#!/usr/bin/python3.7 ################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import annotations # For type hinting before definition, ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33533148/how-do-i-specify-that-the-return-type-of-a-method-is-the-same-as-the-class-itsel import sys # Require Python 3 if sys.version_info[0] < 3: raise Exception("Must be using Python 3") import getopt import argparse import copy import threading import random import time import logging import datetime import textwrap from typing import List from typing import Dict from util.log import * from util.dnodes import * from util.cases import * from util.sql import * import crash_gen import taos # Global variables, tried to keep a small number. gConfig = None # Command-line/Environment Configurations, will set a bit later logger = None def runThread(wt: WorkerThread): wt.run() class CrashGenError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg=None, errno=None): self.msg = msg self.errno = errno def __str__(self): return self.msg class WorkerThread: def __init__(self, pool: ThreadPool, tid, tc: ThreadCoordinator, # te: TaskExecutor, ): # note: main thread context! # self._curStep = -1 self._pool = pool self._tid = tid self._tc = tc # self.threadIdent = threading.get_ident() self._thread = threading.Thread(target=runThread, args=(self,)) self._stepGate = threading.Event() # Let us have a DB connection of our own if ( gConfig.per_thread_db_connection ): # type: ignore self._dbConn = DbConn() def logDebug(self, msg): logger.info(" t[{}] {}".format(self._tid, msg)) def logInfo(self, msg): logger.info(" t[{}] {}".format(self._tid, msg)) def getTaskExecutor(self): return self._tc.getTaskExecutor() def start(self): self._thread.start() # AFTER the thread is recorded def run(self): # initialization after thread starts, in the thread context # self.isSleeping = False logger.info("Starting to run thread: {}".format(self._tid)) if ( gConfig.per_thread_db_connection ): # type: ignore self._dbConn.open() self._doTaskLoop() # clean up if ( gConfig.per_thread_db_connection ): # type: ignore self._dbConn.close() def _doTaskLoop(self) : # while self._curStep < self._pool.maxSteps: # tc = ThreadCoordinator(None) while True: tc = self._tc # Thread Coordinator, the overall master tc.crossStepBarrier() # shared barrier first, INCLUDING the last one logger.debug("Thread task loop exited barrier...") self.crossStepGate() # then per-thread gate, after being tapped logger.debug("Thread task loop exited step gate...") if not self._tc.isRunning(): break task = tc.fetchTask() task.execute(self) tc.saveExecutedTask(task) def verifyThreadSelf(self): # ensure we are called by this own thread if ( threading.get_ident() != self._thread.ident ): raise RuntimeError("Unexpectly called from other threads") def verifyThreadMain(self): # ensure we are called by the main thread if ( threading.get_ident() != threading.main_thread().ident ): raise RuntimeError("Unexpectly called from other threads") def verifyThreadAlive(self): if ( not self._thread.is_alive() ): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected dead thread") # A gate is different from a barrier in that a thread needs to be "tapped" def crossStepGate(self): self.verifyThreadAlive() self.verifyThreadSelf() # only allowed by ourselves # Wait again at the "gate", waiting to be "tapped" # logger.debug("Worker thread {} about to cross the step gate".format(self._tid)) self._stepGate.wait() self._stepGate.clear() # self._curStep += 1 # off to a new step... def tapStepGate(self): # give it a tap, release the thread waiting there self.verifyThreadAlive() self.verifyThreadMain() # only allowed for main thread logger.debug("Tapping worker thread {}".format(self._tid)) self._stepGate.set() # wake up! time.sleep(0) # let the released thread run a bit def execSql(self, sql): # not "execute", since we are out side the DB context if ( gConfig.per_thread_db_connection ): return self._dbConn.execute(sql) else: return self._tc.getDbState().getDbConn().execute(sql) def querySql(self, sql): # not "execute", since we are out side the DB context if ( gConfig.per_thread_db_connection ): return self._dbConn.query(sql) else: return self._tc.getDbState().getDbConn().query(sql) class ThreadCoordinator: def __init__(self, pool, dbState): self._curStep = -1 # first step is 0 self._pool = pool # self._wd = wd self._te = None # prepare for every new step self._dbState = dbState self._executedTasks: List[Task] = [] # in a given step self._lock = threading.RLock() # sync access for a few things self._stepBarrier = threading.Barrier(self._pool.numThreads + 1) # one barrier for all threads self._execStats = ExecutionStats() def getTaskExecutor(self): return self._te def getDbState(self) -> DbState : return self._dbState def crossStepBarrier(self): self._stepBarrier.wait() def run(self): self._pool.createAndStartThreads(self) # Coordinate all threads step by step self._curStep = -1 # not started yet maxSteps = gConfig.max_steps # type: ignore startTime = time.time() while(self._curStep < maxSteps-1): # maxStep==10, last curStep should be 9 print(".", end="", flush=True) logger.debug("Main thread going to sleep") # Now ready to enter a step self.crossStepBarrier() # let other threads go past the pool barrier, but wait at the thread gate self._stepBarrier.reset() # Other worker threads should now be at the "gate" # At this point, all threads should be pass the overall "barrier" and before the per-thread "gate" self._dbState.transition(self._executedTasks) # at end of step, transiton the DB state self.resetExecutedTasks() # clear the tasks after we are done # Get ready for next step logger.info("<-- Step {} finished".format(self._curStep)) self._curStep += 1 # we are about to get into next step. TODO: race condition here! logger.debug("\r\n--> Step {} starts with main thread waking up".format(self._curStep)) # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep # A new TE for the new step self._te = TaskExecutor(self._curStep) logger.debug("Main thread waking up at step {}, tapping worker threads".format(self._curStep)) # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep self.tapAllThreads() logger.debug("Main thread ready to finish up...") self.crossStepBarrier() # Cross it one last time, after all threads finish self._stepBarrier.reset() logger.debug("Main thread in exclusive zone...") self._te = None # No more executor, time to end logger.debug("Main thread tapping all threads one last time...") self.tapAllThreads() # Let the threads run one last time logger.debug("Main thread joining all threads") self._pool.joinAll() # Get all threads to finish logger.info("All threads finished") self._execStats.logStats() logger.info("Total Execution Time (task busy time, plus Python overhead): {:.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - startTime)) print("\r\nFinished") def tapAllThreads(self): # in a deterministic manner wakeSeq = [] for i in range(self._pool.numThreads): # generate a random sequence if Dice.throw(2) == 1 : wakeSeq.append(i) else: wakeSeq.insert(0, i) logger.info("Waking up threads: {}".format(str(wakeSeq))) # TODO: set dice seed to a deterministic value for i in wakeSeq: self._pool.threadList[i].tapStepGate() # TODO: maybe a bit too deep?! time.sleep(0) # yield def isRunning(self): return self._te != None def fetchTask(self) -> Task : if ( not self.isRunning() ): # no task raise RuntimeError("Cannot fetch task when not running") # return self._wd.pickTask() # Alternatively, let's ask the DbState for the appropriate task # dbState = self.getDbState() # tasks = dbState.getTasksAtState() # TODO: create every time? # nTasks = len(tasks) # i = Dice.throw(nTasks) # logger.debug(" (dice:{}/{}) ".format(i, nTasks)) # # return copy.copy(tasks[i]) # Needs a fresh copy, to save execution results, etc. # return tasks[i].clone() # TODO: still necessary? taskType = self.getDbState().pickTaskType() # pick a task type for current state return taskType(self.getDbState(), self._execStats) # create a task from it def resetExecutedTasks(self): self._executedTasks = [] # should be under single thread def saveExecutedTask(self, task): with self._lock: self._executedTasks.append(task) # We define a class to run a number of threads in locking steps. class ThreadPool: def __init__(self, dbState, numThreads, maxSteps, funcSequencer): self.numThreads = numThreads self.maxSteps = maxSteps self.funcSequencer = funcSequencer # Internal class variables # self.dispatcher = WorkDispatcher(dbState) # Obsolete? self.curStep = 0 self.threadList = [] # self.stepGate = threading.Condition() # Gate to hold/sync all threads # self.numWaitingThreads = 0 # starting to run all the threads, in locking steps def createAndStartThreads(self, tc: ThreadCoordinator): for tid in range(0, self.numThreads): # Create the threads workerThread = WorkerThread(self, tid, tc) self.threadList.append(workerThread) workerThread.start() # start, but should block immediately before step 0 def joinAll(self): for workerThread in self.threadList: logger.debug("Joining thread...") workerThread._thread.join() # A queue of continguous POSITIVE integers class LinearQueue(): def __init__(self): self.firstIndex = 1 # 1st ever element self.lastIndex = 0 self._lock = threading.RLock() # our functions may call each other self.inUse = set() # the indexes that are in use right now def toText(self): return "[{}..{}], in use: {}".format(self.firstIndex, self.lastIndex, self.inUse) # Push (add new element, largest) to the tail, and mark it in use def push(self): with self._lock: # if ( self.isEmpty() ): # self.lastIndex = self.firstIndex # return self.firstIndex # Otherwise we have something self.lastIndex += 1 self.allocate(self.lastIndex) # self.inUse.add(self.lastIndex) # mark it in use immediately return self.lastIndex def pop(self): with self._lock: if ( self.isEmpty() ): # raise RuntimeError("Cannot pop an empty queue") return False # TODO: None? index = self.firstIndex if ( index in self.inUse ): return False self.firstIndex += 1 return index def isEmpty(self): return self.firstIndex > self.lastIndex def popIfNotEmpty(self): with self._lock: if (self.isEmpty()): return 0 return self.pop() def allocate(self, i): with self._lock: # logger.debug("LQ allocating item {}".format(i)) if ( i in self.inUse ): raise RuntimeError("Cannot re-use same index in queue: {}".format(i)) self.inUse.add(i) def release(self, i): with self._lock: # logger.debug("LQ releasing item {}".format(i)) self.inUse.remove(i) # KeyError possible, TODO: why? def size(self): return self.lastIndex + 1 - self.firstIndex def pickAndAllocate(self): if ( self.isEmpty() ): return None with self._lock: cnt = 0 # counting the interations while True: cnt += 1 if ( cnt > self.size()*10 ): # 10x iteration already # raise RuntimeError("Failed to allocate LinearQueue element") return None ret = Dice.throwRange(self.firstIndex, self.lastIndex+1) if ( not ret in self.inUse ): self.allocate(ret) return ret class DbConn: def __init__(self): self._conn = None self._cursor = None self.isOpen = False def open(self): # Open connection if ( self.isOpen ): raise RuntimeError("Cannot re-open an existing DB connection") cfgPath = "../../build/test/cfg" self._conn = taos.connect(host="", config=cfgPath) # TODO: make configurable self._cursor = self._conn.cursor() # Get the connection/cursor ready self._cursor.execute('reset query cache') # self._cursor.execute('use db') # Open connection self._tdSql = TDSql() self._tdSql.init(self._cursor) self.isOpen = True def resetDb(self): # reset the whole database, etc. if ( not self.isOpen ): raise RuntimeError("Cannot reset database until connection is open") # self._tdSql.prepare() # Recreate database, etc. self._cursor.execute('drop database if exists db') logger.debug("Resetting DB, dropped database") # self._cursor.execute('create database db') # self._cursor.execute('use db') # tdSql.execute('show databases') def close(self): if ( not self.isOpen ): raise RuntimeError("Cannot clean up database until connection is open") self._tdSql.close() self.isOpen = False def execute(self, sql): if ( not self.isOpen ): raise RuntimeError("Cannot execute database commands until connection is open") return self._tdSql.execute(sql) def query(self, sql) -> int : # return number of rows retrieved if ( not self.isOpen ): raise RuntimeError("Cannot query database until connection is open") return self._tdSql.query(sql) # State of the database as we believe it to be class DbState(): STATE_INVALID = -1 STATE_EMPTY = 0 # nothing there, no even a DB STATE_DB_ONLY = 1 # we have a DB, but nothing else STATE_TABLE_ONLY = 2 # we have a table, but totally empty STATE_HAS_DATA = 3 # we have some data in the table def __init__(self): self.tableNumQueue = LinearQueue() self._lastTick = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1) # initial date time tick self._lastInt = 0 # next one is initial integer self._lock = threading.RLock() self._state = self.STATE_INVALID self._stateWeights = [1,3,5,10] # self.openDbServerConnection() self._dbConn = DbConn() try: self._dbConn.open() # may throw taos.error.ProgrammingError: disconnected except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: # print("Error type: {}, msg: {}, value: {}".format(type(err), err.msg, err)) if ( err.msg == 'disconnected' ): # cannot open DB connection print("Cannot establish DB connection, please re-run script without parameter, and follow the instructions.") sys.exit() else: raise except: print("[=]Unexpected exception") raise self._dbConn.resetDb() # drop and recreate DB self._state = self.STATE_EMPTY # initial state, the result of above def getDbConn(self): return self._dbConn def pickAndAllocateTable(self): # pick any table, and "use" it return self.tableNumQueue.pickAndAllocate() def addTable(self): with self._lock: tIndex = self.tableNumQueue.push() return tIndex def getFixedTableName(self): return "fixed_table" def releaseTable(self, i): # return the table back, so others can use it self.tableNumQueue.release(i) def getNextTick(self): with self._lock: # prevent duplicate tick self._lastTick += datetime.timedelta(0, 1) # add one second to it return self._lastTick def getNextInt(self): with self._lock: self._lastInt += 1 return self._lastInt def getTableNameToDelete(self): tblNum = self.tableNumQueue.pop() # TODO: race condition! if ( not tblNum ): # maybe false return False return "table_{}".format(tblNum) def execSql(self, sql): # using the main DB connection return self._dbConn.execute(sql) def cleanUp(self): self._dbConn.close() def getTaskTypesAtState(self): allTaskClasses = StateTransitionTask.__subclasses__() # all state transition tasks taskTypes = [] for tc in allTaskClasses: # t = tc(self) # create task object if tc.canBeginFrom(self._state): taskTypes.append(tc) if len(taskTypes) <= 0: raise RuntimeError("No suitable task types found for state: {}".format(self._state)) return taskTypes # tasks.append(ReadFixedDataTask(self)) # always for everybody # if ( self._state == self.STATE_EMPTY ): # tasks.append(CreateDbTask(self)) # tasks.append(CreateFixedTableTask(self)) # elif ( self._state == self.STATE_DB_ONLY ): # tasks.append(DropDbTask(self)) # tasks.append(CreateFixedTableTask(self)) # tasks.append(AddFixedDataTask(self)) # elif ( self._state == self.STATE_TABLE_ONLY ): # tasks.append(DropFixedTableTask(self)) # tasks.append(AddFixedDataTask(self)) # elif ( self._state == self.STATE_HAS_DATA ) : # same as above. TODO: adjust # tasks.append(DropFixedTableTask(self)) # tasks.append(AddFixedDataTask(self)) # else: # raise RuntimeError("Unexpected DbState state: {}".format(self._state)) # return tasks def pickTaskType(self): taskTypes = self.getTaskTypesAtState() # all the task types we can choose from at curent state weights = [] for tt in taskTypes: endState = tt.getEndState() if endState != None : weights.append(self._stateWeights[endState]) # TODO: change to a method else: weights.append(10) # read data task, default to 10: TODO: change to a constant i = self._weighted_choice_sub(weights) logger.debug(" (weighted random:{}/{}) ".format(i, len(taskTypes))) return taskTypes[i] def _weighted_choice_sub(self, weights): # ref: https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2010/01/22/weighted-random-generation-in-python/ rnd = random.random() * sum(weights) # TODO: use our dice to ensure it being determinstic? for i, w in enumerate(weights): rnd -= w if rnd < 0: return i def transition(self, tasks): if ( len(tasks) == 0 ): # before 1st step, or otherwise empty return # do nothing self.execSql("show dnodes") # this should show up in the server log, separating steps if ( self._state == self.STATE_EMPTY ): # self.assertNoSuccess(tasks, ReadFixedDataTask) # some read may be successful, since we might be creating a table if ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, CreateDbTask) ): self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateDbTask) # param is class self._state = self.STATE_DB_ONLY if ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask )): self._state = self.STATE_TABLE_ONLY # else: # no successful table creation, not much we can say, as it is step 2 else: # did not create db self.assertNoTask(tasks, CreateDbTask) # because we did not have such task # self.assertNoSuccess(tasks, CreateDbTask) # not necessary, since we just verified no such task self.assertNoSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) elif ( self._state == self.STATE_DB_ONLY ): self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropDbTask) self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, DropDbTask) self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) # Nothing to be said about adding data task if ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, DropDbTask) ): # dropped the DB # self.assertHasTask(tasks, DropDbTask) # implied by hasSuccess self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropDbTask) self._state = self.STATE_EMPTY elif ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) ): # did not drop db, create table success # self.assertHasTask(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) # tried to create table self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) # at most 1 attempt is successful self.assertNoTask(tasks, DropDbTask) # should have have tried if ( not self.hasSuccess(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) ): # just created table, no data yet # can't say there's add-data attempts, since they may all fail self._state = self.STATE_TABLE_ONLY else: self._state = self.STATE_HAS_DATA # What about AddFixedData? elif ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) ): self._state = self.STATE_HAS_DATA else: # no success in dropping db tasks, no success in create fixed table? read data should also fail # raise RuntimeError("Unexpected no-success scenario") # We might just landed all failure tasks, self._state = self.STATE_DB_ONLY # no change elif ( self._state == self.STATE_TABLE_ONLY ): if ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) ): # we are able to drop the table self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) self._state = self.STATE_DB_ONLY elif ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) ): # no success dropping the table, but added data self.assertNoTask(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) self._state = self.STATE_HAS_DATA elif ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, ReadFixedDataTask) ): # no success in prev cases, but was able to read data self.assertNoTask(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) self.assertNoTask(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) self._state = self.STATE_TABLE_ONLY # no change else: # did not drop table, did not insert data, did not read successfully, that is impossible raise RuntimeError("Unexpected no-success scenarios") elif ( self._state == self.STATE_HAS_DATA ): # Same as above, TODO: adjust if ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) ): self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) self._state = self.STATE_DB_ONLY else: # no success dropping the table, table remains intact in this step self.assertNoTask(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # we should not have had such a task if ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) ): # added data self._state = self.STATE_HAS_DATA else: self.assertNoTask(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) if ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, ReadFixedDataTask) ): # simple able to read some data # which is ok, then no state change self._state = self.STATE_HAS_DATA # no change else: # did not drop table, did not insert data, that is impossible? yeah, we might only had ReadData task raise RuntimeError("Unexpected no-success scenarios") else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected DbState state: {}".format(self._state)) logger.debug("New DB state is: {}".format(self._state)) def assertAtMostOneSuccess(self, tasks, cls): sCnt = 0 for task in tasks : if not isinstance(task, cls): continue if task.isSuccess(): task.logDebug("Task success found") sCnt += 1 if ( sCnt >= 2 ): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected more than 1 success with task: {}".format(cls)) def assertIfExistThenSuccess(self, tasks, cls): sCnt = 0 exists = False for task in tasks : if not isinstance(task, cls): continue exists = True # we have a valid instance if task.isSuccess(): sCnt += 1 if ( exists and sCnt <= 0 ): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected zero success for task: {}".format(cls)) def assertNoTask(self, tasks, cls): for task in tasks : if isinstance(task, cls): raise CrashGenError("This task: {}, is not expected to be present, given the success/failure of others".format(cls.__name__)) def assertNoSuccess(self, tasks, cls): for task in tasks : if isinstance(task, cls): if task.isSuccess(): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected successful task: {}".format(cls)) def hasSuccess(self, tasks, cls): for task in tasks : if not isinstance(task, cls): continue if task.isSuccess(): return True return False class TaskExecutor(): def __init__(self, curStep): self._curStep = curStep def getCurStep(self): return self._curStep def execute(self, task: Task, wt: WorkerThread): # execute a task on a thread task.execute(wt) # def logInfo(self, msg): # logger.info(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg) # def logDebug(self, msg): # logger.debug(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg) class Task(): taskSn = 100 @classmethod def allocTaskNum(cls): cls.taskSn += 1 return cls.taskSn def __init__(self, dbState: DbState, execStats: ExecutionStats): self._dbState = dbState self._workerThread = None self._err = None self._curStep = None self._numRows = None # Number of rows affected # Assign an incremental task serial number self._taskNum = self.allocTaskNum() self._execStats = execStats def isSuccess(self): return self._err == None def clone(self): # TODO: why do we need this again? newTask = self.__class__(self._dbState, self._execStats) return newTask def logDebug(self, msg): self._workerThread.logDebug("s[{}.{}] {}".format(self._curStep, self._taskNum, msg)) def logInfo(self, msg): self._workerThread.logInfo("s[{}.{}] {}".format(self._curStep, self._taskNum, msg)) def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): raise RuntimeError("To be implemeted by child classes, class name: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__)) def execute(self, wt: WorkerThread): wt.verifyThreadSelf() self._workerThread = wt # type: ignore te = wt.getTaskExecutor() self._curStep = te.getCurStep() self.logDebug("[-] executing task {}...".format(self.__class__.__name__)) self._err = None self._execStats.beginTaskType(self.__class__.__name__) # mark beginning try: self._executeInternal(te, wt) # TODO: no return value? except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err: self.logDebug("[=]Taos Execution exception: {0}".format(err)) self._err = err except: self.logDebug("[=]Unexpected exception") raise self._execStats.endTaskType(self.__class__.__name__, self.isSuccess()) self.logDebug("[X] task execution completed, {}, status: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, "Success" if self.isSuccess() else "Failure")) self._execStats.incExecCount(self.__class__.__name__, self.isSuccess()) # TODO: merge with above. def execSql(self, sql): return self._dbState.execute(sql) class ExecutionStats: def __init__(self): self._execTimes: Dict[str, [int, int]] = {} # total/success times for a task self._tasksInProgress = 0 self._lock = threading.Lock() self._firstTaskStartTime = None self._accRunTime = 0.0 # accumulated run time def incExecCount(self, klassName, isSuccess): # TODO: add a lock here if klassName not in self._execTimes: self._execTimes[klassName] = [0, 0] t = self._execTimes[klassName] # tuple for the data t[0] += 1 # index 0 has the "total" execution times if isSuccess: t[1] += 1 # index 1 has the "success" execution times def beginTaskType(self, klassName): with self._lock: if self._tasksInProgress == 0 : # starting a new round self._firstTaskStartTime = time.time() # I am now the first task self._tasksInProgress += 1 def endTaskType(self, klassName, isSuccess): with self._lock: self._tasksInProgress -= 1 if self._tasksInProgress == 0 : # all tasks have stopped self._accRunTime += (time.time() - self._firstTaskStartTime) self._firstTaskStartTime = None def logStats(self): logger.info("Logging task execution stats (success/total times)...") execTimesAny = 0 for k, n in self._execTimes.items(): execTimesAny += n[1] logger.info(" {0:<24}: {1}/{2}".format(k,n[1],n[0])) logger.info("Total Tasks Executed (success or not): {} ".format(execTimesAny)) logger.info("Total Tasks In Progress at End: {}".format(self._tasksInProgress)) logger.info("Total Task Busy Time (elapsed time when any task is in progress): {:.2f} seconds".format(self._accRunTime)) class StateTransitionTask(Task): # @classmethod # def getAllTaskClasses(cls): # static # return cls.__subclasses__() @classmethod def getInfo(cls): # each sub class should supply their own information raise RuntimeError("Overriding method expected") @classmethod def getBeginStates(cls): return cls.getInfo()[0] @classmethod def getEndState(cls): return cls.getInfo()[1] @classmethod def canBeginFrom(cls, state): return state in cls.getBeginStates() def execute(self, wt: WorkerThread): super().execute(wt) class CreateDbTask(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getInfo(cls): return [ [DbState.STATE_EMPTY], # can begin from DbState.STATE_DB_ONLY # end state ] def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): wt.execSql("create database db") class DropDbTask(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getInfo(cls): return [ [DbState.STATE_DB_ONLY, DbState.STATE_TABLE_ONLY, DbState.STATE_HAS_DATA], DbState.STATE_EMPTY ] def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): wt.execSql("drop database db") class CreateFixedTableTask(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getInfo(cls): return [ [DbState.STATE_DB_ONLY], DbState.STATE_TABLE_ONLY ] def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): tblName = self._dbState.getFixedTableName() wt.execSql("create table db.{} (ts timestamp, speed int)".format(tblName)) class ReadFixedDataTask(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getInfo(cls): return [ [DbState.STATE_TABLE_ONLY, DbState.STATE_HAS_DATA], None # meaning doesn't affect state ] def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): tblName = self._dbState.getFixedTableName() self._numRows = wt.querySql("select * from db.{}".format(tblName)) # save the result for later # tdSql.query(" cars where tbname in ('carzero', 'carone')") class DropFixedTableTask(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getInfo(cls): return [ [DbState.STATE_TABLE_ONLY, DbState.STATE_HAS_DATA], DbState.STATE_DB_ONLY # meaning doesn't affect state ] def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): tblName = self._dbState.getFixedTableName() wt.execSql("drop table db.{}".format(tblName)) class AddFixedDataTask(StateTransitionTask): @classmethod def getInfo(cls): return [ [DbState.STATE_TABLE_ONLY, DbState.STATE_HAS_DATA], DbState.STATE_HAS_DATA ] def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): ds = self._dbState sql = "insert into db.{} values ('{}', {});".format(ds.getFixedTableName(), ds.getNextTick(), ds.getNextInt()) wt.execSql(sql) #---------- Non State-Transition Related Tasks ----------# class CreateTableTask(Task): def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): tIndex = self._dbState.addTable() self.logDebug("Creating a table {} ...".format(tIndex)) wt.execSql("create table db.table_{} (ts timestamp, speed int)".format(tIndex)) self.logDebug("Table {} created.".format(tIndex)) self._dbState.releaseTable(tIndex) class DropTableTask(Task): def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): tableName = self._dbState.getTableNameToDelete() if ( not tableName ): # May be "False" self.logInfo("Cannot generate a table to delete, skipping...") return self.logInfo("Dropping a table db.{} ...".format(tableName)) wt.execSql("drop table db.{}".format(tableName)) class AddDataTask(Task): def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread): ds = self._dbState self.logInfo("Adding some data... numQueue={}".format(ds.tableNumQueue.toText())) tIndex = ds.pickAndAllocateTable() if ( tIndex == None ): self.logInfo("No table found to add data, skipping...") return sql = "insert into db.table_{} values ('{}', {});".format(tIndex, ds.getNextTick(), ds.getNextInt()) self.logDebug("Executing SQL: {}".format(sql)) wt.execSql(sql) ds.releaseTable(tIndex) self.logDebug("Finished adding data") # Deterministic random number generator class Dice(): seeded = False # static, uninitialized @classmethod def seed(cls, s): # static if (cls.seeded): raise RuntimeError("Cannot seed the random generator more than once") cls.verifyRNG() random.seed(s) cls.seeded = True # TODO: protect against multi-threading @classmethod def verifyRNG(cls): # Verify that the RNG is determinstic random.seed(0) x1 = random.randrange(0, 1000) x2 = random.randrange(0, 1000) x3 = random.randrange(0, 1000) if ( x1 != 864 or x2!=394 or x3!=776 ): raise RuntimeError("System RNG is not deterministic") @classmethod def throw(cls, stop): # get 0 to stop-1 return cls.throwRange(0, stop) @classmethod def throwRange(cls, start, stop): # up to stop-1 if ( not cls.seeded ): raise RuntimeError("Cannot throw dice before seeding it") return random.randrange(start, stop) # Anyone needing to carry out work should simply come here # class WorkDispatcher(): # def __init__(self, dbState): # # self.totalNumMethods = 2 # self.tasks = [ # # CreateTableTask(dbState), # Obsolete # # DropTableTask(dbState), # # AddDataTask(dbState), # ] # def throwDice(self): # max = len(self.tasks) - 1 # dRes = random.randint(0, max) # # logger.debug("Threw the dice in range [{},{}], and got: {}".format(0,max,dRes)) # return dRes # def pickTask(self): # dice = self.throwDice() # return self.tasks[dice] # def doWork(self, workerThread): # task = self.pickTask() # task.execute(workerThread) def main(): # Super cool Python argument library: https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=textwrap.dedent('''\ TDengine Auto Crash Generator (PLEASE NOTICE the Prerequisites Below) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. You build TDengine in the top level ./build directory, as described in offical docs 2. You run the server there before this script: ./build/bin/taosd -c test/cfg ''')) parser.add_argument('-p', '--per-thread-db-connection', action='store_true', help='Use a single shared db connection (default: false)') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Turn on DEBUG mode for more logging (default: false)') parser.add_argument('-s', '--max-steps', action='store', default=100, type=int, help='Maximum number of steps to run (default: 100)') parser.add_argument('-t', '--num-threads', action='store', default=10, type=int, help='Number of threads to run (default: 10)') global gConfig gConfig = parser.parse_args() if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit() global logger logger = logging.getLogger('CrashGen') if ( gConfig.debug ): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # default seems to be INFO ch = logging.StreamHandler() logger.addHandler(ch) dbState = DbState() Dice.seed(0) # initial seeding of dice tc = ThreadCoordinator( ThreadPool(dbState, gConfig.num_threads, gConfig.max_steps, 0), # WorkDispatcher(dbState), # Obsolete? dbState ) tc.run() dbState.cleanUp() logger.info("Finished running thread pool") if __name__ == "__main__": main()