package serverService import ( "" "" "" serverUtils "" "" constant "" fileUtils "" stringUtils "" "" "" "" "io/ioutil" "log" "path" "strconv" "strings" ) type InstancesService struct { instancesRepo *serverRepo.InstancesRepo referRepo *serverRepo.ReferRepo resService *ResService sectionService *SectionService sectionRepo *serverRepo.SectionRepo } func (s *InstancesService) List(keywords string, page int) (list []*model.ZdInstances, total int) { list, total, _ = s.instancesRepo.List(strings.TrimSpace(keywords), page) return } func (s *InstancesService) Get(id int) (instances model.ZdInstances, dirs []model.Dir) { instances, _ = s.instancesRepo.Get(uint(id)) serverUtils.GetDirs(constant.ResDirYaml, &dirs) return } func (s *InstancesService) Save(instances *model.ZdInstances) (err error) { instances.Folder = serverUtils.DealWithPathSepRight(instances.Folder) instances.Path = vari.WorkDir + instances.Folder + serverUtils.AddExt(instances.FileName, ".yaml") instances.ReferName = service.PathToName(instances.Path, constant.ResDirYaml, constant.ResTypeInstances) if instances.ID == 0 { err = s.Create(instances) } else { err = s.Update(instances) } s.updateYaml(instances.ID) return } func (s *InstancesService) Create(instances *model.ZdInstances) (err error) { err = s.instancesRepo.Create(instances) return } func (s *InstancesService) Update(instances *model.ZdInstances) (err error) { var old model.ZdInstances old, err = s.instancesRepo.Get(instances.ID) if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return } if instances.Path != old.Path { fileUtils.RemoveExist(old.Path) } err = s.instancesRepo.Update(instances) return } func (s *InstancesService) Remove(id int) (err error) { var old model.ZdInstances old, err = s.instancesRepo.Get(uint(id)) if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { return } fileUtils.RemoveExist(old.Path) err = s.instancesRepo.Remove(uint(id)) return } func (s *InstancesService) updateYamlByItem(itemId uint) (err error) { item, _ := s.instancesRepo.GetItem(itemId) return s.updateYaml(item.InstancesID) } func (s *InstancesService) updateYaml(id uint) (err error) { var po model.ZdInstances po, _ = s.instancesRepo.Get(id) s.genYaml(&po) err = s.instancesRepo.UpdateYaml(po) fileUtils.WriteFile(po.Path, po.Yaml) return } func (s *InstancesService) genYaml(instances *model.ZdInstances) (str string) { //items, err := s.instancesRepo.GetItems(instances.ID) //if err != nil { // return //} // //yamlObj := model.ResInstances{} //s.instancesRepo.GenInst(*instances, &yamlObj) // //for _, item := range items { // inst := instancesItemToResInstForExport(*item) // // yamlObj.Instances = append(yamlObj.Instances, inst) //} root := s.GetItemTree(instances.ID) for _, item := range root.Fields { instances.Instances = append(instances.Instances, *item) } bytes, _ := yaml.Marshal(instances) instances.Yaml = stringUtils.ConvertYamlStringToMapFormat(bytes) return } func (s *InstancesService) Sync(files []model.ResFile) { list := s.instancesRepo.ListAll() mp := map[string]*model.ZdInstances{} for _, item := range list { mp[item.Path] = item } for _, fi := range files { _, found := mp[fi.Path] if !found { // no record s.SyncToDB(fi) } else if fi.UpdatedAt.Unix() > mp[fi.Path].UpdatedAt.Unix() { // db is old s.instancesRepo.Remove(mp[fi.Path].ID) s.SyncToDB(fi) } } return } func (s *InstancesService) SyncToDB(fi model.ResFile) (err error) { content, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(fi.Path) yamlContent := stringUtils.ReplaceSpecialChars(content) po := model.ZdInstances{} err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlContent, &po) po.Title = fi.Title po.Desc = fi.Desc po.Path = fi.Path po.Folder = serverUtils.GetRelativePath(po.Path) if strings.Index(po.Path, constant.ResDirYaml) > -1 { po.ReferName = service.PathToName(po.Path, constant.ResDirYaml, constant.ResTypeInstances) } else { po.ReferName = service.PathToName(po.Path, constant.ResDirUsers, constant.ResTypeInstances) } po.FileName = fileUtils.GetFileName(po.Path) po.Yaml = string(content) s.instancesRepo.Create(&po) for i, item := range po.Instances { item.Ord = i + 1 s.saveItemToDB(&item, po, fi.Path, 0, po.ID) } return } func (s *InstancesService) saveItemToDB(item *model.ZdInstancesItem, instances model.ZdInstances, currPath string, parentID, instancesID uint) { if item.Froms != nil && len(item.Froms) > 0 { for idx, from := range item.Froms { if from.Field == "" { from.Field = "from" + strconv.Itoa(idx+1) } s.saveItemToDB(from, instances, currPath, parentID, instancesID) } return } // update field if item.Instance != "" { // instance node item.Field = item.Instance } item.InstancesID = instancesID item.ParentID = parentID if item.From == "" && instances.From != "" { item.From = instances.From } if item.Type == "" { item.Type = constant.FieldTypeList } if item.Mode == "" { item.Mode = constant.ModeParallel } item.Range = strings.TrimSpace(item.Range) // save item s.instancesRepo.SaveItem(item) // create refer refer := model.ZdRefer{OwnerType: "instances", OwnerID: item.ID} if strings.Index(currPath, "_test-instacnes.yaml") > -1 && item.Field == "field1-1" { log.Println("") } needToCreateSections := false if item.Select != "" { // refer to excel refer.Type = constant.ResTypeExcel refer.ColName = item.Select refer.Condition = item.Where refer.Rand = item.Rand _, sheet := fileUtils.ConvertResExcelPath(item.From) refer.File = item.From refer.Sheet = sheet } else if item.Use != "" { // refer to ranges or instances, need to read yaml to get the type rangeSections := gen.ParseRangeProperty(item.Use) if len(rangeSections) > 0 { // only get the first one rangeSection := rangeSections[0] desc, _, count := gen.ParseRangeSection(rangeSection) // medium{2} refer.ColName = desc refer.Count = count } path := fileUtils.ConvertReferRangeToPath(item.From, currPath) _, _, refer.Type = service.ReadYamlInfo(path) refer.File = item.From } else if item.Config != "" { // refer to config refer.Type = constant.ResTypeConfig rangeSections := gen.ParseRangeProperty(item.Config) // dir/config.yaml if len(rangeSections) > 0 { // only get the first one rangeSection := rangeSections[0] desc, _, count := gen.ParseRangeSection(rangeSection) refer.Count = count path := fileUtils.ConvertReferRangeToPath(desc, currPath) refer.File = GetRelatedPathWithResDir(path) } } else if item.Range != "" { // deal with yaml and text refer using range prop rangeSections := gen.ParseRangeProperty(item.Range) if len(rangeSections) > 0 { // only get the first one rangeSection := rangeSections[0] desc, step, count := gen.ParseRangeSection(rangeSection) // dir/users.txt:R{3} if path.Ext(desc) == ".txt" || path.Ext(desc) == ".yaml" { if path.Ext(desc) == ".txt" { // dir/users.txt:2 refer.Type = constant.ResTypeText if strings.ToLower(step) == "r" { refer.Rand = true } else { refer.Step, _ = strconv.Atoi(step) } } else if path.Ext(desc) == ".yaml" { // dir/content.yaml{3} refer.Type = constant.ResTypeYaml refer.Count = count } path := fileUtils.ConvertReferRangeToPath(desc, currPath) refer.File = GetRelatedPathWithResDir(path) } else { // like 1-9,a-z needToCreateSections = true } } } // save refer refer.OwnerID = item.ID s.referRepo.Save(&refer) // gen sections if needed if needToCreateSections { rangeSections := gen.ParseRangeProperty(item.Range) for i, rangeSection := range rangeSections { s.sectionRepo.SaveFieldSectionToDB(rangeSection, i, item.ID, "instances") } } // deal with field's children for i, child := range item.Fields { child.Ord = i + 1 s.saveItemToDB(child, instances, currPath, item.ID, instancesID) } } func NewInstancesService(instancesRepo *serverRepo.InstancesRepo, referRepo *serverRepo.ReferRepo, sectionRepo *serverRepo.SectionRepo) *InstancesService { return &InstancesService{instancesRepo: instancesRepo, referRepo: referRepo, sectionRepo: sectionRepo} }