import { logger } from "@coder/logger" import { spawn } from "child_process" import delay from "delay" import fs from "fs" import path from "path" import split2 from "split2" import { promisify } from "util" import xdgBasedir from "xdg-basedir" const coderCloudAgent = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../lib/coder-cloud-agent") export async function coderCloudExpose(serverName: string): Promise { const agent = spawn(coderCloudAgent, ["link", serverName], { stdio: ["inherit", "inherit", "pipe"], }) agent.stderr.pipe(split2()).on("data", (line) => { line = line.replace(/^[0-9-]+ [0-9:]+ [^ ]+\t/, "") }) return new Promise((res, rej) => { agent.on("error", rej) agent.on("close", (code) => { if (code !== 0) { rej({ message: `coder cloud agent exited with ${code}`, }) return } res() }) }) } export function coderCloudProxy(addr: string) { // addr needs to be in host:port format. // So we trim the protocol. addr = addr.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "") if (!xdgBasedir.config) { return } const sessionTokenPath = path.join(xdgBasedir.config, "coder-cloud", "session") const _proxy = async () => { await waitForPath(sessionTokenPath)"exposing coder-server with coder-cloud") const agent = spawn(coderCloudAgent, ["proxy", "--code-server-addr", addr], { stdio: ["inherit", "inherit", "pipe"], }) agent.stderr.pipe(split2()).on("data", (line) => { line = line.replace(/^[0-9-]+ [0-9:]+ [^ ]+\t/, "") }) return new Promise((res, rej) => { agent.on("error", rej) agent.on("close", (code) => { if (code !== 0) { rej({ message: `coder cloud agent exited with ${code}`, }) return } res() }) }) } const proxy = async () => { try { await _proxy() } catch (err) { logger.error(err.message) } setTimeout(proxy, 3000) } proxy() } /** * waitForPath efficiently implements waiting for the existence of a path. * * We intentionally do not use fs.watchFile as it is very slow from testing. * I believe it polls instead of watching. * * The way this works is for each level of the path it will check if it exists * and if not, it will wait for it. e.g. if the path is /home/nhooyr/.config/coder-cloud/session * then first it will check if /home exists, then /home/nhooyr and so on. * * The wait works by first creating a watch promise for the p segment. * We call on the dirname of the p segment. When the dirname has a change, * we check if the p segment exists and if it does, we resolve the watch promise. * On any error or the watcher being closed, we reject the watch promise. * * Once that promise is setup, we check if the p segment exists with fs.exists * and if it does, we close the watcher and return. * * Now we race the watch promise and a 2000ms delay promise. Once the race * is complete, we close the watcher. * * If the watch promise was the one to resolve, we return. * Otherwise we setup the watch promise again and retry. * * This combination of polling and watching is very reliable and efficient. */ async function waitForPath(p: string): Promise { const segs = p.split(path.sep) for (let i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { const s = path.join("/", ...segs.slice(0, i + 1)) // We need to wait for each segment to exist. await _waitForPath(s) } } async function _waitForPath(p: string): Promise { const watchDir = path.dirname(p) logger.debug(`waiting for ${p}`) for (;;) { const w = const watchPromise = new Promise((res, rej) => { w.on("change", async () => { if (await promisify(fs.exists)(p)) { res() } }) w.on("close", () => rej(new Error("watcher closed"))) w.on("error", rej) }) // We want to ignore any errors from this promise being rejected if the file // already exists below. watchPromise.catch(() => {}) if (await promisify(fs.exists)(p)) { // The path exists! w.close() return } // Now we wait for either the watch promise to resolve/reject or 2000ms. const s = await Promise.race([watchPromise.then(() => "exists"), delay(2000)]) w.close() if (s === "exists") { return } } }