package gen import ( "fmt" "" constant "" fileUtils "" stringUtils "" "" "" "strconv" "strings" ) func GenerateForDefinition(defaultFile, configFile string, fieldsToExport *[]string, total int) ([][]string, []bool) { vari.DefaultDir = fileUtils.GetAbsDir(defaultFile) vari.ConfigDir = fileUtils.GetAbsDir(configFile) vari.Def = LoadConfigDef(defaultFile, configFile, fieldsToExport) vari.Res = LoadResDef(*fieldsToExport) fieldNameToValues := map[string][]string{} colTypes := make([]bool, 0) // 为每个field生成值列表 for index, field := range vari.Def.Fields { if !stringUtils.FindInArr(field.Field, *fieldsToExport) { continue } values := GenerateForField(&field, total, true) vari.Def.Fields[index].Precision = field.Precision fieldNameToValues[field.Field] = values colTypes = append(colTypes, field.IsNumb) } // 生成指定数量行的数据 rows := make([][]string, 0) for i := 0; i < total; i++ { for _, field := range vari.Def.Fields { if !stringUtils.FindInArr(field.Field, *fieldsToExport) { continue } values := fieldNameToValues[field.Field] fieldVal := values[i % len(values)] if len(rows) == i { rows = append(rows, make([]string, 0)) } rows[i] = append(rows[i], fieldVal) } } return rows, colTypes } func GenerateForField(field *model.DefField, total int, withFix bool) []string { values := make([]string, 0) if len(field.Fields) > 0 { // sub fields arr := make([][]string, 0) // 2 dimension arr for child, [ [a,b,c], [1,2,3] ] for _, child := range field.Fields { childValues := GenerateForField(&child, total, withFix) arr = append(arr, childValues) } for i := 0; i < total; i++ { concat := "" for _, row := range arr { concat = concat + row[i] // get one item from each child, grouped as a1 or b2 } // should be done by calling LoopSubFields func as below, so disable this line //concat = field.Prefix + concat + field.Postfix values = append(values, concat) } values = LoopSubFields(field, values, total, true) } else if field.From != "" { // refer to res if field.Use != "" { // refer to instance if field.Use == "privateIP" { fmt.Println("") } groupValues := vari.Res[field.From] groups := strings.Split(field.Use, ",") for _, group := range groups { if group == "all" { for _, arr := range groupValues { // add all values = append(values, arr...) } } else { values = append(values, groupValues[group]...) } } } else if field.Select != "" { // refer to excel groupValues := vari.Res[field.From] slct := field.Select values = append(values, groupValues[slct]...) } values = LoopSubFields(field, values, total, true) } else if field.Config != "" { // refer to another define groupValues := vari.Res[field.Config] values = append(values, groupValues["all"]...) } else { // basic field values = GenerateFieldItemsFromDefinition(field) } return values } func GenerateFieldItemsFromDefinition(field *model.DefField) []string { //if field.Loop == "" {field.Loop = "1"} values := make([]string, 0) fieldValue := GenerateList(field) index := 0 count := 0 for { // 处理格式、前后缀、loop等 str := GenerateFieldValWithFix(field, fieldValue, &index, true) values = append(values, str) count++ if count >= constant.Total { break } } return values } func GenerateFieldVal(field model.DefField, fieldValue model.FieldValue, index *int) string { str := "" // 叶节点 idx := *index % len(fieldValue.Values) val := fieldValue.Values[idx] str = GetFieldValStr(field, val) return str } func GetFieldValStr(field model.DefField, val interface{}) string { str := "n/a" success := false switch val.(type) { case int64: if field.Format != "" { str, success = stringUtils.FormatStr(field.Format, val.(int64)) } if !success { str = strconv.FormatInt(val.(int64), 10) } case float64: precision := 0 if field.Precision > 0 { precision = field.Precision } if field.Format != "" { str, success = stringUtils.FormatStr(field.Format, val.(float64)) } if !success { str = strconv.FormatFloat(val.(float64), 'f', precision, 64) } case byte: str = string(val.(byte)) if field.Format != "" { str, success = stringUtils.FormatStr(field.Format, str) } if !success { str = string(val.(byte)) } case string: str = val.(string) fmt.Sprintf(str) default: } return str } func LoopSubFields(field *model.DefField, oldValues []string, total int, withFix bool) []string { //if field.Loop == "" {field.Loop = "1"} values := make([]string, 0) fieldValue := model.FieldValue{} for _, val := range oldValues { fieldValue.Values = append(fieldValue.Values, val) } index := 0 count := 0 for { // 处理格式、前后缀、loop等 str := GenerateFieldValWithFix(field, fieldValue, &index, withFix) values = append(values, str) count++ if count >= total { break } } return values } func GenerateFieldValWithFix(field *model.DefField, fieldValue model.FieldValue, indexOfRow *int, withFix bool) string { prefix := field.Prefix postfix := field.Postfix computerLoop(field) loopStr := "" for j := 0; j < (*field).LoopIndex; j++ { if loopStr != "" { loopStr = loopStr + field.Loopfix } str := GenerateFieldVal(*field, fieldValue, indexOfRow) loopStr = loopStr + str *indexOfRow++ } if withFix && !vari.Trim { loopStr = prefix + loopStr + postfix } if field.Width > runewidth.StringWidth(loopStr) { loopStr = stringUtils.AddPad(loopStr, *field) } (*field).LoopIndex = (*field).LoopIndex + 1 if (*field).LoopIndex > (*field).LoopEnd { (*field).LoopIndex = (*field).LoopStart } return loopStr } func computerLoop(field *model.DefField) { if (*field).LoopIndex != 0 { return } arr := strings.Split(field.Loop, "-") (*field).LoopStart, _ = strconv.Atoi(arr[0]) if len(arr) > 1 { field.LoopEnd, _ = strconv.Atoi(arr[1]) } if (*field).LoopStart == 0 { (*field).LoopStart = 1 } if (*field).LoopEnd == 0 { (*field).LoopEnd = 1 } (*field).LoopIndex = (*field).LoopStart }