import { FontFaceDescriptors } from 'css-font-loading-module'; export declare function addFont(family: string, source: string, desc?: FontFaceDescriptors): Promise; export declare const BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#f7f7f7"; export declare const BUILT_IN_TAGS: string[]; export declare function cache(fn: (str: string) => T): (str: string) => T; export declare function cacheStringFunction(fn: (string: string) => string): (str: string) => string; export declare function callOptions(options: Options, errMsg: string): void; export declare function callOptions(options: Options, data: { [key: string]: any; errMsg: string; }): void; export declare const COMPONENT_NAME_PREFIX = "VUni"; export declare const COMPONENT_PREFIX: string; export declare const COMPONENT_SELECTOR_PREFIX = "uni-"; export declare function createRpx2Unit(unit: string, unitRatio: number, unitPrecision: number): (val: string) => string; export declare const DATA_RE: RegExp; export declare function debounce(fn: Function, delay: number): { (this: any): void; cancel(): void; }; /** * Decode text using `decodeURIComponent`. Returns the original text if it * fails. * * @param text - string to decode * @returns decoded string */ export declare function decode(text: string | number): string; export declare function decodeAttr(name: string): any; export declare function decodedQuery(query?: Record): Record; export declare function decodeTag(tag: string | number): string; export declare const defaultRpx2Unit: { unit: string; unitRatio: number; unitPrecision: number; }; export declare function encodeAttr(name: string): string; export declare function encodeTag(tag: string): string | number; export declare function formatDateTime({ date, mode }: { date?: Date | undefined; mode?: string | undefined; }): string; export declare function formatLog(module: string, ...args: any[]): string; export declare function getCustomDataset(el: HTMLElement | HTMLElementWithDataset): DOMStringMap & Record; export declare function getEnvLocale(): string; export declare function getLen(str?: string): number; declare interface HTMLElementWithDataset extends HTMLElement { __uniDataset?: Record; } export declare function initCustomDataset(): void; export declare const invokeArrayFns: (fns: Function[], arg?: any) => any; export declare function isBuiltInComponent(tag: string): boolean; export declare function isCustomElement(tag: string): boolean; export declare function isNativeTag(tag: string): boolean; export declare function isServiceCustomElement(_tag: string): boolean; export declare function isServiceNativeTag(tag: string): boolean; export declare interface IUniPageNode { pageId: number; pageNode: IUniPageNode | null; genId: () => number; push: (...args: any[]) => void; onCreate: (thisNode: UniNode, nodeName: string | number) => UniNode; onInsertBefore: (thisNode: UniNode, newChild: UniNode, index: number) => UniNode; onRemoveChild: (thisNode: UniNode, oldChild: UniNode) => UniNode; onSetAttribute: (thisNode: UniNode, qualifiedName: string, value: unknown) => void; onRemoveAttribute: (thisNode: UniNode, qualifiedName: string) => void; onTextContent: (thisNode: UniNode, text: string) => void; onNodeValue: (thisNode: UniNode, val: string | null) => void; } export declare const NAVBAR_HEIGHT = 44; export declare const NODE_TYPE_COMMENT = 8; export declare const NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT = 1; export declare const NODE_TYPE_PAGE = 0; export declare const NODE_TYPE_TEXT = 3; export declare function normalizeDataset(el: Element): any; export declare function normalizeTarget(el: HTMLElement): { id: string; dataset: DOMStringMap & Record; offsetTop: number; offsetLeft: number; }; export declare const ON_REACH_BOTTOM_DISTANCE = 50; export declare function once any>(fn: T, ctx?: unknown): T; declare interface Options { success?: (res: any) => void; fail?: (res: any) => void; complete?: (res: any) => void; } /** * * @internal * * @param search - search string to parse * @returns a query object */ export declare function parseQuery(search: string): Record; export declare function parseUrl(url: string): { path: string; query: Record; }; export declare function passive(passive: boolean): { passive: boolean; }; export declare const PLUS_RE: RegExp; export declare function plusReady(callback: () => void): void; export declare const PRIMARY_COLOR = "#007aff"; export declare function removeLeadingSlash(str: string): string; export declare const RESPONSIVE_MIN_WIDTH = 768; export declare type Rpx2UnitOptions = typeof defaultRpx2Unit; export declare const sanitise: (val: unknown) => any; export declare const SCHEME_RE: RegExp; declare function scrollTo_2(scrollTop: number | string, duration: number): void; export { scrollTo_2 as scrollTo } export declare const SELECTED_COLOR = "#0062cc"; export declare function stringifyQuery(obj?: Record, encodeStr?: typeof encodeURIComponent): string; export declare const TABBAR_HEIGHT = 50; export declare const TAGS: string[]; export declare const UNI_SSR = "__uniSSR"; export declare const UNI_SSR_DATA = "data"; export declare const UNI_SSR_GLOBAL_DATA = "globalData"; export declare const UNI_SSR_STORE = "store"; export declare const UNI_SSR_TITLE = "title"; export declare class UniBaseNode extends UniNode { attributes: Record; style: UniCSSStyleDeclaration; protected _html: string | null; constructor(nodeType: UniNodeType, nodeName: string, container: UniElement | IUniPageNode); get className(): string; set className(val: string); get innerHTML(): string; set innerHTML(html: string); addEventListener(type: string, listener: UniEventListener, options?: AddEventListenerOptions): void; removeEventListener(type: string, callback: UniEventListener, options?: EventListenerOptions): void; getAttribute(qualifiedName: string): unknown; removeAttribute(qualifiedName: string): void; setAttribute(qualifiedName: string, value: unknown): void; toJSON(opts?: { attr?: boolean; children?: boolean; }): Partial; } export declare class UniCommentNode extends UniNode { constructor(text: string, container: UniElement | IUniPageNode); toJSON(opts?: { attr?: boolean; }): { t: string; i?: undefined; } | { i: number; t: string; }; } declare class UniCSSStyleDeclaration { [name: string]: string | unknown; private _cssText; private _value; setProperty(property: string, value: string | null): void; getPropertyValue(property: string): string | string[]; removeProperty(property: string): string; get cssText(): string; set cssText(cssText: string); toJSON(): UniCSSStyleDeclarationJSON | undefined; } declare type UniCSSStyleDeclarationJSON = string | null | Record | [string, Record]; export declare class UniElement extends UniBaseNode { tagName: string; constructor(nodeName: string, container: UniElement | IUniPageNode); } export declare class UniEvent { type: string; bubbles: boolean; cancelable: boolean; defaultPrevented: boolean; timeStamp: number; _stop: boolean; _end: boolean; constructor(type: string, opts: UniEventOptions); preventDefault(): void; stopImmediatePropagation(): void; stopPropagation(): void; } export declare interface UniEventListener { (evt: UniEvent): void; } declare interface UniEventOptions { bubbles: boolean; cancelable: boolean; } declare class UniEventTarget { private _listeners; dispatchEvent(evt: UniEvent): boolean; addEventListener(type: string, listener: UniEventListener, options?: AddEventListenerOptions): void; removeEventListener(type: string, callback: UniEventListener, options?: EventListenerOptions): void; } export declare class UniInputElement extends UniElement { get value(): string | number; set value(val: string | number); } export declare class UniNode extends UniEventTarget { nodeId?: number; nodeType: UniNodeType; nodeName: string; childNodes: UniNode[]; pageNode: IUniPageNode | null; parentNode: UniNode | null; protected _text: string | null; constructor(nodeType: UniNodeType, nodeName: string, container: UniElement | IUniPageNode); get firstChild(): UniNode | null; get lastChild(): UniNode | null; get nextSibling(): UniNode | null; get nodeValue(): string | null; set nodeValue(_val: string | null); get textContent(): string; set textContent(text: string); get parentElement(): UniElement | null; get previousSibling(): UniNode | null; appendChild(newChild: UniNode): UniNode; cloneNode(deep?: boolean): UniNode; insertBefore(newChild: UniNode, refChild: UniNode | null): UniNode; removeChild(oldChild: UniNode): UniNode; } export declare interface UniNodeJSON { /** * nodeId */ i: number; /** * nodeName */ n: string | number; /** * attributes */ a: Record; /** * style */ s?: UniCSSStyleDeclarationJSON; /** * text */ t?: string; } declare type UniNodeType = typeof NODE_TYPE_PAGE | typeof NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT | typeof NODE_TYPE_TEXT | typeof NODE_TYPE_COMMENT; export declare class UniTextAreaElement extends UniInputElement { } export declare class UniTextNode extends UniBaseNode { constructor(text: string, container: UniElement | IUniPageNode); get nodeValue(): string; set nodeValue(text: string); } export declare function updateElementStyle(element: HTMLElement, styles: Partial): void; export declare const WEB_INVOKE_APPSERVICE = "WEB_INVOKE_APPSERVICE"; export { }