提交 f45f004b 编写于 作者: D dolymood

update(doc): popup create-api doc link

上级 91f1ee24
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`ActionSheet` provides two common styles and it is flexible.
__Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api](#/en-US/docs/create-api) first.
### Example
- Basic usage
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`CascadePicker` component is used to implement the cascading change between picker columns. What is the effect of cascade? Considering the usage of province-city-area picker, when the province is changed, you may want the city column to display the exact cities of current province, so does the area column. And the `CascadePicker` is here to help you handle this.
__Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api](#/en-US/docs/create-api) first.
### Example
- Basic usage
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This module exports a function called `createAPI` with which you can invoke the custom component which has been instantiated in api form.
__Notice:__ All componnets which used `createAPI` must be registered by `Vue.use`.
### createAPI(Vue, Component, [events, single])
- Parameters:
......@@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ This module exports a function called `createAPI` with which you can invoke the
- `{Object} config` It will be passed to the component as its props except the events in `events`(It will transform by default, eg: If `events` has value `['click']`, then the prop `onClick` will be treated as component's event and not component's props).
- `{Function} [renderFn]` Optional, used to generate the VNode child node in the slot scene in general.
- `{Boolean} [single]` Optional, whether the instantiated component is a singleton or not. If two parameters are provided and the `renderFn`'s type is not function, then the `single` value is the sencond parameter's value.
- The return of the method `instance` is a instantiated Vue component,and the `remove` method will be **attached** to this instance.You can invoke the `remove` method to destroy the component and detach the component's content from `body` element.
- The return of the method `instance` is a instantiated Vue component,and the `remove` method will be **attached** to this instance.You can invoke the `remove` method to destroy the component and detach the component's content from `body` element. If the caller is destroyed and the `instance` will be destroyed too.
- Example:
......@@ -115,18 +117,14 @@ This module exports a function called `createAPI` with which you can invoke the
In this example, we create a component `Hello` which needs to be invoked in api form and we invoke it in another component.The focus is what `showHello()` does: invoking method `this.$createHello(config, renderFn)` to instantiate `Hello`.
### How to use in general JS files
### How to use in general JS files or use it in global
In vue component, you could call by `this.$createHello(config, renderFn)` because the `this` is just a vue instance. But in general JS files, you need to call `$createHello` method by `Vue.prototype` or create a vue instance. As shown below:
In vue component, you could call by `this.$createHello(config, renderFn)` because the `this` is just a vue instance. But in general JS files, you need to use `Hello.$create`. As shown below:
import Vue from 'vue'
Vue.prototype.$createHello(config, renderFn)
import Hello from './hello.vue'
// or
const vm = new Vue()
vm.$createHello(config, renderFn)
Hello.$create(config, renderFn)
There is another idea which used the mode of data-driven. For example, in vuex, you could use a global state to label whether to call the component, and watch this state in App.vue to handle this component.
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`Dialog` modal component,provides various styles and interactions.
__Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api](#/en-US/docs/create-api) first.
### Example
- Dialog type
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`Picker` component supports multi-column selectors and linkage data.
__Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api](#/en-US/docs/create-api) first.
### Example
- Basic usage
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The underlying popup component, mainly used to implement upper component encapsulation based on itself. It only provides basic functions: specifying the type, whether there's a background layer, showing content (HTML) and whether the component is in center position.
All of the built-in popup type components are implemented based on this component, including [Toast](#/en-US/docs/toast)[Picker](#/en-US/docs/picker)[TimePicker](#/en-US/docs/time-picker)[Dialog](#/en-US/docs/dialog)[ActionSheet](#/en-US/docs/action-sheet).
Most of the built-in popup type components are implemented based on this component, including [Toast](#/en-US/docs/toast)[Picker](#/en-US/docs/picker)[CascadePicker](#/en-US/docs/cascade-picker)[DatePicker](#/en-US/docs/date-picker)[TimePicker](#/en-US/docs/time-picker)[SegmentPicker](#/en-US/docs/segment-picker)[Dialog](#/en-US/docs/dialog)[ActionSheet](#/en-US/docs/action-sheet).
__Notice:__ All the components above used create-api, so you should read [create-api](#/en-US/docs/create-api) first.
### Example
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Select component.
__Notice:__ Cause this component depend on Picker component, and Picker used create-api, so you should read [create-api](#/en-US/docs/create-api) first.
### Example
- Basic usage
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`TimePicker` component provides commonly used functions of date selection.
__Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api](#/en-US/docs/create-api) first.
### Example
- Basic usage
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`Toast` component.You can use it to show non-modal tip message without user interaction.
__Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api](#/en-US/docs/create-api) first.
### Example
- Duration of display
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__注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请确保自己了解过 [create-api](#/zh-CN/docs/create-api)
### 示例
- 基本用法
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__注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请确保自己了解过 [create-api](#/zh-CN/docs/create-api)
### 示例
- 基本用法
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该模块默认暴露出一个 `createAPI` 函数,可以实现以 API 的形式调用自定义组件。
__注:__ 所有通过 `createAPI` 实现的通过 API 的形式调用的自定义组件都需要通过 `Vue.use` 注册才可以。
### createAPI(Vue, Component, [events, single])
- 参数:
......@@ -17,7 +19,7 @@
- `{Object} config` 组件配置参数,默认所有的值都会当做 props 传给组件,但是要排除 `events` 中的事件(默认会做转换,例如:`events` 的值为 `['click']`,那么 `config` 中的 `onClick` 就是作为 `click` 事件的回调函数,而不是作为 props 传递给组件)。
- `{Function} [renderFn]` 可选参数,用于生成子 VNode 节点,一般场景是处理 slot。
- `{Boolean} [single]` 可选参数,创建的时候决定是否是单例的,优先级更高,如果没有传入 renderFn 的话,single 的值就是第二个参数的值。
- 注意调用后的返回值 `instance` 就是组件实例,这个实例会被**附加**或者**代理** `remove` 方法,如果调用了,该实例就会被销毁且会从 `body` 下移除。
- 注意调用后的返回值 `instance` 就是组件实例,这个实例会被**附加**或者**代理** `remove` 方法,如果调用了,该实例就会被销毁且会从 `body` 下移除。如果说实例化上下文(即 `this.$createXx` 中的 `this`)销毁的话会自动移除销毁该实例元素。
- 示例:
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示例中就是创建了一个需要 API 调用的组件 `Hello`,然后在其他组件中去使用,重点就是 `showHello()` 方法做的事情:调用 `this.$createHello(config, renderFn)` 实现组件的实例化。
### 如何在普通 js 文件中调用
### 如何在普通 js 文件中或者全局调用
一般当你在 vue 实例中,你可以直接通过 `this.$createHello(config, renderFn)` 调用该组件。而如果在普通 JS 中`this`不是 vue 实例,这时就需要通过`Vue.prototye`或者创建一个 vue 实例来调用`$createHello`方法了,比如:
一般当你在 Vue 实例中,你可以直接通过 `this.$createHello(config, renderFn)` 调用该组件。而如果在普通 JS 中`this`不是 vue 实例,这时就可以通过组件本身的 `$create` 来进行实例化了,比如:
import Vue from 'vue'
Vue.prototype.$createHello(config, renderFn)
import Hello from './hello.vue'
// 或者
const vm = new Vue()
vm.$createHello(config, renderFn)
Hello.$create(config, renderFn)
还有一种思路是通过数据驱动,比如用 vuex 维护一个全局 state,在需要调用该组件时更新状态,然后在 App.vue 里去 watch 这个状态变化来调用该组件。
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__注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请确保自己了解过 [create-api](#/zh-CN/docs/create-api)
### 示例
- 基本用法
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__注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请确保自己了解过 [create-api](#/zh-CN/docs/create-api)
### 示例
- 类型设置
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__注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请确保自己了解过 [create-api](#/zh-CN/docs/create-api)
### 示例
- 基本用法
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__注:__ 以上组件都是基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请确保自己了解过 [create-api](#/zh-CN/docs/create-api)
### 示例
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Select 组件,用于单项选择。
__注:__ 由于此组件依赖 [Picker](#/zh-CN/docs/picker) 组件,而 Picker 组件是基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请确保自己了解过 [create-api](#/zh-CN/docs/create-api)
### 示例
- 基本用法
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
__注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请确保自己了解过 [create-api](#/zh-CN/docs/create-api)
### 示例
- 基本用法
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
__注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请确保自己了解过 [create-api](#/zh-CN/docs/create-api)
### 示例
- 显示时间设置
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