## Codex A minimal blog theme built for [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) 🍜 ![Hugo desktop screenshot](/images/screenshot.png) - An about page πŸ‘‹πŸ» and a blog πŸ“ - Blog posts can be tagged 🏷 - Mathematical notations are supported with KaTex πŸ“ - Sass/SCSS for styling ✨ - Support for Google Analytics πŸ“ˆ and Disqus πŸ’¬ - i18n support ### Prerequisites Hugo **extended version** (for Sass/SCSS support). For macOS users, the extended version is installed by default if you use `homebrew`. For Windows users, you can install with `choco`: ``` choco install hugo-extended -confirm ``` ### Getting started At the root of your Hugo project, run: ```bash git submodule add https://github.com/jakewies/hugo-theme-codex.git themes/hugo-theme-codex ``` Next, copy the contents of the [`exampleSite/config.toml`](https://github.com/jakewies/hugo-theme-codex/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml) to your site's `config.toml`. Make sure to read all the comments, as there a few nuances with Hugo themes that require some changes to that file. The most important change you will need to make to the `config.toml` is removing [this line](https://github.com/jakewies/hugo-theme-codex/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml#L2): ``` themesDir = "../../" ``` It only exists in the example site so that the demo can function properly. Finally, run: ``` hugo server -D ``` **Note: If you are seeing a blank page it is probably because you have nothing in your `content/` directory. Read on to fix that.** ### Configuring the Home Page The site's home page can be configured by creating a `content/_index.md` file. This file can use the following frontmatter: ```md --- heading: "Hi, I'm Codex" subheading: "A minimal blog theme for hugo." handle: "hugo-theme-codex" --- ``` If you would rather override the about page's layout with your own, you can do so by creating a `layouts/index.html`. You can find the `index.html` file that `hugo-theme-codex` uses [here](https://github.com/jakewies/hugo-theme-codex/blob/master/layouts/index.html). ### Configuring Social Icons Social Icons are optional. To show any of these icons, just provide the value in the `[params]` section of `config.toml`. ```toml # config.toml [params] twitter = "https://twitter.com/GoHugoIO" github = "https://github.com/jakewies/hugo-theme-codex" # ... iconOrder = ["Twitter", "GitHub"] ``` If any of these options are given, `hugo-theme-codex` will render the social icon in the footer, using the order specified in `iconOrder`. See the contents of the [example site](https://github.com/jakewies/hugo-theme-codex/tree/master/exampleSite) for more details. You can also create additional social icons by: 1. Adding your own SVGs in `static/svg/`, for example `static/svg/reddit.svg`. 2. Modifying your site's config as follows: ```toml [params] # ... reddit = "" iconOrder = ["Reddit"] ``` Make sure that the icon title must match the icon's file name. If the title contains more than one word, say "My Awesome Site", you can use dash "-" for the icon name: `my-awesome-site.svg`. ### Creating a blog post You can create a new blog post page by going to the root of your project and typing: ``` hugo new blog/:blog-post.md ``` Where `:blog-post.md` is the name of the file of your new post. This will execute the theme's `blog` archetype to create a new markdown file in `contents/blog/:blog-post.md` with the following frontmatter: ```md # Default post frontmatter: # The title of your post. Default value is generated # From the markdown filename title: "{{ replace .TranslationBaseName "-" " " | title }}" # The date the post was created date: {{ .Date }} # The post filename slug: "" # Post description used for seo description: "" # Post keywords used for seo keywords: [] # If true, the blog post will not be included in static build draft: true # Categorize your post with tags tags: [] # Uses math typesetting math: false # Includes a table of contents on screens >1024px toc: false ``` The frontmatter above is the default for a new post, but all values can be changed. ### Configuring Table of Contents in blog posts To display post title in Table of Contents in blog posts, set `showPageTitleInTOC` to `true` in the `[params]` section of `config.toml`. ```toml # config.toml [params] # ... showPageTitleInTOC = true ``` ### Adding a new section menu In your site's `config.toml`, add a new menu definition for say, "photos": ```toml # config.toml [[menu.main]] identifier = "photos" name = "photos" title = "Photos" url = "/photos" ``` Then, put your posts under "content/photos". ### Custom styling You have two options for custom styling. The first is to create an `assets/scss/custom.scss` in your project and put your custom styling there. For example, the snippet below changes the dot's color on your About page to blue: ```scss // custom.scss .fancy { color: #1e88e5; } ``` You can even use Hugo variables/params in your custom styles too! ```scss // custom.scss .fancy { color: {{ .Site.Params.colors.fancy | default "#1e88e5" }} } ``` ```toml # config.toml [params.colors] fancy = "#f06292" ``` The second option is to use the supported scss overrides. You can do this by creating an `assets/scss/overrides/scss` file in your project. The following overrides are supported: ```scss // overrides.scss // The primary accent color used throughout the site $primary: '' ``` ### Tags Right now `hugo-theme-codex` uses the `tags` taxonomy for blog posts. You can view all the blog posts of a given tag by going to `/tags/:tag-name`, where `:tag-name` is the name of your tag. ### i18n Support for [`i18n`](https://gohugo.io/functions/i18n/#readout) is currently available for the following languages: - English - German If you would like to have another language supported, create a post in the [Discussions](https://github.com/jakewies/hugo-theme-codex/discussions) section of the repository. You may also support your language of choice by creating a `i18n/` directory in your project with a `.toml` file named after the language you are supporting. There are not many UI-related strings to override in this theme. If you are looking to support a language of your own, refer to [the `i18n/en.toml` file](https://github.com/jakewies/hugo-theme-codex/blob/a7800567242b6c7d3b4bd8b36dd329c3232faf5a/i18n/en.toml) to see which strings can be overridden. ### Favicon To update favicon of the site, replace the one in `static/favicon.ico` with your own. ## Contributing Check out the [CONTRIBUTORS.md file](https://github.com/jakewies/hugo-theme-codex/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for more info on how you can contribute! ## Contributors ✨ [![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-21-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors-) Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):

Jake Wiesler

πŸ’» 🎨 πŸ“–

Chuxin Huang

πŸ“– πŸ’» 🎨


πŸ’» πŸ“– 🎨

Arushi Somani


Xavier Valls

πŸ“– πŸ’» 🎨


πŸ’» πŸ“–

Justin Lebar


Aareet Shermon



🎨 πŸ’»

Harsh Shandilya


Marco Kamner




Sanchith Hegde

πŸ’» πŸ“–

SΓΆren Johanson


James Lloyd


Wilson E. Husin


Tom Morris


Mohamad Fadhil


Sam Kvale


Mark C



This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!