package scriptHelper import ( "fmt" "html" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" commConsts "" commDomain "" "" fileUtils "" i118Utils "" resUtils "" stdinUtils "" ) func GenerateScripts(cases []commDomain.ZtfCase, langType string, independentFile bool, byModule bool, targetDir string) (pths []string, realPath string, err error) { caseIds := make([]string, 0) if commConsts.ExecFrom == commConsts.FromCmd { // from cmd targetDir = stdinUtils.GetInput("", targetDir, "where_to_store_script", targetDir) stdinUtils.InputForBool(&byModule, byModule, "co_organize_by_module") } targetDir = fileUtils.AbsolutePath(targetDir) realPath = targetDir createNew := false for _, cs := range cases { pth, _ := GenerateScript(cs, langType, independentFile, &caseIds, targetDir, byModule) pths = append(pths, pth) if cs.ScriptPath == "" { createNew = true } } if createNew { GenSuite(caseIds, targetDir) } return } func GenerateScript(cs commDomain.ZtfCase, langType string, independentFile bool, caseIds *[]string, targetDir string, byModule bool) (scriptPath string, err error) { caseId := cs.Id //productId := cs.Product moduleId := cs.Module caseTitle := cs.Title if byModule { targetDir = filepath.Join(targetDir, strconv.Itoa(moduleId)) } scriptPath = cs.ScriptPath if scriptPath == "" { fileUtils.MkDirIfNeeded(targetDir) scriptPath = filepath.Join(targetDir, fmt.Sprintf("%d.%s", caseId, commConsts.LangMap[langType]["extName"])) } *caseIds = append(*caseIds, strconv.Itoa(caseId)) info := make([]string, 0) steps := make([]string, 0) independentExpects := make([]string, 0) srcCode := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", commConsts.LangMap[langType]["commentsTag"], i118Utils.Sprintf("find_example", consts.FilePthSep, langType)) info = append(info, fmt.Sprintf("title=%s", caseTitle)) //info = append(info, fmt.Sprintf("timeout=%d", 0)) info = append(info, fmt.Sprintf("cid=%d", caseId)) //info = append(info, fmt.Sprintf("pid=%d", productId)) StepWidth := 20 stepDisplayMaxWidth := 0 computerTestStepWidth(cs.Steps, &stepDisplayMaxWidth, StepWidth) generateTestStepAndScript(cs.Steps, &steps, &independentExpects, independentFile) info = append(info, strings.Join(steps, "\n")) if independentFile { expectFile := ScriptToExpectName(scriptPath) fileUtils.WriteFile(expectFile, strings.Join(independentExpects, "\n")) } if fileUtils.FileExist(scriptPath) { // update title and steps newContent := strings.Join(info, "\n") ReplaceCaseDesc(newContent, scriptPath) return } templatePath := fmt.Sprintf("res%stemplate%s", consts.FilePthSep, consts.FilePthSep) template, _ := resUtils.ReadRes(templatePath + langType + ".tpl") out := fmt.Sprintf(string(template), strings.Join(info, "\n"), srcCode) fileUtils.WriteFile(scriptPath, out) return } func GenEmptyScript(name, lang, pth string, productId int) { srcCode := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", commConsts.LangMap[lang]["commentsTag"], i118Utils.Sprintf("find_example", consts.FilePthSep, lang)) info := make([]string, 0) info = append(info, fmt.Sprintf("title=%s", name)) info = append(info, fmt.Sprintf("timeout=%d", 0)) info = append(info, fmt.Sprintf("cid=%d", 0)) info = append(info, fmt.Sprintf("pid=%d", productId)) templatePath := fmt.Sprintf("res%stemplate%s", consts.FilePthSep, consts.FilePthSep) template, _ := resUtils.ReadRes(templatePath + lang + ".tpl") out := fmt.Sprintf(string(template), strings.Join(info, "\n"), srcCode) fileUtils.WriteFile(pth, out) } func generateTestStepAndScript(testSteps []commDomain.ZtfStep, steps *[]string, independentExpects *[]string, independentFile bool) { nestedSteps := make([]commDomain.ZtfStep, 0) // convert steps to nested for index := 0; index < len(testSteps); index++ { ts := testSteps[index] item := commDomain.ZtfStep{Desc: ts.Desc, Expect: ts.Expect, Children: make([]commDomain.ZtfStep, 0)} if ts.Type == "group" { nestedSteps = append(nestedSteps, item) } else if ts.Type == "item" { nestedSteps[len(nestedSteps)-1].Children = append(nestedSteps[len(nestedSteps)-1].Children, item) } else if ts.Type == "step" { nestedSteps = append(nestedSteps, item) } } // print nested steps, only one level stepNumb := 1 *steps = append(*steps, "") for _, item := range nestedSteps { numbStr := fmt.Sprintf("%d", stepNumb) stepLines1, expects1 := getCaseStepContent(item, numbStr, independentFile, false) *steps = append(*steps, stepLines1) if independentFile && strings.TrimSpace(item.Expect) != "" { *independentExpects = append(*independentExpects, expects1) } for childNo, child := range item.Children { numbStr := fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d", stepNumb, childNo+1) stepLines2, expects2 := getCaseStepContent(child, numbStr, independentFile, true) *steps = append(*steps, stepLines2) if independentFile && strings.TrimSpace(child.Expect) != "" { *independentExpects = append(*independentExpects, expects2) } } stepNumb++ } } func computerTestStepWidth(steps []commDomain.ZtfStep, stepSDisplayMaxWidth *int, stepWidth int) { for _, ts := range steps { length := len(strconv.Itoa(ts.Id)) if length > *stepSDisplayMaxWidth { *stepSDisplayMaxWidth = length } } *stepSDisplayMaxWidth += stepWidth // prefix space and @step } func GenSuite(cases []string, targetDir string) { str := strings.Join(cases, "\n") fileUtils.WriteFile(targetDir+"all."+commConsts.ExtNameSuite, str) } func getCaseStepContent(stepObj commDomain.ZtfStep, seq string, independentFile bool, isChild bool) ( stepContent, expectContent string) { step := strings.TrimSpace(stepObj.Desc) expect := strings.TrimSpace(stepObj.Expect) stepStr := getStepContent(step, isChild) expectStr := getExpectContent(expect, isChild, independentFile) if !independentFile { stepContent = stepStr + expectStr } else { stepContent = stepStr if (stepObj.Children == nil || len(stepObj.Children) == 0) && expectStr != "" { stepContent += " @" } } expectContent = expectStr stepContent = html.UnescapeString(stepContent) expectContent = html.UnescapeString(expectContent) return } func getStepContent(str string, isChild bool) (ret string) { str = " - " + strings.TrimSpace(str) rpl := "\n" if isChild { rpl = "\n" + " " } ret = strings.ReplaceAll(str, "\r\n", rpl) if isChild { ret = " " + ret } return } func getExpectContent(str string, isChild bool, independentFile bool) (ret string) { str = strings.TrimSpace(str) if str == "" { return } isSingleLine := strings.Count(str, "\r\n") == 0 if isSingleLine { if independentFile { ret = str } else { ret = " @" + str } } else { // multi-line rpl := "\r\n" space := " " spaceBeforeTerminator := "" spaceBeforeText := space if isChild { spaceBeforeTerminator = space spaceBeforeText = strings.Repeat(space, 2) } if independentFile { //>> // expect 1.2 line 1 // expect 1.2 line 2 //>> ret = "{\n" + space + strings.ReplaceAll(str, rpl, rpl+space) + "\n}" } else { //step 1.2 @{ // expect 1.2 line 1 // expect 1.2 line 2 //} ret = " @{\n" + spaceBeforeText + strings.ReplaceAll(str, rpl, rpl+spaceBeforeText) + "\n" + spaceBeforeTerminator + "}" } } return }