import Vue from 'vue2' import Scroll from '@/modules/scroll' import instantiateComponent from '@/common/helpers/instantiate-component' import { dispatchSwipe, dispatchTap } from '../utils/event' const data = [ '我是第 1 行', '我是第 2 行', '我是第 3 行', '我是第 4 行' ] describe('Scroll', () => { let vm afterEach(() => { if (vm) { vm.$parent.destroy() vm = null } }) it('use', () => { Vue.use(Scroll) expect(Vue.component('function') }) it('should correct by default', () => { vm = createScroll() }) it('should render correct contents', () => { vm = createScroll({ data }) const listItems = vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.cube-scroll-content li') expect(listItems.length) .to.equal(4) expect(listItems[1].textContent) .to.equal('我是第 2 行') expect(listItems[3].textContent) .to.equal('我是第 4 行') }) it('should trigger pullingDown', function (done) { this.timeout(10000) const pullingDownHandle = sinon.spy() vm = createScroll({ data }) vm.$parent.updateRenderData({ props: { data, options: { pullDownRefresh: true } }, on: { 'pulling-down': pullingDownHandle } }) vm.$parent.$forceUpdate() vm.$ = '200px' vm.refresh() setTimeout(() => { const listFirstItem = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-scroll-content li:first-child') dispatchSwipe(listFirstItem, [ { pageX: 10, pageY: 10 }, { pageX: 10, pageY: 300 } ], 100) setTimeout(() => { expect(pullingDownHandle) // test: watch data const newData = data.concat(['我是插入的一行']) vm.$parent.updateRenderData({ props: { data: newData, options: { pullDownRefresh: { threshold: 10, stop: 40, txt: '刷新成功' } } } }) vm.$parent.$forceUpdate() setTimeout(() => { expect(vm.beforePullDown) expect(vm.isPullingDown) done() }, 1500) }, 400) }, 150) }) it('should not trigger pullingDown', function (done) { this.timeout(10000) const pullingDownHandle = sinon.spy() vm = createScroll({ data, options: { pullDownRefresh: true } }, { 'pulling-down': pullingDownHandle }) vm.$parent.updateRenderData({ props: { data, options: { pullDownRefresh: false } }, on: { 'pulling-down': pullingDownHandle } }) vm.$parent.$forceUpdate() vm.$ = '200px' vm.refresh() setTimeout(() => { const listFirstItem = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-scroll-content li:first-child') dispatchSwipe(listFirstItem, [ { pageX: 10, pageY: 10 }, { pageX: 10, pageY: 300 } ], 100) setTimeout(() => { expect(pullingDownHandle) done() }, 400) }, 150) }) it('should trigger pullingUp', function (done) { this.timeout(10000) const pullingUpHandle = sinon.spy() vm = createScroll() vm.$parent.updateRenderData({ props: { data, options: { pullUpLoad: { txt: { more: 'more', noMore: 'noMore' } } } }, on: { 'pulling-up': pullingUpHandle } }) vm.$parent.$forceUpdate() vm.$ = '200px' vm.refresh() setTimeout(() => { const listItem = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-scroll-content li:nth-child(3)') dispatchSwipe(listItem, [ { pageX: 10, pageY: 200 }, { pageX: 10, pageY: 10 } ], 100) setTimeout(() => { expect(pullingUpHandle) // test: forceUpdate vm.forceUpdate() setTimeout(() => { expect(vm.isPullUpLoad) expect(vm.pullUpDirty) const pullUpTxtElm = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-pullup-wrapper span') expect(pullUpTxtElm.textContent).to.equal('noMore') // test: resetPullUpTxt vm.resetPullUpTxt() vm.$nextTick(() => { expect(pullUpTxtElm.textContent).to.equal('more') done() }) }, 50) }, 400) }, 150) }) it('should not trigger pullingUp', function (done) { this.timeout(10000) const pullingUpHandle = sinon.spy() vm = createScroll({ data, options: { pullUpLoad: true } }, { 'pulling-up': pullingUpHandle }) vm.$parent.updateRenderData({ props: { data, options: { pullUpLoad: false } }, on: { 'pulling-up': pullingUpHandle } }) vm.$parent.$forceUpdate() vm.$ = '200px' vm.refresh() setTimeout(() => { const listItem = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-scroll-content li:nth-child(3)') dispatchSwipe(listItem, [ { pageX: 10, pageY: 200 }, { pageX: 10, pageY: 10 } ], 100) setTimeout(() => { expect(pullingUpHandle) done() }, 400) }, 150) }) it('should trigger click', function (done) { const clickHandler = sinon.spy() vm = createScroll({ data }, { click: clickHandler }) vm.$nextTick(() => { const listItem = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-scroll-content li') dispatchTap(listItem) expect(clickHandler) done() }) }) it('should not trigger scroll events', function (done) { const scrollHandle = sinon.spy() const beforeScrollHandle = sinon.spy() const scrollEndHandle = sinon.spy() vm = createScroll({ data, options: { pullUpLoad: true } }, { scroll: scrollHandle, 'before-scroll-start': beforeScrollHandle, 'scroll-end': scrollEndHandle }) vm.$ = '200px' vm.refresh() const listItem = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-scroll-content li:nth-child(3)') setTimeout(() => { dispatchSwipe(listItem, [ { pageX: 10, pageY: 200 }, { pageX: 10, pageY: 10 } ], 100) setTimeout(() => { expect(scrollHandle) expect(beforeScrollHandle) expect(scrollEndHandle) done() }, 1500) }, 100) }) it('should trigger scroll events - with scroll-events', function (done) { const scrollHandle = sinon.spy() const beforeScrollHandle = sinon.spy() const scrollEndHandle = sinon.spy() vm = createScroll({ data, scrollEvents: ['scroll', 'before-scroll-start', 'scroll-end'], options: { pullUpLoad: true } }, { scroll: scrollHandle, 'before-scroll-start': beforeScrollHandle, 'scroll-end': scrollEndHandle }) vm.$ = '200px' vm.refresh() const listItem = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-scroll-content li:nth-child(3)') setTimeout(() => { dispatchSwipe(listItem, [ { pageX: 10, pageY: 200 }, { pageX: 10, pageY: 10 } ], 100) setTimeout(() => { expect(scrollHandle) expect(beforeScrollHandle) expect(scrollEndHandle) done() }, 1500) }, 100) }) it('should trigger scroll events - with listen-scroll', function (done) { const scrollHandle = sinon.spy() const beforeScrollHandle = sinon.spy() const scrollEndHandle = sinon.spy() vm = createScroll({ data, listenScroll: true, listenBeforeScroll: true, options: { pullUpLoad: true } }, { scroll: scrollHandle, 'before-scroll-start': beforeScrollHandle, 'scroll-end': scrollEndHandle }) vm.$ = '200px' vm.refresh() const listItem = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-scroll-content li:nth-child(3)') setTimeout(() => { dispatchSwipe(listItem, [ { pageX: 10, pageY: 200 }, { pageX: 10, pageY: 10 } ], 100) setTimeout(() => { expect(scrollHandle) expect(beforeScrollHandle) done() }, 1500) }, 100) }) it('should call correct method', function () { vm = createScroll({data}) vm.disable() vm.enable() vm.scrollTo(0, 100) const listItems = vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.cube-scroll-content li') vm.scrollToElement(listItems[3]) vm.destroy() }) describe('Nest Scrolls', () => { it('should render scrolls correct', function () { vm = createNestScrolls() const innerScroll = vm.$parent.$refs.innerScroll expect(innerScroll.parentScroll)'object') }) it('should disable outer scroll when touch the inner one and not reach boundary', function (done) { let cnt = 0 vm = createNestScrolls({ innerProps: { scrollEvents: ['scroll'] }, innerEvents: { scroll: () => { if (cnt === 1) { // we disable the outer scroll in first 'scroll' event expect(vm.scroll.enabled) done() } cnt++ } } }) vm.$ = '500px' vm.refresh() const innerScroll = vm.$parent.$refs.innerScroll innerScroll.$ = '200px' setTimeout(() => { // waiting scroll init const listItem = innerScroll.$el.querySelector('.cube-scroll-content li:nth-child(1)') dispatchSwipe(listItem, [ { pageX: 20, // using for touchstart pageY: 200 }, { pageX: 20, // using for fire first touchmove. we disabled outer scroll when this event fire. pageY: 180 }, { pageX: 20, // using for second touchmove, now we check whether outer scroll is disabled. pageY: 160 } ], 200) }, 200) }) it('should disable inner scroll when touch the inner one and reach boundary', function (done) { let cnt = 0 vm = createNestScrolls({ outerProps: { scrollEvents: ['scroll'] }, outerEvents: { scroll: () => { // there will be two 'scroll' event, one fired by dispatchEvent and one fired by resetPosition in _end() function. // we only concern the first scroll event. if (cnt === 0) { cnt++ expect(innerScroll.scroll.enabled) done() } } } }) vm.$ = '300px' vm.refresh() const innerScroll = vm.$parent.$refs.innerScroll innerScroll.$ = '200px' setTimeout(() => { // waiting scroll init vm.scroll.aname = 'outer' innerScroll.scroll.aname = 'inner' const listItem = innerScroll.$el.querySelector('.cube-scroll-content li:nth-child(1)') dispatchSwipe(listItem, [ { pageX: 20, // using for touchstart pageY: 100 }, { pageX: 20, // using for fire first touchmove. we disabled outer scroll when this event fire, And since we assign outerScroll.pointY = innerScroll.pointY, pageY: 120 // so this touchmove event will not trigger outerScroll's "scroll" event, due to "We need to move at least momentumLimitDistance pixels for the scrolling to initiate" (from better-scroll) }, { pageX: 20, // using for second touchmove, now we check if the inner scroll is disabled . pageY: 140 } ], 200) }, 200) }) }) function createScroll(props = {}, events = {}, renderFn) { return instantiateComponent(Vue, Scroll, { props: props, on: events }, renderFn) } function createNestScrolls(options = {}) { const { outerProps = {}, outerEvents = {}, innerProps = {}, innerEvents = {} } = options return createScroll(outerProps, outerEvents, (h) => { return h('div', [ h('ul', [ => { return h('li', item) }) ]), h(Scroll, { ref: 'innerScroll', class: 'inner-scroll', props: {data, ...innerProps}, on: {...innerEvents} }), h('ul', [ => { return h('li', item) }) ]) ]) }) } })