提交 852596eb 编写于 作者: DCloud-yyl's avatar DCloud-yyl

Merge branch 'dev' into alpha

# Conflicts:
#	uni_modules/uni-video/utssdk/app-ios/index.vue
#	uni_modules/uni-video/utssdk/interface.uts
<view style="width: 300px;height: 225px;">
<slot />
<script lang="uts">
import { UniVideoPlayerConfig, UniVideoPlayerViewPresent } from "DCUniVideo" assert { type: "implementationOnly" };
import { URL, NSDictionary, CGFloat } from "Foundation";
import { UIImage, UIInterfaceOrientationMask, UIInterfaceOrientation, UIView, UIScreen, CGRect } from 'UIKit';
import { Bool, Int } from 'Swift';
import { Danmu } from "../interface.uts";
import { UniCssFlexEdge } from "DCloudUniappRuntime";
export default {
name: "video",
data() {
return {
present: null as UniVideoPlayerViewPresent | null,
delegate: null as DCloudUniVideoComponentDelegate | null,
emits: ["play", "pause", "ended", "timeupdate", "fullscreenchange", "waiting", "error", "progress", "fullscreenclick", "controlstoggle"],
props: {
"src": { // 要播放视频的资源地址
type: String,
default: ""
"autoplay": { // 是否自动播放
type: Boolean,
default: false
"loop": { // 是否循环播放
type: Boolean,
default: false
"muted": { // 是否静音播放
type: Boolean,
default: false
"initialTime": { // 指定视频初始播放位置,单位为秒(s)
type: Number,
default: 0
"duration": { // 指定视频时长,单位为秒(s)
type: Number,
default: 0
"controls": { // 是否显示默认播放控件(播放/暂停按钮、播放进度、时间)
type: Boolean,
default: true
"danmuList": { // 弹幕列表
type: Array as NSDictionary[],
default: []
"danmuBtn": { // 是否显示弹幕按钮,只在初始化时有效,不能动态变更
type: Boolean,
default: false
"enableDanmu": { // 是否展示弹幕,只在初始化时有效,不能动态变更
type: Boolean,
default: false
"pageGesture": { // 在非全屏模式下,是否开启亮度与音量调节手势
type: Boolean,
default: false
"direction": { // 设置全屏时视频的方向,不指定则根据宽高比自动判断。有效值为 0(正常竖向), 90(屏幕逆时针90度), -90(屏幕顺时针90度)
type: Number,
default: -90
"showProgress": { // 是否展示进度条,若不设置,宽度大于240时才会显示
type: Boolean,
default: true
"showFullscreenBtn": { // 是否显示全屏按钮
type: Boolean,
default: true
"showPlayBtn": { // 是否显示视频底部控制栏的播放按钮
type: Boolean,
default: true
"showCenterPlayBtn": { // 是否显示视频中间的播放按钮
type: Boolean,
default: true
"showLoading": { // 是否显示loading控件
type: Boolean,
default: true
"enableProgressGesture": { // 是否开启控制进度的手势
type: Boolean,
default: true
"objectFit": { // 当视频大小与 video 容器大小不一致时,视频的表现形式。contain:包含,fill:填充,cover:覆盖
type: String,
default: "contain"
"poster": { // 视频封面的图片网络资源地址,如果 controls 属性值为 false 则设置 poster 无效
type: String,
default: ""
"showMuteBtn": { // 是否显示静音按钮
type: Boolean,
default: false
"title": { // 视频的标题,全屏时在顶部展示
type: String,
default: ""
"enablePlayGesture": { // 是否开启播放手势,即双击切换播放/暂停
type: Boolean,
default: false
"vslideGesture": { // 在非全屏模式下,是否开启亮度与音量调节手势(同 page-gesture)
type: Boolean,
default: false
"vslideGestureInFullscreen": { // 在全屏模式下,是否开启亮度与音量调节手势
type: Boolean,
default: true
"codec": { // 解码器选择,hardware:硬解码(硬解码可以增加解码算力,提高视频清晰度。少部分老旧硬件可能存在兼容性问题);software:ffmpeg 软解码;
type: String,
default: "hardware"
"httpCache": { // 是否对 http、https 视频源开启本地缓存。缓存策略:开启了此开关的视频源,在视频播放时会在本地保存缓存文件,如果本地缓存池已超过100M,在进行缓存前会清空之前的缓存(不适用于m3u8等流媒体协议)
type: Boolean,
default: false
"playStrategy": { // 播放策略,0:普通模式,适合绝大部分视频播放场景;1:平滑播放模式(降级),增加缓冲区大小,采用open sl解码音频,避免音视频脱轨的问题,可能会降低首屏展现速度、视频帧率,出现开屏音频延迟等。 适用于高码率视频的极端场景;2: M3U8优化模式,增加缓冲区大小,提升视频加载速度和流畅度,可能会降低首屏展现速度。 适用于M3U8在线播放的场景
type: Number,
default: 0
"header": { // HTTP 请求 Header
type: Map<string, string>,
default: new Map<string, string>()
watch: {
"src": {
handler(newValue : String, oldValue : String) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("src", newValue);
immediate: false
"autoplay": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("autoplay", newValue);
immediate: false
"loop": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("loop", newValue);
immediate: false
"muted": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("muted", newValue);
immediate: false
"initialTime": {
handler(newValue : Number, oldValue : Number) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("initialTime", newValue);
immediate: false
"duration": {
handler(newValue : Number, oldValue : Number) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("duration", newValue);
immediate: false
"controls": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("controls", newValue);
immediate: false
"danmuList": {
handler(newValue : NSDictionary[], oldValue : NSDictionary[]) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("danmuList", newValue);
immediate: false
"danmuBtn": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("danmuBtn", newValue);
immediate: false
"enableDanmu": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("enableDanmu", newValue);
immediate: false
"pageGesture": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("pageGesture", newValue);
immediate: false
"direction": {
handler(newValue : Number, oldValue : Number) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("direction", newValue);
immediate: false
"showProgress": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("showProgress", newValue);
immediate: false
"showFullscreenBtn": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("showFullscreenBtn", newValue);
immediate: false
"showPlayBtn": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("showPlayBtn", newValue);
immediate: false
"showCenterPlayBtn": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("showCenterPlayBtn", newValue);
immediate: false
"showLoading": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("showLoading", newValue);
immediate: false
"enableProgressGesture": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("enableProgressGesture", newValue);
immediate: false
"objectFit": {
handler(newValue : String, oldValue : String) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("objectFit", newValue);
immediate: false
"poster": {
handler(newValue : String, oldValue : String) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("poster", newValue);
immediate: false
"showMuteBtn": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("showMuteBtn", newValue);
immediate: false
"title": {
handler(newValue : String, oldValue : String) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("title", newValue);
immediate: false
"enablePlayGesture": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("enablePlayGesture", newValue);
immediate: false
"vslideGesture": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("vslideGesture", newValue);
immediate: false
"vslideGestureInFullscreen": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("vslideGestureInFullscreen", newValue);
immediate: false
"httpCache": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("httpCache", newValue);
immediate: false
"codec": {
handler(newValue : string, oldValue : string) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("codec", newValue);
immediate: false
"playStrategy": {
handler(newValue : number, oldValue : number) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("playStrategy", newValue);
immediate: false
"header": {
handler(newValue : Map<string, any>, oldValue : Map<string, any>) {
"[weak self]"
let newStr = JSON.stringify(newValue)
let oldStr = JSON.stringify(oldValue)
if (newStr != oldStr) {
this?.updateProp("header", newValue);
immediate: false
created() {
let config = UniVideoPlayerConfig.init(options = this.attributes)
this.delegate = new DCloudUniVideoComponentDelegate(this)
this.present = new UniVideoPlayerViewPresent.init(config, this.delegate)
if (this.delegate != null) {
this.present!.delegate = this.delegate
NVLoad() : UIView {
if (this.present != null) {
return this.present!.contentView;
} else {
return new UIView()
NVLayouted() {
if (!UTSiOS.isScreenLocked()) {
unmounted() { //释放播放器
expose: ['play', 'pause', 'seek', 'stop', 'sendDanmu', 'playbackRate', 'requestFullScreen', 'exitFullScreen', 'showStatusBar', 'hideStatusBar'],
methods: {
* 播放视频
play: function () {
* 暂停视频
pause: function () {
* 跳转到指定位置
* @param pos 跳转到的位置,单位:秒(s)
seek: function (pos : number) {
* 切换到全屏
* @param direction 视频方向,0(正常竖向), 90(屏幕逆时针90度), -90(屏幕顺时针90度)
requestFullScreen: function (direction : number) {
let dir = UniVideoPlayerConfig.direction(direction)
* 退出全屏
exitFullScreen: function () {
* 停止播放视频
stop: function () {
* 显示状态栏,仅在iOS全屏下有效
showStatusBar: function () {
* 隐藏状态栏,仅在iOS全屏下有效
hideStatusBar: function () {
* 发送弹幕
* @param data 弹幕数据
sendDanmu: function (data : Map<string, any>) {
* 设置倍速播放
* @param rate 播放的倍率
playbackRate: function (rate : string) {
updateProp: function (key : string, value : any | null) {
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute = () : void => {
this.present?.setControlValue(value, key)
class DCloudUniVideoComponentDelegate implements UniVideoPlayerProtocol {
private component : VideoComponent | null = null
private originalFrame : CGRect | null = null
constructor(component : VideoComponent) {
this.component = component
getCookieString(url : URL) : string | null {
return UTSiOS.getCookieString(url)
getCurrentUA() : string {
return UTSiOS.getUserAgent()
sendEvent(name : string, params : Dictionary<string, any> | null) {
switch (name) {
case "play":
case "pause":
case "waiting":
case "ended":
case "error":
case "click":
case "timeupdate":
case "fullscreenclick":
case "fullscreenchange":
case "controlstoggle":
this.component?.__$$emit(name, params);
loadImage(url : string, complete : (image : UIImage) => void) {
UTSiOS.loadImage(url, (image, data) => {
if (image != null) {
lockScreen() {
unlockScreen() {
setFullScreen(yesOrNo : boolean) {
setHomeIndicatorAutoHidden(yesOrNo : boolean) {
setTempOrientation(temp : UIInterfaceOrientationMask) {
configSupportOrientation(orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation) : boolean {
return UTSiOS.configSupportOrientation(orientation)
setDeviceInterfaceOrientation(orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation) {
h5Path2SysPath(path : string, basePath : string | null) : string {
return UTSiOS.getResourceAbsolutePath(path, basePath)
workRootPath() : string {
return UTSiOS.getWorkRootPath()
videoPlayerWillEnterFullScreen(orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation) {
this.originalFrame = this.component?.view.frame
const deviceSize = UIScreen.main.bounds.size
const min = min(deviceSize.width, deviceSize.height)
const max = max(deviceSize.width, deviceSize.height)
if (orientation == UIInterfaceOrientation.portrait) {
this.component?.setStyleWidth(width = Float(min))
this.component?.setStyleHeight(height = Float(max))
} else {
this.component?.setStyleWidth(width = Float(max))
this.component?.setStyleHeight(height = Float(min))
this.component?.domNode?.setPositionEdge(UniCssFlexEdge.top, value = -Float(this.originalFrame?.minY ?? 0))
this.component?.domNode?.setPositionEdge(UniCssFlexEdge.left, value = -Float(self.originalFrame?.minX ?? 0))
videoPlayerWillExitFullScreen(orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation) {
if (this.originalFrame != null) {
const width = this.originalFrame!.size.width
const height = this.originalFrame!.size.height
this.component?.setStyleWidth(width = Float(width))
this.component?.setStyleHeight(height = Float(height))
this.component?.domNode?.setPositionEdge(UniCssFlexEdge.top, value = 0)
this.component?.domNode?.setPositionEdge(UniCssFlexEdge.left, value = 0)
videoPlayerExitFullScreen(orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation) {
videoPlayerEnterFullScreen(orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation) {
videoCacheDir() : string {
return UTSiOS.getVideoCacheDir()
<view style="width: 300px;height: 225px;">
<slot />
<script lang="uts">
import { UniVideoPlayerConfig, UniVideoPlayerViewPresent } from "DCUniVideo" assert { type: "implementationOnly" };
import { URL, NSDictionary, CGFloat } from "Foundation";
import { UIImage, UIInterfaceOrientationMask, UIInterfaceOrientation, UIView, UIScreen, CGRect } from 'UIKit';
import { Bool, Int } from 'Swift';
import { Danmu } from "../interface.uts";
import { UniCssFlexEdge } from "DCloudUniappRuntime";
export default {
name: "video",
data() {
return {
present: null as UniVideoPlayerViewPresent | null,
delegate: null as DCloudUniVideoComponentDelegate | null,
emits: ["play", "pause", "ended", "timeupdate", "fullscreenchange", "waiting", "error", "progress", "fullscreenclick", "controlstoggle"],
props: {
"src": { // 要播放视频的资源地址
type: String,
default: ""
"autoplay": { // 是否自动播放
type: Boolean,
default: false
"loop": { // 是否循环播放
type: Boolean,
default: false
"muted": { // 是否静音播放
type: Boolean,
default: false
"initialTime": { // 指定视频初始播放位置,单位为秒(s)
type: Number,
default: 0
"duration": { // 指定视频时长,单位为秒(s)
type: Number,
default: 0
"controls": { // 是否显示默认播放控件(播放/暂停按钮、播放进度、时间)
type: Boolean,
default: true
"danmuList": { // 弹幕列表
type: Array as NSDictionary[],
default: []
"danmuBtn": { // 是否显示弹幕按钮,只在初始化时有效,不能动态变更
type: Boolean,
default: false
"enableDanmu": { // 是否展示弹幕,只在初始化时有效,不能动态变更
type: Boolean,
default: false
"pageGesture": { // 在非全屏模式下,是否开启亮度与音量调节手势
type: Boolean,
default: false
"direction": { // 设置全屏时视频的方向,不指定则根据宽高比自动判断。有效值为 0(正常竖向), 90(屏幕逆时针90度), -90(屏幕顺时针90度)
type: Number,
default: -90
"showProgress": { // 是否展示进度条,若不设置,宽度大于240时才会显示
type: Boolean,
default: true
"showFullscreenBtn": { // 是否显示全屏按钮
type: Boolean,
default: true
"showPlayBtn": { // 是否显示视频底部控制栏的播放按钮
type: Boolean,
default: true
"showCenterPlayBtn": { // 是否显示视频中间的播放按钮
type: Boolean,
default: true
"showLoading": { // 是否显示loading控件
type: Boolean,
default: true
"enableProgressGesture": { // 是否开启控制进度的手势
type: Boolean,
default: true
"objectFit": { // 当视频大小与 video 容器大小不一致时,视频的表现形式。contain:包含,fill:填充,cover:覆盖
type: String,
default: "contain"
"poster": { // 视频封面的图片网络资源地址,如果 controls 属性值为 false 则设置 poster 无效
type: String,
default: ""
"showMuteBtn": { // 是否显示静音按钮
type: Boolean,
default: false
"title": { // 视频的标题,全屏时在顶部展示
type: String,
default: ""
"enablePlayGesture": { // 是否开启播放手势,即双击切换播放/暂停
type: Boolean,
default: false
"vslideGesture": { // 在非全屏模式下,是否开启亮度与音量调节手势(同 page-gesture)
type: Boolean,
default: false
"vslideGestureInFullscreen": { // 在全屏模式下,是否开启亮度与音量调节手势
type: Boolean,
default: true
"codec": { // 解码器选择,hardware:硬解码(硬解码可以增加解码算力,提高视频清晰度。少部分老旧硬件可能存在兼容性问题);software:ffmpeg 软解码;
type: String,
default: "hardware"
"httpCache": { // 是否对 http、https 视频源开启本地缓存。缓存策略:开启了此开关的视频源,在视频播放时会在本地保存缓存文件,如果本地缓存池已超过100M,在进行缓存前会清空之前的缓存(不适用于m3u8等流媒体协议)
type: Boolean,
default: false
"playStrategy": { // 播放策略,0:普通模式,适合绝大部分视频播放场景;1:平滑播放模式(降级),增加缓冲区大小,采用open sl解码音频,避免音视频脱轨的问题,可能会降低首屏展现速度、视频帧率,出现开屏音频延迟等。 适用于高码率视频的极端场景;2: M3U8优化模式,增加缓冲区大小,提升视频加载速度和流畅度,可能会降低首屏展现速度。 适用于M3U8在线播放的场景
type: Number,
default: 0
"header": { // HTTP 请求 Header
type: Map<string, string>,
default: new Map<string, string>()
watch: {
"src": {
handler(newValue : String, oldValue : String) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("src", newValue);
immediate: false
"autoplay": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("autoplay", newValue);
immediate: false
"loop": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("loop", newValue);
immediate: false
"muted": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("muted", newValue);
immediate: false
"initialTime": {
handler(newValue : Number, oldValue : Number) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("initialTime", newValue);
immediate: false
"duration": {
handler(newValue : Number, oldValue : Number) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("duration", newValue);
immediate: false
"controls": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("controls", newValue);
immediate: false
"danmuList": {
handler(newValue : NSDictionary[], oldValue : NSDictionary[]) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("danmuList", newValue);
immediate: false
"danmuBtn": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("danmuBtn", newValue);
immediate: false
"enableDanmu": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("enableDanmu", newValue);
immediate: false
"pageGesture": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("pageGesture", newValue);
immediate: false
"direction": {
handler(newValue : Number, oldValue : Number) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("direction", newValue);
immediate: false
"showProgress": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("showProgress", newValue);
immediate: false
"showFullscreenBtn": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("showFullscreenBtn", newValue);
immediate: false
"showPlayBtn": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("showPlayBtn", newValue);
immediate: false
"showCenterPlayBtn": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("showCenterPlayBtn", newValue);
immediate: false
"showLoading": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("showLoading", newValue);
immediate: false
"enableProgressGesture": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("enableProgressGesture", newValue);
immediate: false
"objectFit": {
handler(newValue : String, oldValue : String) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("objectFit", newValue);
immediate: false
"poster": {
handler(newValue : String, oldValue : String) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("poster", newValue);
immediate: false
"showMuteBtn": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("showMuteBtn", newValue);
immediate: false
"title": {
handler(newValue : String, oldValue : String) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("title", newValue);
immediate: false
"enablePlayGesture": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("enablePlayGesture", newValue);
immediate: false
"vslideGesture": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("vslideGesture", newValue);
immediate: false
"vslideGestureInFullscreen": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("vslideGestureInFullscreen", newValue);
immediate: false
"httpCache": {
handler(newValue : Boolean, oldValue : Boolean) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("httpCache", newValue);
immediate: false
"codec": {
handler(newValue : string, oldValue : string) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("codec", newValue);
immediate: false
"playStrategy": {
handler(newValue : number, oldValue : number) {
"[weak self]"
this?.updateProp("playStrategy", newValue);
immediate: false
"header": {
handler(newValue : Map<string, any>, oldValue : Map<string, any>) {
"[weak self]"
let newStr = JSON.stringify(newValue)
let oldStr = JSON.stringify(oldValue)
if (newStr != oldStr) {
this?.updateProp("header", newValue);
immediate: false
created() {
let config = UniVideoPlayerConfig.init(options = this.attributes)
this.delegate = new DCloudUniVideoComponentDelegate(this)
this.present = new UniVideoPlayerViewPresent.init(config, this.delegate)
if (this.delegate != null) {
this.present!.delegate = this.delegate
NVLoad() : UIView {
if (this.present != null) {
return this.present!.contentView;
} else {
return new UIView()
NVLayouted() {
if (!UTSiOS.isScreenLocked()) {
unmounted() { //释放播放器
expose: ['play', 'pause', 'seek', 'stop', 'sendDanmu', 'playbackRate', 'requestFullScreen', 'exitFullScreen', 'showStatusBar', 'hideStatusBar'],
methods: {
* 播放视频
play: function () {
* 暂停视频
pause: function () {
* 跳转到指定位置
* @param pos 跳转到的位置,单位:秒(s)
seek: function (pos : number) {
* 切换到全屏
* @param direction 视频方向,0(正常竖向), 90(屏幕逆时针90度), -90(屏幕顺时针90度)
requestFullScreen: function (direction : number) {
let dir = UniVideoPlayerConfig.direction(direction)
* 退出全屏
exitFullScreen: function () {
* 停止播放视频
stop: function () {
* 显示状态栏,仅在iOS全屏下有效
showStatusBar: function () {
* 隐藏状态栏,仅在iOS全屏下有效
hideStatusBar: function () {
* 发送弹幕
* @param data 弹幕数据
sendDanmu: function (data : Map<string, any>) {
* 设置倍速播放
* @param rate 播放的倍率
playbackRate: function (rate : string) {
updateProp: function (key : string, value : any | null) {
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute = () : void => {
this.present?.setControlValue(value, key)
class DCloudUniVideoComponentDelegate implements UniVideoPlayerProtocol {
private component : VideoComponent | null = null
private originalFrame : CGRect | null = null
constructor(component : VideoComponent) {
this.component = component
getCookieString(url : URL) : string | null {
return UTSiOS.getCookieString(url)
getCurrentUA() : string {
return UTSiOS.getUserAgent()
sendEvent(name : string, params : Dictionary<string, any> | null) {
switch (name) {
case "play":
case "pause":
case "waiting":
case "ended":
case "error":
case "click":
case "timeupdate":
case "fullscreenclick":
case "fullscreenchange":
case "controlstoggle":
this.component?.__$$emit(name, params);
loadImage(url : string, complete : (image : UIImage) => void) {
UTSiOS.loadImage(url, (image, data) => {
if (image != null) {
lockScreen() {
unlockScreen() {
setFullScreen(yesOrNo : boolean) {
setHomeIndicatorAutoHidden(yesOrNo : boolean) {
setTempOrientation(temp : UIInterfaceOrientationMask) {
configSupportOrientation(orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation) : boolean {
return UTSiOS.configSupportOrientation(orientation)
setDeviceInterfaceOrientation(orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation) {
h5Path2SysPath(path : string, basePath : string | null) : string {
return UTSiOS.getResourceAbsolutePath(path, basePath)
workRootPath() : string {
return UTSiOS.getWorkRootPath()
videoPlayerWillEnterFullScreen(orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation) {
this.originalFrame = this.component?.view.frame
const deviceSize = UIScreen.main.bounds.size
const min = min(deviceSize.width, deviceSize.height)
const max = max(deviceSize.width, deviceSize.height)
if (orientation == UIInterfaceOrientation.portrait) {
this.component?.setStyleWidth(width = Float(min))
this.component?.setStyleHeight(height = Float(max))
} else {
this.component?.setStyleWidth(width = Float(max))
this.component?.setStyleHeight(height = Float(min))
this.component?.domNode?.setPositionEdge(UniCssFlexEdge.top, value = -Float(this.originalFrame?.minY ?? 0))
this.component?.domNode?.setPositionEdge(UniCssFlexEdge.left, value = -Float(self.originalFrame?.minX ?? 0))
videoPlayerWillExitFullScreen(orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation) {
if (this.originalFrame != null) {
const width = this.originalFrame!.size.width
const height = this.originalFrame!.size.height
this.component?.setStyleWidth(width = Float(width))
this.component?.setStyleHeight(height = Float(height))
this.component?.domNode?.setPositionEdge(UniCssFlexEdge.top, value = 0)
this.component?.domNode?.setPositionEdge(UniCssFlexEdge.left, value = 0)
videoPlayerExitFullScreen(orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation) {
videoPlayerEnterFullScreen(orientation : UIInterfaceOrientation) {
videoCacheDir() : string {
return UTSiOS.getVideoCacheDir()
\ No newline at end of file
export type CreateVideoContext = (videoId : string.VideoIdString, component ?: ComponentPublicInstance | null) => VideoContext | null;
export type CreateVideoContext = (videoId: string.VideoIdString, component?: ComponentPublicInstance | null) => VideoContext | null;
export type Danmu = {
* 弹幕文字
text ?: string | null,
* 弹幕颜色
color ?: string | null,
* 显示时刻
time ?: number | null
* 弹幕文字
text?: string | null,
* 弹幕颜色
color?: string | null,
* 显示时刻
time?: number | null
export type RequestFullScreenOptions = {
* direction
* - 0: 正常竖向
* - 90: 屏幕逆时针90度
* - -90: 屏幕顺时针90度
* @type 0 | 90 | -90
* @uniPlatform {
* direction
* - 0: 正常竖向
* - 90: 屏幕逆时针90度
* - -90: 屏幕顺时针90度
* @type 0 | 90 | -90
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "12.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.11"
* }
* },
* "mp": {
* "weixin": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.41"
* },
* "alipay": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "baidu": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "toutiao": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "lark": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "qq": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "kuaishou": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "jd": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* "uniVer": "x",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* }
direction ?: number | null
* }
direction?: number | null
export interface VideoContext {
* @description 播放
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* @description 播放
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "12.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.11"
......@@ -64,25 +106,67 @@ export interface VideoContext {
* "uniVer": "4.23",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* },
* "mp": {
* "weixin": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.41"
* },
* "alipay": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "baidu": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "toutiao": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "lark": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "qq": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "kuaishou": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "jd": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.0"
* }
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
play() : void;
* @description 暂停
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
play(): void;
* @description 暂停
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "12.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.11"
......@@ -92,26 +176,68 @@ export interface VideoContext {
* "uniVer": "4.23",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* },
* "mp": {
* "weixin": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.41"
* },
* "alipay": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "baidu": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "toutiao": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "lark": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "qq": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "kuaishou": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "jd": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.0"
* }
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
pause() : void;
* @description 跳转到指定位置
* @param {number} position 跳转到指定位置(秒)
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
pause(): void;
* @description 跳转到指定位置
* @param {number} position 跳转到指定位置(秒)
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "12.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.11"
......@@ -121,25 +247,67 @@ export interface VideoContext {
* "uniVer": "4.23",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* },
* "mp": {
* "weixin": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.41"
* },
* "alipay": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "baidu": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "toutiao": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "lark": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "qq": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "kuaishou": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "jd": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.0"
* }
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
seek(position : number) : void;
* @description 停止视频
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
seek(position: number): void;
* @description 停止视频
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "12.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.11"
......@@ -149,26 +317,68 @@ export interface VideoContext {
* "uniVer": "4.23",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* },
* "mp": {
* "weixin": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.41"
* },
* "alipay": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "baidu": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "toutiao": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "lark": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "qq": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "kuaishou": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "jd": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.0"
* }
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
stop() : void;
* @description 发送弹幕
* @param {Danmu} 属性 text, color
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
stop(): void;
* @description 发送弹幕
* @param {Danmu} 属性 text, color
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "12.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.11"
......@@ -178,26 +388,68 @@ export interface VideoContext {
* "uniVer": "4.23",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* },
* "mp": {
* "weixin": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.41"
* },
* "alipay": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "baidu": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "toutiao": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "lark": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "qq": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "kuaishou": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "jd": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.0"
* }
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
sendDanmu(danmu : Danmu) : void;
* @description 设置倍速播放
* @param {number} rate, 支持倍率 0.5/0.8/1.0/1.25/1.5
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
sendDanmu(danmu: Danmu): void;
* @description 设置倍速播放
* @param {number} rate, 支持倍率 0.5/0.8/1.0/1.25/1.5
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "12.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.11"
......@@ -207,26 +459,68 @@ export interface VideoContext {
* "uniVer": "4.23",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* },
* "mp": {
* "weixin": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.41"
* },
* "alipay": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "baidu": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "toutiao": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "lark": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "qq": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "kuaishou": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "jd": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.0"
* }
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
playbackRate(rate : number) : void;
* @description 进入全屏
* @param {RequestFullScreenOptions} direction, 0|正常竖向, 90|屏幕逆时针90度, -90|屏幕顺时针90度
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
playbackRate(rate: number): void;
* @description 进入全屏
* @param {RequestFullScreenOptions} direction, 0|正常竖向, 90|屏幕逆时针90度, -90|屏幕顺时针90度
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "12.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.11"
......@@ -236,26 +530,68 @@ export interface VideoContext {
* "uniVer": "4.23",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* },
* "mp": {
* "weixin": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.41"
* },
* "alipay": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "baidu": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "toutiao": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "lark": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "qq": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "kuaishou": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "jd": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.0"
* }
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
requestFullScreen(direction ?: RequestFullScreenOptions | null) : void;
* 退出全屏
* @description 退出全屏
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
requestFullScreen(direction?: RequestFullScreenOptions | null): void;
* 退出全屏
* @description 退出全屏
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9.0"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "12.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.11"
......@@ -265,28 +601,70 @@ export interface VideoContext {
* "uniVer": "4.23",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* },
* "mp": {
* "weixin": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.41"
* },
* "alipay": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "baidu": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "toutiao": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "lark": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "qq": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "kuaishou": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "jd": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* "web": {
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.0"
* }
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
exitFullScreen() : void;
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
exitFullScreen(): void;
export interface Uni {
* 创建并返回 video 上下文 videoContext 对象
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "√"
* },
* "ios": {
* 创建并返回 video 上下文 videoContext 对象
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "√"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "12.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.11"
......@@ -296,63 +674,63 @@ export interface Uni {
* "uniVer": "4.23",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* },
* },
* "web": {
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.0"
* },
* "mp": {
* "weixin": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "alipay": {
* "hostVer": "1.10.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "baidu": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "toutiao": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "lark": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "qq": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "kuaishou": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "jd": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* }
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
* @return {VideoContext} video组件上下文对象
* @tutorial-uni-app https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/media/video-context.html#createvideocontext
* @tutorial-uni-app-x https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/create-video-context.html#createvideocontext
* @tutorial https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/create-video-context.html#createvideocontext
createVideoContext : CreateVideoContext
* "mp": {
* "weixin": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "4.41"
* },
* "alipay": {
* "hostVer": "1.10.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "baidu": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "toutiao": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "lark": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "qq": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "kuaishou": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "jd": {
* "hostVer": "√",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* }
* }
* @uniVueVersion 2,3
* @return {VideoContext} video组件上下文对象
* @tutorial-uni-app https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/media/video-context.html#createvideocontext
* @tutorial-uni-app-x https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/create-video-context.html#createvideocontext
* @tutorial https://doc.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/api/create-video-context.html#createvideocontext
createVideoContext: CreateVideoContext
......@@ -360,38 +738,38 @@ export interface Uni {
* 临时方案,规避组件Event接口无法直接继承UniEvent的问题
interface UniVideoEvent {
* 是否冒泡
bubbles : boolean
* 是否可以取消
cancelable : boolean
* 事件类型
type : string
* 触发事件的组件
target ?: UniElement | null
* 当前组件
currentTarget ?: UniElement | null
* 事件发生时的时间戳
timeStamp : Long
* 阻止当前事件的进一步传播
stopPropagation() : void
* 阻止当前事件的默认行为
preventDefault() : void
* 是否冒泡
bubbles: boolean
* 是否可以取消
cancelable: boolean
* 事件类型
type: string
* 触发事件的组件
target?: UniElement | null
* 当前组件
currentTarget?: UniElement | null
* 事件发生时的时间戳
timeStamp: Long
* 阻止当前事件的进一步传播
stopPropagation(): void
* 阻止当前事件的默认行为
preventDefault(): void
......@@ -399,18 +777,18 @@ interface UniVideoEvent {
* 播放进度变化时触发
export interface UniVideoTimeUpdateEvent extends UniVideoEvent {
detail : UniVideoTimeUpdateEventDetail
detail: UniVideoTimeUpdateEventDetail
export type UniVideoTimeUpdateEventDetail = {
* 当前进度
currentTime : number,
* 总进度
duration : number
* 当前进度
currentTime: number,
* 总进度
duration: number
......@@ -418,18 +796,18 @@ export type UniVideoTimeUpdateEventDetail = {
* 当视频进入和退出全屏是触发
export interface UniVideoFullScreenChangeEvent extends UniVideoEvent {
detail : UniVideoFullScreenChangeEventDetail
detail: UniVideoFullScreenChangeEventDetail
export type UniVideoFullScreenChangeEventDetail = {
* 是否全屏
fullScreen : boolean,
* 横竖屏,取值 vertical 或 horizontal
direction : string
* 是否全屏
fullScreen: boolean,
* 横竖屏,取值 vertical 或 horizontal
direction: string
......@@ -437,7 +815,7 @@ export type UniVideoFullScreenChangeEventDetail = {
* 视频播放出错时触发
export interface UniVideoErrorEvent extends UniVideoEvent {
detail : VideoError
detail: VideoError
......@@ -449,7 +827,7 @@ export interface UniVideoErrorEvent extends UniVideoEvent {
export type VideoErrorCode = 100001 | 200001 | 300001
export interface VideoError extends IUniError {
errCode : VideoErrorCode
errCode: VideoErrorCode
......@@ -457,14 +835,14 @@ export interface VideoError extends IUniError {
* 加载进度变化时触发
export interface UniVideoProgressEvent extends UniVideoEvent {
detail : UniVideoProgressEventDetail
detail: UniVideoProgressEventDetail
export type UniVideoProgressEventDetail = {
* 加载进度百分比
buffered : number
* 加载进度百分比
buffered: number
......@@ -472,26 +850,26 @@ export type UniVideoProgressEventDetail = {
* 视频播放全屏播放时点击事件
export interface UniVideoFullScreenClickEvent extends UniVideoEvent {
detail : UniVideoFullScreenClickEventDetail
detail: UniVideoFullScreenClickEventDetail
export type UniVideoFullScreenClickEventDetail = {
* 点击点相对于屏幕左侧边缘的 X 轴坐标
screenX : number,
* 点击点相对于屏幕顶部边缘的 Y 轴坐标
screenY : number,
* 屏幕总宽度
screenWidth : number,
* 屏幕总高度
screenHeight : number
* 点击点相对于屏幕左侧边缘的 X 轴坐标
screenX: number,
* 点击点相对于屏幕顶部边缘的 Y 轴坐标
screenY: number,
* 屏幕总宽度
screenWidth: number,
* 屏幕总高度
screenHeight: number
......@@ -499,14 +877,14 @@ export type UniVideoFullScreenClickEventDetail = {
* 切换播放控件显示隐藏时触发
export interface UniVideoControlsToggleEvent extends UniVideoEvent {
detail : UniVideoControlsToggleEventDetail
detail: UniVideoControlsToggleEventDetail
export type UniVideoControlsToggleEventDetail = {
* 是否显示
show : boolean
* 是否显示
show: boolean
export type VideoTimeUpdateEvent = UniVideoTimeUpdateEvent
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