// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. /// Functions associated with signing il assemblies which /// vary between supported implementations of the CLI Common Language /// Runtime, e.g. between the SSCLI, Mono and the Microsoft CLR. /// module internal FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.StrongNameSign open System open System.IO //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Strong name signing //--------------------------------------------------------------------- [] type ILStrongNameSigner = member PublicKey: byte[] static member OpenPublicKeyOptions: string -> bool -> ILStrongNameSigner static member OpenPublicKey: byte[] -> ILStrongNameSigner static member OpenKeyPairFile: string -> ILStrongNameSigner static member OpenKeyContainer: string -> ILStrongNameSigner member IsFullySigned: bool member PublicKey: byte[] member SignatureSize: int member SignStream: Stream -> unit