package execHelper import ( "path" "strconv" "time" commConsts "" commDomain "" analysisHelper "" configHelper "" scriptHelper "" websocketHelper "" zentaoHelper "" serverDomain "" commonUtils "" fileUtils "" i118Utils "" logUtils "" stringUtils "" "" "" "" ) func ExecCases(ch chan int, testSet serverDomain.TestSet, msg *websocket.Message) (report commDomain.ZtfReport, pathMaxWidth int, err error) { cases := testSet.Cases return RunZtf(ch, testSet.WorkspacePath, 0, 0, commConsts.Case, cases, msg) } func ExecModule(ch chan int, testSet serverDomain.TestSet, msg *websocket.Message) ( report commDomain.ZtfReport, pathMaxWidth int, err error) { cases, err := zentaoHelper.GetCasesByModuleInDir(testSet.ProductId, testSet.ModuleId, testSet.WorkspacePath, testSet.ScriptDirParamFromCmdLine) if err != nil { return } if testSet.Seq != "" { cases = analysisHelper.FilterCaseByResult(cases, testSet) } return RunZtf(ch, testSet.WorkspacePath, testSet.ProductId, testSet.ModuleId, commConsts.Module, cases, msg) } func ExecSuite(ch chan int, testSet serverDomain.TestSet, msg *websocket.Message) ( report commDomain.ZtfReport, pathMaxWidth int, err error) { cases, err := zentaoHelper.GetCasesBySuiteInDir(testSet.ProductId, testSet.SuiteId, testSet.WorkspacePath, testSet.ScriptDirParamFromCmdLine) if testSet.Seq != "" { cases = analysisHelper.FilterCaseByResult(cases, testSet) } return RunZtf(ch, testSet.WorkspacePath, testSet.ProductId, testSet.SuiteId, commConsts.Suite, cases, msg) } func ExecTask(ch chan int, testSet serverDomain.TestSet, msg *websocket.Message) ( report commDomain.ZtfReport, pathMaxWidth int, err error) { cases, err := zentaoHelper.GetCasesByTaskInDir(testSet.ProductId, testSet.TaskId, testSet.WorkspacePath, testSet.ScriptDirParamFromCmdLine) if err != nil { return } if testSet.Seq != "" { cases = analysisHelper.FilterCaseByResult(cases, testSet) } return RunZtf(ch, testSet.WorkspacePath, testSet.ProductId, testSet.TaskId, commConsts.Task, cases, msg) } func RunZtf(ch chan int, workspacePath string, productId, id int, by commConsts.ExecBy, cases []string, wsMsg *websocket.Message) ( report commDomain.ZtfReport, pathMaxWidth int, err error) { conf := configHelper.LoadByWorkspacePath(workspacePath) casesToRun, casesToIgnore := FilterCases(cases, conf) numbMaxWidth := 0 numbMaxWidth, pathMaxWidth = getNumbMaxWidth(casesToRun) report = genReport(productId, id, by) // run ExeScripts(casesToRun, casesToIgnore, workspacePath, conf, &report, pathMaxWidth, numbMaxWidth, ch, wsMsg) if len(casesToRun) > 0 { // gen report GenZTFTestReport(report, pathMaxWidth, workspacePath, wsMsg) } if commConsts.ExecFrom != commConsts.FromCmd { websocketHelper.SendExecMsg("", "false", commConsts.Run, nil, wsMsg) } return } func ExeScripts(casesToRun []string, casesToIgnore []string, workspacePath string, conf commDomain.WorkspaceConf, report *commDomain.ZtfReport, pathMaxWidth int, numbMaxWidth int, ch chan int, wsMsg *websocket.Message) { now := time.Now() startTime := now.Unix() report.StartTime = startTime workDir := commConsts.WorkDir if commConsts.ExecFrom != commConsts.FromCmd { workDir = workspacePath } msg := i118Utils.Sprintf("found_scripts", len(casesToRun), workDir, commConsts.ZtfDir) if commConsts.ExecFrom != commConsts.FromCmd { msg = i118Utils.Sprintf("found_scripts_no_ztf_dir", len(casesToRun), workDir) websocketHelper.SendExecMsg(msg, "", commConsts.Run, nil, wsMsg) } logUtils.ExecConsolef(color.FgCyan, msg) logUtils.ExecResult(msg) if len(casesToIgnore) > 0 { temp := i118Utils.Sprintf("ignore_scripts", strconv.Itoa(len(casesToIgnore))) if commConsts.ExecFrom != commConsts.FromCmd { websocketHelper.SendExecMsg(temp, "", commConsts.Run, nil, wsMsg) } logUtils.ExecConsolef(color.FgCyan, temp) logUtils.ExecResult(temp) } for idx, file := range casesToRun { if fileUtils.IsDir(file) { continue } ExecScript(file, workspacePath, conf, report, idx, len(casesToRun), pathMaxWidth, numbMaxWidth, ch, wsMsg) select { case <-ch: msg := i118Utils.Sprintf("exit_exec_all") if commConsts.ExecFrom != commConsts.FromCmd { websocketHelper.SendExecMsg(msg, "", commConsts.Run, nil, wsMsg) } logUtils.ExecConsolef(color.FgCyan, msg) logUtils.ExecFilef(msg) goto ExitAllCase default: } } ExitAllCase: endTime := time.Now().Unix() report.EndTime = endTime report.Duration = endTime - startTime } func FilterCases(cases []string, conf commDomain.WorkspaceConf) (casesToRun, casesToIgnore []string) { for _, cs := range cases { ext := path.Ext(cs) if ext != "" { ext = ext[1:] } lang := commConsts.ScriptExtToNameMap[ext] if lang == "" { continue } if commonUtils.IsWin() { if path.Ext(cs) == ".sh" { // filter by os continue } interpreter := configHelper.GetFieldVal(conf, stringUtils.UcFirst(lang)) if interpreter == "-" || interpreter == "" { interpreter = "" if lang != "bat" { casesToIgnore = append(casesToIgnore, cs) } } if lang != "bat" && interpreter == "" { // ignore the ones with no interpreter set continue } } else { // filter by os if path.Ext(cs) == ".bat" { continue } } //pass := scriptHelper.CheckFileIsScript(cs) //if pass { casesToRun = append(casesToRun, cs) //} } return } func genReport(productId, id int, by commConsts.ExecBy) (report commDomain.ZtfReport) { report = commDomain.ZtfReport{ TestEnv: commonUtils.GetOs(), ExecBy: by, ExecById: id, ProductId: productId, Pass: 0, Fail: 0, Total: 0, FuncResult: make([]commDomain.FuncResult, 0)} report.TestType = commConsts.TestFunc report.TestTool = commConsts.AppServer return } func getNumbMaxWidth(casesToRun []string) (numbMaxWidth, pathMaxWidth int) { for _, cs := range casesToRun { lent := runewidth.StringWidth(cs) if lent > pathMaxWidth { pathMaxWidth = lent } content := fileUtils.ReadFile(cs) caseId := scriptHelper.ReadCaseId(content) if len(caseId) > numbMaxWidth { numbMaxWidth = len(caseId) } } return }