{ "language": "zh", "messages": [ { "id": "need_config", "message": "need config", "translation": "在导出用例之前,您需要先配置禅道站点" }, { "id": "begin_config", "message": "begin config", "translation": "开始配置, 输入'exit'退出" }, { "id": "test_case", "message": "test case", "translation": "用例" }, { "id": "result", "message": "result", "translation": "结果" }, { "id": "enter_dir", "message": "enter dir", "translation": "输入%s目录" }, { "id": "enter_id", "message": "enter id", "translation": "enter %s id." }, { "id": "dir_not_exist", "message": "", "translation": "目录不存在" }, { "id": "enter_language", "message": "enter language", "translation": "请输入你期望使用的语言。English / Chinese,默认En" }, { "id": "config_zentao_site", "message": "config zentao site", "translation": "现在开始配置同禅道系统的同步参数? Yes / No,默认Yes" }, { "id": "enter_url", "message": "zentao site url", "translation": "请输入禅道站点的网站" }, { "id": "enter_account", "message": "zentao site login account", "translation": "请输入登录账号" }, { "id": "enter_password", "message": "enter password", "translation": "请输入账号密码" }, { "id": "enter_co_type", "message": "enter co type", "translation": "请选择用例来源。Product / Module / Suite / Task" }, { "id": "enter_co_independent", "message": "enter co independent", "translation": "是否将用例期待结果保存在独立的文件中?Yes / No,默认No" }, { "id": "enter_co_language", "message": "enter co language", "translation": "请选择脚本语言。 %s" }, { "id": "invalid_input", "message": "invalid input", "translation": "无效数据,请重新输入" }, { "id": "zentao_config_success", "message": "zentao config success", "translation": "禅道系统连接配置成功" }, { "id": "zentao_config_fail", "message": "zentao config fail", "translation": "禅道系统连接配置失败" }, { "id": "current_config", "message": "Current config", "translation": "当前配置" }, { "id": "set_config", "message": "set config", "translation": "设置%s为%s" }, { "id": "language", "message": "language", "translation": "语言" }, { "id": "workDir", "message": "Work Dir", "translation": "工作目录" }, { "id": "en", "message": "English", "translation": "英文" }, { "id": "zh", "message": "Chinese", "translation": "中文" }, { "id": "support_language", "message": "只支持语言en(%s)和zh(%s)", "translation": "只支持语言en(%s)和zh(%s)" }, { "id": "no_scripts", "message": "No test scripts found", "translation": "未发现测试脚本" }, { "id": "use_language", "message": "Use Chinese language", "translation": "使用中文语言" }, { "id": "start_execution", "message": "Start Execution", "translation": "开始执行" }, { "id": "end_execution", "message": "End Execution", "translation": "结束执行" }, { "id": "start_case", "message": "Start Case", "translation": "开始用例 %s %s" }, { "id": "end_case", "message": "End Case", "translation": "结束用例 %s %s,耗时%d秒" }, { "id": "begin_analyse", "message": "Run scripts", "translation": "开始分析测试结果" }, { "id": "run_scripts", "message": "Run scripts", "translation": "运行脚本'%s'于%s操作系统" }, { "id": "time_from_to", "message": "From To", "translation": "从%s到%s, 耗时%d秒" }, { "id": "total", "message": "Total", "translation": "合计" }, { "id": "pass", "message": "Pass", "translation": "通过" }, { "id": "fail", "message": "Fail", "translation": "失败" }, { "id": "skip", "message": "Skip", "translation": "跳过" }, { "id": "step", "message": "Step", "translation": "步骤" }, { "id": "checkpoint", "message": "Checkpoint", "translation": "验证点" }, { "id": "expect_result", "message": "Expect Result", "translation": "期待结果" }, { "id": "actual_result", "message": "Actual Result", "translation": "实际结果" }, { "id": "no_checkpoints", "message": "No checkpoints", "translation": "没有验证点" }, { "id": "steps", "message": "Steps", "translation": "步骤" }, { "id": "only_support_script_language", "message": "only support language %s", "translation": "只支持脚本语言%s" }, { "id": "total_test_case", "message": "Totally %d test cases", "translation": "合计%d个测试用例" }, { "id": "usage_of_atf", "message": "Usage of atf", "translation": "使用帮助" }, { "id": "sample_to_use", "message": "Sample to use: ", "translation": "使用示例" }, { "id": "is_checkpoint", "message": "Step begin with '@' has checkpoint", "translation": "@开头的为含验证点的步骤" }, { "id": "your_codes_here", "message": "Write your codes here", "translation": "此处编写操作步骤代码" }, { "id": "expect_result_here", "message": "Expect Results", "translation": "期望结果, 可以有多行" }, { "id": "actual_result_here", "message": "Record actual results", "translation": "输出验证点实际结果" }, { "id": "success_to_generate", "message": "success to generate %d test scripts in '%s'", "translation": "成功创建%d个测试脚本, 目录: '%s'" }, { "id": "success_to_report_bug", "message": "success to report a bug for case %s", "translation": "成功为用例%s提交缺陷" }, { "id": "success_to_submit_result", "message": "success to submit the results for case %d, resultId is %d", "translation": "成功为用例%d提交结果, 返回结果编号%d" }, { "id": "success_to_switch_project", "message": "success to switch to project %s: %s", "translation": "成功切换到项目%s,路径%s" }, { "id": "test_suite", "message": "Test Suite", "translation": "测试套件" }, { "id": "test_script", "message": "Test Script", "translation": "测试脚本" }, { "id": "content", "message": "Content", "translation": "内容" }, { "id": "run", "message": "Run", "translation": "运行" }, { "id": "results", "message": "Results", "translation": "结果" }, { "id": "upload_result", "message": "Upload Result", "translation": "上传结果" }, { "id": "report_bug", "message": "Report Bug", "translation": "提交缺陷" }, { "id": "or", "message": "or", "translation": "或" }, { "id": "zentao_url", "message": "ZentaoUrl", "translation": "禅道地址" }, { "id": "product_id", "message": "ProductId", "translation": "产品ID" }, { "id": "task_id", "message": "TaskId", "translation": "任务ID" }, { "id": "independent_expect_result", "message": "Indep. Result", "translation": "独立期待结果文件" }, { "id": "account", "message": "Account", "translation": "账号" }, { "id": "password", "message": "Password", "translation": "密码" }, { "id": "submit", "message": "Submit", "translation": "提交" }, { "id": "save", "message": "Save", "translation": "保存" }, { "id": "cancel", "message": "Cancel", "translation": "取消" }, { "id": "switch_to", "message": "Switch To", "translation": "切换至" }, { "id": "no_name", "message": "No Name", "translation": "空" }, { "id": "project_config", "message": "", "translation": "%s\\n 工作目录: %s\\n 禅道项目: %s\\n 导入类型: %s\\n 产品ID: %s\\n 语言: %s\\n \" +\n \"独立期待结果文件: %t\"" }, { "id": "module", "message": "Module", "translation": "模块" }, { "id": "category", "message": "Category", "translation": "目录" }, { "id": "version", "message": "Version", "translation": "版本" }, { "id": "severity", "message": "Severity", "translation": "严重级别" }, { "id": "priority", "message": "Priority", "translation": "紧急程度" }, { "id": "title_cannot_be_empty", "message": "Title cannot be empty", "translation": "标题不能为空" }, { "id": "switch", "message": "Switch", "translation": "切换" }, { "id": "switch_project", "message": "Create/Switch Project", "translation": "创建/切换项目" }, { "id": "import_from_zentao", "message": "Import from Zentao", "translation": "从禅道导入" }, { "id": "workdir", "message": "WorkDir", "translation": "工作目录" }, { "id": "testing", "message": "Testing", "translation": "测试" }, { "id": "projects", "message": "Projects", "translation": "项目" }, { "id": "settings", "message": "Settings", "translation": "设置" }, { "id": "help_key_bind", "message": "KEYBINDINGS", "translation": "快捷键" }, { "id": "help_mouse", "message": "Mouse: Mouse support", "translation": "Mouse: 支持鼠标" }, { "id": "help_tab", "message": "Tab: Move between form widgets", "translation": "Tab: 表单控件导航" }, { "id": "help_space", "message": "Space: Toggle radio box", "translation": "Space: 选中/取消单选框" }, { "id": "help_enter", "message": "Enter: Click button", "translation": "Enter: 点击按钮" }, { "id": "help_show", "message": "^H: Show/Hide help window", "translation": "^H: 显示/隐藏帮助" }, { "id": "help_exit", "message": "^C: Exit", "translation": "^C: 退出" } ] }