export default { tabbar:'List,Grid,contacts,Mine', agreementsTitle:'User service agreement,Privacy policy', common: { wechatFriends: "friends", wechatBbs: "bbs", weibo: "weibo", more: "more", agree:"agree", copy: "copy", wechatApplet: "applet", cancelShare: "cancel sharing", updateSucceeded: "update succeeded", phonePlaceholder: "Please enter your mobile phone number", verifyCodePlaceholder: "Please enter the verification code", newPasswordPlaceholder: "Please enter a new password", confirmNewPasswordPlaceholder: "Please confirm the new password", confirmPassword: "Please confirm the password", verifyCodeSend: "Verification code has been sent to via SMS", passwordDigits: "The password is 6 - 20 digits", getVerifyCode: "Get Code", noAgree: "You have not agreed to the privacy policy agreement", gotIt: "got it", login: "sign in", error: "error", complete: "complete", submit: "Submit", formatErr: "Incorrect mobile phone number format", sixDigitCode: "Please enter a 6-digit verification code", resetNavTitle:"Reset password" }, list: { inputPlaceholder: "Please enter the search content", }, search: { cancelText: "cancel", searchHistory: "search history", searchDiscovery: "search discovery", deleteAll: "delete all", delete: "delete", deleteTip: "Are you sure to clear the search history ?", complete: "complete", searchHiddenTip: "Current search found hidden", }, grid: { grid: "Grid Assembly", visibleToAll: "Visible to all", invisibleToTourists: "Invisible to tourists", adminVisible: "Admin visible", clickTip: "Click the", clickTipGrid: "grid", }, mine: { showText: "Text", signIn: "Check In Reward", signInByAd:"Check In Reward By AD", toEvaluate: "To Evaluate", readArticles: "Read Articles", myScore: "My Score", invite: "Invite Friends", feedback: "Problems And Feedback", settings: "Settings", about: "About", checkUpdate: "Check for Updates", clicked: "You Clicked", checkScore: "Please check your points after logging in", currentScore: "The current score is ", noScore: "There are currently no points", notLogged: "not logged in", }, userinfo: { navigationBarTitle:"My Profile", ProfilePhoto: "Profile Photo", nickname: "Nickname", notSet: "not set", phoneNumber: "Phone Number", notSpecified: "Not Specified", setNickname: "Set Nickname ", setNicknamePlaceholder: "Please enter a nickname to set", bindPhoneNumber: "One click binding of local number", bindOtherLogin: "Other number binding", noChange: "No change", uploading: "uploading", requestFail: "Request for service failed", setting: "setting", deleteSucceeded: "Delete succeeded", setSucceeded: "Set successfully", }, smsCode: { resendVerifyCode: "resend", phoneErrTip: "Mobile phone number format error", sendSuccessTip: "SMS verification code sent successfully", }, loadMore: { noData: "No Data", noNetwork: "Network error", toSet: "Go to settings", error: "error", }, uniFeedback: { navigationBarTitle: "Problems and feedback", msgTitle: "Message content", imgTitle: "Picture list", contacts: "contacts", phone: "contact number", submit: "submit", }, settings: { navigationBarTitle:"Settings", userInfo: "Personal Data", changePassword: "change password", clearTmp: "clean cache", pushServer: "push function", fingerPrint: "fingerprint unlock", facial: "face unlock", deactivate: "Deactivate", logOut: "Logout", login: "Login", changeLanguage: "Language", please: "please", successText: "success", failTip: "Authentication failed. Please try again", authFailed: "authentication failed", deviceNoOpen: "The device is not turned on", fail: "fail", tips: "tips", exitLogin: "Do you want to log out?", cancelText: "cancel", confirmText: "confirm", clearing: "clearing", clearedSuccessed: "Cleared successfully", }, deactivate: { cancelText: "cancel", nextStep: "next step", navigationBarTitle:"Logout prompt" }, about: { sacnQR: "Scan the QR Code and your friends can also download it", client: "applCantion", and: "And", about: "About", }, invite: { download: "Download", }, login: { phoneLogin: "After logging in, you can show yourself", phoneLoginTip: "Unregistered mobile phone numbers will be automatically registered after verification", getVerifyCode: "Get Code", }, uniQuickLogin: { accountLogin: "Account", SMSLogin: "SMS", wechatLogin: "wechat", appleLogin: "Apple", oneClickLogin: "One click login", QQLogin: "QQ", xiaomiLogin: "Xiaomi", getProviderFail: "Failed to get service provider", loginErr: "Login service initialization error", chooseOtherLogin: "Click the third-party login", }, pwdLogin: { pwdLogin: "User name password login", placeholder: "Please enter mobile number / user name", passwordPlaceholder: "Please input a password", verifyCodePlaceholder: "Please enter the verification code", login: "sign in", forgetPassword: "Forget password", register: "Registered account", }, register: { navigationBarTitle:"register", usernamePlaceholder: "Please enter user name", nicknamePlaceholder: "Please enter user nickname", passwordDigitsPlaceholder: "Please enter a 6-20 digit password", passwordAgain: "Enter the password again", registerAndLogin: "Register and log in", }, listDetail: { follow: "Click follow", newsErr: "Error, news ID is empty", }, newsLog:{ navigationBarTitle:"Reading Log" }, bindMobile:{ navigationBarTitle:"Bind Mobile" } }