package execHelper import ( "path" "strconv" "time" commConsts "" commDomain "" analysisHelper "" configHelper "" scriptHelper "" websocketHelper "" zentaoHelper "" serverDomain "" channelUtils "" commonUtils "" fileUtils "" i118Utils "" logUtils "" stringUtils "" "" "" "" ) func ExecCases(ch chan int, testSet serverDomain.TestSet, msg *websocket.Message) (report commDomain.ZtfReport, pathMaxWidth int, err error) { return RunZtf(ch, testSet.WorkspacePath, 0, 0, commConsts.Case, testSet.Cases, msg) } //func execCmd(cmd string, workspacePath string) (err error) { // pth := filepath.Join(workspacePath, ".cmd.tmp") // fileUtils.WriteFile(pth, cmd) // // conf := configHelper.LoadByWorkspacePath(workspacePath) // // stdOutput, errOutput := RunFile(pth, workspacePath, conf, nil, nil) // if errOutput != "" { // logUtils.Infof("failed to exec command '%s' without output %s, err %v.", pth, stdOutput, errOutput) // } else { // logUtils.Infof("exec command '%s' with output %v.", pth, stdOutput) // } // // return //} func ExecModule(ch chan int, testSet serverDomain.TestSet, msg *websocket.Message) ( report commDomain.ZtfReport, pathMaxWidth int, err error) { cases, err := zentaoHelper.GetCasesByModuleInDir(testSet.ProductId, testSet.ModuleId, testSet.WorkspacePath, testSet.ScriptDirParamFromCmdLine) if err != nil { return } if testSet.Seq != "" { cases = analysisHelper.FilterCaseByResult(cases, testSet) } return RunZtf(ch, testSet.WorkspacePath, testSet.ProductId, testSet.ModuleId, commConsts.Module, cases, msg) } func ExecSuite(ch chan int, testSet serverDomain.TestSet, msg *websocket.Message) ( report commDomain.ZtfReport, pathMaxWidth int, err error) { cases, err := zentaoHelper.GetCasesBySuiteInDir(testSet.ProductId, testSet.SuiteId, testSet.WorkspacePath, testSet.ScriptDirParamFromCmdLine) if testSet.Seq != "" { cases = analysisHelper.FilterCaseByResult(cases, testSet) } return RunZtf(ch, testSet.WorkspacePath, testSet.ProductId, testSet.SuiteId, commConsts.Suite, cases, msg) } func ExecTask(ch chan int, testSet serverDomain.TestSet, msg *websocket.Message) ( report commDomain.ZtfReport, pathMaxWidth int, err error) { cases, err := zentaoHelper.GetCasesByTaskInDir(testSet.ProductId, testSet.TaskId, testSet.WorkspacePath, testSet.ScriptDirParamFromCmdLine) if err != nil { return } if testSet.Seq != "" { cases = analysisHelper.FilterCaseByResult(cases, testSet) } return RunZtf(ch, testSet.WorkspacePath, testSet.ProductId, testSet.TaskId, commConsts.Task, cases, msg) } func RunZtf(ch chan int, workspacePath string, productId, id int, by commConsts.ExecBy, cases []string, wsMsg *websocket.Message) ( report commDomain.ZtfReport, pathMaxWidth int, err error) { conf := configHelper.LoadByWorkspacePath(workspacePath) casesToRun, casesToIgnore := FilterCases(cases, &conf) numbMaxWidth := 0 numbMaxWidth, pathMaxWidth, titleMaxWidth := getNumbMaxWidth(casesToRun) report = genReport(productId, id, by) params := commDomain.ExecParams{ CasesToRun: casesToRun, CasesToIgnore: casesToIgnore, WorkspacePath: workspacePath, Conf: conf, NumbMaxWidth: numbMaxWidth, PathMaxWidth: pathMaxWidth, TitleMaxWidth: titleMaxWidth, Report: &report, } // exec scripts ExeScripts(params, ch, wsMsg) // gen report if len(casesToRun) > 0 { GenZTFTestReport(report, pathMaxWidth, workspacePath, ch, wsMsg) } if commConsts.ExecFrom == commConsts.FromClient { websocketHelper.SendExecMsg("", "false", commConsts.Run, nil, wsMsg) } if ch != nil { if !channelUtils.IsChanClose(ch) { close(ch) } } return } func ExeScripts(execParams commDomain.ExecParams, ch chan int, wsMsg *websocket.Message) { now := time.Now() startTime := now.Unix() execParams.Report.StartTime = startTime workDir := commConsts.WorkDir if commConsts.ExecFrom == commConsts.FromClient { workDir = execParams.WorkspacePath } msg := "" if commConsts.Language == commConsts.LanguageZh { msg = i118Utils.Sprintf("found_scripts", workDir, len(execParams.CasesToRun), commConsts.ZtfDir) } else { msg = i118Utils.Sprintf("found_scripts", len(execParams.CasesToRun), workDir, commConsts.ZtfDir) } if commConsts.ExecFrom == commConsts.FromClient { msg = i118Utils.Sprintf("found_scripts_no_ztf_dir", len(execParams.CasesToRun), workDir) websocketHelper.SendExecMsg(msg, "", commConsts.Run, nil, wsMsg) } logUtils.ExecConsolef(-1, msg) logUtils.ExecResult(msg) if len(execParams.CasesToIgnore) > 0 { temp := i118Utils.Sprintf("ignore_scripts", strconv.Itoa(len(execParams.CasesToIgnore))) if commConsts.ExecFrom == commConsts.FromClient { websocketHelper.SendExecMsg(temp, "", commConsts.Run, nil, wsMsg) } logUtils.ExecConsolef(color.FgCyan, temp) logUtils.ExecResult(temp) } for idx, file := range execParams.CasesToRun { if fileUtils.IsDir(file) { continue } execParams.ScriptIdx = idx execParams.ScriptFile = file ExecScript(execParams, ch, wsMsg) select { case <-ch: msg := i118Utils.Sprintf("exit_exec_all") if commConsts.ExecFrom == commConsts.FromClient { websocketHelper.SendExecMsg(msg, "", commConsts.Run, nil, wsMsg) } logUtils.ExecConsolef(color.FgCyan, msg) logUtils.ExecFilef(msg) goto ExitAllCase default: } } ExitAllCase: endTime := time.Now().Unix() execParams.Report.EndTime = endTime execParams.Report.Duration = endTime - startTime } func FilterCases(cases []string, conf *commDomain.WorkspaceConf) (casesToRun, casesToIgnore []string) { for _, cs := range cases { ext := path.Ext(cs) if ext != "" { ext = ext[1:] } lang := commConsts.ScriptExtToNameMap[ext] if lang == "" { continue } if commonUtils.IsWin() { filterWinCases(cs, lang, conf, &casesToIgnore, &casesToRun) continue } if path.Ext(cs) == ".bat" { continue } casesToRun = append(casesToRun, cs) } return } func filterWinCases(cs, lang string, conf *commDomain.WorkspaceConf, casesToIgnore, casesToRun *[]string) { if path.Ext(cs) == ".sh" { // filter by os return } interpreter := configHelper.GetFieldVal(*conf, stringUtils.UcFirst(lang)) if interpreter == "-" || interpreter == "" { interpreter = "" if lang != "bat" { ok := AddInterpreterIfExist(conf, lang) if !ok { *casesToIgnore = append(*casesToIgnore, cs) } else { interpreter = configHelper.GetFieldVal(*conf, stringUtils.UcFirst(lang)) } } } if lang != "bat" && interpreter == "" { // ignore the ones with no interpreter set return } *casesToRun = append(*casesToRun, cs) } func genReport(productId, id int, by commConsts.ExecBy) (report commDomain.ZtfReport) { report = commDomain.ZtfReport{ TestEnv: commonUtils.GetOs(), ExecBy: by, ExecById: id, ProductId: productId, Pass: 0, Fail: 0, Total: 0, FuncResult: make([]commDomain.FuncResult, 0)} report.TestType = commConsts.TestFunc report.TestTool = commConsts.AppServer return } func getNumbMaxWidth(casesToRun []string) (numbMaxWidth, pathMaxWidth, titleMaxWidth int) { for _, cs := range casesToRun { lent := runewidth.StringWidth(cs) if lent > pathMaxWidth { pathMaxWidth = lent } content := fileUtils.ReadFile(cs) caseId := scriptHelper.ReadCaseId(content) if len(caseId) > numbMaxWidth { numbMaxWidth = len(caseId) } _, _, _, title, _ := scriptHelper.GetCaseInfo(cs) titleLength := runewidth.StringWidth(title) if titleLength > titleMaxWidth { titleMaxWidth = titleLength } } return }