DoraemonKit Business Tool Box Performance Monitor Large image detection UI Tool Platform Tool Network Mock Health WEEX App Info Tools demo Sandbox FPS Monitor Mock GPS Color Picker Align Size Show Log H5 Opener Hide Doraemon Crash Viewer Cache Cleanup DBView Simulated Weak Network View Ciewer Traffic Monitor Show Current Infos On UI Time Counter method cost Data Preview MethodCost.startMethodTracing(\"doramemon\")
End of insertion
Note: The file names of start and stop must be paired to print out the relevant function time.
After the compilation is completed, you can filter out the related function time-consuming logs in the console by the methodcost TAG.
After the analysis is complete, you can manually delete the relevant code or keep it for the next debugging. Because the relevant code in the release environment is empty, it will not affect the online performance.
For detailed operations, please refer to the implementation in the demo. ]]>
Please make sure the current phone and PC are in the same Wifi.
If you want to modify the current app\'s database, you can operate it on the pc with the following address: ]]>
Exit Doraemonkit current version:V%s Data Base Top Activity Package Name: Class Name: Class Path: float mode float mode: \n 1)system is system float(need dialog permission) \n 2)normal is normal float(don\'t need dialog permission) system normal Mobile Info App Info Privacy Info Privacy Info Mobile Model System Version Package Name Application Version Name Application Version Number Minimum System Version Number Target System Version Number Sd Card Remaining Space System Free Space Resolution Location Privacy Disk Permissions Photo Permission Microphone Privacy Device Information Permission Contacts Privacy FPS CPU CUSTOM Upstream traffic Downstream traffic Average value Big Image leakCanary DBView Enter the keywords you want to filter Verbose Debug Info Warn Error Enter the address to jump Click To Jump Clear History Mock Input latitude Input longitude ANR Check ANR List ANR Detail ANR Switch View ANR History Mock ANR blocked %s ms Click for more details DoraemonKit is recording Crash for you No crash record Open Mock Gps Crash Log Collection Switch View Crash Log Clean Crash Cache Crash Log List Large image detection switch view monitor records Large image list Large image Memory threshold Large image file threshold link:
Note: the large chart file detection function depends on the traffic monitoring function, please make sure that the traffic monitoring switch is turned on. ]]>
Simulate Weak Network Switch Off Network Time Out Speed Limit Request Speed Limit: Response Speed Limit: request speed limit will limit speed when uploading, response speed limit will limit speed when downloading, 0 does not limit speed Back RAM Network Monitor DoraemonKit need draw over other app permission Location changed: %1$s, %2$s View Size:width%1$d,height%2$d View Background:%1$s View Padding:%1$d, %2$d, %3$d, %4$d View Margin:%1$d, %2$d, %3$d, %4$d Text Color:%1$s Text Size:%1$d View ID:%1$s View Class:%1$s Current Activity:%1$s Visible Fragments:%1$s GET POST Request Response FPS Detection Method Traffic Monitoring Details Support screening %1$s Consume:%2$s Traffic Monitoring Summary Traffic Monitoring List Flow Detection Switch Show Traffic Monitoring Details Message Body Data Size Link Request Time Response Time Request Header Response Header Request Line Request Line Total Captured Captured Packets Data Upload Data Download HTTP Method Data Type 0S %dS %1$dM%2$dS %1$dH %2$dM %1$dD%2$dH  CPU Detection Switch FPS Detection Switch Test Record Inspection Records Memory Detection Switch Memory Detection Sorry, your current system version is higher than 8.0. Due to Google\'s privilege tightening, you can only use adb to obtain performance analysis data. Please connect your computer to your computer and enter adb tcpip 5555 to ensure normal function. Layout Border Layout Level Position:Left%1$d Right%2$d Top%3$d Bottom%4$d Activity Time Counter View History Time Counter History submit cancel discard delete insert success fail confirm post Confirm that you want to delete local data Hint share start test stop test view statistics page data Loading... Please authorize permissions Clear system data Please authorize permissions UI Performance Render Analysis max level: view id: total draw time: max draw time: search expand collapse