## F.12. dict\_xsyn [F.12.1. Configuration](dict-xsyn.html#id-[F.12.2. Usage](dict-xsyn.html#id- []() `dict_xsyn` (Extended Synonym Dictionary) is an example of an add-on dictionary template for full-text search. This dictionary type replaces words with groups of their synonyms, and so makes it possible to search for a word using any of its synonyms. ### F.12.1. Configuration A `dict_xsyn` dictionary accepts the following options: * `matchorig` controls whether the original word is accepted by the dictionary. Default is `true`. * `matchsynonyms` controls whether the synonyms are accepted by the dictionary. Default is `false`. * `keeporig` controls whether the original word is included in the dictionary's output. Default is `true`. * `keepsynonyms` controls whether the synonyms are included in the dictionary's output. Default is `true`. * `rules` is the base name of the file containing the list of synonyms. This file must be stored in `$SHAREDIR/tsearch_data/` (where `$SHAREDIR` means the PostgreSQL installation's shared-data directory). Its name must end in `.rules` (which is not to be included in the `rules` parameter). The rules file has the following format: * Each line represents a group of synonyms for a single word, which is given first on the line. Synonyms are separated by whitespace, thus: ``` word syn1 syn2 syn3 ``` * The sharp (`#`) sign is a comment delimiter. It may appear at any position in a line. The rest of the line will be skipped. Look at `xsyn_sample.rules`, which is installed in `$SHAREDIR/tsearch_data/`, for an example. ### F.12.2. Usage Installing the `dict_xsyn` extension creates a text search template `xsyn_template` and a dictionary `xsyn` based on it, with default parameters. You can alter the parameters, for example ``` mydb# ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY xsyn (RULES='my_rules', KEEPORIG=false); ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY ``` or create new dictionaries based on the template. To test the dictionary, you can try ``` mydb=# SELECT ts_lexize('xsyn', 'word'); ts_lexize