/* * Copyright 2002-2008 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.beans.factory.xml; import java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.springframework.beans.BeansException; import org.springframework.beans.PropertyBatchUpdateException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanIsNotAFactoryException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableBeanFactory; import test.beans.DummyFactory; import test.beans.LifecycleBean; import test.beans.TestBean; /** * Subclasses must implement setUp() to initialize bean factory * and any other variables they need. * * @author Rod Johnson * @author Juergen Hoeller */ public abstract class AbstractBeanFactoryTests extends TestCase { protected abstract BeanFactory getBeanFactory(); /** * Roderick beans inherits from rod, overriding name only. */ public void testInheritance() { assertTrue(getBeanFactory().containsBean("rod")); assertTrue(getBeanFactory().containsBean("roderick")); TestBean rod = (TestBean) getBeanFactory().getBean("rod"); TestBean roderick = (TestBean) getBeanFactory().getBean("roderick"); assertTrue("not == ", rod != roderick); assertTrue("rod.name is Rod", rod.getName().equals("Rod")); assertTrue("rod.age is 31", rod.getAge() == 31); assertTrue("roderick.name is Roderick", roderick.getName().equals("Roderick")); assertTrue("roderick.age was inherited", roderick.getAge() == rod.getAge()); } public void testGetBeanWithNullArg() { try { getBeanFactory().getBean((String) null); fail("Can't get null bean"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // OK } } /** * Test that InitializingBean objects receive the afterPropertiesSet() callback */ public void testInitializingBeanCallback() { MustBeInitialized mbi = (MustBeInitialized) getBeanFactory().getBean("mustBeInitialized"); // The dummy business method will throw an exception if the // afterPropertiesSet() callback wasn't invoked mbi.businessMethod(); } /** * Test that InitializingBean/BeanFactoryAware/DisposableBean objects receive the * afterPropertiesSet() callback before BeanFactoryAware callbacks */ public void testLifecycleCallbacks() { LifecycleBean lb = (LifecycleBean) getBeanFactory().getBean("lifecycle"); Assert.assertEquals("lifecycle", lb.getBeanName()); // The dummy business method will throw an exception if the // necessary callbacks weren't invoked in the right order. lb.businessMethod(); assertTrue("Not destroyed", !lb.isDestroyed()); } public void testFindsValidInstance() { try { Object o = getBeanFactory().getBean("rod"); assertTrue("Rod bean is a TestBean", o instanceof TestBean); TestBean rod = (TestBean) o; assertTrue("rod.name is Rod", rod.getName().equals("Rod")); assertTrue("rod.age is 31", rod.getAge() == 31); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail("Shouldn't throw exception on getting valid instance"); } } public void testGetInstanceByMatchingClass() { try { Object o = getBeanFactory().getBean("rod", TestBean.class); assertTrue("Rod bean is a TestBean", o instanceof TestBean); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail("Shouldn't throw exception on getting valid instance with matching class"); } } public void testGetInstanceByNonmatchingClass() { try { Object o = getBeanFactory().getBean("rod", BeanFactory.class); fail("Rod bean is not of type BeanFactory; getBeanInstance(rod, BeanFactory.class) should throw BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException"); } catch (BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException ex) { // So far, so good assertTrue("Exception has correct bean name", ex.getBeanName().equals("rod")); assertTrue("Exception requiredType must be BeanFactory.class", ex.getRequiredType().equals(BeanFactory.class)); assertTrue("Exception actualType as TestBean.class", TestBean.class.isAssignableFrom(ex.getActualType())); assertTrue("Actual type is correct", ex.getActualType() == getBeanFactory().getBean("rod").getClass()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail("Shouldn't throw exception on getting valid instance"); } } public void testGetSharedInstanceByMatchingClass() { try { Object o = getBeanFactory().getBean("rod", TestBean.class); assertTrue("Rod bean is a TestBean", o instanceof TestBean); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail("Shouldn't throw exception on getting valid instance with matching class"); } } public void testGetSharedInstanceByMatchingClassNoCatch() { Object o = getBeanFactory().getBean("rod", TestBean.class); assertTrue("Rod bean is a TestBean", o instanceof TestBean); } public void testGetSharedInstanceByNonmatchingClass() { try { Object o = getBeanFactory().getBean("rod", BeanFactory.class); fail("Rod bean is not of type BeanFactory; getBeanInstance(rod, BeanFactory.class) should throw BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException"); } catch (BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException ex) { // So far, so good assertTrue("Exception has correct bean name", ex.getBeanName().equals("rod")); assertTrue("Exception requiredType must be BeanFactory.class", ex.getRequiredType().equals(BeanFactory.class)); assertTrue("Exception actualType as TestBean.class", TestBean.class.isAssignableFrom(ex.getActualType())); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail("Shouldn't throw exception on getting valid instance"); } } public void testSharedInstancesAreEqual() { try { Object o = getBeanFactory().getBean("rod"); assertTrue("Rod bean1 is a TestBean", o instanceof TestBean); Object o1 = getBeanFactory().getBean("rod"); assertTrue("Rod bean2 is a TestBean", o1 instanceof TestBean); assertTrue("Object equals applies", o == o1); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail("Shouldn't throw exception on getting valid instance"); } } public void testPrototypeInstancesAreIndependent() { TestBean tb1 = (TestBean) getBeanFactory().getBean("kathy"); TestBean tb2 = (TestBean) getBeanFactory().getBean("kathy"); assertTrue("ref equal DOES NOT apply", tb1 != tb2); assertTrue("object equal true", tb1.equals(tb2)); tb1.setAge(1); tb2.setAge(2); assertTrue("1 age independent = 1", tb1.getAge() == 1); assertTrue("2 age independent = 2", tb2.getAge() == 2); assertTrue("object equal now false", !tb1.equals(tb2)); } public void testNotThere() { assertFalse(getBeanFactory().containsBean("Mr Squiggle")); try { Object o = getBeanFactory().getBean("Mr Squiggle"); fail("Can't find missing bean"); } catch (BeansException ex) { //ex.printStackTrace(); //fail("Shouldn't throw exception on getting valid instance"); } } public void testValidEmpty() { try { Object o = getBeanFactory().getBean("validEmpty"); assertTrue("validEmpty bean is a TestBean", o instanceof TestBean); TestBean ve = (TestBean) o; assertTrue("Valid empty has defaults", ve.getName() == null && ve.getAge() == 0 && ve.getSpouse() == null); } catch (BeansException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail("Shouldn't throw exception on valid empty"); } } public void xtestTypeMismatch() { try { Object o = getBeanFactory().getBean("typeMismatch"); fail("Shouldn't succeed with type mismatch"); } catch (BeanCreationException wex) { assertEquals("typeMismatch", wex.getBeanName()); assertTrue(wex.getCause() instanceof PropertyBatchUpdateException); PropertyBatchUpdateException ex = (PropertyBatchUpdateException) wex.getCause(); // Further tests assertTrue("Has one error ", ex.getExceptionCount() == 1); assertTrue("Error is for field age", ex.getPropertyAccessException("age") != null); assertTrue("We have rejected age in exception", ex.getPropertyAccessException("age").getPropertyChangeEvent().getNewValue().equals("34x")); } } public void testGrandparentDefinitionFoundInBeanFactory() throws Exception { TestBean dad = (TestBean) getBeanFactory().getBean("father"); assertTrue("Dad has correct name", dad.getName().equals("Albert")); } public void testFactorySingleton() throws Exception { assertTrue(getBeanFactory().isSingleton("&singletonFactory")); assertTrue(getBeanFactory().isSingleton("singletonFactory")); TestBean tb = (TestBean) getBeanFactory().getBean("singletonFactory"); assertTrue("Singleton from factory has correct name, not " + tb.getName(), tb.getName().equals(DummyFactory.SINGLETON_NAME)); DummyFactory factory = (DummyFactory) getBeanFactory().getBean("&singletonFactory"); TestBean tb2 = (TestBean) getBeanFactory().getBean("singletonFactory"); assertTrue("Singleton references ==", tb == tb2); assertTrue("FactoryBean is BeanFactoryAware", factory.getBeanFactory() != null); } public void testFactoryPrototype() throws Exception { assertTrue(getBeanFactory().isSingleton("&prototypeFactory")); assertFalse(getBeanFactory().isSingleton("prototypeFactory")); TestBean tb = (TestBean) getBeanFactory().getBean("prototypeFactory"); assertTrue(!tb.getName().equals(DummyFactory.SINGLETON_NAME)); TestBean tb2 = (TestBean) getBeanFactory().getBean("prototypeFactory"); assertTrue("Prototype references !=", tb != tb2); } /** * Check that we can get the factory bean itself. * This is only possible if we're dealing with a factory * @throws Exception */ public void testGetFactoryItself() throws Exception { DummyFactory factory = (DummyFactory) getBeanFactory().getBean("&singletonFactory"); assertTrue(factory != null); } /** * Check that afterPropertiesSet gets called on factory * @throws Exception */ public void testFactoryIsInitialized() throws Exception { TestBean tb = (TestBean) getBeanFactory().getBean("singletonFactory"); DummyFactory factory = (DummyFactory) getBeanFactory().getBean("&singletonFactory"); assertTrue("Factory was initialized because it implemented InitializingBean", factory.wasInitialized()); } /** * It should be illegal to dereference a normal bean * as a factory */ public void testRejectsFactoryGetOnNormalBean() { try { getBeanFactory().getBean("&rod"); fail("Shouldn't permit factory get on normal bean"); } catch (BeanIsNotAFactoryException ex) { // Ok } } // TODO: refactor in AbstractBeanFactory (tests for AbstractBeanFactory) // and rename this class public void testAliasing() { BeanFactory bf = getBeanFactory(); if (!(bf instanceof ConfigurableBeanFactory)) { return; } ConfigurableBeanFactory cbf = (ConfigurableBeanFactory) bf; String alias = "rods alias"; try { cbf.getBean(alias); fail("Shouldn't permit factory get on normal bean"); } catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) { // Ok assertTrue(alias.equals(ex.getBeanName())); } // Create alias cbf.registerAlias("rod", alias); Object rod = getBeanFactory().getBean("rod"); Object aliasRod = getBeanFactory().getBean(alias); assertTrue(rod == aliasRod); } public static class TestBeanEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport { public void setAsText(String text) { TestBean tb = new TestBean(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(text, "_"); tb.setName(st.nextToken()); tb.setAge(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())); setValue(tb); } } } /** * Simple test of BeanFactory initialization * @author Rod Johnson * @since 12.03.2003 */ class MustBeInitialized implements InitializingBean { private boolean inited; /** * @see InitializingBean#afterPropertiesSet() */ public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { this.inited = true; } /** * Dummy business method that will fail unless the factory * managed the bean's lifecycle correctly */ public void businessMethod() { if (!this.inited) throw new RuntimeException("Factory didn't call afterPropertiesSet() on MustBeInitialized object"); } }