package configUtils import ( "fmt" "os" "os/user" "path/filepath" "reflect" "strings" consts "" "" commonUtils "" fileUtils "" i118Utils "" logUtils "" shellUtils "" stdinUtils "" "" "" "" "" ) func InitConfig(root string) { vari.WorkDir, _ = fileUtils.GetWorkDir(root) logUtils.PrintTo(fmt.Sprintf("WorkDir=%s", vari.WorkDir)) vari.CfgFile = vari.WorkDir + ".zd.conf" vari.Config = getInst() i118Utils.InitI118(vari.Config.Language) temp := filepath.Join(vari.WorkDir, "tmp", "cache") if !fileUtils.FileExist(temp) { logUtils.PrintToWithColor(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("root_invalid", vari.WorkDir), color.FgRed) os.Exit(1) } CheckConfigPermission() if commonUtils.IsWin() { shellUtils.Exec("chcp 65001") } //logUtils.PrintToWithColor("workdir = "+vari.ZdPath, color.FgCyan) consts.SqliteFile = strings.Replace(consts.SqliteFile, "file:", "file:"+vari.WorkDir, 1) //logUtils.PrintToWithColor("dbfile = "+consts.SqliteFile, color.FgCyan) } func SaveConfig(conf model.Config) error { fileUtils.MkDirIfNeeded(filepath.Dir(vari.CfgFile)) if conf.Version == 0 { conf.Version = consts.ConfigVer } cfg := ini.Empty() cfg.ReflectFrom(&conf) cfg.SaveTo(vari.CfgFile) vari.Config = ReadCurrConfig() return nil } func PrintCurrConfig() { logUtils.PrintToWithColor("\n"+i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("current_config"), color.FgCyan) val := reflect.ValueOf(vari.Config) typeOfS := val.Type() for i := 0; i < reflect.ValueOf(vari.Config).NumField(); i++ { if !commonUtils.IsWin() && i > 4 { break } val := val.Field(i) name := typeOfS.Field(i).Name fmt.Printf(" %s: %v \n", name, val.Interface()) } } func ReadCurrConfig() model.Config { config := model.Config{} if !fileUtils.FileExist(vari.CfgFile) { config.Language = "en" i118Utils.InitI118("en") return config } ini.MapTo(&config, vari.CfgFile) return config } func getInst() model.Config { isSetAction := len(os.Args) > 1 && (os.Args[1] == "set" || os.Args[1] == "-set") if !isSetAction { CheckConfigReady() } ini.MapTo(&vari.Config, vari.CfgFile) if vari.Config.Version != consts.ConfigVer { // old config file, re-init if vari.Config.Language != "en" && vari.Config.Language != "zh" { vari.Config.Language = "en" } SaveConfig(vari.Config) } return vari.Config } func CheckConfigPermission() { //err := syscall.Access(vari.ExeDir, syscall.O_RDWR) err := fileUtils.MkDirIfNeeded(filepath.Dir(vari.CfgFile)) if err != nil { logUtils.PrintToWithColor( fmt.Sprintf("Permission denied, please change the dir %s.", vari.WorkDir), color.FgRed) os.Exit(0) } } func CheckConfigReady() { if !fileUtils.FileExist(vari.CfgFile) { //logUtils.PrintTo(vari.CfgFile + "no exist") if vari.GlobalVars.RunMode == consts.RunModeServer { conf := model.Config{Language: "zh", Version: 1} SaveConfig(conf) } else { InputForSet() } } } func InputForSet() { conf := ReadCurrConfig() //logUtils.PrintToWithColor(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("begin_config"), color.FgCyan) enCheck := "" var numb string if conf.Language == "zh" { enCheck = "*" numb = "1" } zhCheck := "" if conf.Language == "en" { zhCheck = "*" numb = "2" } // set lang langNo := stdinUtils.GetInput("(1|2)", numb, "enter_language", enCheck, zhCheck) if langNo == "1" { conf.Language = "zh" } else { conf.Language = "en" } // set PATH environment vari var addToPath bool if commonUtils.IsWin() { addToPath = true // stdinUtils.InputForBool(&addToPath, true, "add_to_path_win") } else { stdinUtils.InputForBool(&addToPath, true, "add_to_path_linux") } if addToPath { AddZdToPath() } SaveConfig(conf) PrintCurrConfig() } func AddZdToPath() { userProfile, _ := user.Current() home := userProfile.HomeDir if commonUtils.IsWin() { addZdToPathEnvVarWin(home) } else { addZdToPathEnvVarForLinux(home) } } func addZdToPathEnvVarWin(home string) { pathVar := os.Getenv("PATH") if strings.Contains(pathVar, vari.WorkDir) { return } cmd := `setx Path "%%Path%%;` + vari.WorkDir + `"` logUtils.PrintToWithColor("\n"+i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("add_to_path_tips_win", cmd), color.FgRed) // TODO: fix the space issue //out, err := shellUtils.Exec(cmd) // //if err == nil { // msg := i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("add_to_path_success_win") // logUtils.PrintToWithColor(msg, color.FgRed) //} else { // logUtils.PrintToWithColor( // i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("fail_to_exec_cmd", cmd, err.Error() + ": " + out), color.FgRed) //} } func addZdToPathEnvVarForLinux(home string) { path := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", home, consts.PthSep, ".bash_profile") content := fileUtils.ReadFile(path) if strings.Contains(content, vari.WorkDir) { return } cmd := fmt.Sprintf("echo 'export PATH=$PATH:%s' >> %s", vari.WorkDir, path) out, err := shellUtils.Exec(cmd) if err == nil { msg := i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("add_to_path_success_linux", path) logUtils.PrintToWithColor(msg, color.FgRed) } else { logUtils.PrintToWithColor( i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("fail_to_exec_cmd", cmd, err.Error()+": "+out), color.FgRed) } } func isDataInit(gormDb *gorm.DB) bool { def := model.ZdDef{} err := gormDb.Find(def).Error if err == nil { return true } else { return false } }