package models import ( "strings" "time" "" "" ) type Classpath struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` Path string `json:"path"` Note string `json:"note"` Preset int `json:"preset"` CreateAt int64 `json:"create_at"` CreateBy string `json:"create_by"` UpdateAt int64 `json:"update_at"` UpdateBy string `json:"update_by"` } type ClasspathNode struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` Path string `json:"path"` Note string `json:"note"` Preset int `json:"preset"` Children []*ClasspathNode `json:"children"` } func (c *Classpath) TableName() string { return "classpath" } func (c *Classpath) Validate() error { if str.Dangerous(c.Path) { return _e("Classpath path has invalid characters") } if strings.Contains(c.Path, " ") { return _e("Classpath path has invalid characters") } if str.Dangerous(c.Note) { return _e("Classpath note has invalid characters") } return nil } func (c *Classpath) Add() error { if err := c.Validate(); err != nil { return err } num, err := ClasspathCount("path=?", c.Path) if err != nil { return err } if num > 0 { return _e("Classpath %s already exists", c.Path) } now := time.Now().Unix() c.CreateAt = now c.UpdateAt = now return DBInsertOne(c) } func ClasspathCount(where string, args ...interface{}) (num int64, err error) { num, err = DB.Where(where, args...).Count(new(Classpath)) if err != nil { logger.Errorf("mysql.error: count classpath fail: %v", err) return num, internalServerError } return num, nil } func (c *Classpath) Update(cols ...string) error { if err := c.Validate(); err != nil { return err } _, err := DB.Where("id=?", c.Id).Cols(cols...).Update(c) if err != nil { logger.Errorf("mysql.error: update classpath(id=%d) fail: %v", c.Id, err) return internalServerError } return nil } func ClasspathTotal(query string) (num int64, err error) { if query != "" { q := "%" + query + "%" num, err = DB.Where("path like ?", q).Count(new(Classpath)) } else { num, err = DB.Count(new(Classpath)) } if err != nil { logger.Errorf("mysql.error: count classpath fail: %v", err) return 0, internalServerError } return num, nil } func ClasspathGets(query string, limit, offset int) ([]Classpath, error) { session := DB.Limit(limit, offset).OrderBy("path") if query != "" { q := "%" + query + "%" session = session.Where("path like ?", q) } var objs []Classpath err := session.Find(&objs) if err != nil { logger.Errorf("mysql.error: query classpath fail: %v", err) return objs, internalServerError } if len(objs) == 0 { return []Classpath{}, nil } return objs, nil } func ClasspathGetAll() ([]Classpath, error) { var objs []Classpath err := DB.Find(&objs) if err != nil { logger.Errorf("mysql.error: query classpath fail: %v", err) return objs, internalServerError } if len(objs) == 0 { return []Classpath{}, nil } return objs, nil } func ClasspathGet(where string, args ...interface{}) (*Classpath, error) { var obj Classpath has, err := DB.Where(where, args...).Get(&obj) if err != nil { logger.Errorf("mysql.error: query classpath(%s)%+v fail: %s", where, args, err) return nil, internalServerError } if !has { return nil, nil } return &obj, nil } func ClasspathGetsByPrefix(prefix string) ([]Classpath, error) { var objs []Classpath err := DB.Where("path like ?", prefix+"%").OrderBy("path").Find(&objs) if err != nil { logger.Errorf("mysql.error: query classpath fail: %v", err) return objs, internalServerError } if len(objs) == 0 { return []Classpath{}, nil } return objs, nil } // Del classpath的删除,前提是挂载的机器、配置的采集策略都要提前删除 func (c *Classpath) Del() error { num, err := ClasspathResourceCount("classpath_id=?", c.Id) if err != nil { return err } if num > 0 { return _e("There are still resources under the classpath") } num, err = CollectRuleCount("classpath_id=?", c.Id) if err != nil { return err } if num > 0 { return _e("There are still collect rules under the classpath") } session := DB.NewSession() defer session.Close() if err := session.Begin(); err != nil { return err } if _, err := session.Exec("DELETE FROM classpath_favorite WHERE classpath_id=?", c.Id); err != nil { logger.Errorf("mysql.error: delete classpath_favorite fail: %v", err) return err } if _, err := session.Exec("DELETE FROM classpath WHERE id=?", c.Id); err != nil { logger.Errorf("mysql.error: delete classpath fail: %v", err) return err } return session.Commit() } func (c *Classpath) AddResources(idents []string) error { count := len(idents) for i := 0; i < count; i++ { err := ClasspathResourceAdd(c.Id, strings.TrimSpace(idents[i])) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (c *Classpath) DelResources(idents []string) error { return ClasspathResourceDel(c.Id, idents) } func ClasspathNodeGets(query string) ([]*ClasspathNode, error) { session := DB.OrderBy("path") if query != "" { q := "%" + query + "%" session = session.Where("path like ?", q) } var objs []Classpath err := session.Find(&objs) if err != nil { logger.Errorf("mysql.error: query classpath fail: %v", err) return []*ClasspathNode{}, internalServerError } if len(objs) == 0 { return []*ClasspathNode{}, nil } pcs := ClasspathNodeAllChildren(objs) return pcs, nil } func (cp *Classpath) DirectChildren() ([]Classpath, error) { var pcs []Classpath objs, err := ClasspathGetsByPrefix(cp.Path) if err != nil { logger.Errorf("mysql.error: query prefix classpath fail: %v", err) return []Classpath{}, internalServerError } if len(objs) < 2 { return []Classpath{}, nil } pre := objs[1] path := pre.Path[len(objs[0].Path):] pre.Path = path pcs = append(pcs, pre) for _, cp := range objs[2:] { has := strings.HasPrefix(cp.Path, pre.Path) if !has { path := cp.Path[len(objs[0].Path):] pre.Path = path pcs = append(pcs, pre) pre = cp } } return pcs, nil } func ClasspathNodeAllChildren(cps []Classpath) []*ClasspathNode { var node ClasspathNode for _, cp := range cps { ListInsert(cp, &node) } return node.Children } func ListInsert(obj Classpath, node *ClasspathNode) { path := obj.Path has := true for { if len(node.Children) == 0 { break } children := node.Children[len(node.Children)-1] prefix := children.Path has = strings.HasPrefix(path, prefix) if !has { break } path = path[len(prefix):] node = children } newNode := ToClasspathNode(obj, path) node.Children = append(node.Children, &newNode) } func ToClasspathNode(cp Classpath, path string) ClasspathNode { var obj ClasspathNode obj.Id = cp.Id obj.Path = path obj.Note = cp.Note obj.Preset = cp.Preset obj.Children = []*ClasspathNode{} return obj }