module FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests.Parser.Recovery open FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests.Common open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax open FSharp.Compiler.Text open FsUnit open NUnit.Framework [] let ``Interface impl - No members`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ type T = interface I with member x.P2 = () let x = () """ match getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults with | [ SynModuleDecl.Types ([ SynTypeDefn (typeRepr = SynTypeDefnRepr.ObjectModel (members = [ _; _ ])) ], _) SynModuleDecl.Let _ ] -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Union case 01 - of`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ type U1 = | A of type U2 = | B of | C let x = () """ let (|UnionWithCases|_|) typeDefn = match typeDefn with | SynTypeDefn (typeRepr = SynTypeDefnRepr.Simple (SynTypeDefnSimpleRepr.Union (unionCases = cases), _)) -> cases |> (fun (SynUnionCase (ident = SynIdent(ident,_))) -> ident.idText) |> Some | _ -> None match getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults with | [ SynModuleDecl.Types ([ UnionWithCases ["A"]], _) SynModuleDecl.Types ([ UnionWithCases ["B"; "C"] ], _) SynModuleDecl.Let _ ] -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Match clause 01`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ match () with | x """ match getSingleExprInModule parseResults with | SynExpr.Match (clauses=[ SynMatchClause (resultExpr=SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _) ]) -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Match clause 02 - When`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ match () with | x when true """ match getSingleExprInModule parseResults with | SynExpr.Match (clauses=[ SynMatchClause (resultExpr=SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _) ]) -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Match clause 03 - When`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ match () with | x when true | _ -> () """ match getSingleExprInModule parseResults with | SynExpr.Match (clauses=[ SynMatchClause (resultExpr=SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _); _ ]) -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Match clause 04 - Or pat`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ match () with | x | _ -> () """ match getSingleExprInModule parseResults with | SynExpr.Match (clauses=[ SynMatchClause (pat=SynPat.Or _;resultExpr=SynExpr.Const _) ]) -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Match clause 05 - Missing body`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ match () with | x -> | _ -> () """ match getSingleExprInModule parseResults with | SynExpr.Match (clauses=[ SynMatchClause (resultExpr=SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _) SynMatchClause (resultExpr=SynExpr.Const _) ]) -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Match clause 06`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ match () with | (x | y -> () """ match getSingleExprInModule parseResults with | SynExpr.Match (clauses=[ SynMatchClause (pat=pat) ]) -> match pat with | SynPat.FromParseError (SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Or (SynPat.Named _, SynPat.Named _, _, _), _), _) -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected pattern" | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Match clause 07`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ match () with | (x, | y -> () """ match getSingleExprInModule parseResults with | SynExpr.Match (clauses=[ SynMatchClause (pat=pat) ]) -> match pat with | SynPat.Paren(SynPat.Or(SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Named _; SynPat.Wild _], _), SynPat.Named _, _, _), _) -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected pattern" | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Match clause 08 - Range`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ match () with | a b """ match getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults with | [ SynModuleDecl.Expr (expr=(SynExpr.Match _ as m)); SynModuleDecl.Expr (expr=(SynExpr.Ident _ as i)) ] -> Assert.True(Position.posLt m.Range.End i.Range.Start) | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Let - Parameter - Paren 01`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ let f (x """ match getSingleDeclInModule parseResults with | SynModuleDecl.Let (_, [ SynBinding (headPat = headPat) ], _) -> match headPat with | SynPat.LongIdent (argPats=SynArgPats.Pats [ SynPat.FromParseError (SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Named _, _), _) ]) -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Let - Parameter - Paren 02 - Tuple`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ let f (x, y """ match getSingleDeclInModule parseResults with | SynModuleDecl.Let (_, [ SynBinding (headPat = headPat) ], _) -> match headPat with | SynPat.LongIdent (argPats=SynArgPats.Pats [ SynPat.FromParseError (SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Tuple _, _), _) ]) -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Let - Parameter - Paren 03 - Tuple`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ let f (x, """ match getSingleDeclInModule parseResults with | SynModuleDecl.Let (_, [ SynBinding (headPat = SynPat.LongIdent (argPats = SynArgPats.Pats [ pat ])) ], _) -> match pat with | SynPat.FromParseError (SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Named _; SynPat.Wild _], _), _), _) -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" let assertIsBefore (f: _ -> range) (a, b) = let r1 = f a let r2 = f b Position.posGeq r2.Start r1.End |> shouldEqual true let inline assertIsEmptyRange node = let range = getRange node Position.posEq range.Start range.End |> shouldEqual true let inline checkNodeOrder exprs = exprs |> List.pairwise |> List.iter (assertIsBefore getRange) let checkRangeCountAndOrder commas = commas |> List.iter (fun (commas, length) -> List.length commas |> shouldEqual length commas |> List.pairwise |> List.iter (assertIsBefore id)) [] let ``Expr - Tuple 01`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ (,) (,,) (,,,) """ let exprs = getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults |> getSingleParenInnerExpr match exprs with | [ SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e11; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e12], c1, _) SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e21; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e22; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e23], c2, _) SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e31; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e32; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e33; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e34], c3, _) ] -> [ e11; e12; e21; e22; e23; e31; e32; e33; e34 ] |> checkNodeOrder [ c1, 1; c2, 2; c3, 3 ] |> checkRangeCountAndOrder | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Expr - Tuple 02`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ (1,) (,1) (1,1) """ let exprs = getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults |> getSingleParenInnerExpr match exprs with | [ SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.Const _ as e11; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e12], c1, _) SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e21; SynExpr.Const _ as e22], c2, _) SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.Const _ as e31; SynExpr.Const _ as e32], c3, _) ] -> [ e11; e12; e21; e22; e31; e32 ] |> checkNodeOrder [ c1, 1; c2, 1; c3, 1 ] |> checkRangeCountAndOrder | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Expr - Tuple 03`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ (1,,) (,1,) (,,1) (1,1,) (,1,1) (1,,1) (1,1,1) """ let exprs = getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults |> getSingleParenInnerExpr match exprs with | [ SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.Const _ as e11; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e12; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e13], c1, _) SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e21; SynExpr.Const _ as e22; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e23], c2, _) SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e31; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e32; SynExpr.Const _ as e33], c3, _) SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.Const _ as e41; SynExpr.Const _ as e42; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e43], c4, _) SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e51; SynExpr.Const _ as e52; SynExpr.Const _ as e53], c5, _) SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.Const _ as e61; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e62; SynExpr.Const _ as e63], c6, _) SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.Const _ as e71; SynExpr.Const _ as e72; SynExpr.Const _ as e73], c7, _) ] -> [ e11; e12; e13; e21; e22; e23; e31; e32; e33 e41; e42; e43; e51; e52; e53; e61; e62; e63 e71; e72; e73 ] |> checkNodeOrder [ c1, 2; c2, 2; c3, 2 c4, 2; c5, 2; c6, 2 c7, 2 ] |> checkRangeCountAndOrder | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Expr - Tuple 04`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ (,1,,2,3,,4,) """ let exprs = getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults |> getSingleParenInnerExpr match exprs with | [ SynExpr.Tuple(_, [ SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e1 SynExpr.Const _ as e2 SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e3 SynExpr.Const _ as e4 SynExpr.Const _ as e5 SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e6 SynExpr.Const _ as e7 SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ as e8 ], c, _) ] -> [ e1; e2; e3; e4; e5; e6; e7; e8 ] |> checkNodeOrder [ c, 7 ] |> checkRangeCountAndOrder | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Expr - Tuple 05`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ (1, """ match getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults |> getSingleParenInnerExpr with | [ SynExpr.FromParseError(SynExpr.Tuple(_, [SynExpr.Const _; SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _], _, _), _) ] -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Expr - Tuple 06`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ (1,,,2) """ let synExprs = getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults |> getSingleParenInnerExpr match synExprs with | [ SynExpr.Tuple(_, [ SynExpr.Const _ SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ SynExpr.ArbitraryAfterError _ SynExpr.Const _ ], _, _) ] -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Expr - Tuple 07`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ let x = 1, """ match getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults with | [ SynModuleDecl.Let(_, [ (SynBinding(expr = expr)) ], range) ] -> shouldEqual expr.Range.StartLine expr.Range.EndLine shouldEqual range.StartLine range.EndLine | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Pattern - Head - Tuple 01`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ let , = () let ,, = () let ,,, = () """ let pats = getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults |> getLetDeclHeadPattern match pats with | [ SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p11; SynPat.Wild _ as p12], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p21; SynPat.Wild _ as p22; SynPat.Wild _ as p23], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p31; SynPat.Wild _ as p32; SynPat.Wild _ as p33; SynPat.Wild _ as p34], _) ] -> [ p11; p12; p21; p22; p23; p31; p32; p33; p34 ] |> checkNodeOrder [ p11; p12; p21; p22; p23; p31; p32; p33; p34 ] |> List.iter assertIsEmptyRange | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Pattern - Head - Tuple 02`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ let 1, = () let ,1 = () let 1,1 = () """ let pats = getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults |> getLetDeclHeadPattern match pats with | [ SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Const _ as p11; SynPat.Wild _ as p12], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p21; SynPat.Const _ as p22], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Const _ as p31; SynPat.Const _ as p32], _) ] -> [ p11; p12; p21; p22; p31; p32 ] |> checkNodeOrder [ p12; p21 ] |> List.iter assertIsEmptyRange | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Pattern - Head - Tuple 03`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ let 1,, = () let ,1, = () let ,,1 = () let 1,1, = () let ,1,1 = () let 1,,1 = () let 1,1,1 = () """ let pats = getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults |> getLetDeclHeadPattern match pats with | [ SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Const _ as p11; SynPat.Wild _ as p12; SynPat.Wild _ as p13], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p21; SynPat.Const _ as p22; SynPat.Wild _ as p23], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p31; SynPat.Wild _ as p32; SynPat.Const _ as p33], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Const _ as p41; SynPat.Const _ as p42; SynPat.Wild _ as p43], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p51; SynPat.Const _ as p52; SynPat.Const _ as p53], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Const _ as p61; SynPat.Wild _ as p62; SynPat.Const _ as p63], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Const _ as p71; SynPat.Const _ as p72; SynPat.Const _ as p73], _) ] -> [ p11; p12; p13; p21; p22; p23; p31; p32; p33 p41; p42; p43; p51; p52; p53; p61; p62; p63 p71; p72; p73 ] |> checkNodeOrder [ p12; p13; p21; p23; p31; p32; p43; p51; p62 ] |> List.iter assertIsEmptyRange | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" let getParenPatInnerPattern pat = match pat with | SynPat.Paren(pat, _) -> pat | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Pattern - Paren - Tuple 01`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ let (,) = () let (,,) = () let (,,,) = () """ let pats = getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults |> (getLetDeclHeadPattern >> getParenPatInnerPattern) match pats with | [ SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p11; SynPat.Wild _ as p12], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p21; SynPat.Wild _ as p22; SynPat.Wild _ as p23], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p31; SynPat.Wild _ as p32; SynPat.Wild _ as p33; SynPat.Wild _ as p34], _) ] -> [ p11; p12; p21; p22; p23; p31; p32; p33; p34 ] |> checkNodeOrder [ p11; p12; p21; p22; p23; p31; p32; p33; p34 ] |> List.iter assertIsEmptyRange | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Pattern - Paren - Tuple 02`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ let (1,) = () let (,1) = () let (1,1) = () """ let pats = getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults |> (getLetDeclHeadPattern >> getParenPatInnerPattern) match pats with | [ SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Const _ as p11; SynPat.Wild _ as p12], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p21; SynPat.Const _ as p22], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Const _ as p31; SynPat.Const _ as p32], _) ] -> [ p11; p12; p21; p22; p31; p32 ] |> checkNodeOrder [ p12; p21 ] |> List.iter assertIsEmptyRange | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Pattern - Paren - Tuple 03`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ let (1,,) = () let (,1,) = () let (,,1) = () let (1,1,) = () let (,1,1) = () let (1,,1) = () let (1,1,1) = () """ let pats = getSingleModuleMemberDecls parseResults |> (getLetDeclHeadPattern >> getParenPatInnerPattern) match pats with | [ SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Const _ as p11; SynPat.Wild _ as p12; SynPat.Wild _ as p13], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p21; SynPat.Const _ as p22; SynPat.Wild _ as p23], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p31; SynPat.Wild _ as p32; SynPat.Const _ as p33], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Const _ as p41; SynPat.Const _ as p42; SynPat.Wild _ as p43], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Wild _ as p51; SynPat.Const _ as p52; SynPat.Const _ as p53], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Const _ as p61; SynPat.Wild _ as p62; SynPat.Const _ as p63], _) SynPat.Tuple(_, [SynPat.Const _ as p71; SynPat.Const _ as p72; SynPat.Const _ as p73], _) ] -> [ p11; p12; p13; p21; p22; p23; p31; p32; p33 p41; p42; p43; p51; p52; p53; p61; p62; p63 p71; p72; p73 ] |> checkNodeOrder [ p12; p13; p21; p23; p31; p32; p43; p51; p62 ] |> List.iter assertIsEmptyRange | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree" [] let ``Match - Clause 01`` () = let parseResults = getParseResults """ match () with | _ -> () | _, """ let exprs = getSingleExprInModule parseResults match exprs with | SynExpr.Match(_, _, [_; _], _, _) -> () | _ -> failwith "Unexpected tree"