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7月 23, 2024
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"## view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| hover-class | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-stop-propagation | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-start-time | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-stay-time | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## scroll-view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| direction | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scroll-x | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scroll-y | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| rebound | - |
| upper-threshold | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| lower-threshold | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scroll-top | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scroll-left | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scroll-into-view | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scroll-with-animation | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| refresher-enabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| refresher-threshold | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| refresher-default-style | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| refresher-background | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| refresher-triggered | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-scrollbar | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @refresherpulling | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @refresherrefresh | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @refresherrestore | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @refresherabort | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @scrolltoupper | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @scrolltolower | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @scroll | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## swiper-item"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| item-id | - |"
"## swiper"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| indicator-dots | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| indicator-color | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| indicator-active-color | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| active-class | - |
| changing-class | - |
| acceleration | - |
| disable-programmatic-animation | - |
| disable-touch | - |
| touchable | - |
| easing-function | - |
| autoplay | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| current | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| current-item-id | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| interval | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| duration | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| circular | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| vertical | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| rebound | - |
| previous-margin | - |
| next-margin | - |
| display-multiple-items | - |
| skip-hidden-item-layout | - |
| @change | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @transition | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @animationfinish | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## match-media"
"media query 匹配检测节点"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| width | - |
| min-width | - |
| max-width | - |
| height | - |
| min-height | - |
| max-height | - |
| orientation | - |"
"## movable-area"
"movable-view 的可移动区域"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"## movable-view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| direction | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| inertia | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| out-of-bounds | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| x | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| y | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| damping | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| friction | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scale | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scale-min | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scale-max | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scale-value | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| animation | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @change | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @scale | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## cover-view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## cover-image"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| v-for | - |
| v-if | - |
| v-show | - |
| src | - |"
"## list-item"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| type | - |"
"## sticky-header"
注意:暂时仅支持作为list-view、sticky-section的子节点, sticky-header不支持css样式!当一个容器视图设置多个sticky-header时,后一个sticky-header会停靠在前一个sticky-header的末尾处。"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## sticky-section"
注意:暂时仅支持作为list-view的子节点, sticky-section不支持css样式!"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## list-view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## nested-scroll-header"
" scroll-view 嵌套模式场景中属于外层 scroll-view 的节点,仅支持作为
<scroll-view type='nested'> 嵌套模式的直接子节点。不支持复数子节点,渲染时会取其第一个子节点来渲染"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## nested-scroll-body"
" scroll-view 嵌套模式场景中属于嵌套内层 scroll-view 的父节点,仅支持作为
<scroll-view type='nested'> 嵌套模式的直接子节点。不支持复数子节点,渲染时会取其第一个子节点来渲染"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## icon"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| size | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| color | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## text"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| selectable | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| space | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| decode | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## rich-text"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| nodes | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| selectable | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @itemclick | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## progress"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| duration | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| percent | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-info | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| stroke-width | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| activeColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| backgroundColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| active | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| active-mode | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## button"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-class | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-start-time | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-stay-time | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| size | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| plain | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| loading | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| form-type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| open-type | - |
| @error | - |
| @chooseinvoicetitle | - |
| @subscribe | - |
| @login | - |"
"## checkbox"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| value | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| checked | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| color | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| backgroundColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| borderColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| activeBackgroundColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| activeBorderColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| iconColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## checkbox-group"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| name | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @change | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## form"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @submit | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @reset | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## input"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| name | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| value | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| password | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| placeholder | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| placeholder-style | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| placeholder-class | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| maxlength | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| cursor-color | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| auto-focus | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| focus | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| confirm-type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| confirm-hold | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| cursor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| selection-start | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| selection-end | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| inputmode | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @input | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @focus | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @blur | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @confirm | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## editor"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| read-only | - |
| placeholder | - |
| show-img-size | - |
| show-img-toolbar | - |
| show-img-resize | - |
| @ready | - |
| @focus | - |
| @blur | - |
| @input | - |
| @statuschange | - |"
"## label"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| for | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## picker"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| disabled | - |
| mode | - |
| range | - |
| range-key | - |
| value | - |
| start | - |
| end | - |
| fields | - |
| custom-item | - |
| @change | - |
| @columnchange | - |
| @cancel | - |"
"## picker-view-column"
"仅可放置于 picker-view 中,其子节点未继承 picker-view 的选中框的高度,需要自己设置高度并居中"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"## picker-view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| value | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| indicator-style | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| indicator-class | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| mask-style | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| mask-class | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @change | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## radio"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| value | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| checked | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| color | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| backgroundColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| borderColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| activeBackgroundColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| activeBorderColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| iconColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## radio-group"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| name | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @change | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## slider"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| name | - |
| disabled | - |
| min | - |
| max | - |
| step | - |
| value | - |
| activeColor | - |
| backgroundColor | - |
| block-size | - |
| block-color | - |
| show-value | - |
| @change | - |
| @changing | - |"
"## switch"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| name | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| checked | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| color | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @change | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## textarea"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| name | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| value | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| placeholder | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| placeholder-style | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| placeholder-class | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| maxlength | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| auto-focus | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| focus | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| confirm-type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| cursor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| confirm-hold | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| auto-height | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| cursor-color | - |
| selection-start | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| selection-end | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| inputmode | - |
| @confirm | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @input | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @linechange | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @blur | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @focus | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## navigator"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| target | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| url | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| open-type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| delta | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| app-id | - |
| path | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| extra-data | - |
| version | - |
| animation-type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| animation-duration | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-class | - |
| hover-stop-propagation | - |
| hover-start-time | - |
| hover-stay-time | - |
| render-link | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## image"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| src | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| mode | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| draggable | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @error | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @load | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## video"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| loop | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| src | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| initial-time | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| duration | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| controls | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| danmu-list | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| danmu-btn | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| enable-danmu | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| autoplay | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| muted | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| page-gesture | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| direction | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-progress | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-fullscreen-btn | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-play-btn | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-center-play-btn | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-loading | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| enable-progress-gesture | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| objectFit | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| poster | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-mute-btn | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| title | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| play-btn-position | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| enable-play-gesture | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| auto-pause-if-navigate | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| auto-pause-if-open-native | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| vslide-gesture | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| vslide-gesture-in-fullscreen | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| poster-for-crawler | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| play-strategy | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| is-live | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @loadedmetadata | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @play | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @pause | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @ended | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @timeupdate | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @fullscreenchange | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @waiting | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @error | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @progress | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @fullscreenclick | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @controlstoggle | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## animation-view"
"Lottie 动画
> 本 Component 是 uni ext component,需下载插件:[animation-view](
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## live-player"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| src | - |
| mode | - |
| autoplay | - |
| muted | - |
| orientation | - |
| object-fit | - |
| background-mute | - |
| min-cache | - |
| max-cache | - |
| @statechange | - |
| @fullscreenchange | - |
| @netstatus | - |"
"## live-pusher"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| url | - |
| mode | - |
| autopush | - |
| muted | - |
| enable-camera | - |
| auto-focus | - |
| orientation | - |
| beauty | - |
| aspect | - |
| min-bitrate | - |
| max-bitrate | - |
| waiting-image | - |
| waiting-image-md5 | - |
| background-mute | - |
| @statechange | - |
| @error | - |
| @netstatus | - |"
"## audio"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| loop | - |
| src | - |
| controls | - |
| poster | - |
| name | - |
| author | - |
| @error | - |
| @play | - |
| @pause | - |
| @timeupdate | - |
| @ended | - |"
"## page-meta"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| background-text-style | - |
| background-color | - |
| background-color-top | - |
| background-color-bottom | - |
| scroll-top | - |
| scroll-duration | - |
| page-style | - |
| root-font-size | - |
| enable-pull-down-refresh | - |
| @resize | - |
| @scroll | - |
| @scrolldone | - |"
"## map"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| longitude | - |
| latitude | - |
| scale | - |
| markers | - |
| covers | - |
| polyline | - |
| circles | - |
| controls | - |
| include-points | - |
| show-location | - |
| @markertap | - |
| @callouttap | - |
| @controltap | - |
| @regionchange | - |
| @updated | - |"
"## canvas"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"## web-view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| src | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| allow | x |
| sandbox | x |
| fullscreen | x |
| @message | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## navigation-bar"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| title | - |
| title-icon | - |
| titleIcon-radius | - |
| subtitle-text | - |
| subtitle-size | - |
| subtitle-color | - |
| subtitle-overflow | - |
| title-align | - |
| background-image | - |
| background-repeat | - |
| blur-effect | - |
| loading | - |
| front-color | - |
| background-color | - |
| color-animation-duration | - |
| color-animation-timing-func | - |"
"## custom-tab-bar"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| direction | - |
| show-icon | - |
| selected | - |
| @onTabItemTap | - |"
"## unicloud-db"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| id | - |
| v-slot:default | - |
| collection | - |
| field | - |
| where | - |
| orderby | - |
| groupby | - |
| group-field | - |
| distinct | - |
| page-data | - |
| page-current | - |
| page-size | - |
| getone | - |
| getcount | - |
| gettree | - |
| startwith | - |
| limitlevel | - |
| manual | - |
| loadtime | - |
| action | - |
| @load | - |
| @error | - |"
"## view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| hover-class | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-stop-propagation | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-start-time | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-stay-time | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## scroll-view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| direction | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scroll-x | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scroll-y | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| rebound | - |
| upper-threshold | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| lower-threshold | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scroll-top | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scroll-left | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scroll-into-view | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scroll-with-animation | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| refresher-enabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| refresher-threshold | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| refresher-default-style | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| refresher-background | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| refresher-triggered | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-scrollbar | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @refresherpulling | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @refresherrefresh | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @refresherrestore | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @refresherabort | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @scrolltoupper | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @scrolltolower | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @scroll | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## swiper-item"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| item-id | - |"
"## swiper"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| indicator-dots | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| indicator-color | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| indicator-active-color | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| active-class | - |
| changing-class | - |
| acceleration | - |
| disable-programmatic-animation | - |
| disable-touch | - |
| touchable | - |
| easing-function | - |
| autoplay | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| current | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| current-item-id | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| interval | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| duration | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| circular | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| vertical | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| rebound | - |
| previous-margin | - |
| next-margin | - |
| display-multiple-items | - |
| skip-hidden-item-layout | - |
| @change | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @transition | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @animationfinish | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## match-media"
"media query 匹配检测节点"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| width | - |
| min-width | - |
| max-width | - |
| height | - |
| min-height | - |
| max-height | - |
| orientation | - |"
"## movable-area"
"movable-view 的可移动区域"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"## movable-view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| direction | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| inertia | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| out-of-bounds | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| x | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| y | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| damping | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| friction | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scale | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scale-min | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scale-max | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| scale-value | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| animation | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @change | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @scale | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## cover-view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## cover-image"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| v-for | - |
| v-if | - |
| v-show | - |
| src | - |"
"## list-item"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| type | - |"
"## sticky-header"
注意:暂时仅支持作为list-view、sticky-section的子节点, sticky-header不支持css样式!当一个容器视图设置多个sticky-header时,后一个sticky-header会停靠在前一个sticky-header的末尾处。"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## sticky-section"
注意:暂时仅支持作为list-view的子节点, sticky-section不支持css样式!"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## list-view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## nested-scroll-header"
" scroll-view 嵌套模式场景中属于外层 scroll-view 的节点,仅支持作为
<scroll-view type='nested'> 嵌套模式的直接子节点。不支持复数子节点,渲染时会取其第一个子节点来渲染"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## nested-scroll-body"
" scroll-view 嵌套模式场景中属于嵌套内层 scroll-view 的父节点,仅支持作为
<scroll-view type='nested'> 嵌套模式的直接子节点。不支持复数子节点,渲染时会取其第一个子节点来渲染"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## object"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## icon"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| size | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| color | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## text"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| selectable | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| space | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| decode | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## rich-text"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| nodes | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| selectable | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @itemclick | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## progress"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| duration | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| percent | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-info | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| stroke-width | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| activeColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| backgroundColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| active | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| active-mode | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## button"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-class | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-start-time | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-stay-time | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| size | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| plain | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| loading | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| form-type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| open-type | - |
| @error | - |
| @chooseinvoicetitle | - |
| @subscribe | - |
| @login | - |"
"## checkbox"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| value | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| checked | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| color | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| backgroundColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| borderColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| activeBackgroundColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| activeBorderColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| iconColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## checkbox-group"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| name | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @change | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## form"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @submit | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @reset | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## input"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| name | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| value | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| password | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| placeholder | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| placeholder-style | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| placeholder-class | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| maxlength | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| cursor-color | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| auto-focus | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| focus | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| confirm-type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| confirm-hold | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| cursor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| selection-start | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| selection-end | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| inputmode | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @input | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @focus | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @blur | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @confirm | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## editor"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| read-only | - |
| placeholder | - |
| show-img-size | - |
| show-img-toolbar | - |
| show-img-resize | - |
| @ready | - |
| @focus | - |
| @blur | - |
| @input | - |
| @statuschange | - |"
"## label"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| for | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## picker"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| disabled | - |
| mode | - |
| range | - |
| range-key | - |
| value | - |
| start | - |
| end | - |
| fields | - |
| custom-item | - |
| @change | - |
| @columnchange | - |
| @cancel | - |"
"## picker-view-column"
"仅可放置于 picker-view 中,其子节点未继承 picker-view 的选中框的高度,需要自己设置高度并居中"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"## picker-view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| value | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| indicator-style | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| indicator-class | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| mask-style | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| mask-class | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @change | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## radio"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| value | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| checked | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| color | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| backgroundColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| borderColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| activeBackgroundColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| activeBorderColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| iconColor | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## radio-group"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| name | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @change | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## slider"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| name | - |
| disabled | - |
| min | - |
| max | - |
| step | - |
| value | - |
| activeColor | - |
| backgroundColor | - |
| block-size | - |
| block-color | - |
| show-value | - |
| @change | - |
| @changing | - |"
"## switch"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| name | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| checked | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| color | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| disabled | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @change | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## textarea"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| name | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| value | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| placeholder | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| placeholder-style | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| placeholder-class | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| maxlength | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| auto-focus | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| focus | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| confirm-type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| cursor | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| confirm-hold | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| auto-height | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| cursor-color | - |
| selection-start | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| selection-end | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| inputmode | - |
| @confirm | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @input | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @linechange | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @blur | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @focus | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## navigator"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| target | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| url | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| open-type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| delta | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| app-id | - |
| path | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| extra-data | - |
| version | - |
| animation-type | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| animation-duration | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| hover-class | - |
| hover-stop-propagation | - |
| hover-start-time | - |
| hover-stay-time | - |
| render-link | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## image"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| src | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| mode | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| draggable | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @error | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @load | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## video"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| loop | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| src | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| initial-time | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| duration | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| controls | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| danmu-list | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| danmu-btn | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| enable-danmu | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| autoplay | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| muted | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| page-gesture | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| direction | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-progress | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-fullscreen-btn | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-play-btn | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-center-play-btn | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-loading | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| enable-progress-gesture | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| objectFit | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| poster | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| show-mute-btn | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| title | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| play-btn-position | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| enable-play-gesture | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| auto-pause-if-navigate | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| auto-pause-if-open-native | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| vslide-gesture | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| vslide-gesture-in-fullscreen | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| poster-for-crawler | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| play-strategy | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| is-live | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @loadedmetadata | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @play | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @pause | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @ended | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @timeupdate | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @fullscreenchange | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @waiting | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @error | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @progress | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @fullscreenclick | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| @controlstoggle | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## animation-view"
"Lottie 动画
> 本 Component 是 uni ext component,需下载插件:[animation-view](
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"## live-player"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| src | - |
| mode | - |
| autoplay | - |
| muted | - |
| orientation | - |
| object-fit | - |
| background-mute | - |
| min-cache | - |
| max-cache | - |
| @statechange | - |
| @fullscreenchange | - |
| @netstatus | - |"
"## live-pusher"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| url | - |
| mode | - |
| autopush | - |
| muted | - |
| enable-camera | - |
| auto-focus | - |
| orientation | - |
| beauty | - |
| aspect | - |
| min-bitrate | - |
| max-bitrate | - |
| waiting-image | - |
| waiting-image-md5 | - |
| background-mute | - |
| @statechange | - |
| @error | - |
| @netstatus | - |"
"## audio"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| loop | - |
| src | - |
| controls | - |
| poster | - |
| name | - |
| author | - |
| @error | - |
| @play | - |
| @pause | - |
| @timeupdate | - |
| @ended | - |"
"## page-meta"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| background-text-style | - |
| background-color | - |
| background-color-top | - |
| background-color-bottom | - |
| scroll-top | - |
| scroll-duration | - |
| page-style | - |
| root-font-size | - |
| enable-pull-down-refresh | - |
| @resize | - |
| @scroll | - |
| @scrolldone | - |"
"## map"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| longitude | - |
| latitude | - |
| scale | - |
| markers | - |
| covers | - |
| polyline | - |
| circles | - |
| controls | - |
| include-points | - |
| show-location | - |
| @markertap | - |
| @callouttap | - |
| @controltap | - |
| @regionchange | - |
| @updated | - |"
"## canvas"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"## web-view"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| HBuilderX 4.23 |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| src | HBuilderX 4.23 |
| allow | x |
| sandbox | x |
| fullscreen | x |
| @message | HBuilderX 4.23 |"
"## navigation-bar"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| title | - |
| title-icon | - |
| titleIcon-radius | - |
| subtitle-text | - |
| subtitle-size | - |
| subtitle-color | - |
| subtitle-overflow | - |
| title-align | - |
| background-image | - |
| background-repeat | - |
| blur-effect | - |
| loading | - |
| front-color | - |
| background-color | - |
| color-animation-duration | - |
| color-animation-timing-func | - |"
"## custom-tab-bar"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| direction | - |
| show-icon | - |
| selected | - |
| @onTabItemTap | - |"
"## unicloud-db"
### HarmonyOS Next 兼容性
| HarmonyOS Next |
| :- |
| x |
"### 属性 HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 @harmony-compatibility
| 名称 | HarmonyOS Next 兼容性 |
| :- | :- |
| id | - |
| v-slot:default | - |
| collection | - |
| field | - |
| where | - |
| orderby | - |
| groupby | - |
| group-field | - |
| distinct | - |
| page-data | - |
| page-current | - |
| page-size | - |
| getone | - |
| getcount | - |
| gettree | - |
| startwith | - |
| limitlevel | - |
| manual | - |
| loadtime | - |
| action | - |
| @load | - |
| @error | - |"
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