package controller import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" commConsts "" commDomain "" execHelper "" watchHelper "" websocketHelper "" serverConfig "" serverDomain "" "" i118Utils "" logUtils "" "" "" "" ) var ( ch chan int ) type WebSocketCtrl struct { Namespace string WorkspaceService *service.WorkspaceService `inject:""` *websocket.NSConn `stateless:"true"` } func NewWebSocketCtrl() *WebSocketCtrl { inst := &WebSocketCtrl{Namespace: serverConfig.WsDefaultNameSpace} return inst } func (c *WebSocketCtrl) OnNamespaceConnected(wsMsg websocket.Message) error { websocketHelper.SetConn(c.Conn) logUtils.Infof(i118Utils.Sprintf("ws_namespace_connected", c.Conn.ID(), wsMsg.Room)) resp := commDomain.WsResp{Msg: "from server: connected to websocket"} bytes, _ := json.Marshal(resp) mqData := commDomain.MqMsg{Namespace: wsMsg.Namespace, Room: wsMsg.Room, Event: wsMsg.Event, Content: string(bytes)} websocketHelper.PubMsg(mqData) return nil } // OnNamespaceDisconnect // This will call the "OnVisit" event on all clients, except the current one, // it can't because it's left but for any case use this type of design. func (c *WebSocketCtrl) OnNamespaceDisconnect(wsMsg websocket.Message) error { logUtils.Infof(i118Utils.Sprintf("ws_namespace_disconnected", c.Conn.ID())) resp := commDomain.WsResp{Msg: fmt.Sprintf("ws_connected")} bytes, _ := json.Marshal(resp) mqData := commDomain.MqMsg{Namespace: wsMsg.Namespace, Room: wsMsg.Room, Event: wsMsg.Event, Content: string(bytes)} websocketHelper.PubMsg(mqData) return nil } // OnChat This will call the "OnVisit" event on all clients, // including the current one, with the 'newCount' variable. func (c *WebSocketCtrl) OnChat(wsMsg websocket.Message) (err error) { ctx := websocket.GetContext(c.Conn) logUtils.Infof(i118Utils.Sprintf("ws_onchat", ctx.RemoteAddr(), wsMsg.Room, string(wsMsg.Body))) req := serverDomain.WsReq{} err = json.Unmarshal(wsMsg.Body, &req) if err != nil { msg := i118Utils.Sprintf("wrong_req_params", err.Error()) websocketHelper.SendExecMsg(msg, "", commConsts.Error, nil, &wsMsg) logUtils.ExecConsole(color.FgRed, msg) return } act := req.Act if act == commConsts.ExecInit { msg := i118Utils.Sprintf("success_to_conn") //websocketHelper.SendExecMsg(msg, strconv.FormatBool(execHelper.GetRunning()), wsMsg) logUtils.ExecConsole(color.FgCyan, msg) return } if act == commConsts.Watch { watchHelper.WatchFromReq(req.TestSets, &wsMsg) return } if act == commConsts.ExecStop { if ch != nil { if !execHelper.GetRunning() { ch = nil } else { ch <- 1 ch = nil } } execHelper.SetRunning(false) msg := i118Utils.Sprintf("end_task") websocketHelper.SendExecMsg(msg, "false", commConsts.Run, nil, &wsMsg) logUtils.ExecConsole(color.FgCyan, msg) return } if execHelper.GetRunning() && (act == commConsts.ExecCase || act == commConsts.ExecModule || act == commConsts.ExecSuite || act == commConsts.ExecTask || act == commConsts.ExecUnit) { msg := i118Utils.Sprintf("pls_stop_previous") websocketHelper.SendExecMsg(msg, "true", commConsts.Run, nil, &wsMsg) logUtils.ExecConsole(color.FgRed, msg) return } // populate test set's props with parent execHelper.PopulateTestSetProps(&req) for idx, _ := range req.TestSets { testSet := &req.TestSets[idx] if testSet.WorkspaceId != 0 { po, _ := c.WorkspaceService.Get(uint(testSet.WorkspaceId)) testSet.WorkspacePath = po.Path testSet.WorkspaceType = po.Type } } ch = make(chan int, 1) go func() { execHelper.Exec(ch, req, &wsMsg) execHelper.SetRunning(false) }() execHelper.SetRunning(true) msg := i118Utils.Sprintf("start_task") websocketHelper.SendExecMsg(msg, "true", commConsts.Run, iris.Map{"status": "start-task"}, &wsMsg) logUtils.ExecConsole(color.FgCyan, msg) return }