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  "getApp": {
    "name": "## getApp() @getapp",
    "description": "`getApp()` 函数用于获取当前应用实例,可通过应用实例调用 App.uvue methods 中定义的方法。",
    "compatibility": "### getApp  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| any |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/page.html#getapp)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getApp&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getApp&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getApp&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getApp&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getApp&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getApp)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getApp&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.global.getApp)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-app/get-app.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-app/get-app\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1; padding-bottom: 20px\">\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n    <view>\r\n      <page-head title=\"getApp\"></page-head>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\r\n        <button @click=\"getGlobalData\">get globalData</button>\r\n        <template v-if=\"originGlobalData.str.length\">\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt bold\">初始的 globalData:</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData string: {{ originGlobalData.str }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData number: {{ originGlobalData.num }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData boolean: {{ originGlobalData.bool }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData object: {{ originGlobalData.obj }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData null: {{ originGlobalData.null }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData array: {{ originGlobalData.arr }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData Set: {{ originGlobalData.mySet }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData Map: {{ originGlobalData.myMap }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData func 返回值: {{ originGlobalDataFuncRes }}</text>\r\n        </template>\r\n        <button @click=\"setGlobalData\" class=\"uni-common-mt\">\r\n          set globalData\r\n        </button>\r\n        <template v-if=\"newGlobalData.bool\">\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt bold\">更新后的 globalData:</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData string: {{ newGlobalData.str }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData number: {{ newGlobalData.num }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData boolean: {{ newGlobalData.bool }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData object: {{ newGlobalData.obj }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData null: {{ newGlobalData.null }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData array: {{ newGlobalData.arr }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData Set: {{ newGlobalData.mySet }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData Map: {{ newGlobalData.myMap }}</text>\r\n          <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">globalData func 返回值: {{ newGlobalDataFuncRes }}</text>\r\n        </template>\r\n        <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">点击按钮调用 App.uvue methods</text>\r\n        <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">increasetLifeCycleNum 方法</text>\r\n        <button class=\"uni-common-mt\" @click=\"_increasetLifeCycleNum\">\r\n          increase lifeCycleNum\r\n        </button>\r\n        <text class=\"uni-common-mt\">lifeCycleNum: {{ lifeCycleNum }}</text>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  </scroll-view>\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .bold {\r\n    font-weight: bold;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .hr {\r\n    border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  import { state, setLifeCycleNum } from '@/store/index.uts'\r\n\r\n  type MyGlobalData = {\r\n    str : string,\r\n    num : number,\r\n    bool : boolean,\r\n    obj : UTSJSONObject,\r\n    null : string | null,\r\n    arr : number[],\r\n    mySet : string[],\r\n    myMap : UTSJSONObject,\r\n    func : () => string\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        originGlobalData: {\r\n          str: '',\r\n          num: 0,\r\n          bool: false,\r\n          obj: {\r\n            str: '',\r\n            num: 0,\r\n            bool: false\r\n          } as UTSJSONObject,\r\n          null: null,\r\n          arr: [] as number[],\r\n          mySet: [] as string[],\r\n          myMap: {},\r\n          func: () : string => ''\r\n        } as MyGlobalData,\r\n        originGlobalDataFuncRes: '',\r\n        newGlobalData: {\r\n          str: '',\r\n          num: 0,\r\n          bool: false,\r\n          obj: {\r\n            str: '',\r\n            num: 0,\r\n            bool: false\r\n          } as UTSJSONObject,\r\n          null: null,\r\n          arr: [] as number[],\r\n          mySet: [] as string[],\r\n          myMap: {},\r\n          func: () : string => ''\r\n        } as MyGlobalData,\r\n        newGlobalDataFuncRes: '',\r\n        lifeCycleNum: 0,\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onReady() {\r\n      this.lifeCycleNum = state.lifeCycleNum\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      getGlobalData() {\r\n        const app = getApp()\r\n\r\n        this.originGlobalData.str = app.globalData.str\r\n        this.originGlobalData.num = app.globalData.num\r\n        this.originGlobalData.bool = app.globalData.bool\r\n        this.originGlobalData.obj = app.globalData.obj\r\n        this.originGlobalData.null = app.globalData.null\r\n        this.originGlobalData.arr = app.globalData.arr\r\n        app.globalData.mySet.forEach((value : string) => {\r\n          this.originGlobalData.mySet.push(value)\r\n        })\r\n        app.globalData.myMap.forEach((value : any, key : string) => {\r\n          this.originGlobalData.myMap[key] = value\r\n        })\r\n        this.originGlobalData.func = app.globalData.func\r\n        this.originGlobalDataFuncRes = this.originGlobalData.func()\r\n      },\r\n      setGlobalData() {\r\n        const app = getApp()\r\n\r\n        app.globalData.str = 'new globalData str'\r\n        app.globalData.num = 100\r\n        app.globalData.bool = true\r\n        app.globalData.obj = {\r\n          str: 'new globalData obj str',\r\n          num: 200,\r\n          bool: true\r\n        }\r\n        app.globalData.null = 'not null'\r\n        app.globalData.arr = [1, 2, 3]\r\n        app.globalData.mySet = new Set(['a', 'b', 'c'])\r\n        app.globalData.myMap = new Map([\r\n          ['a', 1],\r\n          ['b', 2],\r\n          ['c', 3]\r\n        ])\r\n        app.globalData.func = () : string => {\r\n          return 'new globalData func'\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        this.newGlobalData.str = app.globalData.str\r\n        this.newGlobalData.num = app.globalData.num\r\n        this.newGlobalData.bool = app.globalData.bool\r\n        this.newGlobalData.obj = app.globalData.obj\r\n        this.newGlobalData.null = app.globalData.null\r\n        this.newGlobalData.arr = app.globalData.arr\r\n        app.globalData.mySet.forEach((value : string) => {\r\n          this.newGlobalData.mySet.push(value)\r\n        })\r\n        app.globalData.myMap.forEach((value : any, key : string) => {\r\n          this.newGlobalData.myMap[key] = value\r\n        })\r\n        this.newGlobalData.func = app.globalData.func\r\n        this.newGlobalDataFuncRes = this.newGlobalData.func()\r\n      },\r\n      _increasetLifeCycleNum: function () {\r\n        const app = getApp()\r\n        app.increasetLifeCycleNum()\r\n        this.lifeCycleNum = state.lifeCycleNum\r\n      },\r\n      // 自动化测试\r\n      setLifeCycleNum(num : number) {\r\n        setLifeCycleNum(num)\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "getCurrentPages": {
    "name": "## getCurrentPages() @getcurrentpages",
    "description": "`getCurrentPages()` 函数用于获取当前页面栈的实例,以数组形式按栈的顺序给出,数组中的元素为页面实例,第一个元素为首页,最后一个元素为当前页面。",
    "compatibility": "### getCurrentPages  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| Array\\<[Page](#page-values)\\> |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| route | string | 是 | - | - | 页面的路由地址 |\n@| options | Map\\<string, string \\| null> | 是 | - | - | 页面的路由参数信息,目前web端options类型为Object,后续可能会调整 |\n#### Page 的方法 @page-values \n\n#### $getPageStyle() @$getpagestyle\n获取当前页面样式 \\<br/>包含 pages.json 页面下的 style 节点属性和根节点 globalStyle 属性\n##### $getPageStyle  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.13 | 4.13 | 4.13 |\n\n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [UTSJSONObject](/uts/buildin-object-api/utsjsonobject.md) |\n \n\n#### $setPageStyle(style) @$setpagestyle\n设置当前页面样式 \\<br/>支持 pages.json 页面下的 style 节点属性和根节点 globalStyle 属性\n##### $setPageStyle  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.13 | 4.13 | 4.13 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| style | [UTSJSONObject](/uts/buildin-object-api/utsjsonobject.md) | 是 | - | - | 如果属性名存在,且类型为UTSJSONObject返回对应的结果,不存在返回null | \n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/page.html#getcurrentpages)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getCurrentPages&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getCurrentPages&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getCurrentPages&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getCurrentPages&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getCurrentPages&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getCurrentPages)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getCurrentPages&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.global.getCurrentPages)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-current-pages/get-current-pages.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-current-pages/get-current-pages\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  <scroll-view class=\"page-scroll-view\">\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n    <page-head title=\"getCurrentPages\"></page-head>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\r\n      <button @click=\"_getCurrentPages\">getCurrentPages</button>\r\n      <view v-if=\"pages.length\" style=\"padding: 15px 0px\">\r\n        <text>当前页面栈中 {{ pages.length }} 个页面,列表如下:</text>\r\n        <template v-for=\"(page, index) in pages\" :key=\"page.route\">\r\n          <text style=\"margin-top: 5px\">index: {{ index }}, route: {{ page.route }}</text>\r\n        </template>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n\r\n    <page-head title=\"currentPageStyle\"></page-head>\r\n    <template v-for=\"(item, index) in PageStyleArray\">\r\n      <view class=\"page-style-item\" v-if=\"currentPageStyle[item.key]!=null\" :key=\"index\">\r\n        <view class=\"item-text\">\r\n          <text class=\"item-text-key\">{{item.key}}:</text>\r\n          <text class=\"item-text-value\">{{currentPageStyle[item.key]}}</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"set-value\" v-if=\"item.type == 'boolean'\">\r\n          <switch :checked=\"currentPageStyle.getBoolean(item.key)\"\r\n            @change=\"switchChange(item.key, $event as UniSwitchChangeEvent)\">\r\n          </switch>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"set-value\" v-else-if=\"item.type == 'number'\">\r\n          <slider :value=\"currentPageStyle.getNumber(item.key)\" :show-value=\"true\"\r\n            @change=\"sliderChange(item.key, $event as UniSliderChangeEvent)\" />\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"set-value\" v-else-if=\"item.type == 'string'\">\r\n          <radio-group class=\"radio-set-value\" @change=\"radioChange(item.key, $event as RadioGroupChangeEvent)\">\n            <radio class=\"radio-value\" v-for=\"(item2, index2) in item.value\" :key=\"index2\" :value=\"item2\" >{{item2}}</radio>\n          </radio-group>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </template>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  </scroll-view>\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .page {\r\n    flex: 1;\r\n    padding: 10px;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .page-style {\r\n    margin-top: 15px;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .page-style-item {\r\n    padding: 10px;\r\n    margin-top: 10px;\r\n    background-color: #ffffff;\r\n    border-radius: 5px;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .item-text {\r\n    flex-direction: row;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .item-text-key {\r\n    font-weight: bold;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .item-text-value {\r\n    margin-left: 5px;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .set-value {\r\n    margin-top: 10px;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .radio-set-value {\r\n    flex-direction: row;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .radio-value {\n    margin-left: 10px;\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  import { PageStyleItem, PageStyleArray } from './page-style.uts';\r\n\r\n  class Page {\r\n    constructor(public route : string) {\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        checked: false,\r\n        pages: [] as Page[],\r\n        PageStyleArray: PageStyleArray as PageStyleItem[],\r\n        currentPageStyle: {} as UTSJSONObject,\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    computed: {\r\n      pageStyleText() : string {\r\n        return JSON.stringify(this.currentPageStyle)\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onLoad() {\r\n      this.getPageStyle();\r\n    },\r\n    onPullDownRefresh() {\r\n      setTimeout(() => {\r\n        uni.stopPullDownRefresh()\r\n      }, 2000)\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      startPullDownRefresh() {\r\n        uni.startPullDownRefresh()\r\n      },\r\n      _getCurrentPages: function () {\r\n        this.pages.length = 0\r\n        const pages = getCurrentPages()\r\n        this.pages.push(new Page(pages[0].route))\r\n        if (this.pages[0].route.includes('/tabBar/')) {\r\n          this.checked = true\r\n        }\r\n        for (let i = 1; i < pages.length; i++) {\r\n          this.pages.push(new Page(pages[i].route))\r\n          if (pages[i].route.includes('/tabBar/')) {\r\n            this.checked = false\r\n          }\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      /// get-set-page-style\r\n      radioChange(key : string, e : RadioGroupChangeEvent) {\r\n        this.setStyleValue(key, e.detail.value);\r\n      },\r\n      sliderChange(key : string, e : UniSliderChangeEvent) {\r\n        this.setStyleValue(key, e.detail.value);\r\n      },\r\n      switchChange(key : string, e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\r\n        this.setStyleValue(key, e.detail.value);\r\n      },\r\n      setStyleValue(key : string, value : any) {\r\n        const style = {}\r\n        style[key] = value\r\n        this.setPageStyle(style)\r\n        this.getPageStyle()\r\n      },\r\n      getPageStyle() : UTSJSONObject {\r\n        const pages = getCurrentPages();\r\n        const currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1];\r\n        this.currentPageStyle = currentPage.$getPageStyle()\r\n        return this.currentPageStyle;\r\n      },\r\n      setPageStyle(style : UTSJSONObject) {\r\n        console.log('setPageStyle:', style);\r\n        const pages = getCurrentPages();\r\n        const currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1];\r\n        currentPage.$setPageStyle(style);\r\n      },\r\n      // getCurrentPage(): Page {\r\n      //   const pages = getCurrentPages();\r\n      //   const currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1];\r\n      //   return currentPage;\r\n      // }\r\n    },\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "env": {
    "name": "## env",
    "description": "",
    "param": "### env 的属性值 @env-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| USER_DATA_PATH | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.99\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 应用专属存储空间的外置存储空间根目录下的files目录 |\n| CACHE_PATH | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.99\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 应用专属存储空间的外置存储空间根目录下的cache目录 |\n| SANDBOX_PATH | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.99\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 应用专属存储空间的外置存储空间根目录(caches/files) |\n",
    "compatibility": "",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=env&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=env&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=env&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=env&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=env&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=env)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=env&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.base.env)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/env/env.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/env/env\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <text>操作日志</text><button size=\"mini\" @click=\"log=''\">清空日志</button>\n  <text style=\"margin: 2px; padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #000000;\">{{ log }}</text>\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1;\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"geAbsPath(sandboxPath)\" id=\"btn-path\">应用外置沙盒目录uni.env.SANDBOX_PATH</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"geAbsPath(cachePath)\" id=\"btn-path\">缓存文件目录uni.env.CACHE_PATH</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"geAbsPath(userPath)\" id=\"btn-path\">用户文件目录uni.env.USER_DATA_PATH</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"geAbsPath(internalSandboxPath)\"\n      id=\"btn-path\">应用内置沙盒目录uni.env.ANDROID_INTERNAL_SANDBOX_PATH</button>\n    <!-- #endif -->\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n\n\n<style>\n  .btnstyle {\n    margin: 4px;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  export default {\n\n    data() {\n      return {\n        log: \"\",\n        userPath: uni.env.USER_DATA_PATH,\n        sandboxPath: uni.env.SANDBOX_PATH,\n        cachePath: uni.env.CACHE_PATH,\n        internalSandboxPath: uni.env.ANDROID_INTERNAL_SANDBOX_PATH,\n      }\n    },\n    onLoad() {\n    },\n\n    methods: {\n      geAbsPath(path ?: Any) {\n        // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\n          this.log += UTSAndroid.convert2AbsFullPath(path as String) + '\\n'\n        // #endif\n\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "$on": {
    "name": "## uni.$on(eventName, callback) @$on",
    "description": "监听自定义事件。事件可以由 uni.$emit 触发。回调函数会接收 uni.$emit 传递的参数。<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### $on  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| eventName | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| callback | () => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/event-bus.html#on)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=$on&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=$on&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=$on&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=$on&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=$on&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=$on)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=$on&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.base.eventBus.$on)"
  "$once": {
    "name": "## uni.$once(eventName, callback) @$once",
    "description": "监听一个自定义事件。事件只触发一次,在第一次触发之后移除事件监听器。<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### $once  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| eventName | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| callback | () => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/event-bus.html#once)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=$once&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=$once&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=$once&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=$once&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=$once&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=$once)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=$once&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.base.eventBus.$once)"
  "$off": {
    "name": "## uni.$off(eventName, callback?) @$off",
    "description": "移除自定义事件监听器。如果提供了事件名和回调,则只移除这个回调的监听器。<br/>4.13+ 开始支持第二个参数为可选,如果仅提供事件名,则移除该事件的所有监听器。",
    "compatibility": "### $off  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| eventName | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| callback | () => void \\| null | 否 | - | - |  | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/event-bus.html#off)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=$off&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=$off&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=$off&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=$off&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=$off&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=$off)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=$off&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.base.eventBus.$off)"
  "$emit": {
    "name": "## uni.$emit(eventName, args?) @$emit",
    "description": "触发自定义事件,附加的参数会传递给事件监听器。<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### $emit  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| eventName | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| args | any \\| null | 否 | - | - |  | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/event-bus.html#emit)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=$emit&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=$emit&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=$emit&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=$emit&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=$emit&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=$emit)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=$emit&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.base.eventBus.$emit)"
  "eventBus": {
    "example": "## 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/event-bus/event-bus.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/event-bus/event-bus\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  <scroll-view class=\"page-scroll-view\">\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n    <view>\r\n      <button @click=\"on\">开始监听</button>\r\n      <button @click=\"once\">监听一次</button>\r\n      <button @click=\"off\">取消监听</button>\n      <!-- <button @click=\"offAll\">取消全部监听</button> -->\r\n      <button @click=\"emit\">触发监听</button>\r\n      <button @click=\"clear\">清空消息</button>\r\n      <view class=\"box\">\r\n        <view>收到的消息:</view>\r\n        <view>\r\n          <view v-for=\"(item, index) in log\" :key=\"index\">{{ item }}</view>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  </scroll-view>\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .box {\r\n    padding: 10px;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        log: [] as string[],\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      fn(res : string) {\r\n        this.log.push(res)\r\n      },\n      fn2(res : string) {\n        this.log.push(res)\n      },\r\n      on() {\r\n        uni.$on('test', this.fn)\r\n      },\n      on2() {\n        uni.$on('test', this.fn2)\n      },\r\n      once() {\r\n        uni.$once('test', this.fn)\r\n      },\r\n      off() {\r\n        uni.$off('test', this.fn)\r\n      },\n      offAll() {\n        uni.$off('test')\n      },\r\n      emit() {\r\n        uni.$emit('test', 'msg:' + Date.now())\r\n      },\r\n      clear() {\r\n        this.log.length = 0\r\n      },\r\n    },\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "addInterceptor": {
    "name": "## uni.addInterceptor(name, interceptor) @addinterceptor",
    "description": "添加拦截器",
    "compatibility": "### addInterceptor  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.97 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| name | string | 是 | - | - | 需要拦截的 API 名称 |\n| interceptor | Interceptor | 是 | - | - | 拦截器 | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=addInterceptor&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=addInterceptor&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=addInterceptor&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=addInterceptor&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=addInterceptor&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=addInterceptor)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=addInterceptor&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.base.interceptor.addInterceptor)"
  "removeInterceptor": {
    "name": "## uni.removeInterceptor(name, interceptor?) @removeinterceptor",
    "description": "删除拦截器",
    "compatibility": "### removeInterceptor  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.97 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| name | string | 是 | - | - | 需要删除拦截器的 API 名称 |\n| interceptor | Interceptor \\| null | 否 | - | - | 拦截器 | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=removeInterceptor&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=removeInterceptor&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=removeInterceptor&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=removeInterceptor&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=removeInterceptor&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=removeInterceptor)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=removeInterceptor&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.base.interceptor.removeInterceptor)"
  "interceptor": {
    "example": "## 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/interceptor/interceptor.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/interceptor/interceptor\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <view style=\"flex: 1\">\r\n    <button @click=\"addInterceptor\">添加路由拦截器</button>\r\n    <button @click=\"removeInterceptor\">移除路由拦截器</button>\r\n    <text>点击下方按钮{{ msg }}</text>\r\n    <button @click=\"navigateTo\">navigatorTo API跳转到测试页面</button>\r\n    <navigator url=\"./page1\"><button class=\"navigatorButton\">\r\n        navigator组件跳转到测试页面\r\n      </button></navigator>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  const interceptor = {\r\n    invoke: function (options : NavigateToOptions) {\r\n      console.log('拦截 navigateTo 接口传入参数为:', options)\r\n      const url = './page2'\r\n      uni.showToast({\r\n        title: `重定向到页面:${url}`\r\n      })\r\n      options.url = url\r\n    },\r\n    success: function (res : NavigateToSuccess) {\r\n      console.log('拦截 navigateTo 接口 success 返回参数为:', res)\r\n    },\r\n    fail: function (err : NavigateToFail) {\r\n      console.log('拦截 navigateTo 接口 fail 返回参数为:', err)\r\n    },\r\n    complete: function (res : NavigateToComplete) {\r\n      console.log('拦截 navigateTo 接口 complete 返回参数为:', res)\r\n    }\r\n  } as Interceptor\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        msg: \"会跳转到测试页面1\"\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    beforeUnmount() {\r\n      // 移除 navigateTo 所有拦截器\r\n      uni.removeInterceptor('navigateTo')\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      addInterceptor() {\r\n        uni.addInterceptor('navigateTo', interceptor)\r\n        uni.showToast({\r\n          title: '页面跳转已拦截'\r\n        })\r\n        this.msg = \",路由被劫持到测试页面2\"\r\n      },\r\n      removeInterceptor() {\r\n        uni.removeInterceptor('navigateTo', interceptor)\r\n        uni.showToast({\r\n          title: '拦截器已移除'\r\n        })\r\n        this.msg = \"会跳转到测试页面1\"\r\n      },\r\n      navigateTo() {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: './page1',\r\n          success(res) {\r\n            console.log('res:', res)\r\n          },\r\n          fail(err) {\r\n            console.error('err:', err)\r\n          },\r\n          complete(res) {\r\n            console.log('res:', res)\r\n          }\r\n        })\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "getLaunchOptionsSync": {
    "name": "## uni.getLaunchOptionsSync() @getlaunchoptionssync",
    "description": "获取本次启动时的参数。返回值与App.onLaunch的回调参数一致<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### getLaunchOptionsSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| **OnLaunchOptions** |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| path | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/get-launch-options-sync.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getLaunchOptionsSync&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getLaunchOptionsSync&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getLaunchOptionsSync&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getLaunchOptionsSync&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getLaunchOptionsSync&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getLaunchOptionsSync)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getLaunchOptionsSync&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.base.getLaunchOptionsSync)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-launch-options-sync/get-launch-options-sync.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-launch-options-sync/get-launch-options-sync\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <page-head title=\"getLaunchOptionsSync\"></page-head>\n  <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n    <button @click=\"getLaunchOptionsSync\">getLaunchOptionsSync</button>\n    <view v-if=\"launchOptionsPath.length > 0\" class=\"uni-common-mt\">\n      <text>应用启动路径:</text>\n      <text style=\"margin-top: 5px\">{{ launchOptionsPath }}</text>\n    </view>\n  </view>\n</template>\n\n\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\nexport default {\n  data() {\n    return {\n      checked: false,\n      homePagePath: 'pages/tabBar/component',\n      launchOptionsPath: '',\n    }\n  },\n  methods: {\n    getLaunchOptionsSync() {\n      const launchOptions = uni.getLaunchOptionsSync()\n      this.launchOptionsPath = launchOptions.path\n\n      if (launchOptions.path == this.homePagePath) {\n        this.checked = true\n      }\n    },\n  },\n}\n\n```\n:::"
  "exit": {
    "name": "## uni.exit(options?) @exit",
    "description": "退出当前应用",
    "compatibility": "### exit  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ExitOptions](#exitoptions-values) \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.exit参数定义 |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (res: [ExitSuccess](#exitsuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.exit成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [IExitError](#iexiterror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.exit失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.exit完成回调函数定义 | \n\n##### ExitSuccess 的属性值 @exitsuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### IExitError 的属性值 @iexiterror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 12001 \\| 12002 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 12001: 系统不支持<br/>- 12002: 未知错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=exit&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=exit&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=exit&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=exit&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=exit&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=exit)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=exit&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.base.exit)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/exit/exit.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/exit/exit\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n\t<view>\n\t\t<button @tap=\"exitAppClick\">退出应用</button>\n\t</view>\n</template>\n\n\n\n<style>\n\n</style>\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n\texport default {\n\t\tmethods: {\n\t\t\texitAppClick:function(){\n\t\t\t\tuni.exit({\n\t\t\t\t\tsuccess:function(res){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(res)\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n```\n:::"
  "getProvider": {
    "name": "## uni.getProvider(options) @getprovider",
    "description": "获取服务供应商",
    "compatibility": "### getProvider  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.11 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [GetProviderOptions](#getprovideroptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| service | string | 是 | - | - | 服务类型,可取值“payment”<br/>- payment: 支付 (Alipay、Wxpay) |\n@| success | (result: [GetProviderSuccess](#getprovidersuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调 |\n@| fail | (result: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### GetProviderSuccess 的属性值 @getprovidersuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| service | string | 是 | - | - | 服务类型<br/>- payment: 支付 |\n| provider | Array\\<string\\> | 是 | - | - | 得到的服务供应商 |\n| providers | Array\\<**UniProvider**\\> | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 得到的服务供应商服务对象 |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| id | string | 是 | - | - | 服务供应商标识 |\n@| description | string | 是 | - | - | 服务供应商描述 |\n@| isAppExist | boolean | 是 | - | - | 判断服务供应商依赖的App是否安装(仅支持微信支付) |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | 错误信息 |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/get-provider.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getProvider&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getProvider&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getProvider&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getProvider&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getProvider&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getProvider)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getProvider&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.base.getProvider)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-provider/get-provider.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\r\n\t<!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n\t<scroll-view class=\"page-scroll-view\">\r\n\t<!-- #endif -->\r\n\t\t<view class=\"page\">\r\n\t\t\t<page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n\t\t\t<view class=\"service-item\" v-for=\"(item, index) in serviceList\" :key=\"index\">\r\n\t\t\t\t<text class=\"service-name\">{{item.name}}:</text>\r\n\t\t\t\t<view class=\"provider-list\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<text class=\"provider-item\" v-for=\"(item2, index2) in item.provider\" :key=\"index2\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{{item2}}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{{item.providerObj.length > 0 ? ':'+ JSON.stringify(item.providerObj[index2]) : '' }}\n\t\t\t\t\t</text>\r\n\t\t\t\t</view>\r\n\t\t\t</view>\r\n\t\t\t<button class=\"btn-get-provider\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"getProviderIds\">getProviderIds</button>\r\n\t\t\t<button class=\"btn-get-provider\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"getProviderObject\">getProviderObject</button>\r\n\t\t</view>\r\n\t<!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n\t</scroll-view>\r\n\t<!-- #endif -->\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n<script>\r\n\r\n\ttype ProviderItem = {\r\n\t\tservice : string,\r\n\t\tname : string,\r\n\t\tprovider : string[],\r\n\t\tproviderObj : UniProvider[]\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\r\n\texport default {\r\n\t\tdata() {\r\n\t\t\treturn {\r\n\t\t\t\ttitle: 'provider',\r\n\t\t\t\tflag: false,\r\n\t\t\t\tserviceList: [\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{ service: \"oauth\", name: \"登陆\", provider: [], providerObj: [] },\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{ service: \"share\", name: \"分享\", provider: [], providerObj: [] },\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{ service: \"payment\", name: \"支付\", provider: [], providerObj: [] },\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{ service: \"push\", name: \"推送\", provider: [], providerObj: [] },\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{ service: \"location\", name: \"定位\", provider: [], providerObj: [] }\r\n\t\t\t\t] as ProviderItem[],\r\n\t\t\t\tproviderObjList: [] as UniProvider[]\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\tmethods: {\r\n\t\t\tgetProviderIds() {\r\n\t\t\t\tthis.serviceList.forEach((item : ProviderItem) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tlet providerIds = uni.getProviderIds({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tservice: item.service\r\n\t\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.updateProvider(item.service, providerIds);\r\n\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\tupdateProvider(service : string, provider ?: string[] | null) {\r\n\t\t\t\tconst item : ProviderItem | null = this.serviceList.find((item : ProviderItem) : boolean => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn item.service == service\r\n\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\tif (item != null && provider != null) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\titem.provider = provider\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\tgetProviderObject() {\r\n\t\t\t\tthis.flag = true\r\n\t\t\t\tthis.getProviderIds()\r\n\t\t\t\tlet objList = []\r\n\t\t\t\tthis.serviceList.forEach((value) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue.provider.forEach((provider) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlet obj = uni.getProviderObject({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tservice: value.service,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprovider: provider\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (obj != null) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue.providerObj.push(obj)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t}\r\n</script>\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n\t.page {\r\n\t\tpadding: 15px;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t.service-item {\r\n\t\tmargin-top: 10px;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t.service-name {\r\n\t\tfont-weight: bold;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t.provider-list {\r\n\t\tmargin-left: 32px;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t.provider-item {\r\n\t\tline-height: 1.5;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t.btn-get-provider {\r\n\t\tmargin-top: 30px;\r\n\t}\r\n</style>\n\n```"
  "getPerformance": {
    "name": "## uni.getPerformance() @getperformance",
    "description": "返回一个Performance对象实例<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### getPerformance  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.91 | x |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [Performance](#performance-values) |\n\n#### Performance 的方法 @performance-values \n\n#### createObserver(callback) @createobserver\n创建全局性能事件监听器\n##### createObserver  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (entries: [PerformanceObserverEntryList](#performanceobserverentrylist-values)) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n###### PerformanceObserverEntryList 的方法 @performanceobserverentrylist-values \n\n###### getEntries() @getentries\n该方法返回当前列表中的所有性能数据\n###### getEntries  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n###### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| Array\\<**PerformanceEntry**\\> |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| entryType | string | 是 | - | - | 指标类型 |\n@| name | string | 是 | - | - | 指标名称 |\n@| duration | number | 是 | - | - | 耗时 ms。仅对于表示阶段的指标有效。 |\n@| startTime | number | 是 | - | - | 开始时间,不同指标的具体含义会有差异。 |\n@| path | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 页面路径。仅 render 和 navigation 类型指标有效。 |\n@| referrerPath | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 页面跳转来源页面路径。仅 route 指标有效。 |\n@| pageId | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | path 对应页面实例 Id(随机生成,不保证递增)。仅 render/navigation 指标有效。 |\n@| referrerPageId | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | referrerPath对应页面实例 Id(随机生成,不保证递增)。仅 route 指标有效。 |\n@| navigationStart | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 路由真正响应开始时间。仅 navigation 类型指标有效。 |\n@| navigationType | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 路由详细类型,与路由方法对应。仅 navigation 类型指标有效。 |\n@| initDataRecvTime | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 首次渲染参数在渲染层收到的时间。仅 firstRender 指标有效。 |\n@| viewLayerRenderEndTime | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 渲染层执行渲染结束时间。仅 firstRender 指标有效。 | \n\n###### getEntriesByType(entryType) @getentriesbytype\n获取当前列表中所有类型为 \\[entryType]的性能数据\n###### getEntriesByType  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| entryType | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n###### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| Array\\<[PerformanceEntry](#performanceentry-values)\\> |\n \n\n###### getEntriesByName(name, entryType) @getentriesbyname\n获取当前列表中所有名称为 \\[name] 且类型为 [entryType]的性能数据\n###### getEntriesByName  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| name | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| entryType | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n###### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| Array\\<[PerformanceEntry](#performanceentry-values)\\> |\n \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [PerformanceObserver](#performanceobserver-values) |\n\n###### PerformanceObserver 的方法 @performanceobserver-values \n\n###### observe(options) @observe\n开始监听\n###### observe  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **PerformanceObserverOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| buffered | boolean | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| entryTypes | Array\\<string\\> | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| type | string | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n\n###### disconnect() @disconnect\n停止监听\n###### disconnect  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n \n\n#### getEntries() @getentries\n该方法返回当前缓冲区中的所有性能数据\n##### getEntries  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| Array\\<[PerformanceEntry](#performanceentry-values)\\> |\n \n\n#### getEntriesByType(entryType) @getentriesbytype\n获取当前缓冲区中所有类型为 \\[entryType]的性能数据\n##### getEntriesByType  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| entryType | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| Array\\<[PerformanceEntry](#performanceentry-values)\\> |\n \n\n#### getEntriesByName(name, entryType) @getentriesbyname\n获取当前缓冲区中所有名称为 \\[name] 且类型为 [entryType]的性能数据\n##### getEntriesByName  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| name | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| entryType | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| Array\\<[PerformanceEntry](#performanceentry-values)\\> |\n \n\n#### setBufferSize(size) @setbuffersize\n设置缓冲区大小,默认缓冲 30 条性能数据\n##### setBufferSize  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| size | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/getPerformance)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getPerformance&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getPerformance&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getPerformance&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getPerformance&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getPerformance&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getPerformance)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getPerformance&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.base.get-performance)"
  "navigateTo": {
    "name": "## uni.navigateTo(options) @navigateto",
    "description": "保留当前页面,跳转到应用内的某个页面<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### navigateTo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | √ | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [NavigateToOptions](#navigatetooptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| url | string ([string.PageURIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string)) | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 需要跳转的应用内非 tabBar 的页面的路径 , 路径后可以带参数 |\n@| animationType | string \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"x\"]]}' /> | 窗口显示的动画类型<br/>- auto: 自动选择动画效果<br/>- none: 无动画效果<br/>- slide-in-right: 从右侧横向滑动效果<br/>- slide-in-left: 左侧横向滑动效果<br/>- slide-in-top: 从上侧竖向滑动效果<br/>- slide-in-bottom: 从下侧竖向滑动效果<br/>- fade-in: 从透明到不透明逐渐显示效果<br/>- zoom-out: 从小到大逐渐放大显示效果<br/>- zoom-fade-out: 从小到大逐渐放大并且从透明到不透明逐渐显示效果<br/>- pop-in: 从右侧平移入栈动画效果<br/>- UnionType => 'auto' \\| 'none' \\| 'slide-in-right' \\| 'slide-in-left' \\| 'slide-in-top' \\| 'slide-in-bottom' \\| 'fade-in' \\| 'zoom-out' \\| 'zoom-fade-out' \\| 'pop-in' |\n@| events | any \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"x\",\"x\"]]}' /> | 页面间通信接口,用于监听被打开页面发送到当前页面的数据 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [NavigateToFail](#navigatetofail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### NavigateToFail 的属性值 @navigatetofail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/router?id=navigateto)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=navigateTo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=navigateTo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=navigateTo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=navigateTo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=navigateTo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=navigateTo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=navigateTo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.navigator.navigateTo)"
  "reLaunch": {
    "name": "## uni.reLaunch(options) @relaunch",
    "description": "关闭所有页面,打开到应用内的某个页面<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### reLaunch  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | √ | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ReLaunchOptions](#relaunchoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| url | string ([string.PageURIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string)) | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 需要跳转的应用内页面路径 , 路径后可以带参数。参数与路径之间使用?分隔,参数键与参数值用=相连,不同参数用&分隔;如 'path?key=value&key2=value2',如果跳转的页面路径是 tabBar 页面则不能带参数 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [ReLaunchFail](#relaunchfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### ReLaunchFail 的属性值 @relaunchfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/router?id=relaunch)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=reLaunch&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=reLaunch&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=reLaunch&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=reLaunch&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=reLaunch&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=reLaunch)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=reLaunch&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.navigator.reLaunch)"
  "navigateBack": {
    "name": "## uni.navigateBack(options?) @navigateback",
    "description": "关闭当前页面,返回上一页面或多级页面<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### navigateBack  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | √ | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [NavigateBackOptions](#navigatebackoptions-values) \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| delta | number \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 返回的页面数,如果 delta 大于现有页面数,则返回到首页 |\n@| animationType | string \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"x\"]]}' /> | 窗口关闭的动画类型<br/>- auto: 自动选择动画效果<br/>- none: 无动画效果<br/>- slide-out-right: 横向向右侧滑出屏幕动画<br/>- slide-out-left: 横向向左侧滑出屏幕动画<br/>- slide-out-top: 竖向向上侧滑出屏幕动画<br/>- slide-out-bottom: 竖向向下侧滑出屏幕动画<br/>- fade-out: 从不透明到透明逐渐隐藏动画<br/>- zoom-in: 从大逐渐缩小关闭动画<br/>- zoom-fade-in: 从大逐渐缩小并且从不透明到透明逐渐隐藏关闭动画<br/>- pop-out: 从右侧平移出栈动画效果<br/>- UnionType => 'auto' \\| 'none' \\| 'slide-out-right' \\| 'slide-out-left' \\| 'slide-out-top' \\| 'slide-out-bottom' \\| 'fade-out' \\| 'zoom-in' \\| 'zoom-fade-in' \\| 'pop-out' |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"x\"]]}' /> | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [NavigateBackFail](#navigatebackfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### NavigateBackFail 的属性值 @navigatebackfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/router?id=navigateback)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=navigateBack&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=navigateBack&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=navigateBack&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=navigateBack&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=navigateBack&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=navigateBack)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=navigateBack&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.navigator.navigateBack)"
  "redirectTo": {
    "name": "## uni.redirectTo(options) @redirectto",
    "description": "关闭当前页面,跳转到应用内的某个页面<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### redirectTo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | √ | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [RedirectToOptions](#redirecttooptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| url | string ([string.PageURIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string)) | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 需要跳转的应用内非 tabBar 的页面的路径 , 路径后可以带参数 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [RedirectToFail](#redirecttofail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### RedirectToFail 的属性值 @redirecttofail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/router?id=redirectto)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=redirectTo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=redirectTo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=redirectTo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=redirectTo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=redirectTo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=redirectTo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=redirectTo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.navigator.redirectTo)"
  "switchTab": {
    "name": "## uni.switchTab(options) @switchtab",
    "description": "跳转到 tabBar 页面,并关闭其他所有非 tabBar 页面<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### switchTab  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | √ | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [SwitchTabOptions](#switchtaboptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| url | string ([string.PageURIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string)) | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 需要跳转的 tabBar 页面的路径,路径后不能带参数 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [SwitchTabFail](#switchtabfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SwitchTabFail 的属性值 @switchtabfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/router?id=switchtab)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=switchTab&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=switchTab&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=switchTab&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=switchTab&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=switchTab&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=switchTab)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=switchTab&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.navigator.switchTab)"
  "navigator": {
    "example": "## 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/navigator/navigator.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/navigator/navigator\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1\">\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n    <view>\r\n      <page-head title=\"navigate\"></page-head>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt uni-common-mb\">\r\n        <view class=\"direction-row\">\r\n          <text class=\"label\">onLoad触发时间戳:</text>\r\n          <text>{{ onLoadTime }}</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"direction-row\">\r\n          <text class=\"label\">onShow触发时间戳:</text>\r\n          <text>{{ onShowTime }}</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"direction-row\">\r\n          <text class=\"label\">onReady触发时间戳:</text>\r\n          <text>{{ onReadyTime }}</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"direction-row\">\r\n          <text class=\"label\">onHide触发时间戳:</text>\r\n          <text>{{ onHideTime }}</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"direction-row\">\r\n          <text class=\"label\">onBackPress触发时间戳:</text>\r\n          <text>见控制台</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"direction-row\">\r\n          <text class=\"label\">onUnload触发时间戳:</text>\r\n          <text>见控制台</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\r\n          <button @tap=\"navigateTo\" class=\"uni-btn\">\r\n            跳转新页面,并传递数据\r\n          </button>\n          <button @tap=\"navigateBack\" class=\"uni-btn\">返回上一页</button>\r\n          <button @tap=\"redirectTo\" class=\"uni-btn\">在当前页面打开</button>\r\n          <button @tap=\"switchTab\" class=\"uni-btn\">切换到模板选项卡</button>\r\n          <button @tap=\"reLaunch\" class=\"uni-btn\">\r\n            关闭所有页面,打开首页\r\n          </button>\r\n          <button @tap=\"navigateToErrorPage\" class=\"uni-btn\">\r\n            打开不存在的页面\r\n          </button>\n          <button v-for=\"(item, _) in animationTypeList\" @tap=\"navigateToAnimationType(item)\" class=\"uni-btn\">navigateTo动画({{item}})</button>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  </scroll-view>\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .direction-row {\r\n    flex-direction: row;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .label {\r\n    width: 190px;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  import { state, setLifeCycleNum } from '@/store/index.uts'\r\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        onLoadTime: 0,\r\n        onShowTime: 0,\r\n        onReadyTime: 0,\r\n        onHideTime: 0,\n        animationTypeList: [\n          // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\n          'slide-in-right',\n          'slide-in-left',\n          'slide-in-top',\n          'slide-in-bottom',\n          'pop-in',\n          'fade-in',\n          'zoom-out',\n          'zoom-fade-out',\n          'none'\n          // #endif\n        ]\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onLoad() {\r\n      this.onLoadTime = Date.now()\r\n      console.log('onLoad', this.onLoadTime)\r\n    },\r\n    onShow() {\r\n      this.onShowTime = Date.now()\r\n      console.log('onShow', this.onShowTime)\r\n    },\r\n    onReady() {\r\n      this.onReadyTime = Date.now()\r\n      console.log('onReady', this.onReadyTime)\r\n    },\r\n    onHide() {\r\n      this.onHideTime = Date.now()\r\n      console.log('onHide', this.onHideTime)\r\n    },\r\n    onBackPress(options : OnBackPressOptions) : boolean | null {\r\n      console.log('onBackPress', Date.now())\r\n      console.log('onBackPress from', options.from)\r\n      return null\r\n    },\r\n    onUnload() {\r\n      console.log('onUnload', Date.now())\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      reLaunch() {\r\n        uni.reLaunch({\r\n          url: '/pages/tabBar/component',\r\n          success(result) {\r\n            console.log('reLaunch success', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail(error) {\r\n            console.log('reLaunch fail', error.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete(result) {\r\n            console.log('reLaunch complete', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      navigateTo() {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: '/pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-page-1?data=Hello',\n          success(result) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo success', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail(error) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo fail', error.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete(result) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo complete', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\n      navigateToAnimationType(animationType: string) {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: '/pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-page-1?data=Hello',\n          animationType: animationType,\r\n          success(result) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo success', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail(error) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo fail', error.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete(result) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo complete', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      navigateToErrorPage() {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: '/pages/error-page/error-page',\r\n          success(result) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo success', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail(error) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo fail', error.errMsg)\r\n            uni.showToast({\r\n              title: error.errMsg,\r\n              icon: 'none',\r\n            })\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete(result) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo complete', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      navigateToDebounce() {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: '/pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-page-1?data=debounce',\r\n          success(result) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo success', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail(error) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo fail', error.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete(result) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo complete', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: '/pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-page-1?data=debounce',\r\n          success(result) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo success', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail(error) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo fail', error.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete(result) {\r\n            console.log('navigateTo complete', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      // 自动化测试\r\n      navigateToRelativePath1() {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: 'new-page/new-page-1?data=new-page/new-page-1',\r\n          success() {\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail() {\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete() {\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      // 自动化测试\r\n      navigateToRelativePath2() {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: './new-page/new-page-1?data=./new-page/new-page-1',\r\n          success() {\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail() {\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete() {\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      // 自动化测试\r\n      navigateToRelativePath3() {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: '../navigator/new-page/new-page-1?data=../navigator/new-page/new-page-1',\r\n          success() {\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail() {\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete() {\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      navigateBack() {\r\n        uni.navigateBack({\r\n          success(result) {\r\n            console.log('navigateBack success', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail(error) {\r\n            console.log('navigateBack fail', error.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete(result) {\r\n            console.log('navigateBack complete', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      navigateBackWithDelta1() {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: '/pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-page-1',\r\n          success() {\r\n            uni.navigateBack({\r\n              delta: 1,\r\n              success(result) {\r\n                console.log('navigateBack success', result.errMsg)\r\n                // 自动化测试\r\n                setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n              },\r\n              fail(error) {\r\n                console.log('navigateBack fail', error.errMsg)\r\n                // 自动化测试\r\n                setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n              },\r\n              complete(result) {\r\n                console.log('navigateBack complete', result.errMsg)\r\n                // 自动化测试\r\n                setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n              },\r\n            })\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      navigateBackWithDelta100() {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: '/pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-page-1',\r\n          success() {\r\n            uni.navigateBack({\r\n              delta: 100,\r\n              success(result) {\r\n                console.log('navigateBack success', result.errMsg)\r\n                // 自动化测试\r\n                setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n              },\r\n              fail(error) {\r\n                console.log('navigateBack fail', error.errMsg)\r\n                // 自动化测试\r\n                setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n              },\r\n              complete(result) {\r\n                console.log('navigateBack complete', result.errMsg)\r\n                // 自动化测试\r\n                setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n              },\r\n            })\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      redirectTo() {\r\n        uni.redirectTo({\r\n          url: '/pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-page-1?data=Hello',\r\n          success(result) {\r\n            console.log('redirectTo success', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail(error) {\r\n            console.log('redirectTo fail', error.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete(result) {\r\n            console.log('redirectTo complete', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      switchTab() {\r\n        uni.switchTab({\r\n          url: '/pages/tabBar/template',\r\n          success(result) {\r\n            console.log('switchTab success', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail(error) {\r\n            console.log('switchTab fail', error.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete(result) {\r\n            console.log('switchTab complete', result.errMsg)\r\n            // 自动化测试\r\n            setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      // 自动化测试\r\n      getLifeCycleNum() : number {\r\n        return state.lifeCycleNum\r\n      },\r\n      // 自动化测试\r\n      setLifeCycleNum(num : number) {\r\n        setLifeCycleNum(num)\r\n      },\r\n    },\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "setNavigationBarColor": {
    "name": "## uni.setNavigationBarColor(options) @setnavigationbarcolor",
    "description": "设置导航条、状态栏颜色<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### setNavigationBarColor  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | √ | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [SetNavigationBarColorOptions](#setnavigationbarcoloroptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| frontColor | \"#ffffff\" \\| \"#000000\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 前景颜色值,包括按钮、标题、状态栏的颜色,仅支持 #ffffff 和 #000000 |\n@| backgroundColor | [string.ColorString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 背景颜色值,有效值为十六进制颜色 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (error: [SetNavigationBarColorFail](#setnavigationbarcolorfail-values)) => void | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SetNavigationBarColorFail 的属性值 @setnavigationbarcolorfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/set-navigation-bar-color.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=setNavigationBarColor&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=setNavigationBarColor&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=setNavigationBarColor&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=setNavigationBarColor&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=setNavigationBarColor&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=setNavigationBarColor)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=setNavigationBarColor&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.setNavigationBarColor)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/set-navigation-bar-color/set-navigation-bar-color.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/set-navigation-bar-color/set-navigation-bar-color\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <page-head title=\"setNavigationBarColor\"></page-head>\r\n  <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt\">\r\n    <button @tap=\"setNavigationBarColor1\" class=\"uni-btn\">\r\n      设置导航条背景绿色,标题白色\r\n    </button>\r\n    <button @tap=\"setNavigationBarColor2\" class=\"uni-btn\">\r\n      设置导航条背景红色,标题黑色\r\n    </button>\r\n    <button @tap=\"goNavbarLite\" class=\"uni-btn\">\r\n      跳转自定义导航栏页面\r\n    </button>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  import { state, setLifeCycleNum } from '@/store/index.uts'\r\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    methods: {\r\n      setNavigationBarColor1() {\r\n        uni.setNavigationBarColor({\r\n          frontColor: '#ffffff',\r\n          backgroundColor: '#00ff00',\r\n          success: () => {\r\n            console.log('setNavigationBarColor success')\r\n            this.setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            console.log('setNavigationBarColor fail')\r\n            this.setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete: () => {\r\n            console.log('setNavigationBarColor complete')\r\n            this.setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          }\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      setNavigationBarColor2() {\r\n        uni.setNavigationBarColor({\r\n          frontColor: '#000000',\r\n          backgroundColor: '#ff0000',\r\n          success: () => {\r\n            console.log('setNavigationBarColor success')\r\n            this.setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            console.log('setNavigationBarColor fail')\r\n            this.setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\r\n          },\r\n          complete: () => {\r\n            console.log('setNavigationBarColor complete')\r\n            this.setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\r\n          }\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      // 自动化测试\r\n      getLifeCycleNum() : number {\r\n        return state.lifeCycleNum\r\n      },\r\n      // 自动化测试\r\n      setLifeCycleNum(num : number) {\r\n        setLifeCycleNum(num)\r\n      },\r\n      goNavbarLite() {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: '/pages/template/navbar-lite/navbar-lite'\r\n        })\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "setNavigationBarTitle": {
    "name": "## uni.setNavigationBarTitle(options) @setnavigationbartitle",
    "description": "动态设置当前页面的标题<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### setNavigationBarTitle  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.97 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [SetNavigationBarTitleOptions](#setnavigationbartitleoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| title | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.97\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 页面标题 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.97\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (error: [SetNavigationBarTitleFail](#setnavigationbartitlefail-values)) => void | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.97\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.97\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SetNavigationBarTitleFail 的属性值 @setnavigationbartitlefail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/set-navigation-bar-title.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=setNavigationBarTitle&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=setNavigationBarTitle&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=setNavigationBarTitle&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=setNavigationBarTitle&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=setNavigationBarTitle&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=setNavigationBarTitle)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=setNavigationBarTitle&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.setNavigationBarTitle)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/set-navigation-bar-title/set-navigation-bar-title.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/set-navigation-bar-title/set-navigation-bar-title\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <page-head title=\"setNavigationBarTitle\"></page-head>\n  <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt\">\n    <button @tap=\"setNavigationBarNewTitle\" class=\"uni-btn\">\n      设置当前页面标题为: {{ newTitle }}\n    </button>\n    <button @tap=\"setNavigationBarLongTitle\" class=\"uni-btn\">\n      设置超长标题\n    </button>\n  </view>\n</template>\n\n\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  import { state, setLifeCycleNum } from '@/store/index.uts'\n\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        newTitle: 'new title',\n        longTitle: 'long title long title long title long title long title long title long title long title long title long title'\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      setNavigationBarNewTitle() {\n        uni.setNavigationBarTitle({\n          title: this.newTitle,\n          success: () => {\n            console.log('setNavigationBarTitle success')\n            this.setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\n          },\n          fail: () => {\n            console.log('setNavigationBarTitle fail')\n            this.setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum - 1)\n          },\n          complete: () => {\n            console.log('setNavigationBarTitle complete')\n            this.setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1)\n          }\n        })\n      },\n      setNavigationBarLongTitle() {\n        uni.setNavigationBarTitle({\n          title: this.longTitle,\n          success() {\n            console.log('setNavigationBarTitle success')\n          },\n          fail() {\n            console.log('setNavigationBarTitle fail')\n          },\n          complete() {\n            console.log('setNavigationBarTitle complete')\n          }\n        })\n      },\n      // 自动化测试\n      getLifeCycleNum() : number {\n        return state.lifeCycleNum\n      },\n      // 自动化测试\n      setLifeCycleNum(num : number) {\n        setLifeCycleNum(num)\n      }\n    },\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "showTabBar": {
    "name": "## uni.showTabBar(options?) @showtabbar",
    "description": "显示 tabBar<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### showTabBar  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ShowTabBarOptions](#showtabbaroptions-values) \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| animation | boolean | 否 | - | - | 是否需要动画效果 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [SetTabBarFail](#settabbarfail-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SetTabBarFail 的属性值 @settabbarfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 100 \\| 200 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 100: TabBar 不存在<br/>- 200: 参数错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/set-tabbar.html#showtabbar)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=showTabBar&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=showTabBar&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=showTabBar&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=showTabBar&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=showTabBar&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=showTabBar)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=showTabBar&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.setTabBar.showTabBar)"
  "hideTabBar": {
    "name": "## uni.hideTabBar(options?) @hidetabbar",
    "description": "隐藏 tabBar<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### hideTabBar  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [HideTabBarOptions](#hidetabbaroptions-values) \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| animation | boolean | 否 | - | - | 是否需要动画效果 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [SetTabBarFail](#settabbarfail-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SetTabBarFail 的属性值 @settabbarfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 100 \\| 200 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 100: TabBar 不存在<br/>- 200: 参数错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/set-tabbar.html#hidetabbar)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=hideTabBar&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=hideTabBar&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=hideTabBar&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=hideTabBar&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=hideTabBar&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=hideTabBar)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=hideTabBar&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.setTabBar.hideTabBar)"
  "showTabBarRedDot": {
    "name": "## uni.showTabBarRedDot(options) @showtabbarreddot",
    "description": "显示 tabBar 某一项的右上角的红点<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### showTabBarRedDot  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ShowTabBarRedDotOptions](#showtabbarreddotoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| index | number | 是 | - | - | tabBar的哪一项,从左边算起,索引从0开始 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [SetTabBarFail](#settabbarfail-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SetTabBarFail 的属性值 @settabbarfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 100 \\| 200 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 100: TabBar 不存在<br/>- 200: 参数错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/set-tabbar.html#showtabbarreddot)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=showTabBarRedDot&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=showTabBarRedDot&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=showTabBarRedDot&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=showTabBarRedDot&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=showTabBarRedDot&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=showTabBarRedDot)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=showTabBarRedDot&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.setTabBar.showTabBarRedDot)"
  "hideTabBarRedDot": {
    "name": "## uni.hideTabBarRedDot(options) @hidetabbarreddot",
    "description": "隐藏 tabBar 某一项的右上角的红点<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### hideTabBarRedDot  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [HideTabBarRedDotOptions](#hidetabbarreddotoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| index | number | 是 | - | - | tabBar的哪一项,从左边算起,索引从0开始 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [SetTabBarFail](#settabbarfail-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SetTabBarFail 的属性值 @settabbarfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 100 \\| 200 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 100: TabBar 不存在<br/>- 200: 参数错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/set-tabbar.html#hidetabbarreddot)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=hideTabBarRedDot&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=hideTabBarRedDot&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=hideTabBarRedDot&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=hideTabBarRedDot&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=hideTabBarRedDot&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=hideTabBarRedDot)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=hideTabBarRedDot&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.setTabBar.hideTabBarRedDot)"
  "setTabBarBadge": {
    "name": "## uni.setTabBarBadge(options) @settabbarbadge",
    "description": "为 tabBar 某一项的右上角添加文本<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### setTabBarBadge  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [SetTabBarBadgeOptions](#settabbarbadgeoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| index | number | 是 | - | - | tabBar的哪一项,从左边算起,索引从0开始 |\n@| text | string | 是 | - | - | 显示的文本,不超过 3 个半角字符 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [SetTabBarFail](#settabbarfail-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SetTabBarFail 的属性值 @settabbarfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 100 \\| 200 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 100: TabBar 不存在<br/>- 200: 参数错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/set-tabbar.html#settabbarbadge)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=setTabBarBadge&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=setTabBarBadge&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=setTabBarBadge&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=setTabBarBadge&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=setTabBarBadge&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=setTabBarBadge)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=setTabBarBadge&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.setTabBar.setTabBarBadge)"
  "removeTabBarBadge": {
    "name": "## uni.removeTabBarBadge(options) @removetabbarbadge",
    "description": "移除 tabBar 某一项右上角的文本<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### removeTabBarBadge  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [RemoveTabBarBadgeOptions](#removetabbarbadgeoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| index | number | 是 | - | - | tabBar的哪一项,从左边算起,索引从0开始 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [SetTabBarFail](#settabbarfail-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SetTabBarFail 的属性值 @settabbarfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 100 \\| 200 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 100: TabBar 不存在<br/>- 200: 参数错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/set-tabbar.html#removetabbarbadge)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=removeTabBarBadge&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=removeTabBarBadge&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=removeTabBarBadge&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=removeTabBarBadge&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=removeTabBarBadge&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=removeTabBarBadge)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=removeTabBarBadge&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.setTabBar.removeTabBarBadge)"
  "setTabBarStyle": {
    "name": "## uni.setTabBarStyle(options) @settabbarstyle",
    "description": "动态设置 tabBar 的整体样式<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### setTabBarStyle  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [SetTabBarStyleOptions](#settabbarstyleoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| color | string ([string.ColorString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string)) | 否 | - | - | tab 上的文字默认颜色 |\n@| selectedColor | string ([string.ColorString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string)) | 否 | - | - | tab 上的文字选中时的颜色 |\n@| backgroundColor | string ([string.ColorString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string)) | 否 | - | - | tab 的背景色 |\n@| backgroundImage | string | 否 | - | - | 图片背景 |\n@| backgroundRepeat | \"repeat\" \\| \"repeat-x\" \\| \"repeat-y\" \\| \"no-repeat\" | 否 | - | - | 背景图平铺方式<br/>- repeat: 背景图片在垂直方向和水平方向平铺<br/>- repeat-x: 背景图片在水平方向平铺,垂直方向拉伸<br/>- repeat-y: 背景图片在垂直方向平铺,水平方向拉伸<br/>- no-repeat: 背景图片在垂直方向和水平方向都拉伸 |\n@| borderColor | string ([string.ColorString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string)) | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.23\",\"4.23\",\"4.23\"]]}' /> | tabbar上边框的颜色(优先级高于 borderStyle) |\n@| borderStyle | \"black\" \\| \"white\" | 否 | - | - | tabbar上边框的颜色 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [SetTabBarFail](#settabbarfail-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SetTabBarFail 的属性值 @settabbarfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 100 \\| 200 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 100: TabBar 不存在<br/>- 200: 参数错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/set-tabbar.html#settabbarstyle)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=setTabBarStyle&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=setTabBarStyle&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=setTabBarStyle&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=setTabBarStyle&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=setTabBarStyle&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=setTabBarStyle)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=setTabBarStyle&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.setTabBar.setTabBarStyle)"
  "setTabBarItem": {
    "name": "## uni.setTabBarItem(options) @settabbaritem",
    "description": "动态设置 tabBar 某一项的内容<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### setTabBarItem  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [SetTabBarItemOptions](#settabbaritemoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| index | number | 是 | - | - | tabBar 的哪一项,从左边算起,索引从0开始 |\n@| text | string | 否 | - | - | tab 上按钮文字 |\n@| iconPath | string | 否 | - | - | 图片路径 |\n@| selectedIconPath | string | 否 | - | - | 选中时的图片路径 |\n@| pagePath | string | 否 | - | - | 页面绝对路径 |\n@| iconfont | **SetTabBarItemIconFontOptions** | 否 | - | - | 字体图标,优先级高于 iconPath |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| text | string | 是 | - | - | 字库 Unicode 码 |\n@@| selectedText | string | 是 | - | - | 选中后字库 Unicode 码 |\n@@| fontSize | string | 否 | - | - | 字体图标字号(px) |\n@@| color | string | 否 | - | - | 字体图标颜色 |\n@@| selectedColor | string | 否 | - | - | 字体图标选中颜色 |\n@| visible | boolean | 否 | - | - | tab 是否显示 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [SetTabBarFail](#settabbarfail-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SetTabBarFail 的属性值 @settabbarfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 100 \\| 200 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 100: TabBar 不存在<br/>- 200: 参数错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/set-tabbar.html#settabbaritem)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=setTabBarItem&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=setTabBarItem&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=setTabBarItem&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=setTabBarItem&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=setTabBarItem&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=setTabBarItem)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=setTabBarItem&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.setTabBar.setTabBarItem)"
  "startPullDownRefresh": {
    "name": "## uni.startPullDownRefresh(options?) @startpulldownrefresh",
    "description": "开始下拉刷新<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### startPullDownRefresh  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [StartPullDownRefreshOptions](#startpulldownrefreshoptions-values) \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [StartPullDownRefreshFail](#startpulldownrefreshfail-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### StartPullDownRefreshFail 的属性值 @startpulldownrefreshfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | 下拉刷新错误码<br/>- 4: 框架内部异常 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/uni-app-x/api/pull-down-refresh.html#startpulldownrefresh)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=startPullDownRefresh&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=startPullDownRefresh&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=startPullDownRefresh&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=startPullDownRefresh&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=startPullDownRefresh&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=startPullDownRefresh)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=startPullDownRefresh&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.pullDownRefresh.startPullDownRefresh)"
  "stopPullDownRefresh": {
    "name": "## uni.stopPullDownRefresh() @stoppulldownrefresh",
    "description": "停止当前页面下拉刷新<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### stopPullDownRefresh  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/pull-down-refresh.html#stoppulldownrefresh)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=stopPullDownRefresh&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=stopPullDownRefresh&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=stopPullDownRefresh&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=stopPullDownRefresh&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=stopPullDownRefresh&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=stopPullDownRefresh)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=stopPullDownRefresh&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.pullDownRefresh.stopPullDownRefresh)"
  "pullDownRefresh": {
    "example": "## 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/pull-down-refresh/pull-down-refresh.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/pull-down-refresh/pull-down-refresh\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1;\">\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n    <!-- 实际开发中,长列表应该使用list-view -->\r\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt\">\r\n      <text class=\"text\" v-for=\"(num,index) in data\" :key=\"index\">list - {{num}}</text>\r\n      <view v-if=\"showLoadMore\">{{loadMoreText}}</view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  </scroll-view>\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .text {\r\n    margin: 6px 0;\r\n    width: 100%;\r\n    background-color: #fff;\r\n    height: 52px;\r\n    line-height: 52px;\r\n    text-align: center;\r\n    color: #555;\r\n    border-radius: 4px;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        data: [] as Array<number>,\r\n        loadMoreText: \"加载中...\",\r\n        showLoadMore: false,\r\n        max: 0,\n        pulldownRefreshTriggered: false\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onReady() {\r\n      uni.startPullDownRefresh();\r\n      this.initData();\r\n    },\r\n    onReachBottom() {\r\n      console.log(\"onReachBottom\");\r\n      if (this.max > 40) {\r\n        this.loadMoreText = \"没有更多数据了!\"\r\n        return;\r\n      }\r\n      this.showLoadMore = true;\r\n      setTimeout(() => {\r\n        this.setListData();\r\n      }, 300);\r\n    },\r\n    onPullDownRefresh() {\r\n      console.log('onPullDownRefresh');\n      this.pulldownRefreshTriggered = true\r\n      this.initData();\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      initData() {\r\n        setTimeout(() => {\r\n          this.max = 0;\r\n          this.data = [];\r\n          let data : Array<number> = [];\r\n          this.max += 20;\r\n          for (let i : number = this.max - 19; i < this.max + 1; i++) {\r\n            data.push(i)\r\n          }\r\n          this.data = this.data.concat(data);\r\n          uni.stopPullDownRefresh();\r\n        }, 1000);\r\n      },\r\n      setListData() {\r\n        let data : Array<number> = [];\r\n        this.max += 10;\r\n        for (let i : number = this.max - 9; i < this.max + 1; i++) {\r\n          data.push(i)\r\n        }\r\n        this.data = this.data.concat(data);\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "pageScrollTo": {
    "name": "## uni.pageScrollTo(options) @pagescrollto",
    "description": "将页面滚动到目标位置<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### pageScrollTo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [PageScrollToOptions](#pagescrolltooptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| scrollTop | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 滚动到页面的目标位置 |\n@| selector | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 选择器 |\n@| offsetTop | number \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.91\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 偏移距离,可以滚动到 selector 加偏移距离的位置 |\n@| duration | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 滚动动画的时长 |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [PageScrollToFail](#pagescrolltofail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### PageScrollToFail 的属性值 @pagescrolltofail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/page-scroll-to.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=pageScrollTo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=pageScrollTo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=pageScrollTo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=pageScrollTo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=pageScrollTo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=pageScrollTo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=pageScrollTo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.pageScrollTo)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/page-scroll-to/page-scroll-to.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/page-scroll-to/page-scroll-to\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1\" scroll-with-animation=\"true\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n      <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n      <button type=\"default\" class=\"btn-scrollTo\" @click=\"scrollTo\">\n        scrollTo\n      </button>\n      <button type=\"default\" class=\"btn-scrollToElement\" @click=\"scrollToElement\">\n        scrollToElement\n      </button>\n      <view class=\"uni-list\" v-for=\"(_, index) in 10\" :key=\"index\">\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell list-item\">{{ index }}</view>\n      </view>\n      <view class=\"custom-element\">scrollTo-custom-element</view>\n      <view class=\"uni-list\" v-for=\"(_, index2) in 10\" :key=\"index2\">\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell list-item\">{{ index2 }}</view>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n\n\n<style>\n  .list-item {\n    height: 100px;\n    padding-left: 30px;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: 'pageScrollTo',\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      scrollTo() {\n        uni.pageScrollTo({\n          scrollTop: 100,\n          duration: 300,\n          success: () => {\n            console.log('success')\n          },\n        })\n      },\n      scrollToElement() {\n        uni.pageScrollTo({\n          selector: '.custom-element',\n          duration: 300,\n          success: () => {\n            console.log('success')\n          },\n        })\n      },\n    },\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "onTabBarMidButtonTap": {
    "name": "## uni.onTabBarMidButtonTap(options) @ontabbarmidbuttontap",
    "description": "监听中间按钮的点击事件<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### onTabBarMidButtonTap  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | () => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/on-tab-bar-mid-button-tap.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onTabBarMidButtonTap&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onTabBarMidButtonTap&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onTabBarMidButtonTap&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onTabBarMidButtonTap&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onTabBarMidButtonTap&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onTabBarMidButtonTap)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onTabBarMidButtonTap&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.page.onTabBarMidButtonTap)"
  "getElementById": {
    "name": "## uni.getElementById(id) @getelementbyid",
    "description": "返回一个匹配特定 ID 的元素, 如果不存在,返回 null。\\<br/>如果需要获取指定的节点类型,需要使用 as 进行类型转换。\\<br/>ID 区分大小写,且应该是唯一的。如果存在多个匹配的元素,则返回第一个匹配的元素。<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### getElementById  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| id | [string.IDString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) \\| string | 是 | - | - | - | \n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| [UniElement](/dom/unielement.md) \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/get-element.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getElementById&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getElementById&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getElementById&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getElementById&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getElementById&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getElementById)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getElementById&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.dom.getElementById)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-element-by-id/get-element-by-id.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-element-by-id/get-element-by-id\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <page-head id=\"page-head\" title=\"getElementById\"></page-head>\r\n  <view style=\"margin: 0 15px;\">\r\n    <text id=\"text\">this is text</text>\r\n    <view id=\"view\" class=\"uni-common-mt\" style=\"border: 1px solid red\">this is view</view>\r\n    <button class=\"uni-btn\" @click=\"changePageHeadBackgroundColor\">\r\n      修改 page-head 背景色\r\n    </button>\r\n    <button class=\"uni-btn\" @click=\"changeTextColor\">\r\n      修改 text 字体颜色\r\n    </button>\r\n    <button class=\"uni-btn\" @click=\"changeViewStyle\">\r\n      修改 view 宽高及背景色\r\n    </button>\r\n    <button class=\"uni-btn\" @click=\"goMultipleRootNode\">\r\n      跳转多根节点示例\r\n    </button>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        checked: false,\r\n        homePagePath: '/pages/tabBar/component',\r\n        launchOptionsPath: '',\r\n      }\r\n    },\n    methods: {\r\n      getElementByNotExistId() : Element | null {\r\n        return uni.getElementById('not-exist-id')\r\n      },\r\n      changePageHeadBackgroundColor() {\r\n        const pageHead = uni.getElementById('page-head')!\r\n        pageHead.style.setProperty('background-color', 'red')\r\n      },\r\n      changeTextColor() {\r\n        const text = uni.getElementById('text')!\r\n        text.style.setProperty('color', 'red')\r\n      },\r\n      changeViewStyle() {\r\n        const view = uni.getElementById<UniViewElement>('view')\r\n        if (view !== null) {\r\n          view.style.setProperty('width', '90%')\r\n          view.style.setProperty('height', '50px')\r\n          view.style.setProperty('background-color', '#007AFF')\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      goMultipleRootNode() {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/API/get-element-by-id/get-element-by-id-multiple-root-node' })\r\n      },\n      //自动化测试获取text元素的offsetLeft属性值\n      getTextOffsetLeft(): number {\n        const text = uni.getElementById('text')!\n        return text.offsetLeft\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "createSelectorQuery": {
    "name": "## uni.createSelectorQuery() @createselectorquery",
    "description": "返回一个SelectorQuery对象实例<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### createSelectorQuery  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.91 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [SelectorQuery](#selectorquery-values) |\n\n#### SelectorQuery 的方法 @selectorquery-values \n\n#### in(component?) @in\n将选择器的选取范围更改为自定义组件component内\n##### in  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| component | any \\| null | 否 | - | - |  | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [SelectorQuery](#selectorquery-values) |\n \n\n#### select(selector) @select\n在当前页面下选择第一个匹配选择器selector的节点\n##### select  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| selector | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [NodesRef](#nodesref-values) |\n\n###### NodesRef 的方法 @nodesref-values \n\n###### boundingClientRect(callback?) @boundingclientrect\n添加节点的布局位置的查询请求,相对于显示区域,以像素为单位\n###### boundingClientRect  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - |  | \n\n###### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [SelectorQuery](#selectorquery-values) |\n \n\n###### scrollOffset(callback) @scrolloffset\n添加节点的滚动位置查询请求,以像素为单位\n###### scrollOffset  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n###### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [SelectorQuery](#selectorquery-values) |\n \n\n###### fields(fields, callback) @fields\n获取节点的相关信息,需要获取的字段在fields中指定\n###### fields  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| fields | **NodeField** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| id | boolean \\| null | 否 | - | - | 是否返回节点 id |\n@| dataset | boolean \\| null | 否 | - | - | 是否返回节点 dataset |\n@| rect | boolean \\| null | 否 | - | - | 是否返回节点布局位置(left right top bottom) |\n@| size | boolean \\| null | 否 | - | - | 是否返回节点尺寸(width height) |\n@| scrollOffset | boolean \\| null | 否 | - | - | 是否返回节点的 scrollLeft scrollTop,节点必须是 scroll-view 或者 viewport |\n@| properties | Array\\<string\\> \\| null | 否 | - | - | 指定属性名列表,返回节点对应属性名的当前属性值(只能获得组件文档中标注的常规属性值,id class style 和事件绑定的属性值不可获取) |\n@| computedStyle | Array\\<string\\> \\| null | 否 | - | - | 指定样式名列表,返回节点对应样式名的当前值 |\n@| context | boolean \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"x\",\"x\"]]}' /> | 是否返回节点对应的 Context 对象 |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n###### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [SelectorQuery](#selectorquery-values) |\n \n\n###### context(callback) @context\n添加节点的 Context 对象查询请求\n###### context  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n###### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [SelectorQuery](#selectorquery-values) |\n \n\n###### node(callback) @node\n获取 Node 节点实例。目前支持 Canvas 的获取。\n###### node  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n###### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [SelectorQuery](#selectorquery-values) |\n \n \n\n#### selectAll(selector) @selectall\n在当前页面下选择匹配选择器selector的所有节点\n##### selectAll  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| selector | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [NodesRef](#nodesref-values) |\n \n\n#### selectViewport() @selectviewport\n选择显示区域\n##### selectViewport  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [NodesRef](#nodesref-values) |\n \n\n#### exec(callback) @exec\n执行所有的请求\n##### exec  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: Array\\<any\\>) => void \\| null | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| [NodesRef](#nodesref-values) \\| null | 否 |\n \n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/nodes-info.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=createSelectorQuery&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=createSelectorQuery&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=createSelectorQuery&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=createSelectorQuery&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=createSelectorQuery&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=createSelectorQuery)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=createSelectorQuery&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.dom.createSelectorQuery)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/create-selector-query/create-selector-query.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/create-selector-query/create-selector-query\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <view class=\"page\" id=\"page\">\r\n    <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n    <button class=\"btn btn-get-node-info\" @click=\"getNodeInfo\">getNodeInfo</button>\r\n    <button class=\"btn btn-get-all-node-info\" @click=\"getAllNodeInfo\">getAllNodeInfo</button>\r\n    <view id=\"rect-1-2\" class=\"rect-1-2\">\r\n      <view class=\"rect rect1\"></view>\r\n      <view class=\"rect rect2\"></view>\r\n    </view>\r\n    <view class=\"rect-info-1-2\">\r\n      <view class=\"rect-info\" v-for=\"(nodeInfo, index) in nodeInfoList\" :key=\"index\">\r\n        <view class=\"node-info-item\">\r\n          <text class=\"node-info-item-k\">left: </text>\r\n          <text class=\"node-info-item-v\">{{nodeInfo.left}}</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"node-info-item\">\r\n          <text class=\"node-info-item-k\">top: </text>\r\n          <text class=\"node-info-item-v\">{{nodeInfo.top}}</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"node-info-item\">\r\n          <text class=\"node-info-item-k\">right: </text>\r\n          <text class=\"node-info-item-v\">{{nodeInfo.right}}</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"node-info-item\">\r\n          <text class=\"node-info-item-k\">bottom: </text>\r\n          <text class=\"node-info-item-v\">{{nodeInfo.bottom}}</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"node-info-item\">\r\n          <text class=\"node-info-item-k\">width: </text>\r\n          <text class=\"node-info-item-v\">{{nodeInfo.width}}</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"node-info-item\">\r\n          <text class=\"node-info-item-k\">height: </text>\r\n          <text class=\"node-info-item-v\">{{nodeInfo.height}}</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\n    <node-child class=\"node-child\"></node-child>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .page {\r\n    padding: 15px;\r\n    flex: 1;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .btn {\r\n    margin-top: 15px;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .rect-1-2 {\r\n    flex-direction: row;\r\n    margin-top: 15px;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .rect {\r\n    width: 150px;\r\n    height: 100px;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .rect1 {\r\n    background-color: dodgerblue;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .rect2 {\r\n    margin-left: auto;\r\n    background-color: seagreen;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .rect-info-1-2 {\r\n    flex-direction: row;\r\n    margin-top: 15px;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .rect-info {\r\n    flex: 1;\r\n    flex-direction: column;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .node-info-item {\r\n    flex-direction: row;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .node-info-item-k {\r\n    width: 72px;\r\n    line-height: 2;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .node-info-item-v {\r\n    font-weight: bold;\r\n    line-height: 2;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  import nodeChild from './nodes-info-child.uvue'\r\n\r\n  type NodeInfoType = {\r\n    left : number | null,\r\n    top : number | null,\r\n    right : number | null,\r\n    bottom : number | null,\r\n    width : number | null,\r\n    height : number | null,\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    components: {\r\n      nodeChild\r\n    },\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'createSelectorQuery',\r\n        nodeInfoList: [] as NodeInfoType[],\r\n        // 仅用于自动化测试\r\n        rootNodeInfo: null as NodeInfoType | null,\r\n        //供自动化测试使用\r\n        // resizeRectValid: false\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onResize() {\r\n      //供自动化测试使用\r\n      /* var rect12Element = uni.getElementById(\"rect-1-2\")\r\n      if(rect12Element != null) {\r\n        var domRect = rect12Element.getBoundingClientRect()\r\n        if(domRect.width > 100) {\r\n          this.resizeRectValid = true\r\n        }\r\n      } */\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      // 仅用于自动化测试\r\n      getRootNodeInfo(selector : string) {\r\n        uni.createSelectorQuery().select(selector).boundingClientRect().exec((ret) => {\r\n          if (ret.length == 1) {\r\n            const nodeInfo = ret[0] as NodeInfo;\r\n            const nodeType = {\r\n              left: nodeInfo.left,\r\n              top: nodeInfo.top,\r\n              right: nodeInfo.right,\r\n              bottom: nodeInfo.bottom,\r\n              width: nodeInfo.width,\r\n              height: nodeInfo.height,\r\n            } as NodeInfoType;\r\n            this.rootNodeInfo = nodeType\r\n          }\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      getNodeInfo() {\r\n        uni.createSelectorQuery().select('.rect1').boundingClientRect().exec((ret) => {\r\n          this.nodeInfoList.length = 0\r\n          const i = ret[0] as NodeInfo\r\n          this.nodeInfoList.push({\r\n            left: i.left,\r\n            top: i.top,\r\n            right: i.right,\r\n            bottom: i.bottom,\r\n            width: i.width,\r\n            height: i.height,\r\n          } as NodeInfoType)\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      getAllNodeInfo() {\r\n        uni.createSelectorQuery().selectAll('.rect').boundingClientRect().exec((ret) => {\r\n          this.nodeInfoList.length = 0\r\n          const array = ret[0] as NodeInfo[]\r\n          array.forEach((i) => {\r\n            this.nodeInfoList.push({\r\n              left: i.left,\r\n              top: i.top,\r\n              right: i.right,\r\n              bottom: i.bottom,\r\n              width: i.width,\r\n              height: i.height,\r\n            } as NodeInfoType)\r\n          })\r\n        })\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "showActionSheet": {
    "name": "## uni.showActionSheet(options) @showactionsheet",
    "description": "从底部向上弹出操作菜单",
    "compatibility": "### showActionSheet  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ShowActionSheetOptions](#showactionsheetoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| title | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 菜单标题 |\n@| alertText | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 警示文案(同菜单标题, app无效) |\n@| itemList | Array\\<string\\> | 是 | - | - | 按钮的文字数组 |\n@| itemColor | [string.ColorString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 按钮的文字颜色,字符串格式(iOS默认为系统控件颜色) |\n@| popover | **Popover** \\| null | 否 | - | - | 大屏设备弹出原生选择按钮框的指示区域,默认居中显示 |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| top | number | 是 | - | - | 指示区域坐标,使用原生 navigationBar 时一般需要加上 navigationBar 的高度 |\n@@| left | number | 是 | - | - | 指示区域坐标 |\n@@| width | number | 是 | - | - | 指示区域宽度 |\n@@| height | number | 是 | - | - | 指示区域高度 |\n@| success | (res: [ShowActionSheetSuccess](#showactionsheetsuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.showActionSheet成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [IPromptError](#iprompterror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.showActionSheet成功回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.showActionSheet成功回调函数定义 | \n\n##### ShowActionSheetSuccess 的属性值 @showactionsheetsuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| tapIndex | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 用户点击的按钮,从上到下的顺序,从0开始 |\n\n##### IPromptError 的属性值 @iprompterror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1 \\| 1001 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1\t  撤销<br/>- 1001  请求参数非法 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/ui/prompt.html#showactionsheet)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=showActionSheet&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=showActionSheet&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=showActionSheet&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=showActionSheet&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=showActionSheet&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=showActionSheet)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=showActionSheet&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.showActionSheet)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/show-action-sheet/show-action-sheet.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/show-action-sheet/show-action-sheet\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <view>\r\n    <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list\">\r\n      <radio-group @change=\"radioChange\">\r\n        <radio class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\" v-for=\"(item, index) in items\" :key=\"item.value\"\r\n          :class=\"index < items.length - 1 ? 'uni-list-cell-line': ''\" :value=\"item.value\" :checked=\"index === current\">\r\n          {{item.name}}\r\n        </radio>\r\n      </radio-group>\r\n    </view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">自定义itemColor</view>\r\n        <switch :checked=\"itemColorCustom\" @change=\"itemColorChange\" />\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">超长文本和空文本item</view>\r\n        <switch :checked=\"itemContentLarge\" @change=\"itemContentLargeChange\" />\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">超过6个item</view>\r\n        <switch :checked=\"itemNumLargeSelect\" @change=\"itemNumLargeChange\" />\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\r\n        <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"default\" @tap=\"actionSheetTap\" id=\"btn-action-sheet-show\">弹出action sheet</button>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  type ItemType = {\r\n    value : string,\r\n    name : string,\r\n  }\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'action-sheet',\r\n        itemColorCustom: false,\r\n        itemContentLarge: false,\r\n        itemNumLargeSelect: false,\n        showErrorToast:true,\r\n        items: [{\r\n          value: '标题',\r\n          name: '有标题'\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n          value: '',\r\n          name: '无标题'\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n          value: '超长标题测试内容,测试超过显示最大范围之后的样式-超长标题测试内容,测试超过显示最大范围之后的样式',\r\n          name: '超长标题'\r\n        }\r\n        ] as ItemType[],\r\n        current: 0,\r\n      }\r\n    },\n    onLoad(){\n      uni.showActionSheet({\n        title: \"onLoad 调用示例,请手动取消\",\n        itemList:['item1', 'item2'],\n      })\n    },\r\n    methods: {\n      //自动化测试例专用\n      jest_getWindowInfo() : GetWindowInfoResult {\n        return uni.getWindowInfo();\n      },\r\n      radioChange(e : UniRadioGroupChangeEvent) {\r\n        for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {\r\n          if (this.items[i].value === e.detail.value) {\r\n            this.current = i;\r\n            break;\r\n          }\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      itemContentLargeChange: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\r\n        this.itemContentLarge = e.detail.value\r\n      },\r\n      itemColorChange: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\r\n        this.itemColorCustom = e.detail.value\r\n      },\r\n      itemNumLargeChange: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\r\n        this.itemNumLargeSelect = e.detail.value\r\n      },\r\n      actionSheetTap() {\r\n\r\n        let itemInfo = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4']\r\n\r\n        if (this.itemContentLarge) {\r\n          itemInfo = ['两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船', '水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。 欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜', '']\r\n        }\n\n        if (this.itemNumLargeSelect) {\r\n          // 大量选项测试,不能超过6个元素 https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/ui/prompt.html#showactionsheet\r\n          itemInfo = []\n          for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {\r\n            itemInfo.push('两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天');\r\n          }\r\n        }\r\n\r\n        const that = this\r\n        if (this.itemColorCustom) {\r\n          uni.showActionSheet({\r\n            title: this.items[this.current].value,\r\n            itemList: itemInfo,\r\n            itemColor: \"#ff00ff\",\r\n            success: (e) => {\r\n              console.log(e.tapIndex);\r\n              uni.showToast({\r\n                title: \"点击了第\" + e.tapIndex + \"个选项\",\r\n                icon: \"none\"\r\n              })\r\n            },\r\n            fail: (e) => {\n              if(this.showErrorToast){\n                uni.showToast({\n                  title: e.errMsg,\n                  icon: \"none\"\n                })\n              }\r\n              console.log(e);\r\n            }\r\n          })\r\n        } else {\r\n          uni.showActionSheet({\r\n            title: this.items[this.current].value,\r\n            itemList: itemInfo,\r\n            success: (e) => {\r\n              console.log(e.tapIndex);\r\n              uni.showToast({\r\n                title: \"点击了第\" + e.tapIndex + \"个选项\",\r\n                icon: \"none\"\r\n              })\r\n            },\r\n            fail: (e) => {\r\n              console.log(e);\n              if(this.showErrorToast){\n                uni.showToast({\n                  title: e.errMsg,\n                  icon: \"none\"\n                })\n              }\n            }\r\n          })\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "showModal": {
    "name": "## uni.showModal(options) @showmodal",
    "description": "显示模态弹窗,可以只有一个确定按钮,也可以同时有确定和取消按钮。类似于一个API整合了 html 中:alert、confirm。",
    "compatibility": "### showModal  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ShowModalOptions](#showmodaloptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| title | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 提示的标题 |\n@| content | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 提示的内容 |\n@| showCancel | boolean \\| null | 否 | true<br/>是否显示取消按钮,默认为 true | - |  |\n@| cancelText | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 取消按钮的文字,默认为\"取消\" |\n@| cancelColor | [string.ColorString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 取消按钮的文字颜色,默认为\"#000000\" |\n@| confirmText | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 确定按钮的文字,默认为\"确定\" |\n@| confirmColor | [string.ColorString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 确定按钮的文字颜色 |\n@| editable | boolean \\| null | 否 | false<br/>是否显示输入框 | - |  |\n@| placeholderText | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 显示输入框时的提示文本 |\n@| success | (res: [ShowModalSuccess](#showmodalsuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.showModal成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [IPromptError](#iprompterror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.showModal失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.showModal完成回调函数定义 | \n\n##### ShowModalSuccess 的属性值 @showmodalsuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| confirm | boolean | 是 | - | - | 为 true 时,表示用户点击了确定按钮 |\n| cancel | boolean | 是 | - | - | 为 true 时,表示用户点击了取消(用于 Android 系统区分点击蒙层关闭还是点击取消按钮关闭) |\n| content | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | editable 为 true 时,用户输入的文本 |\n\n##### IPromptError 的属性值 @iprompterror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1 \\| 1001 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1\t  撤销<br/>- 1001  请求参数非法 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/ui/prompt.html#showmodal)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=showModal&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=showModal&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=showModal&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=showModal&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=showModal&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=showModal)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=showModal&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.showModal)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/show-modal/show-modal.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/show-modal/show-modal\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <view>\n      <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n      <view class=\"uni-list\">\n        <radio-group @change=\"radioChange\">\n          <radio class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\" v-for=\"(item, index) in items\" :key=\"item.value\"\n            :class=\"index < items.length - 1 ? 'uni-list-cell-line' : ''\" :value=\"item.value\"\n            :checked=\"index === current\">\n            {{ item.name }}\n          </radio>\n        </radio-group>\n      </view>\n      <view class=\"uni-list\">\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\">\n          <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">是否显示取消按钮</view>\n          <switch :checked=\"showCancelSelect\" @change=\"showCancelChange\" />\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\">\n          <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">定制取消文案</view>\n          <switch :checked=\"cancelTextSelect\" @change=\"cancelTextChange\" />\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\">\n          <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">定制确认文案</view>\n          <switch :checked=\"confirmTextSelect\" @change=\"confirmTextChange\" />\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\">\n          <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">是否显示输入框</view>\n          <switch :checked=\"editableSelect\" @change=\"editableChange\" />\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\">\n          <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">是否定制输入提示词</view>\n          <switch :checked=\"placeholderTextSelect\" @change=\"placeholderTextChange\" />\n        </view>\n      </view>\n      <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt\">\n        <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n          <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"default\" @tap=\"modalTap\" id=\"btn-modal-show\">\n            modal测试\n          </button>\n        </view>\n        <text>{{ exeRet }}</text>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  type ItemType = {\n    value : string,\n    name : string,\n  }\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: 'modal',\n        showCancelSelect: false,\n        cancelTextSelect: false,\n        confirmTextSelect: false,\n        editableSelect: false,\n        placeholderTextSelect: false,\n        exeRet: \"\",\n        items: [{\n          value: '标题',\n          name: '有标题'\n        },\n        {\n          value: '',\n          name: '无标题'\n        },\n        {\n          value: '超长标题测试内容,测试超过显示最大范围之后的样式-超长标题测试内容,测试超过显示最大范围之后的样式',\n          name: '超长标题'\n        }\n        ] as ItemType[],\n        current: 0\n      }\n    },\n    onLoad() {\n      uni.showModal({\n        title: \"onLoad 调用示例,请手动取消\",\n        showCancel: false\n      })\n    },\n    methods: {\n      //自动化测试例专用\n      jest_getWindowInfo() : GetWindowInfoResult {\n        return uni.getWindowInfo();\n      },\n      showCancelChange: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\n        this.showCancelSelect = e.detail.value\n      },\n      cancelTextChange: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\n        this.cancelTextSelect = e.detail.value\n      },\n      confirmTextChange: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\n        this.confirmTextSelect = e.detail.value\n      },\n      editableChange: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\n        this.editableSelect = e.detail.value\n      },\n      placeholderTextChange: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\n        this.placeholderTextSelect = e.detail.value\n      },\n      radioChange(e : UniRadioGroupChangeEvent) {\n        for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {\n          if (this.items[i].value === e.detail.value) {\n            this.current = i;\n            break;\n          }\n        }\n      },\n      modalTap: function () {\n        let cancelTextVal : string\n        let cancelColorVal = ''\n        if (this.cancelTextSelect) {\n          cancelTextVal = \"修改后的取消文本\"\n          cancelColorVal = \"#ff00ff\"\n        } else {\n          cancelTextVal = \"取消\"\n        }\n\n        let confirmTextVal = '确定'\n        let confirmColorVal = ''\n        if (this.confirmTextSelect) {\n          confirmTextVal = \"修改后的确定文本\"\n          confirmColorVal = \"#00ffff\"\n        }\n\n        let placeholderTextVal = ''\n        let contentVal = \"弹窗内容,告知当前状态、信息和解决方法,描述文字尽量控制在三行内\"\n        if (this.placeholderTextSelect) {\n          placeholderTextVal = \"定制提示信息\"\n          contentVal = \"\"\n        }\n        uni.showModal({\n          title: this.items[this.current].value,\n          editable: this.editableSelect,\n          placeholderText: placeholderTextVal,\n          content: contentVal,\n          showCancel: this.showCancelSelect,\n          cancelText: cancelTextVal,\n          cancelColor: cancelColorVal,\n          confirmText: confirmTextVal,\n          confirmColor: confirmColorVal,\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n          fail: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = JSON.stringify(res)\n          }\n        })\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "showLoading": {
    "name": "## uni.showLoading(options) @showloading",
    "description": "显示 loading 提示框, 需主动调用 uni.hideLoading 才能关闭提示框。",
    "compatibility": "### showLoading  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ShowLoadingOptions](#showloadingoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| title | string | 是 | - | - | 提示的内容,长度与 icon 取值有关。 |\n@| mask | boolean \\| null | 否 | - | - | 是否显示透明蒙层,防止触摸穿透,默认:false |\n@| success | (res: ShowLoadingSuccess) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.showLoading成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [IPromptError](#iprompterror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.showLoading失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.showLoading完成回调函数定义 | \n\n##### IPromptError 的属性值 @iprompterror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1 \\| 1001 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1\t  撤销<br/>- 1001  请求参数非法 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/ui/prompt.html#showloading)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=showLoading&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=showLoading&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=showLoading&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=showLoading&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=showLoading&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=showLoading)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=showLoading&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.showLoading.showLoading)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/show-loading/show-loading.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/show-loading/show-loading\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <view>\n    <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n    <view class=\"uni-list\">\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\">\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">是否显示透明蒙层-屏蔽点击事件</view>\n        <switch :checked=\"maskSelect\" @change=\"maskChange\" />\n      </view>\n      <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n        <view class=\"uni-title uni-common-mt\">\n          <text class=\"uni-title-text\"> 设置标题 </text>\n        </view>\n      </view>\n      <view class=\"uni-list uni-common-pl\">\n        <radio-group @change=\"radioChange\">\n          <radio class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd radio\" v-for=\"(item, index) in items\" :key=\"item.value\"\n            :class=\"index < items.length - 1 ? 'uni-list-cell-line' : ''\" :value=\"item.value\"\n            :checked=\"index === current\">\n            {{ item.name }}\n          </radio>\n        </radio-group>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n        <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"showLoading\">显示 loading 提示框</button>\n        <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" @click=\"hideLoading\">隐藏 loading 提示框</button>\n        <text>为方便演示,loading弹出3秒后自动关闭</text>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n  </view>\n</template>\n\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  type ItemType = {\n    value : string\n    name : string\n  }\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: 'loading',\n        items: [\n          {\n            value: 'null',\n            name: '无标题',\n          },\n          {\n            value: '三秒后自动关闭',\n            name: '普通标题',\n          },\n          {\n            value: '超长文本内容,测试超出范围-超长文本内容,测试超出范围-三秒后自动关闭',\n            name: '长标题',\n          },\n        ] as ItemType[],\n        current: 0,\n        maskSelect: false,\n        titleSelect: \"null\"\n      }\n    },\n    onLoad(){\n      uni.showLoading({\n      \ttitle:'onLoad 调用示例,2秒后消失'\n      })\n      setTimeout(function() {\n        uni.hideLoading()\n      }, 2000);\n    },\n    methods: {\n      //自动化测试例专用\n      jest_getWindowInfo() : GetWindowInfoResult {\n        return uni.getWindowInfo();\n      },\n\n      radioChange(e : UniRadioGroupChangeEvent) {\n        const selected = this.items.find((item) : boolean => {\n          return item.value == e.detail.value\n        })\n        if (selected != null) {\n          this.titleSelect = selected.value\n        }\n      },\n      maskChange: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\n        this.maskSelect = e.detail.value\n      },\n      showLoading: function () {\n\n        console.log(this.titleSelect)\n        if (this.titleSelect == \"null\") {\n          uni.showLoading({\n            title: \"\",\n            mask: this.maskSelect\n          });\n        } else {\n          uni.showLoading({\n            title: this.titleSelect,\n            mask: this.maskSelect\n          });\n        }\n        setTimeout(() => {\n          this.hideLoading();\n        }, 3000);\n      },\n      hideLoading: function () {\n        uni.hideLoading();\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "hideLoading": {
    "name": "## uni.hideLoading() @hideloading",
    "description": "隐藏 loading 提示框。",
    "compatibility": "### hideLoading  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/ui/prompt.html#hideloading)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=hideLoading&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=hideLoading&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=hideLoading&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=hideLoading&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=hideLoading&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=hideLoading)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=hideLoading&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.showLoading.hideLoading)"
  "showToast": {
    "name": "## uni.showToast(options) @showtoast",
    "description": "显示消息提示框",
    "compatibility": "### showToast  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ShowToastOptions](#showtoastoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| title | string | 是 | - | - | 提示的内容,长度与 icon 取值有关。 |\n@| icon | \"success\" \\| \"error\" \\| \"fail\" \\| \"exception\" \\| \"loading\" \\| \"none\" | 否 | - | - | icon值说明 success: 显示成功图标,error: 显示错误图标; fail: 显示错误图标,此时title文本无长度显示; exception: 显示异常图标,此时title文本无长度显示; loading: 显示加载图标;none: 不显示图标。 |\n@| image | [string.ImageURIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 自定义图标的本地路径(app端暂不支持gif) |\n@| mask | boolean \\| null | 否 | - | - | 是否显示透明蒙层,防止触摸穿透,默认:false |\n@| duration | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 提示的延迟时间,单位毫秒,默认:1500 |\n@| position | \"top\" \\| \"center\" \\| \"bottom\" | 否 | - | - | position值说明(仅App生效) top: 居上显示; center: 居中显示;bottom: 居底显示 |\n@| success | (res: ShowToastSuccess) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.showToast成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [IPromptError](#iprompterror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.showToast失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.showToast完成回调函数定义 | \n\n##### IPromptError 的属性值 @iprompterror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1 \\| 1001 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1\t  撤销<br/>- 1001  请求参数非法 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/ui/prompt.html#showtoast)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=showToast&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=showToast&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=showToast&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=showToast&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=showToast&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=showToast)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=showToast&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.showToast.showToast)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/show-toast/show-toast.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/show-toast/show-toast\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <view>\n    <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n        <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"default\" @tap=\"toast1Tap\" id=\"btn-toast-default\" >点击弹出默认toast</button>\n        <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"default\" @tap=\"toastTapIconError\" id=\"btn-toast-errorIcon\">点击弹出设置icon的toast</button>\n        <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"default\" @tap=\"toast2Tap\" id=\"btn-toast-duration\">点击弹出设置duration的toast</button>\n        <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"default\" @tap=\"toast3Tap\" id=\"btn-toast-loading\">点击弹出显示loading的toast</button>\n        <!-- #ifndef MP-ALIPAY -->\n        <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"default\" @tap=\"toast4Tap\">点击弹出显示自定义图片的toast</button>\n        <!-- #endif -->\n        <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n        <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"default\" @tap=\"toast5Tap\" id=\"btn-toast-postion-bottom\">点击显示无图标的居底toast</button>\n        <!-- #endif -->\n        <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"default\" @tap=\"hideToast\" id=\"btn-toast-hide\">点击隐藏toast</button>\n      </view>\n      <text>{{exeRet}}</text>\n    </view>\n  </view>\n</template>\n\n\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: 'toast',\n        exeRet: ''\n      }\n    },\n    onLoad() {\n      uni.showToast({\n        title: 'onLoad 调用示例,2秒后消失'\n      })\n      setTimeout(function () {\n        uni.hideToast()\n      }, 2000);\n    },\n    methods: {\n      //自动化测试例专用\n      jest_getWindowInfo() : GetWindowInfoResult {\n        return uni.getWindowInfo();\n      },\n      toast1Tap: function () {\n        uni.showToast({\n          title: \"默认\",\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = \"success:\" + JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n          fail: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = \"fail:\" + JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n        })\n      },\n      toastTapIconError: function () {\n        uni.showToast({\n          title: \"默认\",\n          icon: 'error',\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = \"success:\" + JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n          fail: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = \"fail:\" + JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n        })\n      },\n      toast2Tap: function () {\n        uni.showToast({\n          title: \"duration 3000\",\n          duration: 3000,\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = \"success:\" + JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n          fail: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = \"fail:\" + JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n        })\n      },\n      toast3Tap: function () {\n        uni.showToast({\n          title: \"loading\",\n          icon: \"loading\",\n          duration: 5000,\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = \"success:\" + JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n          fail: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = \"fail:\" + JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n        })\n      },\n      toast4Tap: function () {\n        uni.showToast({\n          title: \"logo\",\n          image: \"/static/uni.png\",\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = \"success:\" + JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n          fail: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = \"fail:\" + JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n        })\n      },\n      // #ifdef APP\n      toast5Tap: function () {\n        uni.showToast({\n          title: \"显示一段轻提示\",\n          position: 'bottom',\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = \"success:\" + JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n          fail: (res) => {\n            this.exeRet = \"fail:\" + JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n        })\n      },\n      // #endif\n      hideToast: function () {\n        uni.hideToast()\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "hideToast": {
    "name": "## uni.hideToast() @hidetoast",
    "description": "隐藏消息提示框。",
    "compatibility": "### hideToast  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/ui/prompt.html#hidetoast)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=hideToast&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=hideToast&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=hideToast&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=hideToast&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=hideToast&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=hideToast)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=hideToast&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.showToast.hideToast)"
  "loadFontFace": {
    "name": "## uni.loadFontFace(options) @loadfontface",
    "description": "动态加载网络字体<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### loadFontFace  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | √ | 4.10 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [LoadFontFaceOptions](#loadfontfaceoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| global | boolean | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"x\"]]}' /> | 是否全局生效。微信小程序 '2.10.0'起支持全局生效,需在 app.vue 中调用。 |\n@| family | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.10\"]]}' /> | 定义的字体名称 |\n@| source | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.10\"]]}' /> | 字体资源的地址, App-Android 平台不支持 woff、woff2 格式字体文件 |\n@| desc | **LoadFontFaceOptionDesc** | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"x\",\"4.10\"]]}' /> | 可选的字体描述符 |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| style | string \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@@| weight | string \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@@| variant | string \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@| success | (result: AsyncApiSuccessResult) => void | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.10\"]]}' /> | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (error: [LoadFontFaceFail](#loadfontfacefail-values)) => void | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.10\"]]}' /> | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: [AsyncApiResult](#asyncapiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"√\",\"4.10\"]]}' /> | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### LoadFontFaceFail 的属性值 @loadfontfacefail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 4 \\| 99 \\| 101 \\| 100001 \\| 100002 \\| 200001 \\| 300001 \\| 300002 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 4: 框架内部异常<br/>- 99: page is not ready<br/>- 101: 参数错误<br/>- 100001: family is null<br/>- 100002: source is null<br/>- 200001: local font not found<br/>- 300001: same source task is loading<br/>- 300002: download fail |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### AsyncApiResult 的属性值 @asyncapiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Promise \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/load-font-face.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=loadFontFace&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=loadFontFace&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=loadFontFace&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=loadFontFace&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=loadFontFace&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=loadFontFace)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=loadFontFace&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.loadFontFace)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/load-font-face/load-font-face.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/load-font-face/load-font-face\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <page-head title=\"loadFontFace\"></page-head>\n  <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n    <text class=\"font-size-20\">全局加载字体:</text>\n    <text class=\"font-size-20 line-height-40\" style=\"font-family: UniFontFamily\">font-family: uni.ttf</text>\n    <view style=\"flex-direction: row;\">\n      <text class=\"font-size-20\" style=\"font-family: UniFontFamily;\">{{\n        uniIcon1\n      }}</text>\n      <text style=\"margin-left:5px;margin-right: 20px;line-height:22px;\">\\ue100</text>\n      <text class=\"font-size-20\" style=\"font-family: UniFontFamily;\">{{\n        uniIcon2\n      }}</text>\n      <text style=\"margin-left:5px;line-height:22px;\">\\ue101</text>\n    </view>\n    <text class=\"uni-common-mt font-size-20\">非全局加载字体:</text>\n    <text class=\"font-size-20 line-height-40\" style=\"font-family: AlimamaDaoLiTiTTF\">font-family: 阿里妈妈刀隶体-ttf\n      (网络字体下载后生效)</text>\n    <text class=\"font-size-20 line-height-40\" style=\"font-family: AlimamaDaoLiTiOTF\">font-family:\n      阿里妈妈刀隶体-otf</text>\n    <text class=\"item\" style=\"font-family: AlimamaDaoLiTiWOFF\">font-family: 阿里妈妈刀隶体-woff</text>\n    <text class=\"item\" style=\"font-family: AlimamaDaoLiTiWOFF2\">font-family: 阿里妈妈刀隶体-woff2</text>\n    <button class=\"uni-btn\" @click=\"navigateToChild\">跳转子页面测试字体生效范围</button>\n  </view>\n</template>\n\n\n<style>\n  .font-size-20 {\n    font-size: 20px;\n  }\n\n  .line-height-40 {\n    line-height: 40px;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        uniIcon1: '\\ue100',\n        uniIcon2: '\\ue101',\n      }\n    },\n    onLoad() {\n      uni.loadFontFace({\n        global: true,\n        family: 'UniFontFamily',\n        source: \"url('/static/font/uni.ttf')\",\n        success() {\n          console.log('global loadFontFace uni.ttf success')\n        },\n        fail(error) {\n          console.warn('global loadFontFace uni.ttf fail', error.errMsg)\n        },\n      })\n      uni.loadFontFace({\n        family: 'AlimamaDaoLiTiTTF',\n        source:\n          \"url('https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/static/font/AlimamaDaoLiTi.ttf')\",\n        success() {\n          console.log('loadFontFace Remote AlimamaDaoLiTi.ttf success')\n        },\n        fail(error) {\n          console.warn('loadFontFace Remote AlimamaDaoLiTi.ttf fail', error.errMsg)\n        },\n      })\n      uni.loadFontFace({\n        family: 'AlimamaDaoLiTiOTF',\n        source: \"url('/static/font/AlimamaDaoLiTi.otf')\",\n        success() {\n          console.log('loadFontFace AlimamaDaoLiTi.otf success')\n        },\n        fail(error) {\n          console.warn('loadFontFace AlimamaDaoLiTi.otf fail', error.errMsg)\n        },\n      })\n      uni.loadFontFace({\n        family: 'AlimamaDaoLiTiWOFF',\n        source: \"url('/static/font/AlimamaDaoLiTi.woff')\",\n        success() {\n          console.log('loadFontFace AlimamaDaoLiTi.woff success')\n        },\n        fail(error) {\n          console.warn('loadFontFace AlimamaDaoLiTi.woff fail', error.errMsg)\n        },\n      })\n      uni.loadFontFace({\n        family: 'AlimamaDaoLiTiWOFF2',\n        source: \"url('/static/font/AlimamaDaoLiTi.woff2')\",\n        success() {\n          console.log('loadFontFace AlimamaDaoLiTi.woff2 success')\n        },\n        fail(error) {\n          console.warn('loadFontFace AlimamaDaoLiTi.woff2 fail', error.errMsg)\n        },\n      })\n    },\n    methods: {\n      navigateToChild() {\n        uni.navigateTo({\n          url: '/pages/API/load-font-face/load-font-face-child',\n        })\n      },\n    },\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "rpx2px": {
    "name": "## uni.rpx2px(number) @rpx2px",
    "description": "将rpx单位值转换成px",
    "compatibility": "### rpx2px  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.02 | 4.02 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| number | number | 是 | - | - |  | \n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| number |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/rpx2px.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=rpx2px&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=rpx2px&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=rpx2px&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=rpx2px&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=rpx2px&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=rpx2px)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=rpx2px&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.rpx2px)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/rpx2px/rpx2px.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/rpx2px/rpx2px\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view class=\"page-scroll-view\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <view class=\"page\">\n      <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n      <view>\n        <view class=\"item\">\n          <text class=\"item-k\">输入:</text>\n          <text class=\"item-v\">{{rpxValue}}rpx</text>\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"item\">\n          <text class=\"item-k\">返回:</text>\n          <text class=\"item-v\">{{pxValue}}px</text>\n        </view>\n      </view>\n      <view>\n        <button class=\"convert\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"rpx2px\">转换</button>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n\n<style>\n  .page {\n    padding: 15px;\n  }\n\n  .item {\n    flex-direction: row;\n  }\n\n  .item-k {\n    width: 72px;\n    line-height: 2;\n  }\n\n  .item-v {\n    font-weight: bold;\n    line-height: 2;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: 'rpx2px',\n        rpxValue: 750,\n        pxValue: 0,\n        result: false\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      rpx2px: function () {\n        this.pxValue = uni.rpx2px(this.rpxValue);\n\n        // 仅限自动化测试\n        const windowInfo = uni.getWindowInfo();\n        if (windowInfo.windowWidth == this.pxValue) {\n          this.result = true\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "setAppTheme": {
    "name": "## uni.setAppTheme(options) @setapptheme",
    "description": "设置应用主题",
    "compatibility": "### setAppTheme  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.18 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [SetAppThemeOptions](#setappthemeoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| theme | \"light\" \\| \"dark\" \\| \"auto\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 主题 |\n@| success | (result: [SetAppThemeSuccessResult](#setappthemesuccessresult-values)) => void | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [IAppThemeFail](#iappthemefail-values)) => void | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SetAppThemeSuccessResult 的属性值 @setappthemesuccessresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| theme | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### IAppThemeFail 的属性值 @iappthemefail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 702001 \\| 2002000 | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 错误码<br/>- 702001  参数错误<br/>- 2002000  未知错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=setAppTheme&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=setAppTheme&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=setAppTheme&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=setAppTheme&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=setAppTheme&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=setAppTheme)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=setAppTheme&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.themeChange.setAppTheme)"
  "onOsThemeChange": {
    "name": "## uni.onOsThemeChange(callback) @onosthemechange",
    "description": "开启监听系统主题变化",
    "compatibility": "### onOsThemeChange  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.18 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (res: [OsThemeChangeResult](#osthemechangeresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n#### OsThemeChangeResult 的属性值 @osthemechangeresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| osTheme | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 系统主题 |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| number |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onOsThemeChange&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onOsThemeChange&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onOsThemeChange&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onOsThemeChange&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onOsThemeChange&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onOsThemeChange)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onOsThemeChange&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.themeChange.onOsThemeChange)"
  "offOsThemeChange": {
    "name": "## uni.offOsThemeChange(id) @offosthemechange",
    "description": "取消监听系统主题变化",
    "compatibility": "### offOsThemeChange  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.18 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| id | number | 是 | - | - |  | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=offOsThemeChange&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=offOsThemeChange&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=offOsThemeChange&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=offOsThemeChange&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=offOsThemeChange&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=offOsThemeChange)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=offOsThemeChange&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.themeChange.offOsThemeChange)"
  "onAppThemeChange": {
    "name": "## uni.onAppThemeChange(callback) @onappthemechange",
    "description": "开启监听应用主题变化",
    "compatibility": "### onAppThemeChange  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.18 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (res: [AppThemeChangeResult](#appthemechangeresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n#### AppThemeChangeResult 的属性值 @appthemechangeresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| appTheme | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 应用主题 |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| number |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onAppThemeChange&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onAppThemeChange&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onAppThemeChange&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onAppThemeChange&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onAppThemeChange&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onAppThemeChange)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onAppThemeChange&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.themeChange.onAppThemeChange)"
  "offAppThemeChange": {
    "name": "## uni.offAppThemeChange(id) @offappthemechange",
    "description": "取消监听应用主题变化",
    "compatibility": "### offAppThemeChange  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.18 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| id | number | 是 | - | - |  | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=offAppThemeChange&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=offAppThemeChange&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=offAppThemeChange&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=offAppThemeChange&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=offAppThemeChange&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=offAppThemeChange)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=offAppThemeChange&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.themeChange.offAppThemeChange)"
  "themeChange": {
    "example": "## 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/theme-change/theme-change.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\r\n  <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\r\n    <view class=\"uni-common-mt item-box\">\r\n      <text>osTheme:</text>\r\n      <text id=\"theme\">{{ osTheme }}</text>\r\n    </view>\n    <view class=\"uni-common-mt item-box\">\n      <text>应用当前主题:</text>\n      <text id=\"theme\">{{ appTheme }}</text>\n    </view>\n\n    <view>\n      <view class=\"uni-title uni-common-mt\">\n        <text class=\"uni-title-text\"> 修改appTheme主题(此处仅为演示API,本应用并未完整适配暗黑模式) </text>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n    <view class=\"uni-list uni-common-pl\">\n      <radio-group @change=\"radioChange\" class=\"radio-group\">\n        <radio class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd radio\" v-for=\"(item, index) in items\" :key=\"item\"\n          :class=\"index < items.length - 1 ? 'uni-list-cell-line' : ''\" :value=\"item\"\n          :checked=\"index === current\">\n          {{ item }}\n        </radio>\n      </radio-group>\n    </view>\n\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n<script>\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        osThemeChangeId: 0,\n        appThemeChangeId: 0,\n        osTheme: \"light\" as string,\n        appTheme: \"light\" as string,\n        originalTheme: \"light\" as string,\n        current: 0,\n        items: [\n          \"light\",\n          \"dark\",\n          \"auto\"\n        ] as string[]\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      bindOsThemeChange(): number {\n        //注册osTheme变化监听\n        return uni.onOsThemeChange((res: OsThemeChangeResult)=> {\n          this.osTheme = res.osTheme\n        })\n      },\n      bindAppThemeChange(): number {\n        //注册appTheme变化监听\n        return uni.onAppThemeChange((res: AppThemeChangeResult) => {\n          this.appTheme = res.appTheme\n        })\n      },\n      radioChange(e : UniRadioGroupChangeEvent) {\n        const theme = e.detail.value\n        this.setAppTheme(theme)\n        uni.showToast({\n          icon: 'none',\n          title: '当前选中:'+theme,\n        })\n      },\n      setAppTheme(value: string) {\n        uni.setAppTheme({\n          theme: value,\n          success: function() {\n            console.log(\"设置appTheme为\", value, \"成功\")\n          },\n          fail: function(e: IAppThemeFail) {\n            console.log(\"设置appTheme为\", value, \"失败,原因:\", e.errMsg)\n          }\n        })\n      }\n    },\n    onReady() {\n      uni.getSystemInfo({\n        success: (res:GetSystemInfoResult) => {\n          this.osTheme = res.osTheme!\n          this.originalTheme = res.appTheme!\n          this.appTheme = res.appTheme == \"auto\" ? res.osTheme! : res.appTheme!\n          this.current = this.items.indexOf(res.appTheme!)\n        }\n      })\n      this.osThemeChangeId = this.bindOsThemeChange()\n      this.appThemeChangeId = this.bindAppThemeChange()\n    },\n    onUnload() {\n      //注销监听\n      uni.offAppThemeChange(this.appThemeChangeId)\n      uni.offOsThemeChange(this.osThemeChangeId)\n      uni.showToast({\n        \"position\":\"bottom\",\n        \"title\":\"已停止监听主题切换\"\n      })\n    }\n  }\r\n</script>\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .item-box {\r\n    display: flex;\r\n    flex-direction: row;\r\n    justify-content: space-between;\r\n  }\n  .uni-list-cell {\n    justify-content: flex-start;\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```"
  "getLocale": {
    "name": "## uni.getLocale() @getlocale",
    "description": "获取当前设置的语言<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### getLocale  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| string |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/ui/locale.html#getlocale)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getLocale&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getLocale&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getLocale&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getLocale&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getLocale&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getLocale)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getLocale&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.locale.getLocale)"
  "setLocale": {
    "name": "## uni.setLocale(locale) @setlocale",
    "description": "设置当前语言<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### setLocale  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| locale | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/ui/locale.html#setlocale)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=setLocale&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=setLocale&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=setLocale&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=setLocale&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=setLocale&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=setLocale)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=setLocale&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.locale.setLocale)"
  "onLocaleChange": {
    "name": "## uni.onLocaleChange(callback) @onlocalechange",
    "description": "设置当前语言<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### onLocaleChange  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [OnLocaleChangeCallbackResult](#onlocalechangecallbackresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n#### OnLocaleChangeCallbackResult 的属性值 @onlocalechangecallbackresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| locale | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 当前语言 |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/ui/locale.html#onlocalechange)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onLocaleChange&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onLocaleChange&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onLocaleChange&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onLocaleChange&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onLocaleChange&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onLocaleChange)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onLocaleChange&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ui.locale.onLocaleChange)"
  "request": {
    "name": "## uni.request(param) @request",
    "description": "发起网络请求。",
    "compatibility": "### request  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| param | [RequestOptions\\<T>](#requestoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | 网络请求参数 |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| url | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 开发者服务器接口地址<br/> |\n@| data | any \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 请求的参数 UTSJSONObject\\|string类型 |\n@| header | [UTSJSONObject](/uts/buildin-object-api/utsjsonobject.md) \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设置请求的 header,header 中不能设置 Referer |\n@| method | \"GET\" \\| \"POST\" \\| \"PUT\" \\| \"PATCH\" \\| \"DELETE\" \\| \"HEAD\" \\| \"OPTIONS\" | 否 | \"GET\" | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 请求方法<br/>- GET  GET方法请求一个指定资源的表示形式,使用 GET 的请求应该只被用于获取数据。<br/>- POST  POST方法用于将实体提交到指定的资源,通常导致在服务器上的状态变化或副作用。<br/>- PUT  PUT方法用有效载荷请求替换目标资源的所有当前表示。<br/>- PATCH  PATCH方法用于对资源应用部分修改。<br/>- DELETE  DELETE方法删除指定的资源。<br/>- HEAD  HEAD方法请求一个与GET请求的响应相同的响应,但没有响应体。 <br/>- OPTIONS  OPTIONS 方法用于描述目标资源的通信选项。 |\n@| timeout | number \\| null | 否 | 60000 | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 超时时间,单位 ms |\n@| withCredentials | boolean \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"x\",\"x\"]]}' /> | 跨域请求时是否携带凭证(cookies)<br/> |\n@| success | (option: [RequestSuccess\\<T>](#requestsuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 网络请求成功回调。 |\n@| fail | (option: [RequestFail](#requestfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 网络请求失败回调。 |\n@| complete | (option: any) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 网络请求完成回调,成功或者失败都会调用。 | \n\n##### RequestSuccess\\<T> 的属性值 @requestsuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| data | T \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 开发者服务器返回的数据 |\n| statusCode | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 开发者服务器返回的 HTTP 状态码 |\n| header | any | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 开发者服务器返回的 HTTP Response Header |\n| cookies | Array\\<string\\> | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 开发者服务器返回的 cookies,格式为字符串数组 |\n\n##### RequestFail 的属性值 @requestfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 5 \\| 1000 \\| 100001 \\| 100002 \\| 600003 \\| 600009 \\| 602001 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 5 接口超时<br/>- 1000 服务端系统错误<br/>- 100001 json数据解析错误<br/>- 100002 错误信息json解析失败<br/>- 600003 网络中断<br/>- 600009 URL格式不合法<br/>- 602001 request系统错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [RequestTask](#requesttask-values) |\n\n#### RequestTask 的方法 @requesttask-values \n\n#### abort() @abort\n中断网络请求。\n##### abort  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n\n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/request/request.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=request&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=request&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=request&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=request&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=request&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=request)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=request&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.network.request)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/request/request.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/request/request\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <view style=\"flex: 1;\">\r\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-common-mt\" style=\"border-width: 2px;border-style: solid; border-radius: 4px;\">\r\n        <textarea :value=\"res\" class=\"uni-textarea\" style=\"width: 100%;\"></textarea>\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view>\r\n        <text>地址 : {{ host + url}}</text>\r\n        <text>请求方式 : {{method}}</text>\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v uni-common-mt\">\r\n        <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"sendRequest\">发起请求</button>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n    <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1;\" show-scrollbar=\"true\">\r\n      <view style=\"padding: 20px;\">\r\n        <text>设置请求方式</text>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-common-pb\"></view>\r\n        <view style=\"flex-direction: row;flex-wrap: wrap;\">\r\n          <button style=\"padding: 5px; margin-right: 10px;\" type=\"primary\" size=\"mini\"\r\n            @click=\"changeMethod('GET')\">GET</button>\r\n          <button style=\"padding: 5px; margin-right: 10px; \" type=\"primary\" size=\"mini\"\r\n            @click=\"changeMethod('POST')\">POST</button>\r\n          <button style=\"padding: 5px; margin-right: 10px; \" type=\"primary\" size=\"mini\"\r\n            @click=\"changeMethod('PUT')\">PUT</button>\r\n          <button style=\"padding: 5px; margin-right: 10px;\" type=\"primary\" size=\"mini\"\r\n            @click=\"changeMethod('DELETE')\">DELETE</button>\r\n          <button style=\"padding: 5px; margin-right: 10px; \" type=\"primary\" size=\"mini\"\r\n            @click=\"changeMethod('PATCH')\">PATCH</button>\r\n          <button style=\"padding: 5px;margin-right: 10px;\" type=\"primary\" size=\"mini\"\r\n            @click=\"changeMethod('OPTIONS')\">OPTIONS</button>\r\n          <button style=\"padding: 5px;\" type=\"primary\" size=\"mini\" @click=\"changeMethod('HEAD')\">HEAD</button>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view style=\"padding: 20px;\">\r\n        <text>请求返回错误码的接口(默认为GET)</text>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-common-pb\"></view>\r\n        <view style=\"flex-direction: row;flex-wrap: wrap;\">\r\n          <button style=\"padding: 5px;\" type=\"primary\" size=\"mini\" v-for=\"(item, index) in errorCodeUrls\" :key=\"index\"\r\n            @click=\"changeUrl(item)\">{{item}}</button>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view style=\"padding: 20px;\">\r\n        <text>请求不同header的接口(默认为GET)</text>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-common-pb\"></view>\r\n        <view style=\"flex-direction: row;flex-wrap: wrap;\">\r\n          <button style=\"padding: 5px;\" type=\"primary\" size=\"mini\" v-for=\"(item, index) in headerUrls\" :key=\"index\"\r\n            @click=\"changeUrl(item)\">{{item}}</button>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view style=\"padding: 20px;\">\r\n        <text>请求不同content-type的接口(默认为GET)</text>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-common-pb\"></view>\r\n        <view style=\"flex-direction: row;flex-wrap: wrap;\">\r\n          <button style=\"padding: 5px;\" type=\"primary\" size=\"mini\" v-for=\"(item, index) in contentTypeUrls\" :key=\"index\"\r\n            @click=\"changeUrl(item)\">{{item}}</button>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n\r\n      <view style=\"padding: 20px;\">\r\n        <text>POST请求(有body)</text>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-common-pb\"></view>\r\n        <view style=\"flex-direction: row;flex-wrap: wrap;\">\r\n          <button style=\"padding: 5px;\" type=\"primary\" size=\"mini\" v-for=\"(item, index) in postUrls\" :key=\"index\"\r\n            @click=\"changeUrlFromPost(item)\">{{item}}</button>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </scroll-view>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  // #ifdef APP\n  import {\n    testInovkeRequest,\n    CommonOptions\n  } from '@/uni_modules/test-invoke-network-api'\n  // #endif\n\n  class GETDataType {\n    data: UTSJSONObject | null = null\n  }\n\r\n  const duration = 2000\r\n  const methodMap = {\r\n    \"GET\": \"/api/http/method/get\",\r\n    \"POST\": \"/api/http/method/post\",\r\n    \"PUT\": \"/api/http/method/put\",\r\n    \"DELETE\": \"/api/http/method/delete\",\r\n    \"PATCH\": \"/api/http/method/patch\",\r\n    \"OPTIONS\": \"/api/http/method/options\",\r\n    \"HEAD\": \"/api/http/method/head\"\r\n  }\r\n\r\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'request',\r\n        res: '',\r\n        task: null as RequestTask | null,\r\n        host: \"https://request.dcloud.net.cn\",\r\n        url: \"/api/http/method/get\",\r\n        method: \"GET\" as RequestMethod | null,\r\n        data: null as any | null,\r\n        header: null as UTSJSONObject | null,\r\n        errorCodeUrls: [\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/200\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/204\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/301\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/302\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/307\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/400\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/401\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/403\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/404\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/405\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/500\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/502\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/503\",\r\n          \"/api/http/statusCode/504\",\r\n        ],\r\n        headerUrls: [\r\n          \"/api/http/header/ua\",\r\n          \"/api/http/header/referer\",\r\n          \"/api/http/header/requestCookie\",\r\n          \"/api/http/header/setCookie\",\r\n          \"/api/http/header/deleteCookie\"\r\n        ],\r\n        contentTypeUrls: [\r\n          \"/api/http/contentType/text/plain\",\r\n          \"/api/http/contentType/text/html\",\r\n          \"/api/http/contentType/text/xml\",\r\n          \"/api/http/contentType/image/gif\",\r\n          \"/api/http/contentType/image/jpeg\",\r\n          \"/api/http/contentType/image/png\",\r\n          \"/api/http/contentType/application/json\",\r\n          \"/api/http/contentType/application/octetStream\",\r\n        ],\r\n        postUrls: [\r\n          \"/api/http/contentType/json\",\r\n          \"/api/http/contentType/xWwwFormUrlencoded\",\r\n        ],\r\n        //自动化测试例专用\r\n        jest_result: false,\n        jest_result_data: \"\"\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onLoad() {\r\n    },\r\n    onUnload() {\r\n      uni.hideLoading();\r\n      this.task?.abort();\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      changeMethod(e : RequestMethod) {\r\n        this.method = e;\r\n        this.url = methodMap[e] as string;\r\n        this.data = null;\r\n        this.header = null;\r\n      },\r\n      changeUrl(e : string) {\r\n        this.method = \"GET\";\r\n        this.url = e;\r\n        this.data = null;\r\n        this.header = null;\r\n      },\r\n      changeUrlFromPost(e : string) {\r\n        this.method = \"POST\";\r\n        this.url = e;\r\n        switch (e) {\r\n          case \"/api/http/contentType/json\":\r\n            this.header = {\r\n              \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"\r\n            };\r\n            this.data = {\r\n              \"hello\": \"world\"\r\n            };\r\n            break;\r\n          case \"/api/http/contentType/xWwwFormUrlencoded\":\r\n            this.header = {\r\n              \"Content-Type\": \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"\r\n            };\r\n            this.data = \"hello=world\";\r\n            break;\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      sendRequest() {\r\n        uni.showLoading({\r\n          title: \"请求中...\"\r\n        })\r\n        this.task = uni.request({\r\n          url: this.host + this.url,\r\n          // dataType: \"json\",\r\n          // responseType: \"json\",\r\n          method: this.method,\r\n          data: this.data,\r\n          header: this.header,\r\n          timeout: 6000,\r\n          sslVerify: false,\r\n          withCredentials: false,\r\n          firstIpv4: false,\r\n          success: (res) => {\r\n            console.log('request success', JSON.stringify(res.data))\r\n            console.log('request success header is :', JSON.stringify(res.header))\r\n            uni.showToast({\r\n              title: '请求成功',\r\n              icon: 'success',\r\n              mask: true,\r\n              duration: duration\r\n            });\r\n            this.res = '请求结果 : ' + JSON.stringify(res);\r\n          },\r\n          fail: (err) => {\r\n            console.log('request fail', err);\r\n            uni.showModal({\r\n              content: err.errMsg,\r\n              showCancel: false\r\n            });\r\n          },\r\n          complete: () => {\r\n            uni.hideLoading()\r\n          },\r\n        });\r\n      },\r\n      //自动化测试例专用\r\n      jest_request() {\r\n        uni.request({\r\n          url: this.host + this.url,\r\n          // dataType: \"json\",\r\n          // responseType: \"json\",\r\n          method: this.method,\r\n          data: this.data,\r\n          header: this.header,\r\n          timeout: 6000,\r\n          sslVerify: false,\r\n          withCredentials: false,\r\n          firstIpv4: false,\r\n          success: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = true;\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false;\r\n          },\r\n        });\r\n      },\r\n      jest_set_cookie() {\r\n        uni.request({\r\n          url: this.host + \"/api/http/header/setCookie\",\r\n          method: \"GET\",\r\n          timeout: 6000,\r\n          sslVerify: false,\r\n          withCredentials: false,\r\n          firstIpv4: false,\r\n          success: () => {\r\n            this.jest_cookie_request(true)\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false;\r\n          },\r\n        });\r\n      },\n      jest_set_cookie_expires(){\n        uni.request({\n          url: this.host + \"/api/http/header/setCookie?expires=5\",\n          method: \"GET\",\n          timeout: 6000,\n          sslVerify: false,\n          withCredentials: false,\n          firstIpv4: false,\n          success: () => {\n            this.jest_cookie_request(true)\n          },\n          fail: () => {\n            this.jest_result = false;\n          },\n        });\n      },\r\n      jest_delete_cookie() {\r\n        uni.request({\r\n          url: this.host + \"/api/http/header/deleteCookie\",\r\n          method: \"GET\",\r\n          timeout: 6000,\r\n          sslVerify: false,\r\n          withCredentials: false,\r\n          firstIpv4: false,\r\n          success: () => {\r\n            this.jest_cookie_request(false)\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false;\r\n          },\r\n        });\r\n      },\r\n      jest_cookie_request(needCookie : boolean) {\r\n        uni.request({\r\n          url: this.host + \"/api/http/header/requestCookie\",\r\n          method: \"GET\",\r\n          timeout: 6000,\r\n          sslVerify: false,\r\n          withCredentials: false,\r\n          firstIpv4: false,\r\n          success: (res) => {\n            const requestCookie = (res.data as UTSJSONObject).getJSON(\"data\")?.getAny(\"requestCookie\")\r\n            console.log(\"requestCookie \", requestCookie);\n            this.jest_result_data = JSON.stringify(requestCookie)\r\n            if (requestCookie instanceof Array) {\r\n              this.jest_result = needCookie ? requestCookie.length > 0 : requestCookie.length == 0\r\n            } else {\r\n              this.jest_result = needCookie ? (requestCookie as UTSJSONObject).toMap().size > 0 : (requestCookie as UTSJSONObject).toMap().size == 0\r\n            }\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false;\r\n          },\r\n        });\r\n      },\r\n      jest_timeout_null() {\r\n        uni.request({\r\n          url: this.host + (methodMap['GET'] as string),\r\n          method: \"GET\",\r\n          timeout: null,\r\n          sslVerify: false,\r\n          withCredentials: false,\r\n          firstIpv4: false,\r\n          success: () => {\n            this.jest_result = true;\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false;\r\n          },\r\n        });\r\n      },\n      jest_get_with_data() {\n        uni.request({\n          url: \"https://unidemo.dcloud.net.cn/api/banner/36kr\",\n          method: \"GET\",\n          data:{\n            column: 'id,post_id,title,author_name,cover,published_at' //需要的字段名\n          },\n          timeout: 6000,\n          sslVerify: false,\n          withCredentials: false,\n          firstIpv4: false,\n          success: () => {\n            this.jest_result = true;\n          },\n          fail: () => {\n            this.jest_result = false;\n          },\n        });\n      },\n      jest_get_with_generics() {\n        uni.request<GETDataType>({\n          url: this.host + (methodMap['GET'] as string),\n          method: \"GET\",\n          timeout: null,\n          sslVerify: false,\n          withCredentials: false,\n          firstIpv4: false,\n          success: (res: RequestSuccess<GETDataType>) => {\n            console.log(\"success :\", res.data?.data);\n            this.jest_result = true;\n          },\n          fail: () => {\n            this.jest_result = false;\n          },\n        });\n      },\n      jest_get_array() {\n        uni.request<UTSJSONObject[]>({\n          url: 'https://unidemo.dcloud.net.cn/api/news?column=title,author_name,cover,published_at',\n          method: \"GET\",\n          success: (res : RequestSuccess<UTSJSONObject[]>) => {\n            console.log(res)\n            if (res.statusCode == 200 && Array.isArray(res.data)) {\n              this.jest_result = true\n            } else {\n              this.jest_result = false\n            }\n          },\n          fail: () => {\n            this.jest_result = false\n          }\n        });\n      },\n      jest_uts_module_invoked(){\n        // #ifdef APP\n        testInovkeRequest({\n          success:(res: any)=>{\n            console.log(\"success :\", res);\n            this.jest_result = true\n          },\n          fail:(err: any)=>{\n            console.log(\"fail :\", err);\n            this.jest_result = false\n          }\n        } as CommonOptions)\n        // #endif\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "uploadFile": {
    "name": "## uni.uploadFile(options) @uploadfile",
    "description": "将本地资源上传到开发者服务器。",
    "compatibility": "### uploadFile  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [UploadFileOptions](#uploadfileoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| url | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 开发者服务器 url |\n@| filePath | string \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 要上传文件资源的路径, 支持uni.env |\n@| name | string \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 文件对应的 key , 开发者在服务器端通过这个 key 可以获取到文件二进制内容 |\n@| files | Array\\<**UploadFileOptionFiles**\\> \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 需要上传的文件列表。 |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| name | string \\| null | 否 | \"file\" | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | multipart 提交时,表单的项目名,默认为 file,如果 name 不填或填的值相同,可能导致服务端读取文件时只能读取到一个文件。 |\n@@| uri | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 要上传文件资源的路径 |\n@@| file | any \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 要上传的文件对象 |\n@| header | [UTSJSONObject](/uts/buildin-object-api/utsjsonobject.md) \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | HTTP 请求 Header, header 中不能设置 Referer |\n@| formData | [UTSJSONObject](/uts/buildin-object-api/utsjsonobject.md) \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | HTTP 请求中其他额外的 form data |\n@| timeout | number \\| null | 否 | 120000 | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 超时时间,单位 ms |\n@| success | (result: [UploadFileSuccess](#uploadfilesuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 成功返回的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [UploadFileFail](#uploadfilefail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### UploadFileSuccess 的属性值 @uploadfilesuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| data | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 开发者服务器返回的数据 |\n| statusCode | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 开发者服务器返回的 HTTP 状态码 |\n\n##### UploadFileFail 的属性值 @uploadfilefail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 5 \\| 1000 \\| 100001 \\| 100002 \\| 600003 \\| 600009 \\| 602001 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 5 接口超时<br/>- 1000 服务端系统错误<br/>- 100001 json数据解析错误<br/>- 100002 错误信息json解析失败<br/>- 600003 网络中断<br/>- 600009 URL格式不合法<br/>- 602001 request系统错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [UploadTask](#uploadtask-values) |\n\n#### UploadTask 的方法 @uploadtask-values \n\n#### abort() @abort\n中断上传任务。\n##### abort  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n\n\n\n#### onProgressUpdate(callback) @onprogressupdate\n监听上传进度变化。\n##### onProgressUpdate  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [OnProgressUpdateResult](#onprogressupdateresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n###### OnProgressUpdateResult 的属性值 @onprogressupdateresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| progress | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 上传进度百分比 |\n| totalBytesSent | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 已经上传的数据长度,单位 Bytes |\n| totalBytesExpectedToSend | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 预期需要上传的数据总长度,单位 Bytes |\n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/request/network-file.html#uploadfile)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=uploadFile&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=uploadFile&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=uploadFile&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=uploadFile&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=uploadFile&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=uploadFile)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=uploadFile&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.network.uploadFile)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/upload-file/upload-file.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/upload-file/upload-file\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  <scroll-view class=\"page-scroll-view\">\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n    <view>\r\n      <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt\">\r\n        <view class=\"demo\">\r\n          <image v-if=\"imageSrc\" :src=\"imageSrc\" class=\"image\" mode=\"widthFix\"></image>\r\n          <text v-else class=\"uni-hello-addfile\" @click=\"chooseImage\">+ 选择图片</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  </scroll-view>\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .image {\r\n    width: 100%;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .demo {\r\n    background: #fff;\r\n    padding: 25px;\r\n    justify-content: center;\r\n    align-items: center;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .uni-hello-addfile {\r\n    text-align: center;\r\n    background: #fff;\r\n    padding: 25px;\r\n    margin-top: 10px;\r\n    font-size: 19px;\r\n    color: #808080;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  // #ifdef APP\r\n  import {\r\n    testInovkeUploadFile,\r\n    CommonOptions\r\n  } from '@/uni_modules/test-invoke-network-api'\r\n  // #endif\r\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'uploadFile',\r\n        imageSrc: '',\r\n        task: null as UploadTask | null,\r\n        //自动化测试例专用\r\n        jest_result: false,\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onLoad() {\r\n    },\r\n    onUnload() {\r\n      this.imageSrc = '';\r\n      uni.hideLoading();\r\n      this.task?.abort();\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      chooseImage: function () {\r\n        uni.chooseImage({\r\n          count: 1,\r\n          sizeType: ['compressed'],\r\n          sourceType: ['album'],\r\n          success: (res) => {\r\n            console.log('chooseImage success, temp path is', res.tempFilePaths[0])\r\n            var imageSrc = res.tempFilePaths[0]\r\n            uni.showLoading({\r\n              title: '上传中'\r\n            })\r\n            this.task = uni.uploadFile({\r\n              url: 'https://unidemo.dcloud.net.cn/upload', //仅为示例,非真实的接口地址\r\n              filePath: imageSrc,\r\n              name: 'file',\r\n              formData: {\r\n                'user': 'test'\r\n              },\r\n              success: (res) => {\r\n                console.log('uploadImage success, res is:', res)\r\n                uni.hideLoading();\r\n                uni.showToast({\r\n                  title: '上传成功',\r\n                  icon: 'success',\r\n                  duration: 1000\r\n                })\r\n                this.imageSrc = imageSrc\r\n              },\r\n              fail: (err) => {\r\n                console.log('uploadImage fail', err);\r\n                uni.hideLoading();\r\n                uni.showModal({\r\n                  content: err.errMsg,\r\n                  showCancel: false\r\n                });\r\n              },\r\n            });\r\n          },\r\n          fail: (err) => {\r\n            console.log('chooseImage fail', err)\r\n          }\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      //自动化测试例专用\r\n      jest_uploadFile() {\r\n        const imageSrc = \"/static/uni.png\";\r\n        this.task = uni.uploadFile({\r\n          url: 'https://unidemo.dcloud.net.cn/upload', //仅为示例,非真实的接口地址\r\n          filePath: imageSrc,\r\n          name: 'file',\r\n          formData: {\r\n            'user': 'test'\r\n          },\r\n          success: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = true;\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false;\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      jest_uploadFile_with_uni_env() {\n        const filePath = `${uni.env.CACHE_PATH}/download/uni-app.png`\r\n        uni.downloadFile({\r\n          url: \"https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/unidoc/zh/uni-app.png\",\r\n          filePath: filePath,\r\n          success: () => {\r\n            uni.uploadFile({\n              url: 'https://unidemo.dcloud.net.cn/upload', //仅为示例,非真实的接口地址\n              filePath: filePath,\n              name: 'file',\n              success: () => {\n                this.jest_result = true;\n              },\n              fail: () => {\n                this.jest_result = false;\n              },\n            })\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false\r\n          }\r\n        });\r\n      },\r\n      jest_set_cookie() {\r\n        uni.request({\r\n          url: \"https://request.dcloud.net.cn/api/http/header/setCookie\",\r\n          method: \"GET\",\r\n          timeout: 6000,\r\n          sslVerify: false,\r\n          withCredentials: false,\r\n          firstIpv4: false,\r\n          success: () => {\r\n            this.jest_cookie_upload(true)\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false;\r\n          },\r\n        });\r\n      },\r\n\r\n      jest_delete_cookie() {\r\n        uni.request({\r\n          url: \"https://request.dcloud.net.cn/api/http/header/deleteCookie\",\r\n          method: \"GET\",\r\n          timeout: 6000,\r\n          sslVerify: false,\r\n          withCredentials: false,\r\n          firstIpv4: false,\r\n          success: () => {\r\n            this.jest_cookie_upload(false)\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false;\r\n          },\r\n        });\r\n      },\r\n      jest_cookie_upload(needCookie : boolean) {\r\n        const imageSrc = \"/static/uni.png\";\r\n        this.task = uni.uploadFile({\r\n          url: 'https://request.dcloud.net.cn/api/http/header/upload',\r\n          filePath: imageSrc,\r\n          name: 'file',\r\n          success: (res : UploadFileSuccess) => {\r\n            const data = JSON.parseObject(res.data)\r\n            const errCode = data?.getNumber(\"errCode\")\r\n            if (errCode != null && errCode == 1000) {\r\n              this.jest_result = needCookie ? false : true;\r\n            } else {\r\n              this.jest_result = needCookie ? true : false;\r\n            }\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false;\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      jest_files_upload() {\r\n        const imageSrc = \"/static/uni.png\";\r\n        this.task = uni.uploadFile({\r\n          url: 'https://unidemo.dcloud.net.cn/upload',\r\n          files: [\r\n            {\r\n              name: \"file1\",\r\n              uri: imageSrc\r\n            } as UploadFileOptionFiles,\r\n            {\r\n              name: \"file2\",\r\n              uri: imageSrc\r\n            } as UploadFileOptionFiles\r\n          ],\r\n          success: (res : UploadFileSuccess) => {\r\n            if (res.statusCode == 200) {\r\n              this.jest_result = true;\r\n            }\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false;\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      jest_uts_module_invoked() {\r\n        // #ifdef APP\r\n        testInovkeUploadFile({\r\n          success: (res : any) => {\r\n            console.log(\"success :\", res);\r\n            this.jest_result = true\r\n          },\r\n          fail: (err : any) => {\r\n            console.log(\"fail :\", err);\r\n            this.jest_result = false\r\n          }\r\n        } as CommonOptions)\r\n        // #endif\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "downloadFile": {
    "name": "## uni.downloadFile(options) @downloadfile",
    "description": "下载文件资源到本地,客户端直接发起一个 HTTP GET 请求,返回文件的本地临时路径。",
    "compatibility": "### downloadFile  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [DownloadFileOptions](#downloadfileoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| url | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 下载资源的 url |\n@| header | [UTSJSONObject](/uts/buildin-object-api/utsjsonobject.md) \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | HTTP 请求 Header,header 中不能设置 Referer |\n@| filePath | string \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 指定文件下载路径<br/>支持相对路径与绝对路径,例:<br/>`/imgs/pic.png`、`/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.dcloud.HBuilder/apps/HBuilder/temp/imgs/pic.png`<br/>并且支持指定下载目录,例:<br/>`/imgs/`<br/>支持uni.env的平台兼容性:Android自3.9开始支持uni.env,iOS自4.13开始支持uni.env |\n@| timeout | number \\| null | 否 | 120000 | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 超时时间,单位 ms |\n@| success | (result: [DownloadFileSuccess](#downloadfilesuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 下载成功后以 tempFilePath 的形式传给页面,res = {tempFilePath: '文件的临时路径'} |\n@| fail | (result: [DownloadFileFail](#downloadfilefail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### DownloadFileSuccess 的属性值 @downloadfilesuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| tempFilePath | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 临时文件路径,下载后的文件会存储到一个临时文件 |\n| statusCode | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 开发者服务器返回的 HTTP 状态码 |\n\n##### DownloadFileFail 的属性值 @downloadfilefail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 5 \\| 1000 \\| 100001 \\| 100002 \\| 600003 \\| 600009 \\| 602001 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 5 接口超时<br/>- 1000 服务端系统错误<br/>- 100001 json数据解析错误<br/>- 100002 错误信息json解析失败<br/>- 600003 网络中断<br/>- 600009 URL格式不合法<br/>- 602001 request系统错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [DownloadTask](#downloadtask-values) |\n\n#### DownloadTask 的方法 @downloadtask-values \n\n#### abort() @abort\n中断下载任务。\n##### abort  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n\n\n\n#### onProgressUpdate(callback) @onprogressupdate\n监听下载进度变化。\n##### onProgressUpdate  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [OnProgressDownloadResult](#onprogressdownloadresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n###### OnProgressDownloadResult 的属性值 @onprogressdownloadresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| progress | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 下载进度百分比 |\n| totalBytesWritten | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 已经下载的数据长度,单位 Bytes |\n| totalBytesExpectedToWrite | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 预期需要下载的数据总长度,单位 Bytes |\n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/request/network-file.html#downloadfile)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=downloadFile&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=downloadFile&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=downloadFile&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=downloadFile&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=downloadFile&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=downloadFile)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=downloadFile&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.network.downloadFile)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/download-file/download-file.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/download-file/download-file\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1\">\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n    <view>\r\n      <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n      <view>\r\n        <view v-if=\"imageSrc\">\r\n          <image class=\"img\" :src=\"imageSrc\" mode=\"aspectFit\" />\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view v-else style=\"margin: 10px;\">\r\n          <text class=\"uni-hello-text\">点击按钮下载服务端示例图片(下载网络文件到本地临时目录)</text>\r\n          <button type=\"primary\" @tap=\"downloadImage\">下载</button>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  </scroll-view>\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .img {\r\n    margin: 0 auto;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n\n  // #ifdef APP\n  import {\n    testInovkeDownloadFile,\n    CommonOptions\n  } from '@/uni_modules/test-invoke-network-api'\n  // #endif\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'downloadFile',\r\n        imageSrc: '',\r\n        task: null as DownloadTask | null,\r\n        //自动化测试例专用\r\n        jest_result: false\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onLoad() {\r\n    },\r\n    onUnload() {\r\n      // this.imageSrc = '';\r\n      uni.hideLoading();\r\n      this.task?.abort();\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      downloadImage: function () {\r\n        uni.showLoading({\r\n          title: '下载中'\r\n        })\r\n        var self = this\r\n        this.task = uni.downloadFile({\r\n          url: \"https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/unidoc/zh/uni-app.png\",\r\n          success: (res) => {\r\n            console.log('downloadFile success, res is', res.tempFilePath)\r\n            self.imageSrc = res.tempFilePath;\r\n            uni.hideLoading();\r\n          },\r\n          fail: (err) => {\r\n            console.log('downloadFile fail, err is:', err)\r\n            uni.hideLoading();\r\n          }\r\n        });\r\n        this.task?.onProgressUpdate((update) => {\r\n          console.log(\"progress : \", update.progress);\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      //自动化测试例专用\r\n      jest_downloadFile() {\r\n        uni.downloadFile({\r\n          url: \"https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/unidoc/zh/uni-app.png\",\r\n          success: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = true\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false\r\n          }\r\n        });\r\n      },\n\n      jest_downloadFile_with_uni_env() {\n        uni.downloadFile({\n          url: \"https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/unidoc/zh/uni-app.png\",\n          filePath: `${uni.env.CACHE_PATH}/a/b/`,\n          success: () => {\n            this.jest_result = true\n          },\n          fail: () => {\n            this.jest_result = false\n          }\n        });\n      },\n\n      jest_set_cookie(){\n        uni.request({\n          url: \"https://request.dcloud.net.cn/api/http/header/setCookie\",\n          method: \"GET\",\n          timeout: 6000,\n          sslVerify: false,\n          withCredentials: true,\n          firstIpv4: false,\n          success: () => {\n            this.jest_cookie_download(true)\n          },\n          fail: () => {\n            this.jest_result = false;\n          },\n        });\n      },\n\n      jest_delete_cookie(){\n        uni.request({\n          url: \"https://request.dcloud.net.cn/api/http/header/deleteCookie\",\n          method: \"GET\",\n          timeout: 6000,\n          sslVerify: false,\n          withCredentials: true,\n          firstIpv4: false,\n          success: () => {\n            this.jest_cookie_download(false)\n          },\n          fail: () => {\n            this.jest_result = false;\n          },\n        });\n      },\n      jest_cookie_download(needCookie: boolean){\n        uni.downloadFile({\n          url: \"https://request.dcloud.net.cn/api/http/header/download\",\n          success: () => {\n            this.jest_result = needCookie ? true : false;\n          },\n          fail: () => {\n            this.jest_result = needCookie ? false : true;\n          }\n        });\n      },\n      jest_uts_module_invoked(){\n        // #ifdef APP\n        testInovkeDownloadFile({\n          success:(res: any)=>{\n            console.log(\"success :\", res);\n            this.jest_result = true\n          },\n          fail:(err: any)=>{\n            console.log(\"fail :\", err);\n            this.jest_result = false\n          }\n        } as CommonOptions)\n        // #endif\n      },\n      jest_special_characters_download(){\n        uni.downloadFile({\n          url: \"https://web-ext-storage.dcloud.net.cn/hello-uni-app-x/1789834995055525889-你好%23你好.png\",\n          success: (res: DownloadFileSuccess) => {\n            this.jest_result = true;\n            console.log(\"res :\", res);\n          },\n          fail: () => {\n            this.jest_result = false;\n          }\n        });\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "getNetworkType": {
    "name": "## uni.getNetworkType(options) @getnetworktype",
    "description": "获取网络类型",
    "compatibility": "### getNetworkType  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [GetNetworkTypeOptions](#getnetworktypeoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (result: [GetNetworkTypeSuccess](#getnetworktypesuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### GetNetworkTypeSuccess 的属性值 @getnetworktypesuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| networkType | string | 是 | - | - | 网络类型 |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/network?id=getnetworktype)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getNetworkType&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getNetworkType&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getNetworkType&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getNetworkType&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getNetworkType&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getNetworkType)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getNetworkType&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.network.getNetworkType)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-network-type/get-network-type.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-network-type/get-network-type\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n  <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt\">\r\n    <view style=\"background:#FFFFFF; padding:20px;\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-center\">网络状态</view>\r\n      <view v-if=\"hasNetworkType == false\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-center uni-common-mt\">未获取</view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-center uni-common-mt\">请点击下面按钮获取网络状态</view>\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view v-if=\"hasNetworkType == true\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-center uni-common-mt\">{{networkType}}</view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-btn-v uni-common-mt\">\r\n      <button type=\"primary\" @tap=\"getNetworkType\">获取设备网络状态</button>\r\n      <button class=\"uni-common-mt\" @tap=\"clear\">清空</button>\r\n    </view>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'getNetworkType',\r\n        hasNetworkType: false,\r\n        networkType: '',\r\n        connectedWifi: '',\r\n        //自动化测试例专用\r\n        jest_result: false,\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onLoad() {\r\n    },\r\n    onUnload: function () {\r\n      this.networkType = '';\r\n      this.hasNetworkType = false;\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      getNetworkType: function () {\r\n        uni.getNetworkType({\r\n          success: (res) => {\r\n            console.log(res)\r\n            this.hasNetworkType = true;\r\n            this.networkType = res.networkType\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            uni.showModal({\r\n              content: '获取失败!',\r\n              showCancel: false\r\n            })\r\n          }\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      clear: function () {\r\n        this.hasNetworkType = false;\r\n        this.networkType = '';\r\n        this.connectedWifi = '';\r\n      },\r\n      //自动化测试例专用\r\n      jest_getNetworkType() {\r\n        uni.getNetworkType({\r\n          success: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = true;\r\n          },\r\n          fail: () => {\r\n            this.jest_result = false;\r\n          }\r\n        })\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "connectSocket": {
    "name": "## uni.connectSocket(options) @connectsocket",
    "description": "创建一个 WebSocket 连接。",
    "compatibility": "### connectSocket  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ConnectSocketOptions](#connectsocketoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| url | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 开发者服务器接口地址 |\n@| header | [UTSJSONObject](/uts/buildin-object-api/utsjsonobject.md) \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 如果属性名存在,且类型为UTSJSONObject返回对应的结果,不存在返回null |\n@| protocols | Array\\<string\\> \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 子协议数组 |\n@| success | (result: [ConnectSocketSuccess](#connectsocketsuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [ConnectSocketFail](#connectsocketfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### ConnectSocketSuccess 的属性值 @connectsocketsuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n##### ConnectSocketFail 的属性值 @connectsocketfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 600009 URL格式不合法 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [SocketTask](#sockettask-values) |\n\n#### SocketTask 的方法 @sockettask-values \n\n#### send(options) @send\n通过 WebSocket 连接发送数据\n##### send  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [SendSocketMessageOptions](#sendsocketmessageoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| data | any | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 需要发送的内容 |\n@| success | (result: [GeneralCallbackResult](#generalcallbackresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [SendSocketMessageFail](#sendsocketmessagefail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### SendSocketMessageFail 的属性值 @sendsocketmessagefail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 10001 \\| 10002 \\| 602001 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 10001 发送数据超限,发送队列不能超过16M大小。<br/>- 10002 websocket未连接<br/>- 602001 websocket系统错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n\n#### close(options) @close\n关闭 WebSocket 连接\n##### close  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **CloseSocketOptions** | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| code | number \\| null | 否 | 1000 | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 一个数字值表示关闭连接的状态号,表示连接被关闭的原因。如果这个参数没有被指定,默认的取值是1000 (表示正常连接关闭) |\n@| reason | string \\| null | 否 | \"\" | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 一个可读的字符串,表示连接被关闭的原因。这个字符串必须是不长于123字节的UTF-8 文本(不是字符) |\n@| success | (result: [GeneralCallbackResult](#generalcallbackresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [GeneralCallbackResult](#generalcallbackresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [GeneralCallbackResult](#generalcallbackresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### onOpen(callback) @onopen\n监听 WebSocket 连接打开事件\n##### onOpen  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | **OnSocketOpenCallbackResult** | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| header | any | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 连接成功的 HTTP 响应 Header | \n\n\n#### onClose(callback) @onclose\n监听 WebSocket 连接关闭事件\n##### onClose  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n\n#### onError(callback) @onerror\n监听 WebSocket 错误\n##### onError  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [GeneralCallbackResult](#generalcallbackresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n\n#### onMessage(callback) @onmessage\n监听 WebSocket 接受到服务器的消息事件\n##### onMessage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [OnSocketMessageCallbackResult](#onsocketmessagecallbackresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n###### OnSocketMessageCallbackResult 的属性值 @onsocketmessagecallbackresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| data | any | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 服务器返回的消息 |\n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/request/websocket.html#connectsocket)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=connectSocket&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=connectSocket&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=connectSocket&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=connectSocket&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=connectSocket&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=connectSocket)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=connectSocket&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.network.websocket.connectSocket)"
  "onSocketOpen": {
    "name": "## uni.onSocketOpen(options) @onsocketopen",
    "description": "监听WebSocket连接打开事件。",
    "compatibility": "### onSocketOpen  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | (result: [OnSocketOpenCallbackResult](#onsocketopencallbackresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/request/websocket.html#onsocketopen)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onSocketOpen&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onSocketOpen&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onSocketOpen&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onSocketOpen&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onSocketOpen&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onSocketOpen)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onSocketOpen&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.network.websocket.onSocketOpen)"
  "onSocketError": {
    "name": "## uni.onSocketError(callback) @onsocketerror",
    "description": "下载文件资源到本地,客户端直接发起一个 HTTP GET 请求,返回文件的本地临时路径。",
    "compatibility": "### onSocketError  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [OnSocketErrorCallbackResult](#onsocketerrorcallbackresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n#### OnSocketErrorCallbackResult 的属性值 @onsocketerrorcallbackresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | 错误信息 |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/request/websocket.html#onsocketerror)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onSocketError&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onSocketError&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onSocketError&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onSocketError&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onSocketError&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onSocketError)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onSocketError&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.network.websocket.onSocketError)"
  "sendSocketMessage": {
    "name": "## uni.sendSocketMessage(options) @sendsocketmessage",
    "description": "通过 WebSocket 连接发送数据,需要先 uni.connectSocket,并在 uni.onSocketOpen 回调之后才能发送。",
    "compatibility": "### sendSocketMessage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [SendSocketMessageOptions](#sendsocketmessageoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| data | any | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 需要发送的内容 |\n@| success | (result: [GeneralCallbackResult](#generalcallbackresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [SendSocketMessageFail](#sendsocketmessagefail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SendSocketMessageFail 的属性值 @sendsocketmessagefail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 10001 \\| 10002 \\| 602001 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 10001 发送数据超限,发送队列不能超过16M大小。<br/>- 10002 websocket未连接<br/>- 602001 websocket系统错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/request/websocket.html#sendsocketmessage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=sendSocketMessage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=sendSocketMessage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=sendSocketMessage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=sendSocketMessage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=sendSocketMessage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=sendSocketMessage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=sendSocketMessage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.network.websocket.sendSocketMessage)"
  "onSocketMessage": {
    "name": "## uni.onSocketMessage(callback) @onsocketmessage",
    "description": "监听WebSocket接受到服务器的消息事件。",
    "compatibility": "### onSocketMessage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [OnSocketMessageCallbackResult](#onsocketmessagecallbackresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n#### OnSocketMessageCallbackResult 的属性值 @onsocketmessagecallbackresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| data | any | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 服务器返回的消息 |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/request/websocket.html#onsocketmessage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onSocketMessage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onSocketMessage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onSocketMessage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onSocketMessage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onSocketMessage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onSocketMessage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onSocketMessage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.network.websocket.onSocketMessage)"
  "closeSocket": {
    "name": "## uni.closeSocket(options) @closesocket",
    "description": "关闭 WebSocket 连接。",
    "compatibility": "### closeSocket  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **CloseSocketOptions** | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| code | number \\| null | 否 | 1000 | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 一个数字值表示关闭连接的状态号,表示连接被关闭的原因。如果这个参数没有被指定,默认的取值是1000 (表示正常连接关闭) |\n@| reason | string \\| null | 否 | \"\" | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 一个可读的字符串,表示连接被关闭的原因。这个字符串必须是不长于123字节的UTF-8 文本(不是字符) |\n@| success | (result: [GeneralCallbackResult](#generalcallbackresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [GeneralCallbackResult](#generalcallbackresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: [GeneralCallbackResult](#generalcallbackresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/request/websocket.html#closesocket)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=closeSocket&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=closeSocket&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=closeSocket&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=closeSocket&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=closeSocket&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=closeSocket)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=closeSocket&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.network.websocket.closeSocket)"
  "onSocketClose": {
    "name": "## uni.onSocketClose(callback) @onsocketclose",
    "description": "监听WebSocket关闭。",
    "compatibility": "### onSocketClose  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [OnSocketCloseCallbackResult](#onsocketclosecallbackresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n#### OnSocketCloseCallbackResult 的属性值 @onsocketclosecallbackresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| code | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 一个数字值表示关闭连接的状态号,表示连接被关闭的原因。 |\n| reason | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 一个可读的字符串,表示连接被关闭的原因。\t |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/request/websocket.html#onsocketclose)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onSocketClose&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onSocketClose&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onSocketClose&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onSocketClose&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onSocketClose&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onSocketClose)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onSocketClose&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.network.websocket.onSocketClose)"
  "websocket": {
    "example": "## 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/websocket/websocket.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/websocket/websocket\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <page-head title=\"websocket通讯示例\"></page-head>\r\n  <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\r\n    <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\r\n      <text class=\"websocket-msg\">{{ showMsg }}</text>\r\n      <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"connect\">\r\n        连接websocket服务\r\n      </button>\r\n      <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" v-show=\"connected\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"send\">\r\n        发送一条消息\r\n      </button>\r\n      <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"close\">\r\n        断开websocket服务\r\n      </button>\r\n      <text class=\"websocket-tips\">发送消息后会收到一条服务器返回的消息(与发送的消息内容一致)</text>\r\n      <button class=\"uni-btn-v\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"goSocketTask\">\r\n        跳转 socketTask 示例\r\n      </button>\r\n    </view>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .uni-btn-v {\r\n    padding: 5px 0;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .uni-btn-v {\r\n    margin: 10px 0;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .websocket-msg {\r\n    padding: 40px 0px;\r\n    text-align: center;\r\n    font-size: 14px;\r\n    line-height: 40px;\r\n    color: #666666;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  .websocket-tips {\r\n    padding: 40px 0px;\r\n    text-align: center;\r\n    font-size: 14px;\r\n    line-height: 24px;\r\n    color: #666666;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        connected: false,\r\n        connecting: false,\r\n        msg: '',\r\n        roomId: '',\r\n        platform: '',\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    computed: {\r\n      showMsg() : string {\r\n        if (this.connected) {\r\n          if (this.msg.length > 0) {\r\n            return '收到消息:' + this.msg\r\n          } else {\r\n            return '等待接收消息'\r\n          }\r\n        } else {\r\n          return '尚未连接'\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n    },\r\n    onLoad() {\r\n      this.platform = uni.getSystemInfoSync().platform\r\n    },\r\n    onUnload() {\r\n      uni.closeSocket({\r\n        code: 1000,\r\n        reason: 'close reason from client',\r\n        success: (res : any) => {\r\n          console.log('uni.closeSocket success', res)\r\n        },\r\n        fail: (err : any) => {\r\n          console.log('uni.closeSocket fail', err)\r\n        },\r\n      } as CloseSocketOptions)\r\n      uni.hideLoading()\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      connect() {\r\n        if (this.connected || this.connecting) {\r\n          uni.showModal({\r\n            content: '正在连接或者已经连接,请勿重复连接',\r\n            showCancel: false,\r\n          })\r\n          return\r\n        }\r\n        this.connecting = true\r\n        uni.showLoading({\r\n          title: '连接中...',\r\n        })\r\n        uni.connectSocket({\r\n          url: 'ws://websocket.dcloud.net.cn',\r\n          header: null,\r\n          protocols: null,\r\n          success: (res : any) => {\r\n            // 这里是接口调用成功的回调,不是连接成功的回调,请注意\r\n            console.log('uni.connectSocket success', res)\r\n          },\r\n          fail: (err : any) => {\r\n            // 这里是接口调用失败的回调,不是连接失败的回调,请注意\r\n            console.log('uni.connectSocket fail', err)\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n        uni.onSocketOpen((res) => {\r\n          this.connecting = false\r\n          this.connected = true\r\n          uni.hideLoading()\r\n\r\n          uni.showToast({\r\n            icon: 'none',\r\n            title: '连接成功',\r\n          })\r\n          console.log('onOpen', res)\r\n        })\r\n        uni.onSocketError((err) => {\r\n          this.connecting = false\r\n          this.connected = false\r\n          uni.hideLoading()\r\n\r\n          uni.showModal({\r\n            content: '连接失败,可能是websocket服务不可用,请稍后再试',\r\n            showCancel: false,\r\n          })\r\n          console.log('onError', err)\r\n        })\r\n        uni.onSocketMessage((res) => {\r\n          this.msg = res.data as string\r\n          console.log('onMessage', res)\r\n        })\r\n        uni.onSocketClose((res) => {\r\n          this.connected = false\r\n          this.msg = ''\r\n          console.log('onClose', res)\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      send() {\r\n        uni.sendSocketMessage({\r\n          data:\r\n            'from ' +\r\n            this.platform +\r\n            ' : ' +\r\n            parseInt((Math.random() * 10000).toString()).toString(),\r\n          success: (res : any) => {\r\n            console.log(res)\r\n          },\r\n          fail: (err : any) => {\r\n            console.log(err)\r\n          },\r\n        } as SendSocketMessageOptions)\r\n      },\r\n      close() {\r\n        uni.closeSocket({\r\n          code: 1000,\r\n          reason: 'close reason from client',\r\n          success: (res : any) => {\r\n            console.log('uni.closeSocket success', res)\r\n          },\r\n          fail: (err : any) => {\r\n            console.log('uni.closeSocket fail', err)\r\n          },\r\n        } as CloseSocketOptions)\r\n      },\r\n      goSocketTask() {\r\n        uni.navigateTo({\r\n          url: '/pages/API/websocket/socketTask',\r\n        })\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "getSystemInfo": {
    "name": "## uni.getSystemInfo(options) @getsysteminfo",
    "description": "异步获取系统信息",
    "compatibility": "### getSystemInfo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [GetSystemInfoOptions](#getsysteminfooptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (result: [GetSystemInfoResult](#getsysteminforesult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### GetSystemInfoResult 的属性值 @getsysteminforesult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| SDKVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 客户端基础库版本<br/> |\n| appId | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | `manifest.json` 中应用appid。<br/> |\n| appLanguage | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 应用设置的语言。<br/> |\n| appName | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | `manifest.json` 中应用名称。<br/> |\n| appVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | `manifest.json` 中应用版本名称。<br/> |\n| appVersionCode | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | `manifest.json` 中应用版本名号。<br/> |\n| ~~brand~~ | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 手机品牌。  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n| browserName | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 浏览器名称。`App` 端是系统 webview 的名字,比如 wkwebview、chrome。小程序端为空<br/> |\n| browserVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 浏览器版本、webview 版本。<br/> |\n| deviceId | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备 ID<br/> |\n| deviceBrand | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备品牌。如:`apple`、`huawei`。<br/> |\n| deviceModel | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备型号<br/> |\n| deviceType | \"phone\" \\| \"pad\" \\| \"tv\" \\| \"watch\" \\| \"pc\" \\| \"undefined\" \\| \"car\" \\| \"vr\" \\| \"appliance\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备类型。<br/> |\n| devicePixelRatio | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备像素比<br/> |\n| deviceOrientation | \"portrait\" \\| \"landscape\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备方向。 |\n| ~~language~~ | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 程序设置的语言  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n| ~~model~~ | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 手机型号  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n| osName | \"ios\" \\| \"android\" \\| \"macos\" \\| \"windows\" \\| \"linux\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 系统名称\t<br/> |\n| osVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 操作系统版本。如 ios 版本,andriod 版本<br/> |\n| osLanguage | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 操作系统语言<br/> |\n| osTheme | \"light\" \\| \"dark\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 操作系统主题<br/> |\n| ~~pixelRatio~~ | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备像素比  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n| ~~platform~~ | \"ios\" \\| \"android\" \\| \"mac\" \\| \"windows\" \\| \"linux\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 客户端平台  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n| screenWidth | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 屏幕宽度,单位为px<br/> |\n| screenHeight | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 屏幕高度,单位为px<br/> |\n| statusBarHeight | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 状态栏的高度,单位为px<br/> |\n| ~~system~~ | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 操作系统版本  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n| safeArea | **SafeArea** | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 在竖屏正方向下的安全区域<br/> |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| left | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域左上角横坐标,单位为px<br/> |\n@| right | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域右下角横坐标,单位为px<br/> |\n@| top | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域左上角纵坐标,单位为px<br/> |\n@| bottom | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域右下角纵坐标,单位为px<br/> |\n@| width | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域的宽度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| height | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域的高度,单位为px<br/> |\n| safeAreaInsets | **SafeAreaInsets** | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 在竖屏正方向下的安全区域插入位置<br/> |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| left | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域左侧插入位置(距离左边边界距离),单位为px<br/> |\n@| right | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域右侧插入位置(距离右边边界距离),单位为px<br/> |\n@| top | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区顶部插入位置(距离顶部边界距离),单位为px<br/> |\n@| bottom | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域底部插入位置(距离底部边界距离),单位为px<br/> |\n| ua | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 用户标识。小程序端为空<br/> |\n| ~~uniCompileVersion~~ | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 编译器版本。  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n| uniCompilerVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.18\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 编译器版本。<br/> |\n| uniPlatform | \"app\" \\| \"web\" \\| \"mp-weixin\" \\| \"mp-alipay\" \\| \"mp-baidu\" \\| \"mp-toutiao\" \\| \"mp-lark\" \\| \"mp-qq\" \\| \"mp-kuaishou\" \\| \"mp-jd\" \\| \"mp-360\" \\| \"quickapp-webview\" \\| \"quickapp-webview-union\" \\| \"quickapp-webview-huawei\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni-app 运行平台,与条件编译平台相同。<br/> |\n| uniRuntimeVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 运行时版本。<br/> |\n| ~~uniCompileVersionCode~~ | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 编译器版本号。  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n| uniCompilerVersionCode | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.18\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 编译器版本号。<br/> |\n| uniRuntimeVersionCode | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 运行时版本号。<br/> |\n| ~~version~~ | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 引擎版本号。  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n| romName | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | rom 名称。Android 部分机型获取不到值。iOS 恒为 `ios`<br/> |\n| romVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | rom 版本号。Android 部分机型获取不到值。iOS 为操作系统版本号(同 `osVersion`)。<br/> |\n| windowWidth | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 可使用窗口宽度,单位为px<br/> |\n| windowHeight | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 可使用窗口高度,单位为px<br/> |\n| windowTop | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 内容区域距离顶部的距离(同CSS变量 `--window-top`),单位为px<br/> |\n| windowBottom | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 内容区域距离底部的距离(同CSS变量 `--window-bottom`),单位为px<br/> |\n| osAndroidAPILevel | number \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"√\",\"x\"]]}' /> | Android 系统API库的版本。<br/> |\n| appTheme | \"light\" \\| \"dark\" \\| \"auto\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 当前App的主题<br/> |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/info?id=getsysteminfo)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getSystemInfo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getSystemInfo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getSystemInfo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getSystemInfo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getSystemInfo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getSystemInfo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getSystemInfo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.getSystemInfo.getSystemInfo)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-system-info/get-system-info.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-system-info/get-system-info\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1\">\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n    <view>\r\n      <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-common-mt\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-list-cell\" v-for=\"(item, _) in items\" style=\"align-items: center\">\r\n            <view class=\"uni-pd\">\r\n              <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width: 180px\">{{\r\n                item.label\r\n              }}</view>\r\n            </view>\r\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\r\n              <text style=\"width: 100%;\">{{ item.value == '' ? '未获取' : item.value }}</text>\r\n            </view>\r\n          </view>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\r\n            <button type=\"primary\" @tap=\"getSystemInfoSync\">\r\n              同步获取设备系统信息\r\n            </button>\r\n            <button type=\"primary\" @tap=\"getSystemInfo\" style=\"margin-top: 20px;\">\r\n              异步获取设备系统信息\r\n            </button>\r\n          </view>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  </scroll-view>\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .uni-pd {\r\n    padding-left: 15px;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  type Item = {\r\n    label : string,\r\n    value : string,\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  let globalScreenHeight = 0\r\n  try {\r\n    globalScreenHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().screenHeight\r\n  } catch (e) {\r\n    // 兼容本地测试\r\n    console.error(e)\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'getSystemInfo',\r\n        items: [] as Item[],\r\n        screenHeightAtReady: 0,\r\n        jest_result: false,\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onUnload: function () {\r\n    },\r\n    onReady() {\r\n      this.screenHeightAtReady = uni.getSystemInfoSync().screenHeight\r\n      console.log(`全局获取屏幕高度: ${globalScreenHeight}  onReady内获取屏幕高度: ${this.screenHeightAtReady}`);\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      getSystemInfo: function () {\r\n        uni.getSystemInfo({\r\n          success: (res) => {\r\n            this.items = [] as Item[];\r\n            const res_str = JSON.stringify(res);\r\n            const res_obj = JSON.parseObject(res_str);\r\n            const res_map = res_obj!.toMap();\r\n            let keys = [] as string[]\r\n            res_map.forEach((_, key) => {\r\n              keys.push(key);\r\n            });\r\n            keys.sort().forEach(key => {\r\n              const value = res[key];\r\n              if (value != null) {\r\n                const item = {\r\n                  label: key,\r\n                  value: \"\" + ((typeof value == \"object\") ? JSON.stringify(value) : value)\r\n                } as Item;\r\n                this.items.push(item);\r\n              }\r\n            });\r\n          },\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n      getSystemInfoSync: function () {\r\n        this.items = [] as Item[];\r\n        const res = uni.getSystemInfoSync()\r\n        const res_str = JSON.stringify(res);\r\n        const res_obj = JSON.parseObject(res_str);\r\n        const res_map = res_obj!.toMap();\r\n        let keys = [] as string[]\r\n        res_map.forEach((_, key) => {\r\n          keys.push(key);\r\n        });\r\n        keys.sort().forEach(key => {\r\n          const value = res[key];\r\n          if (value != null) {\r\n            const item = {\r\n              label: key,\r\n              value: \"\" + ((typeof value == \"object\") ? JSON.stringify(value) : value)\r\n            } as Item;\r\n            this.items.push(item);\r\n          }\r\n        });\r\n      },\r\n      //自动化测试例专用\r\n      jest_getSystemInfo() : GetSystemInfoResult {\r\n        return uni.getSystemInfoSync();\r\n      },\r\n      jest_getScreenHeight_at_different_stages() {\r\n        this.jest_result = (globalScreenHeight == this.screenHeightAtReady)\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "getSystemInfoSync": {
    "name": "## uni.getSystemInfoSync() @getsysteminfosync",
    "description": "同步获取系统信息",
    "compatibility": "### getSystemInfoSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| **GetSystemInfoResult** |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| SDKVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 客户端基础库版本<br/> |\n@| appId | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | `manifest.json` 中应用appid。<br/> |\n@| appLanguage | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 应用设置的语言。<br/> |\n@| appName | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | `manifest.json` 中应用名称。<br/> |\n@| appVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | `manifest.json` 中应用版本名称。<br/> |\n@| appVersionCode | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | `manifest.json` 中应用版本名号。<br/> |\n@| ~~brand~~ | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 手机品牌。  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| browserName | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 浏览器名称。`App` 端是系统 webview 的名字,比如 wkwebview、chrome。小程序端为空<br/> |\n@| browserVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 浏览器版本、webview 版本。<br/> |\n@| deviceId | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备 ID<br/> |\n@| deviceBrand | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备品牌。如:`apple`、`huawei`。<br/> |\n@| deviceModel | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备型号<br/> |\n@| deviceType | \"phone\" \\| \"pad\" \\| \"tv\" \\| \"watch\" \\| \"pc\" \\| \"null\" \\| \"car\" \\| \"vr\" \\| \"appliance\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备类型。<br/> |\n@| devicePixelRatio | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备像素比<br/> |\n@| deviceOrientation | \"portrait\" \\| \"landscape\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备方向。 |\n@| ~~language~~ | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 程序设置的语言  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| ~~model~~ | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 手机型号  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| osName | \"ios\" \\| \"android\" \\| \"macos\" \\| \"windows\" \\| \"linux\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 系统名称\t<br/> |\n@| osVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 操作系统版本。如 ios 版本,andriod 版本<br/> |\n@| osLanguage | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 操作系统语言<br/> |\n@| osTheme | \"light\" \\| \"dark\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"√\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 操作系统主题<br/> |\n@| ~~pixelRatio~~ | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备像素比  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| ~~platform~~ | \"ios\" \\| \"android\" \\| \"mac\" \\| \"windows\" \\| \"linux\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 客户端平台  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| screenWidth | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 屏幕宽度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| screenHeight | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 屏幕高度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| statusBarHeight | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 状态栏的高度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| ~~system~~ | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 操作系统版本  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| safeArea | **SafeArea** | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 在竖屏正方向下的安全区域<br/> |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| left | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域左上角横坐标,单位为px<br/> |\n@@| right | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域右下角横坐标,单位为px<br/> |\n@@| top | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域左上角纵坐标,单位为px<br/> |\n@@| bottom | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域右下角纵坐标,单位为px<br/> |\n@@| width | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域的宽度,单位为px<br/> |\n@@| height | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域的高度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| safeAreaInsets | **SafeAreaInsets** | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 在竖屏正方向下的安全区域插入位置<br/> |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| left | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域左侧插入位置(距离左边边界距离),单位为px<br/> |\n@@| right | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域右侧插入位置(距离右边边界距离),单位为px<br/> |\n@@| top | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区顶部插入位置(距离顶部边界距离),单位为px<br/> |\n@@| bottom | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域底部插入位置(距离底部边界距离),单位为px<br/> |\n@| ua | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 用户标识。小程序端为空<br/> |\n@| ~~uniCompileVersion~~ | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 编译器版本。  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| uniCompilerVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.18\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 编译器版本。<br/> |\n@| uniPlatform | \"app\" \\| \"web\" \\| \"mp-weixin\" \\| \"mp-alipay\" \\| \"mp-baidu\" \\| \"mp-toutiao\" \\| \"mp-lark\" \\| \"mp-qq\" \\| \"mp-kuaishou\" \\| \"mp-jd\" \\| \"mp-360\" \\| \"quickapp-webview\" \\| \"quickapp-webview-union\" \\| \"quickapp-webview-huawei\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni-app 运行平台,与条件编译平台相同。<br/> |\n@| uniRuntimeVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 运行时版本。<br/> |\n@| ~~uniCompileVersionCode~~ | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 编译器版本号。  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| uniCompilerVersionCode | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.18\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 编译器版本号。<br/> |\n@| uniRuntimeVersionCode | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 运行时版本号。<br/> |\n@| ~~version~~ | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 引擎版本号。  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| romName | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | rom 名称。Android 部分机型获取不到值。iOS 恒为 `ios`<br/> |\n@| romVersion | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | rom 版本号。Android 部分机型获取不到值。iOS 为操作系统版本号(同 `osVersion`)。<br/> |\n@| windowWidth | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 可使用窗口宽度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| windowHeight | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 可使用窗口高度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| windowTop | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 内容区域距离顶部的距离(同CSS变量 `--window-top`),单位为px<br/> |\n@| windowBottom | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 内容区域距离底部的距离(同CSS变量 `--window-bottom`),单位为px<br/> |\n@| osAndroidAPILevel | number \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"√\",\"x\"]]}' /> | Android 系统API库的版本。<br/> |\n@| appTheme | \"light\" \\| \"dark\" \\| \"auto\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 当前App的主题<br/> | \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/info?id=getsysteminfosync)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getSystemInfoSync&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getSystemInfoSync&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getSystemInfoSync&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getSystemInfoSync&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getSystemInfoSync&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getSystemInfoSync)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getSystemInfoSync&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.getSystemInfo.getSystemInfoSync)"
  "getDeviceInfo": {
    "name": "## uni.getDeviceInfo(options?) @getdeviceinfo",
    "description": "获取设备信息",
    "compatibility": "### getDeviceInfo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **GetDeviceInfoOptions** | 否 | 包含所有字段的过滤对象 | - | \\[options=包含所有字段的过滤对象]过滤的字段对象, 不传参数默认为获取全部字段。 |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filter | Array\\<string\\> | 是 | - | - | 过滤字段的字符串数组,假如要获取指定字段,传入此数组。 | \n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| **GetDeviceInfoResult** |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| ~~brand~~ | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备品牌  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| deviceBrand | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备品牌<br/> |\n@| deviceId | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备 id 。由 uni-app 框架生成并存储,清空 Storage 会导致改变<br/> |\n@| ~~model~~ | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备型号\t  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| deviceModel | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备型号\t<br/> |\n@| deviceType | \"phone\" \\| \"pad\" \\| \"tv\" \\| \"watch\" \\| \"pc\" \\| \"null\" \\| \"car\" \\| \"vr\" \\| \"appliance\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备类型phone、pad、pc\t<br/> |\n@| deviceOrientation | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备方向 竖屏 portrait、横屏 landscape\t<br/> |\n@| devicePixelRatio | number | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备像素比\t<br/> |\n@| system | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 操作系统及版本\t<br/> |\n@| platform | \"ios\" \\| \"android\" \\| \"mac\" \\| \"windows\" \\| \"linux\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 客户端平台\t<br/> |\n@| isRoot | boolean | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 是否root。iOS 为是否越狱<br/> |\n@| isSimulator | boolean | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 是否是模拟器<br/> |\n@| isUSBDebugging | boolean | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"√\",\"x\"]]}' /> | adb是否开启<br/> |\n@| osName | \"ios\" \\| \"android\" \\| \"macos\" \\| \"windows\" \\| \"linux\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.18\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 系统名称\t<br/> |\n@| osVersion | string \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.18\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 操作系统版本。如 ios 版本,andriod 版本<br/> |\n@| osLanguage | string \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 操作系统语言<br/> |\n@| osTheme | \"light\" \\| \"dark\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 操作系统主题<br/> |\n@| osAndroidAPILevel | number \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"x\"]]}' /> | Android 系统API库的版本。<br/> |\n@| romName | string \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | rom 名称。Android 部分机型获取不到值。iOS 恒为 `ios`<br/> |\n@| romVersion | string \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | rom 版本号。Android 部分机型获取不到值。iOS 为操作系统版本号(同 `osVersion`)。<br/> | \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/getDeviceInfo.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getDeviceInfo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getDeviceInfo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getDeviceInfo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getDeviceInfo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getDeviceInfo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getDeviceInfo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getDeviceInfo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.getDeviceInfo)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-device-info/get-device-info.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-device-info/get-device-info\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  <scroll-view class=\"page-scroll-view\">\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n    <view>\r\n      <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-common-mt\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-list\">\r\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell\" v-for=\"(item, _) in items\" style=\"align-items: center\">\r\n              <view class=\"uni-pd\">\r\n                <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width: 180px\">{{\r\n                  item.label\r\n                }}</view>\r\n              </view>\r\n              <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\r\n                <text style=\"width: 100%\">{{\r\n                  item.value == \"\" ? \"未获取\" : item.value\r\n                }}</text>\r\n              </view>\r\n            </view>\r\n          </view>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\r\n            <button type=\"primary\" @tap=\"getDeviceInfo\">获取设备信息</button>\r\n          </view>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  </scroll-view>\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .uni-pd {\r\n    padding-left: 15px;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  import { setDevicePixelRatio } from '@/store/index.uts'\r\n\r\n  type Item = {\r\n    label : string,\r\n    value : string,\r\n  }\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'getDeviceInfo',\r\n        items: [] as Item[],\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onUnload: function () {\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      getDeviceInfo: function () {\r\n        const res = uni.getDeviceInfo();\r\n        // 获取像素比, 供截图对比使用\r\n        setDevicePixelRatio(res.devicePixelRatio !== null ? res.devicePixelRatio! : 1)\r\n        this.items = [] as Item[];\r\n\r\n        const res_str = JSON.stringify(res);\r\n        const res_obj = JSON.parseObject(res_str);\r\n        const res_map = res_obj!.toMap();\r\n        let keys = [] as string[]\r\n        res_map.forEach((_, key) => {\r\n          keys.push(key);\r\n        });\r\n        keys.sort().forEach(key => {\r\n          const value = res[key];\r\n          if (value != null) {\r\n            const item = {\r\n              label: key,\r\n              value: \"\" + ((typeof value == \"object\") ? JSON.stringify(value) : value)\r\n            } as Item;\r\n            this.items.push(item);\r\n          }\r\n        });\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "getWindowInfo": {
    "name": "## uni.getWindowInfo() @getwindowinfo",
    "description": "同步获取窗口信息",
    "compatibility": "### getWindowInfo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| **GetWindowInfoResult** |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| pixelRatio | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备像素比<br/> |\n@| screenWidth | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 屏幕宽度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| screenHeight | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 屏幕高度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| windowWidth | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 可使用窗口宽度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| windowHeight | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 可使用窗口高度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| statusBarHeight | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 状态栏的高度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| windowTop | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 内容区域距离顶部的距离(同CSS变量 `--window-top`),单位为px<br/> |\n@| windowBottom | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 内容区域距离底部的距离(同CSS变量 `--window-bottom`),单位为px<br/> |\n@| safeArea | **SafeArea** | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域在屏幕中的位置信息<br/> |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| left | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域左上角横坐标,单位为px<br/> |\n@@| right | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域右下角横坐标,单位为px<br/> |\n@@| top | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域左上角纵坐标,单位为px<br/> |\n@@| bottom | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域右下角纵坐标,单位为px<br/> |\n@@| width | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域的宽度,单位为px<br/> |\n@@| height | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域的高度,单位为px<br/> |\n@| safeAreaInsets | **SafeAreaInsets** | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域插入位置(与屏幕边界的距离)信息<br/> |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| left | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域左侧插入位置(距离左边边界距离),单位为px<br/> |\n@@| right | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域右侧插入位置(距离右边边界距离),单位为px<br/> |\n@@| top | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区顶部插入位置(距离顶部边界距离),单位为px<br/> |\n@@| bottom | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 安全区域底部插入位置(距离底部边界距离),单位为px<br/> |\n@| screenTop | number | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 窗口上边缘的 y 值,单位为px<br/> | \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/getWindowInfo.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getWindowInfo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getWindowInfo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getWindowInfo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getWindowInfo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getWindowInfo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getWindowInfo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getWindowInfo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.getWindowInfo)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-window-info/get-window-info.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-window-info/get-window-info\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n  <view class=\"uni-common-mt\">\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\" v-for=\"(item, _) in items\" style=\"align-items: center\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width: 180px\">{{ item.label }}</view>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\r\n          <text style=\"width: 100%;\">{{ item.value == '' ? '未获取' : item.value }}</text>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\r\n        <button type=\"primary\" @tap=\"getWindowInfo\">获取窗口信息</button>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .uni-pd {\r\n    padding-left: 15px;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  import { setStatusBarHeight, setSafeArea } from '@/store/index.uts'\r\n  // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\r\n  import type { SafeArea } from '@/store/index.uts'\r\n  // #endif\r\n\r\n  type Item = {\r\n    label : string,\r\n    value : string,\r\n  }\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'getWindowInfo',\r\n        items: [] as Item[],\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onUnload: function () {\r\n    },\r\n    onReady() {\r\n      this.getWindowInfo()\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      getWindowInfo: function () {\r\n        const res = uni.getWindowInfo();\r\n        // 获取状态栏高度, 供截图对比使用\r\n        setStatusBarHeight(res.statusBarHeight);\r\n        // 获取安全区信息,供截图使用\r\n        // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\r\n        setSafeArea({\r\n          top: res.safeArea.top,\r\n          left: res.safeArea.left,\r\n          right: res.safeArea.right,\r\n          bottom: res.safeArea.bottom,\r\n          width: res.safeArea.width,\r\n          height: res.safeArea.height,\r\n        } as SafeArea);\r\n        // #endif\r\n        // #ifdef APP-IOS\r\n        setSafeArea({\r\n          top: res.safeArea.top,\r\n          left: res.safeArea.left,\r\n          right: res.safeArea.right,\r\n          bottom: res.safeArea.bottom,\r\n          width: res.safeArea.width,\r\n          height: res.safeArea.height,\r\n        });\r\n        // #endif\r\n        this.items = [] as Item[];\r\n\r\n        const res_str = JSON.stringify(res);\r\n        const res_obj = JSON.parseObject(res_str);\r\n        const res_map = res_obj!.toMap();\r\n        let keys = [] as string[]\r\n        res_map.forEach((_, key) => {\r\n          keys.push(key);\r\n        });\r\n        keys.sort().forEach(key => {\r\n          const value = res[key];\r\n          if (value != null) {\r\n            const item = {\r\n              label: key,\r\n              value: \"\" + ((typeof value == \"object\") ? JSON.stringify(value) : value)\r\n            } as Item;\r\n            this.items.push(item);\r\n          }\r\n        });\r\n      },\r\n      //自动化测试例专用\r\n      jest_getWindowInfo() : GetWindowInfoResult {\r\n        return uni.getWindowInfo();\r\n      },\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "getAppBaseInfo": {
    "name": "## uni.getAppBaseInfo(options?) @getappbaseinfo",
    "description": "获取app基本信息",
    "compatibility": "### getAppBaseInfo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **GetAppBaseInfoOptions** | 否 | 包含所有字段的过滤对象 | - | \\[options=包含所有字段的过滤对象] 过滤的字段对象, 不传参数默认为获取全部字段。 |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filter | Array\\<string\\> | 是 | - | - | 过滤字段的字符串数组,假如要获取指定字段,传入此数组。 | \n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| **GetAppBaseInfoResult** |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| appId | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | manifest.json 中应用appid,即DCloud appid。\t<br/> |\n@| appName | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | `manifest.json` 中应用名称。<br/> |\n@| appVersion | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | `manifest.json` 中应用版本名称。<br/> |\n@| appVersionCode | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | `manifest.json` 中应用版本名号。<br/> |\n@| appLanguage | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 应用设置的语言en、zh-Hans、zh-Hant、fr、es\t<br/> |\n@| language | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 应用设置的语言\t<br/> |\n@| ~~version~~ | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 引擎版本号。已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| isUniAppX | boolean | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.18\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 是否uni-app x<br/> |\n@| ~~uniCompileVersion~~ | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 编译器版本  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| uniCompilerVersion | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.18\",\"4.0\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 编译器版本<br/> |\n@| uniPlatform | \"app\" \\| \"web\" \\| \"mp-weixin\" \\| \"mp-alipay\" \\| \"mp-baidu\" \\| \"mp-toutiao\" \\| \"mp-lark\" \\| \"mp-qq\" \\| \"mp-kuaishou\" \\| \"mp-jd\" \\| \"mp-360\" \\| \"quickapp-webview\" \\| \"quickapp-webview-union\" \\| \"quickapp-webview-huawei\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.0\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni-app 运行平台。<br/> |\n@| uniRuntimeVersion | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.18\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 运行时版本<br/> |\n@| ~~uniCompileVersionCode~~ | number | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 编译器版本号  **已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留** |\n@| uniCompilerVersionCode | number | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"4.18\",\"4.0\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 编译器版本号<br/> |\n@| uniRuntimeVersionCode | number | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | uni 运行时版本号<br/> |\n@| packageName | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.97\",\"x\"]]}' /> | Android的包名<br/> |\n@| bundleId | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"x\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | iOS的bundleId<br/> |\n@| signature | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.97\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | Android: 应用签名证书的SHA1值(全部为小写,中间不包含“:”)。 为了保证应用的安全性,请使用自己生成的证书(不要使用公共测试证书)。<br/>iOS: 应用签名证书中绑定的Bundle ID(AppleID)的md5值(全部为小写)。<br/> |\n@| appTheme | \"light\" \\| \"dark\" \\| \"auto\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"4.18\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 当前App的主题<br/> | \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/getAppBaseInfo.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getAppBaseInfo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getAppBaseInfo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getAppBaseInfo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getAppBaseInfo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getAppBaseInfo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getAppBaseInfo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getAppBaseInfo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.getAppBaseInfo)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-app-base-info/get-app-base-info.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-app-base-info/get-app-base-info\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n  <view class=\"uni-common-mt\">\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list\">\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\" v-for=\"(item,_) in items\" style=\"align-items: center;\">\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">{{item.label}}</view>\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\n          <text style=\"width: 100%;\">{{ item.value == '' ? '未获取' : item.value }}</text>\n        </view>\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\r\n        <button type=\"primary\" @tap=\"getAppBaseInfo\">获取App基础信息</button>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n\t.uni-pd {\r\n\t\tpadding-left: 15px;\r\n\t}\r\n</style>\r\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n\ttype Item = {\n\t\tlabel : string,\n\t\tvalue : string,\n\t}\n\texport default {\r\n\t\tdata() {\r\n\t\t\treturn {\r\n\t\t\t\ttitle: 'getAppBaseInfo',\n\t\t\t\titems: [] as Item[],\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\tonUnload:function(){\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\tmethods: {\r\n\t\t\tgetAppBaseInfo: function () {\n\t\t\t\tconst res = uni.getAppBaseInfo();\n        const res_str = JSON.stringify(res);\n        const res_obj =  JSON.parseObject(res_str);\n        const res_map = res_obj!.toMap();\n        let keys = [] as string[]\n        res_map.forEach((_, key) => {\n           keys.push(key);\n        });\n\n        this.items = [] as Item[];\n        keys.sort().forEach( key => {\n          const value = res[key];\n          if(value != null){\n            const item = {\n            \tlabel: key,\n            \tvalue: \"\" + ((typeof value == \"object\")? JSON.stringify(value) : value)\n            } as Item;\n            this.items.push(item);\n          }\n        });\n\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "getAppAuthorizeSetting": {
    "name": "## uni.getAppAuthorizeSetting() @getappauthorizesetting",
    "description": "获取 APP 授权设置。",
    "compatibility": "### getAppAuthorizeSetting  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| **GetAppAuthorizeSettingResult** |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| albumAuthorized | \"authorized\" \\| \"denied\" \\| \"not determined\" \\| \"config error\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"x\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 允许 App 使用相册的开关(仅 iOS 支持)<br/>- authorized: 已经获得授权,无需再次请求授权<br/>- denied: 请求授权被拒绝,无法再次请求授权;(此情况需要引导用户打开系统设置,在设置页中打开权限)<br/>- not determined: 尚未请求授权,会在App下一次调用系统相应权限时请求;(仅 iOS 会出现。此种情况下引导用户打开系统设置,不展示开关)<br/>- config error: 当前应用没有配置相册权限描述 |\n@| bluetoothAuthorized | \"authorized\" \\| \"denied\" \\| \"not determined\" \\| \"config error\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"x\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 允许 App 使用蓝牙的开关(仅 iOS 支持)<br/>- authorized: 已经获得授权,无需再次请求授权<br/>- denied: 请求授权被拒绝,无法再次请求授权;(此情况需要引导用户打开系统设置,在设置页中打开权限)<br/>- not determined: 尚未请求授权,会在App下一次调用系统相应权限时请求;(仅 iOS 会出现。此种情况下引导用户打开系统设置,不展示开关)<br/>- config error: Android平台没有该值;iOS平台:当前应用没有配置蓝牙权限描述 |\n@| cameraAuthorized | \"authorized\" \\| \"denied\" \\| \"not determined\" \\| \"config error\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 允许 App 使用摄像头的开关<br/>- authorized: 已经获得授权,无需再次请求授权<br/>- denied: 请求授权被拒绝,无法再次请求授权;(此情况需要引导用户打开系统设置,在设置页中打开权限)<br/>- not determined: 尚未请求授权,会在App下一次调用系统相应权限时请求;(仅 iOS 会出现。此种情况下引导用户打开系统设置,不展示开关)<br/>- config error: Android平台:表示没有配置 `android.permission.CAMERA` 权限,[权限配置详情](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/app-nativeresource-android.html#permissions);iOS平台:当前应用没有配置相机权限描述 |\n@| locationAuthorized | \"authorized\" \\| \"denied\" \\| \"not determined\" \\| \"config error\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 允许 App 使用定位的开关<br/>- authorized: 已经获得授权,无需再次请求授权<br/>- denied: 请求授权被拒绝,无法再次请求授权;(此情况需要引导用户打开系统设置,在设置页中打开权限)<br/>- not determined: 尚未请求授权,会在App下一次调用系统相应权限时请求;(仅 iOS 会出现。此种情况下引导用户打开系统设置,不展示开关)<br/>- config error: Android平台:表示没有配置 `android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION` 权限,[权限配置详情](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/app-nativeresource-android.html#permissions);iOS平台:当前应用没有配置定位权限描述 |\n@| locationAccuracy | \"reduced\" \\| \"full\" \\| \"unsupported\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 定位准确度。<br/>- reduced: 模糊定位<br/>- full: 精准定位<br/>- unsupported: 不支持(包括用户拒绝定位权限和没有包含定位权限描述) |\n@| locationReducedAccuracy | boolean \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"x\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 定位准确度(推荐使用 locationAccuracy 属性)。true 表示模糊定位,false 表示精确定位(仅 iOS 支持) |\n@| microphoneAuthorized | \"authorized\" \\| \"denied\" \\| \"not determined\" \\| \"config error\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 允许 App 使用麦克风的开关<br/>- authorized: 已经获得授权,无需再次请求授权<br/>- denied: 请求授权被拒绝,无法再次请求授权;(此情况需要引导用户打开系统设置,在设置页中打开权限)<br/>- not determined: 尚未请求授权,会在App下一次调用系统相应权限时请求;(仅 iOS 会出现。此种情况下引导用户打开系统设置,不展示开关)<br/>- config error: Android平台:表示没有配置 `android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO` 权限,[权限配置详情](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/app-nativeresource-android.html#permissions);iOS平台:当前应用没有配置麦克风权限描述 |\n@| notificationAuthorized | \"authorized\" \\| \"denied\" \\| \"not determined\" \\| \"config error\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 允许 App 通知的开关<br/>- authorized: 已经获得授权,无需再次请求授权<br/>- denied: 请求授权被拒绝,无法再次请求授权;(此情况需要引导用户打开系统设置,在设置页中打开权限)<br/>- not determined: 尚未请求授权,会在App下一次调用系统相应权限时请求;(仅 iOS 会出现。此种情况下引导用户打开系统设置,不展示开关)<br/>- config error: Android平台没有该值;iOS平台:没有包含推送权限描述 |\n@| notificationAlertAuthorized | \"authorized\" \\| \"denied\" \\| \"not determined\" \\| \"config error\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"x\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 允许 App 通知带有提醒的开关(仅 iOS 支持)<br/>- authorized: 已经获得授权,无需再次请求授权<br/>- denied: 请求授权被拒绝,无法再次请求授权;(此情况需要引导用户打开系统设置,在设置页中打开权限)<br/>- not determined: 尚未请求授权,会在App下一次调用系统相应权限时请求;(仅 iOS 会出现。此种情况下引导用户打开系统设置,不展示开关)<br/>- config error: 当前应用没有配置推送权限描述 |\n@| notificationBadgeAuthorized | \"authorized\" \\| \"denied\" \\| \"not determined\" \\| \"config error\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"x\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 允许 App 通知带有标记的开关(仅 iOS 支持)<br/>- authorized: 已经获得授权,无需再次请求授权<br/>- denied: 请求授权被拒绝,无法再次请求授权;(此情况需要引导用户打开系统设置,在设置页中打开权限)<br/>- not determined: 尚未请求授权,会在App下一次调用系统相应权限时请求;(仅 iOS 会出现。此种情况下引导用户打开系统设置,不展示开关)<br/>- config error: 当前应用没有配置推送权限描述 |\n@| notificationSoundAuthorized | \"authorized\" \\| \"denied\" \\| \"not determined\" \\| \"config error\" | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"x\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 允许 App 通知带有声音的开关(仅 iOS 支持)<br/>- authorized: 已经获得授权,无需再次请求授权<br/>- denied: 请求授权被拒绝,无法再次请求授权;(此情况需要引导用户打开系统设置,在设置页中打开权限)<br/>- not determined: 尚未请求授权,会在App下一次调用系统相应权限时请求;(仅 iOS 会出现。此种情况下引导用户打开系统设置,不展示开关)<br/>- config error: 当前应用没有配置推送权限描述 | \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/getappauthorizesetting)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getAppAuthorizeSetting&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getAppAuthorizeSetting&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getAppAuthorizeSetting&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getAppAuthorizeSetting&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getAppAuthorizeSetting&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getAppAuthorizeSetting)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getAppAuthorizeSetting&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.getAppAuthorizeSetting)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-app-authorize-setting/get-app-authorize-setting.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\r\n  <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n  <view class=\"uni-common-mt\">\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list\">\n      <!-- #ifdef APP-IOS -->\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">是否授权使用相册</view>\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"albumAuthorized\" />\n        </view>\n      </view>\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">是否授权使用蓝牙</view>\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"bluetoothAuthorized\" />\n        </view>\n      </view>\n       <!-- #endif -->\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">是否授权使用摄像头</view>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\r\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"cameraAuthorized\" />\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">是否授权使用定位</view>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\r\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"locationAuthorized\" />\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">定位准确度</view>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\r\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"locationAccuracy\" />\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">是否授权使用麦克风</view>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\r\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"microphoneAuthorized\" />\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\n\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">是否授权通知</view>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\r\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"notificationAuthorized\" />\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\n<!-- #ifdef APP-IOS -->\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">是否允许通知带有提醒</view>\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"notificationAlertAuthorized\" />\n        </view>\n      </view>\n\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">是否允许通知带有标记</view>\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"notificationBadgeAuthorized\" />\n        </view>\n      </view>\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">是否允许通知带有声音</view>\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"notificationSoundAuthorized\" />\n        </view>\n      </view>\n<!-- #endif -->\r\n    </view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\r\n        <button type=\"primary\" @tap=\"getAppAuthorizeSetting\">获取App授权设置</button>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n<script>\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'getAppAuthorizeSetting',\r\n        cameraAuthorized: \"\",\n        albumAuthorized: \"\",\r\n        locationAuthorized: \"\",\r\n        locationAccuracy: \"\",\r\n        microphoneAuthorized: \"\",\n        bluetoothAuthorized: \"\",\r\n        notificationAuthorized: \"\",\n        notificationAlertAuthorized: \"\",\n        notificationBadgeAuthorized: \"\",\n        notificationSoundAuthorized: \"\"\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onUnload: function () {\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      getAppAuthorizeSetting: function () {\r\n        const res = uni.getAppAuthorizeSetting();\r\n        this.cameraAuthorized = res.cameraAuthorized;\r\n        this.locationAuthorized = res.locationAuthorized;\r\n        this.locationAccuracy = res.locationAccuracy ?? \"unsupported\";\r\n        this.microphoneAuthorized = res.microphoneAuthorized;\r\n        this.notificationAuthorized = res.notificationAuthorized;\n        // #ifdef APP-IOS\n        this.notificationAlertAuthorized = res.notificationAlertAuthorized;\n        this.notificationBadgeAuthorized = res.notificationBadgeAuthorized;\n        this.notificationSoundAuthorized = res.notificationSoundAuthorized;\n        this.bluetoothAuthorized = res.bluetoothAuthorized;\n        this.albumAuthorized = res.albumAuthorized;\n        // #endif\n\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n</script>\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .uni-pd {\r\n    padding-left: 15px;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```"
  "getSystemSetting": {
    "name": "## uni.getSystemSetting() @getsystemsetting",
    "description": "获取系统设置",
    "compatibility": "### getSystemSetting  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| **GetSystemSettingResult** |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| bluetoothEnabled | boolean | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 蓝牙是否开启<br/> |\n@| bluetoothError | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 蓝牙的报错信息<br/> |\n@| locationEnabled | boolean | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 位置是否开启<br/> |\n@| wifiEnabled | boolean | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | wifi是否开启<br/> |\n@| wifiError | string | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"x\"]]}' /> | wifi的报错信息<br/> |\n@| deviceOrientation | \"portrait\" \\| \"landscape\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 设备方向<br/> | \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/getsystemsetting.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getSystemSetting&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getSystemSetting&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getSystemSetting&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getSystemSetting&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getSystemSetting&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getSystemSetting)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getSystemSetting&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.getSystemSetting)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-system-setting/get-system-setting.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\r\n  <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n  <view class=\"uni-common-mt\">\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">蓝牙的系统开关</view>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\r\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"bluetoothEnabled\" />\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">地理位置的系统开关</view>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\r\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"locationEnabled\" />\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">Wi-Fi 的系统开关</view>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\r\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"wifiEnabled\" />\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-pd\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-label\" style=\"width:180px;\">设备方向</view>\r\n        </view>\r\n        <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\r\n          <input type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" placeholder=\"未获取\" :value=\"deviceOrientation\" />\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\r\n        <button type=\"primary\" @tap=\"getSystemSetting\">获取系统设置</button>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\n\r\n<script>\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'getSystemSetting',\r\n        bluetoothEnabled: \"\",\r\n        locationEnabled: \"\",\r\n        wifiEnabled: \"\",\r\n        deviceOrientation: \"\"\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onUnload: function () {\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      getSystemSetting: function () {\r\n        const res = uni.getSystemSetting();\r\n        this.bluetoothEnabled = (res.bluetoothEnabled ?? false) ? \"开启\" : \"关闭\";\r\n        this.locationEnabled = res.locationEnabled ? \"开启\" : \"关闭\";\r\n        this.wifiEnabled = (res.wifiEnabled ?? false) ? \"开启\" : \"关闭\";\r\n        this.deviceOrientation = res.deviceOrientation\n\n        if(res.bluetoothError != null){\n          this.bluetoothEnabled = \"无蓝牙权限\"\n        }\n\n        if(res.wifiError != null){\n          this.wifiEnabled = \"无WiFi权限\"\n        }\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n</script>\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .uni-pd {\r\n    padding-left: 15px;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```"
  "installApk": {
    "name": "## uni.installApk(options) @installapk",
    "description": "安装apk",
    "compatibility": "### installApk  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.94 | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [InstallApkOptions](#installapkoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | string | 是 | - | - | apk文件地址 |\n@| success | (res: [InstallApkSuccess](#installapksuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (err: [InstallApkFail](#installapkfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### InstallApkSuccess 的属性值 @installapksuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | 安装成功消息 |\n\n##### InstallApkFail 的属性值 @installapkfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1300002 找不到文件 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=installApk&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=installApk&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=installApk&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=installApk&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=installApk&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=installApk)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=installApk&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.installApk)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/install-apk/install-apk.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1\">\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n    <view>\r\n      <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n      <view class=\"uni-common-mt\">\r\n        <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\r\n          <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\r\n            <button type=\"primary\" @tap=\"installApk\">\r\n              installApk\r\n            </button>\r\n          </view>\r\n        </view>\r\n      </view>\r\n    </view>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  </scroll-view>\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n</template>\r\n<script>\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'installApk'\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onUnload: function () {\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      installApk: function () {\r\n        uni.installApk({\r\n          filePath: \"/static/test-apk/test.apk\",\r\n          complete(res : any) {\n            console.log(res);\r\n          }\r\n        })\r\n      },\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n</script>\r\n<style>\r\n</style>\n\n```"
  "getPushClientId": {
    "name": "## uni.getPushClientId(options) @getpushclientid",
    "description": "获取客户端唯一的推送标识",
    "compatibility": "### getPushClientId  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.98 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [GetPushClientIdOptions](#getpushclientidoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (result: [GetPushClientIdSuccess](#getpushclientidsuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### GetPushClientIdSuccess 的属性值 @getpushclientidsuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| cid | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 个推客户端推送id,对应uni-id-device表的push_clientid<br/> |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 错误描述<br/> |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/plugins/push.html#getpushclientid)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getPushClientId&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getPushClientId&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getPushClientId&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getPushClientId&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getPushClientId&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getPushClientId)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getPushClientId&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.push.uni-push.getPushClientId)"
  "onPushMessage": {
    "name": "## uni.onPushMessage(callback) @onpushmessage",
    "description": "启动监听推送消息事件",
    "compatibility": "### onPushMessage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.98 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [OnPushMessageCallbackResult](#onpushmessagecallbackresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n#### OnPushMessageCallbackResult 的属性值 @onpushmessagecallbackresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| type | \"click\" \\| \"receive\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 事件类型<br/>- click 从系统推送服务点击消息启动应用事件<br/>- receive 应用从推送服务器接收到推送消息事件 |\n| data | [UTSJSONObject](/uts/buildin-object-api/utsjsonobject.md) | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 消息内容<br/> |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/plugins/push.html#onpushmessage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onPushMessage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onPushMessage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onPushMessage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onPushMessage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onPushMessage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onPushMessage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onPushMessage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.push.uni-push.onPushMessage)"
  "offPushMessage": {
    "name": "## uni.offPushMessage(callback) @offpushmessage",
    "description": "关闭推送消息监听事件,iOS端调用会关闭所有监听。",
    "compatibility": "### offPushMessage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.98 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [OnPushMessageCallbackResult](#onpushmessagecallbackresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n#### OnPushMessageCallbackResult 的属性值 @onpushmessagecallbackresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| type | \"click\" \\| \"receive\" | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 事件类型<br/>- click 从系统推送服务点击消息启动应用事件<br/>- receive 应用从推送服务器接收到推送消息事件 |\n| data | [UTSJSONObject](/uts/buildin-object-api/utsjsonobject.md) | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 消息内容<br/> |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/plugins/push.html#offpushmessage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=offPushMessage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=offPushMessage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=offPushMessage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=offPushMessage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=offPushMessage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=offPushMessage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=offPushMessage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.push.uni-push.offPushMessage)"
  "getChannelManager": {
    "name": "## uni.getChannelManager() @getchannelmanager",
    "description": "获取通知渠道管理器,Android 8系统以上才可以设置通知渠道,Android 8系统以下返回null。",
    "compatibility": "### getChannelManager  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.98 | x |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [ChannelManager](#channelmanager-values) |\n\n#### ChannelManager 的方法 @channelmanager-values \n\n#### setPushChannel(options) @setpushchannel\n设置推送渠道<br/>\n##### setPushChannel  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.98 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **SetPushChannelOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| soundName | string \\| null | 否 | null | - | 添加的声音文件,注意raw目录下必须要有 ,不传此字段将使用默认铃音。 |\n@| channelId | string | 是 | - | - | 通知渠道id |\n@| channelDesc | string | 是 | - | - | 通知渠道描述 |\n@| enableLights | boolean \\| null | 否 | false | - | 呼吸灯闪烁 |\n@| enableVibration | boolean \\| null | 否 | false | - | 震动 |\n@| importance | number \\| null | 否 | 3 | - | 通知的重要性级别,可选范围IMPORTANCE_LOW:2、IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT:3、IMPORTANCE_HIGH:4 。 |\n@| lockscreenVisibility | number \\| null | 否 | -1000 | - | 锁屏可见性,可选范围VISIBILITY_PRIVATE:0、VISIBILITY_PUBLIC:1、VISIBILITY_SECRET:-1、VISIBILITY_NO_OVERRIDE:-1000。 | \n\n\n#### getAllChannels() @getallchannels\n获取当前应用注册的所有的通知渠道。<br/>\n##### getAllChannels  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.98 | x |\n\n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| Array\\<string\\> |\n \n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getChannelManager&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getChannelManager&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getChannelManager&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getChannelManager&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getChannelManager&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getChannelManager)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getChannelManager&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.push.uni-push.getChannelManager)"
  "createPushMessage": {
    "name": "## uni.createPushMessage(options) @createpushmessage",
    "description": "创建本地通知栏消息",
    "compatibility": "### createPushMessage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.98 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **CreatePushMessageOptions** | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| cover | boolean \\| null | 否 | false | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 是否覆盖上一次提示的消息 |\n@| delay | number \\| null | 否 | 0 | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 提示消息延迟显示的时间,单位为s |\n@| icon | string \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"x\"]]}' /> | 推送消息的图标 |\n@| sound | string \\| null | 否 | \"system\" | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 推送消息的提示音<br/>- system: 使用系统通知提示音(默认值)<br/>- none: 不使用提示音 |\n@| title | string \\| null | 否 | App的名称 | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 推送消息的标题 |\n@| content | string | 是 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 消息显示的内容,在系统通知中心中显示的文本内容<br/> |\n@| payload | any \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"4.18\"]]}' /> | 消息承载的数据,可根据业务逻辑自定义数据格式 |\n@| when | number \\| null | 否 | 当前时间 | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"x\"]]}' /> | 消息上显示的提示时间 |\n@| channelId | string \\| null | 否 | \"DcloudChannelID\" | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"x\"]]}' /> | 渠道id |\n@| category | string \\| null | 否 | null | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.98\",\"x\"]]}' /> | 通知类别 |\n@| success | (result: CreatePushMessageSuccess) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | null | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/plugins/push.html#createpushmessage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=createPushMessage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=createPushMessage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=createPushMessage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=createPushMessage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=createPushMessage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=createPushMessage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=createPushMessage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.push.uni-push.createPushMessage)"
  "push": {
    "example": "## 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/push/push.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/push/push\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\r\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1\">\r\n    <!-- #ifdef APP-ANDROID -->\r\n    <button class=\"normal-button\" type=\"default\" @click=\"handleCreateChannel\">\r\n      创建通知渠道\r\n    </button>\r\n    <button class=\"normal-button\" type=\"default\" @click=\"handleGetAllChannels\">\r\n      获取所有通知渠道信息\r\n    </button>\r\n    <!-- #endif -->\r\n    <button class=\"normal-button\" type=\"default\" @click=\"handleCreateLocalNotification\">\r\n      创建本地通知消息\r\n    </button>\r\n    <button class=\"normal-button\" type=\"default\" @click=\"handleSetBadge\">\r\n      设置角标\r\n    </button>\r\n    <button class=\"normal-button\" type=\"default\" @click=\"handleCleanBadge\">\r\n      清空角标\r\n    </button>\r\n    <button class=\"normal-button\" type=\"default\" @click=\"handleGetClientId\">\r\n      获取cid\r\n    </button>\r\n  </scroll-view>\r\n  <!-- #endif -->\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n  .normal-button {\r\n    width: 100%;\r\n  }\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  const handleCreateChannel = () => {\r\n    // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\r\n    const manager = uni.getChannelManager()\r\n    manager.setPushChannel({\r\n      channelId: \"msg-pass\",\r\n      channelDesc: \"留言审核通过\",\r\n    } as SetPushChannelOptions)\r\n    // #endif\r\n  }\r\n  const handleGetAllChannels = () => {\r\n    // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\r\n    const manager = uni.getChannelManager()\r\n    console.log(\"channels : \" + manager.getAllChannels());\r\n    // #endif\r\n  }\r\n  const handleCreateLocalNotification = () => {\r\n    // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\r\n    if (uni.getAppAuthorizeSetting().notificationAuthorized == \"authorized\") {\r\n      // #endif\r\n      handleCreateChannel()\r\n      uni.createPushMessage({\r\n        title: \"halo\",\r\n        content: \"world\",\r\n        // cover:true,\r\n        channelId: \"msg-pass\",\r\n        when: Date.now() + 10000,\r\n        icon: \"/static/uni.png\",\r\n        // delay:5,\r\n        payload: {\r\n          pkey: \"pvalue1\"\r\n        },\r\n        category: \"IM\",\r\n        success(res) {\r\n          console.log(\"res: \" + res);\r\n        },\r\n        fail(e) {\r\n          console.log(\"fail :\" + e);\r\n        }\r\n      })\r\n      // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\r\n    } else {\r\n      uni.showToast({\r\n        title: \"请在设置中开启通知权限\",\r\n        icon: \"error\"\r\n      })\r\n    }\r\n    // #endif\r\n  }\r\n  const handleGetClientId = () => {\r\n    uni.getPushClientId({\r\n      complete(e : any) {\r\n        console.log(e);\r\n      }\r\n    })\r\n  }\r\n  const handleSetBadge = () => {\r\n    uni.setAppBadgeNumber(5)\r\n  }\r\n  const handleCleanBadge = () => {\r\n    uni.setAppBadgeNumber(0)\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "getBatteryInfo": {
    "name": "## uni.getBatteryInfo(options) @getbatteryinfo",
    "description": "获取电池电量信息<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-getbatteryinfo](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-getbatteryinfo)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### getBatteryInfo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [GetBatteryInfoOptions](#getbatteryinfooptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (res: [GetBatteryInfoSuccess](#getbatteryinfosuccess-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) |\n@| fail | (res: UniError) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调 | \n\n##### GetBatteryInfoSuccess 的属性值 @getbatteryinfosuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| level | number | 是 | - | - | 设备电量,范围1 - 100 |\n| isCharging | boolean | 是 | - | - | 是否正在充电中 |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getBatteryInfo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getBatteryInfo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getBatteryInfo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getBatteryInfo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getBatteryInfo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getBatteryInfo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getBatteryInfo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.getBatteryInfo.getBatteryInfo)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-battery-info/get-battery-info.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-battery-info/get-battery-info\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <view>\n    <text>当前电量:{{level}}%</text>\n    <text>是否充电中:{{isCharging}}</text>\n  </view>\n</template>\n\n\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        level: 0,\n        isCharging: false\n      }\n    },\n    onLoad() {\n      try {\n        uni.getBatteryInfo({\n          success: res => {\n            this.level = res.level;\n            this.isCharging = res.isCharging;\n          }\n        });\n      } catch (e) {\n        console.error((e as Error).message);\n        uni.showModal({\n          content: (e as Error).message,\n          showCancel: false\n        });\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "getBatteryInfoSync": {
    "name": "## uni.getBatteryInfoSync() @getbatteryinfosync",
    "description": "同步获取电池电量信息<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-getbatteryinfo](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-getbatteryinfo)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### getBatteryInfoSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| **GetBatteryInfoResult** |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| level | number | 是 | - | - | 设备电量,范围1 - 100 |\n@| isCharging | boolean | 是 | - | - | 是否正在充电中 | \n",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getBatteryInfoSync&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getBatteryInfoSync&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getBatteryInfoSync&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getBatteryInfoSync&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getBatteryInfoSync&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getBatteryInfoSync)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getBatteryInfoSync&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.getBatteryInfo.getBatteryInfoSync)"
  "makePhoneCall": {
    "name": "## uni.makePhoneCall(options) @makephonecall",
    "description": "拨打电话<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### makePhoneCall  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [MakePhoneCallOptions](#makephonecalloptions-values) | 是 | - | - | uni.makePhoneCall |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| phoneNumber | string | 是 | - | - | 需要拨打的电话号码 |\n@| success | (res: MakePhoneCallSuccess) => void | 否 | - | - | uni.makePhoneCall成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [IMakePhoneCallError](#imakephonecallerror-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | uni.makePhoneCall失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | uni.makePhoneCall完成回调函数定义 | \n\n##### IMakePhoneCallError 的属性值 @imakephonecallerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/make-phone-call.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=makePhoneCall&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=makePhoneCall&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=makePhoneCall&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=makePhoneCall&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=makePhoneCall&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=makePhoneCall)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=makePhoneCall&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.makePhoneCall)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/make-phone-call/make-phone-call.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/make-phone-call/make-phone-call\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n\t<view>\n\t\t<page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n\t\t<view class=\"uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt\">\n\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-hello-text uni-center\">请在下方输入电话号码</view>\n\t\t\t<input class=\"input uni-common-mt\" type=\"number\" name=\"input\" @input=\"bindInput\" />\n\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-btn-v uni-common-mt\">\n\t\t\t\t<button @tap=\"makePhoneCall\" type=\"primary\" :disabled=\"disabled\">拨打</button>\n\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t</view>\n\t</view>\n</template>\n\n\n<style>\n\t.input {\n\t\theight: 119rpx;\n\t\tline-height: 119rpx;\n\t\tfont-size: 78rpx;\n\t\tborder-bottom: 1rpx solid #E2E2E2;\n\t\ttext-align:center;\n\t}\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n\texport default {\n\t\tdata() {\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\ttitle: 'makePhoneCall',\n\t\t\t\tdisabled: true,\n        inputValue:''\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tmethods: {\n\t\t\tbindInput: function (e : UniInputEvent) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.inputValue = e.detail.value\n\t\t\t\tif (this.inputValue.length > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.disabled = false\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.disabled = true\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tmakePhoneCall: function () {\n\t\t\t\tuni.makePhoneCall({\n\t\t\t\t\tphoneNumber: this.inputValue,\n\t\t\t\t\tsuccess: () => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(\"成功拨打电话\")\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n```\n:::"
  "onCompassChange": {
    "name": "## uni.onCompassChange(callback) @oncompasschange",
    "description": "监听罗盘数据<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### onCompassChange  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [OnCompassChangeSuccess](#oncompasschangesuccess-values)) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n#### OnCompassChangeSuccess 的属性值 @oncompasschangesuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| direction | number | 是 | - | - | 面对的方向度数 |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/compass.html#oncompasschange)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onCompassChange&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onCompassChange&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onCompassChange&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onCompassChange&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onCompassChange&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onCompassChange)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onCompassChange&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.onCompassChange)"
  "offCompassChange": {
    "name": "## uni.offCompassChange(callback) @offcompasschange",
    "description": "取消监听罗盘数据<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### offCompassChange  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/compass.html#offcompasschange)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=offCompassChange&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=offCompassChange&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=offCompassChange&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=offCompassChange&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=offCompassChange&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=offCompassChange)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=offCompassChange&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.offCompassChange)"
  "startCompass": {
    "name": "## uni.startCompass(options?) @startcompass",
    "description": "开始监听罗盘数据<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### startCompass  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [StartCompassOptions](#startcompassoptions-values) | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (res: CompassSuccess) => void | 否 | - | - | uni.startCompass成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [ICompassError](#icompasserror-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | uni.startCompass失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | uni.startCompass完成回调函数定义 | \n\n##### ICompassError 的属性值 @icompasserror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/compass.html#startcompass)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=startCompass&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=startCompass&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=startCompass&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=startCompass&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=startCompass&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=startCompass)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=startCompass&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.startCompass)"
  "stopCompass": {
    "name": "## uni.stopCompass(options?) @stopcompass",
    "description": "停止监听罗盘数据<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### stopCompass  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [StopCompassOptions](#stopcompassoptions-values) | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (res: CompassSuccess) => void | 否 | - | - | 成功返回的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [ICompassError](#icompasserror-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### ICompassError 的属性值 @icompasserror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/compass.html#stopcompass)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=stopCompass&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=stopCompass&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=stopCompass&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=stopCompass&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=stopCompass&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=stopCompass)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=stopCompass&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.stopCompass)"
  "compass": {
    "example": "## 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/compass/compass.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/compass/compass\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n\t<view>\n\t\t<page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n\t\t<view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-hello-text uni-center\" style=\"padding-bottom:50rpx;\">\n\t\t\t\t旋转手机即可获取方位信息\n\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t<view class=\"direction\">\n\t\t\t\t<view class=\"bg-compass-line\"></view>\n\t\t\t\t<image class=\"bg-compass\" src=\"../../../static/compass.png\" :style=\"'transform: rotate('+direction+'deg)'\"></image>\n\t\t\t\t<view class=\"direction-value\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<text>{{direction}}</text>\n\t\t\t\t\t<text class=\"direction-degree\">o</text>\n\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t</view>\n\t</view>\n</template>\n\n\n<style>\n\t.direction {\n\t\tposition: relative;\n\t\tmargin-top: 70rpx;\n\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\twidth: 540rpx;\n\t\theight: 540rpx;\n\t\talign-items: center;\n\t\tjustify-content: center;\n\t\tmargin:0 auto;\n\t}\n\n\t.direction-value {\n\t\tposition: relative;\n\t\tfont-size: 200rpx;\n\t\tcolor: #353535;\n\t\tline-height: 1;\n\t\tz-index: 1;\n\t}\n\n\t.direction-degree {\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\ttop: 0;\n\t\tright: -40rpx;\n\t\tfont-size: 60rpx;\n\t}\n\n\t.bg-compass {\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\ttop: 0;\n\t\tleft: 0;\n\t\twidth: 540rpx;\n\t\theight: 540rpx;\n\t\ttransition: .1s;\n\t}\n\n\t.bg-compass-line {\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\tleft: 267rpx;\n\t\ttop: -10rpx;\n\t\twidth: 6rpx;\n\t\theight: 56rpx;\n\t\tbackground-color: #1AAD19;\n\t\tborder-radius: 999rpx;\n\t\tz-index: 1;\n\t}\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n\texport default {\n\t\tdata() {\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\ttitle: 'onCompassChange',\n\t\t\t\tdirection: 0\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tonReady: function () {\n\t\t\tuni.onCompassChange((res) => {\n        console.log('onCompassChange', res)\n\t\t\t\tthis.direction = res.direction\n\t\t\t})\n\t\t},\n\t\tonUnload() {\n\t\t\tuni.stopCompass();\n\t\t\tthis.direction = 0;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n```\n:::"
  "startWifi": {
    "name": "## uni.startWifi(option) @startwifi",
    "description": "初始化Wi-Fi模块<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-wifi](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-wifi)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### startWifi  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| option | [WifiOption](#wifioption-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (res: [UniWifiResult](#uniwifiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| fail | (res: UniError) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n##### UniWifiResult 的属性值 @uniwifiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| wifi | **UniWifiInfo** \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| SSID | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| BSSID | string | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| secure | boolean | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| signalStrength | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| frequency | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/wifi.html#startwifi)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=startWifi&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=startWifi&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=startWifi&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=startWifi&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=startWifi&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=startWifi)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=startWifi&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.wifi.startWifi)"
  "stopWifi": {
    "name": "## uni.stopWifi(option) @stopwifi",
    "description": "关闭 Wi-Fi 模块<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-wifi](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-wifi)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### stopWifi  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | x | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| option | [WifiOption](#wifioption-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (res: [UniWifiResult](#uniwifiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| fail | (res: UniError) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n##### UniWifiResult 的属性值 @uniwifiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| wifi | **UniWifiInfo** \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| SSID | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| BSSID | string | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| secure | boolean | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| signalStrength | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| frequency | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/wifi.html#stopwifi)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=stopWifi&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=stopWifi&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=stopWifi&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=stopWifi&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=stopWifi&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=stopWifi)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=stopWifi&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.wifi.stopWifi)"
  "connectWifi": {
    "name": "## uni.connectWifi(option) @connectwifi",
    "description": "",
    "compatibility": "### connectWifi  兼容性 \n| Web | Android 系统版本 | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |\n| - | >=4.4 && <10.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| option | [WifiConnectOption](#wificonnectoption-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| SSID | string | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| BSSID | string | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| password | string | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| maunal | boolean | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| partialInfo | boolean | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| success | (res: [UniWifiResult](#uniwifiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| fail | (res: UniError) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n##### UniWifiResult 的属性值 @uniwifiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| wifi | **UniWifiInfo** \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| SSID | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| BSSID | string | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| secure | boolean | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| signalStrength | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| frequency | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/wifi.html#connectWifi)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=connectWifi&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=connectWifi&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=connectWifi&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=connectWifi&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=connectWifi&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=connectWifi)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=connectWifi&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.wifi.connectWifi)"
  "getWifiList": {
    "name": "## uni.getWifiList(option) @getwifilist",
    "description": "请求获取 Wi-Fi 列表。wifiList 数据会在 onGetWifiList 注册的回调中返回。<br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-wifi](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-wifi)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### getWifiList  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| option | [WifiOption](#wifioption-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (res: [UniWifiResult](#uniwifiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| fail | (res: UniError) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n##### UniWifiResult 的属性值 @uniwifiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| wifi | **UniWifiInfo** \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| SSID | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| BSSID | string | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| secure | boolean | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| signalStrength | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| frequency | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/wifi.html#getWifiList)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getWifiList&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getWifiList&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getWifiList&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getWifiList&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getWifiList&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getWifiList)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getWifiList&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.wifi.getWifiList)"
  "onGetWifiList": {
    "name": "## uni.onGetWifiList(callback) @ongetwifilist",
    "description": "监听获取到 Wi-Fi 列表数据事件。<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-wifi](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-wifi)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### onGetWifiList  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (wifiInfo: any) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/wifi.html#onGetWifiList)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onGetWifiList&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onGetWifiList&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onGetWifiList&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onGetWifiList&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onGetWifiList&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onGetWifiList)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onGetWifiList&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.wifi.onGetWifiList)"
  "offGetWifiList": {
    "name": "## uni.offGetWifiList(callback) @offgetwifilist",
    "description": "移除获取到 Wi-Fi 列表数据事件的监听函数。<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-wifi](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-wifi)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### offGetWifiList  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | () => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/wifi.html#offGetWifiList)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=offGetWifiList&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=offGetWifiList&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=offGetWifiList&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=offGetWifiList&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=offGetWifiList&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=offGetWifiList)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=offGetWifiList&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.wifi.offGetWifiList)"
  "getConnectedWifi": {
    "name": "## uni.getConnectedWifi(option) @getconnectedwifi",
    "description": "获取已连接的 Wi-Fi 信息<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-wifi](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-wifi)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### getConnectedWifi  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| option | [GetConnectedWifiOptions](#getconnectedwifioptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| partialInfo | boolean | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| success | (res: [UniWifiResult](#uniwifiresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| fail | (res: UniError) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n##### UniWifiResult 的属性值 @uniwifiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| wifi | **UniWifiInfo** \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| SSID | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| BSSID | string | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| secure | boolean | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| signalStrength | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| frequency | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/wifi.html#getConnectedWifi)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getConnectedWifi&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getConnectedWifi&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getConnectedWifi&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getConnectedWifi&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getConnectedWifi&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getConnectedWifi)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getConnectedWifi&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.wifi.getConnectedWifi)"
  "onWifiConnected": {
    "name": "## uni.onWifiConnected(callback) @onwificonnected",
    "description": "监听连接上 Wi-Fi 的事件<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-wifi](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-wifi)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### onWifiConnected  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (wifiInfo: [UniWifiResult](#uniwifiresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n#### UniWifiResult 的属性值 @uniwifiresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| wifi | **UniWifiInfo** \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| SSID | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| BSSID | string | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| secure | boolean | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| signalStrength | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| frequency | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/wifi.html#onWifiConnected)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onWifiConnected&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onWifiConnected&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onWifiConnected&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onWifiConnected&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onWifiConnected&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onWifiConnected)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onWifiConnected&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.wifi.onWifiConnected)"
  "onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo": {
    "name": "## uni.onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo(callback) @onwificonnectedwithpartialinfo",
    "description": "监听连接上 Wi-Fi 的事件。<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-wifi](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-wifi)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (wifiInfo: [UniWifiInfoWithPartialInfo](#uniwifiinfowithpartialinfo-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n#### UniWifiInfoWithPartialInfo 的属性值 @uniwifiinfowithpartialinfo-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| SSID | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/wifi.html#onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.wifi.onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo)"
  "offWifiConnected": {
    "name": "## uni.offWifiConnected(callback?) @offwificonnected",
    "description": "移除连接上 Wi-Fi 的事件的监听函数。<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-wifi](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-wifi)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### offWifiConnected  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | () => void \\| null | 否 | - | - |  | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/wifi.html#offWifiConnected)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=offWifiConnected&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=offWifiConnected&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=offWifiConnected&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=offWifiConnected&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=offWifiConnected&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=offWifiConnected)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=offWifiConnected&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.wifi.offWifiConnected)"
  "onMemoryWarning": {
    "name": "## uni.onMemoryWarning(callback) @onmemorywarning",
    "description": "开启监听内存警告<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-memorywarning](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-memorywarning)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### onMemoryWarning  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (res: [MemoryWarningCallbackResult](#memorywarningcallbackresult-values)) => void | 是 | - | - |  | \n\n#### MemoryWarningCallbackResult 的属性值 @memorywarningcallbackresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| level | number | 是 | - | - | 内存警告等级(仅安卓平台有效,iOS始终是0) |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/memory.html#onmemorywarning)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onMemoryWarning&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onMemoryWarning&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onMemoryWarning&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onMemoryWarning&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onMemoryWarning&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onMemoryWarning)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onMemoryWarning&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.memory.onMemoryWarning)"
  "offMemoryWarning": {
    "name": "## uni.offMemoryWarning(callback?) @offmemorywarning",
    "description": "取消监听内存不足告警事件<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-memorywarning](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-memorywarning)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### offMemoryWarning  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (res: [MemoryWarningCallbackResult](#memorywarningcallbackresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - |  | \n\n#### MemoryWarningCallbackResult 的属性值 @memorywarningcallbackresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| level | number | 是 | - | - | 内存警告等级(仅安卓平台有效,iOS始终是0) |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/memory.html#offmemorywarning)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=offMemoryWarning&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=offMemoryWarning&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=offMemoryWarning&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=offMemoryWarning&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=offMemoryWarning&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=offMemoryWarning)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=offMemoryWarning&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.memory.offMemoryWarning)"
  "onUserCaptureScreen": {
    "name": "## uni.onUserCaptureScreen(callback?) @onusercapturescreen",
    "description": "开启截屏监听<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-usercapturescreen](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-usercapturescreen)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### onUserCaptureScreen  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (res: [OnUserCaptureScreenCallbackResult](#onusercapturescreencallbackresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - |  | \n\n#### OnUserCaptureScreenCallbackResult 的属性值 @onusercapturescreencallbackresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| path | string | 否 | - | - | 截屏文件路径(仅Android返回) |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/capture-screen.html#onusercapturescreen)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=onUserCaptureScreen&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=onUserCaptureScreen&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=onUserCaptureScreen&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=onUserCaptureScreen&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=onUserCaptureScreen&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=onUserCaptureScreen)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=onUserCaptureScreen&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.captureScreen.onUserCaptureScreen)"
  "offUserCaptureScreen": {
    "name": "## uni.offUserCaptureScreen(callback?) @offusercapturescreen",
    "description": "关闭截屏监听<br/><br/><br/>> 本 API 是 [uni ext api](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/extapi.html),需下载插件:[uni-usercapturescreen](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-usercapturescreen)<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### offUserCaptureScreen  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (res: [OnUserCaptureScreenCallbackResult](#onusercapturescreencallbackresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - |  | \n\n#### OnUserCaptureScreenCallbackResult 的属性值 @onusercapturescreencallbackresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| path | string | 否 | - | - | 截屏文件路径(仅Android返回) |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/capture-screen.html#offusercapturescreen)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=offUserCaptureScreen&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=offUserCaptureScreen&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=offUserCaptureScreen&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=offUserCaptureScreen&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=offUserCaptureScreen&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=offUserCaptureScreen)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=offUserCaptureScreen&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.captureScreen.offUserCaptureScreen)"
  "createRequestPermissionListener": {
    "name": "## uni.createRequestPermissionListener() @createrequestpermissionlistener",
    "description": "创建一个监听权限申请的对象。",
    "compatibility": "### createRequestPermissionListener  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 4.0 | - |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [RequestPermissionListener](#requestpermissionlistener-values) |\n\n#### RequestPermissionListener 的方法 @requestpermissionlistener-values \n\n#### onRequest(callback) @onrequest\n监听申请系统权限\n##### onRequest  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (permissions: Array\\<string\\>) => void | 是 | - | - | 申请系统权限回调,permissions为触发权限申请的所有权限 | \n\n\n#### onConfirm(callback) @onconfirm\n监听弹出系统权限授权框\n##### onConfirm  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (permissions: Array\\<string\\>) => void | 是 | - | - | 弹出系统权限授权框回调,permissions为触发弹出权限授权框的所有权限 | \n\n\n#### onComplete(callback) @oncomplete\n监听权限申请完成\n##### onComplete  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (permissions: Array\\<string\\>) => void | 是 | - | - | 权限申请完成回调,permissions为申请完成的所有权限 | \n\n\n#### stop() @stop\n取消所有监听\n##### stop  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=createRequestPermissionListener&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=createRequestPermissionListener&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=createRequestPermissionListener&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=createRequestPermissionListener&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=createRequestPermissionListener&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=createRequestPermissionListener)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=createRequestPermissionListener&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.device.createRequestPermissionListener)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/create-request-permission-listener/create-request-permission-listener.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex:1\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <page-head title=\"权限申请监听\"></page-head>\n    <view class=\"permission-alert\" id=\"permission-alert\" :style=\"{'transform':isPermissionAlertShow ? 'translateY(0)':'translateY(-110px)'}\">\n      <text style=\"font-size: 20px;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-top: 5px;\">访问日历权限申请说明:</text>\n      <text style=\"color: darkgray;\">uni-app x正在申请访问日历权限用于演示,允许或拒绝均不会获取任何隐私信息。</text>\n    </view>\n    <button type=\"primary\" style=\"margin: 10px;\" @click=\"requestPermission\">点击申请日历权限</button>\n\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n<script>\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        isPermissionAlertShow: false,\n        permissionAlert: null as UniElement | null,\n        timeoutId: -1,\n        permissionListener: null as RequestPermissionListener | null\n      }\n    },\n\n    onReady() {\n      this.watchPermissionRRequest()\n    },\n    onUnload() {\n      this.permissionListener?.stop()\n      this.permissionListener = null\n      clearTimeout(this.timeoutId)\n    },\n    methods: {\n      watchPermissionRRequest() {\n        this.permissionListener = uni.createRequestPermissionListener()\n        this.permissionListener!.onConfirm((_) => {\n          // TODO 目前onConfirm监听实现的在时间上不够精确,暂时需要延迟弹框,后续修复\n          // TODO 这里的弹框仅为演示,实际开发中监听权限申请的代码应该在app.uvue中,弹框应全局处理,可参考https://gitcode.net/dcloud/uni-api/-/tree/master/uni_modules/uni-prompt/utssdk/app-android 代码自行封装一个uts的全局弹框\n          this.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {\n            this.isPermissionAlertShow = true\n          }, 100)\n        })\n        this.permissionListener!.onComplete((_) => {\n          clearTimeout(this.timeoutId)\n          this.isPermissionAlertShow = false\n        })\n      },\n      requestPermission() {\n        // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\n        if (UTSAndroid.checkSystemPermissionGranted(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()!, [\"android.permission.READ_CALENDAR\"])) {\n          uni.showToast({\n            title: \"权限已经同意了,不需要再申请\",\n            position: \"bottom\"\n          })\n          return\n        }\n        UTSAndroid.requestSystemPermission(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()!, [\"android.permission.READ_CALENDAR\"], (_ : boolean, p : string[]) => {\n          console.log(p)\n        }, (_ : boolean, p : string[]) => {\n          uni.showToast({\n            title: \"权限被拒绝了\",\n            position: \"bottom\"\n          })\n          console.log(p)\n        })\n        // #endif\n      }\n    }\n  }\n</script>\n\n<style>\n  .permission-alert {\n    width: 90%;\n    height: 100px;\n    margin: 10px 5%;\n    position: absolute;\n    top: 0px;\n    z-index: 3;\n    border-radius: 5px;\n    transition-property: transform;\n    transition-duration: 200ms;\n    background-color: white;\n    padding: 10px;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```"
  "chooseImage": {
    "name": "## uni.chooseImage(options) @chooseimage",
    "description": "从本地相册选择图片或使用相机拍照",
    "compatibility": "### chooseImage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ChooseImageOptions](#chooseimageoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| count | number \\| null | 否 | 9 | - | 最多可以选择的图片张数,app端不限制,微信小程序最多可支持20个。 |\n@| sourceType | Array\\<string\\> \\| null | 否 | ['album','camera'\\] | - | album 从相册选图,camera 使用相机,默认二者都有 |\n@| success | (callback: [ChooseImageSuccess](#chooseimagesuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 成功则返回图片的本地文件路径列表 tempFilePaths |\n@| fail | (callback: [IMediaError](#imediaerror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (callback: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### ChooseImageSuccess 的属性值 @chooseimagesuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 调用API的名称 |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | 描述信息 |\n| tempFilePaths | Array\\<string\\> | 是 | - | - | 图片的本地文件路径列表 |\n| tempFiles | any | 是 | - | - | 图片的本地文件列表 |\n\n##### IMediaError 的属性值 @imediaerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1101001 \\| 1101002 \\| 1101003 \\| 1101004 \\| 1101005 \\| 1101006 \\| 1101007 \\| 1101008 \\| 1101009 \\| 1101010 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1101001 用户取消<br/>- 1101002 urls至少包含一张图片地址<br/>- 1101003 文件不存在<br/>- 1101004 图片加载失败<br/>- 1101005 未获取权限<br/>- 1101006 图片或视频保存失败<br/>- 1101007 图片裁剪失败<br/>- 1101008 拍照或录像失败<br/>- 1101009 图片压缩失败<br/>- 1101010 其他错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/image?id=chooseimage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=chooseImage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=chooseImage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=chooseImage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=chooseImage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=chooseImage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=chooseImage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=chooseImage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.media.chooseImage)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/choose-image/choose-image.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/choose-image/choose-image\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view class=\"page-scroll-view\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <view>\n      <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n      <view class=\"uni-common-mt\">\n        <view class=\"uni-list\">\n          <view class=\"uni-list-cell cell-pd\">\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-left uni-label\">\n              图片来源\n            </view>\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-right\" @click=\"chooseImageSource\">\n              <text class=\"click-t\">{{sourceType[sourceTypeIndex]}}</text>\n            </view>\n          </view>\n\n          <view class=\"uni-list-cell cell-pd\">\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-left uni-label\">\n              图片质量\n            </view>\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-right\" @click=\"chooseImageType\">\n              <text class=\"click-t\">{{sizeType[sizeTypeIndex]}}</text>\n            </view>\n          </view>\n\n          <view class=\"uni-list-cell cell-pd\">\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-left uni-label\">\n              数量限制\n            </view>\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-right\">\n              <input class=\"click-t\" :value=\"countIndex+1\" type=\"number\" :maxlength=\"1\" @confirm=\"chooseImageCount\" confirm-type=\"done\" />\n            </view>\n          </view>\n          <view class=\"uni-list-cell cell-pd\">\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-left uni-label\">\n              图像裁剪\n            </view>\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-right\">\n              <switch :checked=\"isCrop\" @change=\"switchCrop\"></switch>\n            </view>\n          </view>\n          <view ref=\"cropOptionNode\" class=\"crop-option\" :style=\"{'height':isCrop?'200px':'0px','margin-bottom':isCrop?'11px':'0px'}\">\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell cell-pd\">\n              <view class=\"uni-list-cell-left item_width\">\n                图片质量(%)\n              </view>\n              <view class=\"uni-list-cell-right\">\n                <input :value=\"cropPercent\" @confirm=\"cropPercentConfim\" type=\"number\" maxlength=\"-1\"/>\n              </view>\n            </view>\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell cell-pd\">\n              <view class=\"uni-list-cell-left item_width\">\n                裁剪宽度(px)\n              </view>\n              <view class=\"uni-list-cell-right\">\n                <input :value=\"cropWidth\" @confirm=\"cropWidthConfim\" type=\"number\" maxlength=\"-1\"/>\n              </view>\n            </view>\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell cell-pd\">\n              <view class=\"uni-list-cell-left item_width\">\n                裁剪高度(px)\n              </view>\n              <view class=\"uni-list-cell-right\">\n                <input :value=\"cropHeight\" @confirm=\"cropHeightConfim\" type=\"number\" maxlength=\"-1\"/>\n              </view>\n            </view>\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell cell-pd\">\n              <view class=\"uni-list-cell-left item_width\">\n                保留原宽高\n              </view>\n              <view class=\"uni-list-cell-right\">\n                <switch :checked=\"cropResize\" @change=\"cropResizeChange\"></switch>\n              </view>\n            </view>\n          </view>\n        </view>\n\n        <view class=\"uni-list list-pd\" style=\"padding: 15px;\">\n          <view class=\"uni-flex\" style=\"margin-bottom: 10px;\">\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-left\">点击可预览选好的图片</view>\n            <view style=\"margin-left: auto;\">\n              <text class=\"click-t\">{{imageList.length}}/{{countIndex+1}}</text>\n            </view>\n          </view>\n          <view class=\"uni-flex\" style=\"flex-wrap: wrap;\">\n            <view v-for=\"(image,index) in imageList\" :key=\"index\" class=\"uni-uploader__input-box\" style=\"border: 0;\">\n              <image style=\"width: 104px; height: 104px;\" :src=\"image\" :data-src=\"image\" @tap=\"previewImage(index)\">\n              </image>\n              <image src=\"/static/plus.png\" class=\"image-remove\" @click=\"removeImage(index)\"></image>\n            </view>\n            <image class=\"uni-uploader__input-box\" @tap=\"chooseImage\" src=\"/static/plus.png\"></image>\n          </view>\n        </view>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n\n\n<style>\n  .cell-pd {\n    padding: 11px 15px;\n  }\n\n  .click-t {\n    color: darkgray;\n  }\n\n  .list-pd {\n    margin-top: 25px;\n  }\n\n  .uni-uploader__input-box {\n    margin: 5px;\n    width: 104px;\n    height: 104px;\n    border: 1px solid #D9D9D9;\n  }\n\n  .uni-uploader__input {\n    position: absolute;\n    z-index: 1;\n    top: 0;\n    left: 0;\n    width: 100%;\n    height: 100%;\n    opacity: 0;\n  }\n\n  .image-remove {\n    transform: rotate(45deg);\n    width: 25px;\n    height: 25px;\n    position: absolute;\n    top: 0;\n    right: 0;\n    border-radius: 13px;\n    background-color: rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.8);\n  }\n\n  .item_width {\n    width: 130px;\n  }\n\n  .crop-option {\n    margin-left: 11px;\n    margin-right: 11px;\n    border-radius: 11px;\n    background-color: #eee;\n    transition-property: height, margin-bottom;\n    transition-duration: 200ms;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  var sourceTypeArray = [\n    ['camera'],\n    ['album'],\n    ['camera', 'album']\n  ]\n  var sizeTypeArray = [\n    ['compressed'],\n    ['original'],\n    ['compressed', 'original']\n  ]\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: 'chooseImage',\n        imageList: [] as Array<string>,\n        sourceTypeIndex: 2,\n        sourceType: ['拍照', '相册', '拍照或相册'],\n        sizeTypeIndex: 2,\n        sizeType: ['压缩', '原图', '压缩或原图'],\n        countIndex: 8,\n        count: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],\n        isCrop: false,\n        cropPercent: 80,\n        cropWidth: 100,\n        cropHeight: 100,\n        cropResize: false\n      }\n    },\n    onUnload() {\n      this.imageList = [];\n      this.sourceTypeIndex = 2\n      this.sourceType = ['拍照', '相册', '拍照或相册']\n      this.sizeTypeIndex = 2\n      this.sizeType = ['压缩', '原图', '压缩或原图']\n      this.countIndex = 8\n    },\n    methods: {\n      cropHeightConfim(e : InputConfirmEvent) {\n        let value = parseInt(e.detail.value)\n        if (value > 0) {\n          this.cropHeight = value\n        } else {\n          uni.showToast({\n            position: \"bottom\",\n            title: \"裁剪高度需要大于0\"\n          })\n        }\n      },\n      cropWidthConfim(e : InputConfirmEvent) {\n        let value = parseInt(e.detail.value)\n        if (value > 0) {\n          this.cropWidth = value\n        } else {\n          uni.showToast({\n            position: \"bottom\",\n            title: \"裁剪宽度需要大于0\"\n          })\n        }\n      },\n      cropPercentConfim(e : InputConfirmEvent) {\n        let value = parseInt(e.detail.value)\n        if (value > 0 && value <= 100) {\n          this.cropPercent = value\n        } else {\n          uni.showToast({\n            position: \"bottom\",\n            title: \"请输入0~100之间的值\"\n          })\n        }\n      },\n      cropResizeChange(e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\n        this.cropResize = e.detail.value\n      },\n      switchCrop(e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\n        this.isCrop = e.detail.value\n      },\n      removeImage(index : number) {\n        this.imageList.splice(index, 1)\n      },\n      chooseImageSource() {\n        uni.showActionSheet({\n          itemList: ['拍照', '相册', '拍照或相册'],\n          success: (e) => {\n            this.sourceTypeIndex = e.tapIndex!\n          }\n        })\n      },\n      chooseImageType() {\n        uni.showActionSheet({\n          itemList: ['压缩', '原图', '压缩或原图'],\n          success: (e) => {\n            this.sizeTypeIndex = e.tapIndex!\n          }\n        })\n      },\n      chooseImageCount(event : InputConfirmEvent) {\n        let count = parseInt(event.detail.value) - 1\n        if (count < 0) {\n          uni.showToast({\n            position: \"bottom\",\n            title: \"图片数量应该大于0\"\n          })\n          return\n        }\n        this.countIndex = count\n      },\n      chooseImage: function () {\n        // var cropOption:ChooseImageCropOptions|null = this.isCrop ? null : new ChooseImageCropOptions(  )\n        if (this.imageList.length >= 9) {\n          uni.showToast({\n            position: \"bottom\",\n            title: \"已经有9张图片了,请删除部分图片之后重新选择\"\n          })\n          return\n        }\n        uni.chooseImage({\n          sourceType: sourceTypeArray[this.sourceTypeIndex],\n          sizeType: sizeTypeArray[this.sizeTypeIndex],\n          crop: this.isCrop ? { \"quality\": this.cropPercent, \"width\": this.cropWidth, \"height\": this.cropHeight, \"resize\": this.cropResize } as ChooseImageCropOptions : null,\n          count: this.imageList.length + this.count[this.countIndex] > 9 ? 9 - this.imageList.length : this.count[this.countIndex],\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.imageList = this.imageList.concat(res.tempFilePaths);\n          },\n          fail: (err) => {\n            console.log(\"err: \", JSON.stringify(err));\n          }\n        })\n      },\n      previewImage: function (index : number) {\n        uni.previewImage({\n          current: index,\n          urls: this.imageList\n        })\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "previewImage": {
    "name": "## uni.previewImage(options) @previewimage",
    "description": "预览图片",
    "compatibility": "### previewImage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [PreviewImageOptions](#previewimageoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| current | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | current 为当前显示图片的链接/索引值,不填或填写的值无效则为 urls 的第一张。APP平台仅支持索引值。 |\n@| urls | Array\\<[string.ImageURIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string)\\> | 是 | - | - | 需要预览的图片链接列表 |\n@| indicator | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 图片指示器样式<br/>- default: 底部圆点指示器<br/>- number: 顶部数字指示器<br/>- none: 不显示指示器 |\n@| loop | boolean \\| null | 否 | - | - | 是否可循环预览 |\n@| success | (callback: [PreviewImageSuccess](#previewimagesuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (callback: [IMediaError](#imediaerror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (callback: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### PreviewImageSuccess 的属性值 @previewimagesuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 调用API的名称 |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | 描述信息 |\n\n##### IMediaError 的属性值 @imediaerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1101001 \\| 1101002 \\| 1101003 \\| 1101004 \\| 1101005 \\| 1101006 \\| 1101007 \\| 1101008 \\| 1101009 \\| 1101010 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1101001 用户取消<br/>- 1101002 urls至少包含一张图片地址<br/>- 1101003 文件不存在<br/>- 1101004 图片加载失败<br/>- 1101005 未获取权限<br/>- 1101006 图片或视频保存失败<br/>- 1101007 图片裁剪失败<br/>- 1101008 拍照或录像失败<br/>- 1101009 图片压缩失败<br/>- 1101010 其他错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/image?id=previewimage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=previewImage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=previewImage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=previewImage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=previewImage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=previewImage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=previewImage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=previewImage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.media.previewImage.previewImage)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/preview-image/preview-image.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/preview-image/preview-image\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <view style=\"padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 8px\">\n      <view>\n        <text class=\"text-desc\">图片指示器样式</text>\n        <radio-group class=\"cell-ct\" style=\"background-color: white\" @change=\"onIndicatorChanged\">\n          <view class=\"indicator-it\" v-for=\"(item, index) in indicator\" :key=\"item.value\">\n            <radio :checked=\"index == 0\" :value=\"item.value\">{{\n              item.name\n            }}</radio>\n          </view>\n        </radio-group>\n      </view>\n      <view>\n        <checkbox-group @change=\"onCheckboxChange\" style=\"margin-top: 16px; margin-bottom: 16px; margin-left: 8px\">\n          <checkbox :checked=\"isLoop\" style=\"margin-right: 15px\">循环播放</checkbox>\n        </checkbox-group>\n      </view>\n      <view style=\"background-color: white\">\n        <text class=\"text-desc\">点击图片开始预览</text>\n        <view class=\"cell-ct\" style=\"margin: 8px;\">\n          <view class=\"cell cell-choose-image\" v-for=\"(image, index) in imageList\" :key=\"index\">\n            <image style=\"width: 100px; height: 100px\" mode=\"aspectFit\" :src=\"image\" @click=\"previewImage(index)\">\n            </image>\n          </view>\n          <image class=\"cell cell-choose-image\" src=\"/static/plus.png\" @click=\"chooseImage\">\n            <view></view>\n          </image>\n        </view>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n\n\n<style>\n  .text-desc {\n    margin-top: 16px;\n    margin-left: 8px;\n    margin-bottom: 16px;\n    font-weight: bold;\n  }\n\n  .cell-ct {\n    display: flex;\n    flex-wrap: wrap;\n    flex-direction: row;\n  }\n\n  .cell {\n    margin-left: 3px;\n    margin-right: 3px;\n    width: 100px;\n    height: 100px;\n  }\n\n  .cell-choose-image {\n    border-width: 1px;\n    border-style: solid;\n    border-color: lightgray;\n  }\n\n  .indicator-it {\n    margin: 8px;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  type ItemType = {\n    value : string,\n    name : string\n  }\n\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        imageList: [\"https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/unidoc/zh/uni@2x.png\", \"/static/uni.png\"],\n        indicator: [{\n          value: \"default\",\n          name: \"圆点\"\n        }, {\n          value: \"number\",\n          name: \"数字\"\n        }, {\n          value: \"none\",\n          name: \"不显示\"\n        }] as ItemType[],\n        currentIndicator: \"default\",\n        isLoop: true\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      previewImage(index : number) {\n        uni.previewImage({\n          urls: this.imageList,\n          current: index,\n          indicator: this.currentIndicator,\n          loop: this.isLoop\n        })\n      },\n      chooseImage() {\n        uni.chooseImage({\n          sourceType: ['album'],\n          success: (e) => {\n            this.imageList = this.imageList.concat(e.tempFilePaths)\n          },\n          fail(_) {\n          }\n        })\n      },\n      onIndicatorChanged(e : UniRadioGroupChangeEvent) {\n        this.currentIndicator = e.detail.value\n      },\n      onCheckboxChange(_ : UniCheckboxGroupChangeEvent) {\n        this.isLoop = !this.isLoop\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "closePreviewImage": {
    "name": "## uni.closePreviewImage(options) @closepreviewimage",
    "description": "关闭图片预览",
    "compatibility": "### closePreviewImage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ClosePreviewImageOptions](#closepreviewimageoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (callback: [ClosePreviewImageSuccess](#closepreviewimagesuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (callback: [IMediaError](#imediaerror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (callback: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### ClosePreviewImageSuccess 的属性值 @closepreviewimagesuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | 错误信息 |\n\n##### IMediaError 的属性值 @imediaerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1101001 \\| 1101002 \\| 1101003 \\| 1101004 \\| 1101005 \\| 1101006 \\| 1101007 \\| 1101008 \\| 1101009 \\| 1101010 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1101001 用户取消<br/>- 1101002 urls至少包含一张图片地址<br/>- 1101003 文件不存在<br/>- 1101004 图片加载失败<br/>- 1101005 未获取权限<br/>- 1101006 图片或视频保存失败<br/>- 1101007 图片裁剪失败<br/>- 1101008 拍照或录像失败<br/>- 1101009 图片压缩失败<br/>- 1101010 其他错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/image?id=closepreviewimage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=closePreviewImage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=closePreviewImage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=closePreviewImage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=closePreviewImage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=closePreviewImage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=closePreviewImage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=closePreviewImage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.media.previewImage.closePreviewImage)"
  "saveImageToPhotosAlbum": {
    "name": "## uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum(options) @saveimagetophotosalbum",
    "description": "保存图片到系统相册",
    "compatibility": "### saveImageToPhotosAlbum  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [SaveImageToPhotosAlbumOptions](#saveimagetophotosalbumoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | [string.ImageURIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 图片文件路径,可以是临时文件路径也可以是永久文件路径,不支持网络图片路径 |\n@| success | (callback: [SaveImageToPhotosAlbumSuccess](#saveimagetophotosalbumsuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (callback: [IMediaError](#imediaerror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (callback: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### SaveImageToPhotosAlbumSuccess 的属性值 @saveimagetophotosalbumsuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| path | string | 是 | - | - | 保存到相册的图片路径 |\n\n##### IMediaError 的属性值 @imediaerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1101001 \\| 1101002 \\| 1101003 \\| 1101004 \\| 1101005 \\| 1101006 \\| 1101007 \\| 1101008 \\| 1101009 \\| 1101010 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1101001 用户取消<br/>- 1101002 urls至少包含一张图片地址<br/>- 1101003 文件不存在<br/>- 1101004 图片加载失败<br/>- 1101005 未获取权限<br/>- 1101006 图片或视频保存失败<br/>- 1101007 图片裁剪失败<br/>- 1101008 拍照或录像失败<br/>- 1101009 图片压缩失败<br/>- 1101010 其他错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/image?id=saveimagetophotosalbum)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=saveImageToPhotosAlbum&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=saveImageToPhotosAlbum&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=saveImageToPhotosAlbum&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=saveImageToPhotosAlbum&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=saveImageToPhotosAlbum&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=saveImageToPhotosAlbum)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=saveImageToPhotosAlbum&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.media.saveImageToPhotosAlbum)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/save-image-to-photos-album/save-image-to-photos-album.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex:1\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n      <image class=\"image\" src=\"/static/uni.png\"></image>\n      <button class=\"margin-top-10\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"saveImage\">将图片保存到手机相册</button>\n    </view>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n<script>\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: \"saveImageToPhotosAlbum\",\n        // 自动化测试\n        success: false\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      saveImage() {\n        uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({\n          filePath: \"/static/uni.png\",\n          success: (res) => {\n            console.log(\"saveImageToPhotosAlbum success\", JSON.stringify(res));\n            uni.showToast({\n              position: \"center\",\n              icon: \"none\",\n              title: \"图片保存成功,请到手机相册查看\"\n            });\n            this.success = true;\n          },\n          fail: (err) => {\n            uni.showModal({\n              title: \"保存图片到相册失败\",\n              content: JSON.stringify(err),\n              showCancel: false\n            });\n            this.success = false;\n          }\n        })\n      }\n    }\n  }\n</script>\n\n<style>\n  .margin-top-10 {\n    margin-top: 10px;\n  }\n\n  .image {\n    width: 196px;\n    height: 196px;\n    align-self: center;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```"
  "getImageInfo": {
    "name": "## uni.getImageInfo(options) @getimageinfo",
    "description": "获取图片信息",
    "compatibility": "### getImageInfo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 4.18 | - |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [GetImageInfoOptions](#getimageinfooptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| src | [string.ImageURIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 图片的路径,可以是相对路径,临时文件路径,存储文件路径,网络图片路径 |\n@| success | (callback: [GetImageInfoSuccess](#getimageinfosuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (callback: [IMediaError](#imediaerror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (callback: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### GetImageInfoSuccess 的属性值 @getimageinfosuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| width | number | 是 | - | - | 图片宽度,单位px |\n| height | number | 是 | - | - | 图片高度,单位px |\n| path | string | 是 | - | - | 返回图片的本地路径 |\n\n##### IMediaError 的属性值 @imediaerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1101001 \\| 1101002 \\| 1101003 \\| 1101004 \\| 1101005 \\| 1101006 \\| 1101007 \\| 1101008 \\| 1101009 \\| 1101010 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1101001 用户取消<br/>- 1101002 urls至少包含一张图片地址<br/>- 1101003 文件不存在<br/>- 1101004 图片加载失败<br/>- 1101005 未获取权限<br/>- 1101006 图片或视频保存失败<br/>- 1101007 图片裁剪失败<br/>- 1101008 拍照或录像失败<br/>- 1101009 图片压缩失败<br/>- 1101010 其他错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/image?id=getimageinfo)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getImageInfo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getImageInfo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getImageInfo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getImageInfo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getImageInfo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getImageInfo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getImageInfo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.media.getImageInfo)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-image-info/get-image-info.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-image-info/get-image-info\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex:1\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n      <view class=\"uni-title\">\n        <text class=\"uni-subtitle-text\">获取本地相对路径图片信息</text>\n      </view>\n      <image class=\"image\" :src=\"relativeImagePath\" mode=\"aspectFit\"></image>\n      <text class=\"margin-top-10\">{{absoluteImageInfo}}</text>\n      <view class=\"uni-title\">\n        <text class=\"uni-subtitle-text\">获取网络路径图片信息</text>\n      </view>\n      <image class=\"image\" :src=\"remoteImagePath\" mode=\"aspectFit\"></image>\n      <text class=\"margin-top-10\">{{remoteImageInfo}}</text>\n      <view class=\"uni-title\">\n        <text class=\"uni-subtitle-text\">获取本地绝对路径图片信息</text>\n      </view>\n      <image class=\"image\" :src=\"absoluteImagePath\" mode=\"aspectFit\"></image>\n      <text class=\"margin-top-10\">{{relativeImageInfo}}</text>\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n        <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"chooseImage\">拍摄照片或从相册中选择照片</button>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n\n\n<style>\n  .image {\n    align-self: center;\n  }\n\n  .margin-top-10 {\n    margin-top: 10px;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: \"getImageInfo\",\n        relativeImagePath: \"/static/test-image/logo.png\",\n        relativeImageInfo: \"\",\n        absoluteImagePath: \"\",\n        absoluteImageInfo: \"\",\n        remoteImagePath: \"https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/static/img/building.jpg\",\n        remoteImageInfo: \"\",\n        // 自动化测试\n        imageInfoForTest: null as UTSJSONObject | null,\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      chooseImage() {\n        uni.chooseImage({\n          count: 1,\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.absoluteImagePath = res.tempFilePaths[0];\n            uni.getImageInfo({\n              src: res.tempFilePaths[0],\n              success: (_res) => {\n                console.log(\"getImageInfo success\", JSON.stringify(res));\n                this.relativeImageInfo = `图片宽度: ${_res.width}\\n图片高度: ${_res.height}\\n图片路径: ${_res.path}\\n图片方向: ${_res.orientation}\\n图片格式: ${_res.type}`;\n              },\n              fail: (err) => {\n                uni.showModal({\n                  title: \"获取图片信息失败\",\n                  content: JSON.stringify(err),\n                  showCancel: false\n                });\n              }\n            });\n          }\n        });\n      }\n    },\n    onReady() {\n      uni.getImageInfo({\n        src: this.relativeImagePath,\n        success: (res) => {\n          console.log(\"getImageInfo success\", JSON.stringify(res));\n          this.absoluteImageInfo = `图片宽度: ${res.width}\\n图片高度: ${res.height}\\n图片路径: ${res.path}\\n图片方向: ${res.orientation}\\n图片格式: ${res.type}`;\n          this.imageInfoForTest = {\n            \"width\": res.width,\n            \"height\": res.height,\n            \"path\": res.path.slice(res.path.indexOf('/static')),\n            \"orientation\": res.orientation,\n            \"type\": res.type\n          };\n        },\n        fail: (err) => {\n          uni.showModal({\n            title: \"获取图片信息失败\",\n            content: JSON.stringify(err),\n            showCancel: false\n          });\n          this.imageInfoForTest = null;\n        }\n      });\n      uni.getImageInfo({\n        src: this.remoteImagePath,\n        success: (res) => {\n          console.log(\"getImageInfo success\", JSON.stringify(res));\n          this.remoteImageInfo = `图片宽度: ${res.width}\\n图片高度: ${res.height}\\n图片路径: ${res.path}\\n图片方向: ${res.orientation}\\n图片格式: ${res.type}`;\n        },\n        fail: (err) => {\n          uni.showModal({\n            title: \"获取图片信息失败\",\n            content: JSON.stringify(err),\n            showCancel: false\n          });\n        }\n      });\n    }\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "compressImage": {
    "name": "## uni.compressImage(options) @compressimage",
    "description": "压缩图片",
    "compatibility": "### compressImage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 4.18 | - |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [CompressImageOptions](#compressimageoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| src | [string.ImageURIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 图片路径,图片的路径,可以是相对路径、临时文件路径、存储文件路径 |\n@| quality | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 压缩质量,范围0~100,数值越小,质量越低,压缩率越高(仅对jpg有效) |\n@| rotate | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 旋转度数,范围0~360 |\n@| ~~width~~ | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 缩放图片的宽度  **已废弃** |\n@| ~~height~~ | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 缩放图片的高度  **已废弃** |\n@| compressedHeight | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 压缩后图片的高度,单位为px,若不填写则默认以compressedWidth为准等比缩放 |\n@| compressedWidth | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 压缩后图片的宽度,单位为px,若不填写则默认以compressedHeight为准等比缩放。 |\n@| success | (callback: [CompressImageSuccess](#compressimagesuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (callback: [IMediaError](#imediaerror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (callback: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### CompressImageSuccess 的属性值 @compressimagesuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| tempFilePath | string | 是 | - | - | 压缩后图片的临时文件路径 |\n\n##### IMediaError 的属性值 @imediaerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1101001 \\| 1101002 \\| 1101003 \\| 1101004 \\| 1101005 \\| 1101006 \\| 1101007 \\| 1101008 \\| 1101009 \\| 1101010 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1101001 用户取消<br/>- 1101002 urls至少包含一张图片地址<br/>- 1101003 文件不存在<br/>- 1101004 图片加载失败<br/>- 1101005 未获取权限<br/>- 1101006 图片或视频保存失败<br/>- 1101007 图片裁剪失败<br/>- 1101008 拍照或录像失败<br/>- 1101009 图片压缩失败<br/>- 1101010 其他错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/image?id=compressimage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=compressImage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=compressImage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=compressImage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=compressImage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=compressImage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=compressImage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=compressImage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.media.compressImage)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/compress-image/compress-image.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex:1\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n      <view class=\"image-container\">\n        <image class=\"image\" :src=\"beforeCompressPath\" mode=\"aspectFit\"></image>\n        <image class=\"image\" :src=\"afterCompressPath\" mode=\"aspectFit\"></image>\n      </view>\n      <view class=\"uni-title\">\n        <text class=\"uni-subtitle-text\">压缩前图片信息</text>\n      </view>\n      <text>{{beforeCompressImageInfo}}</text>\n      <view class=\"uni-title\">\n        <text class=\"uni-subtitle-text\">压缩后图片信息</text>\n      </view>\n      <text>{{afterCompressImageInfo}}</text>\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n        <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"chooseImage\">从相册中选取待压缩的图片</button>\n      </view>\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n        <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"compressImage\">压缩图片</button>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n    <input-data defaultValue=\"80\" title=\"压缩质量,范围0~100,数值越小,质量越低,压缩率越高(仅对jpg有效)\" type=\"number\"\n      @confirm=\"onQualityConfirm\"></input-data>\n    <input-data title=\"压缩后图片的宽度,单位px\" type=\"string\" @confirm=\"onCompressedWidthConfirm\"></input-data>\n    <input-data title=\"压缩后图片的高度,单位px\" type=\"string\" @confirm=\"onCompressedHeightConfirm\"></input-data>\n<!--    <input-data defaultValue=\"auto\" title=\"压缩后图片的宽度,支持px、%、auto\" type=\"string\" @confirm=\"onWidthConfirm\"></input-data>\n    <input-data defaultValue=\"auto\" title=\"压缩后图片的高度,支持px、%、auto\" type=\"string\" @confirm=\"onHeightConfirm\"></input-data> -->\n    <input-data defaultValue=\"0\" title=\"旋转度数,范围0~360\" type=\"number\" @confirm=\"onRotateConfirm\"></input-data>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n<script>\n  // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\n  import FileInputStream from 'java.io.FileInputStream';\n  // #endif\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: \"compressImage\",\n        beforeCompressImageInfo: \"\",\n        afterCompressImageInfo: \"\",\n        beforeCompressPath: \"\",\n        afterCompressPath: \"\",\n        quality: 80,\n        compressedWidth: null as number | null,\n        compressedHeight: null as number | null,\n        width: \"auto\",\n        height: \"auto\",\n        rotate: 0,\n        // 自动化测试\n        imageInfoForTest: null,\n        imageSrcForTest: '/static/test-image/logo.png'\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      compressImage() {\n        if (this.beforeCompressPath == \"\") {\n          uni.showToast({\n            title: \"请先选择图片\",\n            icon: \"error\"\n          });\n          return;\n        }\n        uni.showLoading({\n          title: \"图片压缩中\"\n        });\n        uni.compressImage({\n          src: this.beforeCompressPath,\n          quality: this.quality,\n          compressedWidth: this.compressedWidth,\n          compressedHeight: this.compressedHeight,\n          width: this.width,\n          height: this.height,\n          rotate: this.rotate,\n          success: (res) => {\n            console.log(\"compressImage success\", JSON.stringify(res));\n            this.afterCompressPath = res.tempFilePath;\n            uni.showToast({\n              title: \"压缩成功\",\n              icon: null\n            });\n            uni.getImageInfo({\n              src: res.tempFilePath,\n              success: (_res) => {\n                this.afterCompressImageInfo = `图片宽度: ${_res.width}\\n图片高度: ${_res.height}\\n`;\n                // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\n                const size = new FileInputStream(res.tempFilePath.substring(\"file://\".length)).available() / 1024;\n                this.afterCompressImageInfo = this.afterCompressImageInfo.concat(`图片大小: ${size}KB`);\n                // #endif\n              }\n            });\n          },\n          fail: (err) => {\n            uni.showModal({\n              title: \"压缩图片失败\",\n              content: JSON.stringify(err),\n              showCancel: false\n            });\n          },\n          complete: (_) => {\n            uni.hideLoading();\n          }\n        });\n      },\n      chooseImage() {\n        uni.chooseImage({\n          count: 1,\n          sizeType: [\"original\"],\n          sourceType: [\"album\"],\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.beforeCompressPath = res.tempFilePaths[0];\n            uni.getImageInfo({\n              src: res.tempFilePaths[0],\n              success: (_res) => {\n                this.beforeCompressImageInfo = `图片宽度: ${_res.width}\\n图片高度: ${_res.height}\\n`;\n                // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\n                const size = new FileInputStream(res.tempFilePaths[0].substring(\"file://\".length)).available() / 1024;\n                this.beforeCompressImageInfo = this.beforeCompressImageInfo.concat(`图片大小: ${size}KB`);\n                // #endif\n              }\n            });\n          }\n        });\n      },\n      onQualityConfirm(value : number) {\n        this.quality = value;\n      },\n      onCompressedWidthConfirm(value : string) {\n        this.compressedWidth = parseInt(value);\n      },\n      onCompressedHeightConfirm(value : string) {\n        this.compressedHeight = parseInt(value);\n      },\n      onWidthConfirm(value : string) {\n        this.width = value;\n      },\n      onHeightConfirm(value : string) {\n        this.height = value;\n      },\n      onRotateConfirm(value : number) {\n        this.rotate = value;\n      },\n      testCompressImage() {\n        uni.compressImage({\n          src: this.imageSrcForTest,\n          quality: 50,\n          compressedWidth: 100,\n          compressedHeight: 100,\n          success: (res) => {\n            uni.getImageInfo({\n              src: res.tempFilePath,\n              success: (_res) => {\n                let beforeCompressSize: number, afterComoressSize: number;\n                // #ifdef APP-ANDROID\n                beforeCompressSize = new FileInputStream(UTSAndroid.convert2AbsFullPath(this.imageSrcForTest)).available();\n                afterComoressSize = new FileInputStream(res.tempFilePath.substring(\"file://\".length)).available();\n                // #endif\n                this.imageInfoForTest = {\n                  \"width\": _res.width,\n                  \"height\": _res.height,\n                  \"isSizeReduce\": afterComoressSize < beforeCompressSize\n                };\n              }\n            });\n          },\n          fail: (_) => {\n            this.imageInfoForTest = null;\n          }\n        });\n      }\n    }\n  }\n</script>\n\n<style>\n  .image {\n    flex: 1;\n  }\n\n  .image-container {\n    flex-direction: row;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```"
  "chooseVideo": {
    "name": "## uni.chooseVideo(options) @choosevideo",
    "description": "拍摄视频或从手机相册中选视频,返回视频的临时文件路径。",
    "compatibility": "### chooseVideo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 4.18 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ChooseVideoOptions](#choosevideooptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| sourceType | Array\\<string\\> \\| null | 否 | - | - | album 从相册选视频,camera 使用相机拍摄,默认为:['album', 'camera'\\] |\n@| success | (callback: [ChooseVideoSuccess](#choosevideosuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功,返回视频文件的临时文件路径,详见返回参数说明 |\n@| fail | (callback: [IMediaError](#imediaerror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (callback: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### ChooseVideoSuccess 的属性值 @choosevideosuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| tempFilePath | string | 是 | - | - | 选定视频的临时文件路径 |\n| duration | number | 是 | - | - | 选定视频的时间长度 |\n| size | number | 是 | - | - | 选定视频的数据量大小 |\n| height | number | 是 | - | - | 返回选定视频的长 |\n| width | number | 是 | - | - | 返回选定视频的宽 |\n\n##### IMediaError 的属性值 @imediaerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1101001 \\| 1101002 \\| 1101003 \\| 1101004 \\| 1101005 \\| 1101006 \\| 1101007 \\| 1101008 \\| 1101009 \\| 1101010 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1101001 用户取消<br/>- 1101002 urls至少包含一张图片地址<br/>- 1101003 文件不存在<br/>- 1101004 图片加载失败<br/>- 1101005 未获取权限<br/>- 1101006 图片或视频保存失败<br/>- 1101007 图片裁剪失败<br/>- 1101008 拍照或录像失败<br/>- 1101009 图片压缩失败<br/>- 1101010 其他错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/video?id=choosevideo)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=chooseVideo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=chooseVideo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=chooseVideo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=chooseVideo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=chooseVideo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=chooseVideo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=chooseVideo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.media.chooseVideo)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/choose-video/choose-video.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/choose-video/choose-video\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex:1\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n      <video class=\"video\" :src=\"src\" :controls=\"true\"></video>\n      <view class=\"uni-title\">\n        <text class=\"uni-subtitle-text\">视频信息</text>\n      </view>\n      <text>{{videoInfo}}</text>\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n        <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"chooseVideo\">选取视频</button>\n      </view>\n      <enum-data title=\"视频来源\" :items=\"sourceTypeItemTypes\" @change=\"onSourceTypeChange\"></enum-data>\n      <enum-data title=\"摄像头\" :items=\"cameraItemTypes\" @change=\"onCameraChange\"></enum-data>\n    </view>\n    <input-data title=\"最长拍摄时间,单位秒\" defaultValue=\"60\" type=\"number\" @confirm=\"onMaxDurationConfirm\"></input-data>\n    <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n      <boolean-data title=\"是否压缩\" :defaultValue=\"true\" @change=\"onCompressedChange\"></boolean-data>\n    </view>\n    <!-- #endif -->\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n\n\n<style>\n  .video {\n    align-self: center;\n    width: 300px;\n    height: 225px;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  import { ItemType } from '@/components/enum-data/enum-data';\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: \"chooseVideo\",\n        src: \"\",\n        sourceTypeItemTypes: [{ \"value\": 0, \"name\": \"从相册中选择视频\" }, { \"value\": 1, \"name\": \"拍摄视频\" }, { \"value\": 2, \"name\": \"从相册中选择视频或拍摄视频\" }] as ItemType[],\n        sourceTypeItems: [[\"album\"], [\"camera\"], [\"album\", \"camera\"]],\n        cameraItemTypes: [{ \"value\": 0, \"name\": \"后置摄像头\" }, { \"value\": 1, \"name\": \"前置摄像头\" }] as ItemType[],\n        cameraItems: [\"back\", \"front\"],\n        sourceType: [\"album\", \"camera\"],\n        compressed: true,\n        maxDuration: 60,\n        camera: \"back\",\n        videoInfo: \"\"\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      chooseVideo() {\n        uni.chooseVideo({\n          sourceType: this.sourceType,\n          // #ifdef APP\n          compressed: this.compressed,\n          // #endif\n          maxDuration: this.maxDuration,\n          camera: this.camera,\n          success: (res) => {\n            console.log(\"chooseVideo success\", JSON.stringify(res));\n            this.src = res.tempFilePath;\n            this.videoInfo = `视频长度: ${res.duration}s\\n视频大小: ${Math.ceil(res.size / 1024)}KB\\n视频宽度: ${res.width}\\n视频高度: ${res.height}\\n`;\n          },\n          fail: (err) => {\n            uni.showModal({\n              title: \"选择视频失败\",\n              content: JSON.stringify(err),\n              showCancel: false\n            });\n          }\n        });\n      },\n      onSourceTypeChange(value : number) {\n        this.sourceType = this.sourceTypeItems[value];\n      },\n      onCompressedChange(value : boolean) {\n        this.compressed = value;\n      },\n      onMaxDurationConfirm(value : number) {\n        this.maxDuration = value;\n      },\n      onCameraChange(value : number) {\n        this.camera = this.cameraItems[value];\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "saveVideoToPhotosAlbum": {
    "name": "## uni.saveVideoToPhotosAlbum(options) @savevideotophotosalbum",
    "description": "保存视频到系统相册",
    "compatibility": "### saveVideoToPhotosAlbum  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.18 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [SaveVideoToPhotosAlbumOptions](#savevideotophotosalbumoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | [string.VideoURIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 视频文件路径,可以是临时文件路径也可以是永久文件路径 |\n@| success | (callback: SaveVideoToPhotosAlbumSuccess) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (callback: [IMediaError](#imediaerror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (callback: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### IMediaError 的属性值 @imediaerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1101001 \\| 1101002 \\| 1101003 \\| 1101004 \\| 1101005 \\| 1101006 \\| 1101007 \\| 1101008 \\| 1101009 \\| 1101010 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1101001 用户取消<br/>- 1101002 urls至少包含一张图片地址<br/>- 1101003 文件不存在<br/>- 1101004 图片加载失败<br/>- 1101005 未获取权限<br/>- 1101006 图片或视频保存失败<br/>- 1101007 图片裁剪失败<br/>- 1101008 拍照或录像失败<br/>- 1101009 图片压缩失败<br/>- 1101010 其他错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/video?id=savevideotophotosalbum)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=saveVideoToPhotosAlbum&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=saveVideoToPhotosAlbum&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=saveVideoToPhotosAlbum&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=saveVideoToPhotosAlbum&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=saveVideoToPhotosAlbum&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=saveVideoToPhotosAlbum)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=saveVideoToPhotosAlbum&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.media.saveVideoToPhotosAlbum)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/save-video-to-photos-album/save-video-to-photos-album.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex:1\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n      <video class=\"video\" :src=\"src\" :controls=\"true\"></video>\n      <button type=\"primary\" class=\"margin-top-10\" @click=\"saveVideo\">将视频保存到手机相册</button>\n    </view>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n<script>\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: 'saveVideoToPhotosAlbum',\n        src: '/static/test-video/10second-demo.mp4',\n        // 自动化测试\n        success: false\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      saveVideo() {\n        uni.saveVideoToPhotosAlbum({\n          filePath: this.src,\n          success: (_) => {\n            console.log(\"saveVideoToPhotosAlbum success\");\n            uni.showToast({\n              position: \"center\",\n              icon: \"none\",\n              title: \"视频保存成功,请到手机相册查看\"\n            });\n            this.success = true;\n          },\n          fail: (err) => {\n            uni.showModal({\n              title: \"保存视频到相册失败\",\n              content: JSON.stringify(err),\n              showCancel: false\n            });\n            this.success = false;\n          }\n        });\n      }\n    }\n  }\n</script>\n\n<style>\n  .video {\n    align-self: center;\n  }\n\n  .margin-top-10 {\n    margin-top: 10px;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```"
  "getVideoInfo": {
    "name": "## uni.getVideoInfo(options) @getvideoinfo",
    "description": "获取视频详细信息",
    "compatibility": "### getVideoInfo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 4.18 | - |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [GetVideoInfoOptions](#getvideoinfooptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| src | [string.VideoURIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 视频文件路径,可以是临时文件路径也可以是永久文件路径 |\n@| success | (callback: [GetVideoInfoSuccess](#getvideoinfosuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (callback: [IMediaError](#imediaerror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (callback: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### GetVideoInfoSuccess 的属性值 @getvideoinfosuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| duration | number | 是 | - | - | 视频长度 |\n| size | number | 是 | - | - | 视频大小,单位 kB |\n| height | number | 是 | - | - | 视频的长,单位 px |\n| width | number | 是 | - | - | 视频的宽,单位 px |\n\n##### IMediaError 的属性值 @imediaerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1101001 \\| 1101002 \\| 1101003 \\| 1101004 \\| 1101005 \\| 1101006 \\| 1101007 \\| 1101008 \\| 1101009 \\| 1101010 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1101001 用户取消<br/>- 1101002 urls至少包含一张图片地址<br/>- 1101003 文件不存在<br/>- 1101004 图片加载失败<br/>- 1101005 未获取权限<br/>- 1101006 图片或视频保存失败<br/>- 1101007 图片裁剪失败<br/>- 1101008 拍照或录像失败<br/>- 1101009 图片压缩失败<br/>- 1101010 其他错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/video?id=getvideoinfo)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getVideoInfo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getVideoInfo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getVideoInfo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getVideoInfo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getVideoInfo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getVideoInfo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getVideoInfo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.media.getVideoInfo)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-video-info/get-video-info.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-video-info/get-video-info\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex:1\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n      <view class=\"uni-title\">\n        <text class=\"uni-subtitle-text\">获取本地绝对路径视频信息</text>\n      </view>\n      <video class=\"video\" :src=\"absoluteVideoPath\" :controls=\"true\"></video>\n      <text class=\"margin-top-10\">{{absoluteVideoInfo}}</text>\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n        <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"chooseVideo\">拍摄视频或从相册中选择视频</button>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n\n\n<style>\n  .video {\n    align-self: center;\n  }\n\n  .margin-top-10 {\n    margin-top: 10px;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: \"getVideoInfo\",\n        absoluteVideoPath: \"\",\n        absoluteVideoInfo: \"\",\n        // 自动化测试\n        videoInfoForTest: null as UTSJSONObject | null\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      chooseVideo() {\n        uni.chooseVideo({\n          compressed: false,\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.absoluteVideoPath = res.tempFilePath;\n            uni.getVideoInfo({\n              src: res.tempFilePath,\n              success: (_res) => {\n                console.log(\"getVideoInfo success\", JSON.stringify(res));\n                this.absoluteVideoInfo = `视频画面方向: ${_res.orientation}\\n视频格式: ${_res.type}\\n视频长度: ${_res.duration}s\\n视频大小: ${_res.size}KB\\n视频宽度: ${_res.width}\\n视频高度: ${_res.height}\\n视频帧率: ${_res.fps}fps\\n视频码率: ${_res.bitrate}kbps`;\n              },\n              fail: (err) => {\n                uni.showModal({\n                  title: \"获取视频信息失败\",\n                  content: JSON.stringify(err),\n                  showCancel: false\n                });\n              }\n            });\n          }\n        });\n      },\n      testGetVideoInfo() {\n        uni.getVideoInfo({\n          src: '/static/test-video/10second-demo.mp4',\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.videoInfoForTest = {\n              \"orientation\": res.orientation,\n              \"type\": res.type,\n              \"duration\": res.duration.toInt(),\n              \"size\": res.size,\n              \"width\": res.width,\n              \"height\": res.height,\n              \"fps\": res.fps,\n              \"bitrate\": res.bitrate\n            };\n          },\n          fail: (_) => {\n            this.videoInfoForTest = null;\n          }\n        });\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "compressVideo": {
    "name": "## uni.compressVideo(options) @compressvideo",
    "description": "压缩视频",
    "compatibility": "### compressVideo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 4.18 | - |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [CompressVideoOptions](#compressvideooptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| src | [string.VideoURIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 视频文件路径,可以是临时文件路径也可以是永久文件路径 |\n@| quality | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 压缩质量<br/>- low: 低<br/>- medium: 中<br/>- high: 高 |\n@| resolution | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 相对于原视频的分辨率比例,取值范围(0, 1\\] |\n@| success | (callback: [CompressVideoSuccess](#compressvideosuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (callback: [IMediaError](#imediaerror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (callback: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### CompressVideoSuccess 的属性值 @compressvideosuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| tempFilePath | string | 是 | - | - | 压缩后的临时文件地址 |\n| size | number | 是 | - | - | 压缩后的大小,单位 kB |\n\n##### IMediaError 的属性值 @imediaerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1101001 \\| 1101002 \\| 1101003 \\| 1101004 \\| 1101005 \\| 1101006 \\| 1101007 \\| 1101008 \\| 1101009 \\| 1101010 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1101001 用户取消<br/>- 1101002 urls至少包含一张图片地址<br/>- 1101003 文件不存在<br/>- 1101004 图片加载失败<br/>- 1101005 未获取权限<br/>- 1101006 图片或视频保存失败<br/>- 1101007 图片裁剪失败<br/>- 1101008 拍照或录像失败<br/>- 1101009 图片压缩失败<br/>- 1101010 其他错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/video?id=compressvideo)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=compressVideo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=compressVideo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=compressVideo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=compressVideo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=compressVideo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=compressVideo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=compressVideo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.media.compressVideo)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/compress-video/compress-video.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex:1\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n      <video class=\"video\" :src=\"beforeCompressPath\" :controls=\"true\"></video>\n      <view class=\"uni-title\">\n        <text class=\"uni-subtitle-text\">压缩前视频信息</text>\n      </view>\n      <text>{{beforeCompressVideoInfo}}</text>\n      <video class=\"video\" :src=\"afterCompressPath\" :controls=\"true\"></video>\n      <view class=\"uni-title\">\n        <text class=\"uni-subtitle-text\">压缩后视频信息</text>\n      </view>\n      <text>{{afterCompressVideoInfo}}</text>\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n        <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"chooseVideo\">从相册中选取待压缩的视频</button>\n      </view>\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n        <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"compressVideo\">压缩视频</button>\n      </view>\n      <enum-data title=\"压缩质量\" :items=\"qualityItemTypes\" @change=\"onQualityChange\"></enum-data>\n      <view class=\"uni-common-mt\">\n        <text class=\"uni-title uni-title-text\">相对于原视频的分辨率比例,取值范围(0, 1]</text>\n        <slider :min=\"0.1\" :max=\"1\" :step=\"0.1\" :show-value=\"true\" @change=\"onResolutionChange\"></slider>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n<script>\n  import { ItemType } from '@/components/enum-data/enum-data';\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: \"compressVideo\",\n        beforeCompressVideoInfo: \"\",\n        afterCompressVideoInfo: \"\",\n        beforeCompressPath: \"\",\n        afterCompressPath: \"\",\n        quality: null as string | null,\n        bitrate: null as number | null,\n        fps: null as number | null,\n        resolution: null as number | null,\n        qualityItemTypes: [{ \"value\": 0, \"name\": \"low(低)\" }, { \"value\": 1, \"name\": \"medium(中)\" }, { \"value\": 2, \"name\": \"high(高)\" }] as ItemType[],\n        qualityItems: [\"low\", \"medium\", \"high\"],\n        // 自动化测试\n        videoInfoForTest: null,\n        videoSrcForTest: '/static/test-video/10second-demo.mp4'\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      compressVideo() {\n        if (this.beforeCompressPath == \"\") {\n          uni.showToast({\n            title: \"请先选择视频\",\n            icon: \"error\"\n          });\n          return;\n        }\n        uni.showLoading({\n          title: \"视频压缩中\"\n        });\n        uni.compressVideo({\n          src: this.beforeCompressPath,\n          quality: this.quality,\n          resolution: this.resolution,\n          success: (res) => {\n            console.log(\"compressVideo success\", JSON.stringify(res));\n            this.afterCompressPath = res.tempFilePath;\n            uni.showToast({\n              title: \"压缩成功\",\n              icon: null\n            });\n            uni.getVideoInfo({\n              src: res.tempFilePath,\n              success: (_res) => {\n                this.afterCompressVideoInfo = `视频画面方向: ${_res.orientation}\\n视频格式: ${_res.type}\\n视频长度: ${_res.duration}s\\n视频大小: ${_res.size}KB\\n视频宽度: ${_res.width}\\n视频高度: ${_res.height}\\n视频帧率: ${_res.fps}fps\\n视频码率: ${_res.bitrate}kbps`;\n              }\n            });\n          },\n          fail: (err) => {\n            uni.showModal({\n              title: \"压缩视频失败\",\n              content: JSON.stringify(err),\n              showCancel: false\n            });\n          },\n          complete: (_) => {\n            uni.hideLoading();\n          }\n        });\n      },\n      chooseVideo() {\n        uni.chooseVideo({\n          sourceType: [\"album\"],\n          compressed: false,\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.beforeCompressPath = res.tempFilePath;\n            uni.getVideoInfo({\n              src: res.tempFilePath,\n              success: (_res) => {\n                this.beforeCompressVideoInfo = `视频画面方向: ${_res.orientation}\\n视频格式: ${_res.type}\\n视频长度: ${_res.duration}s\\n视频大小: ${_res.size}KB\\n视频宽度: ${_res.width}\\n视频高度: ${_res.height}\\n视频帧率: ${_res.fps}fps\\n视频码率: ${_res.bitrate}kbps`;\n              }\n            });\n          }\n        });\n      },\n      onQualityChange(value : number) {\n        this.quality = this.qualityItems[value];\n      },\n      onResolutionChange(event : UniSliderChangeEvent) {\n        this.resolution = event.detail.value;\n      },\n      testCompressVideo() {\n        let beforeCompressSize: number, afterComoressSize: number;\n        uni.compressVideo({\n          src: this.videoSrcForTest,\n          quality: 'medium',\n          success: (res) => {\n            uni.getVideoInfo({\n              src: this.videoSrcForTest,\n              success: (_res) => {\n                beforeCompressSize = _res.size.toInt();\n                uni.getVideoInfo({\n                  src: res.tempFilePath,\n                  success: (__res) => {\n                    afterComoressSize = __res.size.toInt();\n                    this.videoInfoForTest = {\n                      \"width\": __res.width,\n                      \"height\": __res.height,\n                      \"isSizeReduce\": afterComoressSize < beforeCompressSize\n                    };\n                  }\n                });\n              }\n            });\n          },\n          fail: (_) => {\n            this.videoInfoForTest = null;\n          }\n        });\n      }\n    }\n  }\n</script>\n\n<style>\n  .video {\n    align-self: center;\n  }\n\n  .image-container {\n    flex-direction: row;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```"
  "createInnerAudioContext": {
    "name": "## uni.createInnerAudioContext() @createinneraudiocontext",
    "description": "创建并返回 audio 上下文 audioContext 对象<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### createInnerAudioContext  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [InnerAudioContext](#inneraudiocontext-values) |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| duration | number | 是 | - | - | 当前音频的长度(单位:s),只有在当前有合法的 src 时返回 |\n@| currentTime | number | 是 | - | - | 当前音频的播放位置(单位:s),只有在当前有合法的 src 时返回 |\n@| paused | boolean | 是 | - | - | 当前是是否暂停或停止状态,true 表示暂停或停止,false 表示正在播放 |\n@| src | string | 是 | - | - | 音频的数据链接,用于直接播放。 |\n@| startTime | number | 是 | - | - | 音频开始播放的位置(单位:s) |\n@| buffered | number | 是 | - | - | 音频缓冲的时间点,仅保证当前播放时间点到此时间点内容已缓冲 |\n@| autoplay | boolean | 是 | - | - | 是否自动开始播放,默认 false |\n@| loop | boolean | 是 | - | - | 是否循环播放,默认 false |\n@| obeyMuteSwitch | boolean | 是 | - | - | 是否遵循系统静音开关,当此参数为 false 时,即使用户打开了静音开关,也能继续发出声音,默认值 true |\n@| volume | number | 是 | - | - | 音量。范围 0~1。 |\n@| playbackRate | number | 否 | - | - | 播放的倍率。可取值: 0.5/0.8/1.0/1.25/1.5/2.0,默认值为1.0。(仅 App 支持) |\n#### InnerAudioContext 的方法 @inneraudiocontext-values \n\n#### pause() @pause\n暂停\n##### pause  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n\n#### stop() @stop\n停止\n##### stop  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n\n#### play() @play\n播放\n##### play  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n\n#### seek(position) @seek\n跳转到指定位置,单位 s\n##### seek  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| position | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### destroy() @destroy\n销毁当前实例\n##### destroy  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n\n#### onCanplay(callback) @oncanplay\n音频进入可以播放状态,但不保证后面可以流畅播放\n##### onCanplay  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onPlay(callback) @onplay\n音频播放事件\n##### onPlay  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onPause(callback) @onpause\n音频暂停事件\n##### onPause  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onStop(callback) @onstop\n音频停止事件\n##### onStop  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onEnded(callback) @onended\n音频自然播放结束事件\n##### onEnded  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onTimeUpdate(callback) @ontimeupdate\n音频播放进度更新事件\n##### onTimeUpdate  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onError(callback) @onerror\n音频播放错误事件\n##### onError  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onWaiting(callback) @onwaiting\n音频加载中事件,当音频因为数据不足,需要停下来加载时会触发\n##### onWaiting  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onSeeking(callback) @onseeking\n音频进行 seek 操作事件\n##### onSeeking  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onSeeked(callback) @onseeked\n音频完成 seek 操作事件\n##### onSeeked  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### offCanplay(callback) @offcanplay\n取消监听 onCanplay 事件\n##### offCanplay  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### offPlay(callback) @offplay\n取消监听 onPlay 事件\n##### offPlay  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### offPause(callback) @offpause\n取消监听 onPause 事件\n##### offPause  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### offStop(callback) @offstop\n取消监听 onStop 事件\n##### offStop  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### offEnded(callback) @offended\n取消监听 onEnded 事件\n##### offEnded  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### offTimeUpdate(callback) @offtimeupdate\n取消监听 onTimeUpdate 事件\n##### offTimeUpdate  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### offError(callback) @offerror\n取消监听 onWaiting 事件\n##### offError  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### offWaiting(callback) @offwaiting\n取消监听 onWaiting 事件\n##### offWaiting  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### offSeeking(callback) @offseeking\n取消监听 onSeeking 事件\n##### offSeeking  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### offSeeked(callback) @offseeked\n取消监听 onSeeked 事件\n##### offSeeked  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/audio-context.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=createInnerAudioContext&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=createInnerAudioContext&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=createInnerAudioContext&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=createInnerAudioContext&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=createInnerAudioContext&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=createInnerAudioContext)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=createInnerAudioContext&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.media.createInnerAudioContext)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/create-inner-audio-context/create-inner-audio-context.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/create-inner-audio-context/create-inner-audio-context\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n    <page-head title=\"audio\"></page-head>\n    <view class=\"uni-common-mt\">\n      <slider :value=\"position\" :min=\"0\" :max=\"duration\" @changing=\"onchanging\" @change=\"onchange\"></slider>\n    </view>\n    <view class=\"uni-title\">\n      <text class=\"uni-title-text\">属性示例</text>\n    </View>\n    <text class=\"uni-text-box uni-common-mt\">当前音频播放位置(保留小数点后 6 位):{{currentTime}} s</text>\n    <text class=\"uni-text-box\">音频的长度(单位:s):{{duration}} s</text>\n    <text class=\"uni-text-box\">当前是否停止状态:{{isPaused}}</text>\n    <text class=\"uni-text-box\">音频缓冲的时间点:{{buffered}}</text>\n    <text class=\"uni-text-box\">当前音量:{{volume}}</text>\n    <!-- 设置音量无效 -->\n    <!-- <button plain :disabled=\"volume == 1\" @click=\"increaseVolume\">增加音量</button>\n    <button plain :disabled=\"volume == 0\" @click=\"decreaseVolume\">减少音量</button> -->\n\n    <text class=\"uni-subtitle-text uni-title\">开始播放的位置(单位:s)</text>\n    <input :value=\"startTime\" type=\"number\" placeholder=\"开始播放的位置(单位:s)\" class=\"uni-input\"\n      @input=\"startTimeInput\"></input>\n    <boolean-data :defaultValue=\"false\" title=\"是否自动开始播放\" @change=\"setAutoplay\"></boolean-data>\n    <boolean-data :defaultValue=\"false\" title=\"是否循环播放\" @change=\"setLoop\"></boolean-data>\n    <view class=\"uni-title\">\n      <text class=\"uni-title-text\">方法示例</text>\n    </View>\n    <button :disabled=\"isPlaying\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"play\" class=\"uni-btn\">播放</button>\n    <button :disabled=\"!isPlaying\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"pause\" class=\"uni-btn\">暂停</button>\n    <button :disabled=\"!isPlaying && !isPaused\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"stop\" class=\"uni-btn\">停止</button>\n    <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"onchange(20)\" class=\"uni-btn\">跳转到指定位置20</button>\n\n    <view class=\"uni-title\">\n      <text class=\"uni-title-text\">格式/路径示例</text>\n    </View>\n    <navigator url=\"/pages/API/create-inner-audio-context/inner-audio-format\" class=\"uni-btn\">\n      <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"pause\">音频格式示例</button>\n    </navigator>\n    <navigator url=\"/pages/API/create-inner-audio-context/inner-audio-path\" class=\"uni-btn uni-common-mb\">\n      <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"pause\">音频路径示例</button>\n    </navigator>\n  </view>\n</template>\n\n<style>\n  .play-time-area {\n    display: flex;\n    flex-direction: row;\n    margin-top: 20px;\n  }\n\n  .duration {\n    margin-left: auto;\n  }\n\n  .play-button-area {\n    display: flex;\n    flex-direction: row;\n    justify-content: center;\n    margin: 50px 0;\n  }\n\n  .icon-play {\n    width: 60px;\n    height: 60px;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  const audioUrl = 'https://web-ext-storage.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app/ForElise.mp3'\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: \"innerAudioContext\",\n        currentTime: 0,\n        duration: 100,\n        startTime: 0,\n        buffered: 0,\n        volume: 0.5,\n        isCanplay: false,\n        isPlaying: false,\n        isPaused: true,\n        isPlayEnd: false,\n        _isChanging: false,\n        _audioContext: null as InnerAudioContext | null,\n        // 自动化测试\n        onSeekingTest:false,\n        onSeekedTest:false,\n        onWaitingTest:false\n      }\n    },\n    computed: {\n      position() {\n        return this.isPlayEnd ? 0 : this.currentTime;\n      },\n    },\n    onReady() {\n      this._audioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext();\n      this._audioContext!.src = audioUrl;\n      this.volume = this._audioContext!.volume;\n      this.onCanplay()\n    },\n    onUnload() {\n      if (this._audioContext != null && this.isPlaying) {\n        this.stop();\n        this._audioContext!.destroy()\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      onCanplay() {\n        this._audioContext!.onCanplay(() => {\n          console.log('音频进入可以播放状态事件');\n          this.isCanplay = true;\n          // 当音频可以播放时,获取缓冲信息\n          this.buffered = this._audioContext!.buffered;\n          this.duration = this._audioContext!.duration || 0;\n        });\n      },\n      onchanging() {\n        this._isChanging = true;\n      },\n      onchange(e) {\n        console.log(e, 'e');\n        let pos = typeof e === \"number\" ? e : e.detail.value;\n        this._audioContext!.seek(pos);\n        this.onSeeking()\n        this.onSeeked()\n        this._isChanging = false;\n      },\n      startTimeInput(e : InputEvent) {\n        let startTimeValue = Number(e.detail.value)\n        this._audioContext!.startTime = startTimeValue;\n        this.onchange(startTimeValue)\n      },\n      setAutoplay() {\n        this._audioContext!.autoplay = !this._audioContext!.autoplay;\n        console.log(this._audioContext!.autoplay, 'autoplay');\n      },\n      setLoop() {\n        this._audioContext!.loop = !this._audioContext!.loop;\n        console.log(this._audioContext!.loop, 'loop');\n      },\n      play() {\n        if (!this.isCanplay) {\n          uni.showToast({\n            title: '音频未进入可以播放状态,请稍后再试'\n          });\n          return;\n        }\n        this.isPlaying = true;\n        this._audioContext!.play();\n        this.isPlayEnd = false;\n        if (this._audioContext!.startTime > 0) {\n          this.onchange(this._audioContext!.startTime)\n        }\n        this._audioContext!.onPlay(() => {\n          this.isPaused = false;\n          console.log('开始播放',this.isPaused);\n        });\n        this.onTimeUpdate()\n        this.onWaiting()\n        this.onError()\n        this.onEnded()\n      },\n      onSeeking() {\n        this._audioContext!.onSeeking(() => {\n          console.log('音频进行 seek 操作事件');\n          this.onSeekingTest = true\n        });\n      },\n      onSeeked() {\n        this._audioContext!.onSeeked(() => {\n          console.log('音频完成 seek 操作事件');\n          this.onSeekedTest = true\n        });\n      },\n      onWaiting() {\n        this._audioContext!.onWaiting(() => {\n          console.log('音频加载中事件');\n          this.onWaitingTest = true\n        });\n      },\n      onTimeUpdate() {\n        this._audioContext!.onTimeUpdate(() => {\n          // console.log('onTimeUpdate:音频播放进度更新事件,currentTime',this._audioContext!.currentTime);\n          if (this._isChanging === true) { return; }\n          this.currentTime = this._audioContext!.currentTime || 0;\n          if (this.currentTime > this.buffered) {\n            console.log('缓冲不足');\n          }\n        });\n      },\n      increaseVolume() {\n        this.volume = Math.min(this.volume + 0.1, 1);\n        this.volume = parseFloat(this.volume.toFixed(1));\n        console.log('增加音量', this.volume);\n      },\n      decreaseVolume() {\n        this.volume = Math.max(this.volume - 0.1, 0);\n        this.volume = parseFloat(this.volume.toFixed(1));\n        console.log('减少音量', this.volume);\n      },\n      onEnded() {\n        this._audioContext!.onEnded(() => {\n          console.log('播放结束');\n          this.currentTime = 0;\n          this.startTime = 0\n          this.isPlaying = false;\n          this.isPaused = true;\n          this.isPlayEnd = true;\n        });\n      },\n      onError() {\n        this._audioContext!.onError((err) => {\n          console.log('err', err);\n          this.isPlaying = false;\n          this.isPaused = true;\n        });\n      },\n      pause() {\n        this._audioContext!.pause();\n        this._audioContext!.onPause(() => {\n          console.log('音频暂停事件');\n          this.isPaused = true;\n        });\n        this.isPlaying = false;\n      },\n      stop() {\n        console.log('stop');\n        this._audioContext!.stop();\n        this._audioContext!.onStop(() => {\n          // 第一次点停止时,不触发\n          this.isPaused = true;\n          console.log('音频停止事件');\n        });\n        this.isPlaying = false;\n        console.log('stop',this.isPaused);\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "getLocation": {
    "name": "## uni.getLocation(options) @getlocation",
    "description": "获取当前的地理位置、速度",
    "compatibility": "### getLocation  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [GetLocationOptions](#getlocationoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| type | \"wgs84\" \\| \"gcj02\" | 否 | wgs84 | - | 默认为 wgs84 返回 gps 坐标,gcj02 返回可用于uni.openLocation的坐标,web端需配置定位 SDK 信息才可支持 gcj02 |\n@| altitude | boolean \\| null | 否 | false | - | 传入 true 会返回高度信息,由于获取高度需要较高精确度,会减慢接口返回速度 |\n@| geocode | boolean \\| null | 否 | false | - | 传入 true 会解析地址 |\n@| highAccuracyExpireTime | number \\| null | 否 | 3000 | - | 高精度定位超时时间(ms),指定时间内返回最高精度,该值3000ms以上高精度定位才有效果 |\n@| isHighAccuracy | boolean \\| null | 否 | false | - | 开启高精度定位 |\n@| success | (result: [GetLocationSuccess](#getlocationsuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [IGetLocationFail](#igetlocationfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### GetLocationSuccess 的属性值 @getlocationsuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| latitude | number | 是 | 0 | - | 纬度,浮点数,范围为-90~90,负数表示南纬 |\n| longitude | number | 是 | 0 | - | 经度,范围为-180~180,负数表示西经 |\n| speed | number | 是 | 0 | - | 速度,浮点数,单位m/s |\n| accuracy | number | 是 | - | - | 位置的精确度 |\n| altitude | number | 是 | 0 | - | 高度,单位 m |\n| verticalAccuracy | number | 是 | 0 | - | 垂直精度,单位 m(Android 无法获取,返回 0) |\n| horizontalAccuracy | number | 是 | 0 | - | 水平精度,单位 m |\n| address | any \\| null | 否 | null | - | 地址信息 |\n\n##### IGetLocationFail 的属性值 @igetlocationfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1505004 \\| 1505005 \\| 1505021 \\| 1505022 \\| 1505023 \\| 1505024 \\| 1505025 \\| 1505026 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1505004  缺失权限<br/>- 1505005  缺失高精度权限授权(iOS特有)<br/>- 1505021  超时<br/>- 1505022  不支持的定位类型<br/>- 1505023  不支持逆地理编码<br/>- 1505024  没有找到具体的定位引擎,请定位开关是否已打开<br/>- 1505025  逆地理编码捕获失败<br/>- 1505026  捕获定位失败 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/location/location?id=getlocation)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getLocation&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getLocation&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getLocation&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getLocation&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getLocation&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getLocation)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getLocation&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.location.getLocation)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-location/get-location.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/get-location/get-location\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n  <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\r\n  <view style=\"padding: 4px\">\r\n    <text class=\"hello-text\">\r\n      定位功能默认调用操作系统定位API实现。\\n\r\n      部分手机因gms兼容不好可能导致无法定位。\\n\r\n      gcj国标、逆地理信息等功能需三方sdk定位。如果需要类似能力可以下载腾讯定位插件,打包自定义基座。参考示例:</text>\r\n    <u-link :href=\"'https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=14569'\" :text=\"'https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=14569'\"\r\n      :inWhiteList=\"true\"></u-link>\r\n  </view>\r\n\r\n  <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt\">\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">定位服务商provider(如系统定位,腾讯定位等)</view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list\" style=\"margin-bottom: 20px\">\r\n      <radio-group @change=\"radioChangePV\">\r\n        <radio class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\" v-for=\"(item, index) in providerList\" :key=\"item.id\"\r\n          :class=\"index < providerList.length - 1 ? 'uni-list-cell-line' : ''\" :value=\"item.id\"\r\n          :checked=\"index === currentProvider\">\r\n          {{ item.name }}\r\n        </radio>\r\n      </radio-group>\r\n    </view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">定位类型1</view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list\">\r\n      <radio-group @change=\"radioChange\">\r\n        <radio class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\" v-for=\"(item, index) in items\" :key=\"item.value\"\r\n          :class=\"index < items.length - 1 ? 'uni-list-cell-line' : ''\" :value=\"item.value\"\r\n          :checked=\"index === current\">\r\n          {{ item.name }}\r\n        </radio>\r\n      </radio-group>\r\n    </view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\" style=\"margin-top: 20px\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">高度信息</view>\r\n      <switch :checked=\"altitudeSelect\" @change=\"altitudeChange\" />\r\n    </view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">开启高精度定位</view>\r\n      <switch :checked=\"isHighAccuracySelect\" @change=\"highAccuracySelectChange\" />\r\n    </view>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd\">\r\n      <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">是否解析地址信息</view>\r\n      <switch :checked=\"geocodeSelect\" @change=\"geocodeChange\" />\r\n    </view>\r\n    <text>{{ exeRet }}</text>\r\n    <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\r\n      <button class=\"uni-btn\" type=\"default\" @tap=\"getLocationTap\">\r\n        获取定位\r\n      </button>\r\n    </view>\r\n  </view>\r\n</template>\r\n\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n  export type LocationItem = { id : string, name : string, provider ?: UniProvider }\r\n  export type ItemType = { value : string, name : string }\r\n\r\n  export default {\r\n    data() {\r\n      return {\r\n        title: 'get-location',\r\n        altitudeSelect: false,\r\n        isHighAccuracySelect: false,\r\n        geocodeSelect: false,\r\n        exeRet: '',\r\n        items: [\r\n          {\r\n            value: 'wgs84',\r\n            name: 'wgs84'\r\n          },\r\n          {\r\n            value: 'gcj02',\r\n            name: 'gcj02'\r\n          }\r\n        ] as ItemType[],\r\n        providerList: [] as LocationItem[],\r\n        current: 0,\r\n        currentProvider: 0\r\n      }\r\n    },\r\n    onLoad: function () {\r\n      this.getProvider()\r\n    },\r\n    methods: {\r\n      getProvider() {\r\n        uni.getProvider({\r\n          service: \"location\",\r\n          success: (e) => {\r\n            console.log(\"location success:\" + JSON.stringify(e), e.providers.length);\r\n            let array = e.provider as string[]\r\n            array.forEach((value : string) => {\r\n              let locationProvider = e.providers.find((item) : boolean => {\r\n                return item.id == value\r\n              })\r\n              if (locationProvider != null) {\r\n                this.providerList.push({\r\n                  name: locationProvider.description,\r\n                  id: locationProvider.id,\r\n                  provider: e.providers.find((item) : boolean => {\r\n                    return item.id == locationProvider.id\r\n                  })\r\n                } as LocationItem);\r\n              }\r\n            })\r\n          },\r\n          fail: (e) => {\r\n            console.log(\"获取支付通道失败:\", e);\r\n          }\r\n        });\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n      },\r\n      altitudeChange: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\r\n        this.altitudeSelect = e.detail.value\r\n      },\r\n      geocodeChange: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\r\n        this.geocodeSelect = e.detail.value\r\n      },\r\n      highAccuracySelectChange: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {\r\n        this.isHighAccuracySelect = e.detail.value\r\n      },\r\n      radioChange(e : UniRadioGroupChangeEvent) {\r\n        for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {\r\n          if (this.items[i].value === e.detail.value) {\r\n            this.current = i;\r\n            break;\r\n          }\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      radioChangePV(e : UniRadioGroupChangeEvent) {\r\n        for (let i = 0; i < this.providerList.length; i++) {\r\n          if (this.providerList[i].id === e.detail.value) {\r\n            this.currentProvider = i;\r\n            break;\r\n          }\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      getLocationTap: function () {\r\n        if (this.providerList.length == 0) {\r\n          return\r\n        }\r\n        uni.showLoading({\r\n          title: '定位中'\r\n        })\r\n        console.log(\"provider\", this.providerList[this.currentProvider].id)\r\n        let locationProvider = this.providerList[this.currentProvider]\r\n\r\n        if (locationProvider.provider?.isAppExist == false && 'tencent' == locationProvider.provider?.id) {\r\n          uni.showToast({\r\n            title: '需要打自定义基座',\r\n            icon: \"error\"\r\n          })\r\n          return\r\n        }\r\n        uni.getLocation(({\r\n          provider: this.providerList[this.currentProvider].id,\r\n          type: this.items[this.current].value,\r\n          altitude: this.altitudeSelect,\r\n          isHighAccuracy: this.isHighAccuracySelect,\r\n          geocode: this.geocodeSelect,\r\n          success: (res : any) => {\r\n            uni.hideLoading()\r\n            console.log(res);\r\n            this.exeRet = JSON.stringify(res)\r\n          },\r\n          fail: (res : any) => {\r\n            uni.hideLoading()\r\n            console.log(res);\r\n            this.exeRet = JSON.stringify(res)\r\n          },\r\n          complete: (res : any) => {\r\n            uni.hideLoading()\r\n            console.log(res);\r\n            this.exeRet = JSON.stringify(res)\r\n          }\r\n        }));\r\n\r\n\r\n      }\r\n\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "openLocation": {
    "name": "## uni.openLocation(options) @openlocation",
    "description": "使用地图查看位置<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### openLocation  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [OpenLocationOptions](#openlocationoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | uni.openLocation |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| latitude | number | 是 | - | - | 纬度,范围为-90~90,负数表示南纬 |\n@| longitude | number | 是 | - | - | 经度,范围为-180~180,负数表示西经 |\n@| scale | number | 否 | - | - | 缩放比例,范围5~18,默认为18 |\n@| name | string | 否 | - | - | 位置名称 |\n@| address | string | 否 | - | - | 地址的详细说明 |\n@| success | (res: OpenLocationSuccess) => void | 否 | - | - | uni.openLocation成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [IOpenLocationError](#iopenlocationerror-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | uni.openLocation失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | uni.openLocation完成回调函数定义 | \n\n##### IOpenLocationError 的属性值 @iopenlocationerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/location/open-location.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=openLocation&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=openLocation&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=openLocation&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=openLocation&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=openLocation&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=openLocation)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=openLocation&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.location.openLocation)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/open-location/open-location.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/open-location/open-location\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n\t<view>\n\t\t<page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n\t\t<view class=\"uni-common-mt\">\n\t\t\t<form @submit=\"openLocation\">\n\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list-cell-left\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-label\">经度</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input class=\"uni-input\" type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" value=\"116.39747\" name=\"longitude\"/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list-cell-left\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-label\">纬度</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input class=\"uni-input\" type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" value=\"39.9085\" name=\"latitude\"/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list-cell-left\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-label\">位置名称</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input class=\"uni-input\" type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" value=\"天安门\" name=\"name\"/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list-cell-left\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-label\">详细位置</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input class=\"uni-input\" type=\"text\" :disabled=\"true\" value=\"北京市东城区东长安街\" name=\"address\"/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-btn-v uni-common-mt\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<button type=\"primary\" formType=\"submit\">查看位置</button>\n\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t</view>\n\t</view>\n</template>\n\n\n<style>\n\t.uni-list-cell-left {\n\t\tpadding: 0 30rpx;\n\t}\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n\texport default {\n\t\tdata() {\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\ttitle: 'openLocation'\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tmethods: {\n\t\t\topenLocation: function (e) {\n\t\t\t\tconsole.log(e)\n\t\t\t\tvar value = e.detail.value\n\t\t\t\tuni.openLocation({\n\t\t\t\t\tlongitude: Number(value.longitude),\n\t\t\t\t\tlatitude: Number(value.latitude),\n\t\t\t\t\tname: value.name,\n\t\t\t\t\taddress: value.address\n\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n```\n:::"
  "chooseLocation": {
    "name": "## uni.chooseLocation(options) @chooselocation",
    "description": "打开地图选择位置。",
    "compatibility": "### chooseLocation  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ChooseLocationOptions](#chooselocationoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | uni.chooseLocation |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| latitude | number | 否 | - | - | 目标地纬度 |\n@| longitude | number | 否 | - | - | 目标地经度 |\n@| keyword | string | 否 | - | - | 搜索关键字 |\n@| success | (res: [ChooseLocationSuccess](#chooselocationsuccess-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | uni.chooseLocation成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [IChooseLocationError](#ichooselocationerror-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | uni.chooseLocation失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | uni.chooseLocation完成回调函数定义 | \n\n##### ChooseLocationSuccess 的属性值 @chooselocationsuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| name | string | 是 | - | - | 位置名称 |\n| address | string | 是 | - | - | 详细地址 |\n| latitude | number | 是 | - | - | 纬度,浮点数,范围为-90~90,负数表示南纬 |\n| longitude | number | 是 | - | - | 经度,范围为-180~180,负数表示西经 |\n\n##### IChooseLocationError 的属性值 @ichooselocationerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](http://localhost:8080/api/location/location.html)\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/get-location.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=chooseLocation&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=chooseLocation&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=chooseLocation&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=chooseLocation&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=chooseLocation&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=chooseLocation)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=chooseLocation&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.location.chooseLocation)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/choose-location/choose-location.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/choose-location/choose-location\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n\t<view>\n\t\t<page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n\t\t<view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n\t\t\t<view style=\"background:#FFFFFF; padding:40rpx;\">\n\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-hello-text uni-center\">当前位置信息</view>\n\t\t\t\t<block v-if=\"hasLocation === false\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-h2 uni-center uni-common-mt\">未选择位置</view>\n\t\t\t\t</block>\n\t\t\t\t<block v-if=\"hasLocation === true\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-hello-text uni-center\" style=\"margin-top:10px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{{locationAddress}}\n\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-h2 uni-center uni-common-mt\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<text>E: {{location.longitude[0]}}°{{location.longitude[1]}}′</text>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<text>\\nN: {{location.latitude[0]}}°{{location.latitude[1]}}′</text>\n\t\t\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t\t</block>\n\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t\t<view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n\t\t\t\t<button type=\"primary\" @tap=\"chooseLocation\">选择位置</button>\n\t\t\t\t<button @tap=\"clear\">清空</button>\n\t\t\t</view>\n\t\t</view>\n\t</view>\n</template>\n\n\n<style>\n\t.page-body-info {\n\t\tpadding-bottom: 0;\n\t\theight: 440rpx;\n\t}\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n\tfunction formatLocation(longitude, latitude) {\n\t\tif (typeof longitude === 'string' && typeof latitude === 'string') {\n\t\t\tlongitude = parseFloat(longitude)\n\t\t\tlatitude = parseFloat(latitude)\n\t\t}\n\t\tlongitude = longitude.toFixed(2)\n\t\tlatitude = latitude.toFixed(2)\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\tlongitude: longitude.toString().split('.'),\n\t\t\tlatitude: latitude.toString().split('.')\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\texport default {\n\t\tdata() {\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\ttitle: 'chooseLocation',\n\t\t\t\thasLocation: false,\n\t\t\t\tlocation: {},\n\t\t\t\tlocationAddress: ''\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tmethods: {\n\t\t\tchooseLocation: function () {\n\t\t\t\tuni.chooseLocation({\n\t\t\t\t\tsuccess: (res) => {\n            console.log(res,123)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.hasLocation = true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.location = formatLocation(res.longitude, res.latitude),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.locationAddress = res.address\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tclear: function () {\n\t\t\t\tthis.hasLocation = false\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n```\n:::"
  "getStorageInfo": {
    "name": "## uni.getStorageInfo(options) @getstorageinfo",
    "description": "uni.getStorageInfo函数定义<br/>异步获取当前 storage 的相关信息。<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### getStorageInfo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [GetStorageInfoOptions](#getstorageinfooptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (res: [GetStorageInfoSuccess](#getstorageinfosuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.getStorageInfo成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.getStorageInfo失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.getStorageInfo完成回调函数定义 | \n\n##### GetStorageInfoSuccess 的属性值 @getstorageinfosuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| keys | Array\\<string\\> | 是 | - | - | 当前 storage 中所有的 key |\n| currentSize | number | 是 | - | - | 当前占用的空间大小, 单位:kb |\n| limitSize | number | 是 | - | - | 限制的空间大小, 单位:kb |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/storage/storage.html#getstorageinfo)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getStorageInfo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getStorageInfo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getStorageInfo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getStorageInfo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getStorageInfo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getStorageInfo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getStorageInfo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.storage.storage.getStorageInfo)"
  "getStorageInfoSync": {
    "name": "## uni.getStorageInfoSync() @getstorageinfosync",
    "description": "uni.getStorageInfoSync函数定义<br/>同步获取当前 storage 的相关信息。<br/><br/>",
    "compatibility": "### getStorageInfoSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| **GetStorageInfoSuccess** |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| keys | Array\\<string\\> | 是 | - | - | 当前 storage 中所有的 key |\n@| currentSize | number | 是 | - | - | 当前占用的空间大小, 单位:kb |\n@| limitSize | number | 是 | - | - | 限制的空间大小, 单位:kb | \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/storage/storage.html#getstorageinfosync)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getStorageInfoSync&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getStorageInfoSync&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getStorageInfoSync&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getStorageInfoSync&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getStorageInfoSync&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getStorageInfoSync)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getStorageInfoSync&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.storage.storage.getStorageInfoSync)"
  "getStorage": {
    "name": "## uni.getStorage(options) @getstorage",
    "description": "uni.getStorage函数定义<br/>从本地存储中异步获取指定 key 对应的内容。<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### getStorage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [GetStorageOptions](#getstorageoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| key | string | 是 | - | - | 本地存储中的指定的 key |\n@| success | (res: [GetStorageSuccess](#getstoragesuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.getStorage成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.getStorage失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.getStorage完成回调函数定义 | \n\n##### GetStorageSuccess 的属性值 @getstoragesuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | key 对应的内容 |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/storage/storage.html#getstorage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getStorage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getStorage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getStorage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getStorage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getStorage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getStorage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getStorage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.storage.storage.getStorage)"
  "getStorageSync": {
    "name": "## uni.getStorageSync(key) @getstoragesync",
    "description": "uni.getStorageSync函数定义<br/>从本地存储中同步获取指定 key 对应的内容。<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### getStorageSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| key | string | 是 | - | - | 本地存储中的指定的 key | \n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| any \\| null | 否 |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/storage/storage.html#getstoragesync)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getStorageSync&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getStorageSync&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getStorageSync&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getStorageSync&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getStorageSync&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getStorageSync)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getStorageSync&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.storage.storage.getStorageSync)"
  "setStorage": {
    "name": "## uni.setStorage(options) @setstorage",
    "description": "uni.setStorage函数定义<br/>将数据存储在本地storage存储中指定的 key 中,会覆盖掉原来该 key 对应的内容,这是一个异步接口。  <br/>",
    "compatibility": "### setStorage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **SetStorageOptions** | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| key | string | 是 | - | - | 本地存储中的指定的 key |\n@| data | any | 是 | - | - | 需要存储的内容,只支持能通过 JSON.stringify 序列化的对象 |\n@| success | (res: SetStorageSuccess) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.setStorage成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.setStorage失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.setStorage完成回调函数定义 | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/storage/storage.html#setstorage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=setStorage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=setStorage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=setStorage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=setStorage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=setStorage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=setStorage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=setStorage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.storage.storage.setStorage)"
  "setStorageSync": {
    "name": "## uni.setStorageSync(key, data) @setstoragesync",
    "description": "uni.setStorageSync函数定义<br/>将 data 存储在本地storage存储中指定的 key 中,会覆盖掉原来该 key 对应的内容,这是一个同步接口。<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### setStorageSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| key | string | 是 | - | - | 本地storage存储中的指定的 key |\n| data | any | 是 | - | - | 需要存储的内容,只支持能通过 JSON.stringify 序列化的对象 | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/storage/storage.html#setstoragesync)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=setStorageSync&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=setStorageSync&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=setStorageSync&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=setStorageSync&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=setStorageSync&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=setStorageSync)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=setStorageSync&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.storage.storage.setStorageSync)"
  "removeStorage": {
    "name": "## uni.removeStorage(options) @removestorage",
    "description": "uni.removeStorage函数定义<br/>从本地存储中异步移除指定 key。<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### removeStorage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **RemoveStorageOptions** | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| key | string | 是 | - | - | 本地存储中的指定的 key |\n@| success | (res: RemoveStorageSuccess) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.removeStorage成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.removeStorage失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.removeStorage完成回调函数定义 | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](hhttps://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/storage/storage.html#removestorage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=removeStorage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=removeStorage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=removeStorage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=removeStorage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=removeStorage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=removeStorage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=removeStorage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.storage.storage.removeStorage)"
  "removeStorageSync": {
    "name": "## uni.removeStorageSync(key) @removestoragesync",
    "description": "uni.removeStorageSync函数定义<br/>从本地存储中同步移除指定 key。<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### removeStorageSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| key | string | 是 | - | - | 本地存储中的指定的 key | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/storage/storage.html#removestoragesync)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=removeStorageSync&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=removeStorageSync&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=removeStorageSync&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=removeStorageSync&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=removeStorageSync&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=removeStorageSync)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=removeStorageSync&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.storage.storage.removeStorageSync)"
  "clearStorage": {
    "name": "## uni.clearStorage(option?) @clearstorage",
    "description": "uni.clearStorage函数定义<br/>清除本地数据存储。<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### clearStorage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| option | **ClearStorageOptions** \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.removeStorage参数定义 |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (res: ClearStorageSuccess) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.clearStorage 成功回调函数定义 |\n@| fail | (res: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.clearStorage 失败回调函数定义 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | uni.clearStorage 完成回调函数定义 | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/storage/storage.html#clearstorage)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=clearStorage&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=clearStorage&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=clearStorage&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=clearStorage&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=clearStorage&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=clearStorage)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=clearStorage&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.storage.storage.clearStorage)"
  "clearStorageSync": {
    "name": "## uni.clearStorageSync() @clearstoragesync",
    "description": "uni.clearStorageSync函数定义<br/>清除本地数据存储。<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### clearStorageSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/storage/storage.html#clearstoragesync)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=clearStorageSync&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=clearStorageSync&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=clearStorageSync&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=clearStorageSync&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=clearStorageSync&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=clearStorageSync)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=clearStorageSync&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.storage.storage.clearStorageSync)"
  "storage": {
    "example": "## 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/storage/storage.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/storage/storage\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view class=\"page-scroll-view\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <view>\n      <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n      <view class=\"uni-common-mt\">\n        <view class=\"uni-list\">\n          <view class=\"uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-line\">\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-left\">\n              <view class=\"uni-label\">key</view>\n            </view>\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\n              <input class=\"uni-input\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"请输入key\" name=\"key\" :value=\"key\" maxlength=\"-1\" @input=\"keyChange\" />\n            </view>\n          </view>\n          <view class=\"uni-list-cell\">\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-left\">\n              <view class=\"uni-label\">value</view>\n            </view>\n            <view class=\"uni-list-cell-db\">\n              <input class=\"uni-input\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"请输入value\" name=\"data\"\n                :value=\"typeof data === 'string' ? data : JSON.stringify(data)\" maxlength=\"-1\" @input=\"dataChange\" />\n            </view>\n          </view>\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n          <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n            <button class=\"uni-btn btn-getStorageInfoASync\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"getStorageInfo\">\n              获取存储概述信息-异步\n            </button>\n            <button class=\"uni-btn btn-getStorageInfoSync\" @tap=\"getStorageInfoSync\">\n              获取存储概述信息-同步\n            </button>\n          </view>\n          <text>{{ storageInfo }}</text>\n          <view class=\"uni-flex uni-row\">\n            <button type=\"default\" style=\"width:50%\" @tap=\"strMock\">\n              填充字符串\n            </button>\n            <button type=\"default\" style=\"width:50%\" @tap=\"complexMock\">\n              填充复杂对象\n            </button>\n          </view>\n          <view class=\"uni-flex uni-row\">\n            <button type=\"default\" style=\"width:50%\" @tap=\"numberMock\">\n              填充整型\n            </button>\n            <button type=\"default\" style=\"width:50%\" @tap=\"floatMock\">\n              填充浮点型\n            </button>\n          </view>\n          <view class=\"uni-flex uni-row\">\n            <button type=\"default\" style=\"width:50%\" @tap=\"jsonLikeMock\">\n              填充json字符串\n            </button>\n            <button type=\"default\" style=\"width:50%\" @tap=\"longLikeMock\">\n              填充整数字符串\n            </button>\n          </view>\n          <view class=\"uni-flex uni-row\">\n            <button type=\"default\" style=\"width:50%\" @tap=\"floatLikeMock\">\n              填充浮点字符串\n            </button>\n            <button type=\"default\" style=\"width:50%\" @tap=\"negativeLikeMock\">\n              填充负数字符串\n            </button>\n          </view>\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap\">\n          <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n            <button type=\"primary\" class=\"uni-btn btn-setstorageAsync\" @tap=\"setStorage\">\n              存储数据-异步\n            </button>\n            <button class=\"uni-btn btn-getstorageAsync\" @tap=\"getStorage\">读取数据-异步</button>\n            <button class=\"uni-btn btn-removeStorageInfoASync\" @tap=\"removeStorage\">移除数据-异步</button>\n            <button class=\"uni-btn btn-clearStorageInfoASync\" @tap=\"clearStorage\">清理数据-异步</button>\n          </view>\n\n          <view class=\"uni-btn-v\">\n            <button type=\"primary\" class=\"uni-btn btn-setstorageSync\" @tap=\"setStorageSync\">\n              存储数据-同步\n            </button>\n            <button class=\"uni-btn btn-getstorageSync\" @tap=\"getStorageSync\">读取数据-同步</button>\n            <button class=\"uni-btn btn-removeStorageInfoSync\" @tap=\"removeStorageSync\">\n              移除数据-同步\n            </button>\n            <button class=\"uni-btn btn-clearStorageInfoSync\" @tap=\"clearStorageSync\">\n              清理数据-同步\n            </button>\n          </view>\n        </view>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n\n\n<style>\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: 'get/set/clearStorage',\n        key: '',\n        data: '' as any,\n        apiGetData: '' as any | null,\n        storageInfo: '',\n      }\n    },\n    methods: {\n      getStorageInfo() {\n        uni.getStorageInfo({\n          success: (res) => {\n            this.apiGetData = res\n            this.storageInfo = JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n        })\n      },\n      getStorageInfoSync() {\n        try {\n          const res = uni.getStorageInfoSync()\n          this.apiGetData = res\n          this.storageInfo = JSON.stringify(res)\n        } catch (e) {\n          // error\n          console.log(e)\n        }\n      },\n      jsonLikeMock() {\n        this.key = 'key_' + Math.random()\n        this.data = JSON.stringify({\n          name: \"james\",\n          age: 12,\n          from: \"american\"\n        });\n\n      },\n      longLikeMock() {\n        this.key = 'key_' + Math.random()\n        this.data = \"1234567890\"\n      },\n      floatLikeMock() {\n        this.key = 'key_' + Math.random()\n        this.data = \"321456.1234567890\"\n      },\n      negativeLikeMock() {\n        this.key = 'key_' + Math.random()\n        this.data = \"-321456\"\n      },\n      strMock() {\n        this.key = 'key_' + Math.random()\n        this.data = '测试字符串数据,长度为16个字符'\n      },\n      complexMock() {\n        this.key = 'key_' + Math.random()\n        let jsonObj = {\n          name: '张三',\n          age: 12,\n          classMate: [\n            {\n              id: 1001,\n              name: '李四',\n            },\n            {\n              id: 1002,\n              name: 'jack ma',\n            },\n          ],\n        }\n        this.data = jsonObj\n      },\n      numberMock() {\n        this.key = 'key_' + Math.random()\n        this.data = 10011\n      },\n      floatMock() {\n        this.key = 'key_' + Math.random()\n        this.data = 3.1415926535893384626\n      },\n\n      keyChange: function (e : InputEvent) {\n        this.key = e.detail.value\n      },\n      dataChange: function (e : InputEvent) {\n        this.data = e.detail.value\n      },\n      getStorage: function () {\n        var key = this.key\n        if (key.length == 0) {\n          uni.showModal({\n            title: '读取数据失败',\n            content: 'key 不能为空',\n            showCancel: false,\n          })\n        } else {\n          let that = this\n          uni.getStorage({\n            key: key,\n            success: (res) => {\n\n              that.apiGetData = res.data\n              let desc : string = typeof this.apiGetData\n              if (\"object\" == desc) {\n                desc = desc + \": \" + JSON.stringify(this.apiGetData)\n              } else {\n                desc = desc + \": \" + this.apiGetData\n              }\n\n              uni.showModal({\n                title: '读取数据成功',\n                content: desc,\n                showCancel: false,\n              })\n            },\n            fail: () => {\n              uni.showModal({\n                title: '读取数据失败',\n                content: '找不到 key 对应的数据',\n                showCancel: false,\n              })\n            },\n          })\n        }\n      },\n      getStorageSync: function () {\n        var key = this.key\n        if (key.length == 0) {\n          uni.showModal({\n            title: '读取数据失败',\n            content: 'key 不能为空',\n            showCancel: false,\n          })\n        } else {\n          this.apiGetData = uni.getStorageSync(key)\n\n          let desc : string = typeof this.apiGetData\n          if (\"object\" == desc) {\n            desc = desc + \": \" + JSON.stringify(this.apiGetData)\n          } else {\n            desc = desc + \": \" + this.apiGetData\n          }\n\n          uni.showModal({\n            title: '读取数据成功',\n            content: desc,\n            showCancel: false,\n          })\n        }\n      },\n      setStorage: function () {\n        var key = this.key\n        var data = this.data\n        if (key.length == 0) {\n          uni.showModal({\n            title: '保存数据失败',\n            content: 'key 不能为空',\n            showCancel: false,\n          })\n        } else {\n          uni.setStorage({\n            key: key,\n            data: data,\n            success: () => {\n              uni.showModal({\n                title: '存储数据成功',\n                showCancel: false,\n              })\n            },\n            fail: () => {\n              uni.showModal({\n                title: '储存数据失败!',\n                showCancel: false,\n              })\n            },\n          })\n        }\n      },\n      setStorageSync: function () {\n        var key = this.key\n        var data = this.data\n        if (key.length == 0) {\n          uni.showModal({\n            title: '保存数据失败',\n            content: 'key 不能为空',\n            showCancel: false,\n          })\n        } else {\n          uni.setStorageSync(key, data)\n          uni.showModal({\n            title: '存储数据成功',\n            showCancel: false,\n          })\n        }\n      },\n      removeStorage: function () {\n        uni.removeStorage({\n          key: this.key,\n          success: () => {\n            uni.showModal({\n              title: '移除数据成功',\n              showCancel: false,\n            })\n          },\n          fail: () => {\n            uni.showModal({\n              title: '移除数据失败',\n              showCancel: false,\n            })\n          },\n        })\n      },\n      removeStorageSync: function () {\n        uni.removeStorageSync(this.key)\n        uni.showModal({\n          title: '移除数据成功',\n          showCancel: false,\n        })\n      },\n      clearStorage: function () {\n        this.key = ''\n        this.data = ''\n        uni.clearStorage({\n          success: function (_) {\n            uni.showModal({\n              title: '清除数据成功',\n              showCancel: false,\n            })\n          },\n          fail: function (_) {\n            uni.showModal({\n              title: '清除数据失败',\n              showCancel: false,\n            })\n          },\n        })\n      },\n      clearStorageSync: function () {\n        this.key = ''\n        this.data = ''\n        uni.clearStorageSync()\n        uni.showModal({\n          title: '清除数据成功',\n          content: ' ',\n          showCancel: false,\n        })\n      },\n    },\n  }\n\n```\n:::"
  "getFileSystemManager": {
    "name": "## uni.getFileSystemManager() @getfilesystemmanager",
    "description": "获取文件管理器",
    "compatibility": "### getFileSystemManager  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [FileSystemManager](#filesystemmanager-values) |\n\n#### FileSystemManager 的方法 @filesystemmanager-values \n\n#### readFile(options) @readfile\n读取本地文件内容\n##### readFile  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ReadFileOptions](#readfileoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| encoding | \"base64\" \\| \"utf-8\" | 是 | - | - | base64 / utf-8 |\n@| filePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 文件路径,支持相对地址和绝对地址,app-android平台支持代码包文件目录 |\n@| success | (res: [ReadFileSuccessResult](#readfilesuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 通用的错误返回结果回调 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 通用的结束返回结果回调 | \n\n###### ReadFileSuccessResult 的属性值 @readfilesuccessresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| data | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n###### IFileSystemManagerFail 的属性值 @ifilesystemmanagerfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1200002 \\| 1300002 \\| 1300013 \\| 1300021 \\| 1300022 \\| 1300066 \\| 1301003 \\| 1301005 \\| 1300201 \\| 1300202 \\| 1301111 \\| 1302003 \\| 1300009 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 1200002  类型错误。仅支持 base64 / utf-8<br/>- 1300002  未找到文件<br/>- 1300013  无权限<br/>- 1300021  是目录<br/>- 1300022  参数无效<br/>- 1300066  目录非空<br/>- 1301003  对目录的非法操作<br/>- 1301005  文件已存在<br/>- 1300201  系统错误<br/>- 1300202  超出文件存储限制的最大尺寸<br/>- 1301111  brotli解压失败<br/>- 1302003  标志无效<br/>- 1300009  文件描述符错误 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n\n#### readFileSync(filePath, encoding?) @readfilesync\nFileSystemManager.readFile 的同步版本参数\n##### readFileSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| filePath | string | 是 | - | - | 文件路径,支持相对地址和绝对地址,app-android平台支持代码包文件目录 |\n| encoding | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | base64 / utf-8 | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| string |\n \n\n#### writeFile(options) @writefile\n写文件\n##### writeFile  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [WriteFileOptions](#writefileoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 文件路径,只支持绝对地址 |\n@| encoding | \"ascii\" \\| \"base64\" \\| \"utf-8\" | 是 | - | - | 指定写入文件的字符编码<br/>支持:ascii base64 utf-8 |\n@| data | string | 是 | - | - | 写入的文本内容 |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 通用的正确返回结果回调 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### FileManagerSuccessResult 的属性值 @filemanagersuccessresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n\n#### writeFileSync(filePath, data, encoding) @writefilesync\nFileSystemManager.writeFile 的同步版本\n##### writeFileSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| filePath | string | 是 | - | - | 文件路径,只支持绝对地址 |\n| data | string | 是 | - | - | 写入的文本内容 |\n| encoding | string | 是 | - | - | 指定写入文件的字符编码,支持:ascii base64 utf-8 | \n\n\n#### unlink(options) @unlink\n删除文件\n##### unlink  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **UnLinkOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 文件路径,只支持绝对地址 |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### unlinkSync(filePath) @unlinksync\nFileSystemManager.unlink 的同步版本\n##### unlinkSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| filePath | string | 是 | - | - | 文件路径,只支持绝对地址 | \n\n\n#### mkdir(options) @mkdir\n创建目录\n##### mkdir  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MkDirOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| dirPath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 创建的目录路径 (本地路径) |\n@| recursive | boolean | 是 | - | - | 是否在递归创建该目录的上级目录后再创建该目录。如果对应的上级目录已经存在,则不创建该上级目录。如 dirPath 为 a/b/c/d 且 recursive 为 true,将创建 a 目录,再在 a 目录下创建 b 目录,以此类推直至创建 a/b/c 目录下的 d 目录。 |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### mkdirSync(dirPath, recursive) @mkdirsync\nFileSystemManager.mkdir 的同步版本\n##### mkdirSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| dirPath | string | 是 | - | - | 创建的目录路径 (本地路径) |\n| recursive | boolean | 是 | - | - | 是否在递归创建该目录的上级目录后再创建该目录。如果对应的上级目录已经存在,则不创建该上级目录。如 dirPath 为 a/b/c/d 且 recursive 为 true,将创建 a 目录,再在 a 目录下创建 b 目录,以此类推直至创建 a/b/c 目录下的 d 目录。 | \n\n\n#### rmdir(options) @rmdir\n删除目录\n##### rmdir  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **RmDirOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| dirPath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 要删除的目录路径 (本地路径) |\n@| recursive | boolean | 是 | - | - | 是否递归删除目录。如果为 true,则删除该目录和该目录下的所有子目录以及文件。 |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### rmdirSync(dirPath, recursive) @rmdirsync\nFileSystemManager.rmdir 的同步版本\n##### rmdirSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| dirPath | string | 是 | - | - | 要删除的目录路径 (本地路径) |\n| recursive | boolean | 是 | - | - | 是否递归删除目录。如果为 true,则删除该目录和该目录下的所有子目录以及文件。 | \n\n\n#### readdir(options) @readdir\n读取目录内文件列表\n##### readdir  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ReadDirOptions](#readdiroptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| dirPath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 要读取的目录路径 (本地路径) |\n@| success | (res: [ReadDirSuccessResult](#readdirsuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### ReadDirSuccessResult 的属性值 @readdirsuccessresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| files | Array\\<string\\> | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n\n#### readdirSync(dirPath) @readdirsync\nFileSystemManager.readdir 的同步版本\n##### readdirSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| dirPath | string | 是 | - | - | 要读取的目录路径 (本地路径) | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| Array\\<string\\> \\| null | 否 |\n \n\n#### access(options) @access\n判断文件/目录是否存在\n##### access  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **AccessOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| path | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 要判断是否存在的文件/目录路径 (本地路径) |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### accessSync(path) @accesssync\nFileSystemManager.access 的同步版本\n##### accessSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| path | string | 是 | - | - | 要判断是否存在的文件/目录路径 (本地路径) | \n\n\n#### rename(options) @rename\n重命名文件。可以把文件从 oldPath 移动到 newPath\n##### rename  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **RenameOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| oldPath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 源文件路径,支持本地路径 |\n@| newPath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 新文件路径,支持本地路径 |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### renameSync(oldPath, newPath) @renamesync\nFileSystemManager.rename 的同步版本\n##### renameSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| oldPath | string | 是 | - | - | 源文件路径,支持本地路径 |\n| newPath | string | 是 | - | - | 新文件路径,支持本地路径 | \n\n\n#### copyFile(options) @copyfile\n复制文件\n##### copyFile  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **CopyFileOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| srcPath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 源文件路径,支持本地路径 |\n@| destPath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 新文件路径,支持本地路径 |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### copyFileSync(srcPath, destPath) @copyfilesync\nFileSystemManager.copyFile 的同步版本\n##### copyFileSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| srcPath | string | 是 | - | - | 源文件路径,支持本地路径 |\n| destPath | string | 是 | - | - | 新文件路径,支持本地路径 | \n\n\n#### getFileInfo(options) @getfileinfo\n获取该本地临时文件 或 本地缓存文件 信息\n##### getFileInfo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [GetFileInfoOptions](#getfileinfooptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 要读取的文件路径 (本地路径) |\n@| digestAlgorithm | \"md5\" \\| \"sha1\" | 是 | - | - | md5 / sha1 |\n@| success | (res: [GetFileInfoSuccessResult](#getfileinfosuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### GetFileInfoSuccessResult 的属性值 @getfileinfosuccessresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| digest | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| size | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n\n#### stat(options) @stat\n获取文件 Stats 对象\n##### stat  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [StatOptions](#statoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| path | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 文件/目录路径 (本地路径) |\n@| recursive | boolean | 是 | - | - | 是否递归获取目录下的每个文件的 Stats 信息 |\n@| success | (res: [StatSuccessResult](#statsuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### StatSuccessResult 的属性值 @statsuccessresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| stats | Array\\<[FileStats](#filestats-values)\\> | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| path | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| stats | [Stats](#stats-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| mode | number | 是 | - | - | 文件的类型和存取的权限,对应 POSIX stat.st_mode<br/>注意android中,文件类型只包含是否是目录与文件,<br/>另外在android中这里的权限指的是当前进程对文件或者文件夹是否有读,写,执行的权限,<br/>这里没有与 POSIX stat.st_mode对应的组,其他人等相关权限的数据返回,只有所有者的相关权限 |\n@@| size | number | 是 | - | - | 文件大小,单位:B,对应 POSIX stat.st_size |\n@@| lastAccessedTime | number | 是 | - | - | 文件最近一次被存取或被执行的时间,UNIX 时间戳,对应 POSIX stat.st_atime<br/>注意:android中由于系统限制无法获取该数据 |\n@@| lastModifiedTime | number | 是 | - | - | 文件最后一次被修改的时间,UNIX 时间戳,对应 POSIX stat.st_mtime |\n\n###### Stats 的方法 @stats-values \n\n###### isDirectory() @isdirectory\n判断当前文件是否一个目录\n###### isDirectory  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n###### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| boolean |\n \n\n###### isFile() @isfile\n判断当前文件是否一个普通文件\n###### isFile  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n###### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| boolean |\n \n\n\n#### statSync(path, recursive) @statsync\nFileSystemManager.stat 的同步版本\n##### statSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| path | string | 是 | - | - | 文件/目录路径 (本地路径) |\n| recursive | boolean | 是 | - | - | 是否递归获取目录下的每个文件的 Stats 信息 | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| Array\\<[FileStats](#filestats-values)\\> |\n \n\n#### appendFile(options) @appendfile\n在文件结尾追加内容\n##### appendFile  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **AppendFileOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 要追加内容的文件路径 (本地路径) |\n@| encoding | \"ascii\" \\| \"base64\" \\| \"utf-8\" | 是 | - | - | 指定写入文件的字符编码<br/>支持:ascii base64 utf-8 |\n@| data | string | 是 | - | - | 要追加的文本 |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### appendFileSync(filePath, data, encoding) @appendfilesync\nFileSystemManager.appendFile 的同步版本\n##### appendFileSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| filePath | string | 是 | - | - | 要追加内容的文件路径 (本地路径) |\n| data | string | 是 | - | - | 要追加的文本 |\n| encoding | string | 是 | - | - | 指定写入文件的字符编码支持:ascii base64 utf-8 | \n\n\n#### saveFile(options) @savefile\n保存临时文件到本地。此接口会移动临时文件,因此调用成功后,tempFilePath 将不可用。\n##### saveFile  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [SaveFileOptions](#savefileoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| tempFilePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 临时存储文件路径 (本地路径) |\n@| filePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 要存储的文件路径 (本地路径) |\n@| success | (res: [SaveFileSuccessResult](#savefilesuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### SaveFileSuccessResult 的属性值 @savefilesuccessresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| savedFilePath | string | 是 | - | - | 存储后的文件路径 (本地路径) |\n\n\n#### saveFileSync(tempFilePath, filePath?) @savefilesync\nFileSystemManager.saveFile 的同步版本\n##### saveFileSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| tempFilePath | string | 是 | - | - | 临时存储文件路径 (本地路径) |\n| filePath | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 要存储的文件路径 (本地路径) | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| string |\n \n\n#### removeSavedFile(options) @removesavedfile\n删除该小程序下已保存的本地缓存文件\n##### removeSavedFile  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **RemoveSavedFileOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 需要删除的文件路径 (本地路径) |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### unzip(options) @unzip\n解压文件\n##### unzip  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **UnzipFileOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| zipFilePath | string | 是 | - | - | 源文件路径,支持本地路径, 只可以是 zip 压缩文件 |\n@| targetPath | string | 是 | - | - | 目标目录路径, 支持本地路径 |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### getSavedFileList(options) @getsavedfilelist\n获取该已保存的本地缓存文件列表\n##### getSavedFileList  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [GetSavedFileListOptions](#getsavedfilelistoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (res: [GetSavedFileListResult](#getsavedfilelistresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### GetSavedFileListResult 的属性值 @getsavedfilelistresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| fileList | Array\\<string\\> | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n\n#### truncate(options) @truncate\n对文件内容进行截断操作\n##### truncate  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **TruncateFileOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 要截断的文件路径 (本地路径) |\n@| length | number | 是 | - | - | 截断位置,默认0。如果 length 小于文件长度(字节),则只有前面 length 个字节会保留在文件中,其余内容会被删除;<br/>如果 length 大于文件长度,不做处理 |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### truncateSync(filePath, length?) @truncatesync\n对文件内容进行截断操作 (truncate 的同步版本)\n##### truncateSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| filePath | string | 是 | - | - | 要截断的文件路径 (本地路径) |\n| length | number | 否 | - | - | 截断位置,默认0。如果 length 小于文件长度(字节),则只有前面 length 个字节会保留在文件中,其余内容会被删除;如果 length 大于文件长度,不做处理 | \n\n\n#### readCompressedFile(options) @readcompressedfile\n读取指定压缩类型的本地文件内容\n##### readCompressedFile  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ReadCompressedFileOptions](#readcompressedfileoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 要读取的文件的路径 (本地用户文件或代码包文件),app-android平台支持代码包文件目录 |\n@| compressionAlgorithm | string | 是 | - | - | 文件压缩类型,目前仅支持 'br'。 |\n@| success | (res: [ReadCompressedFileResult](#readcompressedfileresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### ReadCompressedFileResult 的属性值 @readcompressedfileresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| data | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n\n#### readCompressedFileSync(filePath, compressionAlgorithm) @readcompressedfilesync\n同步读取指定压缩类型的本地文件内容\n##### readCompressedFileSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| filePath | string | 是 | - | - | 要读取的文件的路径 (本地用户文件或代码包文件),app-android平台支持代码包文件目录 |\n| compressionAlgorithm | string | 是 | - | - | 文件压缩类型,目前仅支持 'br'。 | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| string |\n \n\n#### open(options) @open\n打开文件,返回文件描述符\n##### open  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [OpenFileOptions](#openfileoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 要追加内容的文件路径 (本地路径) |\n@| flag | \"a\" \\| \"ax\" \\| \"a+\" \\| \"ax+\" \\| \"r\" \\| \"r+\" \\| \"w\" \\| \"wx\" \\| \"w+\" \\| \"wx\" \\| \"wx+\" | 是 | - | - | 文件系统标志,默认值: 'r' |\n@| success | (res: [OpenFileSuccessResult](#openfilesuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### OpenFileSuccessResult 的属性值 @openfilesuccessresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| fd | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n\n#### openSync(options) @opensync\n同步打开文件,返回文件描述符\n##### openSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **OpenFileSyncOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 要追加内容的文件路径 (本地路径) |\n@| flag | \"a\" \\| \"ax\" \\| \"a+\" \\| \"ax+\" \\| \"r\" \\| \"r+\" \\| \"w\" \\| \"wx\" \\| \"w+\" \\| \"wx\" \\| \"wx+\" | 是 | - | - | 文件系统标志,默认值: 'r' | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| string |\n \n\n#### write(options) @write\n写入文件\n##### write  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [WriteOptions](#writeoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| fd | string | 是 | - | - | 文件描述符。fd 通过 FileSystemManager.open 或 FileSystemManager.openSync 接口获得 |\n@| data | string | 是 | - | - | 写入的内容 |\n@| encoding | \"ascii\" \\| \"base64\" \\| \"utf-8\" | 是 | - | - | 指定写入文件的字符编码<br/>支持:ascii base64 utf-8 |\n@| success | (res: [WriteResult](#writeresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### WriteResult 的属性值 @writeresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| bytesWritten | number | 是 | - | - | 实际被写入到文件中的字节数(注意,被写入的字节数不一定与被写入的字符串字符数相同) |\n\n\n#### writeSync(options) @writesync\n同步写入文件\n##### writeSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **WriteSyncOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| fd | string | 是 | - | - | 文件描述符。fd 通过 FileSystemManager.open 或 FileSystemManager.openSync 接口获得 |\n@| data | string | 是 | - | - | 写入的内容 |\n@| encoding | \"ascii\" \\| \"base64\" \\| \"utf-8\" | 是 | - | - | 指定写入文件的字符编码<br/>支持:ascii base64 utf-8 | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [WriteResult](#writeresult-values) |\n \n\n#### close(options) @close\n关闭文件\n##### close  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **CloseOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| fd | string | 是 | - | - | 需要被关闭的文件描述符。fd 通过 FileSystemManager.open 或 FileSystemManager.openSync 接口获得 |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### closeSync(options) @closesync\n同步关闭文件\n##### closeSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **CloseSyncOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| fd | string | 是 | - | - | 需要被关闭的文件描述符。fd 通过 FileSystemManager.open 或 FileSystemManager.openSync 接口获得 | \n\n\n#### fstat(options) @fstat\n获取文件的状态信息\n##### fstat  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [FStatOptions](#fstatoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| fd | string | 是 | - | - | 文件描述符。fd 通过 FileSystemManager.open 或 FileSystemManager.openSync 接口获得 |\n@| success | (res: [FStatSuccessResult](#fstatsuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### FStatSuccessResult 的属性值 @fstatsuccessresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| stats | [Stats](#stats-values) | 是 | - | - | Stats 对象,包含了文件的状态信息 |\n\n\n#### fstatSync(options) @fstatsync\n同步获取文件的状态信息\n##### fstatSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **FStatSyncOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| fd | string | 是 | - | - | 文件描述符。fd 通过 FileSystemManager.open 或 FileSystemManager.openSync 接口获得 | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [Stats](#stats-values) |\n \n\n#### ftruncate(options) @ftruncate\n对文件内容进行截断操作\n##### ftruncate  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **FTruncateFileOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| fd | string | 是 | - | - | 文件描述符。fd 通过 FileSystemManager.open 或 FileSystemManager.openSync 接口获得 |\n@| length | number | 是 | - | - | 截断位置,默认0。如果 length 小于文件长度(字节),则只有前面 length 个字节会保留在文件中,其余内容会被删除;<br/>如果 length 大于文件长度,不做处理 |\n@| success | (res: [FileManagerSuccessResult](#filemanagersuccessresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### ftruncateSync(options) @ftruncatesync\n同步对文件内容进行截断操作\n##### ftruncateSync  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **FTruncateFileSyncOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| fd | string | 是 | - | - | 文件描述符。fd 通过 FileSystemManager.open 或 FileSystemManager.openSync 接口获得 |\n@| length | number | 是 | - | - | 截断位置,默认0。如果 length 小于文件长度(字节),则只有前面 length 个字节会保留在文件中,其余内容会被删除;<br/>如果 length 大于文件长度,不做处理 | \n\n\n#### readZipEntry(options) @readzipentry\n读取压缩包内的文件\n##### readZipEntry  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.13 | x |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [ReadZipEntryOptions](#readzipentryoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| filePath | [string.URIString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | 要读取的压缩包的路径 (本地路径),app-android平台支持代码包文件目录 |\n@| encoding | \"ascii\" \\| \"base64\" \\| \"utf-8\" | 是 | - | - | 统一指定读取文件的字符编码,只在 entries 值为\"all\"时有效。<br/>如果 entries 值为\"all\"且不传 encoding,则以 string 格式读取文件的内容 |\n@| entries | Array\\<**EntryItem**\\> \\| null | 否 | - | - | 要读取的压缩包内的文件列表(当不传入时表示读取压缩包内所有文件) |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| path | string | 是 | - | - | 压缩包内文件路径 |\n@@| encoding | \"ascii\" \\| \"base64\" \\| \"base64\" | 是 | - | - | 指定写入文件的字符编码<br/>支持:ascii base64 utf-8 |\n@| success | (res: [EntriesResult](#entriesresult-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFileSystemManagerFail](#ifilesystemmanagerfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### EntriesResult 的属性值 @entriesresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| result | Map\\<string, ZipFileItem> | 是 | - | - | 文件路径 |\n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getFileSystemManager&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getFileSystemManager&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getFileSystemManager&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getFileSystemManager&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getFileSystemManager&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getFileSystemManager)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getFileSystemManager&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.file.getFileSystemManager)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-file-system-manager/get-file-system-manager.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <text>显示简易操作日志,详细日志需真机运行查看</text><button size=\"mini\" @click=\"log=''\">清空日志</button>\n  <text style=\"margin: 2px; padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #000000;\">{{ log }}</text>\n  <scroll-view style=\"flex: 1;\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"statFileInfoTest\"\n      id=\"btn-stat-file\">递归获取目录files的Stats对象{{statFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"mkdirTest\" id=\"btn-mkdir\">创建文件夹{{mkdirFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"writeFileTest\" id=\"btn-write-file\">覆盖写入文件{{writeFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"readDirTest\" id=\"btn-read-dir\">读取文件夹{{readDir}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"readFileTest\" id=\"btn-read-file\">读取文件{{readFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"copyFileTest\"\n      id=\"btn-copy-file\">复制文件{{copyFromFile}}到{{copyToFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"renameFileTest\"\n      id=\"btn-rename-file\">重命名文件{{renameFromFile}}到{{renameToFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"accessFileTest\" id=\"btn-access-file\">判断文件{{accessFile}}是否存在</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"getFileInfoTest\"\n      id=\"btn-get-file-info\">获取文件信息{{getFileInfoFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"unlinkTest\" id=\"btn-unlink-file\">删除文件{{unlinkFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"copyStaticToFilesTest\"\n      id=\"btn-copyStatic-file\">从static目录复制文件到a目录</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"unlinkAllFileTest\"\n      id=\"btn-clear-file\">删除文件夹{{rmDirFile}}下的所有文件</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"rmdirTest\" id=\"btn-remove-dir\">删除文件夹{{rmDirFile}}</button>\n\n\n    <!-- #ifdef APP-ANDROID -->\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"statFileInfoSyncTest\"\n      id=\"btn-stat-file-sync\">同步递归获取目录files的Stats对象{{statFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"appendFileTest\" id=\"btn-append-file\">在文件{{readFile}}结尾追加内容</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"appendFileSyncTest\"\n      id=\"btn-append-file-sync\">同步在文件{{readFile}}结尾追加内容</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"writeFileSyncTest\"\n      id=\"btn-write-file-sync\">同步覆盖写入文件{{writeFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"readFileSyncTest\" id=\"btn-read-file-sync\">同步读取文件{{readFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"unlinkSyncTest\"\n      id=\"btn-unlink-file-sync\">同步删除文件{{unlinkFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"mkdirSyncTest\" id=\"btn-mkdir-sync\">同步创建文件夹{{mkdirFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"rmdirSyncTest\" id=\"btn-remove-dir-sync\">同步删除文件夹{{rmDirFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"readDirSyncTest\" id=\"btn-read-dir-sync\">同步读取文件夹{{readDir}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"accessFileSyncTest\"\n      id=\"btn-access-file-sync\">同步判断文件{{accessFile}}是否存在</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"renameFileSync\"\n      id=\"btn-rename-file-sync\">同步重命名文件{{renameFromFile}}到{{renameToFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"copyFileSyncTest\"\n      id=\"btn-copy-file-sync\">同步复制文件{{copyFromFile}}到{{copyToFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"saveFileTest\" id=\"btn-save-file\">保存临时文件到本地</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"saveFileSyncTest\" id=\"btn-save-file-sync\">同步保存临时文件到本地</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"removeSavedFileTest\" id=\"btn-remove-saved-file\">删除已保存的本地文件</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"unzipFileTest\" id=\"btn-unzip-file-sync\">解压文件</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"getSavedFileListTest\"\n      id=\"btn-getsaved-filelist\">获取该已保存的本地缓存文件列表</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"truncateFileTest\"\n      id=\"btn-truncate-file\">对文件{{writeFile}}内容进行截断操作</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"truncateFileSyncTest\"\n      id=\"btn-truncate-file-sync\">同步对文件{{writeFile}}内容进行截断操作</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"readCompressedFileTest\"\n      id=\"btn-compressed-file\">读取指定压缩类型的本地文件内容</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"readCompressedFileSyncTest\"\n      id=\"btn-compressed-file-sync\">同步读取指定压缩类型的本地文件内容</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"openFileTest\" id=\"btn-open-file\">打开文件{{readFile}},返回描述符</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"openFileSyncTest('r')\"\n      id=\"btn-open-file-sync\">同步打开文件{{readFile}},返回描述符</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"closeTest\" id=\"btn-close-file\">通过文件描述符关闭文件{{readFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"closeSyncTest\"\n      id=\"btn-close-file-sync\">通过文件描述符同步关闭文件{{readFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"writeTest\" id=\"btn-write\">通过文件描述符写入文件{{readFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"writeSyncTest\" id=\"btn-write-sync\">同步通过文件描述符写入文件{{readFile}}</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"fstatTest\" id=\"btn-fstat-file\">通过文件描述符获取{{statFile}}的状态信息</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"fstatSyncTest\"\n      id=\"btn-fstat-file-sync\">同步通过文件描述符获取{{statFile}}的状态信息</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"ftruncateFileTest\"\n      id=\"btn-ftruncate-file\">通过文件描述符对文件{{writeFile}}内容进行截断</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"ftruncateFileSyncTest\"\n      id=\"btn-ftruncate-file-sync\">同步通过文件描述符对文件{{writeFile}}内容进行截断</button>\n    <button class=\"btnstyle\" type=\"primary\" @tap=\"readZipEntry\" id=\"btn-readzip-entry\">读取压缩包内的文件</button>\n    <view style=\"height: 4px;\"></view>\n    <!-- #endif -->\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n<script>\n  export default {\n\n    data() {\n      return {\n        log: \"\",\n        /**\n         * 自动化测试需要关闭log\n         */\n        logAble: true,\n        fileListSuccess: [] as string[],\n        fileListComplete: [] as string[],\n        accessFileRet: '',\n        lastFailError: new UniError(\"uni-file-manager\", 1300000, \"mock error\"),\n        lastCompleteError: new UniError(\"uni-file-manager\", 1300000, \"mock error\"),\n        readDir: 'a',\n        readFileRet: \"\",\n        writeFileContent: \"中文 en.\\r\\n\\t换行\",\n        appendFileContent: \"append content\",\n        getFileInfoAlgorithm: \"md5\",\n        getFileInfoSize: -1,\n        getFileInfoDigest: \"\",\n        unlinkFile: 'a/1.txt',\n        accessFile: 'a/1.txt',\n        writeFile: 'a/1.txt',\n        writeData: 'insert data哈哈哈',\n        brFile: 'a/1.txt.br',\n        temFile: 'a/1.txt',\n        copyFromFile: 'a/1.txt',\n        copyToFile: 'a/2.txt',\n        renameFromFile: 'a/2.txt',\n        renameToFile: 'a/3.txt',\n        getFileInfoFile: 'a/1.txt',\n        statFile: '',\n        rmDirFile: 'a',\n        mkdirFile: 'a',\n        readFile: 'a/1.txt',\n        recursiveVal: true,\n        done: false,\n        writeFileEncoding: \"utf-8\",\n        readFileEncoding: \"utf-8\",\n        statsRet: [] as Array<FileStats>,\n        unzipFile: 'zip/1.zip',\n        targetZip: \"unzip\",\n        renameFileRet: '',\n        saveFileRet: '',\n        removeSavedFileRet: '',\n        fd: '',\n        closeFileRet: '',\n        bytesWritten: 0,\n        fstat: null as Stats | null,\n        ftruncateRet: '',\n        readZipFile: 'to.zip',\n        getSavedFileListRet: '',\n        /**\n         * 待测试的全局环境变量\n         */\n        basePath: uni.env.USER_DATA_PATH,\n        copyToBasePath: uni.env.USER_DATA_PATH,\n        globalTempPath: uni.env.CACHE_PATH,\n        globalRootPath: uni.env.SANDBOX_PATH,\n        globalUserDataPath: uni.env.USER_DATA_PATH\n      }\n    },\n    onLoad() {\n    },\n\n    methods: {\n      statFileInfoTest: function (_ : any) {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.stat({\n          // path: `${this.basePath}${this.statFile}`, //USER_DATA_PATH\n          path: `${this.globalTempPath}${this.statFile}`, //CACHE_PATH\n          recursive: this.recursiveVal,\n          success: (res : StatSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'statFileInfoTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('statFileInfoTest success', res)\n            this.statsRet = res.stats\n            console.log('this.statsRet', this.statsRet)\n          },\n          fail: (res:IUniError ) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'statFileInfoTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('statFileInfoTest fail', res)\n            this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            console.log(\"statFileInfoTest complete\", res)\n            this.done = true\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n          }\n        } as StatOptions)\n      },\n\n      getFileInfoTest: function () {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n\n        fileManager.getFileInfo({\n          filePath: `${this.basePath}${this.getFileInfoFile}`,\n          digestAlgorithm: this.getFileInfoAlgorithm,\n          success: (res : GetFileInfoSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'getFileInfoTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n            this.getFileInfoSize = res.size\n            this.getFileInfoDigest = res.digest\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'getFileInfoTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n            this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n            this.done = true\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n          }\n        } as GetFileInfoOptions)\n      },\n\n      copyFileTest: function () {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n\n        fileManager.copyFile({\n          srcPath: `${this.basePath}${this.copyFromFile}`,\n          destPath: `${this.copyToBasePath}${this.copyToFile}`,\n          success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'copyFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'copyFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n            this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n            this.done = true\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n          }\n        } as CopyFileOptions)\n      },\n\n      renameFileTest: function () {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n\n        fileManager.rename({\n          oldPath: `${this.basePath}${this.renameFromFile}`,\n          newPath: `${this.basePath}${this.renameToFile}`,\n          success: (res) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'renameFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'renameFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n            this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            this.done = true\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n          }\n        } as RenameOptions)\n      },\n\n      readDirTest: function () {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.readdir({\n          dirPath: `${this.basePath}${this.readDir}`,\n          success: (res : ReadDirSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'readDirTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log(\"success\", res)\n            this.fileListSuccess = res.files\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'readDirTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n            this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n            this.done = true\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            } else {\n              this.fileListComplete = (res as ReadDirSuccessResult).files\n            }\n          }\n        } as ReadDirOptions)\n      },\n\n      writeFileTest: function (_ : any) {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n\n        fileManager.writeFile({\n          filePath: `${this.basePath}${this.writeFile}`,\n          data: this.writeFileContent,\n          encoding: this.writeFileEncoding,\n          success: (res) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'writeFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'writeFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail')\n            this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            this.done = true\n            console.log(\"complete\")\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n\n          }\n        } as WriteFileOptions)\n      },\n\n      readFileTest: function () {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n\n        fileManager.readFile({\n          filePath: `${this.basePath}${this.readFile}`,\n          encoding: this.readFileEncoding,\n          success: (res : ReadFileSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'readFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n            this.readFileRet = res.data\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'readFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n            this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n            this.done = true\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n          }\n        } as ReadFileOptions)\n      },\n\n      rmdirTest: function () {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.rmdir({\n          dirPath: `${this.basePath}${this.rmDirFile}`,\n          recursive: this.recursiveVal,\n          success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'rmdirTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'rmdirTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n            this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n            this.done = true\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n          }\n        } as RmDirOptions)\n      },\n\n      mkdirTest: function () {\n        // 准备测试数据\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n\n        fileManager.mkdir({\n          dirPath: `${this.basePath}${this.mkdirFile}`,\n          recursive: this.recursiveVal,\n          success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'mkdirTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'mkdirTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n            this.done = true\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n          }\n        } as MkDirOptions)\n\n      },\n      accessFileTest: function () {\n        this.accessFileRet = ''\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.access({\n          path: `${this.basePath}${this.accessFile}`,\n          success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'accessFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n            this.accessFileRet = res.errMsg\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'accessFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n            this.done = true\n          }\n        } as AccessOptions)\n\n      },\n      unlinkTest: function () {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n\n        fileManager.unlink({\n          filePath: `${this.basePath}${this.unlinkFile}`,\n          success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'unlinkTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'unlinkTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n            this.done = true\n          }\n        } as UnLinkOptions)\n      },\n      unlinkAllFileTest: function () {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.readdir({\n          dirPath: `${this.basePath}${this.rmDirFile}`,\n          success: (res : ReadDirSuccessResult) => {\n            console.log(\"success to readdir\", res)\n            res.files.forEach(element => {\n              console.log(element)\n              let filePath : string\n              if (this.rmDirFile.length <= 0) {\n                filePath = `${this.basePath}${element}`\n              } else {\n                filePath = `${this.basePath}${this.rmDirFile}/${element}`\n              }\n              fileManager.unlink({\n                filePath: filePath,\n                success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n                  if (this.logAble) {\n                    this.log += 'unlinkAllFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n                  }\n                  console.log('success unlink', res)\n                },\n                fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n                  if (this.logAble) {\n                    this.log += 'unlinkAllFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n                  }\n                  console.log('fail unlink', res)\n                              this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n                },\n                complete: (res : any) => {\n                  if (res instanceof UniError) {\n                    this.lastCompleteError = res\n                  }\n                  console.log(\"complete unlink\", res)\n                  this.done = true\n                }\n              } as UnLinkOptions)\n            });\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'unlinkAllFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail to readdir', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            console.log(\"complete readdir\", res)\n            this.done = true\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            } else {\n              this.fileListComplete = (res as ReadDirSuccessResult).files\n            }\n          }\n        } as ReadDirOptions)\n      },\n      copyStaticToFilesTest: function () {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n\n        fileManager.copyFile({\n          srcPath: \"/static/list-mock/mock.json\",\n          destPath: `${this.copyToBasePath}/a/mock.json`,\n          success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'copyFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'copyFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n            this.done = true\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n          }\n        } as CopyFileOptions)\n      },\n      //start\n      appendFileTest: function (_ : any) {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.appendFile({\n          filePath: `${this.basePath}${this.writeFile}`,\n          data: this.appendFileContent,\n          encoding: this.writeFileEncoding,\n          success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'appendFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'appendFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail')\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            this.done = true\n            console.log(\"complete\")\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n\n          }\n        } as AppendFileOptions)\n      },\n      writeFileSyncTest: function (_ : any) {\n        try {\n          const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n          fileManager.writeFileSync(`${this.basePath}${this.writeFile}`, this.writeFileContent, this.writeFileEncoding)\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'writeFileSyncTest success:' + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'writeFileSyncTest fail:' + e + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        }\n\n      },\n      readFileSyncTest: function () {\n        try {\n          const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n          let data = fileManager.readFileSync(\n            `${this.basePath}${this.readFile}`,\n            this.readFileEncoding)\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'readFileSyncTest result:' + data + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n          this.readFileRet = data\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'readFileSyncTest fail:' + e + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        }\n\n      },\n      unlinkSyncTest: function () {\n        try {\n          const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n          fileManager.unlinkSync(\n            `${this.basePath}${this.unlinkFile}`)\n          this.done = true\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'unlinkSyncTest fail:' + e + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        }\n      },\n      mkdirSyncTest: function () {\n        // 准备测试数据\n        try {\n          const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n          fileManager.mkdirSync(`${this.basePath}${this.mkdirFile}`, this.recursiveVal)\n          this.done = true\n        } catch (e) {\n          this.done = true\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'mkdirSyncTest fail:' + e + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n        }\n\n      },\n      rmdirSyncTest: function () {\n        try {\n          const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n          fileManager.rmdirSync(\n            `${this.basePath}${this.rmDirFile}`,\n            this.recursiveVal)\n          this.done = true\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'rmdirSyncTest fail:' + e + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        }\n      },\n      readDirSyncTest: function () {\n        try {\n          const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n          let res = fileManager.readdirSync(\n            `${this.basePath}${this.readDir}`)\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'readDirTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          if (res != null) {\n            this.fileListSuccess = res\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'rmdirSyncTest fail:' + e + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        }\n      },\n      accessFileSyncTest: function () {\n        this.accessFileRet = ''\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          fileManager.accessSync(`${this.basePath}${this.accessFile}`)\n          this.done = true\n          this.accessFileRet = 'access:ok'\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'rmdirSyncTest fail:' + e + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        }\n      },\n      renameFileSync: function () {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          fileManager.renameSync(`${this.basePath}${this.renameFromFile}`,\n            `${this.basePath}${this.renameToFile}`)\n          this.done = true\n          this.renameFileRet = \"rename:ok\"\n\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'rmdirSyncTest fail:' + e + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          console.log('renameSync:' + e)\n          this.done = true\n        }\n      },\n      copyFileSyncTest: function () {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          fileManager.copyFileSync(\n            `${this.basePath}${this.copyFromFile}`,\n            `${this.copyToBasePath}${this.copyToFile}`)\n          this.done = true\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'rmdirSyncTest fail:' + e + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        }\n      },\n      appendFileSyncTest: function (_ : any) {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          fileManager.appendFileSync(\n            `${this.basePath}${this.writeFile}`,\n            this.appendFileContent,\n            this.writeFileEncoding)\n          this.done = true\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'rmdirSyncTest fail:' + e + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        }\n      },\n      saveFileTest: function (_ : any) {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.saveFile({\n          tempFilePath: `${this.globalTempPath}${this.temFile}`,\n          // filePath:`${this.basePath}local/`,\n          success: (res : SaveFileSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'saveFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n            this.saveFileRet = res.savedFilePath\n            this.done = true\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'saveFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('saveFileTest fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n            this.done = true\n          },\n          complete: (_) => {\n            this.done = true\n          }\n        } as SaveFileOptions)\n      },\n      saveFileSyncTest: function (_ : any) {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          fileManager.saveFileSync(\n            `${this.globalTempPath}${this.temFile}`, `${this.basePath}/`)\n          // filePath:`${this.basePath}local/`,)\n          this.done = true\n\n          //todo 后面打开\n          // this.saveFileRet=res\n        } catch (e) {\n          console.log('saveFileSyncTest:' + e)\n          this.done = true\n        }\n      },\n      unzipFileTest: function (_ : any) {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          fileManager.mkdirSync(`${this.basePath}${this.targetZip}`, true)\n        } catch (e) {\n          console.error(e)\n        }\n        fileManager.unzip({\n          zipFilePath: '/static/filemanager/to.zip',\n          targetPath: `${this.basePath}${this.targetZip}`,\n          success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'unzipFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('success', res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'unzipFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (_) => {\n            this.done = true\n          }\n        } as UnzipFileOptions)\n      },\n\n      getSavedFileListTest: function () {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.getSavedFileList({\n          success: (res : GetSavedFileListResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'getSavedFileListTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log(\"getSavedFileListTest success\", res)\n            this.fileListSuccess = res.fileList\n            this.getSavedFileListRet = \"getSavedFileList:ok\"\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'getSavedFileListTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('getSavedFileListTest fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n            this.getSavedFileListRet = JSON.stringify(res)\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n            this.done = true\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            } else {\n              this.fileListComplete = (res as GetSavedFileListResult).fileList\n            }\n          }\n        } as GetSavedFileListOptions)\n      },\n      truncateFileTest() {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.truncate({\n          filePath: `${this.basePath}${this.writeFile}`,\n          length: 7,\n          success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'truncateFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log(\"success\", res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'truncateFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n            this.done = true\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n          }\n        } as TruncateFileOptions)\n      },\n      truncateFileSyncTest() {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          fileManager.truncateSync(\n            `${this.basePath}${this.writeFile}`,\n            4)\n          this.done = true\n        } catch (e) {\n          console.log(e)\n          this.done = true\n        }\n      },\n      readCompressedFileTest() {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.readCompressedFile({\n          filePath: '/static/filemanager/1.txt.br',\n          compressionAlgorithm: \"br\",\n          success: (res : ReadCompressedFileResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'readCompressedFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log(\"success\", res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'readCompressedFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (_) => {\n            this.done = true\n          }\n        } as ReadCompressedFileOptions)\n      },\n      readCompressedFileSyncTest() {\n        console.log('readCompressedFileSyncTest')\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          let data = fileManager.readCompressedFileSync(\n            '/static/filemanager/1.txt.br',\n            \"br\")\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += data\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'readCompressedFileSyncTest fail:' + e + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        }\n\n      },\n      removeSavedFileTest() {\n        console.log(\"removeSavedFileTest enter\")\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.removeSavedFile({\n          filePath: `${this.basePath}${this.writeFile}`,\n          success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'removeSavedFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            this.removeSavedFileRet = res.errMsg\n            console.log(\"removeSavedFileTest success\", res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'removeSavedFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('removeSavedFileTest fail', res)\n          },\n          complete: (_) => {\n            this.done = true\n          }\n        } as RemoveSavedFileOptions)\n      },\n\n      statFileInfoSyncTest: function (_ : any) {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          let res = fileManager.statSync(\n            // path: `${this.basePath}${this.statFile}`, //USER_DATA_PATH\n            `${this.globalTempPath}${this.statFile}`, //CACHE_PATH\n            this.recursiveVal)\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'statFileInfoSyncTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.statsRet = res\n          this.done = true\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'statFileInfoSyncTest fail:' + e + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        }\n\n      },\n      openFileTest() {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.open({\n          filePath: `${this.basePath}${this.readFile}`,\n          flag: \"a\",\n          success: (res : OpenFileSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'openFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log(\"success\", res)\n            this.fd = res.fd\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'openFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (_) => {\n            this.done = true\n          }\n        } as OpenFileOptions)\n      },\n      openFileSyncTest(param : string) : string {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          let fd = fileManager.openSync({\n            filePath: `${this.basePath}${this.readFile}`,\n            flag: param,\n          } as OpenFileSyncOptions)\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'openFileSyncTest success:' + fd + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n          this.fd = fd\n          return fd\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'openFileSyncTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(e) + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          console.log('fail', e)\n          this.done = true\n        }\n        return \"\"\n      },\n      closeSyncTest() {\n        console.log('closeSyncTest')\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          console.log('closeSync')\n          fileManager.closeSync({\n            fd: this.openFileSyncTest('r')\n          } as CloseSyncOptions)\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'closeSyncTest success:' + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n          this.closeFileRet = \"close:ok\"\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'closeSyncTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(e) + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          console.log('fail', e)\n          this.done = true\n        }\n      },\n      closeTest() {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.close({\n          fd: this.openFileSyncTest('r'),\n          success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'closeTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            this.closeFileRet = res.errMsg\n            console.log(\"success\", res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'closeTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (_) => {\n            this.done = true\n          }\n\n        } as CloseOptions)\n      },\n      writeTest() {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          fileManager.mkdirSync(`${this.basePath}${this.mkdirFile}`, true)\n        } catch (e) {\n          console.error(e)\n        }\n\n        fileManager.write({\n          fd: this.openFileSyncTest('w+'),\n          data: this.writeData,\n          encoding: \"utf-8\",\n          success: (res : WriteResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'writeTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log(\"success\", res)\n            this.bytesWritten = res.bytesWritten\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'writeTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (_) => {\n            this.done = true\n          }\n\n        } as WriteOptions)\n      },\n      writeSyncTest() {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          fileManager.mkdirSync(`${this.basePath}${this.mkdirFile}`, true)\n        } catch (e) {\n          console.error(e)\n        }\n        fileManager.open({\n          filePath: `${this.basePath}${this.readFile}`,\n          flag: \"r+\",\n          success: (res : OpenFileSuccessResult) => {\n            console.log(\"success\", res)\n            if (res.fd.length <= 0) {\n              this.done = true\n              return\n            }\n            try {\n              let ret = fileManager.writeSync({\n                fd: res.fd,\n                data: this.writeData,\n                encoding: \"utf-8\"\n              } as WriteSyncOptions)\n              if (this.logAble) {\n                this.log += 'writeSyncTest success:' + JSON.stringify(ret) + '\\n\\n'\n              }\n              console.log(\"success\", ret)\n              this.done = true\n              this.bytesWritten = ret.bytesWritten\n            } catch (e) {\n              if (this.logAble) {\n                this.log += 'writeSyncTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(e) + '\\n\\n'\n              }\n              console.log('fail', e)\n              this.done = true\n            }\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'openFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n            this.done = true\n          }\n        } as OpenFileOptions)\n\n      },\n      fstatTest() {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.fstat({\n          fd: this.openFileSyncTest('r'),\n          success: (res : FStatSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'fstatTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log(\"success\", res)\n            this.fstat = res.stats\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'fstatTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (_) => {\n            this.done = true\n          }\n\n        } as FStatOptions)\n      },\n      fstatSyncTest() {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          let stat =\n            fileManager.fstatSync({\n              fd: this.openFileSyncTest('r'),\n            } as FStatSyncOptions)\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'fstatSyncTest success:' + JSON.stringify(stat) + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n          this.fstat = stat\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'fstatSyncTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(e) + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        }\n      },\n      ftruncateFileTest() {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.ftruncate({\n          fd: this.openFileSyncTest('r+'),\n          length: 6,\n          success: (res : FileManagerSuccessResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'ftruncateFileTest success:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            this.ftruncateRet = res.errMsg\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'ftruncateFileTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          },\n          complete: (res : any) => {\n            console.log(\"complete\", res)\n            this.done = true\n            if (res instanceof UniError) {\n              this.lastCompleteError = res\n            }\n          }\n        } as FTruncateFileOptions)\n      },\n      ftruncateFileSyncTest() {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        try {\n          fileManager.ftruncateSync({\n            fd: this.openFileSyncTest('r+'),\n            length: 4\n          } as FTruncateFileSyncOptions)\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'ftruncateFileSyncTest success:' + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n          this.ftruncateRet = 'ftruncate:ok'\n        } catch (e) {\n          if (this.logAble) {\n            this.log += 'ftruncateFileSyncTest fail:' + JSON.stringify(e) + '\\n\\n'\n          }\n          this.done = true\n        }\n      },\n      readZipEntry() {\n        const fileManager = uni.getFileSystemManager()\n        fileManager.readZipEntry({\n          filePath: '/static/filemanager/to.zip',\n          encoding: 'utf-8',\n          success: (res : EntriesResult) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'readZipEntry success:size=' + res.result.size + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log(\"success\", res)\n          },\n          fail: (res : IUniError) => {\n            if (this.logAble) {\n              this.log += 'readZipEntry fail:' + JSON.stringify(res) + '\\n\\n'\n            }\n            console.log('fail', res)\n                        this.lastFailError=new UniError(res.errSubject, res.errCode, res.errMsg)\n\n          }\n        } as ReadZipEntryOptions)\n      },\n\n    },\n\n  }\n</script>\n\n<style>\n  .btnstyle {\n    margin: 4px;\n  }\n</style>\n\n```"
  "getUniverifyManager": {
    "name": "## uni.getUniverifyManager() @getuniverifymanager",
    "description": "获取一键登录管理对象",
    "compatibility": "### getUniverifyManager  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.99 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [UniverifyManager](#univerifymanager-values) |\n\n#### UniverifyManager 的方法 @univerifymanager-values \n\n#### preLogin(options) @prelogin\n预登录\n##### preLogin  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.99 | 4.18 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [PreLoginOptions](#preloginoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | 预登录参数 |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | () => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| fail | (err: [PreLoginFail](#preloginfail-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n###### PreLoginFail 的属性值 @preloginfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1000 \\| 1001 \\| 1002 \\| 1004 \\| 4001 \\| 30004 \\| 30005 \\| 30006 | 是 | - | - | 1000 当前应用appid尚未开通uni一键登录<br/>1001 应用所有者账号信息异常,请检查账号一键登录服务是否正常<br/>1002 应用所有者账号信息异常,请检查账号余额是否充足<br/>1004 uni一键登录应用不存在<br/>4001 参数异常<br/>30004 其他错误<br/>30005 预登录失败<br/>30006 一键登录失败 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n\n#### login(options) @login\n登录\n##### login  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.99 | 4.18 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [LoginOptions](#loginoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | 登录参数 |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| univerifyStyle | **UniverifyStyle** | 否 | - | - | 登录页样式 |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| fullScreen | boolean | 否 | - | - | 是否全屏 |\n@@| logoPath | string | 否 | - | - | logo路径 |\n@@| backgroundColor | string | 否 | - | - | 登录页背景色 |\n@@| loginBtnText | string | 否 | - | - | 登录按钮文字 |\n@| success | (res: [LoginSuccess](#loginsuccess-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| fail | (err: [LoginFail](#loginfail-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | - |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n###### LoginSuccess 的属性值 @loginsuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| openId | string | 是 | - | - | 登录授权唯一标识 |\n| accessToken | string | 是 | - | - | token |\n\n###### LoginFail 的属性值 @loginfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 1000 \\| 1001 \\| 1002 \\| 1004 \\| 4001 \\| 30004 \\| 30005 \\| 30006 | 是 | - | - | 1000 当前应用appid尚未开通uni一键登录<br/>1001 应用所有者账号信息异常,请检查账号一键登录服务是否正常<br/>1002 应用所有者账号信息异常,请检查账号余额是否充足<br/>1004 uni一键登录应用不存在<br/>4001 参数异常<br/>30004 其他错误<br/>30005 预登录失败<br/>30006 一键登录失败 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n\n#### close() @close\n关闭登录页\n##### close  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.99 | 4.18 |\n\n\n\n#### isPreLoginValid() @ispreloginvalid\n预登录是否有效\n##### isPreLoginValid  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.99 | 4.18 |\n\n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| boolean |\n \n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/univerify.html#univerifymanager)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getUniverifyManager&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getUniverifyManager&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getUniverifyManager&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getUniverifyManager&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getUniverifyManager&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getUniverifyManager)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getUniverifyManager&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.loginVerify.getUniverifyManager)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/get-univerify-manager/get-univerify-manager.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\n  <view>\n    <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n    <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt\">\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v uni-common-mt\">\n        <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"verify(false)\">一键登录(半屏)</button>\n      </view>\n      <view class=\"uni-btn-v uni-common-mt\">\n        <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"verify(true)\">一键登录(全屏)</button>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n  </view>\n</template>\n\n<script>\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: '一键登录',\n        univerifyManager: null as UniverifyManager | null\n      }\n    },\n    onLoad() {\n      this.univerifyManager = uni.getUniverifyManager();\n      // 预登录\n      this.univerifyManager?.preLogin({\n        success: () => {\n          console.log(\"pre login success\");\n        },\n        fail: (err : PreLoginFail) => {\n          console.error(\"pre login fail => \" + JSON.stringify(err));\n          uni.showModal({\n            title: '预登录失败',\n            content: JSON.parseObject(err.cause?.cause?.message ?? \"\")?.getString(\"errorDesc\") ?? err.errMsg,\n            showCancel: false\n          });\n        }\n      } as PreLoginOptions);\n    },\n    methods: {\n      verify(fullScreen : boolean) {\n        // 校验预登录是否有效\n        const isPreLoginValid = this.univerifyManager?.isPreLoginValid() ?? false;\n        if (isPreLoginValid) {\n          // 预登录有效,执行登录\n          this.login(fullScreen);\n        } else {\n          // 预登录无效,执行预登录\n          this.univerifyManager?.preLogin({\n            success: () => {\n              console.log(\"pre login success\");\n              this.login(fullScreen);\n            },\n            fail: (err : PreLoginFail) => {\n              console.error(\"pre login fail => \" + JSON.stringify(err));\n              uni.showModal({\n                title: '预登录失败',\n                content: JSON.parseObject(err.cause?.cause?.message ?? \"\")?.getString(\"errorDesc\") ?? err.errMsg,\n                showCancel: false\n              });\n            }\n          } as PreLoginOptions);\n        }\n      },\n      login(fullScreen : boolean) {\n        this.univerifyManager?.login({\n          // 登录页样式\n          univerifyStyle: {\n            fullScreen: fullScreen,\n            backgroundColor: \"#FFFFFF\",\n            loginBtnText: \"一键登录\",\n            logoPath: \"/static/logo.png\"\n          } as UniverifyStyle,\n          success: (res : LoginSuccess) => {\n            console.log(\"login success => \" + JSON.stringify(res));\n            // 云函数取号\n            uniCloud.callFunction({\n              name: 'univerify',\n              data: {\n                access_token: res.accessToken, // 客户端一键登录接口返回的access_token\n                openid: res.openId // 客户端一键登录接口返回的openid\n              }\n            }).then(res => {\n              // 关闭登录页\n              this.univerifyManager?.close();\n              setTimeout(() => {\n                uni.showModal({\n                  title: '取号成功',\n                  content: res.result.getJSON(\"res\")?.getString(\"phoneNumber\"),\n                  showCancel: false\n                });\n              }, 100);\n            }).catch(err => {\n              console.error(JSON.stringify(err));\n              // 关闭登录页\n              this.univerifyManager?.close();\n              setTimeout(() => {\n                uni.showModal({\n                  title: '取号失败',\n                  content: (err as Error).message,\n                  showCancel: false\n                });\n              }, 100);\n            });\n          },\n          fail: (err : LoginFail) => {\n            console.error(\"login fail => \" + err);\n            uni.showModal({\n              title: '登录失败',\n              content: JSON.parseObject(err.cause?.cause?.message ?? \"\")?.getString(\"errorDesc\") ?? err.errMsg,\n              showCancel: false\n            });\n          }\n        } as LoginOptions);\n      }\n    }\n  }\n</script>\n\n<style>\n\n</style>\n\n```"
  "getFacialRecognitionMetaInfo": {
    "name": "## uni.getFacialRecognitionMetaInfo() @getfacialrecognitionmetainfo",
    "description": "获取阿里云实人认证meta info",
    "compatibility": "### getFacialRecognitionMetaInfo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| string |\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=getFacialRecognitionMetaInfo&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=getFacialRecognitionMetaInfo&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=getFacialRecognitionMetaInfo&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=getFacialRecognitionMetaInfo&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=getFacialRecognitionMetaInfo&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=getFacialRecognitionMetaInfo)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=getFacialRecognitionMetaInfo&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.loginVerify.facialRecognitionMetaInfo.getFacialRecognitionMetaInfo)"
  "startFacialRecognitionVerify": {
    "name": "## uni.startFacialRecognitionVerify(faceStyle) @startfacialrecognitionverify",
    "description": "启动人脸识别",
    "compatibility": "### startFacialRecognitionVerify  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| faceStyle | [StartFacialRecognitionVerifyOptions](#startfacialrecognitionverifyoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| certifyId | string | 是 | - | - | certifyId 调用实人认证的id |\n@| progressBarColor | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 活体检测页面的进度条颜色。 |\n@| screenOrientation | \"land\" \\| \"port\" | 否 | \"port\" | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"-\",\"3.9\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | 认证时屏幕方向<br/>- land  横屏<br/>- port  竖屏 |\n@| success | (res: [StartFacialRecognitionVerifySuccess](#startfacialrecognitionverifysuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 成功回调 |\n@| fail | (res: [IFacialRecognitionVerifyError](#ifacialrecognitionverifyerror-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 失败回调 |\n@| complete | (res: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 完成回调 | \n\n##### StartFacialRecognitionVerifySuccess 的属性值 @startfacialrecognitionverifysuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | 错误码 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 调用API的名称 |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | 错误的详细信息 |\n| cause | **SourceError** | 否 | - | - | 错误来源 |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| subject | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误模块名称 |\n@| message | string | 是 | - | - | 源错误描述信息 |\n@| code | number | 是 | - | - | 源错误的错误码 |\n@| name | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n\n##### IFacialRecognitionVerifyError 的属性值 @ifacialrecognitionverifyerror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 10010 \\| 10012 \\| 10011 \\| 10013 \\| 10020 \\| 10001 \\| 10002 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 10001 certifyId 不能为空<br/>- 10002 \"当前设备不支持\"<br/>- 10010 刷脸异常<br/>- 10012 网络异常<br/>- 10011 验证中断<br/>- 10013 刷脸验证失败<br/>- 10020 设备设置时间异常 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=startFacialRecognitionVerify&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=startFacialRecognitionVerify&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=startFacialRecognitionVerify&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=startFacialRecognitionVerify&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=startFacialRecognitionVerify&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=startFacialRecognitionVerify)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=startFacialRecognitionVerify&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.loginVerify.facialRecognitionMetaInfo.startFacialRecognitionVerify)"
  "facialRecognitionMetaInfo": {
    "example": "## 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/facial-recognition-meta-info/facial-recognition-meta-info.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  <scroll-view class=\"page-scroll-view\">\n  <!-- #endif -->\n    <view>\n      <page-head :title=\"title\"></page-head>\n      <view class=\"uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt\">\n        <view class=\"uni-btn-v uni-common-mt\">\n          <input class=\"uni-input\" type=\"text\" v-model=\"realName\" name=\"real-name\"\n            placeholder=\"姓名\" maxlength=\"-1\"/>\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-btn-v uni-common-mt\">\n          <input class=\"uni-input\" type=\"text\" v-model=\"idCard\" name=\"id-card\"\n            placeholder=\"身份证号\" maxlength=\"-1\"/>\n        </view>\n        <view class=\"uni-btn-v uni-common-mt\">\n          <button type=\"primary\" @click=\"facialRecognition\">开始人脸识别</button>\n        </view>\n      </view>\n    </view>\n  <!-- #ifdef APP -->\n  </scroll-view>\n  <!-- #endif -->\n</template>\n\n<script>\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        title: '实人认证',\n        realName: '',\n        idCard: ''\n      }\n    },\n    onReady() {\n    },\n    methods: {\n      facialRecognition() {\n        const realName = this.realName.trim()\n        const idCard = this.idCard.trim()\n        if (realName == '' || idCard == '') {\n          uni.showModal({\n            title: '错误',\n            content: '姓名和身份证号不可为空',\n            showCancel: false\n          })\n          return\n        }\n        const testFacialCo = uniCloud.importObject('facial-recognition-co')\n        let metaInfo = uni.getFacialRecognitionMetaInfo();\n        testFacialCo.getCertifyId({\n          realName,\n          idCard,\n          metaInfo\n        })\n          .then((res : UTSJSONObject) : Promise<string> => {\n            const certifyId = res['certifyId'] as string\n            return new Promise((\n              resolve : (res : string) => void,\n              reject : (err : Error) => void\n            ) => {\n              uni.startFacialRecognitionVerify({\n                certifyId,\n                success() {\n                  resolve(certifyId)\n                },\n                fail(err) {\n                  reject(new Error(err.errMsg))\n                }\n              })\n            })\n          })\n          .then((certifyId : string) : Promise<UTSJSONObject> => {\n            return testFacialCo.getAuthResult(certifyId)\n          })\n          .then((res : UTSJSONObject) => {\n            console.log('res', res)\n          })\n          .catch((err : any | null) => {\n            console.error('error', err)\n          })\n      }\n    }\n  }\n</script>\n\n<style>\n</style>\n\n```"
  "createRewardedVideoAd": {
    "name": "## uni.createRewardedVideoAd(option) @createrewardedvideoad",
    "description": "创建激励视频广告对象",
    "compatibility": "### createRewardedVideoAd  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 4.0 | 4.22 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| option | **CreateRewardedVideoAdOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| adpid | string | 是 | - | - | 广告位 id |\n@| urlCallback | **UrlCallbackOptions** \\| null | 否 | - | - | 服务器回调透传参数 |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| userId | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 透传到服务器端的userId |\n@@| extra | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 透传到服务器端的extra,不推荐设置过于复杂的字符串 | \n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [RewardedVideoAd](#rewardedvideoad-values) |\n\n#### RewardedVideoAd 的方法 @rewardedvideoad-values \n\n#### show() @show\n广告加载成功之后,调用此方法展示广告\n##### show  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| Promise\\<any> |\n \n\n#### load() @load\n加载广告\n##### load  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| Promise\\<any> |\n \n\n#### destroy() @destroy\n销毁广告\n##### destroy  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n\n#### onLoad(callback) @onload\n绑定广告 load 事件的监听器\n##### onLoad  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### offLoad(callback) @offload\n解除绑定 load 事件的监听器\n##### offLoad  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onError(callback) @onerror\n绑定 error 事件的监听器\n##### onError  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [IUniAdError](#iuniaderror-values)) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n###### IUniAdError 的属性值 @iuniaderror-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | number | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- -5001 广告位标识adpid为空,请传入有效的adpid<br/>- -5002 无效的广告位标识adpid,请使用正确的adpid<br/>- -5003 广告位未开通广告,请在广告平台申请并确保已审核通过<br/>- -5004 无广告模块,打包时请配置要使用的广告模块<br/>- -5005 广告加载失败,请稍后重试<br/>- -5006 广告已经展示过了,请重新加载<br/>- -5007 广告不可用或已过期,请重新请求<br/>- -5008 广告不可用或已过期,请重新请求<br/>- -5009 广告类型不符,请检查后再试<br/>- -5011 打包或开通的渠道,不支持此类型广告<br/>- -5013 广告播放失败,请重新加载 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n\n\n#### offError(callback) @offerror\n解除绑定 error 事件的监听器\n##### offError  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [IUniAdError](#iuniaderror-values)) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onClose(callback) @onclose\n绑定 close 事件的监听器\n##### onClose  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [VideoAdClose](#videoadclose-values)) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n###### VideoAdClose 的属性值 @videoadclose-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| isEnded | boolean | 是 | - | - | true标识广告播放完毕或者达到发放奖励的条件 |\n\n\n#### offClose(callback) @offclose\n解除绑定 close 事件的监听器\n##### offClose  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [VideoAdClose](#videoadclose-values)) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onAdClicked(callback) @onadclicked\n绑定广告可点击屏幕区域事件的监听器\n##### onAdClicked  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### onVerify(callback) @onverify\n绑定 verify 事件的监听器\n##### onVerify  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| callback | (result: [UTSJSONObject](/uts/buildin-object-api/utsjsonobject.md)) => void | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=createRewardedVideoAd&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=createRewardedVideoAd&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=createRewardedVideoAd&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=createRewardedVideoAd&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=createRewardedVideoAd&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=createRewardedVideoAd)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=createRewardedVideoAd&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.ad.createRewardedVideoAd)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/create-rewarded-video-ad/create-rewarded-video-ad.uvue) \n >\n> 该 API 不支持 Web,请运行 hello uni-app x 到 App 平台体验 \n```uvue\n<template>\n  <page-head title=\"激励视频广告\"></page-head>\n  <button :type=\"btnType\" style=\"margin: 10px;\" :disabled=\"btnDisable\" @click=\"showAd()\">{{btnText}}</button>\n</template>\n\n<script>\n  export default {\n    data() {\n      return {\n        btnText: \"\",\n        btnType: \"primary\",\n        btnDisable: false,\n        rewardAd: null as RewardedVideoAd | null,\n        isAdLoadSuccess: false\n      }\n    },\n    onReady() {\n      this.loadAd()\n    },\n    methods: {\n      loadAd() {\n        if (this.btnDisable)\n          return\n        this.btnDisable = true\n        this.btnText = \"正在加载广告\"\n        this.btnType = \"primary\"\n        if (this.rewardAd == null) {\n          this.rewardAd = uni.createRewardedVideoAd({\n            adpid: \"1507000689\" //此处为测试广告位,实际开发中请在uni-ad后台申请自己的广告位后替换\n          })\n          this.rewardAd!.onError((_) => {\n            this.btnType = \"warn\"\n            this.btnText = \"广告加载失败,点击重试\"\n            this.btnDisable = false\n          })\n          this.rewardAd!.onLoad((_) => {\n            this.btnType = \"primary\"\n            this.btnText = \"广告加载成功,点击观看\"\n            this.btnDisable = false\n            this.isAdLoadSuccess = true\n          })\n          this.rewardAd!.onClose((e) => {\n            // 测试广告位无法通过服务器回调。实际开发中,使用自己的广告位后,需参考uni-ad文档编写服务器回调的代码,在服务端发放奖励\n            this.isAdLoadSuccess = false\n            uni.showToast({\n              title: \"激励视频\" + (e.isEnded ? \"\" : \"未\") + \"播放完毕\",\n              position: \"bottom\"\n            })\n            this.loadAd()\n          })\n        }\n        this.rewardAd!.load()\n      },\n      showAd() {\n        if (this.isAdLoadSuccess) {\n          this.rewardAd!.show()\n        } else {\n          this.loadAd()\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n</script>\n\n<style>\n\n</style>\n\n```"
  "requestPayment": {
    "name": "## uni.requestPayment(options) @requestpayment",
    "description": "请求支付",
    "compatibility": "### requestPayment  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 4.02 | 4.18 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [RequestPaymentOptions](#requestpaymentoptions-values) | 是 | - | - |  |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| provider | string | 是 | - | - | 支付服务提供商,通过 [uni.getProvider](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/get-provider.html) 获取,目前支持支付宝支付(alipay),微信支付(wxpay) |\n@| orderInfo | string | 是 | - | - | 订单数据 |\n@| success | (result: [RequestPaymentSuccess](#requestpaymentsuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [IRequestPaymentFail](#irequestpaymentfail-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### RequestPaymentSuccess 的属性值 @requestpaymentsuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - |  |\n\n##### IRequestPaymentFail 的属性值 @irequestpaymentfail-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errCode | 700600 \\| 701100 \\| 701110 \\| 700601 \\| 700602 \\| 700603 \\| 700000 \\| 700604 \\| 700800 \\| 700801 | 是 | - | - | 错误码<br/>- 700600  正在处理中,支付结果未知(有可能已经支付成功),请查询商家订单列表中订单的支付状态<br/>- 701100  订单支付失败。<br/>- 701110  重复请求。<br/>- 700601  用户中途取消。<br/>- 700602  网络连接出错。<br/>- 700603  支付结果未知(有可能已经支付成功),请查询商家订单列表中订单的支付状态。<br/>- 700000  其它支付错误。<br/>- 700604  微信没有安装。<br/>- 700800  没有配置对应的URL Scheme。<br/>- 700801  没有配置对应的universal Link。 |\n| errSubject | string | 是 | - | - | 统一错误主题(模块)名称 |\n| data | any \\| null | 否 | - | - | 错误信息中包含的数据 |\n| cause | [Error](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror) \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源错误信息,可以包含多个错误,详见SourceError |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/plugins/payment.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=requestPayment&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=requestPayment&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=requestPayment&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=requestPayment&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=requestPayment&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=requestPayment)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=requestPayment&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.payment.requestPayment)",
    "example": "### 示例 \n> [hello uni-app x](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-app-x/-/blob/dev/pages/API/request-payment/request-payment.uvue) \n ::: preview https://hellouniappx.dcloud.net.cn/web/#/pages/API/request-payment/request-payment\n>Template\n```vue\n<template>\r\n\t<page-head title=\"发起支付\"></page-head>\r\n\r\n\t<template v-if=\"providerList.length > 0\">\r\n\t\t<button style=\"margin-top: 20px;\" type=\"primary\" v-for=\"(item,index) in providerList\" :key=\"index\"\r\n\t\t\t@click=\"requestPayment(item)\">{{item.name}}支付</button>\r\n\t</template>\r\n</template>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<style>\r\n\r\n</style>\n\n```\n>Script\n```uts\n\r\n\texport type PayItem = { id : string, name : string, provider ?: UniProvider }\r\n\texport default {\r\n\t\tdata() {\r\n\t\t\treturn {\r\n\t\t\t\tbtnText: \"支付宝支付\",\r\n\t\t\t\tbtnType: \"primary\",\r\n\t\t\t\torderInfo: \"\",\r\n\t\t\t\terrorCode: 0,\r\n\t\t\t\terrorMsg: \"\",\r\n\t\t\t\tcomplete: false,\r\n\t\t\t\tproviderList: [] as PayItem[]\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\tonLoad: function () {\r\n\t\t\tuni.getProvider({\r\n\t\t\t\tservice: \"payment\",\r\n\t\t\t\tsuccess: (e) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(\"payment success:\" + JSON.stringify(e));\r\n\t\t\t\t\tlet array = e.provider as string[]\r\n\t\t\t\t\tarray.forEach((value : string) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tswitch (value) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcase 'alipay':\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.providerList.push({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname: '支付宝',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid: \"alipay\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprovider: e.providers.find((item) : boolean => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn item.id == 'alipay'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} as PayItem);\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcase 'wxpay':\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.providerList.push({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname: '微信',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid: \"wxpay\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprovider: e.providers.find((item) : boolean => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn item.id == 'wxpay'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} as PayItem);\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdefault:\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\t\tfail: (e) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(\"获取支付通道失败:\", e);\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\tmethods: {\r\n\t\t\trequestPayment(e : PayItem) {\r\n\t\t\t\tconst provider = e.id\r\n\t\t\t\tif (provider == \"alipay\") {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.payAli()\r\n\t\t\t\t} else if (provider == \"wxpay\") {\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif (e.provider != null && e.provider?.isAppExist==false) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tuni.showToast({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: \"微信没有安装\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ticon:'error'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.payWX()\r\n\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\tpayAli() {\r\n\t\t\t\tuni.showLoading({\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttitle: \"请求中...\"\r\n\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t\tuni.request({\r\n\t\t\t\t\turl: 'https://demo.dcloud.net.cn/payment/alipay/?total=0.01',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tmethod: 'GET',\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttimeout: 6000,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tsuccess: (res) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.orderInfo = JSON.stringify(res.data);\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(\"====\" + this.orderInfo)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tuni.hideLoading()\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tuni.requestPayment({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprovider: \"alipay\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\torderInfo: res.data as string,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfail: (res) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(JSON.stringify(res))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.errorCode = res.errCode\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuni.showToast({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ticon: 'error',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: 'errorCode:' + this.errorCode\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsuccess: (res) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(JSON.stringify(res))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuni.showToast({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ticon: 'success',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: '支付成功'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\t\t\tfail: (e) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(e)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tuni.hideLoading()\r\n\t\t\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\tpayWX() {\r\n\t\t\t\tuni.showLoading({\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttitle: \"请求中...\"\r\n\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t\tlet url = 'https://demo.dcloud.net.cn/payment/wxpayv3.__UNI__uniappx/?total=0.01'\r\n\t\t\t\tconst res = uni.getAppBaseInfo();\n\t\t\t\tlet packageName:string | null\n\n\t\t\t\t// #ifdef APP-ANDROID\n\t\t\t\tpackageName = res.packageName\n\t\t\t\t// #endif\n\n\t\t\t\t// #ifdef APP-IOS\n\t\t\t\tpackageName = res.bundleId\n\t\t\t\t// #endif\n\n\t\t\t\tif (packageName == 'io.dcloud.hellouniappx') {//hello uniappx\n\t\t\t\t  url = 'https://demo.dcloud.net.cn/payment/wxpayv3.__UNI__HelloUniAppX/?total=0.01'\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\tuni.request({\r\n\t\t\t\t\turl: url,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tmethod: 'GET',\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttimeout: 6000,\r\n\t\t\t\t\theader: {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"\r\n\t\t\t\t\t} as UTSJSONObject,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tsuccess: (res) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(res.data)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tuni.hideLoading()\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tuni.requestPayment({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprovider: \"wxpay\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\torderInfo: JSON.stringify(res.data),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfail: (res) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(JSON.stringify(res))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.errorCode = res.errCode\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuni.showToast({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tduration: 5000,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ticon: 'error',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: 'errorCode:' + this.errorCode,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsuccess: (res) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(JSON.stringify(res))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuni.showToast({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tduration: 5000,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ticon: 'success',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: '支付成功'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t})\r\n\t\t\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\t\t\tfail: (res) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tuni.hideLoading()\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(res)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t},\r\n\r\n\t\t\t//自动化测试使用\r\n\t\t\tjest_pay() {\r\n\t\t\t\tuni.requestPayment({\r\n\t\t\t\t\tprovider: \"alipay\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\torderInfo: this.orderInfo,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tfail: (res : RequestPaymentFail) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.errorCode = res.errCode\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.complete = true\r\n\t\t\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\t\t\tsuccess: (res : RequestPaymentSuccess) => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(JSON.stringify(res))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.complete = true\r\n\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t} as RequestPaymentOptions)\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n\n```\n:::"
  "canvasToTempFilePath": {
    "name": "## uni.canvasToTempFilePath(options, componentInstance) @canvastotempfilepath",
    "description": "把当前画布指定区域的内容导出生成指定大小的图片<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### canvasToTempFilePath  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [CanvasToTempFilePathOptions](#canvastotempfilepathoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| x | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 画布x轴起点(默认0) |\n@| y | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 画布y轴起点(默认0) |\n@| width | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 画布宽度(默认为canvas宽度-x) |\n@| height | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 画布高度(默认为canvas高度-y) |\n@| destWidth | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 输出图片宽度(默认为 width * 屏幕像素密度) |\n@| destHeight | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 输出图片高度(默认为 height * 屏幕像素密度) |\n@| canvasId | string | 是 | - | - | 画布标识,传入 \\<canvas/> 的 canvas-id |\n@| fileType | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 目标文件的类型,默认为 'png' |\n@| quality | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 图片的质量,取值范围为 (0, 1],不在范围内时当作1.0处理 |\n@| success | (result: [CanvasToTempFilePathSuccess](#canvastotempfilepathsuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) |\n| componentInstance | any | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n##### CanvasToTempFilePathSuccess 的属性值 @canvastotempfilepathsuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| tempFilePath | string | 是 | - | - | 导出生成的图片路径 |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/canvas/canvasToTempFilePath.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=canvasToTempFilePath&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=canvasToTempFilePath&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=canvasToTempFilePath&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=canvasToTempFilePath&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=canvasToTempFilePath&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=canvasToTempFilePath)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=canvasToTempFilePath&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.canvas.canvasToTempFilePath)"
  "canvasGetImageData": {
    "name": "## uni.canvasGetImageData(options) @canvasgetimagedata",
    "description": "描述 canvas 区域隐含的像素数据",
    "compatibility": "### canvasGetImageData  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [CanvasGetImageDataOptions](#canvasgetimagedataoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| canvasId | string | 是 | - | - | 画布标识,传入 \\<canvas/> 的 canvas-id |\n@| x | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 将要被提取的图像数据矩形区域的左上角 x 坐标 |\n@| y | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 将要被提取的图像数据矩形区域的左上角 y 坐标 |\n@| width | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 将要被提取的图像数据矩形区域的宽度 |\n@| height | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 将要被提取的图像数据矩形区域的高度 |\n@| success | (result: [CanvasGetImageDataSuccess](#canvasgetimagedatasuccess-values)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n##### CanvasGetImageDataSuccess 的属性值 @canvasgetimagedatasuccess-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | 回调信息 |\n| width | number | 是 | - | - | 图像数据矩形的宽度 |\n| height | number | 是 | - | - | 图像数据矩形的高度 |\n| data | Array\\<any\\> | 是 | - | - | 图像像素点数据,一维数组,每四项表示一个像素点的rgba |\n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/canvas/canvasGetImageData.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=canvasGetImageData&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=canvasGetImageData&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=canvasGetImageData&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=canvasGetImageData&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=canvasGetImageData&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=canvasGetImageData)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=canvasGetImageData&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.canvas.canvasGetImageData)"
  "canvasPutImageData": {
    "name": "## uni.canvasPutImageData(options) @canvasputimagedata",
    "description": "将像素数据绘制到画布",
    "compatibility": "### canvasPutImageData  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **CanvasPutImageDataOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| canvasId | string | 是 | - | - | 画布标识,传入 \\<canvas/> 的 canvas-id |\n@| data | Array\\<any\\> \\| null | 否 | - | - | 图像像素点数据,一维数组,每四项表示一个像素点的rgba |\n@| x | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源图像数据在目标画布中的位置偏移量(x 轴方向的偏移量) |\n@| y | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源图像数据在目标画布中的位置偏移量(y 轴方向的偏移量) |\n@| width | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源图像数据矩形区域的宽度 |\n@| height | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 源图像数据矩形区域的高度 |\n@| success | (result: CanvasPutImageDataSuccess) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: [UniError](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/err-spec.html#unierror)) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void \\| null | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n",
    "returnValue": "",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/canvas/canvasPutImageData.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=canvasPutImageData&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=canvasPutImageData&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=canvasPutImageData&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=canvasPutImageData&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=canvasPutImageData&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=canvasPutImageData)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=canvasPutImageData&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.canvas.canvasPutImageData)"
  "createWebviewContext": {
    "name": "## uni.createWebviewContext(webviewId, component?) @createwebviewcontext",
    "description": "创建 web-view 组件的上下文对象,用于操作 web-view 的行为。",
    "compatibility": "### createWebviewContext  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| x | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| webviewId | [string.WebviewIdString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | - |\n| component | ComponentPublicInstance \\| null | 否 | - | - |  | \n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| [WebviewContext](#webviewcontext-values) \\| null | 否 |\n\n#### WebviewContext 的方法 @webviewcontext-values \n\n#### back() @back\n后退到 web-view 组件网页加载历史的上一页,如果不存在上一页则没有任何效果。\n##### back  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n\n\n#### forward() @forward\n前进到 web-view 组件网页加载历史的下一页,如果不存在下一页则没有任何效果。\n##### forward  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n\n\n#### reload() @reload\n重新加载 web-view 组件当前页面。\n##### reload  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n\n\n#### stop() @stop\n停止加载 web-view 组件当前网页,该方法不能阻止已经加载的 html 文档,但是能够阻止未完成的图片及延迟加载的资源。\n##### stop  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n\n\n#### evalJS(js) @evaljs\n在网页中执行指定的js脚本,在 uvue 页面中可通过此方法向 web-view 组件加载的页面发送数据\n##### evalJS  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| js | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=createWebviewContext&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=createWebviewContext&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=createWebviewContext&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=createWebviewContext&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=createWebviewContext&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=createWebviewContext)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=createWebviewContext&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.component.createWebviewContext)"
  "createVideoContext": {
    "name": "## uni.createVideoContext(videoId, component?) @createvideocontext",
    "description": "创建并返回 video 上下文 videoContext 对象",
    "compatibility": "### createVideoContext  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | √ | 4.11 |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| videoId | [string.VideoIdString](/uts/data-type.md#ide-string) | 是 | - | - | - |\n| component | ComponentPublicInstance \\| null | 否 | - | - |  | \n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 | 必备 |\n| :- | :- |\n| [VideoContext](#videocontext-values) \\| null | 否 |\n\n#### VideoContext 的方法 @videocontext-values \n\n#### play() @play\n播放\n##### play  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n\n\n#### pause() @pause\n暂停\n##### pause  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n\n\n#### seek(position) @seek\n跳转到指定位置\n##### seek  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| position | number | 是 | - | - | 跳转到指定位置(秒) | \n\n\n#### stop() @stop\n停止视频\n##### stop  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n\n\n#### sendDanmu(danmu) @senddanmu\n发送弹幕\n##### sendDanmu  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| danmu | **Danmu** | 是 | - | - | text, color |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| text | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 弹幕文字 |\n@| color | string \\| null | 否 | - | - | 弹幕颜色 |\n@| time | number \\| null | 否 | - | - | 显示时刻 | \n\n\n#### playbackRate(rate) @playbackrate\n设置倍速播放\n##### playbackRate  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| rate | number | 是 | - | - | , 支持倍率 0.5/0.8/1.0/1.25/1.5 | \n\n\n#### requestFullScreen(direction?) @requestfullscreen\n进入全屏\n##### requestFullScreen  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| direction | **RequestFullScreenOptions** | 否 | - | - | , 0\\|正常竖向, 90\\|屏幕逆时针90度, -90\\|屏幕顺时针90度 |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| direction | number \\| null | 否 | - | <CompatibilityTable table='{\"headers\":[{\"title\":\"Web\"},{\"title\":\"Android\"},{\"title\":\"iOS\"}],\"rows\":[[\"x\",\"3.9.0\",\"4.11\"]]}' /> | direction<br/>- 0: 正常竖向<br/>- 90: 屏幕逆时针90度<br/>- -90: 屏幕顺时针90度 | \n\n\n#### exitFullScreen() @exitfullscreen\n退出全屏\n##### exitFullScreen  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | 3.9.0 | 4.11 |\n\n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n\n- [参见uni-app相关文档](http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/video-context?id=createVideoContext)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=createVideoContext&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=createVideoContext&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=createVideoContext&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=createVideoContext&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=createVideoContext&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=createVideoContext)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=createVideoContext&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.component.createVideoContext)"
  "createMapContext": {
    "name": "## uni.createMapContext(mapId, currentComponent?) @createmapcontext",
    "description": "创建并返回 map 上下文 mapContext 对象<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### createMapContext  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| mapId | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| currentComponent | ComponentPublicInstance | 否 | - | - | - | \n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [MapContext](#mapcontext-values) |\n\n#### MapContext 的方法 @mapcontext-values \n\n#### getCenterLocation(options) @getcenterlocation\n获取当前地图中心的经纬度,返回的是 gcj02 坐标系,可以用于 uni.openLocation\n##### getCenterLocation  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [MapContextGetCenterLocationOptions](#mapcontextgetcenterlocationoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (result: [LocationObject](#locationobject-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 ,res = { longitude: \"经度\", latitude: \"纬度\"} |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### LocationObject 的属性值 @locationobject-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| latitude | number | 是 | - | - | 纬度,浮点数,范围为-90~90,负数表示南纬 |\n| longitude | number | 是 | - | - | 经度,范围为-180~180,负数表示西经 |\n\n\n#### moveToLocation(options) @movetolocation\n将地图中心移动到当前定位点,需要配合map组件的show-location使用\n##### moveToLocation  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextMoveToLocationOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| latitude | number | 否 | - | - | 纬度,浮点数,范围为-90~90,负数表示南纬 |\n@| longitude | number | 否 | - | - | 经度,范围为-180~180,负数表示西经 |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### translateMarker(options) @translatemarker\n平移marker,带动画\n##### translateMarker  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [MapContextTranslateMarkerOptions](#mapcontexttranslatemarkeroptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| markerId | number | 是 | - | - | 指定marker |\n@| destination | [LocationObject](#locationobject-values) | 是 | - | - | 指定marker移动到的目标点 |\n@| autoRotate | boolean | 否 | - | - | 移动过程中是否自动旋转marker |\n@| rotate | number | 否 | - | - | marker的旋转角度 |\n@| moveWithRotate | boolean | 否 | - | - | 平移和旋转同时进行,默认值false(仅微信小程序2.13.0支持) |\n@| duration | number | 否 | - | - | 动画持续时长,默认值1000ms,平移与旋转分别计算 |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### MapContextTranslateMarkerOptions 的方法 @mapcontexttranslatemarkeroptions-values \n\n###### animationEnd(result) @animationend\n动画结束回调函数\n###### animationEnd  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| result | any | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n\n#### includePoints(options) @includepoints\n缩放视野展示所有经纬度\n##### includePoints  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextIncludePointsOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| points | Array\\<[LocationObject](#locationobject-values)\\> | 是 | - | - | 要显示在可视区域内的坐标点列表,[{latitude, longitude}\\] |\n@| padding | Array\\<number\\> | 否 | - | - | 坐标点形成的矩形边缘到地图边缘的距离,单位像素。格式为\\[上,右,下,左]安卓上只能识别数组第一项,上下左右的padding一致。开发者工具暂不支持padding参数。 |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### getRegion(options) @getregion\n获取当前地图的视野范围\n##### getRegion  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [MapContextGetRegionOptions](#mapcontextgetregionoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (result: [MapContextGetRegionResult](#mapcontextgetregionresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数,res = {southwest, northeast},西南角与东北角的经纬度 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### MapContextGetRegionResult 的属性值 @mapcontextgetregionresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| southwest | [LocationObject](#locationobject-values) | 是 | - | - | 西南角的经纬度 |\n| northeast | [LocationObject](#locationobject-values) | 是 | - | - | 东北角的经纬度 |\n\n\n#### getScale(options) @getscale\n获取当前地图的缩放级别\n##### getScale  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | [MapContextGetScaleOptions](#mapcontextgetscaleoptions-values) | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| success | (result: [MapContextGetScaleResult](#mapcontextgetscaleresult-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数,res = {scale} |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n###### MapContextGetScaleResult 的属性值 @mapcontextgetscaleresult-values \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| scale | number | 是 | - | - | 地图缩放级别 |\n\n\n#### addCustomLayer(options) @addcustomlayer\n添加个性化图层\n##### addCustomLayer  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextAddCustomLayerOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| layerId | string | 是 | - | - | 个性化图层id |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### addGroundOverlay(options) @addgroundoverlay\n创建自定义图片图层,图片会随着地图缩放而缩放\n##### addGroundOverlay  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextAddGroundOverlayOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| id | string | 是 | - | - | 图片图层 id |\n@| src | string | 是 | - | - | 图片路径,支持网络图片、临时路径、代码包路径 |\n@| bounds | **Bounds** | 是 | - | - | 图片覆盖的经纬度范围 |\n@@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@@| southwest | [LocationObject](#locationobject-values) | 是 | - | - | 西南角的经纬度 |\n@@| northeast | [LocationObject](#locationobject-values) | 是 | - | - | 东北角的经纬度 |\n@| visible | boolean | 否 | - | - | 是否可见 |\n@| zIndex | number | 否 | - | - | 图层绘制顺序 |\n@| opacity | number | 否 | - | - | 图层透明度 |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### addMarkers(options) @addmarkers\n添加 marker\n##### addMarkers  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextAddMarkersOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| markers | Array\\<any\\> | 是 | - | - | 同传入 map 组件的 marker 属性 |\n@| clear | boolean | 是 | - | - | 是否先清空地图上所有 marker |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### fromScreenLocation(options) @fromscreenlocation\n获取屏幕上的点对应的经纬度,坐标原点为地图左上角\n##### fromScreenLocation  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextFromScreenLocationOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| x | number | 是 | - | - | x 坐标值 |\n@| y | number | 是 | - | - | y 坐标值 |\n@| success | (result: [LocationObject](#locationobject-values)) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### initMarkerCluster(options) @initmarkercluster\n初始化点聚合的配置,未调用时采用默认配置\n##### initMarkerCluster  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextInitMarkerClusterOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| enableDefaultStyle | boolean | 是 | - | - | 启用默认的聚合样式 |\n@| zoomOnClick | boolean | 是 | - | - | 点击已经聚合的标记点时是否实现聚合分离 |\n@| gridSize | number | 是 | - | - | 聚合算法的可聚合距离,即距离小于该值的点会聚合至一起,以像素为单位 |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### moveAlong(options) @movealong\n沿指定路径移动 marker,用于轨迹回放等场景。动画完成时触发回调事件,若动画进行中,对同一 marker 再次调用 moveAlong 方法,前一次的动画将被打断。\n##### moveAlong  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextMoveAlongOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| markerId | number | 是 | - | - | 指定 marker |\n@| path | Array\\<[LocationObject](#locationobject-values)\\> | 是 | - | - | 移动路径的坐标串,坐标点格式 {longitude, latitude} |\n@| autoRotate | boolean | 否 | - | - | 根据路径方向自动改变 marker 的旋转角度 |\n@| duration | number | 是 | - | - | 平滑移动的时间 |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### openMapApp(options) @openmapapp\n拉起地图APP选择导航。\n##### openMapApp  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextOpenMapAppOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| destination | string | 是 | - | - | 目的地名称 |\n@| latitude | number | 是 | - | - | 目的地纬度 |\n@| longitude | number | 是 | - | - | 目的地经度 |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### removeCustomLayer(options) @removecustomlayer\n移除个性化图层\n##### removeCustomLayer  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextRemoveCustomLayerOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| layerId | string | 是 | - | - | 个性化图层id |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### removeGroundOverlay(options) @removegroundoverlay\n移除自定义图片图层\n##### removeGroundOverlay  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextRemoveGroundOverlayOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| id | string | 是 | - | - | 图片图层 id |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### removeMarkers(options) @removemarkers\n移除 marker\n##### removeMarkers  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextRemoveMarkersOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| markerIds | Array\\<any\\> | 是 | - | - | 要被删除的marker的id属性组成的数组 |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### setCenterOffset(options) @setcenteroffset\n设置地图中心点偏移,向后向下为增长,屏幕比例范围(0.25~0.75),默认偏移为[0.5, 0.5\\]\n##### setCenterOffset  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextSetCenterOffsetOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| offset | Array\\<number\\> | 是 | - | - | 偏移量,两位数组 |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### toScreenLocation(options) @toscreenlocation\n获取经纬度对应的屏幕坐标,坐标原点为地图左上角。\n##### toScreenLocation  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextToScreenLocationOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| latitude | number | 是 | - | - | 纬度 |\n@| longitude | number | 是 | - | - | 经度 |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### updateGroundOverlay(options) @updategroundoverlay\n更新自定义图片图层。\n##### updateGroundOverlay  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| options | **MapContextUpdateGroundOverlayOptions** | 是 | - | - | - |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| id | string | 是 | - | - | 图片图层 id |\n@| src | string | 是 | - | - | 图片路径,支持网络图片、临时路径、代码包路径 |\n@| bounds | [Bounds](#bounds-values) | 是 | - | - | 图片路径,支持网络图片、临时路径、代码包路径 |\n@| visible | boolean | 否 | - | - | 是否可见 |\n@| zIndex | number | 否 | - | - | 图层绘制顺序 |\n@| opacity | number | 否 | - | - | 图层透明度 |\n@| success | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用成功的回调函数 |\n@| fail | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用失败的回调函数 |\n@| complete | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) | \n\n\n#### on(event, callback) @on\n监听地图事件。\n##### on  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| event | \"markerClusterCreate\" \\| \"markerClusterClick\" | 是 | - | - | - |\n| callback | (args?: Array\\<any\\>) => any | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### $getAppMap() @$getappmap\n获取原生地图对象 plus.maps.Map\n##### $getAppMap  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| any |\n \n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/location/map.html#createmapcontext)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=createMapContext&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=createMapContext&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=createMapContext&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=createMapContext&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=createMapContext&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=createMapContext)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=createMapContext&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.component.createMapContext)"
  "createCanvasContext": {
    "name": "## uni.createCanvasContext(canvasId, componentInstance) @createcanvascontext",
    "description": "创建 canvas 绘图上下文<br/>",
    "compatibility": "### createCanvasContext  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| 4.0 | x | x |\n",
    "param": "#### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| canvasId | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| componentInstance | any | 是 | - | - | - | \n",
    "returnValue": "### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [CanvasContext](#canvascontext-values) |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| fillStyle | string | 是 | - | - | 填充色 |\n@| strokeStyle | string | 是 | - | - | 边框颜色 |\n@| shadowBlur | number | 是 | - | - | 阴影的模糊级别 |\n@| shadowColor | string | 是 | - | - | 阴影的颜色 |\n@| shadowOffsetX | number | 是 | - | - | 阴影相对于形状在水平方向的偏移 |\n@| shadowOffsetY | number | 是 | - | - | 阴影相对于形状在竖直方向的偏移 |\n@| lineWidth | number | 是 | - | - | 线条的宽度 |\n@| lineCap | string | 是 | - | - | 线条的端点样式<br/>- butt:<br/>- round:<br/>- square: |\n@| lineJoin | string | 是 | - | - | 线条的结束交点样式<br/>- bevel:<br/>- round:<br/>- miter: |\n@| miterLimit | number | 是 | - | - | 最大斜接长度 |\n@| globalAlpha | number | 是 | - | - | 透明度 |\n@| globalCompositeOperation | string | 是 | - | - | 设置要在绘制新形状时应用的合成操作的类型 |\n@| lineDashOffset | number | 是 | - | - | 偏移量 |\n@| font | string | 是 | - | - | 字体样式 |\n#### CanvasContext 的方法 @canvascontext-values \n\n#### setFillStyle(color) @setfillstyle\n设置填充色\n##### setFillStyle  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| color | [CanvasGradient](#canvasgradient-values) | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n###### CanvasGradient 的方法 @canvasgradient-values \n\n###### addColorStop(stop, color) @addcolorstop\n添加颜色的渐变点\n###### addColorStop  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| stop | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| color | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n\n#### setStrokeStyle(color) @setstrokestyle\n设置边框颜色\n##### setStrokeStyle  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| color | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### setShadow(offsetX?, offsetY?, blur?, color?) @setshadow\n设置阴影样式\n##### setShadow  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| offsetX | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n| offsetY | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n| blur | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n| color | string | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### createLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1) @createlineargradient\n创建一个线性的渐变颜色\n##### createLinearGradient  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| x0 | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y0 | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| x1 | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y1 | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [CanvasGradient](#canvasgradient-values) |\n \n\n#### createCircularGradient(x, y, r) @createcirculargradient\n创建一个圆形的渐变颜色\n##### createCircularGradient  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| r | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| [CanvasGradient](#canvasgradient-values) |\n \n\n#### addColorStop(stop, color) @addcolorstop\n创建一个颜色的渐变点\n##### addColorStop  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| stop | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| color | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### setLineWidth(lineWidth) @setlinewidth\n设置线条的宽度\n##### setLineWidth  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| lineWidth | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### setLineCap(lineCap) @setlinecap\n设置线条的端点样式\n##### setLineCap  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| lineCap | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### setLineJoin(lineJoin) @setlinejoin\n设置线条的交点样式\n##### setLineJoin  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| lineJoin | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### setLineDash(pattern, offset) @setlinedash\n设置线条的宽度\n##### setLineDash  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| pattern | Array\\<any\\> | 是 | - | - | - |\n| offset | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### setMiterLimit(miterLimit) @setmiterlimit\n设置最大斜接长度\n##### setMiterLimit  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| miterLimit | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### rect(x, y, width, height) @rect\n创建一个矩形\n##### rect  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| width | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| height | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### fillRect(x, y, width, height) @fillrect\n填充一个矩形\n##### fillRect  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| width | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| height | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### strokeRect(x, y, width, height) @strokerect\n画一个矩形(非填充)\n##### strokeRect  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| width | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| height | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### clearRect(x, y, width, height) @clearrect\n清除画布上在该矩形区域内的内容\n##### clearRect  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| width | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| height | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### fill() @fill\n对当前路径中的内容进行填充\n##### fill  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n\n#### stroke() @stroke\n画出当前路径的边框\n##### stroke  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n\n#### beginPath() @beginpath\n开始创建一个路径\n##### beginPath  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n\n#### closePath() @closepath\n关闭一个路径\n##### closePath  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n\n#### moveTo(x, y) @moveto\n把路径移动到画布中的指定点,不创建线条\n##### moveTo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### lineTo(x, y) @lineto\n增加一个新点,然后创建一条从上次指定点到目标点的线\n##### lineTo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### arc(x, y, r, sAngle, eAngle, counterclockwise?) @arc\n画一条弧线\n##### arc  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| r | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| sAngle | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| eAngle | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| counterclockwise | boolean | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) @beziercurveto\n创建三次方贝塞尔曲线路径\n##### bezierCurveTo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| cp1x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| cp1y | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| cp2x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| cp2y | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x, y) @quadraticcurveto\n创建二次贝塞尔曲线路径\n##### quadraticCurveTo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| cpx | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| cpy | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### scale(scaleWidth, scaleHeight) @scale\n横纵坐标缩放\n##### scale  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| scaleWidth | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| scaleHeight | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### rotate(rotate) @rotate\n顺时针旋转当前坐标轴\n##### rotate  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| rotate | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### translate(x, y) @translate\n对当前坐标系的原点(0, 0)进行变换\n##### translate  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### clip() @clip\n从原始画布中剪切任意形状和尺寸\n##### clip  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n\n#### setFontSize(fontSize) @setfontsize\n设置字体的字号\n##### setFontSize  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| fontSize | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### fillText(text, x, y, maxWidth?) @filltext\n在画布上绘制被填充的文本\n##### fillText  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| text | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| maxWidth | number | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### setTextAlign(align) @settextalign\n设置文字的对齐\n##### setTextAlign  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| align | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### setTextBaseline(textBaseline) @settextbaseline\n设置文字的水平对齐\n##### setTextBaseline  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| textBaseline | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### drawImage(imageResource, dx?, dy?, dWidth?, dHeigt?, sx?, sy?, sWidth?, sHeight?) @drawimage\n绘制图像到画布\n##### drawImage  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| imageResource | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| dx | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n| dy | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n| dWidth | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n| dHeigt | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n| sx | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n| sy | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n| sWidth | number | 否 | - | - | - |\n| sHeight | number | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### setGlobalAlpha(alpha) @setglobalalpha\n设置全局画笔透明度\n##### setGlobalAlpha  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| alpha | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### save() @save\n保存当前的绘图上下文\n##### save  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n\n#### restore() @restore\n恢复之前保存的绘图上下文\n##### restore  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n\n\n#### draw(reserve?, callback?) @draw\n将之前在绘图上下文中的描述(路径、变形、样式)画到 canvas 中\n##### draw  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| reserve | boolean | 否 | - | - | - |\n| callback | (result: any) => void | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### measureText(text) @measuretext\n测量文本尺寸信息,目前仅返回文本宽度\n##### measureText  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| text | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n##### 返回值  兼容性 \n\n| 类型 |\n| :- |\n| **CanvasTextMetrics** |\n@| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n@| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n@| width | number | 是 | - | - | 文本的宽度 | \n\n#### arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius) @arcto\n根据控制点和半径绘制圆弧路径\n##### arcTo  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| x1 | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y1 | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| x2 | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y2 | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| radius | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### strokeText(text, x, y, maxWidth?) @stroketext\n给定的 (x, y) 位置绘制文本描边的方法\n##### strokeText  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| text | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| x | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| y | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| maxWidth | number | 否 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### createPattern(image, repetition) @createpattern\n对指定的图像创建模式的方法,可在指定的方向上重复元图像\n##### createPattern  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| image | string | 是 | - | - | - |\n| repetition | string | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n\n#### setTransform(scaleX, skewX, skewY, scaleY, translateX, translateY) @settransform\n使用矩阵重新设置(覆盖)当前变换的方法\n##### setTransform  兼容性 \n| Web | Android | iOS |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| - | - | - |\n\n###### 参数 \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| scaleX | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| skewX | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| skewY | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| scaleY | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| translateX | number | 是 | - | - | - |\n| translateY | number | 是 | - | - | - | \n\n \n",
    "tutorial": "\n### 参见\n - [参见uni-app相关文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/canvas/createCanvasContext.html)\n- [参见uni-app x相关文档](https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/create-canvas-context.html)\n- [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/)\n- [微信小程序文档](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/search.html?source=enter&query=createCanvasContext&doc_type=miniprogram)\n- [支付宝小程序文档](https://open.alipay.com/portal/zhichi/search?keyword=createCanvasContext&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&source=doc_top&type=all)\n- [百度小程序文档](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/forum/search?query=createCanvasContext&scope=devdocs&source=docs)\n- [抖音小程序文档](https://developer.open-douyin.com/search-page?keyword=createCanvasContext&secondType=all&type=1)\n- [飞书小程序文档](https://open.feishu.cn/search?from=header&page=1&pageSize=10&q=createCanvasContext&topicFilter=)\n- [钉钉小程序文档](https://open.dingtalk.com/search?keyword=createCanvasContext)\n- [QQ小程序文档](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/)\n- [快手小程序文档](https://developers.kuaishou.com/page?keyword=createCanvasContext&from=docs)\n- [京东小程序文档](https://mp-docs.jd.com/doc/dev/framework/-1)\n- [华为快应用文档](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/quickApp-References/webview-frame-overview-0000001124793625)\n- [360小程序文档](https://mp.360.cn/doc/miniprogram/dev/#/b770a184ff1f06c6b3393a0fd1132380)\n- [相关 Bug](https://issues.dcloud.net.cn/?mid=api.component.createCanvasContext)"
  "general_type": {
    "name": "## 通用类型\n",
    "param": "### GeneralCallbackResult \n\n| 名称 | 类型 | 必备 | 默认值 | 兼容性 | 描述 |\n| :- | :- | :- | :- |  :-: | :- |\n| errMsg | string | 是 | - | - | 错误信息 |\n"