyle.fill = svgStyle.backgroundColor; delete svgStyle.backgroundColor; } if (svgStyle.borderWidth) { svgStyle['stroke-width'] = svgStyle.borderWidth; delete svgStyle.borderWidth; } if (svgStyle.borderColor) { svgStyle.stroke = svgStyle.borderColor; delete svgStyle.borderColor; } return svgStyle; }; var createSVGElement = function(type, attrs) { if (typeof type === 'object') { attrs = type; type = 'svg'; } else if (!type) { type = 'svg'; } var svg = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', type); if (attrs) { $.each(attrs, function(attrName, attrValue) { if (attrValue !== undefined && attrValue !== null) { svg.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue); } }); } return svg; }; var updateSVGElement = function(svg, attrs) { $.each(attrs, function(attrName, attrValue) { if (attrValue !== undefined && attrValue !== null) { svg.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue); } else { svg.removeAttribute(attrName); } }); }; // model name var NAME = 'zui.flowChart'; var idSeed = 1; var SIDES = {top: 'top', right: 'right', bottom: 'bottom', left: 'left'}; var basicElementProps = { id: function(value) { if (value !== undefined) { if (value.indexOf(':') > -1) { throw new Error('FlowChart: Do not allow ":" in element id "' + value + '".'); } if (value.indexOf('.') > -1) { throw new Error('FlowChart: Do not allow "." in element id "' + value + '".'); } return value; } return $.zui.uuid(); }, type: function(_, elementType) {return elementType.name}, text: function(value, elementType, elementData) { if (value === null) { value = typeof elementType.text === 'function' ? elementType.text(elementType, elementData) : elementType.text; } return value === undefined || value === null ? '' : String(value); }, order: function(value, elementType) { if (value === undefined) { return (elementType.isRelation ? 10000 : 0) + idSeed++; } return value; }, data: function(value, elementType, elementData) { var data = $.extend({}, value); $.each(elementData, function(propName, propVal) { if (!elementType.props[propName]) { data[propName] = propVal; } }); return data; }, style: 'object', textStyle: 'object', className: 'string', visible: false, $ele: false, $text: false, bounds: false, elementType: false, isRelation: false, isNode: false, flowChart: false, }; var basicRelationProps = $.extend({ lineStyle: 'string', lineWidth: 'int', lineColor: 'string', lineShape: 'string', arrowSize: 'int', hideArrow: function(value, _, elementData) { if (value === undefined) { value = !elementData.arrowSize; } return !!value; }, from: function(value) { if (value) { value = value.split('.')[0]; } return value; }, to: function(value) { if (value) { value = value.split('.')[0]; } return value; }, fromPort: function(value, _, elementData) { if ((value === undefined || value === null || !value.length) && elementData.from) { value = elementData.from.split('.')[1]; } return value; }, toPort: function(value, _, elementData) { if ((value === undefined || value === null || !value.length) && elementData.to) { value = elementData.to.split('.')[1]; } return value; }, fromIndex: false, toIndex: false, fromNode: false, toNode: false, beginSideRels: false, endSideRels: false, }, basicElementProps); var basicNodeProps = $.extend({ borderStyle: 'string', borderWidth: 'int', borderColor: 'string', shapeStyle: 'object', position: function(value) { if (typeof value === 'object' && ((typeof value.left === 'number' && typeof value.top === 'number') || (typeof value.centerLeft === 'number' && typeof value.centerTop === 'number') || (SIDES[value.direction] && typeof value.from === 'string'))) { return $.extend({custom: true}, value) } return {}; }, hideArrowToSelf: 'bool', width: 'int', height: 'int', maxWidth: 'int', minWidth: 'int', siblingsIndex: false, fromRels: false, toRels: false, children: false, parents: false, }, basicElementProps); var onePortEachSide = { top: 1, bottom: 1, left: 1, right: 1, }; var threePortsEachSide = { top: 3, bottom: 3, left: 1, right: 1, }; // 基础元素类型 var basicElementTypes = { relation: { props: basicRelationProps, }, rectangle: { shape: 'rectangle', style: {borderRadius: '2px', borderStyle: 'solid', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#333'}, textStyle: {lineHeight: '20px', minHeight: 38, padding: '9px 10px'}, props: basicNodeProps, ports: threePortsEachSide }, box: { shape: 'box', style: {borderRadius: '20px', borderStyle: 'solid', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#333'}, textStyle: {lineHeight: '20px', minHeight: 38, padding: '9px 10px'}, props: basicNodeProps, ports: threePortsEachSide }, diamond: { shape: 'diamond', style: {borderWidth: 0}, textStyle: {lineHeight: '20px', minHeight: 38, padding: '9px 20px'}, shapeStyle: {fill: '#fff', strokeWidth: 1, stroke: '#333'}, props: basicNodeProps, ports: onePortEachSide, }, circle: { shape: 'circle', minWidth: 40, textStyle: {lineHeight: '20px', minHeight: 38, padding: '9px 10px'}, style: {borderRadius: '50%', borderStyle: 'solid', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#333', minWidth: 40}, props: basicNodeProps, ports: onePortEachSide, }, connection: { minWidth: 0, style: {padding: 2}, textStyle: {lineHeight: 1, minHeight: 12}, shape: 'connection', hideArrowToSelf: true, props: basicNodeProps, quickAdd: false, ports: onePortEachSide, }, dot: { shape: 'dot', width: 16, height: 16, shapeStyle: {borderRadius: '50%', borderStyle: 'solid', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#333', minWidth: 0, minHeight: 0, maxWidth: 'none', maxHeight: 'none', overflow: 'visible'}, props: $.extend({ textPosition: 'string' }, basicNodeProps), ports: onePortEachSide, } }; var supportElementTypes = { relation: {type: 'relation'}, action: {type: 'rectangle'}, start: {type: 'box'}, stop: {type: 'box'}, judge: {type: 'diamond'}, result: {type: 'circle'}, connection: {type: 'connection'}, point: {type: 'dot'}, }; /** * Create a FlowChartElementPort * @param {Object|string|number} portData * @param {string} side * @param {number} index */ var FlowChartElementPort = function(portData, side, index) { if (typeof portData === 'number') { portData = {space: portData}; } else if (typeof portData === 'string') { portData = {name: portData}; } $.extend(this, portData); side = side || portData.side; /** * Side type: 'left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom' * @type {string} */ this.side = SIDES[side] ? side : 'right'; /** * @type {string} */ this.name = portData.name; /** * @type {string} */ this.displayName; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.empty = typeof this.name !== 'string' || !this.name.length; /** * Direction type: 'in', 'out', 'in-out' * @type {string} */ this.direction = portData.direction === 'out' ? 'out' : portData.direction === 'in' ? 'in' : 'in-out'; /** * @type {number} */ this.space = this.space === undefined ? 1 : this.space; /** * @type {number} */ this.spaceBegin = portData.spaceBegin || 0; /** * @type {number} */ this.spaceEnd = portData.spaceEnd || 0; /** * @type {string} */ this.lineColor; /** * @type {number} */ this.lineWidth; /** * @type {string} */ this.lineStyle; /** * @type {string} */ this.lineLength; /** * @type {number} */ this.index = index; /** * @type {boolean|number} */ this.rest; /** * @type {number} */ this.maxLinkCount = this.rest ? 1 : this.maxLinkCount ? Math.max(1, this.maxLinkCount) : 1; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.free = !this.rest && this.free !== false; /** * @type {number} */ this.restMinIndex = this.restMinIndex === undefined ? 1 : this.restMinIndex; }; FlowChartElementPort.prototype.getMaxRestCount = function() { if (this.rest === true) { return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } if (this.rest && typeof this.rest === 'number') { return this.rest; } return 0; }; FlowChartElementPort.prototype.isMatchRestName = function(name) { if (this.rest) { if (!this._restNameRegex) { this._restNameRegex = new RegExp('^' + this.name.replace('*', '(\\d+)') + '$'); } return this._restNameRegex.test(name); } return false; }; FlowChartElementPort.prototype.getRestPortAt = function(index, restMinIndex) { if (this.rest) { if (restMinIndex === undefined) { restMinIndex = this.restMinIndex; } var portName = this.name.replace('*', index + restMinIndex); return this.getRestPortByName(portName); } return null; }; FlowChartElementPort.prototype.getRestPortByName = function(portName) { if (this.isMatchRestName(portName)) { if (!this._restPorts) { this._restPorts = {}; } var port = this._restPorts[portName]; if (port) { return port; } var portData = this.exportPort(); portData.name = portName; portData.rest = false; portData._restPort = true; portData.maxLinkCount = 1; port = new FlowChartElementPort(portData); this._restPorts[portName] = port; return port; } return null; }; FlowChartElementPort.prototype.exportPort = function() { var port = {}; var that = this; $.each(that, function(propName) { if (propName[0] !== '_') { port[propName] = that[propName]; } }); return port; }; /** * Create ports map * @param {{left: Record[], right: Record[], top: Record[], bottom: Record[]}} initData * @return {left: FlowChartElementPort[], right: FlowChartElementPort[], top: FlowChartElementPort[], bottom: FlowChartElementPort[]} */ FlowChartElementPort.createPortsMap = function(initData) { if (!initData) { return null; } var map = {$all: {}, $free: [], $list: [], $rest: []}; var hasPort; $.each(SIDES, function(side) { var portsData = initData[side]; if (typeof portsData === 'number') { var portsDataConverted = []; for (var i = 1; i <= portsData; ++i) { portsDataConverted.push(side + i); } portsData = portsDataConverted; } if (portsData && !$.isArray(portsData)) { portsData = [portsData]; } if (portsData && portsData.length) { hasPort = true; map[side] = portsData.map(function(portData, index) { var port = new FlowChartElementPort(portData, side, index); if (!port.empty) { map.$all[port.name] = port; map.$list.push(port); if (port.free) { map.$free.push(port); } if (port.rest) { map.$rest.push(port); } } return port; }); } }); return hasPort ? map : null; }; /** * FlowChartElement * @param {Record} initData * @param {FlowChartElementType} elementType */ var FlowChartElement = function(initData, elementType) { $.extend(this, elementType.getElementData(initData)); /** * @type {string} */ this.id; /** * @type {string} */ this.type; /** * @type {string} */ this.basicType; /** * @type {string} */ this.text; /** * @type {number} */ this.order; /** * @type {Record} */ this.data; /** * @type {Record} */ this.style; /** * @type {Record} */ this.textStyle; /** * @type {string} */ this.className; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.visible; /** * @type {string} */ /** * @type {boolean} */ this.isRelation; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.isNode; /** * @type {FlowChart} */ this.flowChart; /** * @type {FlowChartElementType} */ this.elementType; /** * @type {{top: number, left: number, width: number, height: number}} */ this.bounds = this.position ? {left: this.position.left, top: this.position.top} : {}; /** * @type {{left: number, top: number, custom?: number, from?: string, side?: string}} */ this.position; /** * @type {JQuery} */ this.$ele; /** * @type {JQuery} */ this.$text; /** * @type {Record} */ this.lineStyle; /** * @type {number} */ this.lineWidth; /** * @type {string} */ this.lineColor; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.showTextOnSide; /** * @type {number} */ this.arrowSize; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.hideArrow; /** * @type {string} */ this.from; /** * @type {string} */ this.to; /** * @type {number} */ this.fromIndex; /** * @type {number} */ this.toIndex; /** * @type {FlowChartElement} */ this.fromNode; /** * @type {FlowChartElement} */ this.toNode; /** * @type {FlowChartElement[]} */ this.beginSideRels; /** * @type {FlowChartElement[]} */ this.endSideRels; /** * @type {Record} */ this.shapeStyle; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.hideArrowToSelf; /** * @type {Record} */ this.borderStyle; /** * @type {number} */ this.borderWidth; /** * @type {string} */ this.borderColor; /** @type {number} */ this.width; /** @type {number} */ this.maxWidth; /** @type {number} */ this.minWidth; /** @type {number} */ this.height; /** @type {number} */ this.siblingsIndex; /** @type {FlowChartElement[]} */ this.fromRels; /** @type {FlowChartElement[]} */ this.toRels; /** @type {FlowChartElement[]} */ this.children; /** @type {FlowChartElement[]} */ this.parents; }; /** * Sort FlowChartElement list * @param {FlowChartElement[]} elementsList * @return {FlowChartElement[]} */ FlowChartElement.sort = function(elementsList) { return elementsList.sort(function(e1, e2) { return e1.order - e2.order; }); }; /** * Export data * @return {Record} */ FlowChartElement.prototype.exportData = function() { var data = {}; var that = this; $.each(that.elementType.props, function(propName, prop) { if (prop) { if (propName === 'position') { if (that.position.custom) { data[propName] = that.getPosition(); } } else { data[propName] = that[propName]; } } }); return data; }; /** * Get bounds * @return {{top: number, left: number, width: number, height: number, right: number, bottom: number, centerLeft: number, centerTop: number}} */ FlowChartElement.prototype.getBounds = function() { if (this._boundsCache) { return this._boundsCache; } var bounds = this.bounds; var hasPosition = typeof bounds.left === 'number' && typeof bounds.top === 'number'; var boundsCache = $.extend({hasPosition: hasPosition}, bounds); if (hasPosition) { boundsCache.right = bounds.left + bounds.width; boundsCache.bottom = bounds.top + bounds.height; boundsCache.centerLeft = bounds.left + bounds.width / 2; boundsCache.centerTop = bounds.top + bounds.height / 2; } this._boundsCache = boundsCache; return boundsCache; }; /** * Change element type */ FlowChartElement.prototype.changeType = function(newType) { var that = this; if (typeof newType === 'string') { newType = that.flowChart.types[newType]; } if (newType) { that.type = newType.name; that.basicType = newType.type; that.isRelation = newType.isRelation; that.isNode = newType.isNode; that.elementType = newType; } }; /** * Set bounds * @param {{top: number, left: number, width: number, height: number, right: number, bottom: number, centerLeft: number, centerTop: number}} bounds */ FlowChartElement.prototype.setBounds = function(newBounds) { var that = this; var hasSetPosition = 0; var hasSetSize = 0; var bounds = that.bounds; if (typeof newBounds.top === 'number') { bounds.top = newBounds.top; hasSetPosition += 1; } if (typeof newBounds.left === 'number') { bounds.left = newBounds.left; hasSetPosition += 2; } if (typeof newBounds.width === 'number' && newBounds.width >= 0) { bounds.width = newBounds.width; hasSetSize += 1; } if (typeof newBounds.height === 'number' && newBounds.height >= 0) { bounds.height = newBounds.height; hasSetSize += 2; } if (that.isNode && hasSetPosition && that.position.custom === undefined) { that.position.custom = true; } if (hasSetPosition === 3 && hasSetSize === 3) { var flowChartBounds = that.flowChart.bounds; flowChartBounds.left = Math.min(flowChartBounds.left, bounds.left); flowChartBounds.top = Math.min(flowChartBounds.top, bounds.top); flowChartBounds.width = Math.max(flowChartBounds.width, bounds.left + bounds.width); flowChartBounds.height = Math.max(flowChartBounds.height, bounds.top + bounds.height); } if (hasSetPosition || hasSetSize) { that._boundsCache = null; } }; /** * Check current node is intersect with ohter one * @return {FlowChartElement} otherNode * @return {boolean} */ FlowChartElement.prototype.isIntersectWith = function(otherNode) { if (!this.isNode || !otherNode.isNode) { return false; } var node1Bounds = this.getBounds(); var node2Bounds = otherNode.getBounds(); return !((node2Bounds.right < node1Bounds.left) || (node2Bounds.left > node1Bounds.right) || (node2Bounds.bottom < node1Bounds.top) || (node2Bounds.top > node1Bounds.bottom)); }; /** * Init element before render */ FlowChartElement.prototype.initBeforeRender = function() { var that = this; if (that.isNode) { delete that.siblingsIndex; that.fromRels = []; that.toRels = []; that.children = []; that.parents = []; } }; FlowChartElement.prototype.getFromNodeOfRelation = function() { var that = this; if (!that.fromNode && that.from) { that.fromNode = that.flowChart.getElement(that.from); } return that.fromNode; }; FlowChartElement.prototype.getToNodeOfRelation = function() { var that = this; if (!that.toNode && that.to) { that.toNode = that.flowChart.getElement(that.to); } return that.toNode; }; /** * @return {{fromPort: FlowChartElementPort, toPort: FlowChartElementPort}} */ FlowChartElement.prototype.getPortsInfoOfRelation = function() { var that = this; if (that._relationPortsInfo === undefined) { var fromNode = that.getFromNodeOfRelation(); var toNode = that.getToNodeOfRelation(); if (!fromNode || !toNode) { that._relationPortsInfo = null; } else { var fromPort, toPort; if (that.fromPort) { fromPort = fromNode.getPortByName(that.fromPort); } if (that.toPort) { toPort = toNode.getPortByName(that.toPort); } if (that.flowChart.options.allowFreePorts && !that.fromPort || !that.toPort) { var fromBounds = fromNode.getBounds(); var toBounds = toNode.getBounds(); var centerPoint = { left: (fromBounds.centerLeft + toBounds.centerLeft) / 2, top: (fromBounds.centerTop + toBounds.centerTop) / 2, }; var getNearestPort = function(node) { var $ports = node.$ports.find('.flowchart-port-free'); var minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE; var minPortName; if ($ports.length) { $ports.each(function() { var $port = $(this); var $dot = $port.find('.flowchart-port-dot'); var portPosition = that.flowChart.getPositionOf($dot, true); var distance = distanceOfTwoPoints(portPosition, centerPoint); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; minPortName = $port.data('name'); } }); } if (minPortName) { return node.getPortByName(minPortName); } }; if (!that.fromPort) { fromPort = getNearestPort(fromNode); } if (!that.toPort) { toPort = getNearestPort(toNode); } } if (fromPort && toPort) { that._relationPortsInfo = {fromPort: fromPort, toPort: toPort}; } } } return that._relationPortsInfo; }; FlowChartElement.prototype.getFromPort = function() { var portsInfo = this.getPortsInfoOfRelation(); return portsInfo && portsInfo.fromPort; }; FlowChartElement.prototype.getToPort = function() { var portsInfo = this.getPortsInfoOfRelation(); return portsInfo && portsInfo.toPort; }; /** * Init relation nodes before render */ FlowChartElement.prototype.initRelationBeforeRender = function() { var that = this; if (that.isRelation) { var fromNode = that.flowChart.getElement(that.from); var toNode = that.flowChart.getElement(that.to); that.visible = !!(fromNode && toNode); if (that.visible) { that.fromIndex = fromNode.fromRels.length; that.toIndex = fromNode.toRels.length; that.fromNode = fromNode; that.toNode = toNode; fromNode.fromRels.push(that); toNode.toRels.push(that); fromNode.children.push(toNode); toNode.parents.push(fromNode); } } }; /** * Get dom element ID * @param {boolean} [excludeCssPrefix] * @return {string} */ FlowChartElement.prototype.getDomID = function(excludeCssPrefix) { return this.flowChart.getDomID(this, excludeCssPrefix); }; /** * Get dom element of current * @param {string} [selector] * @return {JQuery} */ FlowChartElement.prototype.$get = function(selector) { var $element = this.flowChart.$findElement(this.id); return selector ? $element.find(selector) : $element; }; FlowChartElement.prototype.active = function(zIndex) { if (this.isRelation) { this.renderRelation(); } else { this.$ele.addClass('flowchart-active'); if (zIndex) { this.$ele.css('zIndex', zIndex); } } }; FlowChartElement.prototype.unactive = function() { this.blurText(); if (this.isRelation) { this.renderRelation(); } else { this.$ele.removeClass('flowchart-active'); } }; FlowChartElement.prototype.focusText = function() { selectText(this.$text.attr('contenteditable', true)); this.$ele.addClass('flowchart-element-focused'); this.$text.focus(); }; FlowChartElement.prototype.blurText = function() { this.$text.attr('contenteditable', false); this.$ele.removeClass('flowchart-element-focused'); }; FlowChartElement.prototype.setText = function(text) { if (text !== this.text) { this.text = text; return true; } }; /** * Get actual ports, if side set then return port at given side * @param {string} [side] */ FlowChartElement.prototype.getPorts = function(side) { if (this.isRelation) { return null; } if (side) { return this.elementType.ports[side]; } return this.elementType.ports.$list; }; /** * Get actual port by port name * @return {FlowChartElementPort} */ FlowChartElement.prototype.getPortByName = function(name) { if (this.isRelation) { return null; } return this.elementType.getPortByName(name, true); }; FlowChartElement.prototype.isActive = function() { return this.flowChart.isElementActive(this.id); }; /** * @return {boolean} */ FlowChartElement.prototype.isVisible = function() { var that = this; var fromNode = that.fromNode; var toNode = that.toNode; return !!(fromNode && toNode && that.getPortsInfoOfRelation()); }; /** * Render relation */ FlowChartElement.prototype.renderRelation = function() { var that = this; var flowChart = that.flowChart; var options = flowChart.options; delete that._relationPortsInfo; var $relation = that.$get(); if ($relation.length && $relation.data('type') !== that.type) { $relation.remove(); if (that.relationLineID) { $('#' + that.relationLineID).remove(); } $relation = null; } var visible = that.isVisible(); if (visible && (!$relation || !$relation.length)) { var template = ifUndefinedOrNullThen(that.elementType.template, options.relationTemplate); if (typeof template === 'function') { template = template(that); } else { template = template.format($.extend({ domID: that.getDomID(true), }, that)); } $relation = $(template).appendTo(flowChart.$canvas); } if ($relation && !visible) { $relation.remove(); if (that.relationLineID) { $('#' + that.relationLineID).remove(); } return; } that.$ele = $relation; // update node data properties to dom element $relation.data(that.data); // Update attributes on dom element $relation.addClass(that.className).toggleClass('flowchart-active', that.isActive()); // Update text var textStyle = $.extend({}, options.relationTextStyle, that.elementType.textStyle, that.textStyle); var $text = $relation.find('.flowchart-text'); $text.css(textStyle).text(that.getText()); that.$text = $text; var fromNode = that.getFromNodeOfRelation(); var toNode = that.getToNodeOfRelation(); var isActive = that.isActive(); var lineStyle = ifUndefinedThen(that.lineStyle, that.elementType.lineStyle, options.relationLineStyle); var lineShape = ifUndefinedThen(that.lineShape, that.elementType.lineShape, options.relationLineShape); var lineColor = isActive ? options.activeColor : ifUndefinedThen(that.lineColor, that.elementType.lineColor, options.relationLineColor); var lineSize = ifUndefinedThen(that.lineWidth, that.elementType.lineWidth, options.relationLineWidth); var showArrow = ifUndefinedThen(that.showArrow, that.elementType.showArrow); if (showArrow === undefined) { if (options.hideArrowToResult && toNode.type === 'result') { showArrow = false; } else { showArrow = true; } } var arrowSize = ifUndefinedThen(that.arrowSize, that.elementType.arrowSize, options.relationArrowSize); var beginArrow = (showArrow === 'begin' || showArrow === 'both') ? arrowSize : 0; var endArrow = (showArrow === true || showArrow === 'end' || showArrow === 'both') ? arrowSize : 0; if (that.elementType.render) { var shapeStyle = $.extend({}, that.elementType.shapeStyle, that.shapeStyle); var style = $.extend({}, options.relationStyle, that.elementType.style, that.style); return that.elementType.render.call(that, $relation, { style: style, shapeStyle: shapeStyle, portsInfo: that.getPortsInfoOfRelation(), textStyle: textStyle, lineStyle: lineStyle, lineSize: lineSize, lineColor: lineColor, beginArrow: beginArrow, endArrow: endArrow }); } var portsInfo = that.getPortsInfoOfRelation(); var $fromPort = fromNode.$get('.flowchart-port[data-name="' + portsInfo.fromPort.name + '"]'); var $toPort = toNode.$get('.flowchart-port[data-name="' + portsInfo.toPort.name + '"]'); var fromPortPos = flowChart.getPositionOf($fromPort); var toPortPos = flowChart.getPositionOf($toPort); var fromCenterOffset = $fromPort.data('centerOffset'); var toCenterOffset = $toPort.data('centerOffset'); fromPortPos = addTwoPoints(fromPortPos, fromCenterOffset); toPortPos = addTwoPoints(toPortPos, toCenterOffset); fromPortPos.top = Math.floor(fromPortPos.top); fromPortPos.left = Math.floor(fromPortPos.left); toPortPos.top = Math.floor(toPortPos.top); toPortPos.left = Math.floor(toPortPos.left); var bounds = { left: Math.min(fromPortPos.left, toPortPos.left), top: Math.min(fromPortPos.top, toPortPos.top), width: Math.max(lineSize, Math.abs(fromPortPos.left - toPortPos.left)), height: Math.max(lineSize, Math.abs(fromPortPos.top - toPortPos.top)), }; var fromPoint = { left: fromPortPos.left, top: fromPortPos.top, offsetLeft: fromPortPos.left - bounds.left, offsetTop: fromPortPos.top - bounds.top, arrow: beginArrow, side: portsInfo.fromPort.side }; var toPoint = { left: toPortPos.left, top: toPortPos.top, offsetLeft: toPortPos.left - bounds.left, offsetTop: toPortPos.top - bounds.top, arrow: endArrow, side: portsInfo.toPort.side }; var $lines = that.$get('.flowchart-relation-lines').empty(); that.relationLineID = 'flowchart-' + flowChart.id + '-line-' + that.id; flowChart.drawRelationLine(that.relationLineID, fromPoint, toPoint, { style: lineStyle, width: lineSize, color: lineColor, shape: lineShape, activeColor: options.activeColor, className: 'flowchart-relation-line', }, $lines, $text); $relation.css(bounds); flowChart.callCallback('onRenderRelation', [$relation, that]); that.setBounds(bounds); return; }; /** * Get text * @return {string} */ FlowChartElement.prototype.getText = function() { var text = this.text; if (text === undefined) { text = this.elementType.text; } return (text === undefined || text === null) ? '' : String(text); }; /** * Get rest ports */ FlowChartElement.prototype.getRestPorts = function(originPort, appendEmptyPort) { if (originPort.rest) { if (appendEmptyPort === undefined) { appendEmptyPort = true; } var ports = this.getRelationOfRestPort(originPort); if (appendEmptyPort) { var port = originPort.getRestPortAt(ports.length); port._restHolder = true; ports.push(port); } return ports; } return []; }; FlowChartElement.prototype.getRelationOfRestPort = function(originPort) { var that = this; var ports = []; if (that.fromRels && that.fromRels.length) { that.fromRels.forEach(function(rel) { if (rel.fromPort && originPort.isMatchRestName(rel.fromPort)) { var port = originPort.getRestPortAt(ports.length); port._restHolder = false; rel.fromPort = port.name; ports.push(port); } }); } if (that.toRels && that.toRels.length) { that.toRels.forEach(function(rel) { if (rel.toPort && originPort.isMatchRestName(rel.toPort)) { var port = originPort.getRestPortAt(ports.length); port._restHolder = false; rel.toPort = port.name; ports.push(port); } }); } return ports; }; /** * Render ports */ FlowChartElement.prototype.renderPorts = function() { var that = this; var elementType = that.elementType; var ports = elementType.ports; if (!ports) { return; } var options = that.flowChart.options; var $node = that.$ele; var $ports = $node.find('.flowchart-ports'); if (!$ports.length) { $ports = $([ '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
' ].join('')).appendTo($node); } that.$ports = $ports; var sideSizes = {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0}; var portSize = options.portSpaceSize || 20; var renderSidePort = function($side, side, port) { var spaceSize = Math.floor(port.space * portSize); var spaceBegin = Math.floor(port.spaceBegin * portSize); var spaceEnd = Math.floor(port.spaceEnd * portSize); var sideOffset = sideSizes[side]; sideSizes[side] += spaceBegin + spaceSize + spaceEnd; if (port.empty) { return; } var lineLength = ifUndefinedThen(port.lineLength, elementType.portLineLength, options.portLineLength); var lineWidth = Math.max(1, ifUndefinedThen(port.lineWidth, elementType.portLineWidth, options.portLineWidth)); var lineStyle = ifUndefinedThen(port.lineStyle, elementType.portLineStyle, options.portLineStyle); var lineColor = ifUndefinedThen(port.lineColor, elementType.portLineColor, options.portLineColor); var portStyle = {}; var portLineStyle = lineLength && {}; var portDotStyle = { width: lineWidth + 8, height: lineWidth + 8, }; var portCenterOffset = {}; if (side === 'left' || side === 'right') { portStyle.top = sideOffset + spaceBegin; portStyle.width = lineLength + 2 * portDotStyle.width; portStyle.left = side === 'left' ? (0 - portStyle.width) : 0; portStyle.height = spaceSize; if (lineLength) { portLineStyle.top = Math.floor((spaceSize - lineWidth) / 2); portLineStyle[side === 'left' ? 'right' : 'left'] = 0; portLineStyle.width = lineLength; portLineStyle.borderBottomStyle = lineStyle; portLineStyle.borderBottomWidth = lineWidth; portLineStyle.borderBottomColor = lineColor; } portDotStyle.top = Math.floor((spaceSize - portDotStyle.height) / 2); portDotStyle[side] = portStyle.width - lineLength - portDotStyle.width; portCenterOffset.top = spaceSize / 2; portCenterOffset.left = side === 'left' ? (portStyle.width - portLineStyle.width) : portLineStyle.width; } else { portStyle.left = sideOffset + spaceBegin; portStyle.height = lineLength + 2 * portDotStyle.width; portStyle.top = side === 'top' ? (0 - portStyle.height) : 0; portStyle.width = spaceSize; if (lineLength) { portLineStyle.left = Math.floor((spaceSize - lineWidth) / 2); portLineStyle[side === 'top' ? 'bottom' : 'top'] = 0; portLineStyle.height = lineLength; portLineStyle.borderRightStyle = lineStyle; portLineStyle.borderRightWidth = lineWidth; portLineStyle.borderRightColor = lineColor; } portDotStyle.left = Math.floor((spaceSize - portDotStyle.width) / 2); portDotStyle[side] = portStyle.height - lineLength - portDotStyle.height; portCenterOffset.top = side === 'top' ? (portStyle.height - portLineStyle.height) : portLineStyle.height; portCenterOffset.left = spaceSize / 2; } var $port = $('
').css(portStyle); if (lineLength) { $('
').css(portLineStyle).appendTo($port); } $port.addClass('flowchart-port-' + side).data('centerOffset', portCenterOffset).toggleClass('flowchart-port-free', port.free).append($('
').css(portDotStyle)); $port.toggleClass('flowchart-port-resthoder', !!port._restHolder); $side.append($port); }; $.each(sideSizes, function(side) { var $side = $ports.find('.flowchart-ports-' + side).empty(); var sidePorts = ports[side]; if (!sidePorts || !sidePorts.length) { return; } sidePorts.forEach(function(port) { if (port.rest) { return that.getRestPorts(port).forEach(renderSidePort.bind(null, $side, side)); } renderSidePort($side, side, port); }); $side.css(side === 'left' || side === 'right' ? 'margin-top' : 'margin-left', 0 - Math.floor(sideSizes[side] / 2)); }); $node.css({ minWidth: Math.max(sideSizes.top, sideSizes.bottom), minHeight: Math.max(sideSizes.left, sideSizes.right), }); }; /** * Render node * @param {boolean} [skipLayout] */ FlowChartElement.prototype.renderNode = function(skipLayout) { var that = this; var flowChart = that.flowChart; var options = flowChart.options; var elementType = that.elementType; // Get or create node dom element var $node = that.$get(); if ($node.length && $node.data('type') !== that.type) { $node.remove(); $node = null; } if (!$node || !$node.length) { var template = ifUndefinedOrNullThen(elementType.template, options.nodeTemplate); if (typeof template === 'function') { template = template(that); } else { template = template.format($.extend({ domID: that.getDomID(true), cursor: (flowChart.draggableEnable && options.draggable && options.readonly !== true) ? 'move' : 'default', zIndex: that.nodeZIndex++ }, that)); } $node = $(template).appendTo(flowChart.$canvas); } that.$ele = $node; // update node data properties to dom element $node.data(that.data); // Update attributes on dom element $node.addClass(that.className) .toggleClass('flowchart-has-ports', elementType.hasPorts()) .toggleClass('flowchart-active', that.isActive()); // Update text var textStyle = $.extend({}, options.nodeTextStyle, elementType.textStyle, that.textStyle); var $text = $node.find('.flowchart-text'); var nodeText = that.getText(); $text.css(textStyle).text(nodeText || ' '); that.$text = $text; // Update basic style $node.css({ maxHeight: ifUndefinedThen(that.height, elementType.height, options.nodeHeight), maxWidth: ifUndefinedThen(that.maxWidth, elementType.maxWidth, options.nodeMaxWidth), minWidth: ifUndefinedThen(that.minWidth, elementType.minWidth, options.nodeMinWidth), width: ifUndefinedThen(that.width, elementType.width), height: ifUndefinedThen(that.height, elementType.height), }); // Get merged style var style = $.extend({}, options.nodeStyle, elementType.style, that.style); var shapeStyle = $.extend({ background: options.nodeBackground }, elementType.shapeStyle, that.shapeStyle, { borderStyle: that.borderStyle, borderWidth: that.borderWidth, borderColor: that.borderColor, }); // Render content if (elementType.render) { elementType.render.call(that, $node, elementType, {style: style, shapeStyle: shapeStyle, textStyle: textStyle, text: nodeText}); } else { if (elementType.hasPorts()) { that.renderPorts({style: style, shapeStyle: shapeStyle, textStyle: textStyle, text: nodeText}); } if (elementType.shape === 'diamond') { $node.css(style); var size = { width: $node.outerWidth(), height: $node.outerHeight(), }; var $shape = $node.children('.flowchart-shape'); if (!$shape.length) { $shape = $('').appendTo($node); } var $polygon = $shape.children('polygon'); $polygon.css(convertCssToSvgStyle(shapeStyle)); var points = [[0, size.height / 2], [size.width / 2, 0], [size.width, size.height / 2], [size.width / 2, size.height]]; var pointsStr = []; points.forEach(function(point) { pointsStr.push($.isArray(point) ? point.join(',') : point); }); $polygon.attr('points', pointsStr.join(' ')); $shape.css(size).show(); } else if (elementType.shape === 'dot') { $node.css($.extend(style, shapeStyle)); var newTextStyle = {position: 'absolute'}; if (that.textPosition === 'top') { newTextStyle.bottom = '100%'; } else { newTextStyle.top = '100%'; } $text.css(newTextStyle); } else if (elementType.shape === 'connection') { if (!nodeText) { shapeStyle.padding = 0; $text.css('position', 'absolute'); } else { $text.css('position', 'relative'); } $node.css($.extend(style, shapeStyle)); } else { $node.css($.extend(style, shapeStyle)); } } flowChart.callCallback('onRenderNode', [$node, that]); // Set size to bounds that.setBounds({ width: $node.outerWidth(), height: $node.outerHeight(), }); // TODO: Check order if (!skipLayout) { that.layoutNode(); } }; /** * Get real size * @return {{width: number, height: number}} */ FlowChartElement.prototype.getSize = function() { return { height: this.bounds.height, width: this.bounds.width, }; }; /** * Get real position * @return {{top: number, left: number}} */ FlowChartElement.prototype.getPosition = function() { return { left: this.bounds.left, top: this.bounds.top, }; }; /** * Check whether has set position * @return {boolean} */ FlowChartElement.prototype.hasPosition = function() { return this.getBounds().hasPosition; }; /** * Caculate node position and change layout of it * @param {boolean} [skipPosition] */ FlowChartElement.prototype.layoutNode = function(skipPosition) { var that = this; var flowChart = that.flowChart; var options = flowChart.options; var position = that.position; var bounds = that.getBounds(); if (!bounds.hasPosition || !position.custom) { var newPosition = {}; if (typeof position.centerLeft === 'number' && typeof position.centerTop === 'number') { newPosition.left = position.centerLeft - Math.floor(bounds.width / 2); newPosition.top = position.centerTop - Math.floor(bounds.height / 2); } else { var parents = that.parents; var direction = position.direction; var directionFrom = position.from; if (typeof directionFrom === 'string') { directionFrom = flowChart.getElement(directionFrom); } if (direction && SIDES[direction] && directionFrom) { var fromBounds = directionFrom.getBounds(); if (direction === 'top') { newPosition.left = Math.floor(fromBounds.centerLeft - (bounds.width / 2)); newPosition.top = fromBounds.top - options.vertSpace - bounds.height; } else if (direction === 'left') { newPosition.left = fromBounds.left - options.horzSpace - bounds.width; newPosition.top = Math.floor(fromBounds.centerTop - (bounds.height / 2)); } else if (direction === 'bottom') { newPosition.left = Math.floor(fromBounds.centerLeft - (bounds.width / 2)); newPosition.top = fromBounds.bottom + options.vertSpace; } else if (direction === 'right') { newPosition.left = fromBounds.right + options.horzSpace; newPosition.top = Math.floor(fromBounds.centerTop - (bounds.height / 2)); } delete position.direction; delete position.from; position.custom = 'auto'; } else if (parents.length) { var parentsBounds; var siblingsIndex = 0; parents.forEach(function(parentNode) { if (!parentNode.hasPosition()) { return; } var parentPosition = parentNode.getPosition(); var parentSize = parentNode.getSize(); if (parentsBounds) { parentsBounds.left = Math.min(parentsBounds.left, parentPosition.left); parentsBounds.top = Math.min(parentsBounds.top, parentPosition.top); parentsBounds.right = Math.max(parentsBounds.right, parentSize.width + parentPosition.left); parentsBounds.bottom = Math.max(parentsBounds.bottom, parentSize.height + parentPosition.top); } else { parentsBounds = { left: parentPosition.left, top: parentPosition.top, right: parentSize.width + parentPosition.left, bottom: parentSize.height + parentPosition.top }; } if (that.siblingsIndex === undefined) { var parentChildren = parentNode.children; if (parentChildren.length) { parentChildren.forEach(function(childNode) { if (childNode.siblingsIndex === undefined) { childNode.siblingsIndex = siblingsIndex++; } }); } } }); newPosition.left = parentsBounds.right + options.horzSpace; newPosition.top = parentsBounds.top + that.siblingsIndex * (options.nodeHeight + options.vertSpace); } else { var canvasBounds = flowChart.bounds; newPosition.left = canvasBounds.left; newPosition.top = canvasBounds.top + canvasBounds.height + (canvasBounds.height <= options.padding ? 0: (options.vertSpace - options.padding)); } } that.setBounds(newPosition); if (position.custom === undefined) { position.custom = true; } } if (!skipPosition) { var adsorptionGrid = options.adsorptionGrid; if (adsorptionGrid) { bounds = that.getBounds(); that.setBounds({ left: Math.round(bounds.left / adsorptionGrid) * adsorptionGrid, top: Math.round(bounds.top / adsorptionGrid) * adsorptionGrid }); } that.$ele.css(that.getPosition()); } }; FlowChartElement.prototype.render = function(skipLayout) { return this.isRelation ? this.renderRelation() : this.renderNode(skipLayout); }; FlowChartElement.prototype.layout = function(skipPosition) { if (this.isNode) { this.layoutNode(skipPosition); } }; /** * Get element's data * @param {string} [name] */ FlowChartElement.prototype.getData = function(name) { if (name === undefined) { return $.extend({}, this.data); } return this.data[name]; }; /** * Set element's data * @param {string|Record} name * @param {any} [value] */ FlowChartElement.prototype.setData = function(name, value) { var newData; if (typeof name === 'object' && name !== null) { newData = value; } else { newData = {}; newData[name] = value; } if (this.flowChart.callCallback('beforeSetData', [newData, this]) === false) { return; } $.extend(this.data, newData); this.flowChart.callCallback('afterSetData', [newData, this]); }; var FlowChartElementType = function(elementTypes) { if ($.isArray(elementTypes)) { elementTypes.unshift(true, this); } else { elementTypes = [true, this, elementTypes]; } $.extend.apply(null, elementTypes); /** * @type {boolean} */ this.isRelation = this.type === 'relation'; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.isNode = !this.isRelation; /** * @type {Record} */ this.props; /** * @type {Record} */ this.style; /** * @type {Record} */ this.textStyle; /** * @type {string} */ this.shape; /** * @type {Record} */ this.shapeStyle; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.hideArrowToSelf; /** * @type {number} */ this.height; /** * @type {number} */ this.maxWidth; /** * @type {number} */ this.minWidth; /** * @type {Function} */ this.render; /** * @type {Function|string} */ this.template; /** * @type {string} */ this.text; /** * @type {boolean|Function} */ this.edit; /** * @type {string} */ this.desc; /** * @type {{left: FlowChartElementPort[], right: FlowChartElementPort[], top: FlowChartElementPort[], bottom: FlowChartElementPort[]}} */ this.ports = FlowChartElementPort.createPortsMap(this.ports); }; FlowChartElementType.prototype.getPortByName = function(name, tryReturnRestPort) { var that = this; var ports = that.ports; if (ports) { var port = ports.$all[name]; if (port) { return port; } if (ports.$rest.length) { for (var i = 0; i < ports.$rest.length; ++i) { var port = ports.$rest[i]; if (port.isMatchRestName(name)) { return tryReturnRestPort ? port.getRestPortByName(name) : port; } } } } return null; }; FlowChartElementType.prototype.hasPorts = function() { return !!this.ports; }; FlowChartElementType.prototype.getElementData = function(initData) { var data = {}; var that = this; $.each(that.props, function(propName, prop) { if (prop) { data[propName] = typeof prop === 'function' ? prop(initData[propName], that, initData) : initData[propName]; } }); data.type = that.name; data.basicType = that.type; data.isRelation = that.isRelation; data.isNode = that.isNode; data.elementType = that; return data; }; FlowChartElementType.prototype.createElement = function(initData, flowChart) { var element = new FlowChartElement(initData, this); element.flowChart = flowChart; return element; }; FlowChartElementType.prototype.exportType = function(includeEmptyPorts) { var that = this; var type = { name: that.name, shape: that.shape, isRelation: that.isRelation, isNode: that.isNode, displayName: that.displayName, internal: that.internal, type: that.type, }; var ports = that.ports; if (ports) { var portsToExport = {}; ['left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom'].forEach(function(side) { var sidePorts = ports[side]; if (sidePorts && sidePorts.length) { var sidePOrtsToExport = []; sidePorts.forEach(function(port) { if (!port.empty || includeEmptyPorts) { var portToExport = port.exportPort(); delete portToExport.empty; delete portToExport.side; delete portToExport.space; delete portToExport.spaceBegin; delete portToExport.spaceEnd; delete portToExport.index; sidePOrtsToExport.push(portToExport); } }); if (sidePOrtsToExport.length) { portsToExport[side] = sidePOrtsToExport; } } }); type.ports = portsToExport; } return type; }; /** * The flowChart model class * @class */ var FlowChart = function(element, initOptions) { var that = this; that.name = NAME; // Get container var $container = that.$container = $(element).addClass('scrollbar-hover') .css('overflow', 'auto'); /** * @type {string} */ that.id = $container.attr('id') || 'flowchart_' + $.zui.uuid(); if (!$container.attr('id')) { $container.attr('id', that.id); } // Get options var options = $.extend( {}, FlowChart.DEFAULTS, $container.data(), initOptions ); if (options.plugins) { if (typeof options.plugins === 'string') { options.plugins = options.plugins.split(','); } var pluginsMap = {}; var plugins = []; var addPlugin = function(pluginName) { var plugin = FlowChart.plugins[pluginName]; if (!plugin) { return false; } if (!pluginsMap[pluginName] && plugin) { if (plugin.plugins) { plugin.plugins.forEach(function(pluginRequiredPluginName) { if (addPlugin(pluginRequiredPluginName) === false) { throw new Error('FlowChart: Plugin "' + pluginRequiredPluginName + '" not found, it required by plugin "' + pluginName + '".'); } }); } pluginsMap[pluginName] = 1; plugins.push(pluginName); if (plugin.defaultOptions) { $.extend(true, options, typeof plugin.defaultOptions === 'function' ? plugin.defaultOptions.call(that, options) : plugin.defaultOptions); } } }; options.plugins.forEach(function(pluginName) { if (addPlugin(pluginName) === false) { throw new Error('FlowChart: Plugin "' + pluginName + '" not found on init from options("' + options.plugins.join(',') + '").'); } }); $.extend(true, options, $container.data(), initOptions); that.plugins = plugins; } that.options = options; var allLangs = $.extend({}, FlowChart.LANGS, options.langs); var userLang = options.lang || ($.zui && $.zui.clientLang ? $.zui.clientLang() : 'en'); that.lang = allLangs[userLang.replace('_', '-')] || allLangs.en; // Init element types 初始化元素类型定义 var types = {}; $.each(basicElementTypes, function(name, typeData) { types[name] = new FlowChartElementType([{type: name, internal: true, name: name, displayName: that.lang['type.' + name]}, typeData]); }); var initialTypes = {}; $.each(supportElementTypes, function(name, typeData) { initialTypes[name] = $.extend(true, {}, typeData, { internal: !options.initialTypes }); }); $.each($.extend(true, {}, initialTypes, options.elementTypes), function(name, typeData) { if (name === 'relation') return; if (types[name]) { var basicType = types[name]; types[name] = new FlowChartElementType([basicType, {internal: false}, typeof typeData === 'object' ? typeData : null]); } else { var basicType = types[typeData.type]; types[name] = new FlowChartElementType([basicType, {internal: false, name: name, displayName: that.lang['type.' + name]}, typeData]); } }); /** * @type {Record} */ this.types = types; // Create canvas var $canvas = $container.children('.flowchart-canvas'); if (!$canvas.length) { $canvas = $('
') .appendTo($container); } var canvasID = 'flowchart-canvas-' + that.id; $canvas.attr('id', canvasID); that.$canvas = $canvas; // Reset containers size if (options.width !== undefined) { $container.css('width', options.width); } if (options.height !== undefined) { $container.css('height', options.height); } // Init draggable event that.draggableEnable = !!$.fn.draggable; if (that.draggableEnable) { if (options.draggable && options.readonly !== true) { $canvas.draggable({ container: '#' + canvasID, selector: '.flowchart-node', stopPropagation: true, drag: function(e) { that.setNodePosition($(e.element).data('id'), e.pos); }, finish: function(e) { $(e.element).addClass('flowchart-dragged'); that.setNodePosition($(e.element).data('id'), e.pos); }, mouseButton: 'left', before: function(e) { var canDrag = !that.isPreventDragNode; if (canDrag) { if ($(e.event.target).closest('.flowchart-ports-side').length) { return false; } } return canDrag; } }); } if (!options.readonly) { var nodeID = null, $port, $node, $targetPort, $targetNode, sourcePoint, $line, $svgLine, hasDropped; $canvas.droppable({ container: '#' + canvasID, target: '.flowchart-node,.flowchart-port', selector: '.flowchart-port-dot', mouseButton: 'left', before: function() { that.isPreventDragNode = true; }, start: function(e) { $port = $(e.element).closest('.flowchart-port').addClass('flowchart-drag-active'); $node = $port.closest('.flowchart-node').addClass('flowchart-drag-active'); sourcePoint = addTwoPoints(that.getPositionOf($port), $port.data('centerOffset')); nodeID = $node.data('id'); $line = $canvas.find('.flowchart-link-line'); if (!$line.length) { $line = $('').appendTo($canvas); } $svgLine = $line.show().attr({ width: $canvas.width(), height: $canvas.height(), }).find('line'); hasDropped = false; }, drag: function(e) { $targetPort && $targetPort.removeClass('flowchart-drop-active'); $targetNode && $targetNode.removeClass('flowchart-drop-active'); $targetNode = null; $targetPort = null; if (e.isIn && e.target) { var $target = $(e.target); var $thisPort = $target.closest('.flowchart-port'); var $thisNode = ($thisPort.length ? $thisPort : $target).closest('.flowchart-node'); if ($thisNode.data('id') !== nodeID) { $targetNode = $thisNode.addClass('flowchart-drop-active'); $targetPort = $thisPort.addClass('flowchart-drop-active'); } } var targetPoint = { left: e.position.left + 8, top: e.position.top + 8, }; $svgLine.attr({ x1: sourcePoint.left, y1: sourcePoint.top, x2: targetPoint.left, y2: targetPoint.top, }); }, drop: function(e) { // var toNode = e.isIn && e.target && $(e.target).data('id'); // that.addRelation(that.dragSourceNode, toNode); if (e.isIn && e.target) { var $target = $(e.target); var $thisPort = $target.closest('.flowchart-port'); var $thisNode = ($thisPort.length ? $thisPort : $target).closest('.flowchart-node'); if ($thisNode.length) { var toNode = $thisNode.data('id'); var toPort = $thisPort.data('name'); that.addRelation(nodeID, $port.data('name'), toNode, toPort); hasDropped = true; } } }, always: function(e) { that.isPreventDragNode = false; $port && $port.removeClass('flowchart-drag-active'); $node && $node.removeClass('flowchart-drag-active'); $targetPort && $targetPort.removeClass('flowchart-drop-active'); $targetNode && $targetNode.removeClass('flowchart-drop-active'); $line && $line.hide(); if (options.quickAdd && !hasDropped && (e.cancel || distanceOfTwoPoints(e.position, sourcePoint) < 20)) { var $target = $(e.event.target); var $thisPort = $target.closest('.flowchart-port'); var $thisNode = ($thisPort.length ? $thisPort : $target).closest('.flowchart-node'); that.addNode(options.defaultNodeType || 'action', $thisNode.data('id'), $thisPort.data('name'), null, $thisPort.data('side')); } nodeID = null; $node = null; $port = null; } }); } } // Init drag and drop event if (!options.readonly && options.addFromDrop) { if (typeof options.addFromDrop === 'string') { var $dragElements = $(options.addFromDrop); var handDragStart = function(e) { var elementData = $(e.target).data(); if (elementData.type) { e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setData('newElement', JSON.stringify(elementData)); $container.addClass('flowchart-drag-start'); } }; var handleDragEnd = function(e) { $container.removeClass('flowchart-drag-start').removeClass('flowchart-drag-over'); }; if ($dragElements.is('[draggable="true"]')) { $dragElements.on('dragstart', handDragStart).on('dragend', handleDragEnd); } else { $dragElements.on('dragstart', '[draggable="true"]', handDragStart).on('dragend', '[draggable="true"]', handleDragEnd); } } var handDragOver = function(e) { if (options.onDragOver && options.onDragOver.call(that, e) === false) { return; } $container.toggleClass('flowchart-drag-over', !!$(e.target).closest('.flowchart-canvas').length); e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'copy'; e.preventDefault(); }; $canvas.on('dragenter', handDragOver).on('dragover', handDragOver).on('dragleave', function(e) { if (options.onDragLeave && options.onDragLeave.call(that, e) === false) { return; } $container.toggleClass('flowchart-drag-over', !$(e.target).closest('.flowchart-canvas').length); }).on('drop', function(e) { if (options.onDrop && options.onDrop.call(that, e) === false) { return; } e.preventDefault(); var newElementData = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData('newElement'); if (newElementData) { try { newElementData = $.parseJSON(newElementData); } catch (e) { console.error('FlowChart: Cannot get correct "newElement" data from drop event\'s dataTransfer.', newElementData, e); } if (newElementData && typeof newElementData === 'object' && newElementData.type) { var canvasOffset = $canvas.offset(); that.addElement($.extend({ position: { centerLeft: e.clientX - canvasOffset.left + $(window).scrollLeft(), centerTop: e.clientY - canvasOffset.top + $(window).scrollTop(), }, text: null, }, newElementData)); } else { console.warn('FlowChart: Data format error in "newElement" data from drop event\'s dataTransfer.', newElementData); } } }); } // Init edit event if (!options.readonly) { if (options.doubleClickToEdit) { $canvas.on('dblclick', '.flowchart-element', function(e) { var $ele = $(this); that.focusElementText($ele.data('id')); e.preventDefault(); }); } var delaySetTextTimer = null; $canvas.on('input', '.flowchart-text[contenteditable=true]', function(e) { var $text = $(this); if (delaySetTextTimer) { clearTimeout(delaySetTextTimer); delaySetTextTimer = null; } var text = $text.text(); delaySetTextTimer = setTimeout(function() { var $ele = $text.closest('.flowchart-element'); that.setElementText($ele.data('id'), text, true); }, 1000); }).on('blur', '.flowchart-text', function(e) { if (delaySetTextTimer) { clearTimeout(delaySetTextTimer); delaySetTextTimer = null; } var $text = $(this); var $ele = $text.closest('.flowchart-element'); that.setElementText($ele.data('id'), $text.text()); }); } // Init contextmenu if (options.showContextMenu && $.zui.ContextMenu) { $canvas.on('mousedown', '.flowchart-element', function(e) { if (e.button === 2) { if (that.showContextMenu($(this).data('id'), e)) { } } e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = false; }).on('contextmenu', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = false; return false; }); } if (options.onClickElement || options.activeOnClick) { $canvas.on('click', function(e) { var $element = $(e.target).closest('.flowchart-element'); if ($element.length) { if ($element.hasClass('flowchart-dragged')) { $element.removeClass('flowchart-dragged'); return; } var element = that.getElement($element.data('id')); options.onClickElement && options.onClickElement(element, $element); options.activeOnClick && that.activeElement(element); } else { that.unactiveElements(); } }); } that.updateStyle(); /** * @type {Record} */ that.elements = {}; /** * @type {Record} */ this.activedElements = {}; // Init svg var $svg = $container.find('.flowchart-svg-canvas'); if (!$svg.length) { $svg = $('').prependTo($canvas); } that.$svg = $svg; that.$svgMarkers = $svg.find('defs'); // Node z-index counter that.nodeZIndex = 5; that.callCallback('onCreate'); // Update and render init elements that.update(options.data, false, true); that.callCallback('afterCreate'); }; FlowChart.prototype.callCallback = function(callbackName, params) { var that = this; var result; if (that.plugins) { that.plugins.forEach(function(pluginName) { var plugin = FlowChart.plugins[pluginName]; if (plugin && plugin[callbackName]) { result = plugin[callbackName].apply(that, params); } }); } if (that.options[callbackName]) { result = that.options[callbackName].apply(that, params); } return result; }; /** * Get position of element * @param {FlowChartElement|HTMLElement|JQuery} */ FlowChart.prototype.getPositionOf = function(element, returnCenter) { var canvasOffset = this.$canvas.offset(); if (!element) { return canvasOffset; } var $element; if (element instanceof FlowChartElement) { $element = element.$get(); } else { $element = $(element); } var offset = $element.offset(); var position = {left: offset.left - canvasOffset.left, top: offset.top - canvasOffset.top}; if (returnCenter) { position.left += $element.width() / 2; position.top += $element.height() / 2; } return position; }; FlowChart.prototype.updateStyle = function() { var that = this; var id = that.id; var css = [ '#{id} {background: #fff; transition: box-shadow .2s;}', '#{id}.flowchart-drag-start {box-shadow: 0 0 3px {activeColor}!important}', '#{id}.flowchart-drag-over {box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px {activeColor}!important}', '#{id} .flowchart-port-dot {opacity: 0; background: {activeColor}; border-radius: 50%; transition: .2s opacity, .2s transform; cursor: pointer;}', '#{id} .flowchart-element:hover .flowchart-port-dot {opacity: 0.7}', '#{id} .flowchart-element.flowchart-drop-active .flowchart-port-dot {opacity: 0.5; transform: scale(2); background: #333}', '#{id} .flowchart-element.flowchart-drop-active .flowchart-drop-active > .flowchart-port-dot {background: {activeColor}}', '#{id} .flowchart-element .flowchart-port-dot:hover, #{id} .flowchart-element .flowchart-drag-active > .flowchart-port-dot, #{id} .flowchart-element .flowchart-drop-active > .flowchart-port-dot {opacity: 1; transform: scale(2)}', '#{id} .flowchart-node.flowchart-active, #{id} .flowchart-node.flowchart-drag-active, #{id} .flowchart-node.flowchart-drop-active {border-color: {activeColor}!important; box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px {activeColor}!important}', '#{id} .flowchart-relation:before {content: " "; display: block; top: -4px; right: -4px; bottom: -4px; left: -4px; position: absolute; border-radius: 50%;}', '#{id} .flowchart-relation-text {min-height: 14px;}', '#{id} .flowchart-element-focused .flowchart-relation-text {min-width: 30px; border: 1px solid {activeColor}}', '#{id} .flowchart-svg-canvas .flowchart-relation-line:hover {stroke: {activeColor}!important}', ]; if (that.plugins) { that.plugins.forEach(function(pluginName) { var plugin = FlowChart.plugins[pluginName]; if (plugin && plugin.style) { css.push(typeof plugin.style === 'function' ? plugin.style.call(that) : plugin.style); } }); } css = css.join('\n').format({ id: id, activeColor: that.options.activeColor, }); var style = document.getElementById('flowchartstyle-' + id); if (!style) { var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var style = document.createElement('style'); head.appendChild(style); style.type = 'text/css'; style.id = 'flowchartstyle-' + id; } if (style.styleSheet){ style.styleSheet.cssText = css; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } }; /** * Create relation element * @param {Record} relationData * @return {FlowChartElement} */ FlowChart.prototype.createRelation = function(relationData) { var elementType = this.types[relationData.type] || this.types[this.options.defaultRelationType]; return elementType.createElement(relationData, this); }; /** * Create elements * @param {Record} elementData * @return {FlowChartElement[]} */ FlowChart.prototype.createElements = function(elementData) { var that = this; var types = that.types; if (elementData instanceof FlowChartElement) { return [elementData]; } var elementType = types[elementData.type] || types[that.options.defaultNodeType]; var element = elementType.createElement(elementData, that); var elements = [element]; if (element.isNode) { if (elementData.from) { var froms = $.isArray(elementData.from) ? elementData.from : [elementData.from]; froms.forEach(function(from) { var fromInfo = from.split(':'); elements.push(that.createRelation({ from: fromInfo[0], to: froms.length > 2 ? (element.id + '.' + fromInfo[1]) : element.id, text: fromInfo[froms.length > 2 ? 2 : 1], })); }); } if (elementData.to) { var tos = $.isArray(elementData.to) ? elementData.to : [elementData.to]; $.each(tos, function(_, to) { var toInfo = to.split(':'); elements.push(that.createRelation({ to: toInfo[0], text: toInfo[froms.length > 2 ? 2 : 1], from: froms.length > 2 ? (element.id + '.' + fromInfo[1]) : element.id, })); }); } } return elements; }; /** * Active element * @param {FlowChartElement|string} element * @param {boolean} [multiple=false] */ FlowChart.prototype.activeElement = function(element, multiple) { var that = this; if (typeof element === 'string') { element = that.getElement(element); } if (!multiple) { that.unactiveElements([element.id]); } if (element && !that.isElementActive(element.id)) { that.activedElements[element.id] = element; element.active(that.nodeZIndex++) that.callCallback('onActiveElement', [element]); } }; /** * Unactive element * @param {FlowChartElement|string} [element] */ FlowChart.prototype.unactiveElement = function(element) { var that = this; if (typeof element === 'string') { element = that.getElement(element); } if (element) { delete this.activedElements[element.id]; element.unactive(); that.callCallback('onUnactiveElement', [element]); } }; /** * Unactive elements */ FlowChart.prototype.unactiveElements = function(excludeList) { var that = this; var excludeMap; if (excludeList) { if (typeof excludeList === 'string') { excludeList = excludeList.split(','); } excludeMap = {}; excludeList.forEach(function(item) { if (typeof item === 'object') { excludeMap[item.id] = 1; } else { excludeMap[item] = 1; } }); } $.each(that.activedElements, function(elementID, element) { if (excludeMap && excludeMap[elementID]) { return; } that.unactiveElement(element); }); that.blurElementText(); }; /** * Check whether the given element is actived */ FlowChart.prototype.isElementActive = function(elementID) { if (typeof elementID === 'object') { elementID = elementID.id; } return !!this.activedElements[elementID]; }; FlowChart.prototype.blurElementText = function() { var that = this; if (that._focusedElement) { var focusedElement = that.getElement(that._focusedElement); if (focusedElement) { focusedElement.blurText(); } that._focusedElement = null; } }; FlowChart.prototype.focusElementText = function(element) { var that = this; if (typeof element === 'string') { element = that.getElement(element); } if (!element) { return; } that.blurElementText(); that.activeElement(element); element.focusText(); that._focusedElement = element.id; }; // Show contextmenu FlowChart.prototype.showContextMenu = function(ele, event) { var that = this; if (typeof ele === 'string') { ele = that.getElement(ele); } if (!ele) { return; } var items = []; if (!that.options.readonly) { var typeButtonsHTML = []; $.each(that.types, function(name, typeInfo) { if ((typeInfo.isNode === ele.isNode) && !typeInfo.internal) { typeButtonsHTML.push(''); } }); items.push({ id: 'type', html: [ '
', '' + that.lang.type + '', '
', typeButtonsHTML.join(''), '
', '
' ].join(''), onClick: function(e) { var $btn = $(e.target).closest('.btn'); var type = $btn.data('type'); if (type !== ele.type) { ele.changeType(type); that.render(ele); } } }, '-'); items.push({ id: 'edit', label: that.lang.edit, onClick: function() { that.focusElementText(ele); }, }, { id: 'delete', label: that.lang.delete, onClick: function() { if (!that.options.deleteConfirm || confirm(that.lang.confirmToDelete.format(ele.text || ele.id))) { that.delete(ele.id); } } }); } if (typeof that.options.showContextMenu === 'function') { items = that.options.showContextMenu(ele, items, event); } if (items && items.length) { that.activeElement(ele); $.zui.ContextMenu.show(items, {event: event, className: 'flowchart-contextmenu'}); return true; } }; /** * Call function for each element * @param {Function} [callback] */ FlowChart.prototype._forEachElement = function(callback) { $.each(this.elements, function(id, element) { callback(element, id); }); }; /** * Get partial render map * @param {{string[]|string}} [partialIDList] */ FlowChart.prototype._getPartialRenderMap = function(partialIDList) { if (partialIDList && !$.isArray(partialIDList)) { partialIDList = [partialIDList]; } var enabled = partialIDList && partialIDList.length; var map = null; var that = this; if (enabled) { map = {}; partialIDList.forEach(function(elementID) { if (typeof elementID === 'object') { elementID = elementID.id; } var element = that.getElement(elementID); if (element) { map[elementID] = element; if (element.isNode) { var addRelToPartialMap = function(rel) { map[rel.id] = rel; }; var addRel = function(rel) { addRelToPartialMap(rel); }; if (element.fromRels.length) { element.fromRels.forEach(addRel); } if (element.toRels.length) { element.toRels.forEach(addRel); } } else { if (element.fromNode) { map[element.fromNode.id] = element.fromNode; } if (element.toNode) { map[element.toNode.id] = element.toNode; } } } }); } return { map: map, /** * @type {boolean} */ enabled: enabled, /** * @param {string} elementID * @return {boolean} */ canSkip: function(elementID) { return enabled && !map[elementID]; } }; }; FlowChart.prototype.initArrowMarker = function(arrowSize, arrowColor, inverse) { var $svgMarkers = this.$svgMarkers; var arrowID = 'flowchart-arrow-marker-' + arrowSize + '_' + $.zui.strCode(arrowColor) + (inverse ? '_inverse' : ''); var $arrowMarker = $svgMarkers.find('#' + arrowID); if (!$arrowMarker.length) { var pathCode, refX, refY; if (inverse) { pathCode = 'M0,' + (arrowSize / 2) + ' L0,' + arrowSize + ' L' + arrowSize + ',' + arrowSize + ' z'; refX = 0; refY = arrowSize / 2; ref = ' refx="' + arrowSize + '" refY="' + (arrowSize / 2) + '"'; } else { pathCode = 'M0,0 L0,' + arrowSize + ' L' + arrowSize + ',' + (arrowSize / 2) + ' z'; refX = arrowSize; refY = arrowSize / 2; } var marker = createSVGElement('marker', { id: arrowID, orient: 'auto', markerUnits: 'strokeWidth', refX: refX, refY: refY, markerWidth: arrowSize, markerHeight: arrowSize, }); marker.appendChild(createSVGElement('path', { d: pathCode, fill: arrowColor })); $svgMarkers.append(marker); } return arrowID; }; /** * Render elements and relations * @param {string[]|string} [partialIDList] */ FlowChart.prototype.render = function(partialIDList) { var that = this; var options = that.options; /** * @type {FlowChartElement[]} */ var nodeList = []; /** * @type {FlowChartElement[]} */ var relationList = []; that._forEachElement(function(element) { element.initBeforeRender(); (element.isRelation ? relationList : nodeList).push(element); }); that.nodeList = FlowChartElement.sort(nodeList); that.relationList = FlowChartElement.sort(relationList); relationList.forEach(function(relation) { relation.initRelationBeforeRender(); }); var partialRenderMap = that._getPartialRenderMap(partialIDList); if (!partialRenderMap.enabled) { that.bounds = {left: options.padding, top: options.padding, width: 0, height: 0}; } nodeList.forEach(function(node) { if (partialRenderMap.canSkip(node.id)) { return; } node.renderNode(true); }); nodeList.forEach(function(node) { if (partialRenderMap.canSkip(node.id)) { return; } node.layoutNode(!partialRenderMap.enabled); }); // Handle overlay if (!partialRenderMap.enabled) { var needCheckOverlay = true; while(needCheckOverlay) { needCheckOverlay = false; for (var i = nodeList.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var nodeA = nodeList[i]; if (nodeA.position.custom !== true) { continue; } for (var j = nodeList.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { if (i <= j) { continue; } var nodeB = nodeList[j]; if (nodeA.isIntersectWith(nodeB)) { needCheckOverlay = true; nodeA.setBounds({ top: nodeA.getPosition().top + options.vertSpace + nodeA.getSize().height }) } } } }; nodeList.forEach(function(node) { node.layoutNode(); }); } relationList.forEach(function(relation) { if (partialRenderMap.canSkip(relation.id)) { return; } relation.renderRelation(); }); var width = Math.max(that.$container.width(), that.bounds.width + options.padding); var height = Math.max(that.$container.height(), that.bounds.height + options.padding); that.$canvas.css({ minWidth: width, minHeight: height, }); that.$svg.attr({ width: width, height: height, }); }; /** * Draw relation line between two points * @param {JQuery} $ele * @param {{left: number, top: number, side: 'top'|'right'|'bottom'|'left', arrow: boolean}} beginPoint * @param {{left: number, top: number, side: 'top'|'right'|'bottom'|'left', arrow: boolean}} endPoint * @param {{style: 'solid'|'dashed'|'dotted', width: number, color: string, shape: 'polyline'|'straight'|'curve'|'bessel', canvasWidth: number, cavasHeight: number}} style * @param {JQuery} [$text] */ FlowChart.prototype.drawRelationLine = function(lineID, beginPoint, endPoint, style, $ele, $text) { var that = this; if (style.shape === 'polyline') { } else if (style.shape === 'straight') { // if (beginPoint.top === endPoint.top) { // $('
').css({ // position: 'absolute', // top: beginPoint.top - 1, // left: Math.min(beginPoint.left, endPoint.left), // width: Math.abs(beginPoint.left - endPoint.left), // borderTopStyle: style.style, // borderTopColor: style.color, // borderTopWidth: style.width, // }).appendTo($ele); // } else if (beginPoint.left === endPoint.left) { // $('
').css({ // position: 'absolute', // left: beginPoint.left - 1, // top: Math.min(beginPoint.top, endPoint.top), // height: Math.abs(beginPoint.top - endPoint.top), // borderLeftStyle: style.style, // borderLeftColor: style.color, // borderLeftWidth: style.width, // }).appendTo($ele); // } else { var lineWidth = style.width; var strokeDasharray; if (style.style === 'dashed') { strokeDasharray = (lineWidth * 3) + ' ' + (lineWidth * 2); } else if (style.style === 'dotted') { strokeDasharray = lineWidth + ' ' + lineWidth; } else { strokeDasharray = ''; } var lineAttrs = { 'class': style.className, id: lineID, x1: beginPoint.left, y1: beginPoint.top, x2: endPoint.left, y2: endPoint.top, 'stroke-width': lineWidth, stroke: style.color, 'stroke-dasharray': null, 'marker-start': null, 'marker-end': null, }; if (strokeDasharray) { lineAttrs['stroke-dasharray'] = strokeDasharray; } if (beginPoint.arrow) { lineAttrs['marker-start'] = 'url(#' + that.initArrowMarker(beginPoint.arrow, style.color, true) + ')'; } if (endPoint.arrow) { lineAttrs['marker-end'] = 'url(#' + that.initArrowMarker(endPoint.arrow, style.color, false) + ')'; } var $line = that.$svg.find('#' + lineID); if ($line.length) { updateSVGElement($line[0], lineAttrs); // updateSVGElement($line.children('set')[0], { // to: style.activeColor, // }); } else { var line = createSVGElement('line', lineAttrs); // var lineSet = createSVGElement('set', { // attributeName: 'stroke', // to: style.activeColor, // begin: 'mouseover', // end: 'mouseout', // }); // line.appendChild(lineSet); that.$svg.append(line); } if ($text) { var centerLeft = (beginPoint.offsetLeft + endPoint.offsetLeft) / 2; var centerTop = (beginPoint.offsetTop + endPoint.offsetTop) / 2; $text.css({ left: Math.floor(centerLeft - $text.outerWidth() / 2), top: Math.floor(centerTop - $text.outerHeight() / 2), }); } } else if (style.shape === 'bessel') { var besselCurvature = that.options.besselCurvature; } }; /** * Set node position * @param {string} nodeID * @param {{left: number, top: number, custom?: boolean}} position */ FlowChart.prototype.setNodePosition = function(nodeID, position) { var that = this; var node = that.getElement(nodeID); if (!node) { return; } node.setBounds(position); that.render(node); }; FlowChart.prototype.addElement = function(elementData) { var newElements = this.update(elementData); if (newElements && newElements.length) { this.focusElementText(newElements[0].id); } return newElements; }; FlowChart.prototype.addNode = function(type, fromNode, fromPort, text, direction) { if (typeof fromNode === 'string') { fromNode = this.getElement(fromNode); } if (!fromNode) { return; } var from = fromNode.id; if (typeof fromPort === 'string' && fromPort.length) { from += '.' + fromPort; } var position; if (direction) { position = { direction: direction, from: fromNode.id }; } return this.addElement({ type: type, from: from, text: text === undefined ? null : text, position: position, }); }; // Add relation between two nodes FlowChart.prototype.addRelation = function(fromNode, fromPort, toNode, toPort, text) { var that = this; if (typeof fromNode === 'string') { fromNode = that.getElement(fromNode); } if (typeof toNode === 'string') { toNode = that.getElement(toNode); } if (!fromNode || !toNode) { return; } if (!that.options.allowFreePorts && (!fromPort && !toPort)) { return; } return that.addElement({ type: 'relation', text: text === undefined ? null : text, from: fromNode.id, fromPort: fromPort, to: toNode.id, toPort: toPort, }); }; // Reset all custom positions FlowChart.prototype.resetPosition = function() { $.each(this.elements, function(_, element) { if (element.type !== 'relation' && element.customPos) { delete element.customPos; } }); this.render(); }; // Get element by id FlowChart.prototype.getElement = function(elementID) { if (!elementID) { return null; } if (typeof elementID !== 'string') { elementID = elementID.id; } return this.elements[elementID]; }; FlowChart.prototype.setElementText = function(element, text, skipRender) { var that = this; if (typeof element === 'string') { element = that.getElement(element); } if (!element) { return; } if (element.setText(text)) { this.update(element, skipRender); } }; // Reset data FlowChart.prototype.resetData = function(data) { if (!data) { data = [{ type: 'start', }]; } var that = this; var oldElements = []; $.each(that.elements, function(_, ele) { oldElements.push(ele); }); that.delete(oldElements, true, true); that.update(data, false, true); that.callCallback('onResetData', [data]); }; // Update elements data FlowChart.prototype.update = function(elementsData, skipRender, silence) { if (typeof elementsData === 'object' && !$.isArray(elementsData)) { elementsData = [elementsData]; } var that = this; var elementsToUpdate = []; if (elementsData && elementsData.length) { var elements = that.elements; $.each(elementsData, function(_, element) { var newElements = that.createElements(element); newElements.forEach(function(newElement) { var oldElement = elements[newElement.id]; if (!oldElement) { newElement.isNew = true; } else if (oldElement !== newElement) { newElement.order = oldElement.order; if (!newElement.hasPosition()) { newElement.setPosition(oldElement.getPosition()); } } elementsToUpdate.push(newElement); }); }); var onUpdateElement = that.options.onUpdateElement; if (onUpdateElement && !silence) { var result = onUpdateElement.call(that, elementsToUpdate); if (result === false) { return; } if ($.isArray(result)) { elementsToUpdate = result; } } elementsToUpdate.forEach(function(newElement) { delete newElement.isNew; elements[newElement.id] = newElement; }); } if (!skipRender) { that.render(silence ? null : elementsToUpdate); } return elementsToUpdate; }; // Replace element with a new one FlowChart.prototype.replace = function(oldElementID, newElement, skipRender) { if (typeof oldElementID !== 'string') { oldElementID = oldElementID.id; } var that = this; var newElements = that.createElements(newElement); newElement = newElements[0]; var oldElement = that.getElement(oldElementID); if (oldElement) { that.delete(oldElementID, true); } $.each(that.elements, function(_, element) { if (element.isRelation) { if (element.from === oldElementID) { element.from = newElement.id; } else if (element.to === oldElementID) { element.to = newElement.id; } } }); if (!skipRender) { that.render(); } }; /** * Get dom id of given element * @param {FlowChartElement|string} element * @param {boolean} [excludeCssPrefix] * @return {string} */ FlowChart.prototype.getDomID = function(element, excludeCssPrefix) { if (typeof element === 'string') { return (excludeCssPrefix ? '' : '#') + this.id + '-' + element; } return (excludeCssPrefix ? '' : '#') + this.id + '-' + element.id; }; /** * Find element and return jquery object * @param {string} elementID * @return {JQuery} */ FlowChart.prototype.$findElement = function(elementID) { return this.$canvas.find(this.getDomID(elementID)); }; // Delete elements and relations FlowChart.prototype.delete = function(idList, skipRender, skipTriggerEvent) { var that = this; if (!$.isArray(idList)) { idList = [idList]; } var deletedElements = []; $.each(idList, function(idx, id) { if (typeof id === 'object') { id = id.id; } that.$findElement(id).remove(); var element = that.getElement(id); if (element) { deletedElements.push(element); if (element.isNode) { // Delete relations var deleteRelation = function(relation) { that.delete(relation.id, true, true); }; element.fromRels && element.fromRels.forEach(deleteRelation); element.toRels && element.toRels.forEach(deleteRelation); } else { if (element.relationLineID) { $('#' + element.relationLineID).remove(); } var fromNode = element.fromNode; if (fromNode && fromNode.fromRels && fromNode.fromRels.length) { var relIndex = fromNode.fromRels.findIndex(x => x.id === element.id); if (relIndex > -1) { fromNode.fromRels.splice(relIndex, 1); } } var toNode = element.toNode; if (toNode && toNode.toRels && toNode.toRels.length) { var relIndex = toNode.toRels.findIndex(x => x.id === element.id); if (relIndex > -1) { toNode.toRels.splice(relIndex, 1); } } } delete that.elements[id]; if (that._focusedElement === id) { that._focusedElement = null; } if (that.activedElements[id]) { delete that.activedElements[id]; } } }); if (deletedElements.length) { if (!skipRender) { that.render(); } if (!skipTriggerEvent) { that.callCallback('onDeleteElement', [deletedElements]); } } }; // Export chart data as elements list FlowChart.prototype.exportData = function() { var that = this; var exportDataToSelf = that.options.exportDataToSelf; var dataList = []; $.each(that.elements, function(_, element) { var itemData = element.exportData(); if (exportDataToSelf && itemData.data) { $.extend(itemData, itemData.data); delete itemData.data; } dataList.push(itemData); }); dataList.sort(function(e1, e2) { return e1.order - e2.order; }); $.each(dataList, function(_, dataItem) { delete dataItem.order; }); return dataList; }; FlowChart.prototype.exportTypes = function(includeInternalTypes) { var that = this; var typesList = []; $.each(that.types, function(_, elementType) { if (!elementType.internal || includeInternalTypes) { typesList.push(elementType.exportType()); } }); return typesList; }; // Change options FlowChart.prototype.setOptions = function(newOptions, skipRender) { $.extend(this.options, newOptions); if (!skipRender) { this.render(); } }; FlowChart.plugins = {}; /** * Add plugin to flowchart * @param {string} pluginName * @param {{defaultOptions: Record, plugins: string|string[]}} */ FlowChart.addPlugin = function(pluginName, pluginConfig) { if (FlowChart.plugins[pluginName]) { throw new Error('FlowChart: Add flowchart plugin failed, because there is already a plugin named "' + pluginName + '".'); } pluginConfig = $.extend(true, {}, pluginConfig); if (pluginConfig.plugins && typeof pluginConfig.plugins === 'string') { pluginConfig.plugins = pluginConfig.plugins.split(','); } FlowChart.plugins[pluginName] = pluginConfig; }; FlowChart.LANGS = { 'zh-cn': { confirmToDelete: "确定删除【{0}】?", edit: '编辑', 'delete': '删除', 'type': '类型', 'type.rectangle': '矩形', 'type.box': '方框', 'type.circle': '圆形', 'type.diamond': '菱形', 'type.dot': '点', 'type.link': '连接线', 'type.action': '动作', 'type.start': '开始', 'type.stop': '结束', 'type.result': '结果', 'type.relation': '关系', 'type.judge': '判断', 'type.connection': '连接', 'type.point': '节点', }, 'zh-tw': { confirmToDelete: "確定刪除【{0}】?", edit: '編輯', 'delete': '刪除', 'type': '類型', 'type.rectangle': '矩形',             'type.box': '方框',             'type.circle': '圓形',             'type.diamond': '菱形',             'type.dot': '點',             'type.link': '連接線', 'type.action': '動作',             'type.start': '開始',             'type.stop': '結束',             'type.result': '結果',             'type.relation': '關係',             'type.judge': '判斷', 'type.connection': '連接', 'type.point': '節點', }, en: { confirmToDelete: "Confirm to delete \"{0}\"?", edit: 'Edit', 'delete': 'Delete', 'type': 'Type', 'type.rectangle': 'Rectangle', 'type.box': 'Box', 'type.circle': 'Circle', 'type.diamond': 'Diamond', 'type.dot': 'Dot', 'type.link': 'Link', 'type.action': 'Action', 'type.start': 'Start', 'type.stop': 'Stop', 'type.result': 'Result', 'type.relation': 'Relation', 'type.judge': 'Judge', 'type.connection': 'Connection', 'type.point': 'Point', }, }, // default options FlowChart.DEFAULTS = { // 当前语言,如果指定为 `null`,则自动设置语言 lang: null, // 添加新的语言选项 langs: null, // 激活状态颜色 activeColor: '#3280fc', // 允许自由端口 allowFreePorts: false, // 是否移动时自动吸附网格 // 如果设置为 true,则设置网格为 5,如果为数值则为指定的网格大小 adsorptionGrid: 5, // 是否启用双击编辑功能 doubleClickToEdit: true, // 是否启用只读模式, false, true, can-drag readonly: false, // 是否显示节点上下文菜单(右键菜单) // 此选项可以设置为一个函数动态返回自定义菜单项 showContextMenu: true, // 通过拖放添加节点 addFromDrop: true, // 是否启用快速添加功能,显示浮动的按钮快捷的向四个方向添加新的节点 quickAdd: true, // 默认的节点类型 defaultNodeType: 'action', // 默认的关系类型 defaultRelationType: 'relation', // 删除节点前是否确认 deleteConfirm: true, // 是否启用拖放移动功能 draggable: true, // 是否将节点自定义数据导出为节点自身属性 exportDataToSelf: true, // 画布宽度,如果设置为 `auto` 则宽度与外部容器元素宽度一致 width: 'auto', // 画布高度 height: 500, // 画布内边距 padding: 20, // 节点背景色 nodeBackground: '#fff', // 动作节点高度 nodeHeight: 40, // 最小宽度 nodeMinWidth: 70, // 最大宽度 nodeMaxWidth: 200, // 节点间的默认水平距离 horzSpace: 80, // 节点间的默认垂直距离 vertSpace: 60, // 连接线箭头大小 relationArrowSize: 8, // 连接线宽度 relationLineWidth: 1, // 连接线样式 relationLineStyle: 'solid', // 连接线颜色 relationLineColor: '#333', // 连接线形状 relationLineShape: 'straight', besselCurvature: 0.5, portLineLength: 0, // 端口所占空间大小 portSpaceSize: 20, // 端口线宽度,如果设置为 0 则不显示 portLineWidth: 1, // 端口线样式 portLineStyle: 'solid', // 端口线颜色 portLineColor: '#333', // 关系连接线文本样式 relationTextStyle: { }, // 隐藏指向结果节点的关系箭头 hideArrowToResult: true, // 节点基本样式 nodeStyle: { }, // 节点上的文本样式 nodeTextStyle: { }, // 是否将关系上的文本显示在连接线旁边而不是覆盖在连接线上 // showRelationTextOnSide: false, activeOnClick: true, // 当点击元素时的回调函数 function(element, $element) onClickElement: null, nodeTemplate: '
', relationTemplate: '
', // 自定义元素类型 elementTypes: {}, // 是否包含默认节点类型 initialTypes: true, // 初始数据 data: [{ id: 'start', type: 'start', text: 'Start', // className: 'text-red', // style: {color: 'red'} }, /*{ id: 'action-example-1', type: 'action', text: '渲染图形' }, { id: 'action-example-2', type: 'action', text: '显示画面' }, { id: 'action-example-3', type: 'action', text: '额外运算' }, { id: 'action-example-4', type: 'stop', text: '完成' }, { type: 'relation', id: 'relation-1', from: 'start', to: 'action-example-1', text: '工作' }, { type: 'relation', id: 'relation-2', from: 'action-example-1', to: 'action-example-2', }, { type: 'relation', id: 'relation-3', from: 'action-example-2', to: 'action-example-4', text: '休息了' }, { type: 'relation', id: 'relation-4', from: 'action-example-1', to: 'action-example-3', text: '关系', }, { type: 'relation', id: 'relation-5', from: 'action-example-3', to: 'action-example-4', text: 'test', }, { type: 'relation', id: 'relation-6', from: 'action-example-2', to: 'action-example-3', text: 'test2' }*/], }; // Extense jquery element $.fn.flowChart = function(option) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data(NAME); var options = typeof option == 'object' && option; if(!data) $this.data(NAME, (data = new FlowChart(this, options))); if(typeof option == 'string') data[option](); }); }; FlowChart.NAME = NAME; FlowChart.supportElementTypes = supportElementTypes; FlowChart.convertCssToSvgStyle = convertCssToSvgStyle; FlowChart.createSVGElement = createSVGElement; FlowChart.addTwoPoints = addTwoPoints; $.fn.flowChart.Constructor = FlowChart; $.zui({ FlowChart: FlowChart, FlowChartElement: FlowChartElement }); }(jQuery));