{ "language": "en-US", "messages": [ { "id": "usage", "translation": "Usage:" }, { "id": "example", "translation": "Example:" }, { "id": "for_example", "translation": "e.g. %s" }, { "id": "total", "translation": "Total" }, { "id": "begin_config", "translation": "Begin to config, type 'exit' to quit." }, { "id": "enter_language", "translation": "1) 请选择您要使用的语言,中文请输入数字1。\n2) Please select the language. Input 2 for English." }, { "id": "current_config", "translation": "Current config:" }, { "id": "success_to_read", "translation": "success to read file %s" }, { "id": "fail_to_read_file", "translation": "Fail to read file %s." }, { "id": "fail_to_write_file", "translation": "Fail to write file %s." }, { "id": "fail_to_parse_file", "translation": "Fail to parse the content of file %s." }, { "id": "fail_to_parse_ranges", "translation": "%s is not ResRanges format, try to parse as ResInsts." }, { "id": "generate_records", "translation": "Generate %d records to file %s, spend %d secs." }, { "id": "fail_to_connect_sqlite", "translation": "fail to open SQLite %s, error: %s." }, { "id": "fail_to_exec_query", "translation": "fail to exec query %s." }, { "id": "fail_to_parse_row", "translation": "fail to parse sqlite3 row %s." }, { "id": "fail_to_save_excel", "translation": "fail to save excel: " }, { "id": "fail_to_drop_table", "translation": "fail to drop table %s, error: %s" }, { "id": "fail_to_create_table", "translation": "fail to create table: " }, { "id": "fail_to_insert_data", "translation": "fail to insert data: " }, { "id": "file_change_time", "translation": "file change time is " }, { "id": "generate_yaml", "translation": "Generate %d yaml files in %s, spend %d secs." }, { "id": "start_server", "translation": "Success yo start zendata http service, press CTRL+C to exist. \nYou may use http://%s:%s to retrieve the data,for example: \n curl http://%s:%s/?default=demo/default.yaml&config=demo/test.yaml&lines=100." }, { "id": "excel_data", "translation": "Excel Data." }, { "id": "excel_data_1", "translation": "Excel that contains below sheet." }, { "id": "excel_data_1", "translation": "Excel that contains below data." } ] }