## 9.3. Mathematical Functions and Operators Mathematical operators are provided for many PostgreSQL types. For types without standard mathematical conventions (e.g., date/time types) we describe the actual behavior in subsequent sections. [Table 9.4](functions-math.html#FUNCTIONS-MATH-OP-TABLE) shows the mathematical operators that are available for the standard numeric types. Unless otherwise noted, operators shown as accepting *`numeric_type`* are available for all the types `smallint`, `integer`, `bigint`, `numeric`, `real`, and `double precision`. Operators shown as accepting *`integral_type`* are available for the types `smallint`, `integer`, and `bigint`. Except where noted, each form of an operator returns the same data type as its argument(s). Calls involving multiple argument data types, such as `integer` `+` `numeric`, are resolved by using the type appearing later in these lists. **Table 9.4. Mathematical Operators** | Operator


Example(s) | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | *`numeric_type`* `+` *`numeric_type`* → `*`numeric_type`*`


`2 + 3` → `5` | | `+` *`numeric_type`* → `*`numeric_type`*`

Unary plus (no operation)

`+ 3.5` → `3.5` | | *`numeric_type`* `-` *`numeric_type`* → `*`numeric_type`*`


`2 - 3` → `-1` | | `-` *`numeric_type`* → `*`numeric_type`*`


`- (-4)` → `4` | | *`numeric_type`* `*` *`numeric_type`* → `*`numeric_type`*`


`2 * 3` → `6` | | *`numeric_type`* `/` *`numeric_type`* → `*`numeric_type`*`

Division (for integral types, division truncates the result towards zero)

`5.0 / 2` → `2.5000000000000000`

`5 / 2` → `2`

`(-5) / 2` → `-2` | | *`numeric_type`* `%` *`numeric_type`* → `*`numeric_type`*`

Modulo (remainder); available for `smallint`, `integer`, `bigint`, and `numeric`

`5 % 4` → `1` | |`numeric` `^` `numeric` → `numeric`

`double precision` `^` `double precision` → `double precision`


`2 ^ 3` → `8`

Unlike typical mathematical practice, multiple uses of `^` will associate left to right by default:

`2 ^ 3 ^ 3` → `512`

`2 ^ (3 ^ 3)` → `134217728`| | `|/` `double precision` → `double precision`

Square root

`|/ 25.0` → `5` | | `||/` `double precision` → `double precision`

Cube root

`||/ 64.0` → `4` | | `@` *`numeric_type`* → `*`numeric_type`*`

Absolute value

`@ -5.0` → `5` | | *`integral_type`* `&` *`integral_type`* → `*`integral_type`*`

Bitwise AND

`91 & 15` → `11` | | *`integral_type`* `|` *`integral_type`* → `*`integral_type`*`

Bitwise OR

`32 | 3` → `35` | | *`integral_type`* `#` *`integral_type`* → `*`integral_type`*`

Bitwise exclusive OR

`17 # 5` → `20` | | `~` *`integral_type`* → `*`integral_type`*`

Bitwise NOT

`~1` → `-2` | | *`integral_type`* `<<` `integer` → `*`integral_type`*`

Bitwise shift left

`1 << 4` → `16` | | *`integral_type`* `>>` `integer` → `*`integral_type`*`

Bitwise shift right

`8 >> 2` → `2` | [Table 9.5](functions-math.html#FUNCTIONS-MATH-FUNC-TABLE) shows the available mathematical functions. Many of these functions are provided in multiple forms with different argument types. Except where noted, any given form of a function returns the same data type as its argument(s); cross-type cases are resolved in the same way as explained above for operators. The functions working with `double precision` data are mostly implemented on top of the host system's C library; accuracy and behavior in boundary cases can therefore vary depending on the host system. **Table 9.5. Mathematical Functions** | Function


Example(s) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | []() `abs` ( *`numeric_type`* ) → `*`numeric_type`*`

Absolute value

`abs(-17.4)` → `17.4` | | []() `cbrt` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Cube root

`cbrt(64.0)` → `4` | | []() `ceil` ( `numeric` ) → `numeric`

`ceil` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Nearest integer greater than or equal to argument

`ceil(42.2)` → `43`

`ceil(-42.8)` → `-42` | | []() `ceiling` ( `numeric` ) → `numeric`

`ceiling` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Nearest integer greater than or equal to argument (same as `ceil`)

`ceiling(95.3)` → `96` | | []() `degrees` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Converts radians to degrees

`degrees(0.5)` → `28.64788975654116` | | []() `div` ( *`y`* `numeric`, *`x`* `numeric` ) → `numeric`

Integer quotient of *`y`*/*`x`* (truncates towards zero)

`div(9, 4)` → `2` | | []() `exp` ( `numeric` ) → `numeric`

`exp` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Exponential (`e` raised to the given power)

`exp(1.0)` → `2.7182818284590452` | | []() `factorial` ( `bigint` ) → `numeric`


`factorial(5)` → `120` | | []() `floor` ( `numeric` ) → `numeric`

`floor` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Nearest integer less than or equal to argument

`floor(42.8)` → `42`

`floor(-42.8)` → `-43` | | []() `gcd` ( *`numeric_type`*, *`numeric_type`* ) → `*`numeric_type`*`

Greatest common divisor (the largest positive number that divides both inputs with no remainder); returns `0` if both inputs are zero; available for `integer`, `bigint`, and `numeric`

`gcd(1071, 462)` → `21` | | []() `lcm` ( *`numeric_type`*, *`numeric_type`* ) → `*`numeric_type`*`

Least common multiple (the smallest strictly positive number that is an integral multiple of both inputs); returns `0` if either input is zero; available for `integer`, `bigint`, and `numeric`

`lcm(1071, 462)` → `23562` | | []() `ln` ( `numeric` ) → `numeric`

`ln` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Natural logarithm

`ln(2.0)` → `0.6931471805599453` | | []() `log` ( `numeric` ) → `numeric`

`log` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Base 10 logarithm

`log(100)` → `2` | | []() `log10` ( `numeric` ) → `numeric`

`log10` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Base 10 logarithm (same as `log`)

`log10(1000)` → `3` | | `log` ( *`b`* `numeric`, *`x`* `numeric` ) → `numeric`

Logarithm of *`x`* to base *`b`*

`log(2.0, 64.0)` → `6.0000000000` | | []() `min_scale` ( `numeric` ) → `integer`

Minimum scale (number of fractional decimal digits) needed to represent the supplied value precisely

`min_scale(8.4100)` → `2` | | []() `mod` ( *`y`* *`numeric_type`*, *`x`* *`numeric_type`* ) → `*`numeric_type`*`

Remainder of *`y`*/*`x`*; available for `smallint`, `integer`, `bigint`, and `numeric`

`mod(9, 4)` → `1` | | []() `pi` ( ) → `double precision`

Approximate value of π

`pi()` → `3.141592653589793` | | []() `power` ( *`a`* `numeric`, *`b`* `numeric` ) → `numeric`

`power` ( *`a`* `double precision`, *`b`* `double precision` ) → `double precision`

*`a`* raised to the power of *`b`*

`power(9, 3)` → `729` | | []() `radians` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Converts degrees to radians

`radians(45.0)` → `0.7853981633974483` | | []() `round` ( `numeric` ) → `numeric`

`round` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Rounds to nearest integer. For `numeric`, ties are broken by rounding away from zero. For `double precision`, the tie-breaking behavior is platform dependent, but “round to nearest even” is the most common rule.

`round(42.4)` → `42` | | `round` ( *`v`* `numeric`, *`s`* `integer` ) → `numeric`

Rounds *`v`* to *`s`* decimal places. Ties are broken by rounding away from zero.

`round(42.4382, 2)` → `42.44` | | []() `scale` ( `numeric` ) → `integer`

Scale of the argument (the number of decimal digits in the fractional part)

`scale(8.4100)` → `4` | | []() `sign` ( `numeric` ) → `numeric`

`sign` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Sign of the argument (-1, 0, or +1)

`sign(-8.4)` → `-1` | | []() `sqrt` ( `numeric` ) → `numeric`

`sqrt` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Square root

`sqrt(2)` → `1.4142135623730951` | | []() `trim_scale` ( `numeric` ) → `numeric`

Reduces the value's scale (number of fractional decimal digits) by removing trailing zeroes

`trim_scale(8.4100)` → `8.41` | | []() `trunc` ( `numeric` ) → `numeric`

`trunc` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Truncates to integer (towards zero)

`trunc(42.8)` → `42`

`trunc(-42.8)` → `-42` | | `trunc` ( *`v`* `numeric`, *`s`* `integer` ) → `numeric`

Truncates *`v`* to *`s`* decimal places

`trunc(42.4382, 2)` → `42.43` | | []() `width_bucket` ( *`operand`* `numeric`, *`low`* `numeric`, *`high`* `numeric`, *`count`* `integer` ) → `integer`

`width_bucket` ( *`operand`* `double precision`, *`low`* `double precision`, *`high`* `double precision`, *`count`* `integer` ) → `integer`

Returns the number of the bucket in which *`operand`* falls in a histogram having *`count`* equal-width buckets spanning the range *`low`* to *`high`*. Returns `0` or `*`count`*+1` for an input outside that range.

`width_bucket(5.35, 0.024, 10.06, 5)` → `3` | |`width_bucket` ( *`operand`* `anycompatible`, *`thresholds`* `anycompatiblearray` ) → `integer`

Returns the number of the bucket in which *`operand`* falls given an array listing the lower bounds of the buckets. Returns `0` for an input less than the first lower bound. *`operand`* and the array elements can be of any type having standard comparison operators. The *`thresholds`* array *must be sorted*, smallest first, or unexpected results will be obtained.

`width_bucket(now(), array['yesterday', 'today', 'tomorrow']::timestamptz[])` → `2`| [Table 9.6](functions-math.html#FUNCTIONS-MATH-RANDOM-TABLE) shows functions for generating random numbers. **Table 9.6. Random Functions** | Function


Example(s) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | []() `random` ( ) → `double precision`

Returns a random value in the range 0.0 \<= x \< 1.0

`random()` → `0.897124072839091` | |[]() `setseed` ( `double precision` ) → `void`

Sets the seed for subsequent `random()` calls; argument must be between -1.0 and 1.0, inclusive

`setseed(0.12345)`| The `random()` function uses a simple linear congruential algorithm. It is fast but not suitable for cryptographic applications; see the [pgcrypto](pgcrypto.html) module for a more secure alternative. If `setseed()` is called, the series of results of subsequent `random()` calls in the current session can be repeated by re-issuing `setseed()` with the same argument. [Table 9.7](functions-math.html#FUNCTIONS-MATH-TRIG-TABLE) shows the available trigonometric functions. Each of these functions comes in two variants, one that measures angles in radians and one that measures angles in degrees. **Table 9.7. Trigonometric Functions** | Function


Example(s) | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | []() `acos` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Inverse cosine, result in radians

`acos(1)` → `0` | | []() `acosd` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Inverse cosine, result in degrees

`acosd(0.5)` → `60` | | []() `asin` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Inverse sine, result in radians

`asin(1)` → `1.5707963267948966` | | []() `asind` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Inverse sine, result in degrees

`asind(0.5)` → `30` | | []() `atan` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Inverse tangent, result in radians

`atan(1)` → `0.7853981633974483` | | []() `atand` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Inverse tangent, result in degrees

`atand(1)` → `45` | |[]() `atan2` ( *`y`* `double precision`, *`x`* `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Inverse tangent of *`y`*/*`x`*, result in radians

`atan2(1, 0)` → `1.5707963267948966`| | []() `atan2d` ( *`y`* `double precision`, *`x`* `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Inverse tangent of *`y`*/*`x`*, result in degrees

`atan2d(1, 0)` → `90` | | []() `cos` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Cosine, argument in radians

`cos(0)` → `1` | | []() `cosd` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Cosine, argument in degrees

`cosd(60)` → `0.5` | | []() `cot` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Cotangent, argument in radians

`cot(0.5)` → `1.830487721712452` | | []() `cotd` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Cotangent, argument in degrees

`cotd(45)` → `1` | | []() `sin` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Sine, argument in radians

`sin(1)` → `0.8414709848078965` | | []() `sind` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Sine, argument in degrees

`sind(30)` → `0.5` | | []() `tan` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Tangent, argument in radians

`tan(1)` → `1.5574077246549023` | | []() `tand` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Tangent, argument in degrees

`tand(45)` → `1` | ### Note Another way to work with angles measured in degrees is to use the unit transformation functions ``radians()`` and ``degrees()`` shown earlier. However, using the degree-based trigonometric functions is preferred, as that way avoids round-off error for special cases such as `sind(30)`. [Table 9.8](functions-math.html#FUNCTIONS-MATH-HYP-TABLE) shows the available hyperbolic functions. **Table 9.8. Hyperbolic Functions** | Function


Example(s) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | []() `sinh` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Hyperbolic sine

`sinh(1)` → `1.1752011936438014` | | []() `cosh` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Hyperbolic cosine

`cosh(0)` → `1` | | []() `tanh` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Hyperbolic tangent

`tanh(1)` → `0.7615941559557649` | | []() `asinh` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Inverse hyperbolic sine

`asinh(1)` → `0.881373587019543` | | []() `acosh` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Inverse hyperbolic cosine

`acosh(1)` → `0` | |[]() `atanh` ( `double precision` ) → `double precision`

Inverse hyperbolic tangent

`atanh(0.5)` → `0.5493061443340548`|