提交 99a2ca25 编写于 作者: T TIHan

Might have it working

上级 bf043555
......@@ -2217,13 +2217,13 @@ and GenExprAux (cenv: cenv) (cgbuf: CodeGenBuffer) eenv sp expr sequel =
| Expr.Sequential _
| Expr.Let _
| LinearOpExpr _
| LinearMatchExpr _ ->
| Expr.Match _ ->
GenLinearExpr cenv cgbuf eenv sp expr sequel (* canProcessSequencePoint *) false id |> ignore<FakeUnit>
| Expr.Const (c, m, ty) ->
GenConstant cenv cgbuf eenv (c, m, ty) sequel
| Expr.Match (spBind, exprm, tree, targets, m, ty) ->
GenMatch cenv cgbuf eenv (spBind, exprm, tree, targets, m, ty) sequel
//| Expr.Match (spBind, exprm, tree, targets, m, ty) ->
// GenMatch cenv cgbuf eenv (spBind, exprm, tree, targets, m, ty) sequel
| Expr.LetRec (binds, body, m, _) ->
GenLetRec cenv cgbuf eenv (binds, body, m) sequel
| Expr.Lambda _ | Expr.TyLambda _ ->
......@@ -2553,14 +2553,34 @@ and GenAllocUnionCase cenv cgbuf eenv (c,tyargs,args,m) sequel =
GenAllocUnionCaseCore cenv cgbuf eenv (c,tyargs,args.Length,m)
GenSequel cenv eenv.cloc cgbuf sequel
and GenLinearExpr cenv cgbuf eenv sp expr sequel canProcessSequencePoint (contf: FakeUnit -> FakeUnit) =
let expr = stripExpr expr
and GenAfterMatch cenv cgbuf eenv afterJoin stackAfterJoin sequelAfterJoin =
CG.SetMarkToHere cgbuf afterJoin
//assert(cgbuf.GetCurrentStack() = stackAfterJoin) // REVIEW: Since gen_dtree* now sets stack, stack should be stackAfterJoin at this point...
CG.SetStack cgbuf stackAfterJoin
// If any values are left on the stack after the join then we're certainly going to do something with them
// For example, we may be about to execute a 'stloc' for
// let y2 = if System.DateTime.Now.Year < 2000 then 1 else 2
// or a 'stelem' for
// arr.[0] <- if System.DateTime.Now.Year > 2000 then 1 else 2
// In both cases, any instructions that come after this point will be falsely associated with the last branch of the control
// prior to the join point. This is base, e.g. see FSharp 1.0 bug 5155
if not (isNil stackAfterJoin) then
if canProcessSequencePoint then
ProcessSequencePointForExpr cenv cgbuf sp expr
GenSequel cenv eenv.cloc cgbuf sequelAfterJoin
and GenLinearExpr cenv cgbuf eenv sp expr sequel canProcessSequencePoint (contf: FakeUnit -> FakeUnit) =
let expr = stripExpr expr
match expr with
| Expr.Sequential (e1, e2, specialSeqFlag, spSeq, _) ->
if canProcessSequencePoint then
ProcessSequencePointForExpr cenv cgbuf sp expr
// Compiler generated sequential executions result in suppressions of sequence points on both
// left and right of the sequence
let spAction, spExpr =
......@@ -2579,6 +2599,9 @@ and GenLinearExpr cenv cgbuf eenv sp expr sequel canProcessSequencePoint (contf:
contf Fake
| Expr.Let (bind, body, _, _) ->
if canProcessSequencePoint then
ProcessSequencePointForExpr cenv cgbuf sp expr
// This case implemented here to get a guaranteed tailcall
// Make sure we generate the sequence point outside the scope of the variable
let startScope, endScope as scopeMarks = StartDelayedLocalScope "let" cgbuf
......@@ -2600,11 +2623,80 @@ and GenLinearExpr cenv cgbuf eenv sp expr sequel canProcessSequencePoint (contf:
// Generate the body
GenLinearExpr cenv cgbuf eenv spBody body (EndLocalScope(sequel, endScope)) (* canProcessSequencePoint *) true contf
| LinearMatchExpr (spBind, exprm, tree, tg1, e2, spTg2, m, ty) ->
GenMatch cenv cgbuf eenv (spBind, exprm, tree, [|tg1;TTarget([], e2, spTg2)|], m, ty) sequel
contf Fake
| Expr.Match (spBind, _exprm, tree, targets, m, ty) ->
if canProcessSequencePoint then
ProcessSequencePointForExpr cenv cgbuf sp expr
match spBind with
| SequencePointAtBinding m -> CG.EmitSeqPoint cgbuf m
| NoSequencePointAtDoBinding
| NoSequencePointAtLetBinding
| NoSequencePointAtInvisibleBinding
| NoSequencePointAtStickyBinding -> ()
// The target of branch needs a sequence point.
// If we don't give it one it will get entirely the wrong sequence point depending on earlier codegen
// Note we're not interested in having pattern matching and decision trees reveal their inner working.
// Hence at each branch target we 'reassert' the overall sequence point that was active as we came into the match.
// NOTE: sadly this causes multiple sequence points to appear for the "initial" location of an if/then/else or match.
let activeSP = cgbuf.GetLastSequencePoint()
let repeatSP() =
match activeSP with
| None -> ()
| Some src ->
if activeSP <> cgbuf.GetLastSequencePoint() then
CG.EmitSeqPoint cgbuf src
// First try the common cases where we don't need a join point.
match tree with
| TDSuccess _ ->
failwith "internal error: matches that immediately succeed should have been normalized using mkAndSimplifyMatch"
| _ ->
// Create a join point
let stackAtTargets = cgbuf.GetCurrentStack() // the stack at the target of each clause
let (sequelOnBranches, afterJoin, stackAfterJoin, sequelAfterJoin) = GenJoinPoint cenv cgbuf "match" eenv ty m sequel
// Stack: "stackAtTargets" is "stack prior to any match-testing" and also "stack at the start of each branch-RHS".
// match-testing (dtrees) should not contribute to the stack.
// Each branch-RHS (targets) may contribute to the stack, leaving it in the "stackAfterJoin" state, for the join point.
// Since code is branching and joining, the cgbuf stack is maintained manually.
let genTargetInfo, targetQueue = GenDecisionTreeAndTargets cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets eenv tree targets repeatSP sequelOnBranches
if genTargetInfo.contents.IsSome then
let eenvAtTarget, spExprAtTarget, exprAtTarget, sequelAtTarget = genTargetInfo.contents.Value
GenLinearExpr cenv cgbuf eenvAtTarget spExprAtTarget exprAtTarget sequelAtTarget (* canProcessSequencePoint *) true (contf << (fun Fake ->
if targetQueue.Count > 0 then
if genTargetInfo.contents.IsSome then
let eenvAtTarget, spExprAtTarget, exprAtTarget, sequelAtTarget = genTargetInfo.contents.Value
GenLinearExpr cenv cgbuf eenvAtTarget spExprAtTarget exprAtTarget sequelAtTarget (* canProcessSequencePoint *) true (contf << (fun Fake ->
if targetQueue.Count > 0 then
while genTargetInfo.contents.IsSome do
let eenvAtTarget, spExprAtTarget, exprAtTarget, sequelAtTarget = genTargetInfo.contents.Value
GenExpr cenv cgbuf eenvAtTarget spExprAtTarget exprAtTarget sequelAtTarget
if targetQueue.Count > 0 then
GenAfterMatch cenv cgbuf eenv afterJoin stackAfterJoin sequelAfterJoin
GenAfterMatch cenv cgbuf eenv afterJoin stackAfterJoin sequelAfterJoin
GenAfterMatch cenv cgbuf eenv afterJoin stackAfterJoin sequelAfterJoin
contf Fake
| LinearOpExpr (TOp.UnionCase c, tyargs, argsFront, argLast, m) ->
if canProcessSequencePoint then
ProcessSequencePointForExpr cenv cgbuf sp expr
GenExprs cenv cgbuf eenv argsFront
GenLinearExpr cenv cgbuf eenv SPSuppress argLast Continue (* canProcessSequencePoint *) true (contf << (fun Fake ->
GenAllocUnionCaseCore cenv cgbuf eenv (c, tyargs, argsFront.Length + 1, m)
......@@ -4788,69 +4880,45 @@ and GenJoinPoint cenv cgbuf pos eenv ty m sequel =
let afterJoin = CG.GenerateDelayMark cgbuf (pos + "_join")
// go to the join point
Br afterJoin, afterJoin, stackAfterJoin, sequel
and GenMatch cenv cgbuf eenv (spBind, _exprm, tree, targets, m, ty) sequel =
match spBind with
| SequencePointAtBinding m -> CG.EmitSeqPoint cgbuf m
| NoSequencePointAtDoBinding
| NoSequencePointAtLetBinding
| NoSequencePointAtInvisibleBinding
| NoSequencePointAtStickyBinding -> ()
// The target of branch needs a sequence point.
// If we don't give it one it will get entirely the wrong sequence point depending on earlier codegen
// Note we're not interested in having pattern matching and decision trees reveal their inner working.
// Hence at each branch target we 'reassert' the overall sequence point that was active as we came into the match.
// NOTE: sadly this causes multiple sequence points to appear for the "initial" location of an if/then/else or match.
let activeSP = cgbuf.GetLastSequencePoint()
let repeatSP() =
match activeSP with
| None -> ()
| Some src ->
if activeSP <> cgbuf.GetLastSequencePoint() then
CG.EmitSeqPoint cgbuf src
// First try the common cases where we don't need a join point.
match tree with
| TDSuccess _ ->
failwith "internal error: matches that immediately succeed should have been normalized using mkAndSimplifyMatch"
| _ ->
// Create a join point
let stackAtTargets = cgbuf.GetCurrentStack() // the stack at the target of each clause
let (sequelOnBranches, afterJoin, stackAfterJoin, sequelAfterJoin) = GenJoinPoint cenv cgbuf "match" eenv ty m sequel
// Stack: "stackAtTargets" is "stack prior to any match-testing" and also "stack at the start of each branch-RHS".
// match-testing (dtrees) should not contribute to the stack.
// Each branch-RHS (targets) may contribute to the stack, leaving it in the "stackAfterJoin" state, for the join point.
// Since code is branching and joining, the cgbuf stack is maintained manually.
GenDecisionTreeAndTargets cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets eenv tree targets repeatSP sequelOnBranches
CG.SetMarkToHere cgbuf afterJoin
//assert(cgbuf.GetCurrentStack() = stackAfterJoin) // REVIEW: Since gen_dtree* now sets stack, stack should be stackAfterJoin at this point...
CG.SetStack cgbuf stackAfterJoin
// If any values are left on the stack after the join then we're certainly going to do something with them
// For example, we may be about to execute a 'stloc' for
// let y2 = if System.DateTime.Now.Year < 2000 then 1 else 2
// or a 'stelem' for
// arr.[0] <- if System.DateTime.Now.Year > 2000 then 1 else 2
// In both cases, any instructions that come after this point will be falsely associated with the last branch of the control
// prior to the join point. This is base, e.g. see FSharp 1.0 bug 5155
if not (isNil stackAfterJoin) then
GenSequel cenv eenv.cloc cgbuf sequelAfterJoin
// Accumulate the decision graph as we go
and GenDecisionTreeAndTargets cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets eenv tree targets repeatSP sequel =
let targetInfos = GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf None stackAtTargets eenv tree targets repeatSP (IntMap.empty()) sequel
GenPostponedDecisionTreeTargets cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets targetInfos sequel
and GenDecisionTreeAndTargets cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets eenv tree targets repeatSP sequel : (Ref<(IlxGenEnv * EmitSequencePointState * Expr * sequel) option> * Queue<unit -> unit>) =
let rec genDecisions targetInfos decisions (genTargetInfo: ref<_>) (queue: Queue<_>) =
match decisions with
| [] ->
let remaining =
|> Seq.sortBy (fun (KeyValue(targetIdx, _)) -> targetIdx)
|> Seq.filter (fun (KeyValue(_, (_, isTargetPostponed))) -> isTargetPostponed)
|> List.ofSeq
let rec genRemaining remaining (genTargetInfo: ref<_>) (queue: Queue<_>) =
match remaining with
| [] -> genTargetInfo := None
| (KeyValue(targetIdx, (targetInfo, _))) :: rest ->
genTargetInfo := Some(GenDecisionTreeTarget cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets targetIdx targetInfo sequel)
queue.Enqueue(fun () -> genRemaining rest genTargetInfo queue)
genRemaining remaining genTargetInfo queue
| (inplabOpt, tree) :: rest ->
match tree with
| TDSuccess(es, targetIdx) ->
let targetInfos, genTargetInfoOpt = GenDecisionTreeSuccess cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv es targetIdx targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel
match genTargetInfoOpt with
| Some _ ->
genTargetInfo := genTargetInfoOpt
queue.Enqueue(fun () -> genDecisions targetInfos rest genTargetInfo queue)
| _ ->
genDecisions targetInfos rest genTargetInfo queue
| _ ->
let newDecisions = GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv tree targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel
genDecisions targetInfos (newDecisions @ rest) genTargetInfo queue
let res = ref None
let queue = Queue()
genDecisions (IntMap.empty()) [(None, tree)] res queue
res, queue
and TryFindTargetInfo targetInfos n =
match IntMap.tryFind n targetInfos with
......@@ -4861,7 +4929,7 @@ and TryFindTargetInfo targetInfos n =
/// When inplabOpt is "Some inplab", we are assuming an existing branch to "inplab" and can optionally
/// set inplab to point to another location if no codegen is required.
and GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv tree targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel =
and GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv tree targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel : (Mark option * DecisionTree) list =
CG.SetStack cgbuf stackAtTargets // Set the expected initial stack.
match tree with
| TDBind(bind, rest) ->
......@@ -4876,8 +4944,9 @@ and GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv tree
CG.SetMarkToHere cgbuf endScope
GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf None stackAtTargets eenv rest targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel
| TDSuccess (es, targetIdx) ->
GenDecisionTreeSuccess cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv es targetIdx targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel
| TDSuccess (_es, _targetIdx) ->
[(inplabOpt, tree)]
//GenDecisionTreeSuccess cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv es targetIdx targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel
| TDSwitch(e, cases, dflt, m) ->
GenDecisionTreeSwitch cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv e cases dflt m targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel
......@@ -4908,7 +4977,7 @@ and GenDecisionTreeSuccess cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv es targetIdx
vs |> List.rev |> List.iter (fun v -> GenStoreVal cenv cgbuf eenvAtTarget v.Range v)
CG.EmitInstr cgbuf (pop 0) Push0 (I_br targetMarkAfterBinds.CodeLabel)
targetInfos, None
| None ->
......@@ -4921,22 +4990,21 @@ and GenDecisionTreeSuccess cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv es targetIdx
let targetInfo = (targetMarkBeforeBinds, targetMarkAfterBinds, eenvAtTarget, successExpr, spTarget, repeatSP, vs, binds, startScope, endScope)
// In debug mode push all decision tree targets to after the switching
let isTargetPostponed =
if cenv.opts.localOptimizationsAreOn then
GenDecisionTreeTarget cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets targetIdx targetInfo sequel
let isTargetPostponed, genTargetInfoOpt =
if cenv.opts.localOptimizationsAreOn then
false, Some(GenDecisionTreeTarget cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets targetIdx targetInfo sequel)
CG.EmitInstr cgbuf (pop 0) Push0 (I_br targetMarkBeforeBinds.CodeLabel)
true, None
let targetInfos = IntMap.add targetIdx (targetInfo, isTargetPostponed) targetInfos
targetInfos, genTargetInfoOpt
and GenPostponedDecisionTreeTargets cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets targetInfos sequel =
let targetInfos = targetInfos |> Seq.sortBy (fun (KeyValue(targetIdx, _)) -> targetIdx)
for (KeyValue(targetIdx, (targetInfo, isTargetPostponed))) in targetInfos do
if isTargetPostponed then
GenDecisionTreeTarget cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets targetIdx targetInfo sequel
//and GenPostponedDecisionTreeTargets cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets targetInfos sequel : unit =
// let targetInfos = targetInfos |> Seq.sortBy (fun (KeyValue(targetIdx, _)) -> targetIdx)
// for (KeyValue(targetIdx, (targetInfo, isTargetPostponed))) in targetInfos do
// if isTargetPostponed then
// GenDecisionTreeTarget cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets targetIdx targetInfo sequel
and GenDecisionTreeTarget cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets _targetIdx (targetMarkBeforeBinds, targetMarkAfterBinds, eenvAtTarget, successExpr, spTarget, repeatSP, vs, binds, startScope, endScope) sequel =
CG.SetMarkToHere cgbuf targetMarkBeforeBinds
......@@ -4959,10 +5027,11 @@ and GenDecisionTreeTarget cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets _targetIdx (targetMarkBefore
GenBindings cenv cgbuf eenvAtTarget binds
CG.SetMarkToHere cgbuf targetMarkAfterBinds
CG.SetStack cgbuf stackAtTargets
GenExpr cenv cgbuf eenvAtTarget spExpr successExpr (EndLocalScope(sequel, endScope))
(eenvAtTarget, spExpr, successExpr, (EndLocalScope(sequel, endScope)))
//GenExpr cenv cgbuf eenvAtTarget spExpr successExpr (EndLocalScope(sequel, endScope))
and GenDecisionTreeSwitch cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv e cases defaultTargetOpt switchm targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel =
and GenDecisionTreeSwitch cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv e cases defaultTargetOpt switchm targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel : (Mark option * DecisionTree) list =
let g = cenv.g
let m = e.Range
match inplabOpt with None -> () | Some inplab -> CG.SetMarkToHere cgbuf inplab
......@@ -5082,23 +5151,22 @@ and GenDecisionTreeSwitch cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv e cases defau
GenDecisionTreeCases cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets eenv targets repeatSP targetInfos defaultTargetOpt caseLabels cases sequel
| _ -> error(InternalError("these matches should never be needed", switchm))
and GenDecisionTreeCases cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets eenv targets repeatSP targetInfos defaultTargetOpt caseLabels cases sequel =
and GenDecisionTreeCases _cenv cgbuf stackAtTargets _eenv _targets _repeatSP _targetInfos defaultTargetOpt caseLabels cases _sequel =
assert(cgbuf.GetCurrentStack() = stackAtTargets) // cgbuf stack should be unchanged over tests. [bug://1750].
let targetInfos =
match defaultTargetOpt with
| Some defaultTarget -> GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf None stackAtTargets eenv defaultTarget targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel
| None -> targetInfos
| Some defaultTarget -> [(None, defaultTarget)] //GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf None stackAtTargets eenv defaultTarget targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel
| None -> []
let targetInfos =
(targetInfos, caseLabels, cases) |||> List.fold2 (fun targetInfos caseLabel (TCase(_, caseTree)) ->
GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf (Some caseLabel) stackAtTargets eenv caseTree targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel)
(targetInfos, caseLabels, cases)
|||> List.fold2 (fun targetInfos caseLabel (TCase(_, caseTree)) -> targetInfos @ [(Some caseLabel, caseTree)])
//GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf (Some caseLabel) stackAtTargets eenv caseTree targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel)
// Used for the peephole optimization below
and (|BoolExpr|_|) = function Expr.Const (Const.Bool b1, _, _) -> Some b1 | _ -> None
and GenDecisionTreeTest cenv cloc cgbuf stackAtTargets e tester eenv successTree failureTree targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel =
and GenDecisionTreeTest cenv cloc cgbuf _stackAtTargets e tester eenv successTree failureTree targets _repeatSP _targetInfos sequel : (Mark option * DecisionTree) list =
let g = cenv.g
match successTree, failureTree with
......@@ -5125,7 +5193,7 @@ and GenDecisionTreeTest cenv cloc cgbuf stackAtTargets e tester eenv successTree
CG.EmitInstrs cgbuf (pop 0) (Push [g.ilg.typ_Bool]) [mkLdcInt32 0 ]
CG.EmitInstrs cgbuf (pop 1) Push0 [AI_ceq]
GenSequel cenv cloc cgbuf sequel
| _ -> failwith "internal error: GenDecisionTreeTest during bool elim"
......@@ -5147,9 +5215,13 @@ and GenDecisionTreeTest cenv cloc cgbuf stackAtTargets e tester eenv successTree
| Choice2Of2 i -> CG.EmitInstr cgbuf pops pushes i
CG.EmitInstr cgbuf (pop 1) Push0 (I_brcmp (BI_brfalse, failure.CodeLabel))
let targetInfos = GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf None stackAtTargets eenv successTree targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel
(None, successTree)
(Some failure, failureTree)
// let targetInfos = GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf None stackAtTargets eenv successTree targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel
GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf (Some failure) stackAtTargets eenv failureTree targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel
// GenDecisionTreeAndTargetsInner cenv cgbuf (Some failure) stackAtTargets eenv failureTree targets repeatSP targetInfos sequel
/// Generate fixups for letrec bindings
and GenLetRecFixup cenv cgbuf eenv (ilxCloSpec: IlxClosureSpec, e, ilField: ILFieldSpec, e2, _m) =
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ let main argv = 0"""
ProjectId = None
SourceFiles = [|"test.fs"|]
OtherOptions = [|"--preferreduilang:en-US";"--warn:5";"--optimize-"|]
OtherOptions = [|"--preferreduilang:en-US";"--warn:5"|]
OtherOptions =
let assemblies = getNetCoreAppReferences |> Array.map (fun x -> sprintf "-r:%s" x)
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