# Testing HTTP Basic Authentication While it has always been possible to authenticate with HTTP Basic, it was a bit tedious to remember the header name, format, and encode the values. Now this can be done using Spring Security’s `httpBasic` [`RequestPostProcessor`](request-post-processors.html). For example, the snippet below: Java ``` mvc .perform(get("/").with(httpBasic("user","password"))) ``` Kotlin ``` mvc.get("/") { with(httpBasic("user","password")) } ``` will attempt to use HTTP Basic to authenticate a user with the username "user" and the password "password" by ensuring the following header is populated on the HTTP Request: ``` Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA== ``` [Mocking Form Login](form-login.html)[Mocking OAuth2](oauth2.html)