import path from 'path'; import cp, {exec, spawn} from 'child_process'; import os from 'os'; import {app} from 'electron'; import express from 'express'; import {logInfo, logErr} from './log'; const psTree = require('ps-tree'); const DEBUG = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'; const isWin = /^win/.test(process.platform); const isMac = /^darwin/.test(process.platform); const uuid = 'ZTF@1CF17A46-B136-4AEB-96B4-F21C8200EF5A~' const port = 8085 let _ztfServerProcess; let _ztfSubProcessIds = []; export function checkZtfPort() { let cmd = '' if (!isWin) { cmd = 'lsof -i:${port} | grep ${port}' } else { cmd = 'netstat -aon | findstr ${port}' } const cp = require('child_process'); const stdout = cp.execSync(cmd).toString().trim() console.log('exec ${cmd}, stdout: ${stdout}'); if (stdout.indexOf(port + '') > -1) { if (stdout.indexOf(uuid) < 0) { const msg = 'Port ${port} is used by another process. exit.' console.log(msg); logErr(msg); return false } const msg = 'Port ${port} is used by ztf process. kill previous one.' console.log(msg); logInfo(msg); killZtfServer() } else { return true } } export function startZtfServer() { if (process.env.SKIP_SERVER) { logInfo(`>> Skip to start ZTF Server by env "SKIP_SERVER=${process.env.SKIP_SERVER}".`); return Promise.resolve(); } if (_ztfServerProcess) { return Promise.resolve(_ztfServerProcess); } let {SERVER_EXE_PATH: serverExePath} = process.env; if (!serverExePath && !DEBUG) { const platform = os.platform(); // 'darwin', 'linux', 'win32' const exePath = `bin/${platform}/ztf${platform === 'win32' ? '.exe' : ''}`; serverExePath = path.join(process.resourcesPath, exePath); } if (serverExePath) { if (!path.isAbsolute(serverExePath)) { serverExePath = path.resolve(app.getAppPath(), serverExePath); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const cwd = process.env.SERVER_CWD_PATH || path.dirname(serverExePath); logInfo(`>> Starting ZTF Server from exe path with command "${serverExePath} -P 8085" in "${cwd}"...`); const cmd = spawn(serverExePath, ['-p', '8085', "-uuid", uuid], { cwd, shell: true, }); cmd.on('close', (code) => { logInfo(`>> ZTF server closed with code ${code}`); _ztfServerProcess = null; cmd.kill() }); cmd.stdout.on('data', data => { const dataString = String(data); const lines = dataString.split('\n'); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { const line = lines[i]; if (DEBUG) { logInfo('\t' + line); } if (line.includes('Now listening on: http')) { resolve(line.split('Now listening on:')[1].trim()); if (!DEBUG) { break; } } else if (line.includes('启动HTTP服务于')) { resolve(line.split(/启动HTTP服务于|,/)[1].trim()); if (!DEBUG) { break; } } else if (line.startsWith('[ERRO]')) { reject(new Error(`Start ztf server failed with error: ${line.substring('[ERRO]'.length)}`)); if (!DEBUG) { break; } } } }); cmd.on('error', spawnError => { console.error('>>> Start ztf server failed with error', spawnError); reject(spawnError) }); _ztfServerProcess = cmd; logInfo(`>> _ztfServerProcess = ${}`) psTree(, function (err, children) { _ztfSubProcessIds = [].concat( (p) { return p.PID; }) ); logInfo(`>> _ztfSubProcessIds = ${_ztfSubProcessIds}`) }); }); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const cwd = process.env.SERVER_CWD_PATH || path.resolve(app.getAppPath(), '../'); logInfo(`>> Starting ZTF development server from source with command "go run cmd/server/main.go -P 8085" in "${cwd}"`); const cmd = spawn('go', ['run', 'main.go', '-P', '8085'], { cwd, shell: true, }); cmd.on('close', (code) => { logInfo(`>> ZTF server closed with code ${code}`); _ztfServerProcess = null; }); cmd.stdout.on('data', data => { const dataString = String(data); const lines = dataString.split('\n'); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { const line = lines[i]; if (DEBUG) { logInfo('\t' + line); } if (line.includes('Now listening on: http')) { resolve(line.split('Now listening on:')[1].trim()); if (!DEBUG) { break; } } else if (line.startsWith('[ERRO]')) { reject(new Error(`Start ztf server failed with error: ${line.substring('[ERRO]'.length)}`)); if (!DEBUG) { break; } } } }); cmd.on('error', spawnError => { console.error('>>> Start ztf server failed with error', spawnError); reject(spawnError) }); _ztfServerProcess = cmd; }); } let _uiServerApp; export function getUIServerUrl() { if (_uiServerApp) { return Promise.resolve(); } let {UI_SERVER_URL: uiServerUrl} = process.env; if (!uiServerUrl && !DEBUG) { uiServerUrl = path.resolve(process.resourcesPath, 'ui'); } if (uiServerUrl) { if (/^https?:\/\//.test(uiServerUrl)) { return Promise.resolve(uiServerUrl); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!path.isAbsolute(uiServerUrl)) { uiServerUrl = path.resolve(app.getAppPath(), uiServerUrl); } const port = process.env.UI_SERVER_PORT || 8000; logInfo(`>> Starting UI serer at ${uiServerUrl} with port ${port}`); const uiServer = express(); uiServer.use(express.static(uiServerUrl)); const server = uiServer.listen(port, serverError => { if (serverError) { console.error('>>> Start ui server failed with error', serverError); _uiServerApp = null; reject(serverError); } else { logInfo(`>> UI server started successfully on http://localhost:${port}.`); resolve(`http://localhost:${port}`); } }); server.on('close', () => { _uiServerApp = null; }); _uiServerApp = uiServer; }) } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const cwd = path.resolve(app.getAppPath(), '../ui'); logInfo(`>> Starting UI development server with command "npm run serve" in "${cwd}"...`); let resolved = false; const cmd = spawn('npm', ['run', 'serve'], { cwd, shell: true, }); cmd.on('close', (code) => { logInfo(`>> ZTF server closed with code ${code}`); _uiServerApp = null; }); cmd.stdout.on('data', data => { if (resolved) { return; } const dataString = String(data); const lines = dataString.split('\n'); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { const line = lines[i]; if (DEBUG) { logInfo('\t' + line); } if (line.includes('App running at:')) { const nextLine = lines[i + 1] || lines[i + 2]; if (DEBUG) { logInfo('\t' + nextLine); } if (!nextLine) { console.error('\t' + `Cannot grabing running address after line "${line}".`); throw new Error(`Cannot grabing running address after line "${line}".`); } const url = nextLine.split('Local: ')[1]; if (url) { resolved = true; resolve(url); } if (!DEBUG) { break; } } } }); cmd.on('error', spawnError => { console.error('>>> Get ui server url failed with error', spawnError); reject(spawnError) }); _uiServerApp = cmd; }); } export function killZtfServer() { let cmd = '' if (!isWin) { logInfo(`>> no windows`); cmd = `ps -ef | grep ${uuid} | grep -v "\-\-%s" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9` logInfo(`kill cmd : ${cmd}`); const cp = require('child_process'); cp.exec(cmd, function (error, stdout, stderr) { logInfo(`stdout: ${stdout}; stderr: ${stderr}; error: ${error}`); }); } else { logInfo(`>> is windows`); const cmd = 'WMIC path win32_process where "Commandline like \'%%' + uuid + '%%\'" get Processid,Caption'; let msg = `list process cmd : ${cmd}` console.log(msg); logInfo(msg); const cp = require('child_process'); const stdout = cp.execSync(cmd).toString().trim() msg = `exec ${cmd}, stdout: ${stdout}` console.log(msg); logInfo(msg) const lines = stdout.split('\n') lines.forEach(function(line){ line = line.trim() console.log(`<${line}>`) logInfo(`<${line}>`) const columns = line.split(/\s/) if (columns.length > 2) { const pid = columns[2].trim() console.log(`pid=${pid}`); logInfo(`pid=${pid}`) if (pid && parseInt(pid, 10) === pid) { const killCmd = `taskkill /F /pid ${pid}` const cp = require('child_process'); const stdout = cp.execSync(killCmd).toString().trim() msg = `exec ${cmd}, stdout: ${stdout}` console.log(msg); logInfo(msg) } } }); } // if (isWin) { // logInfo(`>> isWin`); // const cp = require('child_process'); // cp.exec('taskkill /PID ' + + ' /T /F', // function (error, stdout, stderr) { // // logInfo('stdout: ' + stdout + '; stderr: ' + stderr + '; error: ' + error + '.'); // }); // } else if (isMac) { // logInfo(`>> isMac`); // if (_ztfServerProcess) _ztfServerProcess.kill(); // } else { // logInfo(`>> isLinux`); // _ztfSubProcessIds.forEach(function (tpid) { // logInfo(`>> kill ${tpid}`) // try { // process.kill(tpid, 'SIGKILL') // } catch (ex) { // logErr(`>> ` + ex) // } // }); // } }