## 33.1. Running the Tests [33.1.1. Running the Tests Against a Temporary Installation](regress-run.html#id- [33.1.2. Running the Tests Against an Existing Installation](regress-run.html#id- [33.1.3. Additional Test Suites](regress-run.html#id- [33.1.4. Locale and Encoding](regress-run.html#id- [33.1.5. Custom Server Settings](regress-run.html#id- [33.1.6. Extra Tests](regress-run.html#id- [33.1.7. Testing Hot Standby](regress-run.html#id- The regression tests can be run against an already installed and running server, or using a temporary installation within the build tree. Furthermore, there is a “parallel” and a “sequential” mode for running the tests. The sequential method runs each test script alone, while the parallel method starts up multiple server processes to run groups of tests in parallel. Parallel testing adds confidence that interprocess communication and locking are working correctly. ### 33.1.1. Running the Tests Against a Temporary Installation To run the parallel regression tests after building but before installation, type: ``` make check ``` in the top-level directory. (Or you can change to`src/test/regress`and run the command there.) At the end you should see something like: ``` ======================= All 193 tests passed. ======================= ``` or otherwise a note about which tests failed. See[Section 33.2](regress-evaluation.html)below before assuming that a “failure” represents a serious problem. Because this test method runs a temporary server, it will not work if you did the build as the root user, since the server will not start as root. Recommended procedure is not to do the build as root, or else to perform testing after completing the installation. If you have configured PostgreSQL to install into a location where an older PostgreSQL installation already exists, and you perform`make check`before installing the new version, you might find that the tests fail because the new programs try to use the already-installed shared libraries. (Typical symptoms are complaints about undefined symbols.) If you wish to run the tests before overwriting the old installation, you'll need to build with`configure --disable-rpath`. It is not recommended that you use this option for the final installation, however. The parallel regression test starts quite a few processes under your user ID. Presently, the maximum concurrency is twenty parallel test scripts, which means forty processes: there's a server process and a psql process for each test script. So if your system enforces a per-user limit on the number of processes, make sure this limit is at least fifty or so, else you might get random-seeming failures in the parallel test. If you are not in a position to raise the limit, you can cut down the degree of parallelism by setting the`MAX_CONNECTIONS`parameter. For example: ``` make MAX_CONNECTIONS=10 check ``` runs no more than ten tests concurrently. ### 33.1.2. Running the Tests Against an Existing Installation To run the tests after installation (see[Chapter 17](installation.html)), initialize a data directory and start the server as explained in[Chapter 19](runtime.html), then type: ``` make installcheck ``` or for a parallel test: ``` make installcheck-parallel ``` The tests will expect to contact the server at the local host and the default port number, unless directed otherwise by`PGHOST`and`PGPORT`environment variables. The tests will be run in a database named`regression`; any existing database by this name will be dropped. The tests will also transiently create some cluster-wide objects, such as roles, tablespaces, and subscriptions. These objects will have names beginning with`regress_`. Beware of using`installcheck`mode with an installation that has any actual global objects named that way. ### 33.1.3. Additional Test Suites The`make check`and`make installcheck`commands run only the “core” regression tests, which test built-in functionality of the PostgreSQL server. The source distribution contains many additional test suites, most of them having to do with add-on functionality such as optional procedural languages. To run all test suites applicable to the modules that have been selected to be built, including the core tests, type one of these commands at the top of the build tree: ``` make check-world make installcheck-world ``` These commands run the tests using temporary servers or an already-installed server, respectively, just as previously explained for`make check`and`make installcheck`. Other considerations are the same as previously explained for each method. Note that`做检查世界`为每个测试模块构建一个单独的实例(临时数据目录),因此它需要更多的时间和磁盘空间`制作安装检查世界`. 在具有多个 CPU 内核且没有严格的操作系统限制的现代机器上,您可以通过并行性使事情进展得更快。大多数 PostgreSQL 开发人员实际用于运行所有测试的配方类似于 ``` make check-world -j8 >/dev/null ``` 与`-j`限制接近或略多于可用核心的数量。当您只想验证成功时,丢弃标准输出会消除不感兴趣的喋喋不休。(在失败的情况下,stderr 消息通常足以确定在哪里查看。) 或者,您可以通过键入运行单个测试套件`检查`要么`进行安装检查`在构建树的相应子目录中。请记住,`进行安装检查`假设您已经安装了相关模块,而不仅仅是核心服务器。 可以通过这种方式调用的其他测试包括: - 可选过程语言的回归测试。这些位于`源/pl`. - 回归测试`贡献`模块,位于`贡献`.不是全部`贡献`模块有测试。 - ECPG 接口库的回归测试,位于`src/接口/ecpg/test`. - 测试核心支持的身份验证方法,位于`src/test/认证`.(有关其他与身份验证相关的测试,请参见下文。) - 测试强调并发会话的行为,位于`src/测试/隔离`. - 崩溃恢复和物理复制测试,位于`src/测试/恢复`. - 逻辑复制测试,位于`源/测试/订阅`. - 客户端程序的测试,位于`源/bin`. 使用时`安装检查`模式下,这些测试将创建和销毁名称包括的测试数据库`回归`, 例如`pl_regression`或者`贡献回归`.小心使用`安装检查`具有以这种方式命名的任何非测试数据库的安装模式。 其中一些辅助测试套件使用 TAP 基础架构[第 33.4 节](regress-tap.html).仅当使用选项配置 PostgreSQL 时才运行基于 TAP 的测试`--启用点击测试`.推荐用于开发,但如果没有合适的 Perl 安装可以省略。 一些测试套件默认不运行,要么是因为它们在多用户系统上运行不安全,要么是因为它们需要特殊的软件。您可以通过设置`制作`或环境变量`PG_TEST_EXTRA`到以空格分隔的列表,例如: ``` make check-world PG_TEST_EXTRA='kerberos ldap ssl' ``` 当前支持以下值: `kerberos` 在下运行测试套件`src/test/kerberos`.这需要安装 MIT Kerberos 并打开 TCP/IP 侦听套接字。 `ldap` 在下运行测试套件`源/测试/ldap`.这需要安装 OpenLDAP 并打开 TCP/IP 侦听套接字。 `ssl` 在下运行测试套件`src/test/ssl`.这将打开 TCP/IP 侦听套接字。 当前构建配置不支持的功能的测试不会运行,即使它们在`PG_TEST_EXTRA`. 此外,还有测试`源/测试/模块`这将由`做检查世界`但不是通过`制作安装检查世界`. This is because they install non-production extensions or have other side-effects that are considered undesirable for a production installation. You can use`make install`and`make installcheck`in one of those subdirectories if you wish, but it's not recommended to do so with a non-test server. ### 33.1.4. Locale and Encoding By default, tests using a temporary installation use the locale defined in the current environment and the corresponding database encoding as determined by`initdb`. It can be useful to test different locales by setting the appropriate environment variables, for example: ``` make check LANG=C make check LC_COLLATE=en_US.utf8 LC_CTYPE=fr_CA.utf8 ``` For implementation reasons, setting`LC_ALL`does not work for this purpose; all the other locale-related environment variables do work. When testing against an existing installation, the locale is determined by the existing database cluster and cannot be set separately for the test run. You can also choose the database encoding explicitly by setting the variable`ENCODING`, for example: ``` make check LANG=C ENCODING=EUC_JP ``` Setting the database encoding this way typically only makes sense if the locale is C; otherwise the encoding is chosen automatically from the locale, and specifying an encoding that does not match the locale will result in an error. The database encoding can be set for tests against either a temporary or an existing installation, though in the latter case it must be compatible with the installation's locale. ### 33.1.5. Custom Server Settings Custom server settings to use when running a regression test suite can be set in the`PGOPTIONS`environment variable (for settings that allow this): ``` make check PGOPTIONS="-c force_parallel_mode=regress -c work_mem=50MB" ``` When running against a temporary installation, custom settings can also be set by supplying a pre-written`postgresql.conf`: ``` echo 'log_checkpoints = on' > test_postgresql.conf echo 'work_mem = 50MB' >> test_postgresql.conf make check EXTRA_REGRESS_OPTS="--temp-config=test_postgresql.conf" ``` This can be useful to enable additional logging, adjust resource limits, or enable extra run-time checks such as[debug_discard_caches](runtime-config-developer.html#GUC-DEBUG-DISCARD-CACHES). ### 33.1.6. Extra Tests The core regression test suite contains a few test files that are not run by default, because they might be platform-dependent or take a very long time to run. You can run these or other extra test files by setting the variable`EXTRA_TESTS`. For example, to run the`numeric_big`test: ``` make check EXTRA_TESTS=numeric_big ``` ### 33.1.7. Testing Hot Standby The source distribution also contains regression tests for the static behavior of Hot Standby. These tests require a running primary server and a running standby server that is accepting new WAL changes from the primary (using either file-based log shipping or streaming replication). Those servers are not automatically created for you, nor is replication setup documented here. Please check the various sections of the documentation devoted to the required commands and related issues. To run the Hot Standby tests, first create a database called`regression`on the primary: ``` psql -h primary -c "CREATE DATABASE regression" ``` Next, run the preparatory script`src/test/regress/sql/hs_primary_setup.sql`on the primary in the regression database, for example: ``` psql -h primary -f src/test/regress/sql/hs_primary_setup.sql regression ``` Allow these changes to propagate to the standby. Now arrange for the default database connection to be to the standby server under test (for example, by setting the`PGHOST`and`PGPORT`environment variables). Finally, run`make standbycheck`in the regression directory: ``` cd src/test/regress make standbycheck ``` Some extreme behaviors can also be generated on the primary using the script`src/test/regress/sql/hs_primary_extremes.sql`to allow the behavior of the standby to be tested.