# Releases ## 1.10.0 [2021-11-04] New [Picker component](https://www.openzui.com/#javascript/picker), and solved the known problem。 ### Changelog * Picker: * Added picker component, [see details](https://www.openzui.com/#javascript/picker); * Form: * Optimized radio control style in firefox, remove the dash border on activated state; * Dropdown: * Added support for helper class `.not-clear-menu`, it can be used in `.dropdown-menu` element to skip close dropdown menu on user click it; * Modal and modal trigger: * Fixed page shake when open modal; * Fixed modal size calculation error when enabled option `scrollInside`; * Fixed duplicated listen trigger event when call instance method by `$.fn.modalTrigger(methodName)`; * Contextmenu: * Added dropdown-menu mode; * Added some new options:  * Added new option `limitInsideWindow` to limit the menu panel display in the window area; * Added new option `show` to show menu immediately after initialized; * Added new option `toggleTrigger` to enable show/hide menu on click; * Added new option `menuCreator` to create custom menu elements; * Added new option `position` to return position dynamically; * Added new static method `ContextMenu.isShow` to check menu whether is showed by the given id; * Chosen: * Optimized clear button style in different browsers; * Kindeditor: * Added new option `transferEvents` to transfer events from iframe in editor to parent page; * Optimized media insertion, now use HTML5 way instead of flash; * Optimized image icons; * Optimized advanced table, fix display errors; * Fixed issue of lost anchor in the editor after enter fullscreen mode; * Fixed table striped setting not work; * Fixed baidu map not work; * Fixed dialog not show as expected sometimes; * Fixed loading icon not show sometimes; * Calendar: * Optimized weekend header typograph to avoid line wrapping; * Datetime Picker: * Optimized time only selection, does not show the footer in drop panel; * Charts: * Fixed hit point check not work as expected in line chart; * JavaScript helpers: * Added polyfills `Array.forEach` and `Array.isArray` for IE8; * Fixed helper method `$.zui.uuid()` not work in IE8; * Fixed js runtime error by wrongly using keywork 'const'. ## v 1.9.2 [2020-07-09] This release is to fix bugs and to optimize features. ZUI official website is https://www.openzui.com/ and English version is available[English Manual(https://www.openzui.com/en/ )](https://www.openzui.com/en/ )。 ### Changelog * CSS basics and helper classes * Optimized the style of dropdown triangles and reduced the opacity. * Added `text-wrap` and `text-nowrap` to set the style of breaking lines. * Rich text editor(KindEditor) * Optimized the style of the placeholder. * Optimized the interaction of pasting images; it is forbidden to submit forms when uploading an image. * Optimized code autoformat; an ankor in a link is not missed, e.g. ``. * Fixed the invalid setting of box sizes of popout windows. * Fixed the invalid selected cells by tab if cells are merged. * Fixed the invalid switching to other cell elements by tab. * Fixed the invalid canceling after pasting images. * Fixed the incorrect display of the right-click menu of a cell. * Switch, checkbox and radio * Optimized the background color of switches and advanced checkbox and radio([issue #156](https://github.com/easysoft/zui/issues/161)) * Input-group * Optimized the box style of using several `.input-group-addon`. * Nav * Enhance basic style for navs, use `.nav`, `.nav.nav-default` or `.nav.nav-simple`. * Icon * Optimized the baseline height of font icons to ensure the center-alignment of mixed fonts and icons. * Removed `icon-renren` icon. * Dropdown * Optimized the shadow of a dropdown. * Fixed the invalid display of dropdowns unders some conditions. * Form * Optimized the look of the dropdown triangle `` in macOS Forced to have a rounded appearance on the system; * Dialog(`modal`): * repair In extreme cases, the browser console appears `e.preventDefault is undefined` error。 ## v 1.9.0 [2019-03-04] New Load indicator,And solved the known problem。 ### Update details * New Load indicator; * CSS basis: * repair Up `.clearfix` Declare duplicate questions([issue #99](https://github.com/easysoft/zui/issues/99)); * optimization Link `` And default on button elements CSS Animation effect,Now only for the part CSS Attributes(E.g `color`、`background` Wait)Enable animation; * Auxiliary class: * New `.no-margin` Auxiliary class is used to force the removal of the margin of the element; * Grid: * New `.col-1`、`.col-2` ~ `.col-12` Auxiliary class,Used for quick width settings,But does not provide responsive effects; * Button: * optimization Button appearance,Text shadow style removed,Make it flatter; * switch: * optimization Style when activated; * Multiple selection and radio button; * New Advanced look and feel instead of native style on the browser; * Dialog and dialog triggers: * New `scrollInside` The option is to set whether to display the scroll bar inside the dialog box when the height of the dialog box is not enough.; * optimization `position` Option,Support for using a function to dynamically return the position when the dialog was opened; * repair In rare cases, the contents of the remote dialog box are not displayed correctly.; * repair Automatically adjust the height of the dialog box to keep shaking in extreme cases; * navigation: * New `.nav-default` Class to provide basic navigation styles,Easy to customize personalized navigation; * Drop-down menu: * repair In some cases, when the submenu is displayed to the left, the position is incorrect.([@Night wind](http://forum.zui.sexy/thread/453.html)); * Color selector: * repair Up `updateColor` Option invalidation; * search bar: * optimization Interface interaction,Now click the Clear button to automatically activate the input box.; * repair Up `onKeyDown` Event invalidation; * Chosen: * New `saerch_compact` Option for applying a more compact radio selection box appearance,The search box is merged with the selection box to display; * optimization style,Now if the original form element has `.form-control` class,Customize Chosen The width of the control is set to `100%`; * repair Very few cases,display Chosen There is no problem with the search box being activated after the drop-down panel; * repair In some cases, the radio button drop-down list keeps scrolling.; * Rich text editor: * optimization Kindeditor Interface style,Removed animation effects to improve performance; * repair Kindeditor Bottom horizontal scroll bar sometimes can't click; * repair Kindeditor in IE11 The problem of pasting content is always pasted to the end of the content; * File Upload: * New `autoResetFails` Option to automatically reset uploaded failed files; * `plupload` upgrade to `2.3.6`; * Tree menu: * optimization DOM structure,When a node(`
  • `)When activated(have `.active` class),Automatically added on the active parent node `.has-active-item` class,Easy to customize advanced look; * Pager: * repair Get the default language invalidation problem; * Data table: * optimization Build a data table function from the original form,Will now keep the original table cells `title` Attributes; * repair In Safari The scrollable area on the browser shows an incorrect question; * repair The scrollable area horizontal scroll bar sometimes has 2 Pixel is not aligned; * Data table2: * New `onSelectRow` event,Used to monitor row selection status changes; * repair sometimes `showRowIndex` The option did not work as expected; * repair When using a remote data source, sometimes the request for data twice to the server after initialization is complete; * repair On the cell data object `value` Attribute is `undefined` When displayed on the interface as `'undefined'` The problem,Now instead of showing anything; * repair The problem that the interface is garbled when the scroll bar is no longer re-rendered by default position; * Article view: * optimization Multiple styles of horizontal display; * calendar: * New `resetData(data)` Method to reset calendar data; * New `eventSorter` Option,Used to specify a callback function to compare two event objects,Sort events every time the calendar is rendered; * Tab manager: * repair `reopen()` Method sometimes does not work; * Drag and drop sort: * New `dropToClass` with `stopPropagation` Option; * Drag and drop selection: * New `listenClick` Option,If set to false,Then the user clicks on the element but does not select anything when there is no drag operation.; * Auxiliary tool: * optimization `$.zui.uuid()` method,Now the method will useß 36 Binary string instead of number,Reduce the length of the result; * optimization `$.zui.Color` Construction method,stand by RGB Color string format,E.g `new $.zui.Color('rgba(255,0,0,0.5)')`; * theme: * repair The custom theme does not include the appearance of the scrollbar。 ## v 1.8.1 [2018-01-18] Solved the problem of community feedback in the past two weeks。 ### Update details + Data table2: * Fixed `responsive` Options and `checkbox` Option to enable conflicting issues at the same time[@YNZZZ](http://forum.zui.sexy/thread/417.html)); * Fixed `configs` middle `html` Attribute and column configuration `html` Property is set to `true` When there is no problem([@YNZZ](http://forum.zui.sexy/thread/422.html)); * Fixed Column configuration `valueOperator` Did not work as expected,At the same time, it fixes the problem that the parameters in the value conversion period function are incomplete.([@zz](http://forum.zui.sexy/thread/419.html)); * Fixed The default date value conversion period does not work as expected([@YNZZZ](http://forum.zui.sexy/thread/417.html)); * Fixed `checkByClickRow` with `selectable` Option conflict,when `checkByClickRow` When disabled,If you turn on drag and drop selection,You can only drag and drop in the column of the check box.([@YNZZZ](http://forum.zui.sexy/thread/416.html)); * Fixed Windows The upper roller is in the opposite direction,The problem that the scroll distance is too small,And added `mouseWheelFactor` Parameters are used to control the scrolling speed and direction of the wheel; * Fixed When the data is not defined `id` or `rowId` Get the selected row number as `undefined` The problem; * Fixed `showRowIndex` Set as `false` Column width confusion; * improved Cache mechanism,The default cache size is now `1`; * improved Line number column width automatic calculation method,Avoid problems with ellipsis sometimes([@Xu Yelong](http://forum.zui.sexy/thread/424.html)) + Data table1: * Fixed After enabling local storage,The sort operation direction is not displayed in the expected order,See issue #79; + Context menu: * Fixed `html` The option is set to `true` Did not work as expected; + Button group: * Fixed Vertical button group in the upper right corner is rounded at right angles; + Auxiliary class: * increased `.no-padding` Class is used to remove all padding of elements; + Date selector: * improved internal `input-group-addon` The left border has a double width problem; + calendar: * will `hideEmptyWeekends` The default value is set to `false`; + Picture Viewer: * increase `setImage(image, caption)` with `show()` Method for manual control of display and update content(QQ group @Shenzhen Renault Watch Industry-it); thank [@neo20](https://github.com/easysoft/zui/pull/94)、[zora-han](https://github.com/easysoft/zui/pull/93) submitted Pull Request。Welcome feedback,Best is in[Forum post](http://forum.zui.sexy/forum/)or[in Github Submit on issue](https://github.com/easysoft/zui/issues),More capable students are welcome[submit Pull Request](https://github.com/easysoft/zui/pulls)。 ## v 1.8.0 [2018-01-05] 1.8 Version brings a lot of new JS Component,Including newData table2Tab managerContext menusearch barInput boxwithPager。 ### New feature preview * Data table2Support for custom data sources(Including remote data),Provide row and row fixed、Sort、Pagination、search for、Row selection、Adaptive、Heavyweight functions such as cross-row and column cells,And flexible and convenient to customize(Old version data tables will no longer continue to support,Will 1.9 Eliminated); * Tab Manager maximizes tab control functionality,You can now dynamically load content using tabs,Even remote page numbers,Can also be opened manually、Close tab,Just as easy as using a browser tab; * The context menu allows you to pop up a menu that floats near the mouse cursor anywhere,Very convenient to listen to the right mouse button and shield system behavior to customize your own right-click menu; * The pager provides fully automated paging interface control management,Just give the current page number and the number of entries.; * The search box provides a common search input box+Button combination interface,And provide a delayed trigger event for listening to the search box text change event,Use the search box to easily customize the modern word search interaction function; * The input box creates a modern form of built-in labels and icons into the input box,Create a more beautiful form interface。 ### Update details + New Data table2; + New Tab manager; + New Context menu; + New Pager; + New search bar; + New Input box; + tooltip: * repair Triggered event name; + icon: * optimization Up `icon-check-plus` with `icon-check-minus` icon,It looks bigger now; * repair Icon rotation auxiliary class in IE8 Problem implemented in; + Input group: * repair `.fix-padding` in IE8 Invalid problem; + File Upload: * optimization Support for server return value,When the server returns a field that contains `name` The file name on the interface is automatically updated when the property is; * optimization Display the uploaded message,Multiple messages will now be merged; * optimization For static files(`staticFiles`)Support,Now the number and size of static files will be calculated in the prompt.; * repair `renameActionOnDone` Callback function execution parameter `doRenameFile` Invalid method; * repair The error message returned after the upload is completed does not show the problem; * repair Seven cattle upload can not be used; * repair File upload button at IE10 The following browsers are unable to click on the issue; + chart: * repair Graph call `addData()` Method when displaying mouse hover tag error; + Chosen: * optimization Search strategy,Search now `