#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Quick-and-dirty automation of making maven and binary releases. Not robust at all. # Publishes releases to Maven and packages/copies binary release artifacts. # Expects to be run in a totally empty directory. # # # NOTE: The code in this file is based on code from the Apache Spark # project, licensed under the Apache License v 2.0 # # https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/dev/create-release/create-release.sh # ## # # Flink release script # =================== # # Can be called like this: # # sonatype_user=APACHEID sonatype_pw=APACHEIDPASSWORD \ # NEW_VERSION=1.2.0 \ # RELEASE_CANDIDATE="rc1" RELEASE_BRANCH=release-1.2.0 # OLD_VERSION=1.1-SNAPSHOT \ # USER_NAME=APACHEID \ # GPG_PASSPHRASE=XXX GPG_KEY=KEYID \ # GIT_AUTHOR="`git config --get user.name` <`git config --get user.email`>" \ # ./create_release_files.sh # ## # fail immediately set -o errexit set -o nounset # print command before executing set -o xtrace CURR_DIR=`pwd` if [[ `basename $CURR_DIR` != "tools" ]] ; then echo "You have to call the script from the tools/ dir" exit 1 fi ## ## Variables with defaults (if not overwritten by environment) ## GPG_PASSPHRASE=${GPG_PASSPHRASE:-XXX} GPG_KEY=${GPG_KEY:-XXX} GIT_AUTHOR=${GIT_AUTHOR:-"Your name "} OLD_VERSION=${OLD_VERSION:-1.2-SNAPSHOT} RELEASE_VERSION=${NEW_VERSION:-1.3-SNAPSHOT} RELEASE_CANDIDATE=${RELEASE_CANDIDATE:-none} RELEASE_BRANCH=${RELEASE_BRANCH:-master} USER_NAME=${USER_NAME:-yourapacheidhere} MVN=${MVN:-mvn} GPG=${GPG:-gpg} sonatype_user=${sonatype_user:-yourapacheidhere} sonatype_pw=${sonatype_pw:-XXX} # whether only build the dist local and don't release to apache IS_LOCAL_DIST=${IS_LOCAL_DIST:-false} GIT_REPO=${GIT_REPO:-git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/flink.git} SCALA_VERSION=none HADOOP_VERSION=none if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then SHASUM="shasum -a 512" MD5SUM="md5 -r" else SHASUM="sha512sum" MD5SUM="md5sum" fi usage() { set +x echo "./create_release_files.sh --scala-version 2.11 --hadoop-version 2.7.3" echo "" echo "usage:" echo "[--scala-version ] [--hadoop-version ]" echo "" echo "example 1: build apache release" echo " sonatype_user=APACHEID sonatype_pw=APACHEIDPASSWORD \ " echo " NEW_VERSION=1.2.0 RELEASE_CANDIDATE="rc1" RELEASE_BRANCH=release-1.2.0 OLD_VERSION=1.1-SNAPSHOT \ " echo " USER_NAME=APACHEID GPG_PASSPHRASE=XXX GPG_KEY=KEYID \ " echo " GIT_AUTHOR=\"`git config --get user.name` <`git config --get user.email`>\" \ " echo " GIT_REPO=github.com/apache/flink.git \ " echo " ./create_release_files.sh --scala-version 2.11 --hadoop-version 2.7.3" echo "" echo "example 2: build local release" echo " NEW_VERSION=1.2.0 RELEASE_BRANCH=master OLD_VERSION=1.2-SNAPSHOT \ " echo " GPG_PASSPHRASE=XXX GPG_KEY=XXX IS_LOCAL_DIST=true \ " echo " ./create_release_files.sh --scala-version 2.11 --hadoop-version 2.7.3" exit 1 } # Parse arguments while (( "$#" )); do case $1 in --scala-version) SCALA_VERSION="$2" shift ;; --hadoop-version) HADOOP_VERSION="$2" shift ;; --help) usage ;; *) break ;; esac shift done ########################### prepare() { # prepare target_branch=release-$RELEASE_VERSION if [ "$RELEASE_CANDIDATE" != "none" ]; then target_branch=$target_branch-$RELEASE_CANDIDATE fi if [ ! -d ./flink ]; then git clone http://$GIT_REPO flink else # if flink git repo exist, delete target branch, delete builded distribution rm -rf flink-*.tgz cd flink # try-catch { git pull --all git checkout master git branch -D $target_branch -f } || { echo "branch $target_branch not found" } cd .. fi cd flink git checkout -b $target_branch origin/$RELEASE_BRANCH rm -rf .gitignore .gitattributes .travis.yml deploysettings.xml CHANGELOG .github cd .. } # create source package make_source_release() { cd flink #change version in all pom files find . -name 'pom.xml' -type f -exec perl -pi -e 's#'$OLD_VERSION'#'$NEW_VERSION'#' {} \; #change version in quickstart archetypes find . -name 'pom.xml' -type f -exec perl -pi -e 's#'$OLD_VERSION'#'$NEW_VERSION'#' {} \; #change version of documentation cd docs perl -pi -e "s#^version: .*#version: ${NEW_VERSION}#" _config.yml perl -pi -e "s#^version_short: .*#version_short: ${NEW_VERSION}#" _config.yml cd .. # local dist have no need to commit to remote if [ "$IS_LOCAL_DIST" == "false" ]; then git commit --author="$GIT_AUTHOR" -am "Commit for release $RELEASE_VERSION" git remote add asf_push https://$USER_NAME@$GIT_REPO RELEASE_HASH=`git rev-parse HEAD` echo "Echo created release hash $RELEASE_HASH" fi cd .. echo "Creating source package" rsync -a --exclude ".git" flink/ flink-$RELEASE_VERSION tar czf flink-${RELEASE_VERSION}-src.tgz flink-$RELEASE_VERSION echo $GPG_PASSPHRASE | $GPG --batch --default-key $GPG_KEY --passphrase-fd 0 --armour --output flink-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tgz.asc \ --detach-sig flink-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tgz $MD5SUM flink-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tgz > flink-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tgz.md5 $SHASUM flink-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tgz > flink-$RELEASE_VERSION-src.tgz.sha rm -rf flink-$RELEASE_VERSION } # build maven package, create Flink distribution, generate signature make_binary_release() { NAME=$1 FLAGS=$2 SCALA_VERSION=$3 echo "Creating binary release name: $NAME, flags: $FLAGS, SCALA_VERSION: ${SCALA_VERSION}" dir_name="flink-$RELEASE_VERSION-bin-$NAME-scala_${SCALA_VERSION}" rsync -a --exclude "flink/.git" flink/ "${dir_name}" # make distribution cd "${dir_name}" # enable release profile here (to check for the maven version) $MVN clean package $FLAGS -DskipTests -Prelease,scala-${SCALA_VERSION} -Dgpg.skip cd flink-dist/target/flink-*-bin/ tar czf "${dir_name}.tgz" flink-* cp flink-*.tgz ../../../../ cd ../../../../ # Sign md5 and sha the tgz echo $GPG_PASSPHRASE | $GPG --batch --default-key $GPG_KEY \ --passphrase-fd 0 --armour \ --output "${dir_name}.tgz.asc" \ --detach-sig "${dir_name}.tgz" $MD5SUM "${dir_name}.tgz" > "${dir_name}.tgz.md5" $SHASUM "${dir_name}.tgz" > "${dir_name}.tgz.sha" } deploy_to_maven() { echo "Deploying to repository.apache.org" cd flink cp ../../deploysettings.xml . echo "Deploying Scala 2.11 version" $MVN clean deploy -Prelease,docs-and-source,scala-2.11 --settings deploysettings.xml -DskipTests -Dgpg.executable=$GPG -Dgpg.keyname=$GPG_KEY -Dgpg.passphrase=$GPG_PASSPHRASE -DretryFailedDeploymentCount=10 # It is important to first deploy scala 2.11 and then scala 2.10 so that the quickstarts (which are independent of the scala version) # are depending on scala 2.10. echo "Deploying Scala 2.10 version" $MVN clean deploy -Prelease,docs-and-source,scala-2.10 --settings deploysettings.xml -DskipTests -Dgpg.executable=$GPG -Dgpg.keyname=$GPG_KEY -Dgpg.passphrase=$GPG_PASSPHRASE -DretryFailedDeploymentCount=10 } copy_data() { # Copy data echo "Copying release tarballs" folder=flink-$RELEASE_VERSION # candidate is not none, append it if [ "$RELEASE_CANDIDATE" != "none" ]; then folder=$folder-$RELEASE_CANDIDATE fi sftp $USER_NAME@home.apache.org <