export function createServiceContext(Vue, weex, plus, __uniConfig, __uniRoutes, UniServiceJSBridge,instanceContext){ var localStorage = plus.storage var setTimeout = instanceContext.setTimeout var clearTimeout = instanceContext.clearTimeout var setInterval = instanceContext.setInterval var clearInterval = instanceContext.clearInterval var serviceContext = (function () { 'use strict'; function callHook (vm, hook, params) { return (vm.$vm || vm).__call_hook(hook, params) } function callAppHook (vm, hook, params) { if (hook !== 'onError') { console.debug(`App:${hook} have been invoked` + (params ? ` ${JSON.stringify(params)}` : '')); } return (vm.$vm || vm).__call_hook(hook, params) } function callPageHook (vm, hook, params) { if (hook !== 'onPageScroll') { console.debug(`${vm.$page.route}[${vm.$page.id}]:${hook} have been invoked`); } return callHook(vm, hook, params) } function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) { return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; } var base64Arraybuffer = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { /* * base64-arraybuffer * https://github.com/niklasvh/base64-arraybuffer * * Copyright (c) 2012 Niklas von Hertzen * Licensed under the MIT license. */ (function(){ var chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; // Use a lookup table to find the index. var lookup = new Uint8Array(256); for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { lookup[chars.charCodeAt(i)] = i; } exports.encode = function(arraybuffer) { var bytes = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer), i, len = bytes.length, base64 = ""; for (i = 0; i < len; i+=3) { base64 += chars[bytes[i] >> 2]; base64 += chars[((bytes[i] & 3) << 4) | (bytes[i + 1] >> 4)]; base64 += chars[((bytes[i + 1] & 15) << 2) | (bytes[i + 2] >> 6)]; base64 += chars[bytes[i + 2] & 63]; } if ((len % 3) === 2) { base64 = base64.substring(0, base64.length - 1) + "="; } else if (len % 3 === 1) { base64 = base64.substring(0, base64.length - 2) + "=="; } return base64; }; exports.decode = function(base64) { var bufferLength = base64.length * 0.75, len = base64.length, i, p = 0, encoded1, encoded2, encoded3, encoded4; if (base64[base64.length - 1] === "=") { bufferLength--; if (base64[base64.length - 2] === "=") { bufferLength--; } } var arraybuffer = new ArrayBuffer(bufferLength), bytes = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer); for (i = 0; i < len; i+=4) { encoded1 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i)]; encoded2 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i+1)]; encoded3 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i+2)]; encoded4 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i+3)]; bytes[p++] = (encoded1 << 2) | (encoded2 >> 4); bytes[p++] = ((encoded2 & 15) << 4) | (encoded3 >> 2); bytes[p++] = ((encoded3 & 3) << 6) | (encoded4 & 63); } return arraybuffer; }; })(); }); var base64Arraybuffer_1 = base64Arraybuffer.encode; var base64Arraybuffer_2 = base64Arraybuffer.decode; function pack (args) { return args } function unpack (args) { return args } function invoke (...args) { return UniServiceJSBridge.invokeCallbackHandler(...args) } function requireNativePlugin (name) { return uni.requireNativePlugin(name) } /** * 触发 service 层,与 onMethod 对应 */ function publish (name, res) { return UniServiceJSBridge.emit('api.' + name, res) } let lastStatusBarStyle; function setStatusBarStyle (statusBarStyle) { if (!statusBarStyle) { const pages = getCurrentPages(); if (!pages.length) { return } statusBarStyle = pages[pages.length - 1].$page.meta.statusBarStyle; if (!statusBarStyle || statusBarStyle === lastStatusBarStyle) { return } } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log(`[uni-app] setStatusBarStyle`, statusBarStyle); } lastStatusBarStyle = statusBarStyle; plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle(statusBarStyle); } function isTabBarPage (path = '') { if (!(__uniConfig.tabBar && Array.isArray(__uniConfig.tabBar.list))) { return false } try { if (!path) { const pages = getCurrentPages(); if (!pages.length) { return false } const page = pages[pages.length - 1]; if (!page) { return false } return page.$page.meta.isTabBar } const route = __uniRoutes.find(route => route.path.slice(1) === path); return route && route.meta.isTabBar } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log('getCurrentPages is not ready'); } } return false } function base64ToArrayBuffer (data) { return base64Arraybuffer_2(data) } function arrayBufferToBase64 (data) { return base64Arraybuffer_1(data) } function callApiSync (api, args, name, alias) { const ret = api(args); if (ret && ret.errMsg) { ret.errMsg = ret.errMsg.replace(name, alias); } return ret } function getLastWebview () { try { const pages = getCurrentPages(); if (pages.length) { return pages[pages.length - 1].$getAppWebview() } } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log('getCurrentPages is not ready'); } } } const getRealRoute = (e, t) => { if (t.indexOf('./') === 0) return getRealRoute(e, t.substr(2)) let n; let i; let o = t.split('/'); for (n = 0, i = o.length; n < i && o[n] === '..'; n++); o.splice(0, n); t = o.join('/'); let r = e.length > 0 ? e.split('/') : []; r.splice(r.length - n - 1, n + 1); return r.concat(o).join('/') }; // 处理 Android 平台解压与非解压模式下获取的路径不一致的情况 const _handleLocalPath = filePath => { let localUrl = plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL(filePath); return localUrl.replace(/^\/?apps\//, '/android_asset/apps/').replace(/\/$/, '') }; function getRealPath (filePath) { const SCHEME_RE = /^([a-z-]+:)?\/\//i; const DATA_RE = /^data:.*,.*/; // 无协议的情况补全 https if (filePath.indexOf('//') === 0) { filePath = 'https:' + filePath; } // 网络资源或base64 if (SCHEME_RE.test(filePath) || DATA_RE.test(filePath)) { return filePath } if (filePath.indexOf('_www') === 0 || filePath.indexOf('_doc') === 0 || filePath.indexOf('_documents') === 0 || filePath.indexOf('_downloads') === 0) { return 'file://' + _handleLocalPath(filePath) } const wwwPath = 'file://' + _handleLocalPath('_www'); // 绝对路径转换为本地文件系统路径 if (filePath.indexOf('/') === 0) { return wwwPath + filePath } // 相对资源 if (filePath.indexOf('../') === 0 || filePath.indexOf('./') === 0) { if (typeof __id__ === 'string') { return wwwPath + getRealRoute('/' + __id__, filePath) } else { const pages = getCurrentPages(); if (pages.length) { return wwwPath + getRealRoute('/' + pages[pages.length - 1].route, filePath) } } } return filePath } function getStatusBarStyle () { let style = plus.navigator.getStatusBarStyle(); if (style === 'UIStatusBarStyleBlackTranslucent' || style === 'UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque' || style === 'null') { style = 'light'; } else if (style === 'UIStatusBarStyleDefault') { style = 'dark'; } return style } const PI = 3.1415926535897932384626; const a = 6378245.0; const ee = 0.00669342162296594323; function wgs84togcj02 (lng, lat) { lat = +lat; lng = +lng; if (outOfChina(lng, lat)) { return [lng, lat] } let dlat = _transformlat(lng - 105.0, lat - 35.0); let dlng = _transformlng(lng - 105.0, lat - 35.0); const radlat = lat / 180.0 * PI; let magic = Math.sin(radlat); magic = 1 - ee * magic * magic; const sqrtmagic = Math.sqrt(magic); dlat = (dlat * 180.0) / ((a * (1 - ee)) / (magic * sqrtmagic) * PI); dlng = (dlng * 180.0) / (a / sqrtmagic * Math.cos(radlat) * PI); const mglat = lat + dlat; const mglng = lng + dlng; return [mglng, mglat] } function gcj02towgs84 (lng, lat) { lat = +lat; lng = +lng; if (outOfChina(lng, lat)) { return [lng, lat] } let dlat = _transformlat(lng - 105.0, lat - 35.0); let dlng = _transformlng(lng - 105.0, lat - 35.0); const radlat = lat / 180.0 * PI; let magic = Math.sin(radlat); magic = 1 - ee * magic * magic; const sqrtmagic = Math.sqrt(magic); dlat = (dlat * 180.0) / ((a * (1 - ee)) / (magic * sqrtmagic) * PI); dlng = (dlng * 180.0) / (a / sqrtmagic * Math.cos(radlat) * PI); const mglat = lat + dlat; const mglng = lng + dlng; return [lng * 2 - mglng, lat * 2 - mglat] } const _transformlat = function (lng, lat) { let ret = -100.0 + 2.0 * lng + 3.0 * lat + 0.2 * lat * lat + 0.1 * lng * lat + 0.2 * Math.sqrt(Math.abs(lng)); ret += (20.0 * Math.sin(6.0 * lng * PI) + 20.0 * Math.sin(2.0 * lng * PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0; ret += (20.0 * Math.sin(lat * PI) + 40.0 * Math.sin(lat / 3.0 * PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0; ret += (160.0 * Math.sin(lat / 12.0 * PI) + 320 * Math.sin(lat * PI / 30.0)) * 2.0 / 3.0; return ret }; const _transformlng = function (lng, lat) { let ret = 300.0 + lng + 2.0 * lat + 0.1 * lng * lng + 0.1 * lng * lat + 0.1 * Math.sqrt(Math.abs(lng)); ret += (20.0 * Math.sin(6.0 * lng * PI) + 20.0 * Math.sin(2.0 * lng * PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0; ret += (20.0 * Math.sin(lng * PI) + 40.0 * Math.sin(lng / 3.0 * PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0; ret += (150.0 * Math.sin(lng / 12.0 * PI) + 300.0 * Math.sin(lng / 30.0 * PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0; return ret }; const outOfChina = function (lng, lat) { return (lng < 72.004 || lng > 137.8347) || ((lat < 0.8293 || lat > 55.8271) || false) }; let webview; function setPullDownRefreshPageId (pullDownRefreshWebview) { if (typeof pullDownRefreshWebview === 'number') { webview = plus.webview.getWebviewById(String(pullDownRefreshWebview)); } else { webview = pullDownRefreshWebview; } } function startPullDownRefresh () { if (webview) { webview.endPullToRefresh(); } webview = getLastWebview(); if (webview) { webview.beginPullToRefresh(); return { errMsg: 'startPullDownRefresh:ok' } } return { errMsg: 'startPullDownRefresh:fail' } } function stopPullDownRefresh () { if (!webview) { webview = getLastWebview(); } if (webview) { webview.endPullToRefresh(); webview = null; return { errMsg: 'stopPullDownRefresh:ok' } } return { errMsg: 'stopPullDownRefresh:fail' } } function initOn (on, { getApp, getCurrentPages }) { function onError (err) { callAppHook(getApp(), 'onError', err); } function onPageNotFound (page) { callAppHook(getApp(), 'onPageNotFound', page); } function onPullDownRefresh (args, pageId) { const page = getCurrentPages().find(page => page.$page.id === pageId); if (page) { setPullDownRefreshPageId(pageId); callPageHook(page, 'onPullDownRefresh'); } } function callCurrentPageHook (hook, args) { const pages = getCurrentPages(); if (pages.length) { callPageHook(pages[pages.length - 1], hook, args); } } function createCallCurrentPageHook (hook) { return function (args) { callCurrentPageHook(hook, args); } } function onAppEnterBackground () { callAppHook(getApp(), 'onHide'); callCurrentPageHook('onHide'); } function onAppEnterForeground () { callAppHook(getApp(), 'onShow'); callCurrentPageHook('onShow'); } function onWebInvokeAppService ({ name, arg }, pageId) { if (name === 'postMessage') ; else { uni[name](arg); } } const routeHooks = { navigateTo () { callCurrentPageHook('onHide'); }, navigateBack () { callCurrentPageHook('onShow'); } }; function onAppRoute ({ type }) { const routeHook = routeHooks[type]; routeHook && routeHook(); } on('onError', onError); on('onPageNotFound', onPageNotFound); { // 后续有时间,h5 平台也要迁移到 onAppRoute on('onAppRoute', onAppRoute); } on('onAppEnterBackground', onAppEnterBackground); on('onAppEnterForeground', onAppEnterForeground); on('onPullDownRefresh', onPullDownRefresh); on('onTabItemTap', createCallCurrentPageHook('onTabItemTap')); on('onNavigationBarButtonTap', createCallCurrentPageHook('onNavigationBarButtonTap')); on('onNavigationBarSearchInputChanged', createCallCurrentPageHook('onNavigationBarSearchInputChanged')); on('onNavigationBarSearchInputConfirmed', createCallCurrentPageHook('onNavigationBarSearchInputConfirmed')); on('onNavigationBarSearchInputClicked', createCallCurrentPageHook('onNavigationBarSearchInputClicked')); on('onWebInvokeAppService', onWebInvokeAppService); } let supportsPassive = false; try { const opts = {}; Object.defineProperty(opts, 'passive', ({ get () { /* istanbul ignore next */ supportsPassive = true; } })); // https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/285 window.addEventListener('test-passive', null, opts); } catch (e) {} const _toString = Object.prototype.toString; const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function isFn (fn) { return typeof fn === 'function' } function isPlainObject (obj) { return _toString.call(obj) === '[object Object]' } function hasOwn (obj, key) { return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key) } function toRawType (val) { return _toString.call(val).slice(8, -1) } function getLen (str = '') { /* eslint-disable no-control-regex */ return ('' + str).replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g, '**').length } const decode = decodeURIComponent; function parseQuery (query) { const res = {}; query = query.trim().replace(/^(\?|#|&)/, ''); if (!query) { return res } query.split('&').forEach(param => { const parts = param.replace(/\+/g, ' ').split('='); const key = decode(parts.shift()); const val = parts.length > 0 ? decode(parts.join('=')) : null; if (res[key] === undefined) { res[key] = val; } else if (Array.isArray(res[key])) { res[key].push(val); } else { res[key] = [res[key], val]; } }); return res } function parseTitleNView (routeOptions) { const windowOptions = routeOptions.window; const titleNView = windowOptions.titleNView; if ( // 无头 titleNView === false || titleNView === 'false' || ( windowOptions.navigationStyle === 'custom' && !isPlainObject(titleNView) ) ) { return false } const ret = { autoBackButton: !routeOptions.meta.isQuit, backgroundColor: windowOptions.navigationBarBackgroundColor || '#000000', titleText: windowOptions.navigationBarTitleText || '', titleColor: windowOptions.navigationBarTextStyle === 'black' ? '#000000' : '#ffffff' }; routeOptions.meta.statusBarStyle = windowOptions.navigationBarTextStyle === 'black' ? 'dark' : 'light'; if (isPlainObject(titleNView)) { return Object.assign(ret, titleNView) } return ret } function parsePullToRefresh (routeOptions) { const windowOptions = routeOptions.window; if (windowOptions.enablePullDownRefresh) { const pullToRefreshStyles = Object.create(null); // 初始化默认值 if (plus.os.name === 'Android') { Object.assign(pullToRefreshStyles, { support: true, style: 'circle' }); } else { Object.assign(pullToRefreshStyles, { support: true, style: 'default', height: '50px', range: '200px', contentdown: { caption: '' }, contentover: { caption: '' }, contentrefresh: { caption: '' } }); } if (windowOptions.backgroundTextStyle) { pullToRefreshStyles.color = windowOptions.backgroundTextStyle; pullToRefreshStyles.snowColor = windowOptions.backgroundTextStyle; } Object.assign(pullToRefreshStyles, windowOptions.pullToRefresh || {}); return pullToRefreshStyles } } const ANI_SHOW = 'pop-in'; const ANI_DURATION = 300; const TABBAR_HEIGHT = 56; const TITLEBAR_HEIGHT = 44; const WEBVIEW_STYLE_BLACKLIST = [ 'navigationBarBackgroundColor', 'navigationBarTextStyle', 'navigationBarTitleText', 'navigationBarShadow', 'navigationStyle', 'disableScroll', 'backgroundColor', 'backgroundTextStyle', 'enablePullDownRefresh', 'onReachBottomDistance', 'usingComponents', // 需要解析的 'titleNView', 'pullToRefresh' ]; function parseWebviewStyle (id, path, routeOptions = {}) { const webviewStyle = Object.create(null); // 合并 routeOptions.window = Object.assign( JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(__uniConfig.window || {})), routeOptions.window || {} ); Object.keys(routeOptions.window).forEach(name => { if (WEBVIEW_STYLE_BLACKLIST.indexOf(name) === -1) { webviewStyle[name] = routeOptions.window[name]; } }); const titleNView = parseTitleNView(routeOptions); if (titleNView) { if (id === 1 && __uniConfig.realEntryPagePath === path) { titleNView.autoBackButton = true; } webviewStyle.titleNView = titleNView; } const pullToRefresh = parsePullToRefresh(routeOptions); if (pullToRefresh) { if (pullToRefresh.style === 'circle') { webviewStyle.bounce = 'none'; } webviewStyle.pullToRefresh = pullToRefresh; } // 不支持 hide if (webviewStyle.popGesture === 'hide') { delete webviewStyle.popGesture; } // TODO 下拉刷新 if (path && routeOptions.meta.isNVue) { webviewStyle.uniNView = { path, defaultFontSize: __uniConfig.defaultFontSize, viewport: __uniConfig.viewport }; } if (routeOptions.meta.isTabBar) { webviewStyle.top = 0; webviewStyle.bottom = TABBAR_HEIGHT; } return webviewStyle } let id = 2; const WEBVIEW_LISTENERS = { 'pullToRefresh': 'onPullDownRefresh', 'titleNViewSearchInputChanged': 'onNavigationBarSearchInputChanged', 'titleNViewSearchInputConfirmed': 'onNavigationBarSearchInputConfirmed', 'titleNViewSearchInputClicked': 'onNavigationBarSearchInputClicked' }; function createWebview (path, routeOptions) { const webviewId = id++; const webviewStyle = parseWebviewStyle( webviewId, path, routeOptions ); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log(`[uni-app] createWebview`, webviewId, path, webviewStyle); } const webview = plus.webview.create('', String(webviewId), webviewStyle); return webview } function initWebview (webview, routeOptions) { if (isPlainObject(routeOptions)) { const webviewStyle = parseWebviewStyle( parseInt(webview.id), '', routeOptions ); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log(`[uni-app] updateWebview`, webviewStyle); } webview.setStyle(webviewStyle); } const { on, emit } = UniServiceJSBridge; // TODO subNVues Object.keys(WEBVIEW_LISTENERS).forEach(name => { webview.addEventListener(name, (e) => { emit(WEBVIEW_LISTENERS[name], e, parseInt(webview.id)); }); }); webview.addEventListener('resize', ({ width, height }) => { const res = { size: { windowWidth: Math.ceil(width), windowHeight: Math.ceil(height) } }; publish('onViewDidResize', res); emit('onResize', res, parseInt(webview.id)); }); // TODO 应该结束之前未完成的下拉刷新 on(webview.id + '.startPullDownRefresh', () => { webview.beginPullToRefresh(); }); on(webview.id + '.stopPullDownRefresh', () => { webview.endPullToRefresh(); }); return webview } const pages = []; function getCurrentPages$1 (returnAll) { return returnAll ? pages.slice(0) : pages.filter(page => { return !page.$page.meta.isTabBar || page.$page.meta.visible }) } /** * 首页需要主动registerPage,二级页面路由跳转时registerPage */ function registerPage ({ path, query, openType, webview }) { const routeOptions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(__uniRoutes.find(route => route.path === path))); if (openType === 'reLaunch' || pages.length === 0) { // pages.length===0 表示首页触发 redirectTo routeOptions.meta.isQuit = true; } if (!webview) { webview = createWebview(path, routeOptions); } else { webview = plus.webview.getWebviewById(webview.id); } if (routeOptions.meta.isTabBar) { routeOptions.meta.visible = true; } if (routeOptions.meta.isTabBar && webview.id !== '1') { const launchWebview = plus.webview.getLaunchWebview(); launchWebview && launchWebview.append(webview); } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log(`[uni-app] registerPage`, path, webview.id); } initWebview(webview, webview.id === '1' && routeOptions); const route = path.slice(1); webview.__uniapp_route = route; pages.push({ route, options: Object.assign({}, query || {}), $getAppWebview () { return webview }, $page: { id: parseInt(webview.id), meta: routeOptions.meta, path, route, openType }, $remove () { const index = pages.findIndex(page => page === this); if (index !== -1) { pages.splice(index, 1); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log(`[uni-app] removePage`, path, webview.id); } } } }); return webview } const callbacks = {}; const WEB_INVOKE_APPSERVICE = 'WEB_INVOKE_APPSERVICE'; // 简单处理 view 层与 service 层的通知系统 /** * 消费 view 层通知 */ function consumePlusMessage (type, args) { // 处理 web-view 组件发送的通知 if (type === WEB_INVOKE_APPSERVICE) { publish(WEB_INVOKE_APPSERVICE, args.data, args.webviewIds); return true } const callback = callbacks[type]; if (callback) { callback(args); if (!callback.keepAlive) { delete callbacks[type]; } return true } return false } /** * 注册 view 层通知 service 层事件处理 */ function registerPlusMessage (type, callback, keepAlive = true) { if (callbacks[type]) { return console.warn(`${type} 已注册:` + (callbacks[type].toString())) } callback.keepAlive = !!keepAlive; callbacks[type] = callback; } var safeArea = { get bottom () { if (plus.os.name === 'iOS') { const safeArea = plus.navigator.getSafeAreaInsets(); return safeArea ? safeArea.bottom : 0 } return 0 } }; const IMAGE_TOP = 7; const IMAGE_WIDTH = 24; const IMAGE_HEIGHT = 24; const TEXT_TOP = 36; const TEXT_SIZE = 12; const TEXT_NOICON_SIZE = 17; const TEXT_HEIGHT = 12; const IMAGE_ID = 'TABITEM_IMAGE_'; const TABBAR_VIEW_ID = 'TABBAR_VIEW_'; let view; let config; let winWidth; let itemWidth; let itemLength; let itemImageLeft; let itemRects = []; const itemIcons = []; const itemLayouts = []; const itemDot = []; const itemBadge = []; let itemClickCallback; let selected = 0; /** * tabbar显示状态 */ let visible = true; const init = function () { const list = config.list; itemLength = config.list.length; calcItemLayout(); // 计算选项卡布局 initBitmaps(list); // 初始化选项卡图标 initView(); }; let initView = function () { const viewStyles = { height: TABBAR_HEIGHT }; if (config.position === 'top') { viewStyles.top = 0; } else { viewStyles.bottom = 0; viewStyles.height += safeArea.bottom; } view = new plus.nativeObj.View(TABBAR_VIEW_ID, viewStyles, getDraws()); view.interceptTouchEvent(true); view.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if (!__uniConfig.__ready__) { // 未 ready,不允许点击 return } const x = e.clientX; const y = e.clientY; for (let i = 0; i < itemRects.length; i++) { if (isCross(x, y, itemRects[i])) { const draws = getSelectedDraws(i); const drawTab = !!draws.length; itemClickCallback && itemClickCallback(config.list[i], i, drawTab); if (drawTab) { setTimeout(() => view.draw(draws)); } break } } }); plus.globalEvent.addEventListener('orientationchange', () => { calcItemLayout(config.list); if (config.position !== 'top') { let height = TABBAR_HEIGHT + safeArea.bottom; view.setStyle({ height: height }); if (visible) { setWebviewPosition(height); } } view.draw(getDraws()); }); if (!visible) { view.hide(); } }; let isCross = function (x, y, rect) { if (x > rect.left && x < (rect.left + rect.width) && y > rect.top && y < (rect.top + rect.height)) { return true } return false }; let initBitmaps = function (list) { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { const item = list[i]; if (item.iconData) { const bitmap = new plus.nativeObj.Bitmap(IMAGE_ID + i); bitmap.loadBase64Data(item.iconData); const selectedBitmap = new plus.nativeObj.Bitmap(`${IMAGE_ID}SELECTED_${i}`); selectedBitmap.loadBase64Data(item.selectedIconData); itemIcons[i] = { icon: bitmap, selectedIcon: selectedBitmap }; } else if (item.iconPath) { itemIcons[i] = { icon: item.iconPath, selectedIcon: item.selectedIconPath }; } else { itemIcons[i] = { icon: false, selectedIcon: false }; } } }; let getDraws = function () { const backgroundColor = config.backgroundColor; const borderHeight = Math.max(0.5, 1 / plus.screen.scale); // 高分屏最少0.5 const borderTop = config.position === 'top' ? (TABBAR_HEIGHT - borderHeight) : 0; const borderStyle = config.borderStyle === 'white' ? 'rgba(255,255,255,0.33)' : 'rgba(0,0,0,0.33)'; const draws = [{ id: `${TABBAR_VIEW_ID}BG`, // 背景色 tag: 'rect', color: backgroundColor, position: { top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: TABBAR_HEIGHT + safeArea.bottom } }, { id: `${TABBAR_VIEW_ID}BORDER`, tag: 'rect', color: borderStyle, position: { top: borderTop, left: 0, width: '100%', height: `${borderHeight}px` } }]; for (let i = 0; i < itemLength; i++) { const item = config.list[i]; if (i === selected) { drawTabItem(draws, i, item.text, config.selectedColor, itemIcons[i].selectedIcon); } else { drawTabItem(draws, i, item.text, config.color, itemIcons[i].icon); } } return draws }; let getSelectedDraws = function (newSelected) { if (selected === newSelected) { return false } const draws = []; const lastSelected = selected; selected = newSelected; drawTabItem(draws, lastSelected); drawTabItem(draws, selected); return draws }; /** * 获取文字宽度(全角为1) * @param {*} text */ function getFontWidth (text) { // eslint-disable-next-line return text.length - (text.match(/[\u0000-\u00ff]/g) || []).length / 2 } let calcItemLayout = function () { winWidth = plus.screen.resolutionWidth; itemWidth = winWidth / itemLength; itemImageLeft = (itemWidth - IMAGE_WIDTH) / 2; itemRects = []; let dotTop = 0; let dotLeft = 0; for (let i = 0; i < itemLength; i++) { itemRects.push({ top: 0, left: i * itemWidth, width: itemWidth, height: TABBAR_HEIGHT }); } for (let i = 0; i < itemLength; i++) { const item = config.list[i]; let imgLeft = itemWidth * i + itemImageLeft; if ((item.iconData || item.iconPath) && item.text) { // 图文 itemLayouts[i] = { text: { top: TEXT_TOP, left: `${i * itemWidth}px`, width: `${itemWidth}px`, height: TEXT_HEIGHT }, img: { top: IMAGE_TOP, left: `${imgLeft}px`, width: IMAGE_WIDTH, height: IMAGE_HEIGHT } }; dotTop = IMAGE_TOP; dotLeft = imgLeft + IMAGE_WIDTH; } else if (!(item.iconData || item.iconPath) && item.text) { // 仅文字 let textLeft = i * itemWidth; itemLayouts[i] = { text: { top: 0, left: `${textLeft}px`, width: `${itemWidth}px`, height: TABBAR_HEIGHT } }; dotTop = (44 - TEXT_NOICON_SIZE) / 2; dotLeft = textLeft + itemWidth * 0.5 + getFontWidth(item.text) * TEXT_NOICON_SIZE * 0.5; } else if ((item.iconData || item.iconPath) && !item.text) { // 仅图片 const diff = 10; let imgTop = (TABBAR_HEIGHT - IMAGE_HEIGHT - diff) / 2; let imgLeft = itemWidth * i + itemImageLeft - diff / 2; itemLayouts[i] = { img: { top: `${imgTop}px`, left: `${imgLeft}px`, width: IMAGE_WIDTH + diff, height: IMAGE_HEIGHT + diff } }; dotTop = imgTop; dotLeft = imgLeft + IMAGE_WIDTH + diff; } let height = itemBadge[i] ? 14 : 10; let badge = itemBadge[i] || '0'; let font = getFontWidth(badge) - 0.5; font = font > 1 ? 1 : font; let width = height + font * 12; width = width < height ? height : width; let itemLayout = itemLayouts[i]; if (itemLayout) { itemLayout.doc = { top: dotTop, left: `${dotLeft - width * 0.382}px`, width: `${width}px`, height: `${height}px` }; itemLayout.badge = { top: dotTop, left: `${dotLeft - width * 0.382}px`, width: `${width}px`, height: `${height}px` }; } } }; let drawTabItem = function (draws, index) { const layout = itemLayouts[index]; const item = config.list[index]; let color = config.color; let icon = itemIcons[index].icon; let dot = itemDot[index]; let badge = itemBadge[index] || ''; if (index === selected) { color = config.selectedColor; icon = itemIcons[index].selectedIcon; } if (icon) { draws.push({ id: `${TABBAR_VIEW_ID}ITEM_${index}_ICON`, tag: 'img', position: layout.img, src: icon }); } if (item.text) { draws.push({ id: `${TABBAR_VIEW_ID}ITEM_${index}_TEXT`, tag: 'font', position: layout.text, text: item.text, textStyles: { size: icon ? TEXT_SIZE : `${TEXT_NOICON_SIZE}px`, color } }); } const hiddenPosition = { letf: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; // 绘制小红点(角标背景) draws.push({ id: `${TABBAR_VIEW_ID}ITEM_${index}_DOT`, tag: 'rect', position: (dot || badge) ? layout.doc : hiddenPosition, rectStyles: { color: '#ff0000', radius: badge ? '7px' : '5px' } }); // 绘制角标文本 draws.push({ id: `${TABBAR_VIEW_ID}ITEM_${index}_BADGE`, tag: 'font', position: badge ? layout.badge : hiddenPosition, text: badge || ' ', textStyles: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle', color: badge ? '#ffffff' : 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', overflow: 'ellipsis', size: '10px' } }); }; /** * { "color": "#7A7E83", "selectedColor": "#3cc51f", "borderStyle": "black", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "list": [{ "pagePath": "page/component/index.html", "iconData": "", "selectedIconData": "", "text": "组件" }, { "pagePath": "page/API/index.html", "iconData": "", "selectedIconData": "", "text": "接口" }], "position":"bottom"//bottom|top } */ /** * 设置角标 * @param {string} type * @param {number} index * @param {string} text */ function setTabBarBadge (type, index, text) { if (type === 'none') { itemDot[index] = false; itemBadge[index] = ''; } else if (type === 'text') { itemBadge[index] = text; } else if (type === 'redDot') { itemDot[index] = true; } if (view) { calcItemLayout(config.list); view.draw(getDraws()); } } /** * 动态设置 tabBar 某一项的内容 */ function setTabBarItem (index, text, iconPath, selectedIconPath) { if (iconPath || selectedIconPath) { let itemIcon = itemIcons[index] = itemIcons[index] || {}; if (iconPath) { itemIcon.icon = getRealPath(iconPath); } if (selectedIconPath) { itemIcon.selectedIcon = getRealPath(selectedIconPath); } } if (text) { config.list[index].text = text; } view.draw(getDraws()); } /** * 动态设置 tabBar 的整体样式 * @param {Object} style 样式 */ function setTabBarStyle (style) { for (const key in style) { config[key] = style[key]; } view.draw(getDraws()); } /** * 设置tab页底部或顶部距离 * @param {*} value 距离 */ function setWebviewPosition (value) { const position = config.position === 'top' ? 'top' : 'bottom'; plus.webview.all().forEach(webview => { if (isTabBarPage(String(webview.__uniapp_route))) { webview.setStyle({ [position]: value }); } }); } /** * 隐藏 tabBar * @param {boolean} animation 是否需要动画效果 暂未支持 */ function hideTabBar (animation) { if (visible === false) { return } visible = false; if (view) { view.hide(); setWebviewPosition(0); } } /** * 显示 tabBar * @param {boolean} animation 是否需要动画效果 暂未支持 */ function showTabBar (animation) { if (visible === true) { return } visible = true; if (view) { view.show(); setWebviewPosition(TABBAR_HEIGHT + safeArea.bottom); } } var tabBar = { init (options, clickCallback) { if (options && options.list.length) { selected = options.selected || 0; config = options; config.position = 'bottom'; // 暂时强制使用bottom itemClickCallback = clickCallback; init(); return view } }, switchTab (page) { if (itemLength) { for (let i = 0; i < itemLength; i++) { if ( config.list[i].pagePath === page || config.list[i].pagePath === `${page}.html` ) { const draws = getSelectedDraws(i); if (draws.length) { view.draw(draws); } return true } } } return false }, setTabBarBadge, setTabBarItem, setTabBarStyle, hideTabBar, showTabBar, get visible () { return visible } }; let appCtx; const NETWORK_TYPES = [ 'unknown', 'none', 'ethernet', 'wifi', '2g', '3g', '4g' ]; function getApp () { return appCtx } function initGlobalListeners () { const emit = UniServiceJSBridge.emit; plus.key.addEventListener('backbutton', () => { uni.navigateBack({ from: 'backbutton' }); }); plus.globalEvent.addEventListener('pause', () => { emit('onAppEnterBackground'); }); plus.globalEvent.addEventListener('resume', () => { emit('onAppEnterForeground'); }); plus.globalEvent.addEventListener('netchange', () => { const networkType = NETWORK_TYPES[plus.networkinfo.getCurrentType()]; publish('onNetworkStatusChange', { isConnected: networkType !== 'none', networkType }); }); plus.globalEvent.addEventListener('KeyboardHeightChange', function (event) { publish('onKeyboardHeightChange', { height: event.height }); }); plus.globalEvent.addEventListener('plusMessage', function (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log('UNIAPP[plusMessage]:[' + Date.now() + ']' + JSON.stringify(e.data)); } if (e.data && e.data.type) { const type = e.data.type; consumePlusMessage(type, e.data.args || {}); } }); } function initAppLaunch (appVm) { const args = { path: __uniConfig.entryPagePath, query: {}, scene: 1001 }; callAppHook(appVm, 'onLaunch', args); callAppHook(appVm, 'onShow', args); } function initTabBar () { if (!__uniConfig.tabBar || !__uniConfig.tabBar.list.length) { return } __uniConfig.tabBar.selected = 0; const selected = __uniConfig.tabBar.list.findIndex(page => page.pagePath === __uniConfig.entryPagePath); if (selected !== -1) { // 取当前 tab 索引值 __uniConfig.tabBar.selected = selected; // 如果真实的首页与 condition 都是 tabbar,无需启用 realEntryPagePath 机制 if (__uniConfig.realEntryPagePath && isTabBarPage(__uniConfig.realEntryPagePath)) { delete __uniConfig.realEntryPagePath; } } __uniConfig.__ready__ = true; const onLaunchWebviewReady = function onLaunchWebviewReady () { const tabBarView = tabBar.init(__uniConfig.tabBar, (item, index) => { UniServiceJSBridge.emit('onTabItemTap', { index, text: item.text, pagePath: item.pagePath }); uni.switchTab({ url: '/' + item.pagePath, openType: 'switchTab', from: 'tabbar' }); }); tabBarView && plus.webview.getLaunchWebview().append(tabBarView); }; if (plus.webview.getLaunchWebview()) { onLaunchWebviewReady(); } else { registerPlusMessage('UniWebviewReady-' + plus.runtime.appid, onLaunchWebviewReady, false); } } function registerApp (appVm) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log(`[uni-app] registerApp`); } appCtx = appVm; appCtx.globalData = appVm.$options.globalData || {}; initOn(UniServiceJSBridge.on, { getApp, getCurrentPages: getCurrentPages$1 }); initAppLaunch(appVm); initGlobalListeners(); initTabBar(); } function parseRoutes (config) { __uniRoutes.length = 0; /* eslint-disable no-mixed-operators */ const tabBarList = (config.tabBar && config.tabBar.list || []).map(item => item.pagePath); Object.keys(config.page).forEach(function (pagePath) { const isTabBar = tabBarList.indexOf(pagePath) !== -1; const isQuit = isTabBar || (config.pages[0] === pagePath); const isNVue = !!config.page[pagePath].nvue; __uniRoutes.push({ path: '/' + pagePath, meta: { isQuit, isTabBar, isNVue }, window: config.page[pagePath].window || {} }); }); } function registerConfig (config) { Object.assign(__uniConfig, config); __uniConfig.viewport = ''; __uniConfig.defaultFontSize = ''; if (__uniConfig.nvueCompiler === 'uni-app') { __uniConfig.viewport = plus.screen.resolutionWidth; __uniConfig.defaultFontSize = __uniConfig.viewport / 20; } parseRoutes(__uniConfig); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log(`[uni-app] registerConfig`, __uniConfig); } } const base = [ 'base64ToArrayBuffer', 'arrayBufferToBase64', 'addInterceptor', 'removeInterceptor' ]; const network = [ 'request', 'uploadFile', 'downloadFile', 'connectSocket', 'onSocketOpen', 'onSocketError', 'sendSocketMessage', 'onSocketMessage', 'closeSocket', 'onSocketClose' ]; const route = [ 'navigateTo', 'redirectTo', 'reLaunch', 'switchTab', 'navigateBack' ]; const storage = [ 'setStorage', 'setStorageSync', 'getStorage', 'getStorageSync', 'getStorageInfo', 'getStorageInfoSync', 'removeStorage', 'removeStorageSync', 'clearStorage', 'clearStorageSync' ]; const location = [ 'getLocation', 'chooseLocation', 'openLocation', 'createMapContext' ]; const media = [ 'chooseImage', 'previewImage', 'getImageInfo', 'saveImageToPhotosAlbum', 'compressImage', 'getRecorderManager', 'getBackgroundAudioManager', 'createInnerAudioContext', 'chooseVideo', 'saveVideoToPhotosAlbum', 'createVideoContext', 'createCameraContext', 'createLivePlayerContext' ]; const device = [ 'getSystemInfo', 'getSystemInfoSync', 'canIUse', 'onMemoryWarning', 'getNetworkType', 'onNetworkStatusChange', 'onAccelerometerChange', 'startAccelerometer', 'stopAccelerometer', 'onCompassChange', 'startCompass', 'stopCompass', 'onGyroscopeChange', 'startGyroscope', 'stopGyroscope', 'makePhoneCall', 'scanCode', 'setClipboardData', 'getClipboardData', 'setScreenBrightness', 'getScreenBrightness', 'setKeepScreenOn', 'onUserCaptureScreen', 'vibrateLong', 'vibrateShort', 'addPhoneContact', 'openBluetoothAdapter', 'startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery', 'onBluetoothDeviceFound', 'stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery', 'onBluetoothAdapterStateChange', 'getConnectedBluetoothDevices', 'getBluetoothDevices', 'getBluetoothAdapterState', 'closeBluetoothAdapter', 'writeBLECharacteristicValue', 'readBLECharacteristicValue', 'onBLEConnectionStateChange', 'onBLECharacteristicValueChange', 'notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange', 'getBLEDeviceServices', 'getBLEDeviceCharacteristics', 'createBLEConnection', 'closeBLEConnection', 'onBeaconServiceChange', 'onBeaconUpdate', 'getBeacons', 'startBeaconDiscovery', 'stopBeaconDiscovery' ]; const keyboard = [ 'hideKeyboard', 'onKeyboardHeightChange' ]; const ui = [ 'showToast', 'hideToast', 'showLoading', 'hideLoading', 'showModal', 'showActionSheet', 'setNavigationBarTitle', 'setNavigationBarColor', 'showNavigationBarLoading', 'hideNavigationBarLoading', 'setTabBarItem', 'setTabBarStyle', 'hideTabBar', 'showTabBar', 'setTabBarBadge', 'removeTabBarBadge', 'showTabBarRedDot', 'hideTabBarRedDot', 'setBackgroundColor', 'setBackgroundTextStyle', 'createAnimation', 'pageScrollTo', 'onWindowResize', 'offWindowResize', 'loadFontFace', 'startPullDownRefresh', 'stopPullDownRefresh', 'createSelectorQuery', 'createIntersectionObserver' ]; const event = [ '$emit', '$on', '$once', '$off' ]; const file = [ 'saveFile', 'getSavedFileList', 'getSavedFileInfo', 'removeSavedFile', 'getFileInfo', 'openDocument', 'getFileSystemManager' ]; const canvas = [ 'createOffscreenCanvas', 'createCanvasContext', 'canvasToTempFilePath', 'canvasPutImageData', 'canvasGetImageData' ]; const third = [ 'getProvider', 'login', 'checkSession', 'getUserInfo', 'share', 'showShareMenu', 'hideShareMenu', 'requestPayment', 'subscribePush', 'unsubscribePush', 'onPush', 'offPush', 'requireNativePlugin', 'upx2px' ]; const apis = [ ...base, ...network, ...route, ...storage, ...location, ...media, ...device, ...keyboard, ...ui, ...event, ...file, ...canvas, ...third ]; var apis_1 = apis; /** * 框架内 try-catch */ function tryCatchFramework (fn) { return function () { try { return fn.apply(fn, arguments) } catch (e) { // TODO console.error(e); } } } /** * 开发者 try-catch */ function tryCatch (fn) { return function () { try { return fn.apply(fn, arguments) } catch (e) { // TODO console.error(e); } } } const HOOKS = [ 'invoke', 'success', 'fail', 'complete', 'returnValue' ]; const globalInterceptors = {}; const scopedInterceptors = {}; function mergeHook (parentVal, childVal) { const res = childVal ? parentVal ? parentVal.concat(childVal) : Array.isArray(childVal) ? childVal : [childVal] : parentVal; return res ? dedupeHooks(res) : res } function dedupeHooks (hooks) { const res = []; for (let i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) { if (res.indexOf(hooks[i]) === -1) { res.push(hooks[i]); } } return res } function removeHook (hooks, hook) { const index = hooks.indexOf(hook); if (index !== -1) { hooks.splice(index, 1); } } function mergeInterceptorHook (interceptor, option) { Object.keys(option).forEach(hook => { if (HOOKS.indexOf(hook) !== -1 && isFn(option[hook])) { interceptor[hook] = mergeHook(interceptor[hook], option[hook]); } }); } function removeInterceptorHook (interceptor, option) { if (!interceptor || !option) { return } Object.keys(option).forEach(hook => { if (HOOKS.indexOf(hook) !== -1 && isFn(option[hook])) { removeHook(interceptor[hook], option[hook]); } }); } function addInterceptor (method, option) { if (typeof method === 'string' && isPlainObject(option)) { mergeInterceptorHook(scopedInterceptors[method] || (scopedInterceptors[method] = {}), option); } else if (isPlainObject(method)) { mergeInterceptorHook(globalInterceptors, method); } } function removeInterceptor (method, option) { if (typeof method === 'string') { if (isPlainObject(option)) { removeInterceptorHook(scopedInterceptors[method], option); } else { delete scopedInterceptors[method]; } } else if (isPlainObject(method)) { removeInterceptorHook(globalInterceptors, method); } } function wrapperHook (hook) { return function (data) { return hook(data) || data } } function isPromise (obj) { return !!obj && (typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function') && typeof obj.then === 'function' } function queue (hooks, data) { let promise = false; for (let i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) { const hook = hooks[i]; if (promise) { promise = Promise.then(wrapperHook(hook)); } else { const res = hook(data); if (isPromise(res)) { promise = Promise.resolve(res); } if (res === false) { return { then () {} } } } } return promise || { then (callback) { return callback(data) } } } function wrapperOptions (interceptor, options = {}) { ['success', 'fail', 'complete'].forEach(name => { if (Array.isArray(interceptor[name])) { const oldCallback = options[name]; options[name] = function callbackInterceptor (res) { queue(interceptor[name], res).then((res) => { /* eslint-disable no-mixed-operators */ return isFn(oldCallback) && oldCallback(res) || res }); }; } }); return options } function wrapperReturnValue (method, returnValue) { const returnValueHooks = []; if (Array.isArray(globalInterceptors.returnValue)) { returnValueHooks.push(...globalInterceptors.returnValue); } const interceptor = scopedInterceptors[method]; if (interceptor && Array.isArray(interceptor.returnValue)) { returnValueHooks.push(...interceptor.returnValue); } returnValueHooks.forEach(hook => { returnValue = hook(returnValue) || returnValue; }); return returnValue } function getApiInterceptorHooks (method) { const interceptor = Object.create(null); Object.keys(globalInterceptors).forEach(hook => { if (hook !== 'returnValue') { interceptor[hook] = globalInterceptors[hook].slice(); } }); const scopedInterceptor = scopedInterceptors[method]; if (scopedInterceptor) { Object.keys(scopedInterceptor).forEach(hook => { if (hook !== 'returnValue') { interceptor[hook] = (interceptor[hook] || []).concat(scopedInterceptor[hook]); } }); } return interceptor } function invokeApi (method, api, options, ...params) { const interceptor = getApiInterceptorHooks(method); if (interceptor && Object.keys(interceptor).length) { if (Array.isArray(interceptor.invoke)) { const res = queue(interceptor.invoke, options); return res.then((options) => { return api(wrapperOptions(interceptor, options), ...params) }) } else { return api(wrapperOptions(interceptor, options), ...params) } } return api(options, ...params) } const promiseInterceptor = { returnValue (res) { if (!isPromise(res)) { return res } return res.then(res => { return res[1] }).catch(res => { return res[0] }) } }; const SYNC_API_RE = /^\$|getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect|^report|interceptors|Interceptor$|getSubNVueById|requireNativePlugin|upx2px|hideKeyboard|canIUse|^create|Sync$|Manager$|base64ToArrayBuffer|arrayBufferToBase64/; const CONTEXT_API_RE = /^create|Manager$/; const TASK_APIS = ['request', 'downloadFile', 'uploadFile', 'connectSocket']; const CALLBACK_API_RE = /^on/; function isContextApi (name) { return CONTEXT_API_RE.test(name) } function isSyncApi (name) { return SYNC_API_RE.test(name) } function isCallbackApi (name) { return CALLBACK_API_RE.test(name) } function isTaskApi (name) { return TASK_APIS.indexOf(name) !== -1 } function handlePromise (promise) { return promise.then(data => { return [null, data] }) .catch(err => [err]) } function shouldPromise (name) { if ( isContextApi(name) || isSyncApi(name) || isCallbackApi(name) ) { return false } return true } function promisify (name, api) { if (!shouldPromise(name)) { return api } return function promiseApi (options = {}, ...params) { if (isFn(options.success) || isFn(options.fail) || isFn(options.complete)) { return wrapperReturnValue(name, invokeApi(name, api, options, ...params)) } return wrapperReturnValue(name, handlePromise(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { invokeApi(name, api, Object.assign({}, options, { success: resolve, fail: reject }), ...params); /* eslint-disable no-extend-native */ if (!Promise.prototype.finally) { Promise.prototype.finally = function (callback) { const promise = this.constructor; return this.then( value => promise.resolve(callback()).then(() => value), reason => promise.resolve(callback()).then(() => { throw reason }) ) }; } }))) } } const base64ToArrayBuffer$1 = [{ name: 'base64', type: String, required: true }]; const arrayBufferToBase64$1 = [{ name: 'arrayBuffer', type: [ArrayBuffer, Uint8Array], required: true }]; var require_context_module_0_0 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ base64ToArrayBuffer: base64ToArrayBuffer$1, arrayBufferToBase64: arrayBufferToBase64$1 }); const canIUse = [{ name: 'schema', type: String, required: true }]; var require_context_module_0_1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ canIUse: canIUse }); const $on = [{ name: 'event', type: [String, Array], required: true }, { name: 'callback', type: Function, required: true }]; const $once = $on; const $off = [{ name: 'event', type: [String, Array] }, { name: 'callback', type: Function }]; const $emit = [{ name: 'event', type: String, required: true }]; var require_context_module_0_2 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ $on: $on, $once: $once, $off: $off, $emit: $emit }); const addInterceptor$1 = [{ name: 'method', type: [String, Object], required: true }]; const removeInterceptor$1 = addInterceptor$1; var require_context_module_0_3 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ addInterceptor: addInterceptor$1, removeInterceptor: removeInterceptor$1 }); const upx2px = [{ name: 'upx', type: [Number, String], required: true }]; var require_context_module_0_4 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ upx2px: upx2px }); function getInt (method) { return function (value, params) { if (value) { params[method] = Math.round(value); } } } const canvasGetImageData = { canvasId: { type: String, required: true }, x: { type: Number, required: true, validator: getInt('x') }, y: { type: Number, required: true, validator: getInt('y') }, width: { type: Number, required: true, validator: getInt('width') }, height: { type: Number, required: true, validator: getInt('height') } }; const canvasPutImageData = { canvasId: { type: String, required: true }, data: { type: Uint8ClampedArray, required: true }, x: { type: Number, required: true, validator: getInt('x') }, y: { type: Number, required: true, validator: getInt('y') }, width: { type: Number, required: true, validator: getInt('width') }, height: { type: Number, validator: getInt('height') } }; const fileType = { PNG: 'png', JPG: 'jpeg' }; const canvasToTempFilePath = { x: { type: Number, default: 0, validator: getInt('x') }, y: { type: Number, default: 0, validator: getInt('y') }, width: { type: Number, validator: getInt('width') }, height: { type: Number, validator: getInt('height') }, destWidth: { type: Number, validator: getInt('destWidth') }, destHeight: { type: Number, validator: getInt('destHeight') }, canvasId: { type: String, require: true }, fileType: { type: String, validator (value, params) { value = (value || '').toUpperCase(); params.fileType = value in fileType ? fileType[value] : fileType.PNG; } }, quality: { type: Number, validator (value, params) { value = Math.floor(value); params.quality = value > 0 && value < 1 ? value : 1; } } }; const drawCanvas = { canvasId: { type: String, require: true }, actions: { type: Array, require: true }, reserve: { type: Boolean, default: false } }; var require_context_module_0_5 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ canvasGetImageData: canvasGetImageData, canvasPutImageData: canvasPutImageData, canvasToTempFilePath: canvasToTempFilePath, drawCanvas: drawCanvas }); const validator = [{ name: 'id', type: String, required: true }]; const createAudioContext = validator; const createVideoContext = validator; const createMapContext = validator; const createCanvasContext = [{ name: 'canvasId', type: String, required: true }, { name: 'componentInstance', type: Object }]; var require_context_module_0_6 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ createAudioContext: createAudioContext, createVideoContext: createVideoContext, createMapContext: createMapContext, createCanvasContext: createCanvasContext }); const makePhoneCall = { 'phoneNumber': { type: String, required: true, validator (phoneNumber) { if (!phoneNumber) { return `makePhoneCall:fail parameter error: parameter.phoneNumber should not be empty String;` } } } }; var require_context_module_0_7 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ makePhoneCall: makePhoneCall }); const openDocument = { filePath: { type: String, required: true }, fileType: { type: String } }; var require_context_module_0_8 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ openDocument: openDocument }); const chooseLocation = { keyword: { type: String } }; var require_context_module_0_9 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ chooseLocation: chooseLocation }); const type = { WGS84: 'WGS84', GCJ02: 'GCJ02' }; const getLocation = { type: { type: String, validator (value, params) { value = (value || '').toUpperCase(); params.type = Object.values(type).indexOf(value) < 0 ? type.WGS84 : value; }, default: type.WGS84 }, altitude: { altitude: Boolean, default: false } }; var require_context_module_0_10 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ getLocation: getLocation }); const openLocation = { latitude: { type: Number, required: true }, longitude: { type: Number, required: true }, scale: { type: Number, validator (value, params) { value = Math.floor(value); params.scale = value >= 5 && value <= 18 ? value : 18; }, default: 18 }, name: { type: String }, address: { type: String } }; var require_context_module_0_11 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ openLocation: openLocation }); const SIZE_TYPES = ['original', 'compressed']; const SOURCE_TYPES = ['album', 'camera']; const chooseImage = { 'count': { type: Number, required: false, default: 9, validator (count, params) { if (count <= 0) { params.count = 9; } } }, 'sizeType': { type: Array, required: false, default: SIZE_TYPES, validator (sizeType, params) { // 非必传的参数,不符合预期时处理为默认值。 const length = sizeType.length; if (!length) { params.sizeType = SIZE_TYPES; } else { for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (typeof sizeType[i] !== 'string' || !~SIZE_TYPES.indexOf(sizeType[i])) { params.sizeType = SIZE_TYPES; break } } } } }, 'sourceType': { type: Array, required: false, default: SOURCE_TYPES, validator (sourceType, params) { const length = sourceType.length; if (!length) { params.sourceType = SOURCE_TYPES; } else { for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (typeof sourceType[i] !== 'string' || !~SOURCE_TYPES.indexOf(sourceType[i])) { params.sourceType = SOURCE_TYPES; break } } } } } }; var require_context_module_0_12 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ chooseImage: chooseImage }); const SOURCE_TYPES$1 = ['album', 'camera']; const chooseVideo = { 'sourceType': { type: Array, required: false, default: SOURCE_TYPES$1, validator (sourceType, params) { const length = sourceType.length; if (!length) { params.sourceType = SOURCE_TYPES$1; } else { for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (typeof sourceType[i] !== 'string' || !~SOURCE_TYPES$1.indexOf(sourceType[i])) { params.sourceType = SOURCE_TYPES$1; break } } } } } }; var require_context_module_0_13 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ chooseVideo: chooseVideo }); function getRealRoute$1 (fromRoute, toRoute) { if (!toRoute) { toRoute = fromRoute; if (toRoute.indexOf('/') === 0) { return toRoute } const pages = getCurrentPages(); if (pages.length) { fromRoute = pages[pages.length - 1].$page.route; } else { fromRoute = ''; } } else { if (toRoute.indexOf('/') === 0) { return toRoute } } if (toRoute.indexOf('./') === 0) { return getRealRoute$1(fromRoute, toRoute.substr(2)) } const toRouteArray = toRoute.split('/'); const toRouteLength = toRouteArray.length; let i = 0; for (; i < toRouteLength && toRouteArray[i] === '..'; i++) { // noop } toRouteArray.splice(0, i); toRoute = toRouteArray.join('/'); const fromRouteArray = fromRoute.length > 0 ? fromRoute.split('/') : []; fromRouteArray.splice(fromRouteArray.length - i - 1, i + 1); return '/' + fromRouteArray.concat(toRouteArray).join('/') } const SCHEME_RE = /^([a-z-]+:)?\/\//i; const DATA_RE = /^data:.*,.*/; function addBase (filePath) { return filePath } function getRealPath$1 (filePath) { if (filePath.indexOf('/') === 0) { if (filePath.indexOf('//') === 0) { filePath = 'https:' + filePath; } else { return addBase(filePath.substr(1)) } } // 网络资源或base64 if (SCHEME_RE.test(filePath) || DATA_RE.test(filePath) || filePath.indexOf('blob:') === 0) { return filePath } const pages = getCurrentPages(); if (pages.length) { return addBase(getRealRoute$1(pages[pages.length - 1].$page.route, filePath).substr(1)) } return filePath } const getImageInfo = { 'src': { type: String, required: true, validator (src, params) { params.src = getRealPath$1(src); } } }; var require_context_module_0_14 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ getImageInfo: getImageInfo }); const previewImage = { urls: { type: Array, required: true, validator (value, params) { var typeError; params.urls = value.map(url => { if (typeof url === 'string') { return getRealPath$1(url) } else { typeError = true; } }); if (typeError) { return 'url is not string' } } }, current: { type: [String, Number], validator (value, params) { if (typeof value === 'number') { params.current = value > 0 && value < params.urls.length ? value : 0; } else if (typeof value === 'string' && value) { params.current = getRealPath$1(value); } }, default: 0 } }; var require_context_module_0_15 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ previewImage: previewImage }); const downloadFile = { url: { type: String, required: true }, header: { type: Object, validator (value, params) { params.header = value || {}; } } }; var require_context_module_0_16 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ downloadFile: downloadFile }); const method = { OPTIONS: 'OPTIONS', GET: 'GET', HEAD: 'HEAD', POST: 'POST', PUT: 'PUT', DELETE: 'DELETE', TRACE: 'TRACE', CONNECT: 'CONNECT' }; const dataType = { JSON: 'json' }; const responseType = { TEXT: 'text', ARRAYBUFFER: 'arraybuffer' }; const encode = encodeURIComponent; function stringifyQuery (url, data) { let str = url.split('#'); const hash = str[1] || ''; str = str[0].split('?'); let query = str[1] || ''; url = str[0]; const search = query.split('&').filter(item => item); query = {}; search.forEach(item => { item = item.split('='); query[item[0]] = item[1]; }); for (let key in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (isPlainObject(data[key])) { query[encode(key)] = encode(JSON.stringify(data[key])); } else { query[encode(key)] = encode(data[key]); } } } query = Object.keys(query).map(item => `${item}=${query[item]}`).join('&'); return url + (query ? '?' + query : '') + (hash ? '#' + hash : '') } const request = { method: { type: String, validator (value, params) { value = (value || '').toUpperCase(); params.method = Object.values(method).indexOf(value) < 0 ? method.GET : value; } }, data: { type: [Object, String, ArrayBuffer], validator (value, params) { params.data = value || ''; } }, url: { type: String, required: true, validator (value, params) { if ( params.method === method.GET && isPlainObject(params.data) && Object.keys(params.data).length ) { // 将 method,data 校验提前,保证 url 校验时,method,data 已被格式化 params.url = stringifyQuery(value, params.data); } } }, header: { type: Object, validator (value, params) { params.header = value || {}; params.header['content-type'] = params.header['content-type'] || 'application/json'; } }, dataType: { type: String, validator (value, params) { params.dataType = (value || dataType.JSON).toLowerCase(); } }, responseType: { type: String, validator (value, params) { value = (value || '').toLowerCase(); params.responseType = Object.values(responseType).indexOf(value) < 0 ? responseType.TEXT : value; } } }; var require_context_module_0_17 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ request: request }); const method$1 = { OPTIONS: 'OPTIONS', GET: 'GET', HEAD: 'HEAD', POST: 'POST', PUT: 'PUT', DELETE: 'DELETE', TRACE: 'TRACE', CONNECT: 'CONNECT' }; const connectSocket = { url: { type: String, required: true }, header: { type: Object, validator (value, params) { params.header = value || {}; } }, method: { type: String, validator (value, params) { value = (value || '').toUpperCase(); params.method = Object.values(method$1).indexOf(value) < 0 ? method$1.GET : value; } }, protocols: { type: Array, validator (value, params) { params.protocols = (value || []).filter(str => typeof str === 'string'); } } }; const sendSocketMessage = { data: { type: [String, ArrayBuffer] } }; const closeSocket = { code: { type: Number }, reason: { type: String } }; var require_context_module_0_18 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ connectSocket: connectSocket, sendSocketMessage: sendSocketMessage, closeSocket: closeSocket }); const uploadFile = { url: { type: String, required: true }, filePath: { type: String, required: true, validator (value, params) { params.type = getRealPath$1(value); } }, name: { type: String, required: true }, header: { type: Object, validator (value, params) { params.header = value || {}; } }, formData: { type: Object, validator (value, params) { params.formData = value || {}; } } }; var require_context_module_0_19 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ uploadFile: uploadFile }); const service = { OAUTH: 'OAUTH', SHARE: 'SHARE', PAYMENT: 'PAYMENT', PUSH: 'PUSH' }; const getProvider = { service: { type: String, required: true, validator (value, params) { value = (value || '').toUpperCase(); if (value && Object.values(service).indexOf(value) < 0) { return 'service error' } } } }; var require_context_module_0_20 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ getProvider: getProvider }); function encodeQueryString (url) { if (typeof url !== 'string') { return url } const index = url.indexOf('?'); if (index === -1) { return url } const query = url.substr(index + 1).trim().replace(/^(\?|#|&)/, ''); if (!query) { return url } url = url.substr(0, index); const params = []; query.split('&').forEach(param => { const parts = param.replace(/\+/g, ' ').split('='); const key = parts.shift(); const val = parts.length > 0 ? parts.join('=') : ''; params.push(key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val)); }); return params.length ? url + '?' + params.join('&') : url } function createValidator (type) { return function validator (url, params) { // 格式化为绝对路径路由 url = getRealRoute$1(url); const pagePath = url.split('?')[0]; // 匹配路由是否存在 const routeOptions = __uniRoutes.find(({ path, alias }) => path === pagePath || alias === pagePath); if (!routeOptions) { return 'page `' + url + '` is not found' } // 检测不同类型跳转 if (type === 'navigateTo' || type === 'redirectTo') { if (routeOptions.meta.isTabBar) { return `can not ${type} a tabbar page` } } else if (type === 'switchTab') { if (!routeOptions.meta.isTabBar) { return 'can not switch to no-tabBar page' } } // tabBar不允许传递参数 if (routeOptions.meta.isTabBar) { url = pagePath; } // 首页自动格式化为`/` if (routeOptions.meta.isEntry) { url = url.replace(routeOptions.alias, '/'); } // 参数格式化 params.url = encodeQueryString(url); } } function createProtocol (type, extras = {}) { return Object.assign({ url: { type: String, required: true, validator: createValidator(type) } }, extras) } function createAnimationProtocol (animationTypes) { return { animationType: { type: String, validator (type) { if (type && animationTypes.indexOf(type) === -1) { return '`' + type + '` is not supported for `animationType` (supported values are: `' + animationTypes.join( '`|`') + '`)' } } }, animationDuration: { type: Number } } } const redirectTo = createProtocol('redirectTo'); const reLaunch = createProtocol('reLaunch'); const navigateTo = createProtocol('navigateTo', createAnimationProtocol( [ 'slide-in-right', 'slide-in-left', 'slide-in-top', 'slide-in-bottom', 'fade-in', 'zoom-out', 'zoom-fade-out', 'pop-in', 'none' ] )); const switchTab = createProtocol('switchTab'); const navigateBack = Object.assign({ delta: { type: Number, validator (delta, params) { delta = parseInt(delta) || 1; params.delta = Math.min(getCurrentPages().length - 1, delta); } } }, createAnimationProtocol( [ 'slide-out-right', 'slide-out-left', 'slide-out-top', 'slide-out-bottom', 'fade-out', 'zoom-in', 'zoom-fade-in', 'pop-out', 'none' ] )); var require_context_module_0_21 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ redirectTo: redirectTo, reLaunch: reLaunch, navigateTo: navigateTo, switchTab: switchTab, navigateBack: navigateBack }); const getStorage = { 'key': { type: String, required: true } }; const getStorageSync = [{ name: 'key', type: String, required: true }]; const setStorage = { 'key': { type: String, required: true }, 'data': { required: true } }; const setStorageSync = [{ name: 'key', type: String, required: true }, { name: 'data', required: true }]; const removeStorage = getStorage; const removeStorageSync = getStorageSync; var require_context_module_0_22 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ getStorage: getStorage, getStorageSync: getStorageSync, setStorage: setStorage, setStorageSync: setStorageSync, removeStorage: removeStorage, removeStorageSync: removeStorageSync }); const FRONT_COLORS = ['#ffffff', '#000000']; const setNavigationBarColor = { 'frontColor': { type: String, required: true, validator (frontColor, params) { if (FRONT_COLORS.indexOf(frontColor) === -1) { return `invalid frontColor "${frontColor}"` } } }, 'backgroundColor': { type: String, required: true }, 'animation': { type: Object, default () { return { duration: 0, timingFunc: 'linear' } }, validator (animation = {}, params) { params.animation = { duration: animation.duration || 0, timingFunc: animation.timingFunc || 'linear' }; } } }; const setNavigationBarTitle = { 'title': { type: String, required: true } }; var require_context_module_0_23 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ setNavigationBarColor: setNavigationBarColor, setNavigationBarTitle: setNavigationBarTitle }); const pageScrollTo = { scrollTop: { type: Number, required: true }, duration: { type: Number, default: 300, validator (duration, params) { params.duration = Math.max(0, duration); } } }; var require_context_module_0_24 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ pageScrollTo: pageScrollTo }); const showModal = { title: { type: String, default: '' }, content: { type: String, default: '' }, showCancel: { type: Boolean, default: true }, cancelText: { type: String, default: '取消' }, cancelColor: { type: String, default: '#000000' }, confirmText: { type: String, default: '确定' }, confirmColor: { type: String, default: '#007aff' }, visible: { type: Boolean, default: true } }; const showToast = { title: { type: String, default: '' }, icon: { default: 'success', validator (icon, params) { if (['success', 'loading', 'none'].indexOf(icon) === -1) { params.icon = 'success'; } } }, image: { type: String, default: '', validator (image, params) { if (image) { params.image = getRealPath$1(image); } } }, duration: { type: Number, default: 1500 }, mask: { type: Boolean, default: false }, visible: { type: Boolean, default: true } }; const showLoading = { title: { type: String, default: '' }, icon: { type: String, default: 'loading' }, duration: { type: Number, default: 100000000 // 简单处理 showLoading,直接设置个大值 }, mask: { type: Boolean, default: false }, visible: { type: Boolean, default: true } }; const showActionSheet = { itemList: { type: Array, required: true, validator (itemList, params) { if (!itemList.length) { return 'parameter.itemList should have at least 1 item' } } }, itemColor: { type: String, default: '#000000' }, visible: { type: Boolean, default: true } }; var require_context_module_0_25 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ showModal: showModal, showToast: showToast, showLoading: showLoading, showActionSheet: showActionSheet }); const indexValidator = { type: Number, required: true }; const setTabBarItem$1 = { index: indexValidator, text: { type: String }, iconPath: { type: String }, selectedIconPath: { type: String } }; const setTabBarStyle$1 = { color: { type: String }, selectedColor: { type: String }, backgroundColor: { type: String }, borderStyle: { type: String, validator (borderStyle, params) { if (borderStyle) { params.borderStyle = borderStyle === 'black' ? 'black' : 'white'; } } } }; const hideTabBar$1 = { animation: { type: Boolean, default: false } }; const showTabBar$1 = { animation: { type: Boolean, default: false } }; const hideTabBarRedDot = { index: indexValidator }; const showTabBarRedDot = { index: indexValidator }; const removeTabBarBadge = { index: indexValidator }; const setTabBarBadge$1 = { index: indexValidator, text: { type: String, required: true, validator (text, params) { if (getLen(text) >= 4) { params.text = '...'; } } } }; var require_context_module_0_26 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ setTabBarItem: setTabBarItem$1, setTabBarStyle: setTabBarStyle$1, hideTabBar: hideTabBar$1, showTabBar: showTabBar$1, hideTabBarRedDot: hideTabBarRedDot, showTabBarRedDot: showTabBarRedDot, removeTabBarBadge: removeTabBarBadge, setTabBarBadge: setTabBarBadge$1 }); const protocol = Object.create(null); const modules = (function() { var map = { './base/base64.js': require_context_module_0_0, './base/can-i-use.js': require_context_module_0_1, './base/event-bus.js': require_context_module_0_2, './base/interceptor.js': require_context_module_0_3, './base/upx2px.js': require_context_module_0_4, './context/canvas.js': require_context_module_0_5, './context/context.js': require_context_module_0_6, './device/make-phone-call.js': require_context_module_0_7, './file/open-document.js': require_context_module_0_8, './location/choose-location.js': require_context_module_0_9, './location/get-location.js': require_context_module_0_10, './location/open-location.js': require_context_module_0_11, './media/choose-image.js': require_context_module_0_12, './media/choose-video.js': require_context_module_0_13, './media/get-image-info.js': require_context_module_0_14, './media/preview-image.js': require_context_module_0_15, './network/download-file.js': require_context_module_0_16, './network/request.js': require_context_module_0_17, './network/socket.js': require_context_module_0_18, './network/upload-file.js': require_context_module_0_19, './plugin/get-provider.js': require_context_module_0_20, './route/route.js': require_context_module_0_21, './storage/storage.js': require_context_module_0_22, './ui/navigation-bar.js': require_context_module_0_23, './ui/page-scroll-to.js': require_context_module_0_24, './ui/popup.js': require_context_module_0_25, './ui/tab-bar.js': require_context_module_0_26, }; var req = function req(key) { return map[key] || (function() { throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + key + "'.") }()); }; req.keys = function() { return Object.keys(map); }; return req; })(); modules.keys().forEach(function (key) { Object.assign(protocol, modules(key)); }); function validateParam (key, paramTypes, paramsData) { const paramOptions = paramTypes[key]; const absent = !hasOwn(paramsData, key); let value = paramsData[key]; const booleanIndex = getTypeIndex(Boolean, paramOptions.type); if (booleanIndex > -1) { if (absent && !hasOwn(paramOptions, 'default')) { value = false; } } if (value === undefined) { if (hasOwn(paramOptions, 'default')) { const paramDefault = paramOptions['default']; value = isFn(paramDefault) ? paramDefault() : paramDefault; paramsData[key] = value; // 默认值 } } return assertParam(paramOptions, key, value, absent, paramsData) } function assertParam ( paramOptions, name, value, absent, paramsData ) { if (paramOptions.required && absent) { return `Missing required parameter \`${name}\`` } if (value == null && !paramOptions.required) { const validator = paramOptions.validator; if (validator) { return validator(value, paramsData) } return } let type = paramOptions.type; let valid = !type || type === true; const expectedTypes = []; if (type) { if (!Array.isArray(type)) { type = [type]; } for (let i = 0; i < type.length && !valid; i++) { const assertedType = assertType(value, type[i]); expectedTypes.push(assertedType.expectedType || ''); valid = assertedType.valid; } } if (!valid) { return getInvalidTypeMessage(name, value, expectedTypes) } const validator = paramOptions.validator; if (validator) { return validator(value, paramsData) } } const simpleCheckRE = /^(String|Number|Boolean|Function|Symbol)$/; function assertType (value, type) { let valid; const expectedType = getType(type); if (simpleCheckRE.test(expectedType)) { const t = typeof value; valid = t === expectedType.toLowerCase(); if (!valid && t === 'object') { valid = value instanceof type; } } else if (expectedType === 'Object') { valid = isPlainObject(value); } else if (expectedType === 'Array') { valid = Array.isArray(value); } else { valid = value instanceof type; } return { valid, expectedType } } function getType (fn) { const match = fn && fn.toString().match(/^\s*function (\w+)/); return match ? match[1] : '' } function isSameType (a, b) { return getType(a) === getType(b) } function getTypeIndex (type, expectedTypes) { if (!Array.isArray(expectedTypes)) { return isSameType(expectedTypes, type) ? 0 : -1 } for (let i = 0, len = expectedTypes.length; i < len; i++) { if (isSameType(expectedTypes[i], type)) { return i } } return -1 } function getInvalidTypeMessage (name, value, expectedTypes) { let message = `parameter \`${name}\`.` + ` Expected ${expectedTypes.join(', ')}`; const expectedType = expectedTypes[0]; const receivedType = toRawType(value); const expectedValue = styleValue(value, expectedType); const receivedValue = styleValue(value, receivedType); if (expectedTypes.length === 1 && isExplicable(expectedType) && !isBoolean(expectedType, receivedType)) { message += ` with value ${expectedValue}`; } message += `, got ${receivedType} `; if (isExplicable(receivedType)) { message += `with value ${receivedValue}.`; } return message } function styleValue (value, type) { if (type === 'String') { return `"${value}"` } else if (type === 'Number') { return `${Number(value)}` } else { return `${value}` } } const explicitTypes = ['string', 'number', 'boolean']; function isExplicable (value) { return explicitTypes.some(elem => value.toLowerCase() === elem) } function isBoolean (...args) { return args.some(elem => elem.toLowerCase() === 'boolean') } function invokeCallbackHandlerFail (err, apiName, callbackId) { const errMsg = `${apiName}:fail ${err}`; console.error(errMsg); if (callbackId === -1) { throw new Error(errMsg) } if (typeof callbackId === 'number') { invokeCallbackHandler(callbackId, { errMsg }); } return false } const callbackApiParamTypes = [{ name: 'callback', type: Function, required: true }]; function validateParams (apiName, paramsData, callbackId) { let paramTypes = protocol[apiName]; if (!paramTypes && isCallbackApi(apiName)) { paramTypes = callbackApiParamTypes; } if (paramTypes) { if (Array.isArray(paramTypes) && Array.isArray(paramsData)) { const paramTypeObj = Object.create(null); const paramsDataObj = Object.create(null); const paramsDataLength = paramsData.length; paramTypes.forEach((paramType, index) => { paramTypeObj[paramType.name] = paramType; if (paramsDataLength > index) { paramsDataObj[paramType.name] = paramsData[index]; } }); paramTypes = paramTypeObj; paramsData = paramsDataObj; } if (isFn(paramTypes.beforeValidate)) { const err = paramTypes.beforeValidate(paramsData); if (err) { return invokeCallbackHandlerFail(err, apiName, callbackId) } } const keys = Object.keys(paramTypes); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (keys[i] === 'beforeValidate') { continue } const err = validateParam(keys[i], paramTypes, paramsData); if (err) { return invokeCallbackHandlerFail(err, apiName, callbackId) } } } return true } let invokeCallbackId = 1; const invokeCallbacks = {}; function createKeepAliveApiCallback (apiName, callback) { const callbackId = invokeCallbackId++; const invokeCallbackName = 'api.' + apiName + '.' + callbackId; const invokeCallback = function (res) { callback(res); }; invokeCallbacks[callbackId] = { name: invokeCallbackName, keepAlive: true, callback: invokeCallback }; return callbackId } function createApiCallback (apiName, params = {}, extras = {}) { if (!isPlainObject(params)) { return { params } } params = Object.assign({}, params); const apiCallbacks = {}; for (let name in params) { const param = params[name]; if (isFn(param)) { apiCallbacks[name] = tryCatch(param); delete params[name]; } } const { success, fail, cancel, complete } = apiCallbacks; const hasSuccess = isFn(success); const hasFail = isFn(fail); const hasCancel = isFn(cancel); const hasComplete = isFn(complete); if (!hasSuccess && !hasFail && !hasCancel && !hasComplete) { // 无回调 return { params } } const wrapperCallbacks = {}; for (let name in extras) { const extra = extras[name]; if (isFn(extra)) { wrapperCallbacks[name] = tryCatchFramework(extra); delete extras[name]; } } const { beforeSuccess, afterSuccess, beforeFail, afterFail, beforeCancel, afterCancel, afterAll } = wrapperCallbacks; const callbackId = invokeCallbackId++; const invokeCallbackName = 'api.' + apiName + '.' + callbackId; const invokeCallback = function (res) { res.errMsg = res.errMsg || apiName + ':ok'; // 部分 api 可能返回的 errMsg 的 api 名称部分不一致,格式化为正确的 if (res.errMsg.indexOf(':ok') !== -1) { res.errMsg = apiName + ':ok'; } else if (res.errMsg.indexOf(':cancel') !== -1) { res.errMsg = apiName + ':cancel'; } else if (res.errMsg.indexOf(':fail') !== -1) { res.errMsg = apiName + ':fail'; } const errMsg = res.errMsg; if (errMsg.indexOf(apiName + ':ok') === 0) { isFn(beforeSuccess) && beforeSuccess(res); hasSuccess && success(res); isFn(afterSuccess) && afterSuccess(res); } else if (errMsg.indexOf(apiName + ':cancel') === 0) { res.errMsg = res.errMsg.replace(apiName + ':cancel', apiName + ':fail cancel'); hasFail && fail(res); isFn(beforeCancel) && beforeCancel(res); hasCancel && cancel(res); isFn(afterCancel) && afterCancel(res); } else if (errMsg.indexOf(apiName + ':fail') === 0) { isFn(beforeFail) && beforeFail(res); hasFail && fail(res); isFn(afterFail) && afterFail(res); } hasComplete && complete(res); isFn(afterAll) && afterAll(res); }; invokeCallbacks[callbackId] = { name: invokeCallbackName, callback: invokeCallback }; return { params, callbackId } } function createInvokeCallback (apiName, params = {}, extras = {}) { const { params: args, callbackId } = createApiCallback(apiName, params, extras); if (isPlainObject(args) && !validateParams(apiName, args, callbackId)) { return { params: args, callbackId: false } } return { params: args, callbackId } } function invokeCallbackHandler (invokeCallbackId, res) { if (typeof invokeCallbackId === 'number') { const invokeCallback = invokeCallbacks[invokeCallbackId]; if (invokeCallback) { if (!invokeCallback.keepAlive) { delete invokeCallbacks[invokeCallbackId]; } return invokeCallback.callback(res) } } return res } function wrapperUnimplemented (name) { return function todo (args) { console.error('API `' + name + '` is not yet implemented'); } } function wrapper (name, invokeMethod, extras) { if (!isFn(invokeMethod)) { return invokeMethod } return function (...args) { if (isSyncApi(name)) { if (validateParams(name, args, -1)) { return invokeMethod.apply(null, args) } } else if (isCallbackApi(name)) { if (validateParams(name, args, -1)) { return invokeMethod(createKeepAliveApiCallback(name, args[0])) } } else { let argsObj = {}; if (args.length) { argsObj = args[0]; } const { params, callbackId } = createInvokeCallback(name, argsObj, extras); if (callbackId !== false) { let res; if (isFn(params)) { res = invokeMethod(callbackId); } else { res = invokeMethod(params, callbackId); } if (res && !isTaskApi(name)) { res = invokeCallbackHandler(callbackId, res); if (isPlainObject(res)) { res.errMsg = res.errMsg || name + ':ok'; } } return res } } } } function base64ToArrayBuffer$2 (str) { return base64Arraybuffer_2(str) } function arrayBufferToBase64$2 (buffer) { return base64Arraybuffer_1(buffer) } var require_context_module_1_0 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ base64ToArrayBuffer: base64ToArrayBuffer$2, arrayBufferToBase64: arrayBufferToBase64$2 }); var platformSchema = {}; // TODO 待处理其他 API 的检测 function canIUse$1 (schema) { if (hasOwn(platformSchema, schema)) { return platformSchema[schema] } return true } var require_context_module_1_1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ canIUse: canIUse$1 }); const interceptors = { promiseInterceptor }; var require_context_module_1_2 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ interceptors: interceptors, addInterceptor: addInterceptor, removeInterceptor: removeInterceptor }); const EPS = 1e-4; const BASE_DEVICE_WIDTH = 750; let isIOS = false; let deviceWidth = 0; let deviceDPR = 0; function checkDeviceWidth () { const { platform, pixelRatio, windowWidth } = uni.getSystemInfoSync(); deviceWidth = windowWidth; deviceDPR = pixelRatio; isIOS = platform === 'ios'; } function upx2px$1 (number, newDeviceWidth) { if (deviceWidth === 0) { checkDeviceWidth(); } number = Number(number); if (number === 0) { return 0 } let result = (number / BASE_DEVICE_WIDTH) * (newDeviceWidth || deviceWidth); if (result < 0) { result = -result; } result = Math.floor(result + EPS); if (result === 0) { if (deviceDPR === 1 || !isIOS) { return 1 } else { return 0.5 } } return number < 0 ? -result : result } var require_context_module_1_3 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ upx2px: upx2px$1 }); let audios = {}; const evts = ['play', 'canplay', 'ended', 'stop', 'waiting', 'seeking', 'seeked', 'pause']; const publishAudioStateChange = (state, res = {}) => publish('onAudioStateChange', Object.assign({ state }, res)); const initStateChage = audioId => { const audio = audios[audioId]; if (!audio) { return } if (!audio.initStateChage) { audio.initStateChage = true; audio.addEventListener('error', error => { publishAudioStateChange('error', { audioId, errMsg: 'MediaError', errCode: error.code }); }); evts.forEach(event => { audio.addEventListener(event, () => { // 添加 isStopped 属性是为了解决 安卓设备停止播放后获取播放进度不正确的问题 if (event === 'play') { audio.isStopped = false; } else if (event === 'stop') { audio.isStopped = true; } publishAudioStateChange(event, { audioId }); }); }); } }; function createAudioInstance () { const audioId = `${Date.now()}${Math.random()}`; const audio = audios[audioId] = plus.audio.createPlayer(''); audio.src = ''; audio.volume = 1; audio.startTime = 0; return { errMsg: 'createAudioInstance:ok', audioId } } function destroyAudioInstance ({ audioId }) { if (audios[audioId]) { audios[audioId].close(); delete audios[audioId]; } return { errMsg: 'destroyAudioInstance:ok', audioId } } function setAudioState ({ audioId, src, startTime, autoplay = false, loop = false, obeyMuteSwitch, volume }) { const audio = audios[audioId]; if (audio) { let style = { loop, autoplay }; if (src) { audio.src = style.src = getRealPath(src); } if (startTime) { audio.startTime = style.startTime = startTime; } if (typeof volume === 'number') { audio.volume = style.volume = volume; } audio.setStyles(style); initStateChage(audioId); } return { errMsg: 'setAudioState:ok' } } function getAudioState ({ audioId }) { const audio = audios[audioId]; if (!audio) { return { errMsg: 'getAudioState:fail' } } let { src, startTime, volume } = audio; return { errMsg: 'getAudioState:ok', duration: 1e3 * (audio.getDuration() || 0), currentTime: audio.isStopped ? 0 : 1e3 * audio.getPosition(), paused: audio.isPaused, src, volume, startTime: 1e3 * startTime, buffered: 1e3 * audio.getBuffered() } } function operateAudio ({ operationType, audioId, currentTime }) { const audio = audios[audioId]; const operationTypes = ['play', 'pause', 'stop']; if (operationTypes.indexOf(operationType) >= 0) { audio[operationType === operationTypes[0] && audio.isPaused ? 'resume' : operationType](); } else if (operationType === 'seek') { audio.seekTo(currentTime / 1e3); } return { errMsg: 'operateAudio:ok' } } let audio; const publishBackgroundAudioStateChange = (state, res = {}) => publish('onBackgroundAudioStateChange', Object.assign({ state }, res)); const events = ['play', 'pause', 'ended', 'stop']; function initMusic () { if (audio) { return } audio = plus.audio.createPlayer({ autoplay: true, backgroundControl: true }); audio.src = audio.title = audio.epname = audio.singer = audio.coverImgUrl = audio.webUrl = ''; audio.startTime = 0; events.forEach(event => { audio.addEventListener(event, () => { // 添加 isStopped 属性是为了解决 安卓设备停止播放后获取播放进度不正确的问题 if (event === 'play') { audio.isStopped = false; } else if (event === 'stop') { audio.isStopped = true; } const eventName = `onMusic${event[0].toUpperCase() + event.substr(1)}`; publish(eventName, { dataUrl: audio.src, errMsg: `${eventName}:ok` }); publishBackgroundAudioStateChange(event, { dataUrl: audio.src }); }); }); audio.addEventListener('waiting', () => { publishBackgroundAudioStateChange('waiting', { dataUrl: audio.src }); }); audio.addEventListener('error', err => { publish('onMusicError', { dataUrl: audio.src, errMsg: 'Error:' + err.message }); publishBackgroundAudioStateChange('error', { dataUrl: audio.src, errMsg: err.message, errCode: err.code }); }); audio.addEventListener('prev', () => publish('onBackgroundAudioPrev')); audio.addEventListener('next', () => publish('onBackgroundAudioNext')); } function setMusicState (args) { initMusic(); const props = ['src', 'startTime', 'coverImgUrl', 'webUrl', 'singer', 'epname', 'title']; const style = {}; Object.keys(args).forEach(key => { if (props.indexOf(key) >= 0) { let val = args[key]; if (key === props[0] && val) { val = getRealPath(val); } audio[key] = style[key] = val; } }); audio.setStyles(style); } function getAudio () { return audio } function getMusicPlayerState () { const audio = getAudio(); if (audio) { return { dataUrl: audio.src, duration: audio.getDuration() || 0, currentPosition: audio.getPosition(), status: audio.isPaused ? 0 : 1, downloadPercent: Math.round(100 * audio.getBuffered() / audio.getDuration()), errMsg: `getMusicPlayerState:ok` } } return { status: 2, errMsg: `getMusicPlayerState:ok` } } function operateMusicPlayer ({ operationType, dataUrl, position, api = 'operateMusicPlayer', title, coverImgUrl }) { const audio = getAudio(); var operationTypes = ['resume', 'pause', 'stop']; if (operationTypes.indexOf(operationType) > 0) { audio && audio[operationType](); } else if (operationType === 'play') { setMusicState({ src: dataUrl, startTime: position, title, coverImgUrl }); audio.play(); } else if (operationType === 'seek') { audio && audio.seekTo(position); } return { errMsg: `${api}:ok` } } function setBackgroundAudioState (args) { setMusicState(args); return { errMsg: `setBackgroundAudioState:ok` } } function operateBackgroundAudio ({ operationType, src, startTime, currentTime }) { return operateMusicPlayer({ operationType, dataUrl: src, position: startTime || currentTime || 0, api: 'operateBackgroundAudio' }) } function getBackgroundAudioState () { let data = { duration: 0, currentTime: 0, paused: false, src: '', buffered: 0, title: '', epname: '', singer: '', coverImgUrl: '', webUrl: '', startTime: 0, errMsg: `getBackgroundAudioState:ok` }; const audio = getAudio(); if (audio) { let newData = { duration: audio.getDuration() || 0, currentTime: audio.isStopped ? 0 : audio.getPosition(), paused: audio.isPaused, src: audio.src, buffered: audio.getBuffered(), title: audio.title, epname: audio.epname, singer: audio.singer, coverImgUrl: audio.coverImgUrl, webUrl: audio.webUrl, startTime: audio.startTime }; data = Object.assign(data, newData); } return data } const DEVICE_FREQUENCY = 200; const NETWORK_TYPES$1 = ['unknown', 'none', 'ethernet', 'wifi', '2g', '3g', '4g']; const MAP_ID = '__UNIAPP_MAP'; const TEMP_PATH_BASE = '_doc/uniapp_temp'; const TEMP_PATH = `${TEMP_PATH_BASE}_${Date.now()}`; let watchAccelerationId = false; let isWatchAcceleration = false; const clearWatchAcceleration = () => { if (watchAccelerationId) { plus.accelerometer.clearWatch(watchAccelerationId); watchAccelerationId = false; } }; function enableAccelerometer ({ enable }) { if (enable) { // 启用监听 clearWatchAcceleration(); watchAccelerationId = plus.accelerometer.watchAcceleration((res) => { publish('onAccelerometerChange', { x: res.xAxis, y: res.yAxis, z: res.zAxis, errMsg: 'enableAccelerometer:ok' }); }, (e) => { publish('onAccelerometerChange', { errMsg: 'enableAccelerometer:fail' }); }, { frequency: DEVICE_FREQUENCY }); if (!isWatchAcceleration) { isWatchAcceleration = true; const webview = getLastWebview(); if (webview) { webview.addEventListener('close', clearWatchAcceleration); } } } else { clearWatchAcceleration(); } return { errMsg: 'enableAccelerometer:ok' } } function addPhoneContact ({ photoFilePath = '', nickName, lastName, middleName, firstName, remark, mobilePhoneNumber, weChatNumber, addressCountry, addressState, addressCity, addressStreet, addressPostalCode, organization, title, workFaxNumber, workPhoneNumber, hostNumber, email, url, workAddressCountry, workAddressState, workAddressCity, workAddressStreet, workAddressPostalCode, homeFaxNumber, homePhoneNumber, homeAddressCountry, homeAddressState, homeAddressCity, homeAddressStreet, homeAddressPostalCode } = {}, callbackId) { plus.contacts.getAddressBook(plus.contacts.ADDRESSBOOK_PHONE, (addressbook) => { const contact = addressbook.create(); const name = {}; if (lastName) { name.familyName = lastName; } if (firstName) { name.givenName = firstName; } if (middleName) { name.middleName = middleName; } contact.name = name; if (nickName) { contact.nickname = nickName; } if (photoFilePath) { contact.photos = [{ type: 'url', value: photoFilePath }]; } if (remark) { contact.note = remark; } const mobilePhone = { type: 'mobile' }; const workPhone = { type: 'work' }; const companyPhone = { type: 'company' }; const homeFax = { type: 'home fax' }; const workFax = { type: 'work fax' }; if (mobilePhoneNumber) { mobilePhone.value = mobilePhoneNumber; } if (workPhoneNumber) { workPhone.value = workPhoneNumber; } if (hostNumber) { companyPhone.value = hostNumber; } if (homeFaxNumber) { homeFax.value = homeFaxNumber; } if (workFaxNumber) { workFax.value = workFaxNumber; } contact.phoneNumbers = [mobilePhone, workPhone, companyPhone, homeFax, workFax]; if (email) { contact.emails = [{ type: 'home', value: email }]; } if (url) { contact.urls = [{ type: 'other', value: url }]; } if (weChatNumber) { contact.ims = [{ type: 'other', value: weChatNumber }]; } const defaultAddress = { type: 'other', preferred: true }; const homeAddress = { type: 'home' }; const companyAddress = { type: 'company' }; if (addressCountry) { defaultAddress.country = addressCountry; } if (addressState) { defaultAddress.region = addressState; } if (addressCity) { defaultAddress.locality = addressCity; } if (addressStreet) { defaultAddress.streetAddress = addressStreet; } if (addressPostalCode) { defaultAddress.postalCode = addressPostalCode; } if (homeAddressCountry) { homeAddress.country = homeAddressCountry; } if (homeAddressState) { homeAddress.region = homeAddressState; } if (homeAddressCity) { homeAddress.locality = homeAddressCity; } if (homeAddressStreet) { homeAddress.streetAddress = homeAddressStreet; } if (homeAddressPostalCode) { homeAddress.postalCode = homeAddressPostalCode; } if (workAddressCountry) { companyAddress.country = workAddressCountry; } if (workAddressState) { companyAddress.region = workAddressState; } if (workAddressCity) { companyAddress.locality = workAddressCity; } if (workAddressStreet) { companyAddress.streetAddress = workAddressStreet; } if (workAddressPostalCode) { companyAddress.postalCode = workAddressPostalCode; } contact.addresses = [defaultAddress, homeAddress, companyAddress]; contact.save(() => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'addPhoneContact:ok' }); }, (e) => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'addPhoneContact:fail' }); }); }, (e) => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'addPhoneContact:fail' }); }); } /** * 执行蓝牙相关方法 */ function bluetoothExec (method, callbackId, data = {}) { var deviceId = data.deviceId; if (deviceId) { data.deviceId = deviceId.toUpperCase(); } var serviceId = data.serviceId; if (serviceId) { data.serviceId = serviceId.toUpperCase(); } plus.bluetooth[method.replace('Changed', 'Change')](Object.assign(data, { success (data) { invoke(callbackId, Object.assign({}, pack(data), { errMsg: `${method}:ok`, code: undefined, message: undefined })); }, fail (error = {}) { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: `${method}:fail ${error.message || ''}`, errCode: error.code || 0 }); } })); } /** * 监听蓝牙相关事件 */ function bluetoothOn (method) { plus.bluetooth[method.replace('Changed', 'Change')](function (data) { publish(method, Object.assign({}, pack(data), { code: undefined, message: undefined })); }); return true } var onBluetoothAdapterStateChange; var onBluetoothDeviceFound; var onBLEConnectionStateChange; var onBLEConnectionStateChanged; var onBLECharacteristicValueChange; function openBluetoothAdapter (data, callbackId) { onBluetoothAdapterStateChange = onBluetoothAdapterStateChange || bluetoothOn('onBluetoothAdapterStateChange'); bluetoothExec('openBluetoothAdapter', callbackId); } function closeBluetoothAdapter (data, callbackId) { bluetoothExec('closeBluetoothAdapter', callbackId); } function getBluetoothAdapterState (data, callbackId) { bluetoothExec('getBluetoothAdapterState', callbackId); } function startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery (data, callbackId) { onBluetoothDeviceFound = onBluetoothDeviceFound || bluetoothOn('onBluetoothDeviceFound'); bluetoothExec('startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery', callbackId, data); } function stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery (data, callbackId) { bluetoothExec('stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery', callbackId); } function getBluetoothDevices (data, callbackId) { bluetoothExec('getBluetoothDevices', callbackId, {}); } function getConnectedBluetoothDevices (data, callbackId) { bluetoothExec('getConnectedBluetoothDevices', callbackId, data); } function createBLEConnection (data, callbackId) { onBLEConnectionStateChange = onBLEConnectionStateChange || bluetoothOn('onBLEConnectionStateChange'); onBLEConnectionStateChanged = onBLEConnectionStateChanged || bluetoothOn('onBLEConnectionStateChanged'); bluetoothExec('createBLEConnection', callbackId, data); } function closeBLEConnection (data, callbackId) { bluetoothExec('closeBLEConnection', callbackId, data); } function getBLEDeviceServices (data, callbackId) { bluetoothExec('getBLEDeviceServices', callbackId, data); } function getBLEDeviceCharacteristics (data, callbackId) { bluetoothExec('getBLEDeviceCharacteristics', callbackId, data); } function notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange (data, callbackId) { onBLECharacteristicValueChange = onBLECharacteristicValueChange || bluetoothOn('onBLECharacteristicValueChange'); bluetoothExec('notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange', callbackId, data); } function notifyBLECharacteristicValueChanged (data, callbackId) { onBLECharacteristicValueChange = onBLECharacteristicValueChange || bluetoothOn('onBLECharacteristicValueChange'); bluetoothExec('notifyBLECharacteristicValueChanged', callbackId, data); } function readBLECharacteristicValue (data, callbackId) { bluetoothExec('readBLECharacteristicValue', callbackId, data); } function writeBLECharacteristicValue (data, callbackId) { bluetoothExec('writeBLECharacteristicValue', callbackId, unpack(data)); } function getScreenBrightness () { return { errMsg: 'getScreenBrightness:ok', value: plus.screen.getBrightness() } } function setScreenBrightness ({ value } = {}) { plus.screen.setBrightness(value); return { errMsg: 'setScreenBrightness:ok' } } function setKeepScreenOn ({ keepScreenOn } = {}) { plus.device.setWakelock(!!keepScreenOn); return { errMsg: 'setKeepScreenOn:ok' } } function getClipboardData (options, callbackId) { const clipboard = requireNativePlugin('clipboard'); clipboard.getString(ret => { if (ret.result === 'success') { invoke(callbackId, { data: ret.data, errMsg: 'getClipboardData:ok' }); } else { invoke(callbackId, { data: ret.result, errMsg: 'getClipboardData:fail' }); } }); } function setClipboardData ({ data }) { const clipboard = requireNativePlugin('clipboard'); clipboard.setString(data); return { errMsg: 'setClipboardData:ok' } } let watchOrientationId = false; let isWatchOrientation = false; const clearWatchOrientation = () => { if (watchOrientationId) { plus.orientation.clearWatch(watchOrientationId); watchOrientationId = false; } }; function enableCompass ({ enable }) { if (enable) { clearWatchOrientation(); watchOrientationId = plus.orientation.watchOrientation((o) => { publish('onCompassChange', { direction: o.magneticHeading, errMsg: 'enableCompass:ok' }); }, (e) => { publish('onCompassChange', { errMsg: 'enableCompass:fail' }); }, { frequency: DEVICE_FREQUENCY }); if (!isWatchOrientation) { isWatchOrientation = true; const webview = getLastWebview(); if (webview) { webview.addEventListener('close', () => { plus.orientation.clearWatch(watchOrientationId); }); } } } else { clearWatchOrientation(); } return { errMsg: 'enableCompass:ok' } } function getNetworkType () { return { errMsg: 'getNetworkType:ok', networkType: NETWORK_TYPES$1[plus.networkinfo.getCurrentType()] } } let beaconUpdateState = false; function onBeaconUpdate () { if (!beaconUpdateState) { plus.ibeacon.onBeaconUpdate(function (data) { publish('onBeaconUpdated', data); }); beaconUpdateState = true; } } let beaconServiceChangeState = false; function onBeaconServiceChange () { if (!beaconServiceChangeState) { plus.ibeacon.onBeaconServiceChange(function (data) { publish('onBeaconServiceChange', data); publish('onBeaconServiceChanged', data); }); beaconServiceChangeState = true; } } function getBeacons (params, callbackId) { plus.ibeacon.getBeacons({ success: (result) => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getBeacons:ok', beacons: result.beacons }); }, fail: (error) => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getBeacons:fail:' + error.message }); } }); } function startBeaconDiscovery ({ uuids, ignoreBluetoothAvailable = false }, callbackId) { plus.ibeacon.startBeaconDiscovery({ uuids, ignoreBluetoothAvailable, success: (result) => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'startBeaconDiscovery:ok', beacons: result.beacons }); }, fail: (error) => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'startBeaconDiscovery:fail:' + error.message }); } }); } function stopBeaconDiscovery (params, callbackId) { plus.ibeacon.stopBeaconDiscovery({ success: (result) => { invoke(callbackId, Object.assign(result, { errMsg: 'stopBeaconDiscovery:ok' })); }, fail: (error) => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'stopBeaconDiscovery:fail:' + error.message }); } }); } function makePhoneCall$1 ({ phoneNumber } = {}) { plus.device.dial(phoneNumber); return { errMsg: 'makePhoneCall:ok' } } const SCAN_ID = '__UNIAPP_SCAN'; const SCAN_PATH = '_www/__uniappscan.html'; const MESSAGE_TYPE = 'scanCode'; function scanCode ({ onlyFromCamera = false, scanType }, callbackId) { const barcode = plus.barcode; const SCAN_TYPES = { 'qrCode': [ barcode.QR, barcode.AZTEC, barcode.MAXICODE ], 'barCode': [ barcode.EAN13, barcode.EAN8, barcode.UPCA, barcode.UPCE, barcode.CODABAR, barcode.CODE128, barcode.CODE39, barcode.CODE93, barcode.ITF, barcode.RSS14, barcode.RSSEXPANDED ], 'datamatrix': [barcode.DATAMATRIX], 'pdf417': [barcode.PDF417] }; const SCAN_MAPS = { [barcode.QR]: 'QR_CODE', [barcode.EAN13]: 'EAN_13', [barcode.EAN8]: 'EAN_8', [barcode.DATAMATRIX]: 'DATA_MATRIX', [barcode.UPCA]: 'UPC_A', [barcode.UPCE]: 'UPC_E', [barcode.CODABAR]: 'CODABAR', [barcode.CODE39]: 'CODE_39', [barcode.CODE93]: 'CODE_93', [barcode.CODE128]: 'CODE_128', [barcode.ITF]: 'CODE_25', [barcode.PDF417]: 'PDF_417', [barcode.AZTEC]: 'AZTEC', [barcode.RSS14]: 'RSS_14', [barcode.RSSEXPANDED]: 'RSSEXPANDED' }; const statusBarStyle = getStatusBarStyle(); const isDark = statusBarStyle !== 'light'; let result; let filters = []; if (Array.isArray(scanType) && scanType.length) { scanType.forEach(type => { // 暂不考虑去重 const types = SCAN_TYPES[type]; if (types) { filters = filters.concat(types); } }); } if (!filters.length) { filters = filters.concat(SCAN_TYPES['qrCode']).concat(SCAN_TYPES['barCode']).concat(SCAN_TYPES['datamatrix']).concat( SCAN_TYPES['pdf417']); } const buttons = []; if (!onlyFromCamera) { buttons.push({ 'float': 'right', 'text': '相册', 'fontSize': '17px', 'width': '60px', 'onclick': function () { plus.gallery.pick(file => { barcode.scan(file, (type, code) => { if (isDark) { plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('isDark'); } result = { type, code }; webview.close('auto'); }, () => { plus.nativeUI.toast('识别失败'); }, filters); }, err => { if (err.code !== 12) { plus.nativeUI.toast('选择失败'); } }, { multiple: false, system: false }); } }); } const webview = plus.webview.create(SCAN_PATH, SCAN_ID, { titleNView: { autoBackButton: true, type: 'float', backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', titleColor: '#ffffff', titleText: '扫码', titleSize: '17px', buttons }, popGesture: 'close', backButtonAutoControl: 'close' }, { __uniapp_type: 'scan', __uniapp_dark: isDark, __uniapp_scan_type: filters, 'uni-app': 'none' }); const waiting = plus.nativeUI.showWaiting(); webview.addEventListener('titleUpdate', () => { webview.show(ANI_SHOW, ANI_DURATION, () => { waiting.close(); }); }); webview.addEventListener('close', () => { if (result) { invoke(callbackId, { result: result.code, scanType: SCAN_MAPS[result.type] || '', charSet: 'utf8', path: '', errMsg: 'scanCode:ok' }); } else { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'scanCode:fail cancel' }); } consumePlusMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE); }); if (isDark) { // 状态栏前景色 plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('light'); webview.addEventListener('popGesture', ({ type, result }) => { if (type === 'start') { plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('dark'); } else if (type === 'end' && !result) { plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('light'); } }); } registerPlusMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE, function (res) { if (res && 'code' in res) { result = res; } }, false); } function getSystemInfoSync () { return callApiSync(getSystemInfo, Object.create(null), 'getSystemInfo', 'getSystemInfoSync') } function getSystemInfo () { const platform = plus.os.name.toLowerCase(); const ios = platform === 'ios'; // 安卓 plus 接口获取的屏幕大小值不为整数,iOS js 获取的屏幕大小横屏时颠倒 const screenWidth = plus.screen.resolutionWidth; const screenHeight = plus.screen.resolutionHeight; // 横屏时 iOS 获取的状态栏高度错误,进行纠正 var landscape = Math.abs(plus.navigator.getOrientation()) === 90; var statusBarHeight = Math.round(plus.navigator.getStatusbarHeight()); if (ios && landscape) { statusBarHeight = Math.min(20, statusBarHeight); } var safeAreaInsets; function getSafeAreaInsets () { return { left: 0, right: 0, top: titleNView ? 0 : statusBarHeight, bottom: 0 } } // 判断是否存在 titleNView var titleNView; var webview = getLastWebview(); if (webview) { let style = webview.getStyle(); if (style) { titleNView = style && style.titleNView; titleNView = titleNView && titleNView.type === 'default'; } safeAreaInsets = ios ? webview.getSafeAreaInsets() : getSafeAreaInsets(); } else { safeAreaInsets = ios ? plus.navigator.getSafeAreaInsets() : getSafeAreaInsets(); } var windowHeight = Math.min(screenHeight - (titleNView ? (statusBarHeight + TITLEBAR_HEIGHT) : 0) - (isTabBarPage() && tabBar.visible ? TABBAR_HEIGHT : 0), screenHeight); var windowWidth = screenWidth; var safeArea = { left: safeAreaInsets.left, right: windowWidth - safeAreaInsets.right, top: safeAreaInsets.top, bottom: windowHeight - safeAreaInsets.bottom, width: windowWidth - safeAreaInsets.left - safeAreaInsets.right, height: windowHeight - safeAreaInsets.top - safeAreaInsets.bottom }; return { errMsg: 'getSystemInfo:ok', brand: plus.device.vendor, model: plus.device.model, pixelRatio: plus.screen.scale, screenWidth, screenHeight, windowWidth, windowHeight, statusBarHeight, language: plus.os.language, system: plus.os.version, version: plus.runtime.innerVersion, fontSizeSetting: '', platform, SDKVersion: '', windowTop: 0, windowBottom: 0, safeArea } } function vibrateLong () { plus.device.vibrate(400); return { errMsg: 'vibrateLong:ok' } } function vibrateShort () { plus.device.vibrate(15); return { errMsg: 'vibrateShort:ok' } } const SAVED_DIR = 'uniapp_save'; const SAVE_PATH = `_doc/${SAVED_DIR}`; const REGEX_FILENAME = /^.*[/]/; function getSavedFileDir (success, fail) { fail = fail || function () {}; plus.io.requestFileSystem(plus.io.PRIVATE_DOC, fs => { // 请求_doc fs fs.root.getDirectory(SAVED_DIR, { // 获取文件保存目录对象 create: true }, dir => { success(dir); }, err => { fail('目录[' + SAVED_DIR + ']创建失败' + err.message); }); }, err => { fail('目录[_doc]读取失败' + err.message); }); } function saveFile ({ tempFilePath } = {}, callbackId) { let fileName = tempFilePath.replace(REGEX_FILENAME, ''); if (fileName) { let extName = ''; if (~fileName.indexOf('.')) { extName = '.' + fileName.split('.').pop(); } fileName = (+new Date()) + '' + extName; plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(getRealPath(tempFilePath), entry => { // 读取临时文件 FileEntry getSavedFileDir(dir => { entry.copyTo(dir, fileName, () => { // 复制临时文件 FileEntry,为了避免把相册里的文件删除,使用 copy,微信中是要删除临时文件的 const savedFilePath = SAVE_PATH + '/' + fileName; invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'saveFile:ok', savedFilePath }); }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'saveFile:fail 保存文件[' + tempFilePath + '] copyTo 失败:' + err.message }); }); }, message => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'saveFile:fail ' + message }); }); }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'saveFile:fail 文件[' + tempFilePath + ']读取失败' + err.message }); }); } else { return { errMsg: 'saveFile:fail 文件名[' + tempFilePath + ']不存在' } } } function getSavedFileList (options, callbackId) { getSavedFileDir(entry => { var reader = entry.createReader(); var fileList = []; reader.readEntries(entries => { if (entries && entries.length) { entries.forEach(entry => { entry.getMetadata(meta => { fileList.push({ filePath: plus.io.convertAbsoluteFileSystem(entry.fullPath), createTime: meta.modificationTime.getTime(), size: meta.size }); if (fileList.length === entries.length) { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getSavedFileList:ok', fileList }); } }, error => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getSavedFileList:fail ' + error.message }); }, false); }); } else { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getSavedFileList:ok', fileList }); } }, error => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getSavedFileList:fail ' + error.message }); }); }, message => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getSavedFileList:fail ' + message }); }); } function getFileInfo ({ filePath, digestAlgorithm = 'md5' } = {}, callbackId) { // TODO 计算文件摘要 plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(getRealPath(filePath), entry => { entry.getMetadata(meta => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getFileInfo:ok', size: meta.size, digestAlgorithm: '' }); }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getFileInfo:fail 文件[' + filePath + '] getMetadata 失败:' + err.message }); }); }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getFileInfo:fail 文件[' + filePath + ']读取失败:' + err.message }); }); } function getSavedFileInfo ({ filePath } = {}, callbackId) { plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(getRealPath(filePath), entry => { entry.getMetadata(meta => { invoke(callbackId, { createTime: meta.modificationTime.getTime(), size: meta.size, errMsg: 'getSavedFileInfo:ok' }); }, error => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getSavedFileInfo:fail ' + error.message }); }, false); }, () => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getSavedFileInfo:fail file not find' }); }); } function removeSavedFile ({ filePath } = {}, callbackId) { plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(getRealPath(filePath), entry => { entry.remove(() => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'removeSavedFile:ok' }); }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'removeSavedFile:fail 文件[' + filePath + ']删除失败:' + err.message }); }); }, () => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'removeSavedFile:fail file not find' }); }); } function openDocument$1 ({ filePath, fileType } = {}, callbackId) { plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(getRealPath(filePath), entry => { plus.runtime.openFile(getRealPath(filePath)); invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'openDocument:ok' }); }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'openDocument:fail 文件[' + filePath + ']读取失败:' + err.message }); }); } const CHOOSE_LOCATION_PATH = '_www/__uniappchooselocation.html'; const MESSAGE_TYPE$1 = 'chooseLocation'; function chooseLocation$1 (params, callbackId) { const statusBarStyle = plus.navigator.getStatusBarStyle(); const webview = plus.webview.create( CHOOSE_LOCATION_PATH, MAP_ID, { titleNView: { autoBackButton: true, backgroundColor: '#000000', titleColor: '#ffffff', titleText: '选择位置', titleSize: '17px', buttons: [{ float: 'right', text: '完成', fontSize: '17px', onclick: function () { webview.evalJS('__chooseLocationConfirm__()'); } }] }, popGesture: 'close', scrollIndicator: 'none' }, { __uniapp_type: 'map', __uniapp_statusbar_style: statusBarStyle, 'uni-app': 'none' } ); if (statusBarStyle === 'dark') { plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('light'); webview.addEventListener('popGesture', ({ type, result }) => { if (type === 'start') { plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('dark'); } else if (type === 'end' && !result) { plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('light'); } }); } let index = 0; let onShow = function () { index++; if (index === 2) { webview.evalJS(`__chooseLocation__(${JSON.stringify(params)})`); } }; webview.addEventListener('loaded', onShow); webview.show('slide-in-bottom', ANI_DURATION, onShow); let result; webview.addEventListener('close', () => { if (result) { invoke(callbackId, { name: result.poiname, address: result.poiaddress, latitude: result.latlng.lat, longitude: result.latlng.lng, errMsg: 'chooseLocation:ok' }); } else { consumePlusMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE$1); invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'chooseLocation:fail cancel' }); } }); registerPlusMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE$1, function (res) { if (res && 'latlng' in res) { result = res; } }, false); } function getLocationSuccess (type, position, callbackId) { const coords = position.coords; if (type !== position.coordsType) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log( `UNIAPP[location]:before[${position.coordsType}][lng:${ coords.longitude },lat:${coords.latitude}]` ); } let coordArray; if (type === 'wgs84') { coordArray = gcj02towgs84(coords.longitude, coords.latitude); } else if (type === 'gcj02') { coordArray = wgs84togcj02(coords.longitude, coords.latitude); } if (coordArray) { coords.longitude = coordArray[0]; coords.latitude = coordArray[1]; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log( `UNIAPP[location]:after[${type}][lng:${coords.longitude},lat:${ coords.latitude }]` ); } } } invoke(callbackId, { type, altitude: coords.altitude || 0, latitude: coords.latitude, longitude: coords.longitude, speed: coords.speed, accuracy: coords.accuracy, address: position.address, errMsg: 'getLocation:ok' }); } function getLocation$1 ({ type = 'wgs84', geocode = false, altitude = false } = {}, callbackId) { plus.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( position => { getLocationSuccess(type, position, callbackId); }, e => { // 坐标地址解析失败 if (e.code === 1501) { getLocationSuccess(type, e, callbackId); return } invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getLocation:fail ' + e.message }); }, { geocode: geocode, enableHighAccuracy: altitude } ); } const OPEN_LOCATION_PATH = '_www/__uniappopenlocation.html'; function openLocation$1 (params) { const statusBarStyle = plus.navigator.getStatusBarStyle(); const webview = plus.webview.create( OPEN_LOCATION_PATH, MAP_ID, { titleNView: { autoBackButton: true, titleColor: '#ffffff', titleText: '', titleSize: '17px', type: 'transparent' }, popGesture: 'close', scrollIndicator: 'none' }, { __uniapp_type: 'map', __uniapp_statusbar_style: statusBarStyle, 'uni-app': 'none' } ); if (statusBarStyle === 'light') { plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('dark'); webview.addEventListener('popGesture', ({ type, result }) => { if (type === 'start') { plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('light'); } else if (type === 'end' && !result) { plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('dark'); } }); } webview.show(ANI_SHOW, ANI_DURATION, () => { webview.evalJS(`__openLocation__(${JSON.stringify(params)})`); }); return { errMsg: 'openLocation:ok' } } const RECORD_TIME = 60 * 60 * 1000; let recorder; let recordTimeout; function startRecord (args, callbackId) { recorder && recorder.stop(); recorder = plus.audio.getRecorder(); recorder.record({ filename: '_doc/audio/', format: 'aac' }, (res) => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'startRecord:ok', tempFilePath: res }); }, (res) => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'startRecord:fail' }); }); recordTimeout = setTimeout(() => { recorder.stop(); recorder = false; }, RECORD_TIME); } function stopRecord () { if (recorder) { recordTimeout && clearTimeout(recordTimeout); recorder.stop(); return { errMsg: 'stopRecord:ok' } } return { errMsg: 'stopRecord:fail' } } let player; let playerFilePath; let playerStatus; function playVoice ({ filePath } = {}, callbackId) { if (player && playerFilePath === filePath && playerStatus === 'pause') { // 如果是当前音频被暂停,则继续播放 playerStatus = 'play'; player.play((res) => { player = false; playerFilePath = false; playerStatus = false; invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'playVoice:ok' }); }); return { errMsg: 'playVoice:ok' } } if (player) { // 如果存在音频播放,则停止 player.stop(); } playerFilePath = filePath; playerStatus = 'play'; player = plus.audio.createPlayer(getRealPath(filePath)); // 播放操作成功回调 player.play((res) => { player = false; playerFilePath = false; playerStatus = false; invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'playVoice:ok' }); }); } function pauseVoice () { if (player && playerStatus === 'play') { player.pause(); playerStatus = 'pause'; } return { errMsg: 'pauseVoice:ok' } } function stopVoice () { if (player) { player.stop(); player = false; playerFilePath = false; playerStatus = false; } return { errMsg: 'stopVoice:ok' } } /** * 获取文件信息 * @param {string} filePath 文件路径 * @returns {Promise} 文件信息Promise */ function getFileInfo$1 (filePath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(filePath, function (entry) { entry.getMetadata(function (meta) { resolve({ size: meta.size }); }, reject, false); }, reject); }) } const invokeChooseImage = function (callbackId, type, sizeType, tempFilePaths = []) { if (!tempFilePaths.length) { invoke(callbackId, { code: sizeType, errMsg: `chooseImage:${type}` }); return } var tempFiles = []; // plus.zip.compressImage 压缩文件并发调用在iOS端容易出现问题(图像错误、闪退),改为队列执行 tempFilePaths.reduce((promise, tempFilePath, index, array) => { return promise .then(() => { return getFileInfo$1(tempFilePath) }) .then(fileInfo => { var size = fileInfo.size; // 压缩阈值 0.5 兆 var threshold = 1024 * 1024 * 0.5; // 判断是否需要压缩 if ((sizeType.indexOf('compressed') >= 0 && sizeType.indexOf('original') < 0) || ((( sizeType.indexOf( 'compressed') < 0 && sizeType.indexOf('original') < 0) || (sizeType .indexOf('compressed') >= 0 && sizeType.indexOf( 'original') >= 0)) && size > threshold)) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var dstPath = TEMP_PATH + '/compressed/' + Date.now() + ( tempFilePath.match(/\.\S+$/) || [''])[0]; plus.nativeUI.showWaiting(); plus.zip.compressImage({ src: tempFilePath, dst: dstPath, overwrite: true }, () => { resolve(dstPath); }, (error) => { reject(error); }); }) .then(dstPath => { array[index] = tempFilePath = dstPath; return getFileInfo$1(tempFilePath) }) .then(fileInfo => { return tempFiles.push({ path: tempFilePath, size: fileInfo.size }) }) } return tempFiles.push({ path: tempFilePath, size: size }) }) }, Promise.resolve()) .then(() => { plus.nativeUI.closeWaiting(); invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: `chooseImage:${type}`, tempFilePaths, tempFiles }); }).catch(() => { plus.nativeUI.closeWaiting(); invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: `chooseImage:${type}` }); }); }; const openCamera = function (callbackId, sizeType) { const camera = plus.camera.getCamera(); camera.captureImage(e => invokeChooseImage(callbackId, 'ok', sizeType, [e]), e => invokeChooseImage(callbackId, 'fail', 1), { filename: TEMP_PATH + '/camera/' }); }; const openAlbum = function (callbackId, sizeType, count) { // TODO Android 需要拷贝到 temp 目录 plus.gallery.pick(e => invokeChooseImage(callbackId, 'ok', sizeType, e.files.map(file => { return file })), e => { invokeChooseImage(callbackId, 'fail', 2); }, { maximum: count, multiple: true, system: false, filename: TEMP_PATH + '/gallery/' }); }; function chooseImage$1 ({ count = 9, sizeType = ['original', 'compressed'], sourceType = ['album', 'camera'] } = {}, callbackId) { let fallback = true; if (sourceType.length === 1) { if (sourceType[0] === 'album') { fallback = false; openAlbum(callbackId, sizeType, count); } else if (sourceType[0] === 'camera') { fallback = false; openCamera(callbackId, sizeType); } } if (fallback) { plus.nativeUI.actionSheet({ cancel: '取消', buttons: [{ title: '拍摄' }, { title: '从手机相册选择' }] }, (e) => { switch (e.index) { case 0: invokeChooseImage(callbackId, 'fail', 0); break case 1: openCamera(callbackId, sizeType); break case 2: openAlbum(callbackId, sizeType, count); break } }); } } const invokeChooseVideo = function (callbackId, type, tempFilePath = '') { let callbackResult = { errMsg: `chooseVideo:${type}`, tempFilePath: tempFilePath, duration: 0, size: 0, height: 0, width: 0 }; if (type !== 'ok') { invoke(callbackId, callbackResult); return } plus.io.getVideoInfo({ filePath: tempFilePath, success (videoInfo) { callbackResult.size = videoInfo.size; callbackResult.duration = videoInfo.duration; callbackResult.width = videoInfo.width; callbackResult.height = videoInfo.height; invoke(callbackId, callbackResult); }, fail () { invoke(callbackId, callbackResult); }, complete () { invoke(callbackId, callbackResult); } }); }; const openCamera$1 = function (callbackId, maxDuration, cameraIndex) { const camera = plus.camera.getCamera(); camera.startVideoCapture(e => invokeChooseVideo(callbackId, 'ok', e), e => invokeChooseVideo( callbackId, 'fail'), { index: cameraIndex, videoMaximumDuration: maxDuration, filename: TEMP_PATH + '/camera/' }); }; const openAlbum$1 = function (callbackId) { plus.gallery.pick(e => { invokeChooseVideo(callbackId, 'ok', e); }, e => invokeChooseVideo(callbackId, 'fail'), { filter: 'video', system: false, filename: TEMP_PATH + '/gallery/' }); }; function chooseVideo$1 ({ sourceType = ['album', 'camera'], maxDuration = 60, camera = 'back' } = {}, callbackId) { let fallback = true; let cameraIndex = (camera === 'front') ? 2 : 1; if (sourceType.length === 1) { if (sourceType[0] === 'album') { fallback = false; openAlbum$1(callbackId); } else if (sourceType[0] === 'camera') { fallback = false; openCamera$1(callbackId, maxDuration, cameraIndex); } } if (fallback) { plus.nativeUI.actionSheet({ cancel: '取消', buttons: [{ title: '拍摄' }, { title: '从手机相册选择' }] }, e => { switch (e.index) { case 0: invokeChooseVideo(callbackId, 'fail'); break case 1: openCamera$1(callbackId, maxDuration, cameraIndex); break case 2: openAlbum$1(callbackId); break } }); } } function compressImage ({ src, quality }, callbackId) { var dst = TEMP_PATH + '/compressed/' + Date.now() + (src.match(/\.\S+$/) || [''])[0]; plus.zip.compressImage({ src, dst, quality }, () => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: `compressImage:ok`, tempFilePath: dst }); }, () => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: `compressImage:fail` }); }); } function getImageInfo$1 ({ src } = {}, callbackId) { // fixed by hxy plus.io.getImageInfo({ src, success (imageInfo) { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getImageInfo:ok', ...imageInfo }); }, fail () { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getImageInfo:fail' }); } }); } function previewImage$1 ({ current = 0, background = '#000000', indicator = 'number', loop = false, urls, longPressActions } = {}) { urls = urls.map(url => getRealPath(url)); const index = Number(current); if (isNaN(index)) { current = urls.indexOf(getRealPath(current)); current = current < 0 ? 0 : current; } else { current = index; } plus.nativeUI.previewImage(urls, { current, background, indicator, loop, onLongPress: function (res) { let itemList = []; let itemColor = ''; let title = ''; let hasLongPressActions = longPressActions && longPressActions.callbackId; if (!hasLongPressActions) { itemList = ['保存相册']; itemColor = '#000000'; title = ''; } else { itemList = longPressActions.itemList ? longPressActions.itemList : []; itemColor = longPressActions.itemColor ? longPressActions.itemColor : '#000000'; title = longPressActions.title ? longPressActions.title : ''; } const options = { buttons: itemList.map(item => ({ title: item, color: itemColor })), cancel: '取消' }; if (title) { options.title = title; } // if (plus.os.name === 'iOS') { // options.cancel = '取消' // } plus.nativeUI.actionSheet(options, (e) => { if (e.index > 0) { if (hasLongPressActions) { publish(longPressActions.callbackId, { errMsg: 'showActionSheet:ok', tapIndex: e.index - 1, index: res.index }); return } plus.gallery.save(res.url, function (GallerySaveEvent) { plus.nativeUI.toast('保存图片到相册成功'); }); } else if (hasLongPressActions) { publish(longPressActions.callbackId, { errMsg: 'showActionSheet:fail cancel' }); } }); } }); return { errMsg: 'previewImage:ok' } } let recorder$1; let recordTimeout$1; const publishRecorderStateChange = (state, res = {}) => { publish('onRecorderStateChange', Object.assign({ state }, res)); }; const Recorder = { start ({ duration = 60000, sampleRate, numberOfChannels, encodeBitRate, format = 'mp3', frameSize, audioSource = 'auto' }, callbackId) { if (recorder$1) { return publishRecorderStateChange('start') } recorder$1 = plus.audio.getRecorder(); recorder$1.record({ format, samplerate: sampleRate, filename: TEMP_PATH + '/recorder/' }, res => publishRecorderStateChange('stop', { tempFilePath: res }), err => publishRecorderStateChange('error', { errMsg: err.message })); recordTimeout$1 = setTimeout(() => { Recorder.stop(); }, duration); publishRecorderStateChange('start'); }, stop () { if (recorder$1) { recorder$1.stop(); recorder$1 = false; recordTimeout$1 && clearTimeout(recordTimeout$1); } }, pause () { if (recorder$1) { publishRecorderStateChange('error', { errMsg: '暂不支持录音pause操作' }); } }, resume () { if (recorder$1) { publishRecorderStateChange('error', { errMsg: '暂不支持录音resume操作' }); } } }; function operateRecorder ({ operationType, ...args }, callbackId) { Recorder[operationType](args); return { errMsg: 'operateRecorder:ok' } } function saveImageToPhotosAlbum ({ filePath } = {}, callbackId) { plus.gallery.save(getRealPath(filePath), e => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'saveImageToPhotosAlbum:ok' }); }, e => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'saveImageToPhotosAlbum:fail' }); }); } function saveVideoToPhotosAlbum ({ filePath } = {}, callbackId) { plus.gallery.save(getRealPath(filePath), e => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'saveVideoToPhotosAlbum:ok' }); }, e => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'saveVideoToPhotosAlbum:fail' }); }); } let downloadTaskId = 0; const downloadTasks = {}; const publishStateChange = (res) => { publish('onDownloadTaskStateChange', res); }; const createDownloadTaskById = function (downloadTaskId, { url, header } = {}) { const downloader = plus.downloader.createDownload(url, { time: __uniConfig.networkTimeout.downloadFile ? __uniConfig.networkTimeout.downloadFile / 1000 : 120, filename: TEMP_PATH + '/download/', // 需要与其它平台上的表现保持一致,不走重试的逻辑。 retry: 0, retryInterval: 0 }, (download, statusCode) => { if (statusCode) { publishStateChange({ downloadTaskId, state: 'success', tempFilePath: download.filename, statusCode }); } else { publishStateChange({ downloadTaskId, state: 'fail', statusCode }); } }); for (const name in header) { if (header.hasOwnProperty(name)) { downloader.setRequestHeader(name, header[name]); } } downloader.addEventListener('statechanged', (download, status) => { if (download.downloadedSize && download.totalSize) { publishStateChange({ downloadTaskId, state: 'progressUpdate', progress: parseInt(download.downloadedSize / download.totalSize * 100), totalBytesWritten: download.downloadedSize, totalBytesExpectedToWrite: download.totalSize }); } }); downloadTasks[downloadTaskId] = downloader; downloader.start(); return { downloadTaskId, errMsg: 'createDownloadTask:ok' } }; function operateDownloadTask ({ downloadTaskId, operationType } = {}) { const downloadTask = downloadTasks[downloadTaskId]; if (downloadTask && operationType === 'abort') { delete downloadTasks[downloadTaskId]; downloadTask.abort(); publishStateChange({ downloadTaskId, state: 'fail', errMsg: 'abort' }); return { errMsg: 'operateDownloadTask:ok' } } return { errMsg: 'operateDownloadTask:fail' } } function createDownloadTask (args) { return createDownloadTaskById(++downloadTaskId, args) } let requestTaskId = 0; const requestTasks = {}; const publishStateChange$1 = res => { publish('onRequestTaskStateChange', res); delete requestTasks[requestTaskId]; }; function createRequestTaskById (requestTaskId, { url, data, header, method = 'GET', responseType } = {}) { const stream = requireNativePlugin('stream'); const headers = {}; let abortTimeout; let aborted; let hasContentType = false; for (const name in header) { if (!hasContentType && name.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') { hasContentType = true; headers['Content-Type'] = header[name]; } else { headers[name] = header[name]; } } if (!hasContentType && method === 'POST') { headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'; } const timeout = __uniConfig.networkTimeout.request; if (timeout) { abortTimeout = setTimeout(() => { aborted = true; publishStateChange$1({ requestTaskId, state: 'fail', statusCode: 0, errMsg: 'timeout' }); }, timeout); } const options = { method, url: url.trim(), // weex 官方文档有误,headers 类型实际 object,用 string 类型会无响应 headers, type: responseType === 'arraybuffer' ? 'base64' : 'text', // weex 官方文档未说明实际支持 timeout,单位:ms timeout: timeout || 6e5 }; if (method !== 'GET') { options.body = data; } try { stream.fetch(options, ({ ok, status, data, headers }) => { if (aborted) { return } if (abortTimeout) { clearTimeout(abortTimeout); } const statusCode = status; if (statusCode > 0) { publishStateChange$1({ requestTaskId, state: 'success', data: ok && responseType === 'arraybuffer' ? base64ToArrayBuffer(data) : data, statusCode, header: headers }); } else { publishStateChange$1({ requestTaskId, state: 'fail', statusCode, errMsg: 'abort' }); } }); requestTasks[requestTaskId] = { abort () { aborted = true; if (abortTimeout) { clearTimeout(abortTimeout); } publishStateChange$1({ requestTaskId, state: 'fail', statusCode: 0, errMsg: 'abort' }); } }; } catch (e) { return { requestTaskId, errMsg: 'createRequestTask:fail' } } return { requestTaskId, errMsg: 'createRequestTask:ok' } } function createRequestTask (args) { return createRequestTaskById(++requestTaskId, args) } function operateRequestTask ({ requestTaskId, operationType } = {}) { const requestTask = requestTasks[requestTaskId]; if (requestTask && operationType === 'abort') { requestTask.abort(); return { errMsg: 'operateRequestTask:ok' } } return { errMsg: 'operateRequestTask:fail' } } const socketTasks = {}; const publishStateChange$2 = (res) => { publish('onSocketTaskStateChange', res); }; let socket; function getSocket () { if (socket) { return socket } socket = requireNativePlugin('uni-webSocket'); socket.onopen(function (e) { publishStateChange$2({ socketTaskId: e.id, state: 'open' }); }); socket.onmessage(function (e) { const data = e.data; publishStateChange$2({ socketTaskId: e.id, state: 'message', data: typeof data === 'object' ? base64ToArrayBuffer(data.base64) : data }); }); socket.onerror(function (e) { publishStateChange$2({ socketTaskId: e.id, state: 'error', errMsg: e.data }); }); socket.onclose(function (e) { const socketTaskId = e.id; delete socketTasks[socketTaskId]; publishStateChange$2({ socketTaskId, state: 'close' }); }); return socket } const createSocketTaskById = function (socketTaskId, { url, data, header, method, protocols } = {}) { const socket = getSocket(); socket.WebSocket({ id: socketTaskId, url, protocol: Array.isArray(protocols) ? protocols.join(',') : protocols }); socketTasks[socketTaskId] = socket; return { socketTaskId, errMsg: 'createSocketTask:ok' } }; function createSocketTask (args) { return createSocketTaskById(String(Date.now()), args) } function operateSocketTask (args) { const { operationType, code, reason, data, socketTaskId } = unpack(args); const socket = socketTasks[socketTaskId]; if (!socket) { return { errMsg: 'operateSocketTask:fail' } } switch (operationType) { case 'send': if (data) { socket.send({ id: socketTaskId, data: typeof data === 'object' ? { '@type': 'binary', base64: arrayBufferToBase64(data) } : data }); } return { errMsg: 'operateSocketTask:ok' } case 'close': socket.close({ id: socketTaskId, code, reason }); delete socketTasks[socketTaskId]; return { errMsg: 'operateSocketTask:ok' } } return { errMsg: 'operateSocketTask:fail' } } let uploadTaskId = 0; const uploadTasks = {}; const publishStateChange$3 = (res) => { publish('onUploadTaskStateChange', res); }; const createUploadTaskById = function (uploadTaskId, { url, filePath, name, files, header, formData } = {}) { const uploader = plus.uploader.createUpload(url, { timeout: __uniConfig.networkTimeout.uploadFile ? __uniConfig.networkTimeout.uploadFile / 1000 : 120, // 需要与其它平台上的表现保持一致,不走重试的逻辑。 retry: 0, retryInterval: 0 }, (upload, statusCode) => { if (statusCode) { publishStateChange$3({ uploadTaskId, state: 'success', data: upload.responseText, statusCode }); } else { publishStateChange$3({ uploadTaskId, state: 'fail', data: '', statusCode }); } delete uploadTasks[uploadTaskId]; }); for (const name in header) { if (header.hasOwnProperty(name)) { uploader.setRequestHeader(name, header[name]); } } for (const name in formData) { if (formData.hasOwnProperty(name)) { uploader.addData(name, formData[name]); } } if (files && files.length) { files.forEach(file => { uploader.addFile(getRealPath(file.uri), { key: file.name || 'file' }); }); } else { uploader.addFile(getRealPath(filePath), { key: name }); } uploader.addEventListener('statechanged', (upload, status) => { if (upload.uploadedSize && upload.totalSize) { publishStateChange$3({ uploadTaskId, state: 'progressUpdate', progress: parseInt(upload.uploadedSize / upload.totalSize * 100), totalBytesSent: upload.uploadedSize, totalBytesExpectedToSend: upload.totalSize }); } }); uploadTasks[uploadTaskId] = uploader; uploader.start(); return { uploadTaskId, errMsg: 'createUploadTask:ok' } }; function operateUploadTask ({ uploadTaskId, operationType } = {}) { const uploadTask = uploadTasks[uploadTaskId]; if (uploadTask && operationType === 'abort') { delete uploadTasks[uploadTaskId]; uploadTask.abort(); publishStateChange$3({ uploadTaskId, state: 'fail', errMsg: 'abort' }); return { errMsg: 'operateUploadTask:ok' } } return { errMsg: 'operateUploadTask:fail' } } function createUploadTask (args) { return createUploadTaskById(++uploadTaskId, args) } const providers = { oauth (callback) { plus.oauth.getServices(services => { const provider = []; services.forEach(({ id }) => { provider.push(id); }); callback(null, provider); }, err => { callback(err); }); }, share (callback) { plus.share.getServices(services => { const provider = []; services.forEach(({ id }) => { provider.push(id); }); callback(null, provider); }, err => { callback(err); }); }, payment (callback) { plus.payment.getChannels(services => { const provider = []; services.forEach(({ id }) => { provider.push(id); }); callback(null, provider); }, err => { callback(err); }); }, push (callback) { if (typeof weex !== 'undefined' || typeof plus !== 'undefined') { callback(null, [plus.push.getClientInfo().id]); } else { callback(null, []); } } }; function getProvider$1 ({ service }, callbackId) { if (providers[service]) { providers[service]((err, provider) => { if (err) { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getProvider:fail:' + err.message }); } else { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getProvider:ok', service, provider }); } }); } else { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'getProvider:fail:服务[' + service + ']不支持' }); } } const loginServices = {}; const loginByService = (provider, callbackId) => { function login () { loginServices[provider].login(res => { const authResult = res.target.authResult; invoke(callbackId, { code: authResult.code, authResult: authResult, errMsg: 'login:ok' }); }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { code: err.code, errMsg: 'login:fail:' + err.message }); }); } // 先注销再登录 loginServices[provider].logout(login, login); }; /** * 微信登录 */ function login (params, callbackId) { const provider = params.provider || 'weixin'; if (loginServices[provider]) { loginByService(provider, callbackId); } else { plus.oauth.getServices(services => { loginServices[provider] = services.find(({ id }) => id === provider); if (!loginServices[provider]) { invoke(callbackId, { code: '', errMsg: 'login:fail:登录服务[' + provider + ']不存在' }); } else { loginByService(provider, callbackId); } }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { code: err.code, errMsg: 'login:fail:' + err.message }); }); } } function getUserInfo (params, callbackId) { const provider = params.provider || 'weixin'; const loginService = loginServices[provider]; if (!loginService || !loginService.authResult) { return invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'operateWXData:fail:请先调用 uni.login' }) } loginService.getUserInfo(res => { let userInfo; if (provider === 'weixin') { const wechatUserInfo = loginService.userInfo; userInfo = { openId: wechatUserInfo.openid, nickName: wechatUserInfo.nickname, gender: wechatUserInfo.sex, city: wechatUserInfo.city, province: wechatUserInfo.province, country: wechatUserInfo.country, avatarUrl: wechatUserInfo.headimgurl, unionId: wechatUserInfo.unionid }; } else { loginService.userInfo.openId = loginService.userInfo.openId || loginService.userInfo.openid || loginService.authResult.openid; loginService.userInfo.nickName = loginService.userInfo.nickName || loginService.userInfo.nickname; loginService.userInfo.avatarUrl = loginService.userInfo.avatarUrl || loginService.userInfo.avatarUrl || loginService.userInfo.headimgurl; userInfo = loginService.userInfo; } const result = { errMsg: 'operateWXData:ok' }; if (params.data && params.data.api_name === 'webapi_getuserinfo') { result.data = { data: JSON.stringify(userInfo), rawData: '', signature: '', encryptedData: '', iv: '' }; } else { result.userInfo = userInfo; } invoke(callbackId, result); }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'operateWXData:fail:' + err.message }); }); } /** * 获取用户信息 */ function operateWXData (params, callbackId) { switch (params.data.api_name) { case 'webapi_getuserinfo': getUserInfo(params, callbackId); break default: return { errMsg: 'operateWXData:fail' } } } function requestPayment (params, callbackId) { const provider = params.provider; plus.payment.getChannels(services => { const service = services.find(({ id }) => id === provider); if (!service) { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'requestPayment:fail:支付服务[' + provider + ']不存在' }); } else { plus.payment.request(service, params.orderInfo, res => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'requestPayment:ok' }); }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'requestPayment:fail:' + err.message }); }); } }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'requestPayment:fail:' + err.message }); }); } let onPushing; let isListening = false; let unsubscribe = false; function subscribePush (params, callbackId) { const clientInfo = plus.push.getClientInfo(); if (clientInfo) { if (!isListening) { isListening = true; plus.push.addEventListener('receive', msg => { if (onPushing && !unsubscribe) { publish('onPushMessage', { messageId: msg.__UUID__, data: msg.payload, errMsg: 'onPush:ok' }); } }); } unsubscribe = false; clientInfo.errMsg = 'subscribePush:ok'; return clientInfo } else { return { errMsg: 'subscribePush:fail:请确保当前运行环境已包含 push 模块' } } } function unsubscribePush (params) { unsubscribe = true; return { errMsg: 'unsubscribePush:ok' } } function onPush () { if (!isListening) { return { errMsg: 'onPush:fail:请先调用 uni.subscribePush' } } if (plus.push.getClientInfo()) { onPushing = true; return { errMsg: 'onPush:ok' } } return { errMsg: 'onPush:fail:请确保当前运行环境已包含 push 模块' } } function offPush (params) { onPushing = false; return { errMsg: 'offPush:ok' } } // 0:图文,1:纯文字,2:纯图片,3:音乐,4:视频,5:小程序 const TYPES = { '0': { name: 'web', title: '图文' }, '1': { name: 'text', title: '纯文字' }, '2': { name: 'image', title: '纯图片' }, '3': { name: 'music', title: '音乐' }, '4': { name: 'video', title: '视频' }, '5': { name: 'miniProgram', title: '小程序' } }; const parseParams = (args, callbackId, method) => { args.type = args.type || 0; let { provider, type, title, summary: content, href, imageUrl, mediaUrl: media, scene, miniProgram } = args; if (typeof imageUrl === 'string' && imageUrl) { imageUrl = getRealPath(imageUrl); } const shareType = TYPES[type + '']; if (shareType) { let sendMsg = { provider, type: shareType.name, title, content, href, pictures: [imageUrl], thumbs: [imageUrl], media, miniProgram, extra: { scene } }; if (provider === 'weixin' && (type === 1 || type === 2)) { delete sendMsg.thumbs; } return sendMsg } return '分享参数 type 不正确' }; const sendShareMsg = function (service, params, callbackId, method = 'share') { service.send( params, () => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: method + ':ok' }); }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: method + ':fail:' + err.message }); } ); }; function shareAppMessageDirectly ({ title, path, imageUrl, useDefaultSnapshot }, callbackId) { title = title || __uniConfig.appname; const goShare = () => { share({ provider: 'weixin', type: 0, title, imageUrl, href: path, scene: 'WXSceneSession' }, callbackId, 'shareAppMessageDirectly' ); }; if (useDefaultSnapshot) { const pages = getCurrentPages(); const webview = plus.webview.getWebviewById(pages[pages.length - 1].__wxWebviewId__ + ''); if (webview) { const bitmap = new plus.nativeObj.Bitmap(); webview.draw( bitmap, () => { const fileName = TEMP_PATH + '/share/snapshot.jpg'; bitmap.save( fileName, { overwrite: true, format: 'jpg' }, () => { imageUrl = fileName; goShare(); }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'shareAppMessageDirectly:fail:' + err.message }); } ); }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'shareAppMessageDirectly:fail:' + err.message }); } ); } else { goShare(); } } else { goShare(); } } function share (params, callbackId, method = 'share') { params = parseParams(params); if (typeof params === 'string') { return invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: method + ':fail:' + params }) } const provider = params.provider; plus.share.getServices( services => { const service = services.find(({ id }) => id === provider); if (!service) { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: method + ':fail:分享服务[' + provider + ']不存在' }); } else { if (service.authenticated) { sendShareMsg(service, params, callbackId); } else { service.authorize( () => sendShareMsg(service, params, callbackId), err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: method + ':fail:' + err.message }); } ); } } }, err => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: method + ':fail:' + err.message }); } ); } function showKeyboard () { plus.key.showSoftKeybord(); return { errMsg: 'showKeyboard:ok' } } function hideKeyboard () { plus.key.hideSoftKeybord(); return { errMsg: 'hideKeyboard:ok' } } function setNavigationBarTitle$1 ({ title = '' } = {}) { const webview = getLastWebview(); if (webview) { const style = webview.getStyle(); if (style && style.titleNView) { webview.setStyle({ titleNView: { titleText: title } }); } return { errMsg: 'setNavigationBarTitle:ok' } } return { errMsg: 'setNavigationBarTitle:fail' } } function showNavigationBarLoading () { plus.nativeUI.showWaiting('', { modal: false }); return { errMsg: 'showNavigationBarLoading:ok' } } function hideNavigationBarLoading () { plus.nativeUI.closeWaiting(); return { errMsg: 'hideNavigationBarLoading:ok' } } function setNavigationBarColor$1 ({ frontColor, backgroundColor } = {}) { const webview = getLastWebview(); if (webview) { const styles = {}; if (frontColor) { styles.titleColor = frontColor; } if (backgroundColor) { styles.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; } plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle(frontColor === '#000000' ? 'dark' : 'light'); const style = webview.getStyle(); if (style && style.titleNView) { webview.setStyle({ titleNView: styles }); } return { errMsg: 'setNavigationBarColor:ok' } } return { errMsg: 'setNavigationBarColor:fail' } } let waiting; let waitingTimeout; let toast = false; let toastTimeout; function showLoading$1 (args) { return callApiSync(showToast$1, args, 'showToast', 'showLoading') } function hideLoading () { return callApiSync(hideToast, Object.create(null), 'hideToast', 'hideLoading') } function showToast$1 ({ title = '', icon = 'success', image = '', duration = 1500, mask = false, position = '' } = {}) { if (position) { if (toast) { toastTimeout && clearTimeout(toastTimeout); plus.nativeUI.closeToast(); } if (waiting) { waitingTimeout && clearTimeout(waitingTimeout); waiting.close(); } if (~['top', 'center', 'bottom'].indexOf(position)) { let richText = `${title}`; plus.nativeUI.toast(richText, { verticalAlign: position, type: 'richtext' }); toast = true; toastTimeout = setTimeout(() => { hideToast(); }, 2000); return { errMsg: 'showToast:ok' } } console.warn('uni.showToast 传入的 "position" 值 "' + position + '" 无效'); } if (duration) { if (waiting) { waitingTimeout && clearTimeout(waitingTimeout); waiting.close(); } if (toast) { toastTimeout && clearTimeout(toastTimeout); plus.nativeUI.closeToast(); } if (icon && !~['success', 'loading', 'none'].indexOf(icon)) { icon = 'success'; } const waitingOptions = { modal: mask, back: 'transmit', padding: '10px', size: '16px' // 固定字体大小 }; if (!image && (!icon || icon === 'none')) { // 无图 // waitingOptions.width = '120px' // waitingOptions.height = '40px' waitingOptions.loading = { display: 'none' }; } else { // 有图 waitingOptions.width = '140px'; waitingOptions.height = '112px'; } if (image) { waitingOptions.loading = { display: 'block', height: '55px', icon: image, interval: duration }; } else { if (icon === 'success') { waitingOptions.loading = { display: 'block', height: '55px', icon: '__uniappsuccess.png', interval: duration }; } } waiting = plus.nativeUI.showWaiting(title, waitingOptions); waitingTimeout = setTimeout(() => { hideToast(); }, duration); } return { errMsg: 'showToast:ok' } } function hideToast () { if (toast) { toastTimeout && clearTimeout(toastTimeout); plus.nativeUI.closeToast(); toast = false; } if (waiting) { waitingTimeout && clearTimeout(waitingTimeout); waiting.close(); waiting = null; waitingTimeout = null; } return { errMsg: 'hideToast:ok' } } function showModal$1 ({ title = '', content = '', showCancel = true, cancelText = '取消', cancelColor = '#000000', confirmText = '确定', confirmColor = '#3CC51F' } = {}, callbackId) { plus.nativeUI.confirm(content, (e) => { if (showCancel) { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'showModal:ok', confirm: e.index === 1, cancel: e.index === 0 || e.index === -1 }); } else { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'showModal:ok', confirm: e.index === 0, cancel: false }); } }, title, showCancel ? [cancelText, confirmText] : [confirmText]); } function showActionSheet$1 ({ itemList = [], itemColor = '#000000', title = '' }, callbackId) { const options = { buttons: itemList.map(item => ({ title: item })) }; if (title) { options.title = title; } if (plus.os.name === 'iOS') { options.cancel = '取消'; } plus.nativeUI.actionSheet(options, (e) => { if (e.index > 0) { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'showActionSheet:ok', tapIndex: e.index - 1 }); } else { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'showActionSheet:fail cancel' }); } }); } function setTabBarBadge$2 ({ index, text, type = 'text' }) { tabBar.setTabBarBadge(type, index, text); return { errMsg: 'setTabBarBadge:ok' } } function setTabBarItem$2 ({ index, text, iconPath, selectedIconPath }) { if (!isTabBarPage()) { return { errMsg: 'setTabBarItem:fail not TabBar page' } } tabBar.setTabBarItem(index, text, iconPath, selectedIconPath); return { errMsg: 'setTabBarItem:ok' } } function setTabBarStyle$2 ({ color, selectedColor, backgroundColor, borderStyle }) { if (!isTabBarPage()) { return { errMsg: 'setTabBarStyle:fail not TabBar page' } } tabBar.setTabBarStyle({ color, selectedColor, backgroundColor, borderStyle }); return { errMsg: 'setTabBarStyle:ok' } } function hideTabBar$2 ({ animation }) { if (!isTabBarPage()) { return { errMsg: 'hideTabBar:fail not TabBar page' } } tabBar.hideTabBar(animation); return { errMsg: 'hideTabBar:ok' } } function showTabBar$2 ({ animation }) { if (!isTabBarPage()) { return { errMsg: 'showTabBar:fail not TabBar page' } } tabBar.showTabBar(animation); return { errMsg: 'showTabBar:ok' } } var appApi = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ startPullDownRefresh: startPullDownRefresh, stopPullDownRefresh: stopPullDownRefresh, chooseImage: chooseImage$1, createAudioInstance: createAudioInstance, destroyAudioInstance: destroyAudioInstance, setAudioState: setAudioState, getAudioState: getAudioState, operateAudio: operateAudio, enableAccelerometer: enableAccelerometer, addPhoneContact: addPhoneContact, openBluetoothAdapter: openBluetoothAdapter, closeBluetoothAdapter: closeBluetoothAdapter, getBluetoothAdapterState: getBluetoothAdapterState, startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery: startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery, stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery: stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery, getBluetoothDevices: getBluetoothDevices, getConnectedBluetoothDevices: getConnectedBluetoothDevices, createBLEConnection: createBLEConnection, closeBLEConnection: closeBLEConnection, getBLEDeviceServices: getBLEDeviceServices, getBLEDeviceCharacteristics: getBLEDeviceCharacteristics, notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange: notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange, notifyBLECharacteristicValueChanged: notifyBLECharacteristicValueChanged, readBLECharacteristicValue: readBLECharacteristicValue, writeBLECharacteristicValue: writeBLECharacteristicValue, getScreenBrightness: getScreenBrightness, setScreenBrightness: setScreenBrightness, setKeepScreenOn: setKeepScreenOn, getClipboardData: getClipboardData, setClipboardData: setClipboardData, enableCompass: enableCompass, getNetworkType: getNetworkType, onBeaconUpdate: onBeaconUpdate, onBeaconServiceChange: onBeaconServiceChange, getBeacons: getBeacons, startBeaconDiscovery: startBeaconDiscovery, stopBeaconDiscovery: stopBeaconDiscovery, makePhoneCall: makePhoneCall$1, SCAN_ID: SCAN_ID, SCAN_PATH: SCAN_PATH, scanCode: scanCode, getSystemInfoSync: getSystemInfoSync, getSystemInfo: getSystemInfo, vibrateLong: vibrateLong, vibrateShort: vibrateShort, saveFile: saveFile, getSavedFileList: getSavedFileList, getFileInfo: getFileInfo, getSavedFileInfo: getSavedFileInfo, removeSavedFile: removeSavedFile, openDocument: openDocument$1, chooseLocation: chooseLocation$1, getLocation: getLocation$1, openLocation: openLocation$1, startRecord: startRecord, stopRecord: stopRecord, playVoice: playVoice, pauseVoice: pauseVoice, stopVoice: stopVoice, getMusicPlayerState: getMusicPlayerState, operateMusicPlayer: operateMusicPlayer, setBackgroundAudioState: setBackgroundAudioState, operateBackgroundAudio: operateBackgroundAudio, getBackgroundAudioState: getBackgroundAudioState, chooseVideo: chooseVideo$1, compressImage: compressImage, getImageInfo: getImageInfo$1, previewImage: previewImage$1, operateRecorder: operateRecorder, saveImageToPhotosAlbum: saveImageToPhotosAlbum, saveVideoToPhotosAlbum: saveVideoToPhotosAlbum, operateDownloadTask: operateDownloadTask, createDownloadTask: createDownloadTask, createRequestTaskById: createRequestTaskById, createRequestTask: createRequestTask, operateRequestTask: operateRequestTask, createSocketTask: createSocketTask, operateSocketTask: operateSocketTask, operateUploadTask: operateUploadTask, createUploadTask: createUploadTask, getProvider: getProvider$1, login: login, getUserInfo: getUserInfo, operateWXData: operateWXData, requestPayment: requestPayment, subscribePush: subscribePush, unsubscribePush: unsubscribePush, onPush: onPush, offPush: offPush, shareAppMessageDirectly: shareAppMessageDirectly, share: share, showKeyboard: showKeyboard, hideKeyboard: hideKeyboard, setNavigationBarTitle: setNavigationBarTitle$1, showNavigationBarLoading: showNavigationBarLoading, hideNavigationBarLoading: hideNavigationBarLoading, setNavigationBarColor: setNavigationBarColor$1, showLoading: showLoading$1, hideLoading: hideLoading, showToast: showToast$1, hideToast: hideToast, showModal: showModal$1, showActionSheet: showActionSheet$1, setTabBarBadge: setTabBarBadge$2, setTabBarItem: setTabBarItem$2, setTabBarStyle: setTabBarStyle$2, hideTabBar: hideTabBar$2, showTabBar: showTabBar$2 }); const Emitter = new Vue(); function apply (ctx, method, args) { return ctx[method].apply(ctx, args) } function $on$1 () { return apply(Emitter, '$on', [...arguments]) } function $off$1 () { return apply(Emitter, '$off', [...arguments]) } function $once$1 () { return apply(Emitter, '$once', [...arguments]) } function $emit$1 () { return apply(Emitter, '$emit', [...arguments]) } var eventApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ $on: $on$1, $off: $off$1, $once: $once$1, $emit: $emit$1 }); var api = Object.assign(Object.create(null), appApi, eventApis); /** * 执行内部平台方法 */ function invokeMethod (name, ...args) { return api[name].apply(null, args) } /** * 监听 service 层内部平台方法回调,与 publish 对应 * @param {Object} name * @param {Object} callback */ function onMethod (name, callback) { return UniServiceJSBridge.on('api.' + name, callback) } const eventNames = [ 'canplay', 'play', 'pause', 'stop', 'ended', 'timeupdate', 'error', 'waiting', 'seeking', 'seeked' ]; const props = [ { name: 'src', cache: true }, { name: 'startTime', default: 0, cache: true }, { name: 'autoplay', default: false, cache: true }, { name: 'loop', default: false, cache: true }, { name: 'obeyMuteSwitch', default: true, readonly: true, cache: true }, { name: 'duration', readonly: true }, { name: 'currentTime', readonly: true }, { name: 'paused', readonly: true }, { name: 'buffered', readonly: true }, { name: 'volume' } ]; class InnerAudioContext { constructor (id) { this.id = id; this._callbacks = {}; this._options = {}; eventNames.forEach(name => { this._callbacks[name] = []; }); props.forEach(item => { const name = item.name; const data = { get () { const result = item.cache ? this._options : invokeMethod('getAudioState', { audioId: this.id }); const value = name in result ? result[name] : item.default; return typeof value === 'number' && name !== 'volume' ? value / 1e3 : value } }; if (!item.readonly) { data.set = function (value) { this._options[name] = value; invokeMethod('setAudioState', Object.assign({}, this._options, { audioId: this.id })); }; } Object.defineProperty(this, name, data); }); } play () { this._operate('play'); } pause () { this._operate('pause'); } stop () { this._operate('stop'); } seek (position) { this._operate('play', { currentTime: position }); } destroy () { invokeMethod('destroyAudioInstance', { audioId: this.id }); delete innerAudioContexts[this.id]; } _operate (type, options) { invokeMethod('operateAudio', Object.assign({}, options, { audioId: this.id, operationType: type })); } } eventNames.forEach(item => { const name = item[0].toUpperCase() + item.substr(1); InnerAudioContext.prototype[`on${name}`] = function (callback) { this._callbacks[item].push(callback); }; InnerAudioContext.prototype[`off${name}`] = function (callback) { const callbacks = this._callbacks[item]; const index = callbacks.indexOf(callback); if (index >= 0) { callbacks.splice(index, 1); } }; }); onMethod('onAudioStateChange', ({ state, audioId, errMsg, errCode }) => { const audio = innerAudioContexts[audioId]; audio && audio._callbacks[state].forEach(callback => { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(state === 'error' ? { errMsg, errCode } : {}); } }); }); const innerAudioContexts = Object.create(null); function createInnerAudioContext () { const { audioId } = invokeMethod('createAudioInstance'); const innerAudioContext = new InnerAudioContext(audioId); innerAudioContexts[audioId] = innerAudioContext; return innerAudioContext } var require_context_module_1_4 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ createInnerAudioContext: createInnerAudioContext }); const eventNames$1 = [ 'canplay', 'play', 'pause', 'stop', 'ended', 'timeupdate', 'prev', 'next', 'error', 'waiting' ]; const callbacks$1 = {}; eventNames$1.forEach(name => { callbacks$1[name] = []; }); const props$1 = [ { name: 'duration', readonly: true }, { name: 'currentTime', readonly: true }, { name: 'paused', readonly: true }, { name: 'src', cache: true }, { name: 'startTime', default: 0, cache: true }, { name: 'buffered', readonly: true }, { name: 'title', cache: true }, { name: 'epname', cache: true }, { name: 'singer', cache: true }, { name: 'coverImgUrl', cache: true }, { name: 'webUrl', cache: true }, { name: 'protocol', readonly: true, default: 'http' } ]; class BackgroundAudioManager { constructor () { this._options = {}; onMethod('onBackgroundAudioStateChange', ({ state, errMsg, errCode }) => { callbacks$1[state].forEach(callback => { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(state === 'error' ? { errMsg, errCode } : {}); } }); }); props$1.forEach(item => { const name = item.name; const data = { get () { const result = item.cache ? this._options : invokeMethod('getBackgroundAudioState'); return name in result ? result[name] : item.default } }; if (!item.readonly) { data.set = function (value) { this._options[name] = value; invokeMethod('setBackgroundAudioState', Object.assign({}, this._options, { audioId: this.id })); }; } Object.defineProperty(this, name, data); }); } play () { this._operate('play'); } pause () { this._operate('pause'); } stop () { this._operate('stop'); } seek (position) { this._operate('play', { currentTime: position }); } _operate (type, options) { invokeMethod('operateBackgroundAudio', Object.assign({}, options, { operationType: type })); } } eventNames$1.forEach(item => { const name = item[0].toUpperCase() + item.substr(1); BackgroundAudioManager.prototype[`on${name}`] = function (callback) { callbacks$1[item].push(callback); }; }); let backgroundAudioManager; function getBackgroundAudioManager () { return backgroundAudioManager || (backgroundAudioManager = new BackgroundAudioManager()) } var require_context_module_1_5 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ getBackgroundAudioManager: getBackgroundAudioManager }); const callbacks$2 = []; onMethod('onAccelerometerChange', function (res) { callbacks$2.forEach(callbackId => { invoke(callbackId, res); }); }); let isEnable = false; /** * 监听加速度 * @param {*} callbackId */ function onAccelerometerChange (callbackId) { // TODO 当没有 start 时,添加 on 需要主动 start? callbacks$2.push(callbackId); if (!isEnable) { startAccelerometer(); } } function startAccelerometer ({ interval // TODO } = {}) { if (isEnable) { return } isEnable = true; return invokeMethod('enableAccelerometer', { enable: true }) } function stopAccelerometer () { isEnable = false; return invokeMethod('enableAccelerometer', { enable: false }) } var require_context_module_1_6 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ onAccelerometerChange: onAccelerometerChange, startAccelerometer: startAccelerometer, stopAccelerometer: stopAccelerometer }); function on (method) { const callbacks = []; onMethod(method, data => { callbacks.forEach(callbackId => { invoke(callbackId, data); }); }); return function (callbackId) { callbacks.push(callbackId); } } const onBluetoothDeviceFound$1 = on('onBluetoothDeviceFound'); const onBluetoothAdapterStateChange$1 = on('onBluetoothAdapterStateChange'); const onBLEConnectionStateChange$1 = on('onBLEConnectionStateChange'); const onBLECharacteristicValueChange$1 = on('onBLECharacteristicValueChange'); var require_context_module_1_7 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ onBluetoothDeviceFound: onBluetoothDeviceFound$1, onBluetoothAdapterStateChange: onBluetoothAdapterStateChange$1, onBLEConnectionStateChange: onBLEConnectionStateChange$1, onBLECharacteristicValueChange: onBLECharacteristicValueChange$1 }); const callbacks$3 = []; onMethod('onCompassChange', function (res) { callbacks$3.forEach(callbackId => { invoke(callbackId, res); }); }); let isEnable$1 = false; /** * 监听加速度 * @param {*} callbackId */ function onCompassChange (callbackId) { // TODO 当没有 start 时,添加 on 需要主动 start? callbacks$3.push(callbackId); if (!isEnable$1) { startCompass(); } } function startCompass ({ interval // TODO } = {}) { if (isEnable$1) { return } isEnable$1 = true; return invokeMethod('enableCompass', { enable: true }) } function stopCompass () { isEnable$1 = false; return invokeMethod('enableCompass', { enable: false }) } var require_context_module_1_8 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ onCompassChange: onCompassChange, startCompass: startCompass, stopCompass: stopCompass }); const callbacks$4 = []; onMethod('onNetworkStatusChange', res => { callbacks$4.forEach(callbackId => { invoke(callbackId, res); }); }); function onNetworkStatusChange (callbackId) { callbacks$4.push(callbackId); } var require_context_module_1_9 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ onNetworkStatusChange: onNetworkStatusChange }); const callbacks$5 = { pause: [], resume: [], start: [], stop: [] }; class RecorderManager { constructor () { onMethod('onRecorderStateChange', res => { const state = res.state; delete res.state; delete res.errMsg; callbacks$5[state].forEach(callback => { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(res); } }); }); } onError (callback) { callbacks$5.error.push(callback); } onFrameRecorded (callback) { } onInterruptionBegin (callback) { } onInterruptionEnd (callback) { } onPause (callback) { callbacks$5.pause.push(callback); } onResume (callback) { callbacks$5.resume.push(callback); } onStart (callback) { callbacks$5.start.push(callback); } onStop (callback) { callbacks$5.stop.push(callback); } pause () { invokeMethod('operateRecorder', { operationType: 'pause' }); } resume () { invokeMethod('operateRecorder', { operationType: 'resume' }); } start (options) { invokeMethod('operateRecorder', Object.assign({}, options, { operationType: 'start' })); } stop () { invokeMethod('operateRecorder', { operationType: 'stop' }); } } let recorderManager; function getRecorderManager () { return recorderManager || (recorderManager = new RecorderManager()) } var require_context_module_1_10 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ getRecorderManager: getRecorderManager }); class DownloadTask { constructor (downloadTaskId, callbackId) { this.id = downloadTaskId; this._callbackId = callbackId; this._callbacks = []; } abort () { invokeMethod('operateRequestTask', { downloadTaskId: this.id, operationType: 'abort' }); } onProgressUpdate (callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { return } this._callbacks.push(callback); } onHeadersReceived () { } offProgressUpdate (callback) { const index = this._callbacks.indexOf(callback); if (index >= 0) { this._callbacks.splice(index, 1); } } offHeadersReceived () { } } const downloadTasks$1 = Object.create(null); onMethod('onDownloadTaskStateChange', ({ downloadTaskId, state, tempFilePath, statusCode, progress, totalBytesWritten, totalBytesExpectedToWrite, errMsg }) => { const downloadTask = downloadTasks$1[downloadTaskId]; const callbackId = downloadTask._callbackId; switch (state) { case 'progressUpdate': downloadTask._callbacks.forEach(callback => { callback({ progress, totalBytesWritten, totalBytesExpectedToWrite }); }); break case 'success': invoke(callbackId, { tempFilePath, statusCode, errMsg: 'request:ok' }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough case 'fail': invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'request:fail ' + errMsg }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough default: // progressUpdate 可能晚于 success setTimeout(() => { delete downloadTasks$1[downloadTaskId]; }, 100); break } }); function downloadFile$1 (args, callbackId) { const { downloadTaskId } = invokeMethod('createDownloadTask', args); const task = new DownloadTask(downloadTaskId, callbackId); downloadTasks$1[downloadTaskId] = task; return task } var require_context_module_1_11 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ downloadFile: downloadFile$1 }); const requestTasks$1 = Object.create(null); function formatResponse (res, args) { if ( typeof res.data === 'string' && res.data.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 ) { res.data = res.data.substr(1); } res.statusCode = parseInt(res.statusCode, 10); if (isPlainObject(res.header)) { res.header = Object.keys(res.header).reduce(function (ret, key) { const value = res.header[key]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { ret[key] = value.join(','); } else if (typeof value === 'string') { ret[key] = value; } return ret }, {}); } if (args.dataType && args.dataType.toLowerCase() === 'json') { try { res.data = JSON.parse(res.data); } catch (e) {} } return res } onMethod('onRequestTaskStateChange', function ({ requestTaskId, state, data, statusCode, header, errMsg }) { const { args, callbackId } = requestTasks$1[requestTaskId] || {}; if (!callbackId) { return } delete requestTasks$1[requestTaskId]; switch (state) { case 'success': invoke(callbackId, formatResponse({ data, statusCode, header, errMsg: 'request:ok' }, args)); break case 'fail': invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'request:fail ' + errMsg }); break } }); class RequestTask { constructor (id) { this.id = id; } abort () { invokeMethod('operateRequestTask', { requestTaskId: this.id, operationType: 'abort' }); } offHeadersReceived () { } onHeadersReceived () { } } function request$1 (args, callbackId) { const { requestTaskId } = invokeMethod('createRequestTask', args); requestTasks$1[requestTaskId] = { args, callbackId }; return new RequestTask(requestTaskId) } var require_context_module_1_12 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ request: request$1 }); class SocketTask { constructor (socketTaskId) { this.id = socketTaskId; this._callbacks = { open: [], close: [], error: [], message: [] }; this.CLOSED = 3; this.CLOSING = 2; this.CONNECTING = 0; this.OPEN = 1; this.readyState = this.CLOSED; } send (args) { if (this.readyState !== this.OPEN) { this._callback(args, 'sendSocketMessage:fail WebSocket is not connected'); } const { errMsg } = invokeMethod('operateSocketTask', Object.assign({}, args, { operationType: 'send', socketTaskId: this.id })); this._callback(args, errMsg.replace('operateSocketTask', 'sendSocketMessage')); } close (args) { this.readyState = this.CLOSING; const { errMsg } = invokeMethod('operateSocketTask', Object.assign({}, args, { operationType: 'close', socketTaskId: this.id })); this._callback(args, errMsg.replace('operateSocketTask', 'closeSocket')); } onOpen (callback) { this._callbacks.open.push(callback); } onClose (callback) { this._callbacks.close.push(callback); } onError (callback) { this._callbacks.error.push(callback); } onMessage (callback) { this._callbacks.message.push(callback); } _callback ({ success, fail, complete }, errMsg) { var data = { errMsg }; if (/:ok$/.test(errMsg)) { if (typeof success === 'function') { success(data); } } else { if (typeof fail === 'function') { fail(data); } } if (typeof complete === 'function') { complete(data); } } } const socketTasks$1 = Object.create(null); const socketTasksArray = []; const callbacks$6 = Object.create(null); onMethod('onSocketTaskStateChange', ({ socketTaskId, state, data, errMsg }) => { const socketTask = socketTasks$1[socketTaskId]; if (!socketTask) { return } socketTask._callbacks[state].forEach(callback => { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(state === 'message' ? { data } : {}); } }); if (state === 'open') { socketTask.readyState = socketTask.OPEN; } if (socketTask === socketTasksArray[0] && callbacks$6[state]) { invoke(callbacks$6[state], state === 'message' ? { data } : {}); } if (state === 'error' || state === 'close') { socketTask.readyState = socketTask.CLOSED; delete socketTasks$1[socketTaskId]; const index = socketTasksArray.indexOf(socketTask); if (index >= 0) { socketTasksArray.splice(index, 1); } } }); function connectSocket$1 (args, callbackId) { const { socketTaskId } = invokeMethod('createSocketTask', args); const task = new SocketTask(socketTaskId); socketTasks$1[socketTaskId] = task; socketTasksArray.push(task); setTimeout(() => { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'connectSocket:ok' }); }, 0); return task } function sendSocketMessage$1 (args, callbackId) { const socketTask = socketTasksArray[0]; if (!socketTask || socketTask.readyState !== socketTask.OPEN) { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'sendSocketMessage:fail WebSocket is not connected' }); return } return invokeMethod('operateSocketTask', Object.assign({}, args, { operationType: 'send', socketTaskId: socketTask.id })) } function closeSocket$1 (args, callbackId) { const socketTask = socketTasksArray[0]; if (!socketTask) { invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'closeSocket:fail WebSocket is not connected' }); return } socketTask.readyState = socketTask.CLOSING; return invokeMethod('operateSocketTask', Object.assign({}, args, { operationType: 'close', socketTaskId: socketTask.id })) } function onSocketOpen (callbackId) { callbacks$6.open = callbackId; } function onSocketError (callbackId) { callbacks$6.error = callbackId; } function onSocketMessage (callbackId) { callbacks$6.message = callbackId; } function onSocketClose (callbackId) { callbacks$6.close = callbackId; } var require_context_module_1_13 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ connectSocket: connectSocket$1, sendSocketMessage: sendSocketMessage$1, closeSocket: closeSocket$1, onSocketOpen: onSocketOpen, onSocketError: onSocketError, onSocketMessage: onSocketMessage, onSocketClose: onSocketClose }); class UploadTask { constructor (uploadTaskId, callbackId) { this.id = uploadTaskId; this._callbackId = callbackId; this._callbacks = []; } abort () { invokeMethod('operateRequestTask', { uploadTaskId: this.id, operationType: 'abort' }); } onProgressUpdate (callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { return } this._callbacks.push(callback); } onHeadersReceived () { } offProgressUpdate (callback) { const index = this._callbacks.indexOf(callback); if (index >= 0) { this._callbacks.splice(index, 1); } } offHeadersReceived () { } } const uploadTasks$1 = Object.create(null); onMethod('onUploadTaskStateChange', ({ uploadTaskId, state, data, statusCode, progress, totalBytesSent, totalBytesExpectedToSend, errMsg }) => { const uploadTask = uploadTasks$1[uploadTaskId]; const callbackId = uploadTask._callbackId; switch (state) { case 'progressUpdate': uploadTask._callbacks.forEach(callback => { callback({ progress, totalBytesSent, totalBytesExpectedToSend }); }); break case 'success': invoke(callbackId, { data, statusCode, errMsg: 'request:ok' }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough case 'fail': invoke(callbackId, { errMsg: 'request:fail ' + errMsg }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough default: // progressUpdate 可能晚于 success setTimeout(() => { delete uploadTasks$1[uploadTaskId]; }, 100); break } }); function uploadFile$1 (args, callbackId) { const { uploadTaskId } = invokeMethod('createUploadTask', args); const task = new UploadTask(uploadTaskId, callbackId); uploadTasks$1[uploadTaskId] = task; return task } var require_context_module_1_14 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ uploadFile: uploadFile$1 }); function setStorage$1 ({ key, data } = {}) { const value = { type: typeof data === 'object' ? 'object' : 'string', data: data }; localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)); const keyList = localStorage.getItem('uni-storage-keys'); if (!keyList) { localStorage.setItem('uni-storage-keys', JSON.stringify([key])); } else { const keys = JSON.parse(keyList); if (keys.indexOf(key) < 0) { keys.push(key); localStorage.setItem('uni-storage-keys', JSON.stringify(keys)); } } return { errMsg: 'setStorage:ok' } } function setStorageSync$1 (key, data) { setStorage$1({ key, data }); } function getStorage$1 ({ key } = {}) { const data = localStorage.getItem(key); return data ? { data: JSON.parse(data).data, errMsg: 'getStorage:ok' } : { data: '', errMsg: 'getStorage:fail' } } function getStorageSync$1 (key) { const res = getStorage$1({ key }); return res.data } function removeStorage$1 ({ key } = {}) { const keyList = localStorage.getItem('uni-storage-keys'); if (keyList) { const keys = JSON.parse(keyList); const index = keys.indexOf(key); keys.splice(index, 1); localStorage.setItem('uni-storage-keys', JSON.stringify(keys)); } localStorage.removeItem(key); return { errMsg: 'removeStorage:ok' } } function removeStorageSync$1 (key) { removeStorage$1({ key }); } function clearStorage () { localStorage.clear(); return { errMsg: 'clearStorage:ok' } } function clearStorageSync () { clearStorage(); } function getStorageInfo () { // TODO 暂时先不做大小的转换 const keyList = localStorage.getItem('uni-storage-keys'); return keyList ? { keys: JSON.parse(keyList), currentSize: 0, limitSize: 0, errMsg: 'getStorageInfo:ok' } : { keys: '', currentSize: 0, limitSize: 0, errMsg: 'getStorageInfo:fail' } } function getStorageInfoSync () { const res = getStorageInfo(); delete res.errMsg; return res } var require_context_module_1_15 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ setStorage: setStorage$1, setStorageSync: setStorageSync$1, getStorage: getStorage$1, getStorageSync: getStorageSync$1, removeStorage: removeStorage$1, removeStorageSync: removeStorageSync$1, clearStorage: clearStorage, clearStorageSync: clearStorageSync, getStorageInfo: getStorageInfo, getStorageInfoSync: getStorageInfoSync }); const defaultOption = { duration: 400, timingFunction: 'linear', delay: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50% 0' }; class MPAnimation { constructor (option) { this.actions = []; this.currentTransform = {}; this.currentStepAnimates = []; this.option = Object.assign({}, defaultOption, option); } _getOption (option) { let _option = { transition: Object.assign({}, this.option, option) }; _option.transformOrigin = _option.transition.transformOrigin; delete _option.transition.transformOrigin; return _option } _pushAnimates (type, args) { this.currentStepAnimates.push({ type: type, args: args }); } _converType (type) { return type.replace(/[A-Z]/g, text => { return `-${text.toLowerCase()}` }) } _getValue (value) { return typeof value === 'number' ? `${value}px` : value } export () { const actions = this.actions; this.actions = []; return { actions } } step (option) { this.currentStepAnimates.forEach(animate => { if (animate.type !== 'style') { this.currentTransform[animate.type] = animate; } else { this.currentTransform[`${animate.type}.${animate.args[0]}`] = animate; } }); this.actions.push({ animates: Object.values(this.currentTransform), option: this._getOption(option) }); this.currentStepAnimates = []; return this } } const animateTypes1 = ['matrix', 'matrix3d', 'rotate', 'rotate3d', 'rotateX', 'rotateY', 'rotateZ', 'scale', 'scale3d', 'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'scaleZ', 'skew', 'skewX', 'skewY', 'translate', 'translate3d', 'translateX', 'translateY', 'translateZ']; const animateTypes2 = ['opacity', 'backgroundColor']; const animateTypes3 = ['width', 'height', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']; animateTypes1.concat(animateTypes2, animateTypes3).forEach(type => { MPAnimation.prototype[type] = function (...args) { if (animateTypes2.concat(animateTypes3).includes(type)) { this._pushAnimates('style', [this._converType(type), animateTypes3.includes(type) ? this._getValue(args[0]) : args[0]]); } else { this._pushAnimates(type, args); } return this }; }); function createAnimation (option) { return new MPAnimation(option) } var require_context_module_1_16 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ createAnimation: createAnimation }); const callbacks$7 = []; onMethod('onKeyboardHeightChange', res => { callbacks$7.forEach(callbackId => { invoke(callbackId, res); }); }); function onKeyboardHeightChange (callbackId) { callbacks$7.push(callbackId); } var require_context_module_1_17 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ onKeyboardHeightChange: onKeyboardHeightChange }); function pageScrollTo$1 (args) { const pages = getCurrentPages(); if (pages.length) { UniServiceJSBridge.publishHandler('pageScrollTo', args, pages[pages.length - 1].$page.id); } return {} } var require_context_module_1_18 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ pageScrollTo: pageScrollTo$1 }); function removeTabBarBadge$1 ({ index }) { return invokeMethod('setTabBarBadge', { index, type: 'none' }) } function showTabBarRedDot$1 ({ index }) { return invokeMethod('setTabBarBadge', { index, type: 'redDot' }) } const hideTabBarRedDot$1 = removeTabBarBadge$1; var require_context_module_1_19 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ removeTabBarBadge: removeTabBarBadge$1, showTabBarRedDot: showTabBarRedDot$1, hideTabBarRedDot: hideTabBarRedDot$1 }); const callbacks$8 = []; onMethod('onViewDidResize', res => { callbacks$8.forEach(callbackId => { invoke(callbackId, res); }); }); function onWindowResize (callbackId) { callbacks$8.push(callbackId); } function offWindowResize (callbackId) { // 此处和微信平台一致查询不到去掉最后一个 callbacks$8.splice(callbacks$8.indexOf(callbackId), 1); } var require_context_module_1_20 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ onWindowResize: onWindowResize, offWindowResize: offWindowResize }); const api$1 = Object.create(null); const modules$1 = (function() { var map = { './base/base64.js': require_context_module_1_0, './base/can-i-use.js': require_context_module_1_1, './base/interceptor.js': require_context_module_1_2, './base/upx2px.js': require_context_module_1_3, './context/audio.js': require_context_module_1_4, './context/background-audio.js': require_context_module_1_5, './device/accelerometer.js': require_context_module_1_6, './device/bluetooth.js': require_context_module_1_7, './device/compass.js': require_context_module_1_8, './device/network.js': require_context_module_1_9, './media/recorder.js': require_context_module_1_10, './network/download-file.js': require_context_module_1_11, './network/request.js': require_context_module_1_12, './network/socket.js': require_context_module_1_13, './network/upload-file.js': require_context_module_1_14, './storage/storage.js': require_context_module_1_15, './ui/create-animation.js': require_context_module_1_16, './ui/keyboard.js': require_context_module_1_17, './ui/page-scroll-to.js': require_context_module_1_18, './ui/tab-bar.js': require_context_module_1_19, './ui/window.js': require_context_module_1_20, }; var req = function req(key) { return map[key] || (function() { throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + key + "'.") }()); }; req.keys = function() { return Object.keys(map); }; return req; })(); modules$1.keys().forEach(function (key) { Object.assign(api$1, modules$1(key)); }); const SUCCESS = 'success'; const FAIL = 'fail'; const COMPLETE = 'complete'; const CALLBACKS = [SUCCESS, FAIL, COMPLETE]; /** * 调用无参数,或仅一个参数且为 callback 的 API * @param {Object} vm * @param {Object} method * @param {Object} args * @param {Object} extras */ function invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs (vm, method, args, extras) { if (!vm) { return } if (typeof args === 'undefined') { return vm[method]() } const [, callbacks] = normalizeArgs(args, extras); if (!Object.keys(callbacks).length) { return vm[method]() } return vm[method](normalizeCallback(method, callbacks)) } /** * 调用两个参数(第一个入参为普通参数,第二个入参为 callback) API * @param {Object} vm * @param {Object} method * @param {Object} args * @param {Object} extras */ function invokeVmMethod (vm, method, args, extras) { if (!vm) { return } const [pureArgs, callbacks] = normalizeArgs(args, extras); if (!Object.keys(callbacks).length) { return vm[method](pureArgs) } return vm[method](pureArgs, normalizeCallback(method, callbacks)) } function findElmById (id, vm) { return findRefByElm(id, vm.$el) } function findRefByElm (id, elm) { if (!id || !elm) { return } if (elm.attr.id === id) { return elm } const children = elm.children; if (!children) { return } for (let i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) { const elm = findRefByElm(id, children[i]); if (elm) { return elm } } } function normalizeArgs (args = {}, extras) { const callbacks = Object.create(null); const iterator = function iterator (name) { const callback = args[name]; if (isFn(callback)) { callbacks[name] = callback; delete args[name]; } }; CALLBACKS.forEach(iterator); extras && extras.forEach(iterator); return [args, callbacks] } function normalizeCallback (method, callbacks) { return function weexCallback (ret) { const type = ret.type; delete ret.type; const callback = callbacks[type]; if (type === SUCCESS) { ret.errMsg = `${method}:ok`; } else if (type === FAIL) { ret.errMsg = method + ':fail' + (ret.msg ? (' ' + ret.msg) : ''); } delete ret.code; delete ret.msg; isFn(callback) && callback(ret); if (type === SUCCESS || type === FAIL) { const complete = callbacks['complete']; isFn(complete) && complete(ret); } } } class LivePusherContext { constructor (id, ctx) { this.id = id; this.ctx = ctx; } start (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'start', cbs) } stop (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'stop', cbs) } pause (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'pause', cbs) } resume (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'resume', cbs) } switchCamera (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'switchCamera', cbs) } snapshot (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'snapshot', cbs) } toggleTorch (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'toggleTorch', cbs) } playBGM (args) { return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'playBGM', args) } stopBGM (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'stopBGM', cbs) } pauseBGM (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'pauseBGM', cbs) } resumeBGM (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'resumeBGM', cbs) } setBGMVolume (cbs) { return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'setBGMVolume', cbs) } startPreview (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'startPreview', cbs) } stopPreview (args) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'stopPreview', args) } } function createLivePusherContext (id, vm) { if (!vm) { return console.warn('uni.createLivePusherContext 必须传入第二个参数,即当前 vm 对象(this)') } const elm = findElmById(id, vm); if (!elm) { return console.warn('Can not find `' + id + '`') } return new LivePusherContext(id, elm) } class MapContext { constructor (id, ctx) { this.id = id; this.ctx = ctx; } getCenterLocation (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'getCenterLocation', cbs) } moveToLocation () { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'moveToLocation') } translateMarker (args) { return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'translateMarker', args, ['animationEnd']) } includePoints (args) { return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'includePoints', args) } getRegion (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'getRegion', cbs) } getScale (cbs) { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'getScale', cbs) } } function createMapContext$1 (id, vm) { if (!vm) { return console.warn('uni.createMapContext 必须传入第二个参数,即当前 vm 对象(this)') } const elm = findElmById(id, vm); if (!elm) { return console.warn('Can not find `' + id + '`') } return new MapContext(id, elm) } class VideoContext { constructor (id, ctx) { this.id = id; this.ctx = ctx; } play () { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'play') } pause () { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'pause') } seek (args) { return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'seek', args) } stop () { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'stop') } sendDanmu (args) { return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'sendDanmu', args) } playbackRate (args) { return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'playbackRate', args) } requestFullScreen (args) { return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'requestFullScreen', args) } exitFullScreen () { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'exitFullScreen') } showStatusBar () { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'showStatusBar') } hideStatusBar () { return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'hideStatusBar') } } function createVideoContext$1 (id, vm) { if (!vm) { return console.warn('uni.createVideoContext 必须传入第二个参数,即当前 vm 对象(this)') } const elm = findElmById(id, vm); if (!elm) { return console.warn('Can not find `' + id + '`') } return new VideoContext(id, elm) } function requireNativePlugin$1 (name) { return weex.requireModule(name) } const ANI_DURATION$1 = 300; const ANI_SHOW$1 = 'pop-in'; const ANI_CLOSE = 'pop-out'; function showWebview (webview, animationType, animationDuration, callback) { setTimeout(() => { webview.show( animationType || ANI_SHOW$1, parseInt(animationDuration) || ANI_DURATION$1, () => { callback && callback(); } ); }, 50); } let firstBackTime = 0; function quit () { if (!firstBackTime) { firstBackTime = Date.now(); plus.nativeUI.toast('再按一次退出应用'); setTimeout(() => { firstBackTime = null; }, 2000); } else if (Date.now() - firstBackTime < 2000) { plus.runtime.quit(); } } function backWebview (webview, callback) { if (!webview.__uniapp_webview) { return callback() } const children = webview.children(); if (!children || !children.length) { // 有子 webview return callback() } const childWebview = children[0]; childWebview.canBack(({ canBack }) => { if (canBack) { childWebview.back(); // webview 返回 } else { callback(); } }); } function back (delta, animationType, animationDuration) { const pages = getCurrentPages(); const len = pages.length; const currentPage = pages[len - 1]; if (delta > 1) { // 中间页隐藏 pages.slice(len - delta, len - 1).reverse().forEach(deltaPage => { deltaPage.$getAppWebview().close('none'); }); } backWebview(currentPage, () => { if (animationType) { currentPage.$getAppWebview().close(animationType, animationDuration || ANI_DURATION$1); } else { if (currentPage.$page.openType === 'redirect') { // 如果是 redirectTo 跳转的,需要制定 back 动画 currentPage.$getAppWebview().close(ANI_CLOSE, ANI_DURATION$1); } currentPage.$getAppWebview().close('auto'); } pages.slice(len - delta, len).forEach(page => page.$remove()); setStatusBarStyle(); UniServiceJSBridge.emit('onAppRoute', { type: 'navigateBack' }); }); } function navigateBack$1 ({ from = 'navigateBack', delta, animationType, animationDuration }) { const pages = getCurrentPages(); const currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1]; if ( currentPage.$vm && currentPage.$vm.$options.onBackPress && currentPage.$vm.__call_hook && currentPage.$vm.__call_hook('onBackPress', { from }) ) { return } uni.hideToast(); // 后退时,关闭 toast,loading currentPage.$page.meta.isQuit ? quit() : back(delta, animationType, animationDuration); } function navigateTo$1 ({ url, animationType, animationDuration }) { const urls = url.split('?'); const path = urls[0]; const query = parseQuery(urls[1] || ''); UniServiceJSBridge.emit('onAppRoute', { type: 'navigateTo', path }); showWebview( __registerPage({ path, query, openType: 'navigate' }), animationType, animationDuration ); setStatusBarStyle(); } function reLaunch$1 ({ url }) { const urls = url.split('?'); const path = urls[0]; const query = parseQuery(urls[1] || ''); const pages = getCurrentPages(true).slice(0); const routeOptions = __uniRoutes.find(route => route.path === path); if (routeOptions.meta.isTabBar) { tabBar.switchTab(url); } showWebview( __registerPage({ path, query, openType: 'reLaunch' }), 'none', 0 ); pages.forEach(page => { page.$remove(); page.$getAppWebview().close('none'); }); setStatusBarStyle(); } function redirectTo$1 ({ url }) { const urls = url.split('?'); const path = urls[0]; const query = parseQuery(urls[1] || ''); const pages = getCurrentPages(); const lastPage = pages[pages.length - 1]; lastPage && lastPage.$remove(); showWebview( __registerPage({ path, query, openType: 'redirect' }), 'none', 0, () => { lastPage && lastPage.$getAppWebview().close('none'); } ); setStatusBarStyle(); } function switchTab$1 ({ url, from }) { const path = url.split('?')[0]; tabBar.switchTab(path.slice(1)); const pages = getCurrentPages(); const len = pages.length; if (len >= 1) { // 前一个页面是非 tabBar 页面 const currentPage = pages[len - 1]; if (!currentPage.$page.meta.isTabBar) { pages.reverse().forEach(page => { if (!page.$page.meta.isTabBar && page !== currentPage) { page.$remove(); page.$getAppWebview().close('none'); } }); currentPage.$remove(); if (currentPage.$page.openType === 'redirect') { currentPage.$getAppWebview().close(ANI_CLOSE, ANI_DURATION$1); } else { currentPage.$getAppWebview().close('auto'); } } else { // 前一个 tabBar 触发 onHide currentPage.$vm.__call_hook('onHide'); } } let tabBarPage; // 查找当前 tabBarPage,且设置 visible getCurrentPages(true).forEach(page => { if (('/' + page.route) === path) { page.$page.meta.visible = true; tabBarPage = page; } else { if (page.$page.meta.isTabBar) { page.$page.meta.visible = false; } } }); if (tabBarPage) { tabBarPage.$vm.__call_hook('onShow'); tabBarPage.$getAppWebview().show('none'); } else { showWebview( __registerPage({ path, query: {}, openType: 'switchTab' }) ); } setStatusBarStyle(); } var nvueApi = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ createLivePusherContext: createLivePusherContext, createMapContext: createMapContext$1, createVideoContext: createVideoContext$1, requireNativePlugin: requireNativePlugin$1, navigateBack: navigateBack$1, navigateTo: navigateTo$1, reLaunch: reLaunch$1, redirectTo: redirectTo$1, switchTab: switchTab$1 }); var platformApi = Object.assign(Object.create(null), appApi, nvueApi); var api$2 = Object.assign(Object.create(null), api$1, platformApi); const uni$1 = Object.create(null); apis_1.forEach(name => { if (api$2[name]) { uni$1[name] = promisify(name, wrapper(name, api$2[name])); } else { uni$1[name] = wrapperUnimplemented(name); } }); UniServiceJSBridge.publishHandler = UniServiceJSBridge.emit; // TODO UniServiceJSBridge.invokeCallbackHandler = invokeCallbackHandler; var index = { __registerConfig: registerConfig, __registerApp: registerApp, __registerPage: registerPage, uni: uni$1, getApp, getCurrentPages: getCurrentPages$1 }; return index; }()); var uni = serviceContext.uni var getApp = serviceContext.getApp var getCurrentPages = serviceContext.getCurrentPages var __registerPage = serviceContext.__registerPage return serviceContext }