export default { 'empty': 'Empty', 'app.global.menu.notfound': 'Not Found', 'app.global.form.validatefields.catch': 'The validation did not pass, please check the input', 'ztf_name_full': 'ZTF Automated Tool', 'settings': 'Settings', 'exit': 'Exit', 'fullScreen': 'Toggle Fullscreen', 'help': 'Help', 'loading': 'Loading...', 'index': 'Index', 'no': 'NO.', 'scope': 'Scope', 'name': 'Name', 'path': 'Path', 'type': 'Type', 'create_time': 'Create Time', 'start_time': 'Start Time', 'end_time': 'End Time', 'test': '测试', 'result': 'Result', 'test_result': 'Test Result', 'test_result_detail': 'Result Detail', 'view_test_result': 'View Test Result', 'opt': 'opt', 'title': 'Title', 'category': 'Category', 'version': 'Version', 'severity': 'Severity', 'priority': 'Priority', 'step': 'Step', 'status': 'Status', 'none': 'None', 'all': 'All', 'only_failed': 'Only Failed', 'zentao_site': 'Zentao Site', 'local': 'Local', 'site_management': 'Zentao Site Management', 'site_num': '{count} sites', 'create_site': 'Create Site', 'edit_site': 'Edit Site', 'zentao_config': 'Site Config', 'edit_config': 'Edit Config', 'ui_lang': 'UI Language', 'select_ui_lang': 'Please select Language', 'sync': 'Synchronization', 'close': 'Close', 'download': 'Download', 'src': 'Source Code', 'zentao_url': 'ZenTao URL', 'username': 'User Name', 'password': 'Password', 'empty_data': 'Empty Data', 'interpreter': 'Interpreter', 'create_interpreter': 'Create Interpreter', 'edit_interpreter': 'Edit Interpreter', 'interpreter_path': 'Interpreter Path', 'script_lang': 'Script Language', 'script': 'Script', 'test_script': 'Test Script', 'script.list': 'Script List', 'script.view': 'View Script', 'script.edit': 'Edit Script', 'execution': 'Execution', 'execution.history': 'Execution History', 'execution.result.func': 'Functional Test Result', 'execution.result.unit': 'Unit Test Result', 'execution.execCase': 'Execute By Case', 'execution.execModule': 'Execute By Module', 'execution.execSuite': 'Execute By Suite', 'execution.execTask': 'Execute By Task', 'execution.execUnit': 'Execute UnitTest', 'workspace': 'Work Dir', 'dir': 'Dir', 'create_workspace': 'Create WorkDir', 'edit_workspace': 'Edit WorkDir', 'create_file': 'Create file', 'del_file': 'Delete File', 'duration': 'Duration', 'duration_sec': 'Duration(sec)', 'sec': 'Sec', 'info': 'Info', 'checkpoint': 'Checkpoint', 'expect': 'Expect', 'actual': 'Actual', 'product': 'Product', 'case': 'Test Case', 'module': 'Module', 'suite': 'Suite', 'task': 'Task', 'lang': 'Language', 'default_lang': 'Default Language', 'save_by_module': 'Save Script By Module', 'independent_expect': 'Save Expect Result in Independent File.', 'unit_test': 'Unit Test', 'framework_tool': 'Framework/Tool', 'case_detail': 'Case Info', 'case_list': 'Case List', 'build_tool': 'Build Tool', 'cmd': 'Command', 'test_cmd': 'Test Command', 'cmd_nav': 'Use up/down keys to navigate.', 're_exec': 'Retest', 're_exec_all': 'Retest All Cases', 're_exec_failed': 'Retest Failed Cases', 're_exec_unit': 'Retest Unit Test', 'test_env': 'Test Environment', 'test_type': 'Test Type', 'exec_type': 'Execution Type', 'case_num': 'Case Number', 'case_num_empty': 'Please Select Cases to Run.', 'case_num_format': '{count} cases', 'enable': 'Enable', 'disable': 'Disable', 'submit': 'Submit', 'cancel': 'Cancel', 'reset': 'Reset', 'confirm': 'Confirm', 'confirm_delete': 'Confirm to delete {name} {typ}?', 'save': 'Save', 'create': 'Create', 'view': 'View', 'edit': 'Edit', 'delete': 'Delete', 'remove': 'Remove', 'select': 'Select', 'pass': 'Pass', 'fail': 'Fail', 'ignore': 'Ignore', 'back': 'Back', 'stop': 'Stop', 'exec': 'Execution', 'test_exec': 'Test Execution', 'execute_unit_or_automated': 'Execute Unit or Automated Testing', 'submit_to_zentao': 'Submit to ZenTao', 'submit_bug_to_zentao': 'Submit Bug to ZenTao', 'submit_result_to_zentao': 'Submit Result to ZenTao', 'confirm_to_delete_result': 'Confirm to delete test result?', 'confirm_to_delete_site': 'Confirm to delete Zentao site {name}?', 'confirm_to_delete_workspace': 'Confirm to delete workspace {name}?', 'submit_success': 'Submit successfully.', 'submit_failed': 'Submit failed.', 'view_error': 'View Error', 'error_detail': 'Error Detail', 'save_success': 'Save successfully.', 'save_fail': 'Save failed.', 'create_success': 'Create successfully.', 'create_fail': 'Create failed.', 'skip': 'Skip', 'batch': 'Batch', 'batch_select': 'Batch Select', 'expand_all': 'Expand', 'collapse': 'Collapse', 'collapse_all': 'Collapse All', 'expand_up': 'Expand Up', 'more_actions': 'More Actions', 'show_checkbox': 'Show Checkbox', 'hide_checkbox': 'Hide Checkbox', 'wrong_url': 'Please input right ZenTao URL.', 'delete_success': 'Delete successfully.', 'ws_conn_success': 'Connect to WebSocket successfully.', 'ws_conn_fail': 'Connect to WebSocket failed, please refresh the page to retry.', 'no_script_for_unittest': 'No scriptS for Unit Test.', 'zentao_request_failed_title': 'Zentao Site Request Failed', 'zentao_request_failed_desc': 'Please check Zentao Site config is right.', 'extract_step': 'Extract Steps', 'extract_success': 'Extract comments to test steps and checkpoints successfully.', 'extract_none': 'Not found any test steps in script comments.', 'extract_fail': 'Extract comments to test steps and checkpoints failed.', 'sync_success': 'Success to sync {success} cases to Zentao, ignore {ignore} cases.', 'sync_fail': 'Sync failed.', 'by_workspace': 'By WorkDir', 'by_module': 'By Module', 'by_suite': 'By Suite', 'by_task': 'By Task', 'by_case': 'By Case', 'checkout_case': 'Checkout Cases', 'checkin_case': 'Checkin Cases', 'exec_all': 'Exec All', 'exec_previous': 'Exec Previous', 'exec_selected': 'Exec Selected', 'exec_opened': 'Exec Opened', 'script_file_not_exist': 'No script file for this case, you may Checkout Zentao TestCase to create.', 'exec_log': 'Execution Log', 'show_result_log': 'Show Result Logs', 'show_exec_log': 'Show Exec Logs', 'show_detail_log': 'Show Detail Logs', 'all_result': 'All', 'previous_result': 'Previous Result', 'pass_result': 'Pass', 'fail_result': 'Fail', 'workspace_path': 'Input workspace full path', 'use_dir_name': 'Use dir name if empty', 'test_type_ztf': 'ZTF Testing', 'test_type_other': 'Other Automated or Unit Test', 'input_keyword_to_search': 'Input Keyword To Search', 'tips_test_cmd': 'Please run "{cmd}" with command line.', 'node': 'Node', 'sync-from-zentao': 'Sync From Zentao', 'sync-to-zentao': 'Sync To Zentao', 'copy': 'Copy', 'cut': 'Cut', 'paste': 'Paste', 'open-in-explore': 'Open In Explore', 'open-in-terminal': 'Open In Terminal', 'pls_select_task': 'Please select task', 'or_input_task_name': 'Or input new task name', 'pls_select_workspace': 'Please select workspace.', 'pls_add_zentao_site': 'Please add zentao site.', 'pls_create_workspace': 'Please create workspace to continue.', 'pls_product': 'Please select product.', 'pls_lang': 'Please select language.', 'pls_script_lang': 'Please select script language.', 'pls_title': 'Please input title.', 'pls_name': 'Please input name.', 'pls_select_case': 'Please select cases.', 'pls_module': 'Please select module.', 'pls_suite': 'Please select suite.', 'pls_task': 'Please select task.', 'pls_test_tool': 'Please test tool.', 'pls_build_tool': 'Please build tool.', 'pls_cmd': 'Please input the command.', 'pls_workspace_path': 'Please input workspace full path.', 'pls_workspace_type': 'Please input workspace type.', 'pls_zentao_url': 'Please input right ZenTao URL', 'pls_username': 'Please input user name.', 'pls_password': 'Please input password.', 'pls_input_lang': 'Please input language.', 'pls_input_interpreter_path': 'Please input interpreter path.', 'find_to_select': 'Find {num} option to select', 'no_interp_1': 'No windows system, ', 'no_interp_2': 'please add interpreter executable file to PATH environment variable.', 'page_info': 'Show {offset}-{limit} Of {total}.', 'page_count': 'Row Count', 'page_goto': 'Go to Page', 'page_no_data': 'No Data', 'http_100': 'Server Not Available', 'http_500': 'Internal Server Error', 'biz_100': 'Common Error', 'biz_200': 'Parameter Error', 'biz_401': 'UnAuthorized', 'biz_1000': 'Data Not Init', 'biz_1100': 'Can not delete dir that is not empty.', 'biz_2000': 'Zentao Config Failed', 'biz_3010': 'Record with same name already exist', 'biz_4000': 'Record Not Found', 'biz_5000': 'Not Available', 'biz_6000': 'File or dir already Exist', 'restore_panel_size' : 'restore panel size', };