/* * Copyright 2002-2006 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.aop.aspectj; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint; import org.junit.Test; import org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJAdviceParameterNameDiscoverer.AmbiguousBindingException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; /** * Unit tests for the {@link AspectJAdviceParameterNameDiscoverer} class. *


See also TigerAspectJAdviceParameterNameDiscovererTests in * the 'tiger' tree for tests relating to annotations. * * @author Adrian Colyer */ public class AspectJAdviceParameterNameDiscovererTests { // methods to discover parameter names for public void noArgs() { } public void tjp(JoinPoint jp) { } public void tjpsp(JoinPoint.StaticPart tjpsp) { } public void twoJoinPoints(JoinPoint jp1, JoinPoint jp2) { } public void oneThrowable(Exception ex) { } public void jpAndOneThrowable(JoinPoint jp, Exception ex) { } public void jpAndTwoThrowables(JoinPoint jp, Exception ex, Error err) { } public void oneObject(Object x) { } public void twoObjects(Object x, Object y) { } public void onePrimitive(int x) { } public void oneObjectOnePrimitive(Object x, int y) { } public void oneThrowableOnePrimitive(Throwable x, int y) { } public void theBigOne(JoinPoint jp, Throwable x, int y, Object foo) { } @Test public void testNoArgs() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("noArgs"), "execution(* *(..))", new String[0]); } @Test public void testJoinPointOnly() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("tjp"), "execution(* *(..))", new String[]{"thisJoinPoint"}); } @Test public void testJoinPointStaticPartOnly() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("tjpsp"), "execution(* *(..))", new String[]{"thisJoinPointStaticPart"}); } @Test public void testTwoJoinPoints() { assertException(getMethod("twoJoinPoints"), "foo()", IllegalStateException.class, "Failed to bind all argument names: 1 argument(s) could not be bound"); } @Test public void testOneThrowable() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneThrowable"), "foo()", null, "ex", new String[]{"ex"}); } @Test public void testOneJPAndOneThrowable() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("jpAndOneThrowable"), "foo()", null, "ex", new String[]{"thisJoinPoint", "ex"}); } @Test public void testOneJPAndTwoThrowables() { assertException(getMethod("jpAndTwoThrowables"), "foo()", null, "ex", AmbiguousBindingException.class, "Binding of throwing parameter 'ex' is ambiguous: could be bound to argument 1 or argument 2"); } @Test public void testThrowableNoCandidates() { assertException(getMethod("noArgs"), "foo()", null, "ex", IllegalStateException.class, "Not enough arguments in method to satisfy binding of returning and throwing variables"); } @Test public void testReturning() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "foo()", "obj", null, new String[]{"obj"}); } @Test public void testAmbiguousReturning() { assertException(getMethod("twoObjects"), "foo()", "obj", null, AmbiguousBindingException.class, "Binding of returning parameter 'obj' is ambiguous, there are 2 candidates."); } @Test public void testReturningNoCandidates() { assertException(getMethod("noArgs"), "foo()", "obj", null, IllegalStateException.class, "Not enough arguments in method to satisfy binding of returning and throwing variables"); } @Test public void testThisBindingOneCandidate() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "this(x)", new String[]{"x"}); } @Test public void testThisBindingWithAlternateTokenizations() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "this( x )", new String[]{"x"}); assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "this( x)", new String[]{"x"}); assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "this (x )", new String[]{"x"}); assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "this(x )", new String[]{"x"}); assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "foo() && this(x)", new String[]{"x"}); } @Test public void testThisBindingTwoCandidates() { assertException(getMethod("oneObject"), "this(x) || this(y)", AmbiguousBindingException.class, "Found 2 candidate this(), target() or args() variables but only one unbound argument slot"); } @Test public void testThisBindingWithBadPointcutExpressions() { assertException(getMethod("oneObject"), "this(", IllegalStateException.class, "Failed to bind all argument names: 1 argument(s) could not be bound"); assertException(getMethod("oneObject"), "this(x && foo()", IllegalStateException.class, "Failed to bind all argument names: 1 argument(s) could not be bound"); } @Test public void testTargetBindingOneCandidate() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "target(x)", new String[]{"x"}); } @Test public void testTargetBindingWithAlternateTokenizations() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "target( x )", new String[]{"x"}); assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "target( x)", new String[]{"x"}); assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "target (x )", new String[]{"x"}); assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "target(x )", new String[]{"x"}); assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "foo() && target(x)", new String[]{"x"}); } @Test public void testTargetBindingTwoCandidates() { assertException(getMethod("oneObject"), "target(x) || target(y)", AmbiguousBindingException.class, "Found 2 candidate this(), target() or args() variables but only one unbound argument slot"); } @Test public void testTargetBindingWithBadPointcutExpressions() { assertException(getMethod("oneObject"), "target(", IllegalStateException.class, "Failed to bind all argument names: 1 argument(s) could not be bound"); assertException(getMethod("oneObject"), "target(x && foo()", IllegalStateException.class, "Failed to bind all argument names: 1 argument(s) could not be bound"); } @Test public void testArgsBindingOneObject() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObject"), "args(x)", new String[]{"x"}); } @Test public void testArgsBindingOneObjectTwoCandidates() { assertException(getMethod("oneObject"), "args(x,y)", AmbiguousBindingException.class, "Found 2 candidate this(), target() or args() variables but only one unbound argument slot"); } @Test public void testAmbiguousArgsBinding() { assertException(getMethod("twoObjects"), "args(x,y)", AmbiguousBindingException.class, "Still 2 unbound args at this(),target(),args() binding stage, with no way to determine between them"); } @Test public void testArgsOnePrimitive() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("onePrimitive"), "args(count)", new String[]{"count"}); } @Test public void testArgsOnePrimitiveOneObject() { assertException(getMethod("oneObjectOnePrimitive"), "args(count,obj)", AmbiguousBindingException.class, "Found 2 candidate variable names but only one candidate binding slot when matching primitive args"); } @Test public void testThisAndPrimitive() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObjectOnePrimitive"), "args(count) && this(obj)", new String[]{"obj", "count"}); } @Test public void testTargetAndPrimitive() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneObjectOnePrimitive"), "args(count) && target(obj)", new String[]{"obj", "count"}); } @Test public void testThrowingAndPrimitive() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("oneThrowableOnePrimitive"), "args(count)", null, "ex", new String[]{"ex", "count"}); } @Test public void testAllTogetherNow() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("theBigOne"), "this(foo) && args(x)", null, "ex", new String[]{"thisJoinPoint", "ex", "x", "foo"}); } @Test public void testReferenceBinding() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("onePrimitive"),"somepc(foo)",new String[] {"foo"}); } @Test public void testReferenceBindingWithAlternateTokenizations() { assertParameterNames(getMethod("onePrimitive"),"call(bar *) && somepc(foo)",new String[] {"foo"}); assertParameterNames(getMethod("onePrimitive"),"somepc ( foo )",new String[] {"foo"}); assertParameterNames(getMethod("onePrimitive"),"somepc( foo)",new String[] {"foo"}); } protected Method getMethod(String name) { // assumes no overloading of test methods... Method[] candidates = this.getClass().getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { if (candidates[i].getName().equals(name)) { return candidates[i]; } } fail("Bad test specification, no method '" + name + "' found in test class"); return null; } protected void assertParameterNames(Method m, String pointcut, String[] parameterNames) { assertParameterNames(m, pointcut, null, null, parameterNames); } protected void assertParameterNames(Method m, String pointcut, String returning, String throwing, String[] parameterNames) { assertEquals("bad test specification, must have same number of parameter names as method arguments", m.getParameterTypes().length, parameterNames.length); AspectJAdviceParameterNameDiscoverer discoverer = new AspectJAdviceParameterNameDiscoverer(pointcut); discoverer.setRaiseExceptions(true); discoverer.setReturningName(returning); discoverer.setThrowingName(throwing); String[] discoveredNames = discoverer.getParameterNames(m); String formattedExpectedNames = format(parameterNames); String formattedActualNames = format(discoveredNames); assertEquals("Expecting " + parameterNames.length + " parameter names in return set '" + formattedExpectedNames + "', but found " + discoveredNames.length + " '" + formattedActualNames + "'", parameterNames.length, discoveredNames.length); for (int i = 0; i < discoveredNames.length; i++) { assertNotNull("Parameter names must never be null", discoveredNames[i]); assertEquals("Expecting parameter " + i + " to be named '" + parameterNames[i] + "' but was '" + discoveredNames[i] + "'", parameterNames[i], discoveredNames[i]); } } protected void assertException(Method m, String pointcut, Class exceptionType, String message) { assertException(m, pointcut, null, null, exceptionType, message); } protected void assertException(Method m, String pointcut, String returning, String throwing, Class exceptionType, String message) { AspectJAdviceParameterNameDiscoverer discoverer = new AspectJAdviceParameterNameDiscoverer(pointcut); discoverer.setRaiseExceptions(true); discoverer.setReturningName(returning); discoverer.setThrowingName(throwing); try { discoverer.getParameterNames(m); fail("Expecting " + exceptionType.getName() + " with message '" + message + "'"); } catch (RuntimeException expected) { assertEquals("Expecting exception of type " + exceptionType.getName(), exceptionType, expected.getClass()); assertEquals("Exception message does not match expected", message, expected.getMessage()); } } private static String format(String[] names) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("("); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { sb.append(names[i]); if ((i + 1) < names.length) { sb.append(","); } } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } }