"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, {enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value}) : obj[key] = value; var __spreadValues = (a2, b) => { for (var prop in b || (b = {})) if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop)) __defNormalProp(a2, prop, b[prop]); if (__getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) { if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop)) __defNormalProp(a2, prop, b[prop]); } return a2; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {value: true}); exports[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Module"; var shared = require("@vue/shared"); var vue = require("vue"); var uniShared = require("@dcloudio/uni-shared"); var uniI18n = require("@dcloudio/uni-i18n"); var vueRouter = require("vue-router"); function applyOptions(options, instance, publicThis) { Object.keys(options).forEach((name) => { if (name.indexOf("on") === 0) { const hook = options[name]; if (shared.isFunction(hook)) { vue.injectHook(name, hook.bind(publicThis), instance); } } }); } function set(target, key, val) { return target[key] = val; } let i18n$1; function useI18n() { if (!i18n$1) { let language; { { language = uniShared.getEnvLocale(); } } i18n$1 = uniI18n.initVueI18n(language); } return i18n$1; } const i18n = /* @__PURE__ */ useI18n(); function normalizeMessages(namespace, messages) { return Object.keys(messages).reduce((res, name) => { res[namespace + name] = messages[name]; return res; }, {}); } const initI18nAsyncMsgsOnce = /* @__PURE__ */ uniShared.once(() => { const name = "uni.async."; if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_EN__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_EN, normalizeMessages(name, { error: "The connection timed out, click the screen to try again." })); } if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_ES__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_ES, normalizeMessages(name, { error: "Se agot\xF3 el tiempo de conexi\xF3n, haga clic en la pantalla para volver a intentarlo." })); } if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_FR__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_FR, normalizeMessages(name, { error: "La connexion a expir\xE9, cliquez sur l'\xE9cran pour r\xE9essayer." })); } if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_ZH_HANS__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_ZH_HANS, normalizeMessages(name, {error: "\u8FDE\u63A5\u670D\u52A1\u5668\u8D85\u65F6\uFF0C\u70B9\u51FB\u5C4F\u5E55\u91CD\u8BD5"})); } if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_ZH_HANT__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_ZH_HANT, normalizeMessages(name, {error: "\u9023\u63A5\u670D\u52D9\u5668\u8D85\u6642\uFF0C\u9EDE\u64CA\u5C4F\u5E55\u91CD\u8A66"})); } }); const initI18nPickerMsgsOnce = /* @__PURE__ */ uniShared.once(() => { const name = "uni.picker."; if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_EN__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_EN, normalizeMessages(name, {done: "Done", cancel: "Cancel"})); } if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_ES__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_ES, normalizeMessages(name, {done: "OK", cancel: "Cancelar"})); } if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_FR__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_FR, normalizeMessages(name, {done: "OK", cancel: "Annuler"})); } if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_ZH_HANS__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_ZH_HANS, normalizeMessages(name, {done: "\u5B8C\u6210", cancel: "\u53D6\u6D88"})); } if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_ZH_HANT__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_ZH_HANT, normalizeMessages(name, {done: "\u5B8C\u6210", cancel: "\u53D6\u6D88"})); } }); const initI18nVideoMsgsOnce = /* @__PURE__ */ uniShared.once(() => { const name = "uni.video."; if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_EN__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_EN, normalizeMessages(name, {danmu: "Danmu", volume: "Volume"})); } if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_ES__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_ES, normalizeMessages(name, {danmu: "Danmu", volume: "Volumen"})); } if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_FR__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_FR, normalizeMessages(name, {danmu: "Danmu", volume: "Le Volume"})); } if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_ZH_HANS__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_ZH_HANS, normalizeMessages(name, {danmu: "\u5F39\u5E55", volume: "\u97F3\u91CF"})); } if (__UNI_FEATURE_I18N_ZH_HANT__) { i18n.add(uniI18n.LOCALE_ZH_HANT, normalizeMessages(name, {danmu: "\u5F48\u5E55", volume: "\u97F3\u91CF"})); } }); const E = function() { }; E.prototype = { on: function(name, callback, ctx) { var e2 = this.e || (this.e = {}); (e2[name] || (e2[name] = [])).push({ fn: callback, ctx }); return this; }, once: function(name, callback, ctx) { var self = this; function listener() { self.off(name, listener); callback.apply(ctx, arguments); } listener._ = callback; return this.on(name, listener, ctx); }, emit: function(name) { var data = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); var evtArr = ((this.e || (this.e = {}))[name] || []).slice(); var i = 0; var len = evtArr.length; for (i; i < len; i++) { evtArr[i].fn.apply(evtArr[i].ctx, data); } return this; }, off: function(name, callback) { var e2 = this.e || (this.e = {}); var evts = e2[name]; var liveEvents = []; if (evts && callback) { for (var i = 0, len = evts.length; i < len; i++) { if (evts[i].fn !== callback && evts[i].fn._ !== callback) liveEvents.push(evts[i]); } } liveEvents.length ? e2[name] = liveEvents : delete e2[name]; return this; } }; function initBridge(namespace) { const emitter = new E(); return shared.extend(emitter, { subscribe(event, callback) { emitter.on(`${namespace}.${event}`, callback); }, unsubscribe(event, callback) { emitter.off(`${namespace}.${event}`, callback); }, subscribeHandler(event, args, pageId) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(`[${namespace}][subscribeHandler][${Date.now()}]:${event}, ${JSON.stringify(args)}, ${pageId}`); } emitter.emit(`${namespace}.${event}`, args, pageId); } }); } const ViewJSBridge = /* @__PURE__ */ initBridge("view"); uniShared.passive(true); const onEventPrevent = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.withModifiers(() => { }, ["prevent"]); function updateCssVar(cssVars) { const style = document.documentElement.style; Object.keys(cssVars).forEach((name) => { style.setProperty(name, cssVars[name]); }); } function updatePageCssVar(cssVars) { return updateCssVar(cssVars); } function PolySymbol(name) { return Symbol(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "[uni-app]: " + name : name); } function rpx2px(str) { { return parseInt(str + ""); } } const ICON_PATH_CANCEL = "M20.928 10.176l-4.928 4.928-4.928-4.928-0.896 0.896 4.928 4.928-4.928 4.928 0.896 0.896 4.928-4.928 4.928 4.928 0.896-0.896-4.928-4.928 4.928-4.928-0.896-0.896zM16 2.080q-3.776 0-7.040 1.888-3.136 1.856-4.992 4.992-1.888 3.264-1.888 7.040t1.888 7.040q1.856 3.136 4.992 4.992 3.264 1.888 7.040 1.888t7.040-1.888q3.136-1.856 4.992-4.992 1.888-3.264 1.888-7.040t-1.888-7.040q-1.856-3.136-4.992-4.992-3.264-1.888-7.040-1.888zM16 28.64q-3.424 0-6.4-1.728-2.848-1.664-4.512-4.512-1.728-2.976-1.728-6.4t1.728-6.4q1.664-2.848 4.512-4.512 2.976-1.728 6.4-1.728t6.4 1.728q2.848 1.664 4.512 4.512 1.728 2.976 1.728 6.4t-1.728 6.4q-1.664 2.848-4.512 4.512-2.976 1.728-6.4 1.728z"; const ICON_PATH_CLEAR = "M16 0q-4.352 0-8.064 2.176-3.616 2.144-5.76 5.76-2.176 3.712-2.176 8.064t2.176 8.064q2.144 3.616 5.76 5.76 3.712 2.176 8.064 2.176t8.064-2.176q3.616-2.144 5.76-5.76 2.176-3.712 2.176-8.064t-2.176-8.064q-2.144-3.616-5.76-5.76-3.712-2.176-8.064-2.176zM22.688 21.408q0.32 0.32 0.304 0.752t-0.336 0.736-0.752 0.304-0.752-0.32l-5.184-5.376-5.376 5.184q-0.32 0.32-0.752 0.304t-0.736-0.336-0.304-0.752 0.32-0.752l5.376-5.184-5.184-5.376q-0.32-0.32-0.304-0.752t0.336-0.752 0.752-0.304 0.752 0.336l5.184 5.376 5.376-5.184q0.32-0.32 0.752-0.304t0.752 0.336 0.304 0.752-0.336 0.752l-5.376 5.184 5.184 5.376z"; const ICON_PATH_DOWNLOAD = "M15.808 1.696q-3.776 0-7.072 1.984-3.2 1.888-5.088 5.152-1.952 3.392-1.952 7.36 0 3.776 1.952 7.072 1.888 3.2 5.088 5.088 3.296 1.952 7.072 1.952 3.968 0 7.36-1.952 3.264-1.888 5.152-5.088 1.984-3.296 1.984-7.072 0-4-1.984-7.36-1.888-3.264-5.152-5.152-3.36-1.984-7.36-1.984zM20.864 18.592l-3.776 4.928q-0.448 0.576-1.088 0.576t-1.088-0.576l-3.776-4.928q-0.448-0.576-0.24-0.992t0.944-0.416h2.976v-8.928q0-0.256 0.176-0.432t0.4-0.176h1.216q0.224 0 0.4 0.176t0.176 0.432v8.928h2.976q0.736 0 0.944 0.416t-0.24 0.992z"; const ICON_PATH_INFO = "M15.808 0.128q-4.224 0-7.872 2.176-3.552 2.112-5.632 5.728-2.176 3.776-2.176 8.16 0 4.224 2.176 7.872 2.080 3.552 5.632 5.632 3.648 2.176 7.872 2.176 4.384 0 8.16-2.176 3.616-2.080 5.728-5.632 2.176-3.648 2.176-7.872 0-4.416-2.176-8.16-2.112-3.616-5.728-5.728-3.744-2.176-8.16-2.176zM16.864 23.776q0 0.064-0.064 0.064h-1.568q-0.096 0-0.096-0.064l-0.256-11.328q0-0.064 0.064-0.064h2.112q0.096 0 0.064 0.064l-0.256 11.328zM16 10.88q-0.576 0-0.976-0.4t-0.4-0.96 0.4-0.96 0.976-0.4 0.976 0.4 0.4 0.96-0.4 0.96-0.976 0.4z"; const ICON_PATH_SEARCH = "M20.928 22.688q-1.696 1.376-3.744 2.112-2.112 0.768-4.384 0.768-3.488 0-6.464-1.728-2.88-1.696-4.576-4.608-1.76-2.976-1.76-6.464t1.76-6.464q1.696-2.88 4.576-4.576 2.976-1.76 6.464-1.76t6.464 1.76q2.912 1.696 4.608 4.576 1.728 2.976 1.728 6.464 0 2.272-0.768 4.384-0.736 2.048-2.112 3.744l9.312 9.28-1.824 1.824-9.28-9.312zM12.8 23.008q2.784 0 5.184-1.376 2.304-1.376 3.68-3.68 1.376-2.4 1.376-5.184t-1.376-5.152q-1.376-2.336-3.68-3.68-2.4-1.408-5.184-1.408t-5.152 1.408q-2.336 1.344-3.68 3.68-1.408 2.368-1.408 5.152t1.408 5.184q1.344 2.304 3.68 3.68 2.368 1.376 5.152 1.376zM12.8 23.008v0z"; const ICON_PATH_SUCCESS_NO_CIRCLE = "M1.952 18.080q-0.32-0.352-0.416-0.88t0.128-0.976l0.16-0.352q0.224-0.416 0.64-0.528t0.8 0.176l6.496 4.704q0.384 0.288 0.912 0.272t0.88-0.336l17.312-14.272q0.352-0.288 0.848-0.256t0.848 0.352l-0.416-0.416q0.32 0.352 0.32 0.816t-0.32 0.816l-18.656 18.912q-0.32 0.352-0.8 0.352t-0.8-0.32l-7.936-8.064z"; const ICON_PATH_SUCCESS = "M15.808 0.16q-4.224 0-7.872 2.176-3.552 2.112-5.632 5.728-2.144 3.744-2.144 8.128 0 4.192 2.144 7.872 2.112 3.52 5.632 5.632 3.68 2.144 7.872 2.144 4.384 0 8.128-2.144 3.616-2.080 5.728-5.632 2.176-3.648 2.176-7.872 0-4.384-2.176-8.128-2.112-3.616-5.728-5.728-3.744-2.176-8.128-2.176zM24.832 11.328l-11.264 11.104q-0.032 0.032-0.112 0.032t-0.112-0.032l-5.216-5.376q-0.096-0.128 0-0.288l0.704-0.96q0.032-0.064 0.112-0.064t0.112 0.032l4.256 3.264q0.064 0.032 0.144 0.032t0.112-0.032l10.336-8.608q0.064-0.064 0.144-0.064t0.112 0.064l0.672 0.672q0.128 0.128 0 0.224z"; const ICON_PATH_WAITING = "M15.84 0.096q-4.224 0-7.872 2.176-3.552 2.112-5.632 5.728-2.144 3.744-2.144 8.128 0 4.192 2.144 7.872 2.112 3.52 5.632 5.632 3.68 2.144 7.872 2.144 4.384 0 8.128-2.144 3.616-2.080 5.728-5.632 2.176-3.648 2.176-7.872 0-4.384-2.176-8.128-2.112-3.616-5.728-5.728-3.744-2.176-8.128-2.176zM23.008 21.92l-0.512 0.896q-0.096 0.128-0.224 0.064l-8-3.808q-0.096-0.064-0.16-0.128-0.128-0.096-0.128-0.288l0.512-12.096q0-0.064 0.048-0.112t0.112-0.048h1.376q0.064 0 0.112 0.048t0.048 0.112l0.448 10.848 6.304 4.256q0.064 0.064 0.080 0.128t-0.016 0.128z"; const ICON_PATH_WARN = "M15.808 0.16q-4.224 0-7.872 2.176-3.552 2.112-5.632 5.728-2.144 3.744-2.144 8.128 0 4.192 2.144 7.872 2.112 3.52 5.632 5.632 3.68 2.144 7.872 2.144 4.384 0 8.128-2.144 3.616-2.080 5.728-5.632 2.176-3.648 2.176-7.872 0-4.384-2.176-8.128-2.112-3.616-5.728-5.728-3.744-2.176-8.128-2.176zM15.136 8.672h1.728q0.128 0 0.224 0.096t0.096 0.256l-0.384 10.24q0 0.064-0.048 0.112t-0.112 0.048h-1.248q-0.096 0-0.144-0.048t-0.048-0.112l-0.384-10.24q0-0.16 0.096-0.256t0.224-0.096zM16 23.328q-0.48 0-0.832-0.352t-0.352-0.848 0.352-0.848 0.832-0.352 0.832 0.352 0.352 0.848-0.352 0.848-0.832 0.352z"; const ICON_PATH_BACK = "M21.781 7.844l-9.063 8.594 9.063 8.594q0.25 0.25 0.25 0.609t-0.25 0.578q-0.25 0.25-0.578 0.25t-0.578-0.25l-9.625-9.125q-0.156-0.125-0.203-0.297t-0.047-0.359q0-0.156 0.047-0.328t0.203-0.297l9.625-9.125q0.25-0.25 0.578-0.25t0.578 0.25q0.25 0.219 0.25 0.578t-0.25 0.578z"; const ICON_PATH_CLOSE = "M17.25 16.156l7.375-7.313q0.281-0.281 0.281-0.641t-0.281-0.641q-0.25-0.25-0.625-0.25t-0.625 0.25l-7.375 7.344-7.313-7.344q-0.25-0.25-0.625-0.25t-0.625 0.25q-0.281 0.25-0.281 0.625t0.281 0.625l7.313 7.344-7.375 7.344q-0.281 0.25-0.281 0.625t0.281 0.625q0.125 0.125 0.281 0.188t0.344 0.063q0.156 0 0.328-0.063t0.297-0.188l7.375-7.344 7.375 7.406q0.125 0.156 0.297 0.219t0.328 0.063q0.188 0 0.344-0.078t0.281-0.203q0.281-0.25 0.281-0.609t-0.281-0.641l-7.375-7.406z"; function createSvgIconVNode(path, color = "#000", size = 27) { return vue.createVNode("svg", { width: size, height: size, viewBox: "0 0 32 32" }, [ vue.createVNode("path", { d: path, fill: color }, null, 8, ["d", "fill"]) ], 8, ["width", "height"]); } function useCurrentPageId() { return vue.getCurrentInstance().root.proxy.$page.id; } function getRealRoute(fromRoute, toRoute) { if (!toRoute) { toRoute = fromRoute; if (toRoute.indexOf("/") === 0) { return toRoute; } const pages = getCurrentPages(); if (pages.length) { fromRoute = pages[pages.length - 1].$page.route; } else { fromRoute = ""; } } else { if (toRoute.indexOf("/") === 0) { return toRoute; } } if (toRoute.indexOf("./") === 0) { return getRealRoute(fromRoute, toRoute.substr(2)); } const toRouteArray = toRoute.split("/"); const toRouteLength = toRouteArray.length; let i = 0; for (; i < toRouteLength && toRouteArray[i] === ".."; i++) { } toRouteArray.splice(0, i); toRoute = toRouteArray.join("/"); const fromRouteArray = fromRoute.length > 0 ? fromRoute.split("/") : []; fromRouteArray.splice(fromRouteArray.length - i - 1, i + 1); return "/" + fromRouteArray.concat(toRouteArray).join("/"); } const callbacks$1 = {}; function createCallbacks(namespace) { let scopedCallbacks = callbacks$1[namespace]; if (!scopedCallbacks) { scopedCallbacks = { id: 1, callbacks: Object.create(null) }; callbacks$1[namespace] = scopedCallbacks; } return { get(id) { return scopedCallbacks.callbacks[id]; }, pop(id) { const callback = scopedCallbacks.callbacks[id]; if (callback) { delete scopedCallbacks.callbacks[id]; } return callback; }, push(callback) { const id = scopedCallbacks.id++; scopedCallbacks.callbacks[id] = callback; return id; } }; } function createNativeEvent(evt) { const {type, timeStamp, target, currentTarget} = evt; const event = { type, timeStamp, target: uniShared.normalizeTarget(target), detail: {}, currentTarget: uniShared.normalizeTarget(currentTarget) }; if (evt.type.startsWith("touch")) { event.touches = evt.touches; event.changedTouches = evt.changedTouches; } { shared.extend(event, { preventDefault() { return evt.preventDefault(); }, stopPropagation() { return evt.stopPropagation(); } }); } return event; } const ServiceJSBridge = /* @__PURE__ */ shared.extend(initBridge("service"), { invokeOnCallback(name, res) { return UniServiceJSBridge.emit("api." + name, res); } }); function getCurrentPage() { const pages = getCurrentPages(); const len = pages.length; if (len) { return pages[len - 1]; } } function getCurrentPageMeta() { const page = getCurrentPage(); if (page) { return page.$page.meta; } } function getCurrentPageId() { const meta = getCurrentPageMeta(); if (meta) { return meta.id; } return -1; } function getCurrentPageVm() { const page = getCurrentPage(); if (page) { return page.$vm; } } function invokeHook(vm, name, args) { if (shared.isString(vm)) { args = name; name = vm; vm = getCurrentPageVm(); } else if (typeof vm === "number") { const page = getCurrentPages().find((page2) => page2.$page.id === vm); if (page) { vm = page.$vm; } else { vm = getCurrentPageVm(); } } if (!vm) { return; } const hooks = vm.$[name]; return hooks && uniShared.invokeArrayFns(hooks, args); } function errorHandler(err, instance, info) { if (!instance) { throw err; } const app = getApp(); if (!app || !app.$vm) { throw err; } { invokeHook(app.$vm, "onError", err); } } function initApp$1(app) { const appConfig = app._context.config; if (shared.isFunction(app._component.onError)) { appConfig.errorHandler = errorHandler; } const globalProperties = appConfig.globalProperties; { globalProperties.$set = set; globalProperties.$applyOptions = applyOptions; } } const pageMetaKey = PolySymbol(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "UniPageMeta" : "upm"); function usePageMeta() { return vue.inject(pageMetaKey); } function providePageMeta(id) { const pageMeta = initPageMeta(id); vue.provide(pageMetaKey, pageMeta); return pageMeta; } function usePageRoute() { if (__UNI_FEATURE_PAGES__) { return vueRouter.useRoute(); } const url = location.href; const searchPos = url.indexOf("?"); const hashPos = url.indexOf("#", searchPos > -1 ? searchPos : 0); let query = {}; if (searchPos > -1) { query = uniShared.parseQuery(url.slice(searchPos + 1, hashPos > -1 ? hashPos : url.length)); } const {meta} = __uniRoutes[0]; return { meta, query, path: "/" + meta.route }; } function initPageMeta(id) { if (__UNI_FEATURE_PAGES__) { return vue.reactive(normalizePageMeta(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mergePageMeta(id, vueRouter.useRoute().meta))))); } return vue.reactive(normalizePageMeta(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mergePageMeta(id, __uniRoutes[0].meta))))); } const PAGE_META_KEYS = [ "navigationBar", "refreshOptions" ]; function mergePageMeta(id, pageMeta) { const res = Object.assign({id}, __uniConfig.globalStyle, pageMeta); PAGE_META_KEYS.forEach((name) => { res[name] = Object.assign({}, __uniConfig.globalStyle[name] || {}, pageMeta[name] || {}); }); return res; } function normalizePageMeta(pageMeta) { if (__UNI_FEATURE_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH__) { const {enablePullDownRefresh, navigationBar} = pageMeta; if (enablePullDownRefresh) { const refreshOptions = Object.assign({ support: true, color: "#2BD009", style: "circle", height: 70, range: 150, offset: 0 }, pageMeta.refreshOptions || {}); let offset = rpx2px(refreshOptions.offset); const {type} = navigationBar; if (type !== "transparent" && type !== "none") { offset += uniShared.NAVBAR_HEIGHT + 0; } refreshOptions.offset = offset; refreshOptions.height = rpx2px(refreshOptions.height); refreshOptions.range = rpx2px(refreshOptions.range); pageMeta.refreshOptions = refreshOptions; } } if (__UNI_FEATURE_NAVIGATIONBAR__) { const {navigationBar} = pageMeta; const {titleSize, titleColor, backgroundColor} = navigationBar; navigationBar.type = navigationBar.type || "default"; navigationBar.backButton = pageMeta.isQuit ? false : true; navigationBar.titleSize = titleSize || "16px"; navigationBar.titleColor = titleColor || "#fff"; navigationBar.backgroundColor = backgroundColor || "#F7F7F7"; } return pageMeta; } function getStateId() { { return 1; } } PolySymbol(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "layout" : "l"); let tabBar; function useTabBar() { if (!tabBar) { tabBar = __uniConfig.tabBar && vue.reactive(__uniConfig.tabBar); } return tabBar; } const HTTP_METHODS = [ "GET", "OPTIONS", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "TRACE", "CONNECT" ]; function elemInArray(str, arr) { if (!str || arr.indexOf(str) === -1) { return arr[0]; } return str; } function validateProtocolFail(name, msg) { console.warn(`${name}: ${msg}`); } function validateProtocol(name, data, protocol, onFail) { if (!onFail) { onFail = validateProtocolFail; } for (const key in protocol) { const errMsg = validateProp(key, data[key], protocol[key], !shared.hasOwn(data, key)); if (shared.isString(errMsg)) { onFail(name, errMsg); } } } function validateProtocols(name, args, protocol, onFail) { if (!protocol) { return; } if (!shared.isArray(protocol)) { return validateProtocol(name, args[0] || Object.create(null), protocol, onFail); } const len = protocol.length; const argsLen = args.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const opts = protocol[i]; const data = Object.create(null); if (argsLen > i) { data[opts.name] = args[i]; } validateProtocol(name, data, {[opts.name]: opts}, onFail); } } function validateProp(name, value, prop, isAbsent) { if (!shared.isPlainObject(prop)) { prop = {type: prop}; } const {type, required, validator} = prop; if (required && isAbsent) { return 'Missing required args: "' + name + '"'; } if (value == null && !required) { return; } if (type != null) { let isValid = false; const types = shared.isArray(type) ? type : [type]; const expectedTypes = []; for (let i = 0; i < types.length && !isValid; i++) { const {valid, expectedType} = assertType(value, types[i]); expectedTypes.push(expectedType || ""); isValid = valid; } if (!isValid) { return getInvalidTypeMessage(name, value, expectedTypes); } } if (validator) { return validator(value); } } const isSimpleType = /* @__PURE__ */ shared.makeMap("String,Number,Boolean,Function,Symbol"); function assertType(value, type) { let valid; const expectedType = getType(type); if (isSimpleType(expectedType)) { const t2 = typeof value; valid = t2 === expectedType.toLowerCase(); if (!valid && t2 === "object") { valid = value instanceof type; } } else if (expectedType === "Object") { valid = shared.isObject(value); } else if (expectedType === "Array") { valid = shared.isArray(value); } else { { valid = value instanceof type; } } return { valid, expectedType }; } function getInvalidTypeMessage(name, value, expectedTypes) { let message = `Invalid args: type check failed for args "${name}". Expected ${expectedTypes.map(shared.capitalize).join(", ")}`; const expectedType = expectedTypes[0]; const receivedType = shared.toRawType(value); const expectedValue = styleValue(value, expectedType); const receivedValue = styleValue(value, receivedType); if (expectedTypes.length === 1 && isExplicable(expectedType) && !isBoolean(expectedType, receivedType)) { message += ` with value ${expectedValue}`; } message += `, got ${receivedType} `; if (isExplicable(receivedType)) { message += `with value ${receivedValue}.`; } return message; } function getType(ctor) { const match = ctor && ctor.toString().match(/^\s*function (\w+)/); return match ? match[1] : ""; } function styleValue(value, type) { if (type === "String") { return `"${value}"`; } else if (type === "Number") { return `${Number(value)}`; } else { return `${value}`; } } function isExplicable(type) { const explicitTypes = ["string", "number", "boolean"]; return explicitTypes.some((elem) => type.toLowerCase() === elem); } function isBoolean(...args) { return args.some((elem) => elem.toLowerCase() === "boolean"); } function tryCatch(fn) { return function() { try { return fn.apply(fn, arguments); } catch (e2) { console.error(e2); } }; } let invokeCallbackId = 1; const invokeCallbacks = {}; function addInvokeCallback(id, name, callback, keepAlive = false) { invokeCallbacks[id] = { name, keepAlive, callback }; return id; } function invokeCallback(id, res, extras) { if (typeof id === "number") { const opts = invokeCallbacks[id]; if (opts) { if (!opts.keepAlive) { delete invokeCallbacks[id]; } return opts.callback(res, extras); } } return res; } const API_SUCCESS = "success"; const API_FAIL = "fail"; const API_COMPLETE = "complete"; function getApiCallbacks(args) { const apiCallbacks = {}; for (const name in args) { const fn = args[name]; if (shared.isFunction(fn)) { apiCallbacks[name] = tryCatch(fn); delete args[name]; } } return apiCallbacks; } function normalizeErrMsg(errMsg, name) { if (!errMsg || errMsg.indexOf(":fail") === -1) { return name + ":ok"; } return name + errMsg.substring(errMsg.indexOf(":fail")); } function createAsyncApiCallback(name, args = {}, {beforeAll, beforeSuccess} = {}) { if (!shared.isPlainObject(args)) { args = {}; } const {success, fail, complete} = getApiCallbacks(args); const hasSuccess = shared.isFunction(success); const hasFail = shared.isFunction(fail); const hasComplete = shared.isFunction(complete); const callbackId = invokeCallbackId++; addInvokeCallback(callbackId, name, (res) => { res = res || {}; res.errMsg = normalizeErrMsg(res.errMsg, name); shared.isFunction(beforeAll) && beforeAll(res); if (res.errMsg === name + ":ok") { shared.isFunction(beforeSuccess) && beforeSuccess(res); hasSuccess && success(res); } else { hasFail && fail(res); } hasComplete && complete(res); }); return callbackId; } const callbacks = [API_SUCCESS, API_FAIL, API_COMPLETE]; function hasCallback(args) { if (shared.isPlainObject(args) && callbacks.find((cb) => shared.isFunction(args[cb]))) { return true; } return false; } function handlePromise(promise) { if (__UNI_FEATURE_PROMISE__) { return promise.then((data) => { return [null, data]; }).catch((err) => [err]); } return promise; } function promisify(fn) { return (args = {}) => { if (hasCallback(args)) { return fn(args); } return handlePromise(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fn(Object.assign(args, {success: resolve, fail: reject})); })); }; } function formatApiArgs(args, options) { const params = args[0]; if (!options || !shared.isPlainObject(options.formatArgs) && shared.isPlainObject(params)) { return; } const formatArgs = options.formatArgs; const keys = Object.keys(formatArgs); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const name = keys[i]; const formatterOrDefaultValue = formatArgs[name]; if (shared.isFunction(formatterOrDefaultValue)) { const errMsg = formatterOrDefaultValue(args[0][name], params); if (shared.isString(errMsg)) { return errMsg; } } else { if (!shared.hasOwn(params, name)) { params[name] = formatterOrDefaultValue; } } } } function invokeSuccess(id, name, res) { return invokeCallback(id, shared.extend(res || {}, {errMsg: name + ":ok"})); } function invokeFail(id, name, err) { return invokeCallback(id, {errMsg: name + ":fail" + (err ? " " + err : "")}); } function beforeInvokeApi(name, args, protocol, options) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { validateProtocols(name, args, protocol); } if (options && options.beforeInvoke) { const errMsg2 = options.beforeInvoke(args); if (shared.isString(errMsg2)) { return errMsg2; } } const errMsg = formatApiArgs(args, options); if (errMsg) { return errMsg; } } function wrapperTaskApi(name, fn, protocol, options) { return (args) => { const id = createAsyncApiCallback(name, args, options); const errMsg = beforeInvokeApi(name, [args], protocol, options); if (errMsg) { return invokeFail(id, name, errMsg); } return fn(args, { resolve: (res) => invokeSuccess(id, name, res), reject: (err) => invokeFail(id, name, err) }); }; } function wrapperSyncApi(name, fn, protocol, options) { return (...args) => { const errMsg = beforeInvokeApi(name, args, protocol, options); if (errMsg) { throw new Error(errMsg); } return fn.apply(null, args); }; } function wrapperAsyncApi(name, fn, protocol, options) { return wrapperTaskApi(name, fn, protocol, options); } function defineTaskApi(name, fn, protocol, options) { return promisify(wrapperTaskApi(name, fn, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? protocol : void 0, options)); } function defineSyncApi(name, fn, protocol, options) { return wrapperSyncApi(name, fn, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? protocol : void 0, options); } function defineAsyncApi(name, fn, protocol, options) { return promisify(wrapperAsyncApi(name, fn, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? protocol : void 0, options)); } const SCHEME_RE = /^([a-z-]+:)?\/\//i; const DATA_RE = /^data:.*,.*/; const baseUrl = __IMPORT_META_ENV_BASE_URL__; function addBase(filePath) { return baseUrl + filePath; } function getRealPath(filePath) { if (__uniConfig.router.base === "./") { filePath = filePath.replace(/^\.\/static\//, "/static/"); } if (filePath.indexOf("/") === 0) { if (filePath.indexOf("//") === 0) { filePath = "https:" + filePath; } else { return addBase(filePath.substr(1)); } } if (SCHEME_RE.test(filePath) || DATA_RE.test(filePath) || filePath.indexOf("blob:") === 0) { return filePath; } const pages = getCurrentPages(); if (pages.length) { return addBase(getRealRoute(pages[pages.length - 1].$page.route, filePath).substr(1)); } return filePath; } var subscriber = { mounted() { this._toggleListeners("subscribe", this.id); this.$watch("id", (newId, oldId) => { this._toggleListeners("unsubscribe", oldId, true); this._toggleListeners("subscribe", newId, true); }); }, beforeDestroy() { this._toggleListeners("unsubscribe", this.id); if (this._contextId) { this._toggleListeners("unsubscribe", this._contextId); } }, methods: { _toggleListeners(type, id, watch) { if (watch && !id) { return; } if (!shared.isFunction(this._handleSubscribe)) { return; } UniViewJSBridge[type](this.$page.id + "-" + this.$options.name.replace(/VUni([A-Z])/, "$1").toLowerCase() + "-" + id, this._handleSubscribe); }, _getContextInfo() { const id = `context-${this._uid}`; if (!this._contextId) { this._toggleListeners("subscribe", id); this._contextId = id; } return { name: this.$options.name.replace(/VUni([A-Z])/, "$1").toLowerCase(), id, page: this.$page.id }; } } }; function throttle(fn, wait) { let last = 0; let timeout; let waitCallback; const newFn = function(...arg) { const now = Date.now(); clearTimeout(timeout); waitCallback = () => { waitCallback = null; last = now; fn.apply(this, arg); }; if (now - last < wait) { timeout = setTimeout(waitCallback, wait - (now - last)); return; } waitCallback(); }; newFn.cancel = function() { clearTimeout(timeout); waitCallback = null; }; newFn.flush = function() { clearTimeout(timeout); waitCallback && waitCallback(); }; return newFn; } const _sfc_main$8 = { name: "Audio", mixins: [subscriber], props: { id: { type: String, default: "" }, src: { type: String, default: "" }, loop: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, controls: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, poster: { type: String, default: "" }, name: { type: String, default: "" }, author: { type: String, default: "" } }, data() { return { playing: false, currentTime: this.getTime(0) }; }, watch: { src(val) { if (this.$refs.audio) { this.$refs.audio.src = this.$getRealPath(val); } } }, mounted() { const audio = this.$refs.audio; audio.addEventListener("error", ($event) => { this.playing = false; this.$trigger("error", $event, {}); }); audio.addEventListener("play", ($event) => { this.playing = true; this.$trigger("play", $event, {}); }); audio.addEventListener("pause", ($event) => { this.playing = false; this.$trigger("pause", $event, {}); }); audio.addEventListener("ended", ($event) => { this.playing = false; this.$trigger("ended", $event, {}); }); audio.addEventListener("timeupdate", ($event) => { var currentTime = audio.currentTime; this.currentTime = this.getTime(currentTime); var duration = audio.duration; this.$trigger("timeupdate", $event, { currentTime, duration }); }); audio.src = this.$getRealPath(this.src); }, methods: { _handleSubscribe({ type, data = {} }) { var audio = this.$refs.audio; switch (type) { case "setSrc": audio.src = this.$getRealPath(data.src); this.$emit("update:src", data.src); break; case "play": audio.play(); break; case "pause": audio.pause(); break; case "seek": audio.currentTime = data.position; break; } }, trigger() { if (this.playing) { this.$refs.audio.pause(); } else { this.$refs.audio.play(); } }, getTime(time) { var h = Math.floor(time / 3600); var m = Math.floor(time % 3600 / 60); var s = Math.floor(time % 3600 % 60); h = (h < 10 ? "0" : "") + h; m = (m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m; s = (s < 10 ? "0" : "") + s; var str = m + ":" + s; if (h !== "00") { str = h + ":" + str; } return str; } } }; const _hoisted_1$6 = {class: "uni-audio-default"}; const _hoisted_2$3 = {class: "uni-audio-right"}; const _hoisted_3$2 = {class: "uni-audio-time"}; const _hoisted_4$2 = {class: "uni-audio-info"}; const _hoisted_5$1 = {class: "uni-audio-name"}; const _hoisted_6$1 = {class: "uni-audio-author"}; function _sfc_render$8(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("uni-audio", vue.mergeProps({ id: $props.id, controls: !!$props.controls }, _ctx.$attrs), [ vue.createVNode("audio", { ref: "audio", loop: $props.loop, style: {"display": "none"} }, null, 8, ["loop"]), vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_1$6, [ vue.createVNode("div", { style: "background-image: url(" + _ctx.$getRealPath($props.poster) + ");", class: "uni-audio-left" }, [ vue.createVNode("div", { class: [{play: !$data.playing, pause: $data.playing}, "uni-audio-button"], onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => $options.trigger && $options.trigger(...args)) }, null, 2) ], 4), vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_2$3, [ vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_3$2, vue.toDisplayString($data.currentTime), 1), vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_4$2, [ vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_5$1, vue.toDisplayString($props.name), 1), vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_6$1, vue.toDisplayString($props.author), 1) ]) ]) ]) ], 16, ["id", "controls"]); } _sfc_main$8.render = _sfc_render$8; const defineBuiltInComponent = (options) => { return defineSystemComponent(options); }; const defineSystemComponent = (options) => { options.compatConfig = { MODE: 3 }; return vue.defineComponent(options); }; const hoverProps = { hoverClass: { type: String, default: "none" }, hoverStopPropagation: { type: Boolean, default: false }, hoverStartTime: { type: [Number, String], default: 50 }, hoverStayTime: { type: [Number, String], default: 400 } }; function useHover(props2) { const hovering = vue.ref(false); let hoverTouch = false; let hoverStartTimer; let hoverStayTimer; function hoverReset() { requestAnimationFrame(() => { clearTimeout(hoverStayTimer); hoverStayTimer = setTimeout(() => { hovering.value = false; }, parseInt(props2.hoverStayTime)); }); } function onTouchstartPassive(evt) { if (evt._hoverPropagationStopped) { return; } if (!props2.hoverClass || props2.hoverClass === "none" || props2.disabled) { return; } if (evt.touches.length > 1) { return; } if (props2.hoverStopPropagation) { evt._hoverPropagationStopped = true; } hoverTouch = true; hoverStartTimer = setTimeout(() => { hovering.value = true; if (!hoverTouch) { hoverReset(); } }, parseInt(props2.hoverStartTime)); } function onTouchend() { hoverTouch = false; if (hovering.value) { hoverReset(); } } function onTouchcancel() { hoverTouch = false; hovering.value = false; clearTimeout(hoverStartTimer); } return { hovering, binding: { onTouchstartPassive, onTouchend, onTouchcancel } }; } function useBooleanAttr(props2, keys) { if (shared.isString(keys)) { keys = [keys]; } return keys.reduce((res, key) => { if (props2[key]) { res[key] = true; } return res; }, Object.create(null)); } const uniFormKey = PolySymbol(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "uniForm" : "uf"); var index$r = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Form", setup(_props, { slots, emit: emit2 }) { provideForm(emit2); return () => vue.createVNode("uni-form", null, [vue.createVNode("span", null, [slots.default && slots.default()])]); } }); function provideForm(emit2) { const fields2 = []; vue.provide(uniFormKey, { addField(field) { fields2.push(field); }, removeField(field) { fields2.splice(fields2.indexOf(field), 1); }, submit() { emit2("submit", { detail: { value: fields2.reduce((res, field) => { if (field.submit) { const [name, value] = field.submit(); name && (res[name] = value); } return res; }, Object.create(null)) } }); }, reset() { fields2.forEach((field) => field.reset && field.reset()); emit2("reset"); } }); return fields2; } var index$q = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Button", props: { id: { type: String, default: "" }, hoverClass: { type: String, default: "button-hover" }, hoverStartTime: { type: [Number, String], default: 20 }, hoverStayTime: { type: [Number, String], default: 70 }, hoverStopPropagation: { type: Boolean, default: false }, disabled: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, formType: { type: String, default: "" }, openType: { type: String, default: "" } }, setup(props2, { slots }) { const uniForm = vue.inject(uniFormKey, false); const { hovering, binding } = useHover(props2); useI18n(); function onClick() { if (props2.disabled) { return; } const formType = props2.formType; if (formType) { if (!uniForm) { return; } if (formType === "submit") { uniForm.submit(); } else if (formType === "reset") { uniForm.reset(); } return; } } return () => { const hoverClass = props2.hoverClass; const booleanAttrs = useBooleanAttr(props2, "disabled"); if (hoverClass && hoverClass !== "none") { return vue.createVNode("uni-button", vue.mergeProps({ "onClick": onClick, "class": hovering.value ? hoverClass : "" }, binding, booleanAttrs), [slots.default && slots.default()], 16, ["onClick"]); } return vue.createVNode("uni-button", vue.mergeProps({ "onClick": onClick }, booleanAttrs), [slots.default && slots.default()], 16, ["onClick"]); }; } }); var ResizeSensor = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "ResizeSensor", props: { initial: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, emits: ["resize"], setup(props2, { emit: emit2 }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const reset = useResizeSensorReset(rootRef); const update = useResizeSensorUpdate(rootRef, emit2, reset); return () => vue.createVNode("uni-resize-sensor", { "ref": rootRef, "onAnimationstartOnce": update }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "onScroll": update }, [vue.createVNode("div", null, null)], 40, ["onScroll"]), vue.createVNode("div", { "onScroll": update }, [vue.createVNode("div", null, null)], 40, ["onScroll"])], 40, ["onAnimationstartOnce"]); } }); function useResizeSensorUpdate(rootRef, emit2, reset) { const size = vue.reactive({ width: -1, height: -1 }); vue.watch(() => shared.extend({}, size), (value) => emit2("resize", value)); return () => { const { width, height } = rootRef.value.getBoundingClientRect(); size.width = width; size.height = height; reset(); }; } function useResizeSensorReset(rootRef) { return () => { const { firstElementChild, lastElementChild } = rootRef.value; firstElementChild.scrollLeft = 1e5; firstElementChild.scrollTop = 1e5; lastElementChild.scrollLeft = 1e5; lastElementChild.scrollTop = 1e5; }; } function withWebEvent(fn) { return fn.__wwe = true, fn; } function useCustomEvent(ref, emit2) { return (name, evt, detail) => { emit2(name, normalizeCustomEvent(name, evt, ref.value, detail || {})); }; } function useNativeEvent(emit2) { return (name, evt) => { emit2(name, createNativeEvent(evt)); }; } function normalizeCustomEvent(name, domEvt, el, detail) { const target = uniShared.normalizeTarget(el); return { type: detail.type || name, timeStamp: domEvt.timeStamp || 0, target, currentTarget: target, detail }; } const pixelRatio = 1; function wrapper(canvas) { canvas.width = canvas.offsetWidth * pixelRatio; canvas.height = canvas.offsetHeight * pixelRatio; canvas.getContext("2d").__hidpi__ = true; } function $getRealPath(src) { return src ? getRealPath(src) : src; } function resolveColor(color) { color = color.slice(0); color[3] = color[3] / 255; return "rgba(" + color.join(",") + ")"; } function processTouches(target, touches) { return [].map.call(touches, (touch) => { var boundingClientRect = target.getBoundingClientRect(); return { identifier: touch.identifier, x: touch.clientX - boundingClientRect.left, y: touch.clientY - boundingClientRect.top }; }); } var tempCanvas; function getTempCanvas(width = 0, height = 0) { if (!tempCanvas) { tempCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); } tempCanvas.width = width; tempCanvas.height = height; return tempCanvas; } var _sfc_main$7 = { name: "Canvas", inheritAttrs: false, compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, components: { ResizeSensor }, props: { canvasId: { type: String, default: "" }, disableScroll: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false } }, data() { return { actionsWaiting: false }; }, computed: { id() { return this.canvasId; }, _listeners() { let events = ["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend"]; let _$listeners = this.Listeners; let $listeners = Object.assign({}, (() => { let obj = {}; for (const key in _$listeners) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_$listeners, key)) { const event = _$listeners[key]; obj[key.replace("on", "").toLowerCase()] = event; } } return obj; })()); events.forEach((event) => { let existing = $listeners[event]; let eventHandler = []; if (existing) { eventHandler.push(withWebEvent(($event) => { this.$trigger(event, Object.assign({}, (() => { let obj = {}; for (const key in $event) { obj[key] = $event[key]; } return obj; })(), { touches: processTouches($event.currentTarget, $event.touches), changedTouches: processTouches($event.currentTarget, $event.changedTouches) })); })); } if (this.disableScroll && event === "touchmove") { eventHandler.push(onEventPrevent); } $listeners[event] = eventHandler; }); return $listeners; } }, created() { this._actionsDefer = []; this._images = {}; const id = useContextInfo(); useSubscribe(this._handleSubscribe, id, true); }, mounted() { this.$trigger = useNativeEvent(this.$emit); this._resize(); }, beforeUnmount() { const canvas = this.canvas; canvas.height = canvas.width = 0; }, methods: { _handleSubscribe(type, data = {}) { var method = this[type]; if (type.indexOf("_") !== 0 && typeof method === "function") { method(data); } }, _resize() { var canvas = this.canvas; if (canvas.width > 0 && canvas.height > 0) { var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); wrapper(canvas); context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); } else { wrapper(canvas); } }, actionsChanged({actions, reserve, callbackId}) { var self = this; if (!actions) { return; } if (this.actionsWaiting) { this._actionsDefer.push([actions, reserve, callbackId]); return; } var canvas = this.canvas; var c2d = canvas.getContext("2d"); if (!reserve) { c2d.fillStyle = "#000000"; c2d.strokeStyle = "#000000"; c2d.shadowColor = "#000000"; c2d.shadowBlur = 0; c2d.shadowOffsetX = 0; c2d.shadowOffsetY = 0; c2d.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); c2d.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } this.preloadImage(actions); for (let index2 = 0; index2 < actions.length; index2++) { const action = actions[index2]; let method = action.method; const data = action.data; if (/^set/.test(method) && method !== "setTransform") { const method1 = method[3].toLowerCase() + method.slice(4); let color; if (method1 === "fillStyle" || method1 === "strokeStyle") { if (data[0] === "normal") { color = resolveColor(data[1]); } else if (data[0] === "linear") { const LinearGradient = c2d.createLinearGradient(...data[1]); data[2].forEach(function(data2) { const offset = data2[0]; const color2 = resolveColor(data2[1]); LinearGradient.addColorStop(offset, color2); }); color = LinearGradient; } else if (data[0] === "radial") { const x = data[1][0]; const y = data[1][1]; const r = data[1][2]; const LinearGradient = c2d.createRadialGradient(x, y, 0, x, y, r); data[2].forEach(function(data2) { const offset = data2[0]; const color2 = resolveColor(data2[1]); LinearGradient.addColorStop(offset, color2); }); color = LinearGradient; } else if (data[0] === "pattern") { const loaded = this.checkImageLoaded(data[1], actions.slice(index2 + 1), callbackId, function(image) { if (image) { c2d[method1] = c2d.createPattern(image, data[2]); } }); if (!loaded) { break; } continue; } c2d[method1] = color; } else if (method1 === "globalAlpha") { c2d[method1] = data[0] / 255; } else if (method1 === "shadow") { var _ = ["shadowOffsetX", "shadowOffsetY", "shadowBlur", "shadowColor"]; data.forEach(function(color_, method_) { c2d[_[method_]] = _[method_] === "shadowColor" ? resolveColor(color_) : color_; }); } else if (method1 === "fontSize") { const font = c2d.__font__ || c2d.font; c2d.__font__ = c2d.font = font.replace(/\d+\.?\d*px/, data[0] + "px"); } else if (method1 === "lineDash") { c2d.setLineDash(data[0]); c2d.lineDashOffset = data[1] || 0; } else if (method1 === "textBaseline") { if (data[0] === "normal") { data[0] = "alphabetic"; } c2d[method1] = data[0]; } else if (method1 === "font") { c2d.__font__ = c2d.font = data[0]; } else { c2d[method1] = data[0]; } } else if (method === "fillPath" || method === "strokePath") { method = method.replace(/Path/, ""); c2d.beginPath(); data.forEach(function(data_) { c2d[data_.method].apply(c2d, data_.data); }); c2d[method](); } else if (method === "fillText") { c2d.fillText.apply(c2d, data); } else if (method === "drawImage") { var A = function() { var dataArray = [...data]; var url = dataArray[0]; var otherData = dataArray.slice(1); self._images = self._images || {}; if (!self.checkImageLoaded(url, actions.slice(index2 + 1), callbackId, function(image) { if (image) { c2d.drawImage.apply(c2d, [image].concat([...otherData.slice(4, 8)], [...otherData.slice(0, 4)])); } })) return "break"; }(); if (A === "break") { break; } } else { if (method === "clip") { data.forEach(function(data_) { c2d[data_.method].apply(c2d, data_.data); }); c2d.clip(); } else { c2d[method].apply(c2d, data); } } } if (!this.actionsWaiting && callbackId) { UniViewJSBridge.publishHandler("onCanvasMethodCallback", { callbackId, data: { errMsg: "drawCanvas:ok" } }, getCurrentPageId()); } }, preloadImage: function(actions) { var self = this; actions.forEach(function(action) { var method = action.method; var data = action.data; var src = ""; if (method === "drawImage") { src = data[0]; src = $getRealPath(src); data[0] = src; } else if (method === "setFillStyle" && data[0] === "pattern") { src = data[1]; src = $getRealPath(src); data[1] = src; } if (src && !self._images[src]) { loadImage(); } function loadImage() { const image = self._images[src] = new Image(); image.onload = function() { image.ready = true; }; getSameOriginUrl(src).then((src2) => { image.src = src2; }).catch(() => { image.src = src; }); } }); }, checkImageLoaded: function(src, actions, callbackId, fn) { var self = this; var image = this._images[src]; if (image.ready) { fn(image); return true; } else { this._actionsDefer.unshift([actions, true]); this.actionsWaiting = true; image.onload = function() { image.ready = true; fn(image); self.actionsWaiting = false; var actions2 = self._actionsDefer.slice(0); self._actionsDefer = []; for (var action = actions2.shift(); action; ) { self.actionsChanged({ actions: action[0], reserve: action[1], callbackId }); action = actions2.shift(); } }; return false; } }, getImageData({ x = 0, y = 0, width, height, destWidth, destHeight, hidpi = true, dataType: dataType2, quality = 1, type = "png", callbackId }) { const canvas = this.canvas; let data; const maxWidth = canvas.offsetWidth - x; width = width ? Math.min(width, maxWidth) : maxWidth; const maxHeight = canvas.offsetHeight - y; height = height ? Math.min(height, maxHeight) : maxHeight; if (!hidpi) { if (!destWidth && !destHeight) { destWidth = Math.round(width * pixelRatio); destHeight = Math.round(height * pixelRatio); } else if (!destWidth) { destWidth = Math.round(width / height * destHeight); } else if (!destHeight) { destHeight = Math.round(height / width * destWidth); } } else { destWidth = width; destHeight = height; } const newCanvas = getTempCanvas(destWidth, destHeight); const context = newCanvas.getContext("2d"); if (type === "jpeg" || type === "jpg") { type = "jpeg"; context.fillStyle = "#fff"; context.fillRect(0, 0, destWidth, destHeight); } context.__hidpi__ = true; context.drawImageByCanvas(canvas, x, y, width, height, 0, 0, destWidth, destHeight, false); let result; try { let compressed; if (dataType2 === "base64") { data = newCanvas.toDataURL(`image/${type}`, quality); } else { const imgData = context.getImageData(0, 0, destWidth, destHeight); if (false) ; else { data = Array.prototype.slice.call(imgData.data); } } result = { errMsg: "canvasGetImageData:ok", data, compressed, width: destWidth, height: destHeight }; } catch (error) { result = { errMsg: `canvasGetImageData:fail ${error}` }; } newCanvas.height = newCanvas.width = 0; context.__hidpi__ = false; if (!callbackId) { return result; } else { UniViewJSBridge.publishHandler("onCanvasMethodCallback", { callbackId, data: result }, getCurrentPageId()); } }, putImageData({data, x, y, width, height, compressed, callbackId}) { try { if (!height) { height = Math.round(data.length / 4 / width); } const canvas = getTempCanvas(width, height); const context = canvas.getContext("2d"); if (false) ; context.putImageData(new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(data), width, height), 0, 0); this.canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(canvas, x, y, width, height); canvas.height = canvas.width = 0; } catch (error) { UniViewJSBridge.publishHandler("onCanvasMethodCallback", { callbackId, data: { errMsg: "canvasPutImageData:fail" } }, getCurrentPageId()); return; } UniViewJSBridge.publishHandler("onCanvasMethodCallback", { callbackId, data: { errMsg: "canvasPutImageData:ok" } }, getCurrentPageId()); }, toTempFilePath({ x = 0, y = 0, width, height, destWidth, destHeight, fileType, quality, dirname, callbackId }) { const res = this.getImageData({ x, y, width, height, destWidth, destHeight, hidpi: false, dataType: "base64", type: fileType, quality }); if (!res.data || !res.data.length) { UniViewJSBridge.publishHandler("onCanvasMethodCallback", { callbackId, data: { errMsg: res.errMsg.replace("canvasPutImageData", "toTempFilePath") } }, getCurrentPageId()); return; } saveImage(res.data, dirname, (error, tempFilePath) => { let errMsg = `toTempFilePath:${error ? "fail" : "ok"}`; if (error) { errMsg += ` ${error.message}`; } UniViewJSBridge.publishHandler("onCanvasMethodCallback", { callbackId, data: { errMsg, tempFilePath } }, getCurrentPageId()); }); } }, setup() { const canvas = vue.ref(null); const sensor = vue.ref(null); const { $attrs: Attrs, $excludeAttrs: ExcludeAttrs, $listeners: Listeners } = useAttrs({ excludeListeners: true }); return { canvas, sensor, Attrs, ExcludeAttrs, Listeners }; } }; const _hoisted_1$5 = { class: "uni-canvas-canvas", ref: "canvas", width: "300", height: "150" }; const _hoisted_2$2 = {style: {"position": "absolute", "top": "0", "left": "0", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "overflow": "hidden"}}; function _sfc_render$7(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { const _component_ResizeSensor = vue.resolveComponent("ResizeSensor"); return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("uni-canvas", vue.mergeProps({ "canvas-id": $props.canvasId, "disable-scroll": $props.disableScroll }, __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, $setup.Attrs), $setup.ExcludeAttrs), vue.toHandlers($options._listeners)), [ vue.createVNode("canvas", _hoisted_1$5, null, 512), vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_2$2, [ vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default") ]), vue.createVNode(_component_ResizeSensor, { ref: "sensor", onResize: $options._resize }, null, 8, ["onResize"]) ], 16, ["canvas-id", "disable-scroll"]); } _sfc_main$7.render = _sfc_render$7; const uniCheckGroupKey = PolySymbol(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "uniCheckGroup" : "ucg"); const props$p = { name: { type: String, default: "" } }; var index$p = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "CheckboxGroup", props: props$p, emits: ["change"], setup(props2, { emit: emit2, slots }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const trigger = useCustomEvent(rootRef, emit2); useProvideCheckGroup(props2, trigger); return () => { return vue.createVNode("uni-checkbox-group", { "ref": rootRef }, [slots.default && slots.default()], 512); }; } }); function useProvideCheckGroup(props2, trigger) { const fields2 = []; const getFieldsValue = () => fields2.reduce((res, field) => { if (field.value.checkboxChecked) { res.push(field.value.value); } return res; }, new Array()); vue.provide(uniCheckGroupKey, { addField(field) { fields2.push(field); }, removeField(field) { fields2.splice(fields2.indexOf(field), 1); }, checkboxChange($event) { trigger("change", $event, { value: getFieldsValue() }); } }); const uniForm = vue.inject(uniFormKey, false); if (uniForm) { uniForm.addField({ submit: () => { let data = ["", null]; if (props2.name !== "") { data[0] = props2.name; data[1] = getFieldsValue(); } return data; } }); } return getFieldsValue; } const uniLabelKey = PolySymbol(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "uniLabel" : "ul"); const props$o = { for: { type: String, default: "" } }; var index$o = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Label", props: props$o, setup(props2, { emit: emit2, slots }) { const pageId = useCurrentPageId(); const handlers = useProvideLabel(); const pointer = vue.computed(() => props2.for || slots.default && slots.default.length); const _onClick = withWebEvent(($event) => { const EventTarget = $event.target; let stopPropagation = /^uni-(checkbox|radio|switch)-/.test(EventTarget.className); if (!stopPropagation) { stopPropagation = /^uni-(checkbox|radio|switch|button)$|^(svg|path)$/i.test(EventTarget.tagName); } if (stopPropagation) { return; } if (props2.for) { UniViewJSBridge.emit("uni-label-click-" + pageId + "-" + props2.for, $event, true); } else { handlers.forEach((handler) => { handler($event, true); }); } }); return () => vue.createVNode("uni-label", { "class": { "uni-label-pointer": pointer }, "onClick": _onClick }, [slots.default && slots.default()], 10, ["onClick"]); } }); function useProvideLabel() { const handlers = []; vue.provide(uniLabelKey, { addHandler(handler) { handlers.push(handler); }, removeHandler(handler) { handlers.splice(handlers.indexOf(handler), 1); } }); return handlers; } const props$n = { checked: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, id: { type: String, default: "" }, disabled: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, color: { type: String, default: "#007aff" }, value: { type: String, default: "" } }; var index$n = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Checkbox", props: props$n, setup(props2, { slots }) { const checkboxChecked = vue.ref(props2.checked); const checkboxValue = vue.ref(props2.value); vue.watch([() => props2.checked, () => props2.value], ([newChecked, newModelValue]) => { checkboxChecked.value = newChecked; checkboxValue.value = newModelValue; }); const reset = () => { checkboxChecked.value = false; }; const { uniCheckGroup, uniLabel } = useCheckboxInject(checkboxChecked, checkboxValue, reset); const _onClick = ($event) => { if (props2.disabled) { return; } checkboxChecked.value = !checkboxChecked.value; uniCheckGroup && uniCheckGroup.checkboxChange($event); }; if (!!uniLabel) { uniLabel.addHandler(_onClick); } return () => { const { booleanAttrs } = useBooleanAttr(props2, "disabled"); return vue.createVNode("uni-checkbox", vue.mergeProps(booleanAttrs, { "onClick": _onClick }), [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-checkbox-wrapper" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": ["uni-checkbox-input", { "uni-checkbox-input-disabled": props2.disabled }] }, [checkboxChecked.value ? createSvgIconVNode(ICON_PATH_SUCCESS_NO_CIRCLE, props2.color, 22) : ""], 2), slots.default && slots.default()])], 16, ["onClick"]); }; } }); function useCheckboxInject(checkboxChecked, checkboxValue, reset) { const field = vue.computed(() => ({ checkboxChecked: Boolean(checkboxChecked.value), value: checkboxValue.value })); const formField = { reset }; const uniCheckGroup = vue.inject(uniCheckGroupKey, false); if (!!uniCheckGroup) { uniCheckGroup.addField(field); } const uniForm = vue.inject(uniFormKey, false); if (!!uniForm) { uniForm.addField(formField); } const uniLabel = vue.inject(uniLabelKey, false); return { uniCheckGroup, uniForm, uniLabel }; } let resetTimer; function iosHideKeyboard() { } const props$m = { cursorSpacing: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, showConfirmBar: { type: [Boolean, String], default: "auto" }, adjustPosition: { type: [Boolean, String], default: true }, autoBlur: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false } }; const emit$1 = ["keyboardheightchange"]; function useKeyboard$1(props2, elRef, trigger) { function initKeyboard(el) { el.addEventListener("focus", () => { clearTimeout(resetTimer); document.addEventListener("click", iosHideKeyboard, false); }); const onKeyboardHide = () => { document.removeEventListener("click", iosHideKeyboard, false); if (String(navigator.vendor).indexOf("Apple") === 0) { document.documentElement.scrollTo(document.documentElement.scrollLeft, document.documentElement.scrollTop); } }; el.addEventListener("blur", () => { onKeyboardHide(); }); } vue.watch(() => elRef.value, (el) => initKeyboard(el)); } var startTag = /^<([-A-Za-z0-9_]+)((?:\s+[a-zA-Z_:][-a-zA-Z0-9_:.]*(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)\s*(\/?)>/; var endTag = /^<\/([-A-Za-z0-9_]+)[^>]*>/; var attr = /([a-zA-Z_:][-a-zA-Z0-9_:.]*)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"((?:\\.|[^"])*)")|(?:'((?:\\.|[^'])*)')|([^>\s]+)))?/g; var empty = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap("area,base,basefont,br,col,frame,hr,img,input,link,meta,param,embed,command,keygen,source,track,wbr"); var block = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap("a,address,article,applet,aside,audio,blockquote,button,canvas,center,dd,del,dir,div,dl,dt,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,frameset,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,hr,iframe,isindex,li,map,menu,noframes,noscript,object,ol,output,p,pre,section,script,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,ul,video"); var inline = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap("abbr,acronym,applet,b,basefont,bdo,big,br,button,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,iframe,img,input,ins,kbd,label,map,object,q,s,samp,script,select,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,textarea,tt,u,var"); var closeSelf = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap("colgroup,dd,dt,li,options,p,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr"); var fillAttrs = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap("checked,compact,declare,defer,disabled,ismap,multiple,nohref,noresize,noshade,nowrap,readonly,selected"); var special = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap("script,style"); function HTMLParser(html, handler) { var index2; var chars; var match; var stack = []; var last = html; stack.last = function() { return this[this.length - 1]; }; while (html) { chars = true; if (!stack.last() || !special[stack.last()]) { if (html.indexOf(""); if (index2 >= 0) { if (handler.comment) { handler.comment(html.substring(4, index2)); } html = html.substring(index2 + 3); chars = false; } } else if (html.indexOf("]*>"), function(all, text2) { text2 = text2.replace(/|/g, "$1$2"); if (handler.chars) { handler.chars(text2); } return ""; }); parseEndTag("", stack.last()); } if (html == last) { throw "Parse Error: " + html; } last = html; } parseEndTag(); function parseStartTag(tag, tagName, rest, unary) { tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); if (block[tagName]) { while (stack.last() && inline[stack.last()]) { parseEndTag("", stack.last()); } } if (closeSelf[tagName] && stack.last() == tagName) { parseEndTag("", tagName); } unary = empty[tagName] || !!unary; if (!unary) { stack.push(tagName); } if (handler.start) { var attrs = []; rest.replace(attr, function(match2, name) { var value = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : fillAttrs[name] ? name : ""; attrs.push({ name, value, escaped: value.replace(/(^|[^\\])"/g, '$1\\"') }); }); if (handler.start) { handler.start(tagName, attrs, unary); } } } function parseEndTag(tag, tagName) { if (!tagName) { var pos = 0; } else { for (var pos = stack.length - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) { if (stack[pos] == tagName) { break; } } } if (pos >= 0) { for (var i = stack.length - 1; i >= pos; i--) { if (handler.end) { handler.end(stack[i]); } } stack.length = pos; } } } function makeMap(str) { var obj = {}; var items = str.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { obj[items[i]] = true; } return obj; } function useQuill(props2, rootRef, trigger) { vue.watch(() => props2.readOnly, (value) => { }); vue.watch(() => props2.placeholder, (value) => { }); const id = useContextInfo(); useSubscribe((type, data) => { const { options, callbackId } = data; let res; let errMsg; { errMsg = "not ready"; } if (callbackId) { UniViewJSBridge.publishHandler("onEditorMethodCallback", { callbackId, data: Object.assign({}, res, { errMsg: `${type}:${errMsg ? "fail " + errMsg : "ok"}` }) }); } }, id, true); } const props$l = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.assign({}, props$m, { id: { type: String, default: "" }, readOnly: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, placeholder: { type: String, default: "" }, showImgSize: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, showImgToolbar: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, showImgResize: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false } }); var index$m = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Editor", props: props$l, emit: ["ready", "focus", "blur", "input", "statuschange", ...emit$1], setup(props2, { emit: emit2 }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); useQuill(props2); useKeyboard$1(props2, rootRef); return () => { return vue.createVNode("uni-editor", { "ref": rootRef, "id": props2.id, "class": "ql-container" }, null, 8, ["id"]); }; } }); const INFO_COLOR = "#10aeff"; const WARN_COLOR = "#f76260"; const GREY_COLOR = "#b2b2b2"; const CANCEL_COLOR = "#f43530"; const ICONS = { success: { d: ICON_PATH_SUCCESS, c: uniShared.PRIMARY_COLOR }, success_no_circle: { d: ICON_PATH_SUCCESS_NO_CIRCLE, c: uniShared.PRIMARY_COLOR }, info: { d: ICON_PATH_INFO, c: INFO_COLOR }, warn: { d: ICON_PATH_WARN, c: WARN_COLOR }, waiting: { d: ICON_PATH_WAITING, c: INFO_COLOR }, cancel: { d: ICON_PATH_CANCEL, c: CANCEL_COLOR }, download: { d: ICON_PATH_DOWNLOAD, c: uniShared.PRIMARY_COLOR }, search: { d: ICON_PATH_SEARCH, c: GREY_COLOR }, clear: { d: ICON_PATH_CLEAR, c: GREY_COLOR } }; var index$l = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Icon", props: { type: { type: String, required: true, default: "" }, size: { type: [String, Number], default: 23 }, color: { type: String, default: "" } }, setup(props2) { const path = vue.computed(() => ICONS[props2.type]); return () => { const { value } = path; return vue.createVNode("uni-icon", null, [value && value.d && createSvgIconVNode(value.d, props2.color || value.c, rpx2px(props2.size))]); }; } }); const props$k = { src: { type: String, default: "" }, mode: { type: String, default: "scaleToFill" }, lazyLoad: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, draggable: { type: Boolean, default: true } }; const FIX_MODES = { widthFix: ["width", "height"], heightFix: ["height", "width"] }; const IMAGE_MODES = { aspectFit: ["center center", "contain"], aspectFill: ["center center", "cover"], widthFix: [, "100% 100%"], heightFix: [, "100% 100%"], top: ["center top"], bottom: ["center bottom"], center: ["center center"], left: ["left center"], right: ["right center"], "top left": ["left top"], "top right": ["right top"], "bottom left": ["left bottom"], "bottom right": ["right bottom"] }; var index$k = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Image", props: props$k, setup(props2, { emit: emit2 }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const state = useImageState(rootRef, props2); const trigger = useCustomEvent(rootRef, emit2); const { fixSize } = useImageSize(rootRef, props2, state); useImageLoader(state, { trigger, fixSize }); return () => { const { mode: mode2 } = props2; const { imgSrc, modeStyle } = state; return vue.createVNode("uni-image", { "ref": rootRef }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "style": modeStyle }, null, 4), imgSrc ? vue.createVNode("img", { "src": imgSrc, "draggable": props2.draggable }, null, 8, ["src", "draggable"]) : vue.createVNode("img", null, null), FIX_MODES[mode2] ? vue.createVNode(ResizeSensor, { "onResize": fixSize }, null, 8, ["onResize"]) : vue.createVNode("span", null, null)], 512); }; } }); function useImageState(rootRef, props2) { const imgSrc = vue.ref(""); const modeStyleRef = vue.computed(() => { let size = "auto"; let position = ""; const opts = IMAGE_MODES[props2.mode]; if (!opts) { position = "0% 0%"; size = "100% 100%"; } else { opts[0] && (position = opts[0]); opts[1] && (size = opts[1]); } const srcVal = imgSrc.value; return `background-image:${srcVal ? 'url("' + srcVal + '")' : "none"};background-position:${position};background-size:${size};background-repeat:no-repeat;`; }); const state = vue.reactive({ rootEl: rootRef, src: vue.computed(() => props2.src ? getRealPath(props2.src) : ""), origWidth: 0, origHeight: 0, origStyle: { width: "", height: "" }, modeStyle: modeStyleRef, imgSrc }); return state; } function useImageLoader(state, { trigger, fixSize }) { let img; const setState = (width = 0, height = 0, imgSrc = "") => { state.origWidth = width; state.origHeight = height; state.imgSrc = imgSrc; }; const loadImage = (src) => { if (!src) { resetImage(); setState(); return; } if (!img) { img = new Image(); } img.onload = (evt) => { const { width, height } = img; setState(width, height, src); fixSize(); resetImage(); trigger("load", evt, { width, height }); }; img.onerror = (evt) => { setState(); resetImage(); trigger("error", evt, { errMsg: `GET ${state.src} 404 (Not Found)` }); }; img.src = src; }; const resetImage = () => { if (img) { img.onload = null; img.onerror = null; img = null; } }; vue.watch(() => state.src, (value) => loadImage(value)); } function fixNumber(num) { return num; } function useImageSize(rootRef, props2, state) { const fixSize = () => { const { mode: mode2 } = props2; const names = FIX_MODES[mode2]; if (!names) { return; } const { origWidth, origHeight } = state; const ratio = origWidth && origHeight ? origWidth / origHeight : 0; if (!ratio) { return; } const rootEl = rootRef.value; const rect = rootEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const value = rect[names[0]]; if (value) { rootEl.style[names[1]] = fixNumber(value / ratio) + "px"; } }; const resetSize = () => { const { style } = rootRef.value; const { origStyle: { width, height } } = state; style.width = width; style.height = height; }; vue.watch(() => props2.mode, (value, oldValue) => { if (FIX_MODES[oldValue]) { resetSize(); } if (FIX_MODES[value]) { fixSize(); } }); return { fixSize, resetSize }; } uniShared.passive(true); function useUserAction() { const state = vue.reactive({ userAction: false }); return { state }; } function useScopedAttrs() { const state = vue.reactive({ attrs: {} }); return { state }; } function useFormField(nameKey, value) { const uniForm = vue.inject(uniFormKey, false); if (!uniForm) { return; } const instance = vue.getCurrentInstance(); const ctx = { submit() { const proxy = instance.proxy; return [ proxy[nameKey], typeof value === "string" ? proxy[value] : value.value ]; }, reset() { if (typeof value === "string") { instance.proxy[value] = ""; } else { value.value = ""; } } }; uniForm.addField(ctx); } const pageIds = []; const UniViewJSBridgeSubscribe = function() { const pageId = getCurrentPageId(); if (pageIds.includes(pageId)) return; pageIds.push(pageId); UniViewJSBridge.subscribe(pageId + ".getSelectedTextRange", function({pageId: pageId2, callbackId}) { const activeElement = document.activeElement; if (!activeElement) return; const tagName = activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase(); const tagNames = ["input", "textarea"]; const data = {}; if (tagNames.includes(tagName)) { data.start = activeElement.selectionStart; data.end = activeElement.selectionEnd; } UniViewJSBridge.publishHandler("onGetSelectedTextRange", { callbackId, data }, pageId2); }); }; function getValueString(value) { return value === null ? "" : String(value); } const props$j = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.assign({}, { name: { type: String, default: "" }, value: { type: [String, Number], default: "" }, disabled: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, autoFocus: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, focus: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, cursor: { type: [Number, String], default: -1 }, selectionStart: { type: [Number, String], default: -1 }, selectionEnd: { type: [Number, String], default: -1 }, type: { type: String, default: "text" }, password: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, placeholder: { type: String, default: "" }, placeholderStyle: { type: String, default: "" }, placeholderClass: { type: String, default: "" }, maxlength: { type: [Number, String], default: 140 }, confirmType: { type: String, default: "done" } }, props$m); const emit = ["input", "focus", "blur", ...emit$1]; function useBase(props2, rootRef, emit2) { const fieldRef = vue.ref(null); const trigger = useCustomEvent(rootRef, emit2); const selectionStart = vue.computed(() => { const selectionStart2 = Number(props2.selectionStart); return isNaN(selectionStart2) ? -1 : selectionStart2; }); const selectionEnd = vue.computed(() => { const selectionEnd2 = Number(props2.selectionEnd); return isNaN(selectionEnd2) ? -1 : selectionEnd2; }); const cursor = vue.computed(() => { const cursor2 = Number(props2.cursor); return isNaN(cursor2) ? -1 : cursor2; }); const maxlength = vue.computed(() => { var maxlength2 = Number(props2.maxlength); return isNaN(maxlength2) ? 140 : maxlength2; }); const value = getValueString(props2.value); const state = vue.reactive({ value, valueOrigin: value, maxlength, focus: props2.focus, composing: false, selectionStart, selectionEnd, cursor }); vue.watch(() => state.focus, (val) => emit2("update:focus", val)); vue.watch(() => state.maxlength, (val) => state.value = state.value.slice(0, val)); return { fieldRef, state, trigger }; } function useValueSync(props2, state, emit2, trigger) { const valueChangeFn = uniShared.debounce((val) => { state.value = getValueString(val); }, 100); vue.watch(() => props2.value, valueChangeFn); const triggerInputFn = throttle((event, detail) => { emit2("update:value", detail.value); trigger("input", event, detail); }, 100); const triggerInput = (event, detail, force) => { valueChangeFn.cancel(); triggerInputFn(event, detail); if (force) { triggerInputFn.flush(); } }; return { trigger, triggerInput }; } function useAutoFocus(props2, fieldRef) { useUserAction(); const needFocus = vue.computed(() => props2.autoFocus || props2.focus); function focus() { if (!needFocus.value) { return; } const field = fieldRef.value; if (!field || false) { setTimeout(focus, 100); return; } { field.focus(); } } function blur() { const field = fieldRef.value; if (field) { field.blur(); } } vue.watch(() => props2.focus, (value) => { if (value) { focus(); } else { blur(); } }); } function useEvent(fieldRef, state, trigger, triggerInput, beforeInput) { function checkSelection() { const field = fieldRef.value; if (field && state.focus && state.selectionStart > -1 && state.selectionEnd > -1) { field.selectionStart = state.selectionStart; field.selectionEnd = state.selectionEnd; } } function checkCursor() { const field = fieldRef.value; if (field && state.focus && state.selectionStart < 0 && state.selectionEnd < 0 && state.cursor > -1) { field.selectionEnd = field.selectionStart = state.cursor; } } function initField() { const field = fieldRef.value; const onFocus = function(event) { state.focus = true; trigger("focus", event, { value: state.value }); checkSelection(); checkCursor(); }; const onInput = function(event, force) { event.stopPropagation(); if (typeof beforeInput === "function" && beforeInput(event, state) === false) { return; } state.value = field.value; if (!state.composing) { triggerInput(event, { value: field.value, cursor: field.selectionEnd }, force); } }; const onBlur = function(event) { if (state.composing) { state.composing = false; onInput(event, true); } state.focus = false; trigger("blur", event, { value: state.value, cursor: event.target.selectionEnd }); }; field.addEventListener("change", (event) => event.stopPropagation()); field.addEventListener("focus", onFocus); field.addEventListener("blur", onBlur); field.addEventListener("input", onInput); field.addEventListener("compositionstart", (event) => { event.stopPropagation(); state.composing = true; }); field.addEventListener("compositionend", (event) => { event.stopPropagation(); if (state.composing) { state.composing = false; onInput(event); } }); } vue.watch([() => state.selectionStart, () => state.selectionEnd], checkSelection); vue.watch(() => state.cursor, checkCursor); vue.watch(() => fieldRef.value, initField); } function useField(props2, rootRef, emit2, beforeInput) { UniViewJSBridgeSubscribe(); const {fieldRef, state, trigger} = useBase(props2, rootRef, emit2); const {triggerInput} = useValueSync(props2, state, emit2, trigger); useAutoFocus(props2, fieldRef); useKeyboard$1(props2, fieldRef); const {state: scopedAttrsState} = useScopedAttrs(); useFormField("name", state); useEvent(fieldRef, state, trigger, triggerInput, beforeInput); const fixDisabledColor = false; return { fieldRef, state, scopedAttrsState, fixDisabledColor, trigger }; } const props$i = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.assign({}, props$j, { placeholderClass: { type: String, default: "input-placeholder" } }); var Input = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Input", props: props$i, emit: ["confirm", ...emit], setup(props2, { emit: emit2 }) { const INPUT_TYPES = ["text", "number", "idcard", "digit", "password"]; const type = vue.computed(() => { let type2 = ""; switch (props2.type) { case "text": if (props2.confirmType === "search") { type2 = "search"; } break; case "idcard": type2 = "text"; break; case "digit": type2 = "number"; break; default: type2 = ~INPUT_TYPES.includes(props2.type) ? props2.type : "text"; break; } return props2.password ? "password" : type2; }); const valid = vue.ref(true); const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const { fieldRef, state, scopedAttrsState, fixDisabledColor, trigger } = useField(props2, rootRef, emit2, (event, state2) => { const input = event.target; if (NUMBER_TYPES.includes(props2.type)) { valid.value = input.validity && input.validity.valid; state2.value; } if (type.value === "number") { const maxlength = state2.maxlength; if (maxlength > 0 && input.value.length > maxlength) { input.value = input.value.slice(0, maxlength); state2.value = input.value; return false; } } }); const NUMBER_TYPES = ["number", "digit"]; const step = vue.computed(() => NUMBER_TYPES.includes(props2.type) ? "0.000000000000000001" : ""); function onKeyUpEnter(event) { if (event.key !== "Enter") { return; } event.stopPropagation(); trigger("confirm", event, { value: event.target.value }); } return () => { let inputNode = props2.disabled && fixDisabledColor ? vue.createVNode("input", { "ref": fieldRef, "value": state.value, "tabindex": "-1", "readonly": !!props2.disabled, "type": type.value, "maxlength": state.maxlength, "step": step.value, "class": "uni-input-input", "onFocus": (event) => event.target.blur() }, null, 40, ["value", "readonly", "type", "maxlength", "step", "onFocus"]) : vue.createVNode("input", { "ref": fieldRef, "value": state.value, "disabled": !!props2.disabled, "type": type.value, "maxlength": state.maxlength, "step": step.value, "enterkeyhint": props2.confirmType, "class": "uni-input-input", "autocomplete": "off", "onKeyup": onKeyUpEnter }, null, 40, ["value", "disabled", "type", "maxlength", "step", "enterkeyhint", "onKeyup"]); return vue.createVNode("uni-input", { "ref": rootRef }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-input-wrapper" }, [vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode("div", vue.mergeProps(scopedAttrsState.attrs, { "style": props2.placeholderStyle, "class": ["uni-input-placeholder", props2.placeholderClass] }), [props2.placeholder], 16), [[vue.vShow, !(state.value.length || !valid.value)]]), props2.confirmType === "search" ? vue.createVNode("form", { "action": "", "onSubmit": () => false, "class": "uni-input-form" }, [inputNode], 40, ["onSubmit"]) : inputNode])], 512); }; } }); function entries(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).map((key) => [key, obj[key]]); } const DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_KEYS = ["class", "style"]; const LISTENER_PREFIX = /^on[A-Z]+/; const useAttrs = (params = {}) => { const {excludeListeners = false, excludeKeys = []} = params; const instance = vue.getCurrentInstance(); const attrs = vue.shallowRef({}); const listeners = vue.shallowRef({}); const excludeAttrs = vue.shallowRef({}); const allExcludeKeys = excludeKeys.concat(DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_KEYS); instance.attrs = vue.reactive(instance.attrs); vue.watchEffect(() => { const res = entries(instance.attrs).reduce((acc, [key, val]) => { if (allExcludeKeys.includes(key)) { acc.exclude[key] = val; } else if (LISTENER_PREFIX.test(key)) { if (!excludeListeners) { acc.attrs[key] = val; } acc.listeners[key] = val; } else { acc.attrs[key] = val; } return acc; }, { exclude: {}, attrs: {}, listeners: {} }); attrs.value = res.attrs; listeners.value = res.listeners; excludeAttrs.value = res.exclude; }); return {$attrs: attrs, $listeners: listeners, $excludeAttrs: excludeAttrs}; }; function initScrollBounce() { } function disableScrollBounce({disable}) { } function flatVNode(nodes) { const array = []; if (Array.isArray(nodes)) { nodes.forEach((vnode) => { if (vue.isVNode(vnode)) { if (vnode.type === vue.Fragment) { array.push(...flatVNode(vnode.children)); } else { array.push(vnode); } } else if (Array.isArray(vnode)) { array.push(...flatVNode(vnode)); } }); } return array; } const props$h = { scaleArea: { type: Boolean, default: false } }; var index$j = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ inheritAttrs: false, name: "MovableArea", props: props$h, setup(props2, { slots }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const _isMounted = vue.ref(false); let { setContexts, events: movableAreaEvents } = useMovableAreaState(props2, rootRef); const { $listeners, $attrs, $excludeAttrs } = useAttrs(); const _listeners = $listeners.value; let events = ["onTouchstart", "onTouchmove", "onTouchend"]; events.forEach((event) => { let existing = _listeners[event]; let ours = movableAreaEvents[`_${event}`]; _listeners[event] = existing ? [].concat(existing, ours) : ours; }); let movableViewItems = []; const originMovableViewContexts = []; function updateMovableViewContexts() { const contexts = []; for (let index2 = 0; index2 < movableViewItems.length; index2++) { const movableViewItem = movableViewItems[index2]; const movableViewContext = originMovableViewContexts.find((context) => movableViewItem.el === context.rootRef.value); if (movableViewContext) { contexts.push(vue.markRaw(movableViewContext)); } } setContexts(contexts); } const addMovableViewContext = (movableViewContext) => { originMovableViewContexts.push(movableViewContext); updateMovableViewContexts(); }; const removeMovableViewContext = (movableViewContext) => { const index2 = originMovableViewContexts.indexOf(movableViewContext); if (index2 >= 0) { originMovableViewContexts.splice(index2, 1); updateMovableViewContexts(); } }; vue.provide("_isMounted", _isMounted); vue.provide("movableAreaRootRef", rootRef); vue.provide("addMovableViewContext", addMovableViewContext); vue.provide("removeMovableViewContext", removeMovableViewContext); return () => { const defaultSlots = slots.default && slots.default(); movableViewItems = flatVNode(defaultSlots); return vue.createVNode("uni-movable-area", vue.mergeProps({ "ref": rootRef }, $attrs.value, $excludeAttrs.value, _listeners), [vue.createVNode(ResizeSensor, { "onReize": movableAreaEvents._resize }, null, 8, ["onReize"]), movableViewItems], 16); }; } }); function calc(e2) { return Math.sqrt(e2.x * e2.x + e2.y * e2.y); } function useMovableAreaState(props2, rootRef) { const width = vue.ref(0); const height = vue.ref(0); const gapV = vue.reactive({ x: null, y: null }); const pinchStartLen = vue.ref(null); let _scaleMovableView = null; let movableViewContexts = []; function _updateScale(e2) { if (e2 && e2 !== 1) { if (props2.scaleArea) { movableViewContexts.forEach(function(item) { item._setScale(e2); }); } else { if (_scaleMovableView) { _scaleMovableView._setScale(e2); } } } } function _find(target, items = movableViewContexts) { let root = rootRef.value; function get(node) { for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; if (node === item.rootRef.value) { return item; } } if (node === root || node === document.body || node === document) { return null; } return get(node.parentNode); } return get(target); } const _onTouchstart = withWebEvent((t2) => { let i = t2.touches; if (i) { if (i.length > 1) { let r = { x: i[1].pageX - i[0].pageX, y: i[1].pageY - i[0].pageY }; pinchStartLen.value = calc(r); gapV.x = r.x; gapV.y = r.y; if (!props2.scaleArea) { let touch0 = _find(i[0].target); let touch1 = _find(i[1].target); _scaleMovableView = touch0 && touch0 === touch1 ? touch0 : null; } } } }); const _onTouchmove = withWebEvent((t2) => { let n = t2.touches; if (n) { if (n.length > 1) { t2.preventDefault(); let i = { x: n[1].pageX - n[0].pageX, y: n[1].pageY - n[0].pageY }; if (gapV.x !== null && pinchStartLen.value && pinchStartLen.value > 0) { let r = calc(i) / pinchStartLen.value; _updateScale(r); } gapV.x = i.x; gapV.y = i.y; } } }); const _onTouchend = withWebEvent((e2) => { let t2 = e2.touches; if (!(t2 && t2.length)) { if (e2.changedTouches) { gapV.x = 0; gapV.y = 0; pinchStartLen.value = null; if (props2.scaleArea) { movableViewContexts.forEach(function(item) { item._endScale(); }); } else { if (_scaleMovableView) { _scaleMovableView._endScale(); } } } } }); function _resize() { _getWH(); movableViewContexts.forEach(function(item, index2) { item.setParent(); }); } function _getWH() { let style = window.getComputedStyle(rootRef.value); let rect = rootRef.value.getBoundingClientRect(); width.value = rect.width - ["Left", "Right"].reduce(function(all, item) { const LEFT = "border" + item + "Width"; const RIGHT = "padding" + item; return all + parseFloat(style[LEFT]) + parseFloat(style[RIGHT]); }, 0); height.value = rect.height - ["Top", "Bottom"].reduce(function(all, item) { const TOP = "border" + item + "Width"; const BOTTOM = "padding" + item; return all + parseFloat(style[TOP]) + parseFloat(style[BOTTOM]); }, 0); } vue.provide("movableAreaWidth", width); vue.provide("movableAreaHeight", height); return { setContexts(contexts) { movableViewContexts = contexts; }, events: { _onTouchstart, _onTouchmove, _onTouchend, _resize } }; } const addListenerToElement = function(element, type, callback, capture) { element.addEventListener(type, ($event) => { if (typeof callback === "function") { if (callback($event) === false) { if (typeof $event.cancelable !== "undefined" ? $event.cancelable : true) { $event.preventDefault(); } $event.stopPropagation(); } } }, { passive: false }); }; function useTouchtrack(element, method, useCancel) { let x0 = 0; let y0 = 0; let x1 = 0; let y1 = 0; const fn = function($event, state, x, y) { if (method({ target: $event.target, currentTarget: $event.currentTarget, preventDefault: $event.preventDefault.bind($event), stopPropagation: $event.stopPropagation.bind($event), touches: $event.touches, changedTouches: $event.changedTouches, detail: { state, x, y, dx: x - x0, dy: y - y0, ddx: x - x1, ddy: y - y1, timeStamp: $event.timeStamp } }) === false) { return false; } }; let $eventOld = null; let hasTouchStart; let hasMouseDown; addListenerToElement(element, "touchstart", function($event) { hasTouchStart = true; if ($event.touches.length === 1 && !$eventOld) { $eventOld = $event; x0 = x1 = $event.touches[0].pageX; y0 = y1 = $event.touches[0].pageY; return fn($event, "start", x0, y0); } }); addListenerToElement(element, "mousedown", function($event) { hasMouseDown = true; if (!hasTouchStart && !$eventOld) { $eventOld = $event; x0 = x1 = $event.pageX; y0 = y1 = $event.pageY; return fn($event, "start", x0, y0); } }); addListenerToElement(element, "touchmove", function($event) { if ($event.touches.length === 1 && $eventOld) { const res = fn($event, "move", $event.touches[0].pageX, $event.touches[0].pageY); x1 = $event.touches[0].pageX; y1 = $event.touches[0].pageY; return res; } }); const mouseMoveEventListener = function($event) { if (!hasTouchStart && hasMouseDown && $eventOld) { const res = fn($event, "move", $event.pageX, $event.pageY); x1 = $event.pageX; y1 = $event.pageY; return res; } }; document.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoveEventListener); addListenerToElement(element, "touchend", function($event) { if ($event.touches.length === 0 && $eventOld) { hasTouchStart = false; $eventOld = null; return fn($event, "end", $event.changedTouches[0].pageX, $event.changedTouches[0].pageY); } }); const mouseUpEventListener = function($event) { hasMouseDown = false; if (!hasTouchStart && $eventOld) { $eventOld = null; return fn($event, "end", $event.pageX, $event.pageY); } }; document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseUpEventListener); addListenerToElement(element, "touchcancel", function($event) { if ($eventOld) { hasTouchStart = false; const $eventTemp = $eventOld; $eventOld = null; return fn($event, useCancel ? "cancel" : "end", $eventTemp.touches[0].pageX, $eventTemp.touches[0].pageY); } }); } function e(e2, t2, n) { return e2 > t2 - n && e2 < t2 + n; } function t$1(t2, n) { return e(t2, 0, n); } function Friction$1(e2, t2) { this._m = e2; this._f = 1e3 * t2; this._startTime = 0; this._v = 0; } Friction$1.prototype.setV = function(x, y) { var n = Math.pow(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2), 0.5); this._x_v = x; this._y_v = y; this._x_a = -this._f * this._x_v / n; this._y_a = -this._f * this._y_v / n; this._t = Math.abs(x / this._x_a) || Math.abs(y / this._y_a); this._lastDt = null; this._startTime = new Date().getTime(); }; Friction$1.prototype.setS = function(x, y) { this._x_s = x; this._y_s = y; }; Friction$1.prototype.s = function(t2) { if (t2 === void 0) { t2 = (new Date().getTime() - this._startTime) / 1e3; } if (t2 > this._t) { t2 = this._t; this._lastDt = t2; } var x = this._x_v * t2 + 0.5 * this._x_a * Math.pow(t2, 2) + this._x_s; var y = this._y_v * t2 + 0.5 * this._y_a * Math.pow(t2, 2) + this._y_s; if (this._x_a > 0 && x < this._endPositionX || this._x_a < 0 && x > this._endPositionX) { x = this._endPositionX; } if (this._y_a > 0 && y < this._endPositionY || this._y_a < 0 && y > this._endPositionY) { y = this._endPositionY; } return { x, y }; }; Friction$1.prototype.ds = function(t2) { if (t2 === void 0) { t2 = (new Date().getTime() - this._startTime) / 1e3; } if (t2 > this._t) { t2 = this._t; } return { dx: this._x_v + this._x_a * t2, dy: this._y_v + this._y_a * t2 }; }; Friction$1.prototype.delta = function() { return { x: -1.5 * Math.pow(this._x_v, 2) / this._x_a || 0, y: -1.5 * Math.pow(this._y_v, 2) / this._y_a || 0 }; }; Friction$1.prototype.dt = function() { return -this._x_v / this._x_a; }; Friction$1.prototype.done = function() { var t2 = e(this.s().x, this._endPositionX) || e(this.s().y, this._endPositionY) || this._lastDt === this._t; this._lastDt = null; return t2; }; Friction$1.prototype.setEnd = function(x, y) { this._endPositionX = x; this._endPositionY = y; }; Friction$1.prototype.reconfigure = function(m, f2) { this._m = m; this._f = 1e3 * f2; }; function Spring$1(m, k, c) { this._m = m; this._k = k; this._c = c; this._solution = null; this._endPosition = 0; this._startTime = 0; } Spring$1.prototype._solve = function(e2, t2) { var n = this._c; var i = this._m; var r = this._k; var o2 = n * n - 4 * i * r; if (o2 === 0) { const a2 = -n / (2 * i); const s = e2; const l = t2 / (a2 * e2); return { x: function(e3) { return (s + l * e3) * Math.pow(Math.E, a2 * e3); }, dx: function(e3) { var t3 = Math.pow(Math.E, a2 * e3); return a2 * (s + l * e3) * t3 + l * t3; } }; } if (o2 > 0) { const c = (-n - Math.sqrt(o2)) / (2 * i); const u = (-n + Math.sqrt(o2)) / (2 * i); const d = (t2 - c * e2) / (u - c); const h = e2 - d; return { x: function(e3) { var t3; var n2; if (e3 === this._t) { t3 = this._powER1T; n2 = this._powER2T; } this._t = e3; if (!t3) { t3 = this._powER1T = Math.pow(Math.E, c * e3); } if (!n2) { n2 = this._powER2T = Math.pow(Math.E, u * e3); } return h * t3 + d * n2; }, dx: function(e3) { var t3; var n2; if (e3 === this._t) { t3 = this._powER1T; n2 = this._powER2T; } this._t = e3; if (!t3) { t3 = this._powER1T = Math.pow(Math.E, c * e3); } if (!n2) { n2 = this._powER2T = Math.pow(Math.E, u * e3); } return h * c * t3 + d * u * n2; } }; } var p2 = Math.sqrt(4 * i * r - n * n) / (2 * i); var f2 = -n / 2 * i; var v2 = e2; var g2 = (t2 - f2 * e2) / p2; return { x: function(e3) { return Math.pow(Math.E, f2 * e3) * (v2 * Math.cos(p2 * e3) + g2 * Math.sin(p2 * e3)); }, dx: function(e3) { var t3 = Math.pow(Math.E, f2 * e3); var n2 = Math.cos(p2 * e3); var i2 = Math.sin(p2 * e3); return t3 * (g2 * p2 * n2 - v2 * p2 * i2) + f2 * t3 * (g2 * i2 + v2 * n2); } }; }; Spring$1.prototype.x = function(e2) { if (e2 === void 0) { e2 = (new Date().getTime() - this._startTime) / 1e3; } return this._solution ? this._endPosition + this._solution.x(e2) : 0; }; Spring$1.prototype.dx = function(e2) { if (e2 === void 0) { e2 = (new Date().getTime() - this._startTime) / 1e3; } return this._solution ? this._solution.dx(e2) : 0; }; Spring$1.prototype.setEnd = function(e2, n, i) { if (!i) { i = new Date().getTime(); } if (e2 !== this._endPosition || !t$1(n, 0.1)) { n = n || 0; var r = this._endPosition; if (this._solution) { if (t$1(n, 0.1)) { n = this._solution.dx((i - this._startTime) / 1e3); } r = this._solution.x((i - this._startTime) / 1e3); if (t$1(n, 0.1)) { n = 0; } if (t$1(r, 0.1)) { r = 0; } r += this._endPosition; } if (!(this._solution && t$1(r - e2, 0.1) && t$1(n, 0.1))) { this._endPosition = e2; this._solution = this._solve(r - this._endPosition, n); this._startTime = i; } } }; Spring$1.prototype.snap = function(e2) { this._startTime = new Date().getTime(); this._endPosition = e2; this._solution = { x: function() { return 0; }, dx: function() { return 0; } }; }; Spring$1.prototype.done = function(n) { if (!n) { n = new Date().getTime(); } return e(this.x(), this._endPosition, 0.1) && t$1(this.dx(), 0.1); }; Spring$1.prototype.reconfigure = function(m, t2, c) { this._m = m; this._k = t2; this._c = c; if (!this.done()) { this._solution = this._solve(this.x() - this._endPosition, this.dx()); this._startTime = new Date().getTime(); } }; Spring$1.prototype.springConstant = function() { return this._k; }; Spring$1.prototype.damping = function() { return this._c; }; Spring$1.prototype.configuration = function() { function e2(e3, t3) { e3.reconfigure(1, t3, e3.damping()); } function t2(e3, t3) { e3.reconfigure(1, e3.springConstant(), t3); } return [ { label: "Spring Constant", read: this.springConstant.bind(this), write: e2.bind(this, this), min: 100, max: 1e3 }, { label: "Damping", read: this.damping.bind(this), write: t2.bind(this, this), min: 1, max: 500 } ]; }; function STD(e2, t2, n) { this._springX = new Spring$1(e2, t2, n); this._springY = new Spring$1(e2, t2, n); this._springScale = new Spring$1(e2, t2, n); this._startTime = 0; } STD.prototype.setEnd = function(e2, t2, n, i) { var r = new Date().getTime(); this._springX.setEnd(e2, i, r); this._springY.setEnd(t2, i, r); this._springScale.setEnd(n, i, r); this._startTime = r; }; STD.prototype.x = function() { var e2 = (new Date().getTime() - this._startTime) / 1e3; return { x: this._springX.x(e2), y: this._springY.x(e2), scale: this._springScale.x(e2) }; }; STD.prototype.done = function() { var e2 = new Date().getTime(); return this._springX.done(e2) && this._springY.done(e2) && this._springScale.done(e2); }; STD.prototype.reconfigure = function(e2, t2, n) { this._springX.reconfigure(e2, t2, n); this._springY.reconfigure(e2, t2, n); this._springScale.reconfigure(e2, t2, n); }; const props$g = { direction: { type: String, default: "none" }, inertia: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, outOfBounds: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, x: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, y: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, damping: { type: [Number, String], default: 20 }, friction: { type: [Number, String], default: 2 }, disabled: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, scale: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, scaleMin: { type: [Number, String], default: 0.5 }, scaleMax: { type: [Number, String], default: 10 }, scaleValue: { type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, animation: { type: [Boolean, String], default: true } }; var index$i = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "MovableView", props: props$g, emits: ["change", "scale"], setup(props2, { slots, emit: emit2 }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const trigger = useCustomEvent(rootRef, emit2); const { setParent } = useMovableViewState(props2, trigger, rootRef); return () => { return vue.createVNode("uni-movable-view", { "ref": rootRef }, [vue.createVNode(ResizeSensor, { "onResize": setParent }, null, 8, ["onResize"]), slots.default && slots.default()], 512); }; } }); let requesting = false; function _requestAnimationFrame(e2) { if (!requesting) { requesting = true; requestAnimationFrame(function() { e2(); requesting = false; }); } } function p(t2, n) { if (t2 === n) { return 0; } let i = t2.offsetLeft; return t2.offsetParent ? i += p(t2.offsetParent, n) : 0; } function f(t2, n) { if (t2 === n) { return 0; } let i = t2.offsetTop; return t2.offsetParent ? i += f(t2.offsetParent, n) : 0; } function v(a2, b) { return +((1e3 * a2 - 1e3 * b) / 1e3).toFixed(1); } function g(e2, t2, n) { let i = function(e3) { if (e3 && e3.id) { cancelAnimationFrame(e3.id); } if (e3) { e3.cancelled = true; } }; let r = { id: 0, cancelled: false }; function fn(n2, i2, r2, o2) { if (!n2 || !n2.cancelled) { r2(i2); let a2 = e2.done(); if (!a2) { if (!n2.cancelled) { n2.id = requestAnimationFrame(fn.bind(null, n2, i2, r2, o2)); } } if (a2 && o2) { o2(i2); } } } fn(r, e2, t2, n); return { cancel: i.bind(null, r), model: e2 }; } function _getPx(val) { if (/\d+[ur]px$/i.test(val)) { return uni.upx2px(parseFloat(val)); } return Number(val) || 0; } function useMovableViewState(props2, trigger, rootRef) { const movableAreaWidth = vue.inject("movableAreaWidth", vue.ref(0)); const movableAreaHeight = vue.inject("movableAreaHeight", vue.ref(0)); const _isMounted = vue.inject("_isMounted", vue.ref(false)); const movableAreaRootRef = vue.inject("movableAreaRootRef"); vue.inject("addMovableViewContext", () => { }); vue.inject("removeMovableViewContext", () => { }); const xSync = vue.ref(_getPx(props2.x)); const ySync = vue.ref(_getPx(props2.y)); const scaleValueSync = vue.ref(Number(props2.scaleValue) || 1); const width = vue.ref(0); const height = vue.ref(0); const minX = vue.ref(0); const minY = vue.ref(0); const maxX = vue.ref(0); const maxY = vue.ref(0); let _SFA = null; const _offset = { x: 0, y: 0 }; const _scaleOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 }; let _scale = 1; let _translateX = 0; let _translateY = 0; const dampingNumber = vue.computed(() => { let val = Number(props2.damping); return isNaN(val) ? 20 : val; }); const frictionNumber = vue.computed(() => { let val = Number(props2.friction); return isNaN(val) || val <= 0 ? 2 : val; }); const scaleMinNumber = vue.computed(() => { let val = Number(props2.scaleMin); return isNaN(val) ? 0.5 : val; }); const scaleMaxNumber = vue.computed(() => { let val = Number(props2.scaleMax); return isNaN(val) ? 10 : val; }); const xMove = vue.computed(() => props2.direction === "all" || props2.direction === "horizontal"); const yMove = vue.computed(() => props2.direction === "all" || props2.direction === "vertical"); const _STD = new STD(1, 9 * Math.pow(dampingNumber.value, 2) / 40, dampingNumber.value); new Friction$1(1, frictionNumber.value); vue.watch(() => props2.x, (val) => { xSync.value = _getPx(val); }); vue.watch(() => props2.y, (val) => { ySync.value = _getPx(val); }); vue.watch(xSync, (val) => { _setX(val); }); vue.watch(ySync, (val) => { _setY(val); }); vue.watch(() => props2.scaleValue, (val) => { scaleValueSync.value = Number(val) || 0; }); vue.watch(scaleValueSync, (val) => { _setScaleValue(val); }); vue.watch(scaleMinNumber, () => { _setScaleMinOrMax(); }); vue.watch(scaleMaxNumber, () => { _setScaleMinOrMax(); }); function _setX(val) { if (xMove.value) { if (val + _scaleOffset.x === _translateX) { return _translateX; } else { if (_SFA) { _SFA.cancel(); } _animationTo(val + _scaleOffset.x, ySync.value + _scaleOffset.y, _scale); } } return val; } function _setY(val) { if (yMove.value) { if (val + _scaleOffset.y === _translateY) { return _translateY; } else { if (_SFA) { _SFA.cancel(); } _animationTo(xSync.value + _scaleOffset.x, val + _scaleOffset.y, _scale); } } return val; } function _setScaleMinOrMax() { if (!props2.scale) { return false; } _updateScale(_scale, true); } function _setScaleValue(scale) { if (!props2.scale) { return false; } scale = _adjustScale(scale); _updateScale(scale, true); return scale; } function _getLimitXY(x, y) { let outOfBounds = false; if (x > maxX.value) { x = maxX.value; outOfBounds = true; } else { if (x < minX.value) { x = minX.value; outOfBounds = true; } } if (y > maxY.value) { y = maxY.value; outOfBounds = true; } else { if (y < minY.value) { y = minY.value; outOfBounds = true; } } return { x, y, outOfBounds }; } function _updateOffset() { _offset.x = p(rootRef.value, movableAreaRootRef.value); _offset.y = f(rootRef.value, movableAreaRootRef.value); } function _updateWH(scale) { scale = scale || _scale; scale = _adjustScale(scale); let rect = rootRef.value.getBoundingClientRect(); height.value = rect.height / _scale; width.value = rect.width / _scale; let _height = height.value * scale; let _width = width.value * scale; _scaleOffset.x = (_width - width.value) / 2; _scaleOffset.y = (_height - height.value) / 2; } function _updateBoundary() { let x = 0 - _offset.x + _scaleOffset.x; let _width = movableAreaWidth.value - width.value - _offset.x - _scaleOffset.x; minX.value = Math.min(x, _width); maxX.value = Math.max(x, _width); let y = 0 - _offset.y + _scaleOffset.y; let _height = movableAreaHeight.value - height.value - _offset.y - _scaleOffset.y; minY.value = Math.min(y, _height); maxY.value = Math.max(y, _height); } function _updateScale(scale, animat) { if (props2.scale) { scale = _adjustScale(scale); _updateWH(scale); _updateBoundary(); const limitXY = _getLimitXY(_translateX, _translateY); const x = limitXY.x; const y = limitXY.y; if (animat) { _animationTo(x, y, scale, "", true, true); } else { _requestAnimationFrame(function() { _setTransform(x, y, scale, "", true, true); }); } } } function _adjustScale(scale) { scale = Math.max(0.5, scaleMinNumber.value, scale); scale = Math.min(10, scaleMaxNumber.value, scale); return scale; } function _animationTo(x, y, scale, source, r, o2) { if (_SFA) { _SFA.cancel(); } if (!xMove.value) { x = _translateX; } if (!yMove.value) { y = _translateY; } if (!props2.scale) { scale = _scale; } let limitXY = _getLimitXY(x, y); x = limitXY.x; y = limitXY.y; if (!props2.animation) { _setTransform(x, y, scale, source, r, o2); return; } _STD._springX._solution = null; _STD._springY._solution = null; _STD._springScale._solution = null; _STD._springX._endPosition = _translateX; _STD._springY._endPosition = _translateY; _STD._springScale._endPosition = _scale; _STD.setEnd(x, y, scale, 1); _SFA = g(_STD, function() { let data = _STD.x(); let x2 = data.x; let y2 = data.y; let scale2 = data.scale; _setTransform(x2, y2, scale2, source, r, o2); }, function() { _SFA.cancel(); }); } function _setTransform(x, y, scale, source = "", r, o2) { if (!(x !== null && x.toString() !== "NaN" && typeof x === "number")) { x = _translateX || 0; } if (!(y !== null && y.toString() !== "NaN" && typeof y === "number")) { y = _translateY || 0; } x = Number(x.toFixed(1)); y = Number(y.toFixed(1)); scale = Number(scale.toFixed(1)); if (!(_translateX === x && _translateY === y)) { if (!r) { trigger("change", {}, { x: v(x, _scaleOffset.x), y: v(y, _scaleOffset.y), source }); } } if (!props2.scale) { scale = _scale; } scale = _adjustScale(scale); scale = +scale.toFixed(3); if (o2 && scale !== _scale) { trigger("scale", {}, { x, y, scale }); } let transform = "translateX(" + x + "px) translateY(" + y + "px) translateZ(0px) scale(" + scale + ")"; rootRef.value.style.transform = transform; rootRef.value.style.webkitTransform = transform; _translateX = x; _translateY = y; _scale = scale; } function setParent() { if (!_isMounted.value) { return; } if (_SFA) { _SFA.cancel(); } let scale = props2.scale ? scaleValueSync.value : 1; _updateOffset(); _updateWH(scale); _updateBoundary(); _translateX = xSync.value + _scaleOffset.x; _translateY = ySync.value + _scaleOffset.y; let limitXY = _getLimitXY(_translateX, _translateY); let x = limitXY.x; let y = limitXY.y; _setTransform(x, y, scale, "", true); } return { setParent }; } const OPEN_TYPES = ["navigate", "redirect", "switchTab", "reLaunch", "navigateBack"]; const _sfc_main$6 = { name: "Navigator", compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, props: { hoverClass: { type: String, default: "navigator-hover" }, url: { type: String, default: "" }, openType: { type: String, default: "navigate", validator(value) { return ~OPEN_TYPES.indexOf(value); } }, delta: { type: Number, default: 1 }, hoverStartTime: { type: [Number, String], default: 50 }, hoverStayTime: { type: [Number, String], default: 600 }, exists: { type: String, default: "" }, hoverStopPropagation: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, methods: { _onClick($event) { if (this.openType !== "navigateBack" && !this.url) { console.error(" should have url attribute when using navigateTo, redirectTo, reLaunch or switchTab"); return; } switch (this.openType) { case "navigate": uni.navigateTo({ url: this.url }); break; case "redirect": uni.redirectTo({ url: this.url, exists: this.exists }); break; case "switchTab": uni.switchTab({ url: this.url }); break; case "reLaunch": uni.reLaunch({ url: this.url }); break; case "navigateBack": uni.navigateBack({ delta: this.delta }); break; } } }, setup(props2) { const {hovering, binding} = useHover(props2); return { hovering, binding }; } }; function _sfc_render$6(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { return $props.hoverClass && $props.hoverClass !== "none" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("uni-navigator", vue.mergeProps({ key: 0, class: [$setup.hovering ? $props.hoverClass : ""] }, $setup.binding, { onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => $options._onClick && $options._onClick(...args)) }), [ vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default") ], 16)) : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("uni-navigator", { key: 1, onClick: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = (...args) => $options._onClick && $options._onClick(...args)) }, [ vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default") ])); } _sfc_main$6.render = _sfc_render$6; const props$f = { value: { type: Array, default() { return []; }, validator: function(val) { return Array.isArray(val) && val.filter((val2) => typeof val2 === "number").length === val.length; } }, indicatorStyle: { type: String, default: "" }, indicatorClass: { type: String, default: "" }, maskStyle: { type: String, default: "" }, maskClass: { type: String, default: "" } }; function useState$1(props2) { const value = vue.reactive([...props2.value]); const state = vue.reactive({ value, height: 34 }); vue.watch(() => props2.value, (val, oldVal) => { { state.value.length = val.length; val.forEach((val2, index2) => { if (val2 !== state.value[index2]) { state.value.splice(index2, 1, val2); } }); } }); return state; } var PickerView = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "PickerView", props: props$f, emits: ["change", "pickstart", "pickend", "update:value"], setup(props2, { slots, emit: emit2 }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const trigger = useCustomEvent(rootRef, emit2); const state = useState$1(props2); const resizeSensorRef = vue.ref(null); let columnVNodes = []; function getItemIndex(vnode) { return columnVNodes.indexOf(vnode); } const getPickerViewColumn = function(columnInstance) { const ref = vue.computed({ get() { const index2 = getItemIndex(columnInstance.vnode); return state.value[index2] || 0; }, set(current) { const index2 = getItemIndex(columnInstance.vnode); const oldCurrent = state.value[index2]; if (oldCurrent !== current) { state.value.splice(index2, 1, current); const value = state.value.map((val) => val); emit2("update:value", value); trigger("change", {}, { value }); } } }); return ref; }; vue.provide("getPickerViewColumn", getPickerViewColumn); vue.provide("pickerViewProps", props2); vue.provide("pickerViewState", state); return () => { const defaultSlots = slots.default && slots.default(); columnVNodes = flatVNode(defaultSlots); return vue.createVNode("uni-picker-view", { "ref": rootRef }, [vue.createVNode(ResizeSensor, { "ref": resizeSensorRef, "onResize": ({ height }) => state.height = height }, null, 8, ["onResize"]), vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-picker-view-wrapper" }, [defaultSlots])], 512); }; } }); class Friction { constructor(drag) { this._drag = drag; this._dragLog = Math.log(drag); this._x = 0; this._v = 0; this._startTime = 0; } set(x, v2) { this._x = x; this._v = v2; this._startTime = new Date().getTime(); } setVelocityByEnd(e2) { this._v = (e2 - this._x) * this._dragLog / (Math.pow(this._drag, 100) - 1); } x(e2) { if (e2 === void 0) { e2 = (new Date().getTime() - this._startTime) / 1e3; } const t2 = e2 === this._dt && this._powDragDt ? this._powDragDt : this._powDragDt = Math.pow(this._drag, e2); this._dt = e2; return this._x + this._v * t2 / this._dragLog - this._v / this._dragLog; } dx(e2) { if (e2 === void 0) { e2 = (new Date().getTime() - this._startTime) / 1e3; } const t2 = e2 === this._dt && this._powDragDt ? this._powDragDt : this._powDragDt = Math.pow(this._drag, e2); this._dt = e2; return this._v * t2; } done() { return Math.abs(this.dx()) < 3; } reconfigure(e2) { const t2 = this.x(); const n = this.dx(); this._drag = e2; this._dragLog = Math.log(e2); this.set(t2, n); } configuration() { const e2 = this; return [ { label: "Friction", read: function() { return e2._drag; }, write: function(t2) { e2.reconfigure(t2); }, min: 1e-3, max: 0.1, step: 1e-3 } ]; } } function o(e2, t2, n) { return e2 > t2 - n && e2 < t2 + n; } function a(e2, t2) { return o(e2, 0, t2); } class Spring { constructor(m, k, c) { this._m = m; this._k = k; this._c = c; this._solution = null; this._endPosition = 0; this._startTime = 0; } _solve(e2, t2) { const n = this._c; const i = this._m; const r = this._k; const o2 = n * n - 4 * i * r; if (o2 === 0) { const a3 = -n / (2 * i); const s2 = e2; const l2 = t2 / (a3 * e2); return { x: function(e22) { return (s2 + l2 * e22) * Math.pow(Math.E, a3 * e22); }, dx: function(e22) { const t22 = Math.pow(Math.E, a3 * e22); return a3 * (s2 + l2 * e22) * t22 + l2 * t22; } }; } if (o2 > 0) { const c = (-n - Math.sqrt(o2)) / (2 * i); const u = (-n + Math.sqrt(o2)) / (2 * i); const l2 = (t2 - c * e2) / (u - c); const s2 = e2 - l2; return { x: function(e22) { let t22; let n2; if (e22 === this._t) { t22 = this._powER1T; n2 = this._powER2T; } this._t = e22; if (!t22) { t22 = this._powER1T = Math.pow(Math.E, c * e22); } if (!n2) { n2 = this._powER2T = Math.pow(Math.E, u * e22); } return s2 * t22 + l2 * n2; }, dx: function(e22) { let t22; let n2; if (e22 === this._t) { t22 = this._powER1T; n2 = this._powER2T; } this._t = e22; if (!t22) { t22 = this._powER1T = Math.pow(Math.E, c * e22); } if (!n2) { n2 = this._powER2T = Math.pow(Math.E, u * e22); } return s2 * c * t22 + l2 * u * n2; } }; } const d = Math.sqrt(4 * i * r - n * n) / (2 * i); const a2 = -n / 2 * i; const s = e2; const l = (t2 - a2 * e2) / d; return { x: function(e22) { return Math.pow(Math.E, a2 * e22) * (s * Math.cos(d * e22) + l * Math.sin(d * e22)); }, dx: function(e22) { const t22 = Math.pow(Math.E, a2 * e22); const n2 = Math.cos(d * e22); const i2 = Math.sin(d * e22); return t22 * (l * d * n2 - s * d * i2) + a2 * t22 * (l * i2 + s * n2); } }; } x(e2) { if (e2 === void 0) { e2 = (new Date().getTime() - this._startTime) / 1e3; } return this._solution ? this._endPosition + this._solution.x(e2) : 0; } dx(e2) { if (e2 === void 0) { e2 = (new Date().getTime() - this._startTime) / 1e3; } return this._solution ? this._solution.dx(e2) : 0; } setEnd(e2, t2, n) { if (!n) { n = new Date().getTime(); } if (e2 !== this._endPosition || !a(t2, 0.4)) { t2 = t2 || 0; let i = this._endPosition; if (this._solution) { if (a(t2, 0.4)) { t2 = this._solution.dx((n - this._startTime) / 1e3); } i = this._solution.x((n - this._startTime) / 1e3); if (a(t2, 0.4)) { t2 = 0; } if (a(i, 0.4)) { i = 0; } i += this._endPosition; } if (!(this._solution && a(i - e2, 0.4) && a(t2, 0.4))) { this._endPosition = e2; this._solution = this._solve(i - this._endPosition, t2); this._startTime = n; } } } snap(e2) { this._startTime = new Date().getTime(); this._endPosition = e2; this._solution = { x: function() { return 0; }, dx: function() { return 0; } }; } done(e2) { if (!e2) { e2 = new Date().getTime(); } return o(this.x(), this._endPosition, 0.4) && a(this.dx(), 0.4); } reconfigure(e2, t2, n) { this._m = e2; this._k = t2; this._c = n; if (!this.done()) { this._solution = this._solve(this.x() - this._endPosition, this.dx()); this._startTime = new Date().getTime(); } } springConstant() { return this._k; } damping() { return this._c; } configuration() { function e2(e22, t22) { e22.reconfigure(1, t22, e22.damping()); } function t2(e22, t22) { e22.reconfigure(1, e22.springConstant(), t22); } return [ { label: "Spring Constant", read: this.springConstant.bind(this), write: e2.bind(this, this), min: 100, max: 1e3 }, { label: "Damping", read: this.damping.bind(this), write: t2.bind(this, this), min: 1, max: 500 } ]; } } class Scroll { constructor(extent, friction, spring) { this._extent = extent; this._friction = friction || new Friction(0.01); this._spring = spring || new Spring(1, 90, 20); this._startTime = 0; this._springing = false; this._springOffset = 0; } snap(e2, t2) { this._springOffset = 0; this._springing = true; this._spring.snap(e2); this._spring.setEnd(t2); } set(e2, t2) { this._friction.set(e2, t2); if (e2 > 0 && t2 >= 0) { this._springOffset = 0; this._springing = true; this._spring.snap(e2); this._spring.setEnd(0); } else { if (e2 < -this._extent && t2 <= 0) { this._springOffset = 0; this._springing = true; this._spring.snap(e2); this._spring.setEnd(-this._extent); } else { this._springing = false; } } this._startTime = new Date().getTime(); } x(e2) { if (!this._startTime) { return 0; } if (!e2) { e2 = (new Date().getTime() - this._startTime) / 1e3; } if (this._springing) { return this._spring.x() + this._springOffset; } let t2 = this._friction.x(e2); let n = this.dx(e2); if (t2 > 0 && n >= 0 || t2 < -this._extent && n <= 0) { this._springing = true; this._spring.setEnd(0, n); if (t2 < -this._extent) { this._springOffset = -this._extent; } else { this._springOffset = 0; } t2 = this._spring.x() + this._springOffset; } return t2; } dx(e2) { let t2; if (this._lastTime === e2) { t2 = this._lastDx; } else { t2 = this._springing ? this._spring.dx(e2) : this._friction.dx(e2); } this._lastTime = e2; this._lastDx = t2; return t2; } done() { return this._springing ? this._spring.done() : this._friction.done(); } setVelocityByEnd(e2) { this._friction.setVelocityByEnd(e2); } configuration() { const e2 = this._friction.configuration(); e2.push.apply(e2, this._spring.configuration()); return e2; } } function createAnimation(scroll, onScroll, onEnd) { const state = { id: 0, cancelled: false }; function startAnimation(state2, scroll2, onScroll2, onEnd2) { if (!state2 || !state2.cancelled) { onScroll2(scroll2); const isDone = scroll2.done(); if (!isDone) { if (!state2.cancelled) { state2.id = requestAnimationFrame(startAnimation.bind(null, state2, scroll2, onScroll2, onEnd2)); } } if (isDone && onEnd2) { onEnd2(scroll2); } } } function cancel(state2) { if (state2 && state2.id) { cancelAnimationFrame(state2.id); } if (state2) { state2.cancelled = true; } } startAnimation(state, scroll, onScroll, onEnd); return { cancel: cancel.bind(null, state), model: scroll }; } class Scroller { constructor(element, options) { options = options || {}; this._element = element; this._options = options; this._enableSnap = options.enableSnap || false; this._itemSize = options.itemSize || 0; this._enableX = options.enableX || false; this._enableY = options.enableY || false; this._shouldDispatchScrollEvent = !!options.onScroll; if (this._enableX) { this._extent = (options.scrollWidth || this._element.offsetWidth) - this._element.parentElement.offsetWidth; this._scrollWidth = options.scrollWidth; } else { this._extent = (options.scrollHeight || this._element.offsetHeight) - this._element.parentElement.offsetHeight; this._scrollHeight = options.scrollHeight; } this._position = 0; this._scroll = new Scroll(this._extent, options.friction, options.spring); this._onTransitionEnd = this.onTransitionEnd.bind(this); this.updatePosition(); } onTouchStart() { this._startPosition = this._position; this._lastChangePos = this._startPosition; if (this._startPosition > 0) { this._startPosition /= 0.5; } else { if (this._startPosition < -this._extent) { this._startPosition = (this._startPosition + this._extent) / 0.5 - this._extent; } } if (this._animation) { this._animation.cancel(); this._scrolling = false; } this.updatePosition(); } onTouchMove(x, y) { let startPosition = this._startPosition; if (this._enableX) { startPosition += x; } else if (this._enableY) { startPosition += y; } if (startPosition > 0) { startPosition *= 0.5; } else if (startPosition < -this._extent) { startPosition = 0.5 * (startPosition + this._extent) - this._extent; } this._position = startPosition; this.updatePosition(); this.dispatchScroll(); } onTouchEnd(x, y, o2) { if (this._enableSnap && this._position > -this._extent && this._position < 0) { if (this._enableY && (Math.abs(y) < this._itemSize && Math.abs(o2.y) < 300 || Math.abs(o2.y) < 150)) { this.snap(); return; } if (this._enableX && (Math.abs(x) < this._itemSize && Math.abs(o2.x) < 300 || Math.abs(o2.x) < 150)) { this.snap(); return; } } if (this._enableX) { this._scroll.set(this._position, o2.x); } else if (this._enableY) { this._scroll.set(this._position, o2.y); } let c; if (this._enableSnap) { const s = this._scroll._friction.x(100); const l = s % this._itemSize; c = Math.abs(l) > this._itemSize / 2 ? s - (this._itemSize - Math.abs(l)) : s - l; if (c <= 0 && c >= -this._extent) { this._scroll.setVelocityByEnd(c); } } this._lastTime = Date.now(); this._lastDelay = 0; this._scrolling = true; this._lastChangePos = this._position; this._lastIdx = Math.floor(Math.abs(this._position / this._itemSize)); this._animation = createAnimation(this._scroll, () => { const e2 = Date.now(); const i = (e2 - this._scroll._startTime) / 1e3; const r = this._scroll.x(i); this._position = r; this.updatePosition(); const o22 = this._scroll.dx(i); if (this._shouldDispatchScrollEvent && e2 - this._lastTime > this._lastDelay) { this.dispatchScroll(); this._lastDelay = Math.abs(2e3 / o22); this._lastTime = e2; } }, () => { if (this._enableSnap) { if (c <= 0 && c >= -this._extent) { this._position = c; this.updatePosition(); } if (typeof this._options.onSnap === "function") { this._options.onSnap(Math.floor(Math.abs(this._position) / this._itemSize)); } } if (this._shouldDispatchScrollEvent) { this.dispatchScroll(); } this._scrolling = false; }); } onTransitionEnd() { this._element.style.webkitTransition = ""; this._element.style.transition = ""; this._element.removeEventListener("transitionend", this._onTransitionEnd); if (this._snapping) { this._snapping = false; } this.dispatchScroll(); } snap() { const itemSize = this._itemSize; const position = this._position % itemSize; const i = Math.abs(position) > this._itemSize / 2 ? this._position - (itemSize - Math.abs(position)) : this._position - position; if (this._position !== i) { this._snapping = true; this.scrollTo(-i); if (typeof this._options.onSnap === "function") { this._options.onSnap(Math.floor(Math.abs(this._position) / this._itemSize)); } } } scrollTo(position, time) { if (this._animation) { this._animation.cancel(); this._scrolling = false; } if (typeof position === "number") { this._position = -position; } if (this._position < -this._extent) { this._position = -this._extent; } else { if (this._position > 0) { this._position = 0; } } const transition = "transform " + (time || 0.2) + "s ease-out"; this._element.style.webkitTransition = "-webkit-" + transition; this._element.style.transition = transition; this.updatePosition(); this._element.addEventListener("transitionend", this._onTransitionEnd); } dispatchScroll() { if (typeof this._options.onScroll === "function" && Math.round(Number(this._lastPos)) !== Math.round(this._position)) { this._lastPos = this._position; const event = { target: { scrollLeft: this._enableX ? -this._position : 0, scrollTop: this._enableY ? -this._position : 0, scrollHeight: this._scrollHeight || this._element.offsetHeight, scrollWidth: this._scrollWidth || this._element.offsetWidth, offsetHeight: this._element.parentElement.offsetHeight, offsetWidth: this._element.parentElement.offsetWidth } }; this._options.onScroll(event); } } update(height, scrollHeight, itemSize) { let extent = 0; const position = this._position; if (this._enableX) { extent = this._element.childNodes.length ? (scrollHeight || this._element.offsetWidth) - this._element.parentElement.offsetWidth : 0; this._scrollWidth = scrollHeight; } else { extent = this._element.childNodes.length ? (scrollHeight || this._element.offsetHeight) - this._element.parentElement.offsetHeight : 0; this._scrollHeight = scrollHeight; } if (typeof height === "number") { this._position = -height; } if (this._position < -extent) { this._position = -extent; } else { if (this._position > 0) { this._position = 0; } } this._itemSize = itemSize || this._itemSize; this.updatePosition(); if (position !== this._position) { this.dispatchScroll(); if (typeof this._options.onSnap === "function") { this._options.onSnap(Math.floor(Math.abs(this._position) / this._itemSize)); } } this._extent = extent; this._scroll._extent = extent; } updatePosition() { let transform = ""; if (this._enableX) { transform = "translateX(" + this._position + "px) translateZ(0)"; } else { if (this._enableY) { transform = "translateY(" + this._position + "px) translateZ(0)"; } } this._element.style.webkitTransform = transform; this._element.style.transform = transform; } isScrolling() { return this._scrolling || this._snapping; } } function useScroller(element, options) { const touchInfo = { trackingID: -1, maxDy: 0, maxDx: 0 }; const scroller = new Scroller(element, options); function findDelta(event) { const touchtrackEvent = event; const mouseEvent = event; return touchtrackEvent.detail.state === "move" || touchtrackEvent.detail.state === "end" ? { x: touchtrackEvent.detail.dx, y: touchtrackEvent.detail.dy } : { x: mouseEvent.screenX - touchInfo.x, y: mouseEvent.screenY - touchInfo.y }; } function handleTouchStart(event) { const touchtrackEvent = event; const mouseEvent = event; if (touchtrackEvent.detail.state === "start") { touchInfo.trackingID = "touch"; touchInfo.x = touchtrackEvent.detail.x; touchInfo.y = touchtrackEvent.detail.y; } else { touchInfo.trackingID = "mouse"; touchInfo.x = mouseEvent.screenX; touchInfo.y = mouseEvent.screenY; } touchInfo.maxDx = 0; touchInfo.maxDy = 0; touchInfo.historyX = [0]; touchInfo.historyY = [0]; touchInfo.historyTime = [ touchtrackEvent.detail.timeStamp || mouseEvent.timeStamp ]; touchInfo.listener = scroller; if (scroller.onTouchStart) { scroller.onTouchStart(); } event.preventDefault(); } function handleTouchMove(event) { const touchtrackEvent = event; const mouseEvent = event; if (touchInfo.trackingID !== -1) { event.preventDefault(); const delta = findDelta(event); if (delta) { for (touchInfo.maxDy = Math.max(touchInfo.maxDy, Math.abs(delta.y)), touchInfo.maxDx = Math.max(touchInfo.maxDx, Math.abs(delta.x)), touchInfo.historyX.push(delta.x), touchInfo.historyY.push(delta.y), touchInfo.historyTime.push(touchtrackEvent.detail.timeStamp || mouseEvent.timeStamp); touchInfo.historyTime.length > 10; ) { touchInfo.historyTime.shift(); touchInfo.historyX.shift(); touchInfo.historyY.shift(); } if (touchInfo.listener && touchInfo.listener.onTouchMove) { touchInfo.listener.onTouchMove(delta.x, delta.y); } } } } function handleTouchEnd(event) { if (touchInfo.trackingID !== -1) { event.preventDefault(); const delta = findDelta(event); if (delta) { const listener = touchInfo.listener; touchInfo.trackingID = -1; touchInfo.listener = null; const length = touchInfo.historyTime.length; const o2 = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (length > 2) { for (let i = touchInfo.historyTime.length - 1, time1 = touchInfo.historyTime[i], x = touchInfo.historyX[i], y = touchInfo.historyY[i]; i > 0; ) { i--; const time0 = touchInfo.historyTime[i]; const time = time1 - time0; if (time > 30 && time < 50) { o2.x = (x - touchInfo.historyX[i]) / (time / 1e3); o2.y = (y - touchInfo.historyY[i]) / (time / 1e3); break; } } } touchInfo.historyTime = []; touchInfo.historyX = []; touchInfo.historyY = []; if (listener && listener.onTouchEnd) { listener.onTouchEnd(delta.x, delta.y, o2); } } } } return { scroller, handleTouchStart, handleTouchMove, handleTouchEnd }; } let scopedIndex = 0; function useScopedClass(indicatorHeightRef) { const className = `uni-picker-view-content-${scopedIndex++}`; function updateStyle() { const style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerText = `.uni-picker-view-content.${className}>*{height: ${indicatorHeightRef.value}px;overflow: hidden;}`; document.head.appendChild(style); } vue.watch(() => indicatorHeightRef.value, updateStyle); return className; } var PickerViewColumn = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "PickerViewColumn", setup(props2, { slots, emit: emit2 }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const contentRef = vue.ref(null); const getPickerViewColumn = vue.inject("getPickerViewColumn"); const instance = vue.getCurrentInstance(); const currentRef = getPickerViewColumn ? getPickerViewColumn(instance) : vue.ref(0); const pickerViewProps = vue.inject("pickerViewProps"); const pickerViewState = vue.inject("pickerViewState"); const indicatorHeight = vue.ref(34); const resizeSensorRef = vue.ref(null); const maskSize = vue.computed(() => (pickerViewState.height - indicatorHeight.value) / 2); const { state: scopedAttrsState } = useScopedAttrs(); const className = useScopedClass(indicatorHeight); let scroller; const state = vue.reactive({ current: currentRef.value, length: 0 }); function updatesScroller() { } vue.watch(() => currentRef.value, (current) => { if (current !== state.current) { state.current = current; } }); vue.watch(() => state.current, (current) => currentRef.value = current); vue.watch([() => indicatorHeight.value, () => state.length, () => pickerViewState.height], updatesScroller); let oldDeltaY = 0; function handleWheel(event) { const deltaY = oldDeltaY + event.deltaY; if (Math.abs(deltaY) > 10) { oldDeltaY = 0; let current = Math.min(state.current + (deltaY < 0 ? -1 : 1), state.length - 1); state.current = current = Math.max(current, 0); scroller.scrollTo(current * indicatorHeight.value); } else { oldDeltaY = deltaY; } event.preventDefault(); } function handleTap({ clientY }) { const el = rootRef.value; if (!scroller.isScrolling()) { const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); const r = clientY - rect.top - pickerViewState.height / 2; const o2 = indicatorHeight.value / 2; if (!(Math.abs(r) <= o2)) { const a2 = Math.ceil((Math.abs(r) - o2) / indicatorHeight.value); const s = r < 0 ? -a2 : a2; let current = Math.min(state.current + s, state.length - 1); state.current = current = Math.max(current, 0); scroller.scrollTo(current * indicatorHeight.value); } } } return () => { const defaultSlots = slots.default && slots.default(); state.length = flatVNode(defaultSlots).length; const padding = `${maskSize.value}px 0`; return vue.createVNode("uni-picker-view-column", { "ref": rootRef }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "onWheel": handleWheel, "onClick": handleTap, "class": "uni-picker-view-group" }, [vue.createVNode("div", vue.mergeProps(scopedAttrsState.attrs, { "class": ["uni-picker-view-mask", pickerViewProps.maskClass], "style": `background-size: 100% ${maskSize.value}px;${pickerViewProps.maskStyle}` }), null, 16), vue.createVNode("div", vue.mergeProps(scopedAttrsState.attrs, { "class": ["uni-picker-view-indicator", pickerViewProps.indicatorClass], "style": pickerViewProps.indicatorStyle }), [vue.createVNode(ResizeSensor, { "ref": resizeSensorRef, "onResize": ({ height }) => indicatorHeight.value = height }, null, 8, ["onResize"])], 16), vue.createVNode("div", { "ref": contentRef, "class": ["uni-picker-view-content", className], "style": { padding } }, [defaultSlots], 6)], 40, ["onWheel", "onClick"])], 512); }; } }); const VALUES = { activeColor: uniShared.PRIMARY_COLOR, backgroundColor: "#EBEBEB", activeMode: "backwards" }; const props$e = { percent: { type: [Number, String], default: 0, validator(value) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(value)); } }, showInfo: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, strokeWidth: { type: [Number, String], default: 6, validator(value) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(value)); } }, color: { type: String, default: VALUES.activeColor }, activeColor: { type: String, default: VALUES.activeColor }, backgroundColor: { type: String, default: VALUES.backgroundColor }, active: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, activeMode: { type: String, default: VALUES.activeMode }, duration: { type: [Number, String], default: 30, validator(value) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(value)); } } }; var index$h = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Progress", props: props$e, setup(props2) { const state = useProgressState(props2); _activeAnimation(state, props2); vue.watch(() => state.realPercent, (newValue, oldValue) => { state.strokeTimer && clearInterval(state.strokeTimer); state.lastPercent = oldValue || 0; _activeAnimation(state, props2); }); return () => { const { showInfo } = props2; const { outerBarStyle, innerBarStyle, currentPercent } = state; return vue.createVNode("uni-progress", { "class": "uni-progress" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "style": outerBarStyle, "class": "uni-progress-bar" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "style": innerBarStyle, "class": "uni-progress-inner-bar" }, null, 4)], 4), showInfo ? vue.createVNode("p", { "class": "uni-progress-info" }, [currentPercent + "%"]) : ""]); }; } }); function useProgressState(props2) { const currentPercent = vue.ref(0); const outerBarStyle = vue.computed(() => `background-color: ${props2.backgroundColor}; height: ${props2.strokeWidth}px;`); const innerBarStyle = vue.computed(() => { const backgroundColor = props2.color !== VALUES.activeColor && props2.activeColor === VALUES.activeColor ? props2.color : props2.activeColor; return `width: ${currentPercent.value}%;background-color: ${backgroundColor}`; }); const realPercent = vue.computed(() => { let realValue = parseFloat(props2.percent); realValue < 0 && (realValue = 0); realValue > 100 && (realValue = 100); return realValue; }); const state = vue.reactive({ outerBarStyle, innerBarStyle, realPercent, currentPercent, strokeTimer: 0, lastPercent: 0 }); return state; } function _activeAnimation(state, props2) { if (props2.active) { state.currentPercent = props2.activeMode === VALUES.activeMode ? 0 : state.lastPercent; state.strokeTimer = setInterval(() => { if (state.currentPercent + 1 > state.realPercent) { state.currentPercent = state.realPercent; state.strokeTimer && clearInterval(state.strokeTimer); } else { state.currentPercent += 1; } }, parseFloat(props2.duration)); } else { state.currentPercent = state.realPercent; } } const uniRadioGroupKey = PolySymbol(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "uniCheckGroup" : "ucg"); const props$d = { name: { type: String, default: "" } }; var index$g = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "RadioGroup", props: props$d, setup(props2, { emit: emit2, slots }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const trigger = useCustomEvent(rootRef, emit2); useProvideRadioGroup(props2, trigger); return () => { return vue.createVNode("uni-radio-group", { "ref": rootRef }, [slots.default && slots.default()], 512); }; } }); function useProvideRadioGroup(props2, trigger) { const fields2 = []; const getFieldsValue = () => { var _a; return (_a = fields2.find((field) => field.value.radioChecked)) == null ? void 0 : _a.value.value; }; vue.provide(uniRadioGroupKey, { addField(field) { fields2.push(field); }, removeField(field) { fields2.splice(fields2.indexOf(field), 1); }, radioChange($event, field) { const index2 = fields2.indexOf(field); _resetRadioGroupValue(index2, true); trigger("change", $event, { value: getFieldsValue() }); } }); const uniForm = vue.inject(uniFormKey, false); if (uniForm) { uniForm.addField({ submit: () => { let data = ["", null]; if (props2.name !== "") { data[0] = props2.name; data[1] = getFieldsValue(); } return data; } }); } function setFieldChecked(field, radioChecked) { field.value = { radioChecked, value: field.value.value }; } function _resetRadioGroupValue(key, change) { fields2.forEach((value, index2) => { if (index2 === key) { return; } if (change) { setFieldChecked(fields2[index2], false); } else { fields2.forEach((v2, i) => { if (index2 >= i) { return; } if (fields2[i].value.radioChecked) { setFieldChecked(fields2[index2], false); } }); } }); } return fields2; } const props$c = { checked: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, id: { type: String, default: "" }, disabled: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, color: { type: String, default: "#007aff" }, value: { type: String, default: "" } }; var index$f = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Radio", props: props$c, setup(props2, { slots }) { const radioChecked = vue.ref(props2.checked); const radioValue = vue.ref(props2.value); const checkedStyle = vue.computed(() => `background-color: ${props2.color};border-color: ${props2.color};`); vue.watch([() => props2.checked, () => props2.value], ([newChecked, newModelValue]) => { radioChecked.value = newChecked; radioValue.value = newModelValue; }); const reset = () => { radioChecked.value = false; }; const { uniCheckGroup, uniLabel, field } = useRadioInject(radioChecked, radioValue, reset); const _onClick = ($event) => { if (props2.disabled) { return; } radioChecked.value = true; uniCheckGroup && uniCheckGroup.radioChange($event, field); }; if (!!uniLabel) { uniLabel.addHandler(_onClick); } return () => { const { booleanAttrs } = useBooleanAttr(props2, "disabled"); return vue.createVNode("uni-radio", vue.mergeProps(booleanAttrs, { "onClick": _onClick }), [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-radio-wrapper" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": ["uni-radio-input", { "uni-radio-input-disabled": props2.disabled }], "style": radioChecked.value ? checkedStyle.value : "" }, [radioChecked.value ? createSvgIconVNode(ICON_PATH_SUCCESS_NO_CIRCLE, "#fff", 18) : ""], 6), slots.default && slots.default()])], 16, ["onClick"]); }; } }); function useRadioInject(radioChecked, radioValue, reset) { const field = vue.computed({ get: () => ({ radioChecked: Boolean(radioChecked.value), value: radioValue.value }), set: ({ radioChecked: checked }) => { radioChecked.value = checked; } }); const formField = { reset }; const uniCheckGroup = vue.inject(uniRadioGroupKey, false); if (!!uniCheckGroup) { uniCheckGroup.addField(field); } const uniForm = vue.inject(uniFormKey, false); if (!!uniForm) { uniForm.addField(formField); } const uniLabel = vue.inject(uniLabelKey, false); return { uniCheckGroup, uniForm, uniLabel, field }; } function removeDOCTYPE(html) { return html.replace(/<\?xml.*\?>\n/, "").replace(/\n/, "").replace(/\n/, ""); } function parseAttrs(attrs) { return attrs.reduce(function(pre, attr2) { let value = attr2.value; const name = attr2.name; if (value.match(/ /) && name !== "style") { value = value.split(" "); } if (pre[name]) { if (Array.isArray(pre[name])) { pre[name].push(value); } else { pre[name] = [pre[name], value]; } } else { pre[name] = value; } return pre; }, {}); } function parseHtml(html) { html = removeDOCTYPE(html); const stacks = []; const results = { node: "root", children: [] }; HTMLParser(html, { start: function(tag, attrs, unary) { const node = { name: tag }; if (attrs.length !== 0) { node.attrs = parseAttrs(attrs); } if (unary) { const parent = stacks[0] || results; if (!parent.children) { parent.children = []; } parent.children.push(node); } else { stacks.unshift(node); } }, end: function(tag) { const node = stacks.shift(); if (node.name !== tag) console.error("invalid state: mismatch end tag"); if (stacks.length === 0) { results.children.push(node); } else { const parent = stacks[0]; if (!parent.children) { parent.children = []; } parent.children.push(node); } }, chars: function(text) { const node = { type: "text", text }; if (stacks.length === 0) { results.children.push(node); } else { const parent = stacks[0]; if (!parent.children) { parent.children = []; } parent.children.push(node); } }, comment: function(text) { const node = { node: "comment", text }; const parent = stacks[0]; if (!parent.children) { parent.children = []; } parent.children.push(node); } }); return results.children; } const TAGS = { a: "", abbr: "", b: "", blockquote: "", br: "", code: "", col: ["span", "width"], colgroup: ["span", "width"], dd: "", del: "", div: "", dl: "", dt: "", em: "", fieldset: "", h1: "", h2: "", h3: "", h4: "", h5: "", h6: "", hr: "", i: "", img: ["alt", "src", "height", "width"], ins: "", label: "", legend: "", li: "", ol: ["start", "type"], p: "", q: "", span: "", strong: "", sub: "", sup: "", table: ["width"], tbody: "", td: ["colspan", "rowspan", "height", "width"], tfoot: "", th: ["colspan", "rowspan", "height", "width"], thead: "", tr: "", ul: "" }; const CHARS = { amp: "&", gt: ">", lt: "<", nbsp: " ", quot: '"', apos: "'" }; function decodeEntities(htmlString) { return htmlString.replace(/&(([a-zA-Z]+)|(#x{0,1}[\da-zA-Z]+));/gi, function(match, stage) { if (shared.hasOwn(CHARS, stage) && CHARS[stage]) { return CHARS[stage]; } if (/^#[0-9]{1,4}$/.test(stage)) { return String.fromCharCode(stage.slice(1)); } if (/^#x[0-9a-f]{1,4}$/i.test(stage)) { return String.fromCharCode("0" + stage.slice(1)); } const wrap = document.createElement("div"); wrap.innerHTML = match; return wrap.innerText || wrap.textContent; }); } function parseNodes(nodes, parentNode) { nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (!shared.isPlainObject(node)) { return; } if (!shared.hasOwn(node, "type") || node.type === "node") { if (!(typeof node.name === "string" && node.name)) { return; } const tagName = node.name.toLowerCase(); if (!shared.hasOwn(TAGS, tagName)) { return; } const elem = document.createElement(tagName); if (!elem) { return; } const attrs = node.attrs; if (shared.isPlainObject(attrs)) { const tagAttrs = TAGS[tagName] || []; Object.keys(attrs).forEach(function(name) { let value = attrs[name]; switch (name) { case "class": Array.isArray(value) && (value = value.join(" ")); case "style": elem.setAttribute(name, value); break; default: if (tagAttrs.indexOf(name) !== -1) { elem.setAttribute(name, value); } } }); } const children = node.children; if (Array.isArray(children) && children.length) { parseNodes(node.children, elem); } parentNode.appendChild(elem); } else { if (node.type === "text" && typeof node.text === "string" && node.text !== "") { parentNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(decodeEntities(node.text))); } } }); return parentNode; } const _sfc_main$5 = { name: "RichText", compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, props: { nodes: { type: [Array, String], default: function() { return []; } } }, watch: { nodes(value) { this._renderNodes(value); } }, mounted() { this._renderNodes(this.nodes); }, methods: { _renderNodes(nodes) { if (typeof nodes === "string") { nodes = parseHtml(nodes); } const nodeList = parseNodes(nodes, document.createDocumentFragment()); this.$el.firstChild.innerHTML = ""; this.$el.firstChild.appendChild(nodeList); } } }; const _hoisted_1$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createVNode("div", null, null, -1); function _sfc_render$5(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("uni-rich-text", _ctx.$attrs, [ _hoisted_1$4 ], 16); } _sfc_main$5.render = _sfc_render$5; const passiveOptions = uniShared.passive(true); const _sfc_main$4 = { name: "ScrollView", compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, props: { scrollX: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, scrollY: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, upperThreshold: { type: [Number, String], default: 50 }, lowerThreshold: { type: [Number, String], default: 50 }, scrollTop: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, scrollLeft: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, scrollIntoView: { type: String, default: "" }, scrollWithAnimation: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, enableBackToTop: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, refresherEnabled: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, refresherThreshold: { type: Number, default: 45 }, refresherDefaultStyle: { type: String, default: "back" }, refresherBackground: { type: String, default: "#fff" }, refresherTriggered: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false } }, data() { return { lastScrollTop: this.scrollTopNumber, lastScrollLeft: this.scrollLeftNumber, lastScrollToUpperTime: 0, lastScrollToLowerTime: 0, refresherHeight: 0, refreshRotate: 0, refreshState: "" }; }, computed: { upperThresholdNumber() { var val = Number(this.upperThreshold); return isNaN(val) ? 50 : val; }, lowerThresholdNumber() { var val = Number(this.lowerThreshold); return isNaN(val) ? 50 : val; }, scrollTopNumber() { return Number(this.scrollTop) || 0; }, scrollLeftNumber() { return Number(this.scrollLeft) || 0; } }, watch: { scrollTopNumber(val) { this._scrollTopChanged(val); }, scrollLeftNumber(val) { this._scrollLeftChanged(val); }, scrollIntoView(val) { this._scrollIntoViewChanged(val); }, refresherTriggered(val) { if (val === true) { this._setRefreshState("refreshing"); } else if (val === false) { this._setRefreshState("restore"); } } }, mounted() { this.$trigger = useCustomEvent({ value: this.rootRef }, this.$emit); var self = this; this._attached = true; this._scrollTopChanged(this.scrollTopNumber); this._scrollLeftChanged(this.scrollLeftNumber); this._scrollIntoViewChanged(this.scrollIntoView); this.__handleScroll = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); self._handleScroll.bind(self, event)(); }; var touchStart = null; var needStop = null; this.__handleTouchMove = function(event) { var x = event.touches[0].pageX; var y = event.touches[0].pageY; var main = self.main; if (needStop === null) { if (Math.abs(x - touchStart.x) > Math.abs(y - touchStart.y)) { if (self.scrollX) { if (main.scrollLeft === 0 && x > touchStart.x) { needStop = false; return; } else if (main.scrollWidth === main.offsetWidth + main.scrollLeft && x < touchStart.x) { needStop = false; return; } needStop = true; } else { needStop = false; } } else { if (self.scrollY) { if (main.scrollTop === 0 && y > touchStart.y) { needStop = false; return; } else if (main.scrollHeight === main.offsetHeight + main.scrollTop && y < touchStart.y) { needStop = false; return; } needStop = true; } else { needStop = false; } } } if (needStop) { event.stopPropagation(); } if (self.refresherEnabled && self.refreshState === "pulling") { const dy = y - touchStart.y; self.refresherHeight = dy; let rotate = dy / self.refresherThreshold; if (rotate > 1) { rotate = 1; } else { rotate = rotate * 360; } self.refreshRotate = rotate; self.$trigger("refresherpulling", event, { deltaY: dy }); } }; this.__handleTouchStart = function(event) { if (event.touches.length === 1) { needStop = null; touchStart = { x: event.touches[0].pageX, y: event.touches[0].pageY }; if (self.refresherEnabled && self.refreshState !== "refreshing" && self.main.scrollTop === 0) { self.refreshState = "pulling"; } } }; this.__handleTouchEnd = function(event) { touchStart = null; if (self.refresherHeight >= self.refresherThreshold) { self._setRefreshState("refreshing"); } else { self.refresherHeight = 0; self.$trigger("refresherabort", event, {}); } }; this.main.addEventListener("touchstart", this.__handleTouchStart, passiveOptions); this.main.addEventListener("touchmove", this.__handleTouchMove, passiveOptions); this.main.addEventListener("scroll", this.__handleScroll, passiveOptions); this.main.addEventListener("touchend", this.__handleTouchEnd, passiveOptions); }, activated() { this.scrollY && (this.main.scrollTop = this.lastScrollTop); this.scrollX && (this.main.scrollLeft = this.lastScrollLeft); }, beforeUnmount() { this.main.removeEventListener("touchstart", this.__handleTouchStart, passiveOptions); this.main.removeEventListener("touchmove", this.__handleTouchMove, passiveOptions); this.main.removeEventListener("scroll", this.__handleScroll, passiveOptions); this.main.removeEventListener("touchend", this.__handleTouchEnd, passiveOptions); }, methods: { scrollTo: function(t2, n) { var i = this.main; t2 < 0 ? t2 = 0 : n === "x" && t2 > i.scrollWidth - i.offsetWidth ? t2 = i.scrollWidth - i.offsetWidth : n === "y" && t2 > i.scrollHeight - i.offsetHeight && (t2 = i.scrollHeight - i.offsetHeight); var r = 0; var o2 = ""; n === "x" ? r = i.scrollLeft - t2 : n === "y" && (r = i.scrollTop - t2); if (r !== 0) { this.content.style.transition = "transform .3s ease-out"; this.content.style.webkitTransition = "-webkit-transform .3s ease-out"; if (n === "x") { o2 = "translateX(" + r + "px) translateZ(0)"; } else { n === "y" && (o2 = "translateY(" + r + "px) translateZ(0)"); } this.content.removeEventListener("transitionend", this.__transitionEnd); this.content.removeEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", this.__transitionEnd); this.__transitionEnd = this._transitionEnd.bind(this, t2, n); this.content.addEventListener("transitionend", this.__transitionEnd); this.content.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", this.__transitionEnd); if (n === "x") { i.style.overflowX = "hidden"; } else if (n === "y") { i.style.overflowY = "hidden"; } this.content.style.transform = o2; this.content.style.webkitTransform = o2; } }, _handleScroll: function($event) { if (!($event.timeStamp - this._lastScrollTime < 20)) { this._lastScrollTime = $event.timeStamp; const target = $event.target; this.$trigger("scroll", $event, { scrollLeft: target.scrollLeft, scrollTop: target.scrollTop, scrollHeight: target.scrollHeight, scrollWidth: target.scrollWidth, deltaX: this.lastScrollLeft - target.scrollLeft, deltaY: this.lastScrollTop - target.scrollTop }); if (this.scrollY) { if (target.scrollTop <= this.upperThresholdNumber && this.lastScrollTop - target.scrollTop > 0 && $event.timeStamp - this.lastScrollToUpperTime > 200) { this.$trigger("scrolltoupper", $event, { direction: "top" }); this.lastScrollToUpperTime = $event.timeStamp; } if (target.scrollTop + target.offsetHeight + this.lowerThresholdNumber >= target.scrollHeight && this.lastScrollTop - target.scrollTop < 0 && $event.timeStamp - this.lastScrollToLowerTime > 200) { this.$trigger("scrolltolower", $event, { direction: "bottom" }); this.lastScrollToLowerTime = $event.timeStamp; } } if (this.scrollX) { if (target.scrollLeft <= this.upperThresholdNumber && this.lastScrollLeft - target.scrollLeft > 0 && $event.timeStamp - this.lastScrollToUpperTime > 200) { this.$trigger("scrolltoupper", $event, { direction: "left" }); this.lastScrollToUpperTime = $event.timeStamp; } if (target.scrollLeft + target.offsetWidth + this.lowerThresholdNumber >= target.scrollWidth && this.lastScrollLeft - target.scrollLeft < 0 && $event.timeStamp - this.lastScrollToLowerTime > 200) { this.$trigger("scrolltolower", $event, { direction: "right" }); this.lastScrollToLowerTime = $event.timeStamp; } } this.lastScrollTop = target.scrollTop; this.lastScrollLeft = target.scrollLeft; } }, _scrollTopChanged: function(val) { if (this.scrollY) { if (this._innerSetScrollTop) { this._innerSetScrollTop = false; } else { if (this.scrollWithAnimation) { this.scrollTo(val, "y"); } else { this.main.scrollTop = val; } } } }, _scrollLeftChanged: function(val) { if (this.scrollX) { if (this._innerSetScrollLeft) { this._innerSetScrollLeft = false; } else { if (this.scrollWithAnimation) { this.scrollTo(val, "x"); } else { this.main.scrollLeft = val; } } } }, _scrollIntoViewChanged: function(val) { if (val) { if (!/^[_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9:]*$/.test(val)) { console.error(`id error: scroll-into-view=${val}`); return; } var element = this.rootRef.querySelector("#" + val); if (element) { var mainRect = this.main.getBoundingClientRect(); var elRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); if (this.scrollX) { var left = elRect.left - mainRect.left; var scrollLeft = this.main.scrollLeft; var x = scrollLeft + left; if (this.scrollWithAnimation) { this.scrollTo(x, "x"); } else { this.main.scrollLeft = x; } } if (this.scrollY) { var top = elRect.top - mainRect.top; var scrollTop = this.main.scrollTop; var y = scrollTop + top; if (this.scrollWithAnimation) { this.scrollTo(y, "y"); } else { this.main.scrollTop = y; } } } } }, _transitionEnd: function(val, type) { this.content.style.transition = ""; this.content.style.webkitTransition = ""; this.content.style.transform = ""; this.content.style.webkitTransform = ""; var main = this.main; if (type === "x") { main.style.overflowX = this.scrollX ? "auto" : "hidden"; main.scrollLeft = val; } else if (type === "y") { main.style.overflowY = this.scrollY ? "auto" : "hidden"; main.scrollTop = val; } this.content.removeEventListener("transitionend", this.__transitionEnd); this.content.removeEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", this.__transitionEnd); }, _setRefreshState(state) { switch (state) { case "refreshing": this.refresherHeight = this.refresherThreshold; this.$trigger("refresherrefresh", {}, {}); break; case "restore": this.refresherHeight = 0; this.$trigger("refresherrestore", {}, {}); break; } this.refreshState = state; }, getScrollPosition() { const main = this.main; return { scrollLeft: main.scrollLeft, scrollTop: main.scrollTop, scrollHeight: main.scrollHeight, scrollWidth: main.scrollWidth }; } }, setup(props2) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const main = vue.ref(null); const content = vue.ref(null); return { rootRef, main, content }; } }; const _hoisted_1$3 = {ref: "rootRef"}; const _hoisted_2$1 = { ref: "wrap", class: "uni-scroll-view" }; const _hoisted_3$1 = { ref: "content", class: "uni-scroll-view-content" }; const _hoisted_4$1 = { key: 0, class: "uni-scroll-view-refresh" }; const _hoisted_5 = {class: "uni-scroll-view-refresh-inner"}; const _hoisted_6 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createVNode("path", {d: "M17.65 6.35C16.2 4.9 14.21 4 12 4c-4.42 0-7.99 3.58-7.99 8s3.57 8 7.99 8c3.73 0 6.84-2.55 7.73-6h-2.08c-.82 2.33-3.04 4-5.65 4-3.31 0-6-2.69-6-6s2.69-6 6-6c1.66 0 3.14.69 4.22 1.78L13 11h7V4l-2.35 2.35z"}, null, -1); const _hoisted_7 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createVNode("path", { d: "M0 0h24v24H0z", fill: "none" }, null, -1); const _hoisted_8 = { key: 1, class: "uni-scroll-view-refresh__spinner", width: "24", height: "24", viewBox: "25 25 50 50" }; const _hoisted_9 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createVNode("circle", { cx: "50", cy: "50", r: "20", fill: "none", style: {"color": "#2bd009"}, "stroke-width": "3" }, null, -1); function _sfc_render$4(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("uni-scroll-view", _hoisted_1$3, [ vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_2$1, [ vue.createVNode("div", { ref: "main", style: { "overflow-x": $props.scrollX ? "auto" : "hidden", "overflow-y": $props.scrollY ? "auto" : "hidden" }, class: "uni-scroll-view" }, [ vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_3$1, [ $props.refresherEnabled ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("div", { key: 0, ref: "refresherinner", style: { "background-color": $props.refresherBackground, height: $data.refresherHeight + "px" }, class: "uni-scroll-view-refresher" }, [ $props.refresherDefaultStyle !== "none" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("div", _hoisted_4$1, [ vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_5, [ $data.refreshState == "pulling" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("svg", { key: 0, style: {transform: "rotate(" + $data.refreshRotate + "deg)"}, fill: "#2BD009", class: "uni-scroll-view-refresh__icon", width: "24", height: "24", viewBox: "0 0 24 24" }, [ _hoisted_6, _hoisted_7 ], 4)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), $data.refreshState == "refreshing" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("svg", _hoisted_8, [ _hoisted_9 ])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ]) ])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), $props.refresherDefaultStyle == "none" ? vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "refresher", {key: 1}) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ], 4)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default") ], 512) ], 4) ], 512) ], 512); } _sfc_main$4.render = _sfc_render$4; const props$b = { name: { type: String, default: "" }, min: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, max: { type: [Number, String], default: 100 }, value: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, step: { type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, disabled: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, color: { type: String, default: "#e9e9e9" }, backgroundColor: { type: String, default: "#e9e9e9" }, activeColor: { type: String, default: "#007aff" }, selectedColor: { type: String, default: "#007aff" }, blockColor: { type: String, default: "#ffffff" }, blockSize: { type: [Number, String], default: 28 }, showValue: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false } }; var index$e = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Slider", props: props$b, emits: ["changing", "change"], setup(props2, { emit: emit2 }) { const sliderRef = vue.ref(null); const sliderValueRef = vue.ref(null); const sliderHandleRef = vue.ref(null); const sliderValue = vue.ref(Number(props2.value)); const trigger = useCustomEvent(sliderRef, emit2); const state = useSliderState(props2, sliderValue); const { _onClick, _onTrack } = useSliderLoader(props2, sliderValue, sliderRef, sliderValueRef, trigger); return () => { const { setBgColor, setBlockBg, setActiveColor, setBlockStyle } = state; return vue.createVNode("uni-slider", { "ref": sliderRef, "onClick": _onClick }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-slider-wrapper" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-slider-tap-area" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "style": setBgColor.value, "class": "uni-slider-handle-wrapper" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "ref": sliderHandleRef, "style": setBlockBg.value, "class": "uni-slider-handle" }, null, 4), vue.createVNode("div", { "style": setBlockStyle.value, "class": "uni-slider-thumb" }, null, 4), vue.createVNode("div", { "style": setActiveColor.value, "class": "uni-slider-track" }, null, 4)], 4)]), vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode("span", { "ref": sliderValueRef, "class": "uni-slider-value" }, [sliderValue.value], 512), [[vue.vShow, props2.showValue]])]), vue.createVNode("slot", null, null)], 8, ["onClick"]); }; } }); function useSliderState(props2, sliderValue) { const _getValueWidth = () => { const max = Number(props2.max); const min = Number(props2.min); return 100 * (sliderValue.value - min) / (max - min) + "%"; }; const _getBgColor = () => { return props2.backgroundColor !== "#e9e9e9" ? props2.backgroundColor : props2.color !== "#007aff" ? props2.color : "#007aff"; }; const _getActiveColor = () => { return props2.activeColor !== "#007aff" ? props2.activeColor : props2.selectedColor !== "#e9e9e9" ? props2.selectedColor : "#e9e9e9"; }; const state = { setBgColor: vue.computed(() => ({ backgroundColor: _getBgColor() })), setBlockBg: vue.computed(() => ({ left: _getValueWidth() })), setActiveColor: vue.computed(() => ({ backgroundColor: _getActiveColor(), width: _getValueWidth() })), setBlockStyle: vue.computed(() => ({ width: props2.blockSize + "px", height: props2.blockSize + "px", marginLeft: -props2.blockSize / 2 + "px", marginTop: -props2.blockSize / 2 + "px", left: _getValueWidth(), backgroundColor: props2.blockColor })) }; return state; } function useSliderLoader(props2, sliderValue, sliderRef, sliderValueRef, trigger) { const _onClick = ($event) => { if (props2.disabled) { return; } _onUserChangedValue($event); trigger("change", $event, { value: sliderValue.value }); }; const _filterValue = (e2) => { const max = Number(props2.max); const min = Number(props2.min); const step = Number(props2.step); return e2 < min ? min : e2 > max ? max : computeController.mul.call(Math.round((e2 - min) / step), step) + min; }; const _onUserChangedValue = (e2) => { const max = Number(props2.max); const min = Number(props2.min); const sliderRightBox = sliderValueRef.value; const sliderRightBoxLeft = getComputedStyle(sliderRightBox, null).marginLeft; let sliderRightBoxWidth = sliderRightBox.offsetWidth; sliderRightBoxWidth = sliderRightBoxWidth + parseInt(sliderRightBoxLeft); const slider = sliderRef.value; const offsetWidth = slider.offsetWidth - (props2.showValue ? sliderRightBoxWidth : 0); const boxLeft = slider.getBoundingClientRect().left; const value = (e2.x - boxLeft) * (max - min) / offsetWidth + min; sliderValue.value = _filterValue(value); }; const _onTrack = (e2) => { if (!props2.disabled) { return e2.detail.state === "move" ? (_onUserChangedValue({ x: e2.detail.x }), trigger("changing", e2, { value: sliderValue.value }), false) : e2.detail.state === "end" && trigger("change", e2, { value: sliderValue.value }); } }; const uniForm = vue.inject(uniFormKey, false); if (!!uniForm) { const field = { reset: () => sliderValue.value = Number(props2.min), submit: () => { const data = ["", null]; if (props2.name !== "") { data[0] = props2.name; data[1] = sliderValue.value; } return data; } }; uniForm.addField(field); } return { _onClick, _onTrack }; } var computeController = { mul: function(arg) { let m = 0; let s1 = this.toString(); let s2 = arg.toString(); try { m += s1.split(".")[1].length; } catch (e2) { } try { m += s2.split(".")[1].length; } catch (e2) { } return Number(s1.replace(".", "")) * Number(s2.replace(".", "")) / Math.pow(10, m); } }; const props$a = { indicatorDots: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, vertical: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, autoplay: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, circular: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, interval: { type: [Number, String], default: 5e3 }, duration: { type: [Number, String], default: 500 }, current: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, indicatorColor: { type: String, default: "" }, indicatorActiveColor: { type: String, default: "" }, previousMargin: { type: String, default: "" }, nextMargin: { type: String, default: "" }, currentItemId: { type: String, default: "" }, skipHiddenItemLayout: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, displayMultipleItems: { type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, disableTouch: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false } }; function upx2pxStr(val) { if (/\d+[ur]px$/i.test(val)) { val.replace(/\d+[ur]px$/i, (text) => { return `${upx2px(parseFloat(text))}px`; }); } return val || ""; } function useState(props2) { const interval = vue.computed(() => { const interval2 = Number(props2.interval); return isNaN(interval2) ? 5e3 : interval2; }); const duration = vue.computed(() => { const duration2 = Number(props2.duration); return isNaN(duration2) ? 500 : duration2; }); const displayMultipleItems = vue.computed(() => { const displayMultipleItems2 = Math.round(props2.displayMultipleItems); return isNaN(displayMultipleItems2) ? 1 : displayMultipleItems2; }); const state = vue.reactive({ interval, duration, displayMultipleItems, current: Math.round(props2.current) || 0, currentItemId: props2.currentItemId, userTracking: false }); return state; } function useLayout(props2, state, swiperContexts, slideFrameRef, emit2, trigger) { function cancelSchedule() { if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } } let timer = null; let invalid = true; let viewportPosition = 0; let viewportMoveRatio = 1; let animating = null; let requestedAnimation = false; let contentTrackViewport = 0; let transitionStart; let currentChangeSource = ""; const circularEnabled = vue.computed(() => props2.circular && swiperContexts.value.length > state.displayMultipleItems); function checkCircularLayout(index2) { if (!invalid) { for (let items = swiperContexts.value, n = items.length, i = index2 + state.displayMultipleItems, r = 0; r < n; r++) { const item = items[r]; const s = Math.floor(index2 / n) * n + r; const l = s + n; const c = s - n; const u = Math.max(index2 - (s + 1), s - i, 0); const d = Math.max(index2 - (l + 1), l - i, 0); const h = Math.max(index2 - (c + 1), c - i, 0); const p2 = Math.min(u, d, h); const position = [s, l, c][[u, d, h].indexOf(p2)]; item.updatePosition(position, props2.vertical); } } } function updateViewport(index2) { if (!(Math.floor(2 * viewportPosition) === Math.floor(2 * index2) && Math.ceil(2 * viewportPosition) === Math.ceil(2 * index2))) { if (circularEnabled.value) { checkCircularLayout(index2); } } const x = props2.vertical ? "0" : 100 * -index2 * viewportMoveRatio + "%"; const y = props2.vertical ? 100 * -index2 * viewportMoveRatio + "%" : "0"; const transform = "translate(" + x + ", " + y + ") translateZ(0)"; const slideFrame = slideFrameRef.value; if (slideFrame) { slideFrame.style.webkitTransform = transform; slideFrame.style.transform = transform; } viewportPosition = index2; if (!transitionStart) { if (index2 % 1 === 0) { return; } transitionStart = index2; } index2 -= Math.floor(transitionStart); const items = swiperContexts.value; if (index2 <= -(items.length - 1)) { index2 += items.length; } else if (index2 >= items.length) { index2 -= items.length; } index2 = transitionStart % 1 > 0.5 || transitionStart < 0 ? index2 - 1 : index2; trigger("transition", {}, { dx: props2.vertical ? 0 : index2 * slideFrame.offsetWidth, dy: props2.vertical ? index2 * slideFrame.offsetHeight : 0 }); } function endViewportAnimation() { if (animating) { updateViewport(animating.toPos); animating = null; } } function normalizeCurrentValue(current) { const length = swiperContexts.value.length; if (!length) { return -1; } const index2 = (Math.round(current) % length + length) % length; if (circularEnabled.value) { if (length <= state.displayMultipleItems) { return 0; } } else if (index2 > length - state.displayMultipleItems) { return length - state.displayMultipleItems; } return index2; } function cancelViewportAnimation() { animating = null; } function animateFrameFuncProto() { if (!animating) { requestedAnimation = false; return; } const _animating = animating; const toPos = _animating.toPos; const acc = _animating.acc; const endTime = _animating.endTime; const source = _animating.source; const time = endTime - Date.now(); if (time <= 0) { updateViewport(toPos); animating = null; requestedAnimation = false; transitionStart = null; const item = swiperContexts.value[state.current]; if (item) { const currentItemId = item.getItemId(); trigger("animationfinish", {}, { current: state.current, currentItemId, source }); } return; } const s = acc * time * time / 2; const l = toPos + s; updateViewport(l); requestAnimationFrame(animateFrameFuncProto); } function animateViewport(current, source, n) { cancelViewportAnimation(); const duration = state.duration; const length = swiperContexts.value.length; let position = viewportPosition; if (circularEnabled.value) { if (n < 0) { for (; position < current; ) { position += length; } for (; position - length > current; ) { position -= length; } } else if (n > 0) { for (; position > current; ) { position -= length; } for (; position + length < current; ) { position += length; } } else { for (; position + length < current; ) { position += length; } for (; position - length > current; ) { position -= length; } if (position + length - current < current - position) { position += length; } } } animating = { toPos: current, acc: 2 * (position - current) / (duration * duration), endTime: Date.now() + duration, source }; if (!requestedAnimation) { requestedAnimation = true; requestAnimationFrame(animateFrameFuncProto); } } function scheduleAutoplay() { cancelSchedule(); const items = swiperContexts.value; const callback = function() { timer = null; currentChangeSource = "autoplay"; if (circularEnabled.value) { state.current = normalizeCurrentValue(state.current + 1); } else { state.current = state.current + state.displayMultipleItems < items.length ? state.current + 1 : 0; } animateViewport(state.current, "autoplay", circularEnabled.value ? 1 : 0); timer = setTimeout(callback, state.interval); }; if (!(invalid || items.length <= state.displayMultipleItems)) { timer = setTimeout(callback, state.interval); } } function resetLayout() { cancelSchedule(); endViewportAnimation(); const items = swiperContexts.value; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i].updatePosition(i, props2.vertical); } viewportMoveRatio = 1; const slideFrameEl = slideFrameRef.value; if (state.displayMultipleItems === 1 && items.length) { const itemRect = items[0].getBoundingClientRect(); const slideFrameRect = slideFrameEl.getBoundingClientRect(); viewportMoveRatio = itemRect.width / slideFrameRect.width; if (!(viewportMoveRatio > 0 && viewportMoveRatio < 1)) { viewportMoveRatio = 1; } } const position = viewportPosition; viewportPosition = -2; const current = state.current; if (current >= 0) { invalid = false; if (state.userTracking) { updateViewport(position + current - contentTrackViewport); contentTrackViewport = current; } else { updateViewport(current); if (props2.autoplay) { scheduleAutoplay(); } } } else { invalid = true; updateViewport(-state.displayMultipleItems - 1); } } vue.watch([() => props2.current, () => props2.currentItemId, () => [...swiperContexts.value]], () => { let current = -1; if (props2.currentItemId) { for (let i = 0, items = swiperContexts.value; i < items.length; i++) { const itemId = items[i].getItemId(); if (itemId === props2.currentItemId) { current = i; break; } } } if (current < 0) { current = Math.round(props2.current) || 0; } current = current < 0 ? 0 : current; if (state.current !== current) { currentChangeSource = ""; state.current = current; } }); vue.watch([() => props2.vertical, () => circularEnabled.value, () => state.displayMultipleItems, () => [...swiperContexts.value]], resetLayout); vue.watch(() => state.interval, () => { if (timer) { cancelSchedule(); scheduleAutoplay(); } }); function currentChanged(current, history) { const source = currentChangeSource; currentChangeSource = ""; const items = swiperContexts.value; if (!source) { const length = items.length; animateViewport(current, "", circularEnabled.value && history + (length - current) % length > length / 2 ? 1 : 0); } const item = items[current]; if (item) { const currentItemId = state.currentItemId = item.getItemId(); trigger("change", {}, { current: state.current, currentItemId, source }); } } vue.watch(() => state.current, (val, oldVal) => { currentChanged(val, oldVal); emit2("update:current", val); }); vue.watch(() => state.currentItemId, (val) => { emit2("update:currentItemId", val); }); function inintAutoplay(enable) { if (enable) { scheduleAutoplay(); } else { cancelSchedule(); } } vue.watch(() => props2.autoplay && !state.userTracking, inintAutoplay); inintAutoplay(props2.autoplay && !state.userTracking); function onSwiperDotClick(index2) { animateViewport(state.current = index2, currentChangeSource = "click", circularEnabled.value ? 1 : 0); } return { onSwiperDotClick }; } var index$d = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Swiper", props: props$a, emits: ["change", "transition", "animationfinish", "update:current", "update:currentItemId"], setup(props2, { slots, emit: emit2 }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const trigger = useCustomEvent(rootRef, emit2); const slidesWrapperRef = vue.ref(null); const slideFrameRef = vue.ref(null); const state = useState(props2); const slidesStyle = vue.computed(() => { let style = {}; if (props2.nextMargin || props2.previousMargin) { style = props2.vertical ? { left: 0, right: 0, top: upx2pxStr(props2.previousMargin), bottom: upx2pxStr(props2.nextMargin) } : { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: upx2pxStr(props2.previousMargin), right: upx2pxStr(props2.nextMargin) }; } return style; }); const slideFrameStyle = vue.computed(() => { const value = Math.abs(100 / state.displayMultipleItems) + "%"; return { width: props2.vertical ? "100%" : value, height: !props2.vertical ? "100%" : value }; }); let swiperItems = []; const originSwiperContexts = []; const swiperContexts = vue.ref([]); function updateSwiperContexts() { const contexts = []; for (let index2 = 0; index2 < swiperItems.length; index2++) { const swiperItem = swiperItems[index2]; const swiperContext = originSwiperContexts.find((context) => swiperItem.el === context.rootRef.value); if (swiperContext) { contexts.push(vue.markRaw(swiperContext)); } } swiperContexts.value = contexts; } const addSwiperContext = function(swiperContext) { originSwiperContexts.push(swiperContext); updateSwiperContexts(); }; vue.provide("addSwiperContext", addSwiperContext); const removeSwiperContext = function(swiperContext) { const index2 = originSwiperContexts.indexOf(swiperContext); if (index2 >= 0) { originSwiperContexts.splice(index2, 1); updateSwiperContexts(); } }; vue.provide("removeSwiperContext", removeSwiperContext); const { onSwiperDotClick } = useLayout(props2, state, swiperContexts, slideFrameRef, emit2, trigger); return () => { const defaultSlots = slots.default && slots.default(); swiperItems = flatVNode(defaultSlots); return vue.createVNode("uni-swiper", { "ref": rootRef }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "ref": slidesWrapperRef, "class": "uni-swiper-wrapper" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-swiper-slides", "style": slidesStyle.value }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "ref": slideFrameRef, "class": "uni-swiper-slide-frame", "style": slideFrameStyle.value }, [defaultSlots], 4)], 4), props2.indicatorDots && vue.createVNode("div", { "class": ["uni-swiper-dots", props2.vertical ? "uni-swiper-dots-vertical" : "uni-swiper-dots-horizontal"] }, [swiperContexts.value.map((_, index2, array) => vue.createVNode("div", { "onClick": () => onSwiperDotClick(index2), "class": { "uni-swiper-dot": true, "uni-swiper-dot-active": index2 < state.current + state.displayMultipleItems && index2 >= state.current || index2 < state.current + state.displayMultipleItems - array.length }, "style": { background: index2 === state.current ? props2.indicatorActiveColor : props2.indicatorColor } }, null, 14, ["onClick"]))], 2)], 512)], 512); }; } }); const props$9 = { itemId: { type: String, default: "" } }; var index$c = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "SwiperItem", props: props$9, setup(props2, { slots }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); return () => { return vue.createVNode("uni-swiper-item", { "ref": rootRef, "style": { position: "absolute", width: "100%", height: "100%" } }, [slots.default && slots.default()], 512); }; } }); const props$8 = { name: { type: String, default: "" }, checked: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, type: { type: String, default: "switch" }, id: { type: String, default: "" }, disabled: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, color: { type: String, default: "#007aff" } }; var index$b = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Switch", props: props$8, emits: ["change"], setup(props2, { emit: emit2 }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const switchChecked = vue.ref(props2.checked); const uniLabel = useSwitchInject(props2, switchChecked); const trigger = useCustomEvent(rootRef, emit2); vue.watch(() => props2.checked, (val) => { switchChecked.value = val; }); const _onClick = ($event) => { if (props2.disabled) { return; } switchChecked.value = !switchChecked.value; trigger("change", $event, { value: switchChecked.value }); }; if (!!uniLabel) { uniLabel.addHandler(_onClick); } return () => { const { color, type } = props2; const { booleanAttrs } = useBooleanAttr(props2, "disabled"); return vue.createVNode("uni-switch", vue.mergeProps({ "ref": rootRef }, booleanAttrs, { "onClick": _onClick }), [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-switch-wrapper" }, [vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode("div", { "class": ["uni-switch-input", [switchChecked.value ? "uni-switch-input-checked" : ""]], "style": { backgroundColor: switchChecked.value ? color : "#DFDFDF", borderColor: switchChecked.value ? color : "#DFDFDF" } }, null, 6), [[vue.vShow, type === "switch"]]), vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-checkbox-input" }, [switchChecked.value ? createSvgIconVNode(ICON_PATH_SUCCESS_NO_CIRCLE, props2.color, 22) : ""], 512), [[vue.vShow, type === "checkbox"]])])], 16, ["onClick"]); }; } }); function useSwitchInject(props2, switchChecked) { const uniForm = vue.inject(uniFormKey, false); const uniLabel = vue.inject(uniLabelKey, false); const formField = { submit: () => { const data = ["", null]; if (props2.name) { data[0] = props2.name; data[1] = switchChecked.value; } return data; }, reset: () => { switchChecked.value = false; } }; if (!!uniForm) { uniForm.addField(formField); } return uniLabel; } const SPACE_UNICODE = { ensp: "\u2002", emsp: "\u2003", nbsp: "\xA0" }; function normalizeText(text, { space, decode }) { if (space && SPACE_UNICODE[space]) { text = text.replace(/ /g, SPACE_UNICODE[space]); } if (!decode) { return text; } return text.replace(/ /g, SPACE_UNICODE.nbsp).replace(/ /g, SPACE_UNICODE.ensp).replace(/ /g, SPACE_UNICODE.emsp).replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, "'"); } var index$a = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Text", props: { selectable: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, space: { type: String, default: "" }, decode: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false } }, setup(props2, { slots }) { return () => { const children = []; if (slots.default) { slots.default().forEach((vnode) => { if (vnode.shapeFlag & 8) { const lines = vnode.children.replace(/\\n/g, "\n").split("\n"); const len = lines.length - 1; lines.forEach((text, index2) => { if (index2 === 0 && !text) ; else { children.push(vue.createTextVNode(normalizeText(text, { space: props2.space, decode: props2.decode }))); } if (index2 !== len) { children.push(vue.createVNode("br")); } }); } else { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && vnode.shapeFlag & 6 && vnode.type.name !== "Text") { console.warn("Do not nest other components in the text component, as there may be display differences on different platforms."); } children.push(vnode); } }); } return vue.createVNode("uni-text", { "selectable": props2.selectable }, [vue.createVNode("span", null, children)], 8, ["selectable"]); }; } }); const props$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ shared.extend({}, props$j, { placeholderClass: { type: String, default: "input-placeholder" }, autoHeight: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, confirmType: { type: String, default: "" } }); var index$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Textarea", props: props$7, emit: ["confirm", "linechange", ...emit], setup(props2, { emit: emit2 }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const { fieldRef, state, scopedAttrsState, fixDisabledColor, trigger } = useField(props2, rootRef, emit2); const valueCompute = vue.computed(() => state.value.split("\n")); const isDone = vue.computed(() => ["done", "go", "next", "search", "send"].includes(props2.confirmType)); const heightRef = vue.ref(0); const lineRef = vue.ref(null); vue.watch(() => heightRef.value, (height) => { const el = rootRef.value; const lineEl = lineRef.value; let lineHeight = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(el).lineHeight); if (isNaN(lineHeight)) { lineHeight = lineEl.offsetHeight; } var lineCount = Math.round(height / lineHeight); trigger("linechange", {}, { height, heightRpx: 750 / window.innerWidth * height, lineCount }); if (props2.autoHeight) { el.style.height = height + "px"; } }); function onResize({ height }) { heightRef.value = height; } function confirm(event) { trigger("confirm", event, { value: state.value }); } function onKeyDownEnter(event) { if (event.key !== "Enter") { return; } if (isDone.value) { event.preventDefault(); } } function onKeyUpEnter(event) { if (event.key !== "Enter") { return; } if (isDone.value) { confirm(event); const textarea = event.target; textarea.blur(); } } const DARK_TEST_STRING = "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"; const fixMargin = String(navigator.platform).indexOf("iP") === 0 && String(navigator.vendor).indexOf("Apple") === 0 && window.matchMedia(DARK_TEST_STRING).media !== DARK_TEST_STRING; return () => { let textareaNode = props2.disabled && fixDisabledColor ? vue.createVNode("textarea", { "ref": fieldRef, "value": state.value, "tabindex": "-1", "readonly": !!props2.disabled, "maxlength": state.maxlength, "class": { "uni-textarea-textarea": true, "uni-textarea-textarea-fix-margin": fixMargin }, "style": { overflowY: props2.autoHeight ? "hidden" : "auto" }, "onFocus": (event) => event.target.blur() }, null, 46, ["value", "readonly", "maxlength", "onFocus"]) : vue.createVNode("textarea", { "ref": fieldRef, "value": state.value, "disabled": !!props2.disabled, "maxlength": state.maxlength, "enterkeyhint": props2.confirmType, "class": { "uni-textarea-textarea": true, "uni-textarea-textarea-fix-margin": fixMargin }, "style": { overflowY: props2.autoHeight ? "hidden" : "auto" }, "onKeydown": onKeyDownEnter, "onKeyup": onKeyUpEnter }, null, 46, ["value", "disabled", "maxlength", "enterkeyhint", "onKeydown", "onKeyup"]); return vue.createVNode("uni-textarea", { "ref": rootRef }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-textarea-wrapper" }, [vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode("div", vue.mergeProps(scopedAttrsState.attrs, { "style": props2.placeholderStyle, "class": ["uni-textarea-placeholder", props2.placeholderClass] }), [props2.placeholder], 16), [[vue.vShow, !state.value.length]]), vue.createVNode("div", { "ref": lineRef, "class": "uni-textarea-line" }, [" "], 512), vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-textarea-compute" }, [valueCompute.value.map((item) => vue.createVNode("div", null, [item.trim() ? item : "."])), vue.createVNode(ResizeSensor, { "initial": true, "onResize": onResize }, null, 8, ["initial", "onResize"])]), props2.confirmType === "search" ? vue.createVNode("form", { "action": "", "onSubmit": () => false, "class": "uni-input-form" }, [textareaNode], 40, ["onSubmit"]) : textareaNode])], 512); }; } }); var index$8 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "View", props: shared.extend({}, hoverProps), setup(props2, { slots }) { const { hovering, binding } = useHover(props2); return () => { const hoverClass = props2.hoverClass; if (hoverClass && hoverClass !== "none") { return vue.createVNode("uni-view", vue.mergeProps({ "class": hovering.value ? hoverClass : "" }, binding), [slots.default && slots.default()], 16); } return vue.createVNode("uni-view", null, [slots.default && slots.default()]); }; } }); function useSubscribe(callback, name, multiple) { const instance = vue.getCurrentInstance(); instance.proxy; multiple || !name ? useCurrentPageId() : 0; } function useOn(name, callback) { } let index$7 = 0; function useContextInfo() { const page = useCurrentPageId(); const instance = vue.getCurrentInstance(); const vm = instance.proxy; const type = vm.$options.name.toLowerCase(); const id = vm.id || `context${index$7++}`; return `${page}.${type}.${id}`; } function getContextInfo(el) { return el.__uniContextInfo; } function saveImage(base64, dirname, callback) { callback(null, base64); } const files = {}; function urlToFile(url, local) { const file = files[url]; if (file) { return Promise.resolve(file); } if (/^data:[a-z-]+\/[a-z-]+;base64,/.test(url)) { return Promise.resolve(base64ToFile(url)); } if (local) { return Promise.reject(new Error("not find")); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", url, true); xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.onload = function() { resolve(this.response); }; xhr.onerror = reject; xhr.send(); }); } function base64ToFile(base64) { const base64Array = base64.split(","); const res = base64Array[0].match(/:(.*?);/); const type = res ? res[1] : ""; const str = atob(base64Array[1]); let n = str.length; const array = new Uint8Array(n); while (n--) { array[n] = str.charCodeAt(n); } return blobToFile(array, type); } function getExtname(type) { const extname = type.split("/")[1]; return extname ? `.${extname}` : ""; } function blobToFile(blob, type) { let file; if (blob instanceof File) { file = blob; } else { type = type || blob.type || ""; const filename = `${Date.now()}${getExtname(type)}`; try { file = new File([blob], filename, {type}); } catch (error) { blob = blob instanceof Blob ? blob : new Blob([blob], {type}); file = blob; file.name = file.name || filename; } } return file; } function fileToUrl(file) { for (const key in files) { if (shared.hasOwn(files, key)) { const oldFile = files[key]; if (oldFile === file) { return key; } } } var url = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(file); files[url] = file; return url; } function getSameOriginUrl(url) { const a2 = document.createElement("a"); a2.href = url; if (a2.origin === location.origin) { return Promise.resolve(url); } return urlToFile(url).then(fileToUrl); } const API_UPX2PX = "upx2px"; const Upx2pxProtocol = [ { name: "upx", type: [Number, String], required: true } ]; const upx2px = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSyncApi(API_UPX2PX, (number, newDeviceWidth) => { { return number; } }, Upx2pxProtocol); const canvasEventCallbacks = createCallbacks("canvasEvent"); ServiceJSBridge.subscribe("onCanvasMethodCallback", ({callbackId, data}) => { const callback = canvasEventCallbacks.pop(callbackId); if (callback) { callback(data); } }); const API_ON_TAB_BAR_MID_BUTTON_TAP = "onTabBarMidButtonTap"; const getSelectedTextRangeEventCallbacks = createCallbacks("getSelectedTextRangeEvent"); ServiceJSBridge.subscribe && ServiceJSBridge.subscribe("onGetSelectedTextRange", ({callbackId, data}) => { const callback = getSelectedTextRangeEventCallbacks.pop(callbackId); if (callback) { callback(data); } }); const API_GET_STORAGE = "getStorage"; const GetStorageProtocol = { key: { type: String, required: true } }; const API_GET_STORAGE_SYNC = "getStorageSync"; const GetStorageSyncProtocol = [ { name: "key", type: String, required: true } ]; const API_SET_STORAGE = "setStorage"; const SetStorageProtocol = { key: { type: String, required: true }, data: { required: true } }; const API_SET_STORAGE_SYNC = "setStorageSync"; const SetStorageSyncProtocol = [ { name: "key", type: String, required: true }, { name: "data", required: true } ]; const API_REMOVE_STORAGE = "removeStorage"; const RemoveStorageProtocol = GetStorageProtocol; const RemoveStorageSyncProtocol = GetStorageSyncProtocol; const API_REQUEST = "request"; const dataType = { JSON: "json" }; const RESPONSE_TYPE = ["text", "arraybuffer"]; const DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TYPE = "text"; const encode = encodeURIComponent; function stringifyQuery(url, data) { let str = url.split("#"); const hash = str[1] || ""; str = str[0].split("?"); let query = str[1] || ""; url = str[0]; const search = query.split("&").filter((item) => item); const params = {}; search.forEach((item) => { const part = item.split("="); params[part[0]] = part[1]; }); for (const key in data) { if (shared.hasOwn(data, key)) { let v2 = data[key]; if (typeof v2 === "undefined" || v2 === null) { v2 = ""; } else if (shared.isPlainObject(v2)) { v2 = JSON.stringify(v2); } params[encode(key)] = encode(v2); } } query = Object.keys(params).map((item) => `${item}=${params[item]}`).join("&"); return url + (query ? "?" + query : "") + (hash ? "#" + hash : ""); } const RequestProtocol = { method: String, data: [Object, String, Array, ArrayBuffer], url: { type: String, required: true }, header: Object, dataType: String, responseType: String, withCredentials: Boolean }; const RequestOptions = { formatArgs: { method(value, params) { params.method = elemInArray((value || "").toUpperCase(), HTTP_METHODS); }, data(value, params) { params.data = value || ""; }, url(value, params) { if (params.method === HTTP_METHODS[0] && shared.isPlainObject(params.data) && Object.keys(params.data).length) { params.url = stringifyQuery(value, params.data); } }, header(value, params) { const header = params.header = value || {}; if (params.method !== HTTP_METHODS[0]) { if (!Object.keys(header).find((key) => key.toLowerCase() === "content-type")) { header["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; } } }, dataType(value, params) { params.dataType = (value || dataType.JSON).toLowerCase(); }, responseType(value, params) { params.responseType = (value || "").toLowerCase(); if (RESPONSE_TYPE.indexOf(params.responseType) === -1) { params.responseType = DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TYPE; } } } }; const envMethod = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => "env")(); function normalizeWindowBottom(windowBottom) { return `calc(${windowBottom}px + ${envMethod}(safe-area-inset-bottom))`; } const SEP = "$$"; const currentPagesMap = new Map(); function pruneCurrentPages() { currentPagesMap.forEach((page, id2) => { if (page.$.isUnmounted) { currentPagesMap.delete(id2); } }); } function getCurrentPages$1() { const curPages = []; const pages = currentPagesMap.values(); for (const page of pages) { if (page.__isTabBar) { if (page.$.__isActive) { curPages.push(page); } } else { curPages.push(page); } } return curPages; } function initPublicPage(route) { const meta = usePageMeta(); if (!__UNI_FEATURE_PAGES__) { const {path: path2, alias} = __uniRoutes[0]; return { id: meta.id, path: path2, route: alias.substr(1), fullPath: path2, options: {}, meta }; } const {path} = route; return { id: meta.id, path, route: route.meta.route, fullPath: route.meta.isEntry ? route.meta.pagePath : route.fullPath, options: {}, meta }; } function initPage(vm) { const route = vm.$route; const page = initPublicPage(route); vm.$vm = vm; vm.$page = page; vm.__isTabBar = page.meta.isTabBar; currentPagesMap.set(normalizeRouteKey(page.path, page.id), vm); } function normalizeRouteKey(path, id2) { return path + SEP + id2; } function useKeepAliveRoute() { const route = vueRouter.useRoute(); const routeKey = vue.computed(() => normalizeRouteKey(route.path, getStateId())); const isTabBar = vue.computed(() => route.meta.isTabBar); return { routeKey, isTabBar, routeCache }; } const pageCacheMap = new Map(); const routeCache = { get(key) { return pageCacheMap.get(key); }, set(key, value) { pruneRouteCache(key); pageCacheMap.set(key, value); }, delete(key) { const vnode = pageCacheMap.get(key); if (!vnode) { return; } pageCacheMap.delete(key); }, forEach(fn) { pageCacheMap.forEach(fn); } }; function isTabBarVNode(vnode) { return vnode.props.type === "tabBar"; } function pruneRouteCache(key) { const pageId = parseInt(key.split(SEP)[1]); if (!pageId) { return; } routeCache.forEach((vnode, key2) => { const cPageId = parseInt(key2.split(SEP)[1]); if (cPageId && cPageId > pageId) { if (__UNI_FEATURE_TABBAR__ && isTabBarVNode(vnode)) { return; } routeCache.delete(key2); routeCache.pruneCacheEntry(vnode); vue.nextTick(() => pruneCurrentPages()); } }); } function initRouter(app) { const router = vueRouter.createRouter(createRouterOptions()); app.router = router; app.use(router); } const scrollBehavior = (_to, _from, savedPosition) => { if (savedPosition) { return savedPosition; } }; function createRouterOptions() { return { history: initHistory(), strict: !!__uniConfig.router.strict, routes: __uniRoutes, scrollBehavior }; } function initHistory() { let {base} = __uniConfig.router; if (base === "/") { base = ""; } { return vueRouter.createMemoryHistory(base); } } var index$6 = { install(app) { initApp$1(app); if (__UNI_FEATURE_PAGES__) { initRouter(app); } } }; let appVm; function getApp$1() { return appVm; } function initApp(vm) { appVm = vm; appVm.$vm = vm; appVm.globalData = appVm.$options.globalData || {}; } function wrapperComponentSetup(comp, {init, setup, after}) { const oldSetup = comp.setup; comp.setup = (props2, ctx) => { const instance = vue.getCurrentInstance(); init(instance.proxy); const query = setup(instance); if (oldSetup) { return oldSetup(query, ctx); } }; after && after(comp); } function setupComponent(comp, options) { if (comp && (comp.__esModule || comp[Symbol.toStringTag] === "Module")) { wrapperComponentSetup(comp.default, options); } else { wrapperComponentSetup(comp, options); } return comp; } function setupPage(comp) { return setupComponent(comp, { init: initPage, setup(instance) { instance.__isPage = true; instance.root = instance; const route = usePageRoute(); if (route.meta.isTabBar) { instance.__isActive = true; } { return route.query; } } }); } function setupApp(comp) { return setupComponent(comp, { init: initApp, setup(instance) { const route = usePageRoute(); { return route.query; } }, after(comp2) { comp2.mpType = "app"; comp2.render = () => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(LayoutComponent)); } }); } function formatTime(val) { val = val > 0 && val < Infinity ? val : 0; const h = Math.floor(val / 3600); const m = Math.floor(val % 3600 / 60); const s = Math.floor(val % 3600 % 60); const hStr = (h < 10 ? "0" : "") + h; const mStr = (m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m; const sStr = (s < 10 ? "0" : "") + s; let str = mStr + ":" + sStr; if (hStr !== "00") { str = hStr + ":" + str; } return str; } function useGesture(props2, videoRef, fullscreenState) { const state = vue.reactive({ gestureType: "none", volumeOld: 0, volumeNew: 0, currentTimeOld: 0, currentTimeNew: 0 }); const touchStartOrigin = { x: 0, y: 0 }; function onTouchstart(event) { const toucher = event.targetTouches[0]; touchStartOrigin.x = toucher.pageX; touchStartOrigin.y = toucher.pageY; state.gestureType = "none"; state.volumeOld = 0; state.currentTimeOld = state.currentTimeNew = 0; } function onTouchmove(event) { function stop() { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } if (fullscreenState.fullscreen) { stop(); } const gestureType = state.gestureType; if (gestureType === "stop") { return; } const toucher = event.targetTouches[0]; const pageX = toucher.pageX; const pageY = toucher.pageY; const origin = touchStartOrigin; const video = videoRef.value; if (gestureType === "progress") { changeProgress(pageX - origin.x); } else if (gestureType === "volume") { changeVolume(pageY - origin.y); } if (gestureType !== "none") { return; } if (Math.abs(pageX - origin.x) > Math.abs(pageY - origin.y)) { if (!props2.enableProgressGesture) { state.gestureType = "stop"; return; } state.gestureType = "progress"; state.currentTimeOld = state.currentTimeNew = video.currentTime; if (!fullscreenState.fullscreen) { stop(); } } else { if (!props2.pageGesture) { state.gestureType = "stop"; return; } state.gestureType = "volume"; state.volumeOld = video.volume; if (!fullscreenState.fullscreen) { stop(); } } } function onTouchend(event) { const video = videoRef.value; if (state.gestureType !== "none" && state.gestureType !== "stop") { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } if (state.gestureType === "progress" && state.currentTimeOld !== state.currentTimeNew) { video.currentTime = state.currentTimeNew; } state.gestureType = "none"; } function changeProgress(x) { const video = videoRef.value; const duration = video.duration; let currentTimeNew = x / 600 * duration + state.currentTimeOld; if (currentTimeNew < 0) { currentTimeNew = 0; } else if (currentTimeNew > duration) { currentTimeNew = duration; } state.currentTimeNew = currentTimeNew; } function changeVolume(y) { const video = videoRef.value; const valueOld = state.volumeOld; let value; if (typeof valueOld === "number") { value = valueOld - y / 200; if (value < 0) { value = 0; } else if (value > 1) { value = 1; } video.volume = value; state.volumeNew = value; } } return { state, onTouchstart, onTouchmove, onTouchend }; } function useFullscreen(trigger, containerRef, videoRef, userActionState, rootRef) { const state = vue.reactive({ fullscreen: false }); const isSafari = /^Apple/.test(navigator.vendor); function onFullscreenChange($event, webkit) { if (webkit && document.fullscreenEnabled) { return; } emitFullscreenChange(!!(document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement)); } function emitFullscreenChange(val) { state.fullscreen = val; trigger("fullscreenchange", {}, { fullScreen: val, direction: "vertical" }); } function toggleFullscreen(val) { const root = rootRef.value; const container = containerRef.value; const video = videoRef.value; let mockFullScreen; if (val) { if ((document.fullscreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled) && (!isSafari || userActionState.userAction)) { container[document.fullscreenEnabled ? "requestFullscreen" : "webkitRequestFullscreen"](); } else if (video.webkitEnterFullScreen) { video.webkitEnterFullScreen(); } else { mockFullScreen = true; container.remove(); container.classList.add("uni-video-type-fullscreen"); document.body.appendChild(container); } } else { if (document.fullscreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled) { if (document.fullscreenElement) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.webkitFullscreenElement) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } } else if (video.webkitExitFullScreen) { video.webkitExitFullScreen(); } else { mockFullScreen = true; container.remove(); container.classList.remove("uni-video-type-fullscreen"); root.appendChild(container); } } if (mockFullScreen) { emitFullscreenChange(val); } } function requestFullScreen() { toggleFullscreen(true); } function exitFullScreen() { toggleFullscreen(false); } return { state, onFullscreenChange, emitFullscreenChange, toggleFullscreen, requestFullScreen, exitFullScreen }; } function useVideo(props2, attrs, trigger) { const videoRef = vue.ref(null); const src = vue.computed(() => getRealPath(props2.src)); const state = vue.reactive({ start: false, src, playing: false, currentTime: 0, duration: 0, progress: 0, buffered: 0 }); vue.watch(() => src.value, () => { state.playing = false; state.currentTime = 0; }); vue.watch(() => state.buffered, (buffered) => { trigger("progress", {}, { buffered }); }); function onDurationChange({ target }) { state.duration = target.duration; } function onLoadedMetadata($event) { const initialTime = Number(props2.initialTime) || 0; const video = $event.target; if (initialTime > 0) { video.currentTime = initialTime; } trigger("loadedmetadata", $event, { width: video.videoWidth, height: video.videoHeight, duration: video.duration }); onProgress($event); } function onProgress($event) { const video = $event.target; const buffered = video.buffered; if (buffered.length) { state.buffered = buffered.end(buffered.length - 1) / video.duration * 100; } } function onWaiting($event) { trigger("waiting", $event, {}); } function onVideoError($event) { state.playing = false; trigger("error", $event, {}); } function onPlay($event) { state.start = true; state.playing = true; trigger("play", $event, {}); } function onPause($event) { state.playing = false; trigger("pause", $event, {}); } function onEnded($event) { state.playing = false; trigger("ended", $event, {}); } function onTimeUpdate($event) { const video = $event.target; const currentTime = state.currentTime = video.currentTime; trigger("timeupdate", $event, { currentTime, duration: video.duration }); } function toggle() { const video = videoRef.value; if (state.playing) { video.pause(); } else { video.play(); } } function play() { const video = videoRef.value; state.start = true; video.play(); } function pause() { const video = videoRef.value; video.pause(); } function seek(position) { const video = videoRef.value; position = Number(position); if (typeof position === "number" && !isNaN(position)) { video.currentTime = position; } } function playbackRate(rate) { const video = videoRef.value; video.playbackRate = rate; } return { videoRef, state, play, pause, seek, playbackRate, toggle, onDurationChange, onLoadedMetadata, onProgress, onWaiting, onVideoError, onPlay, onPause, onEnded, onTimeUpdate }; } function useControls(props2, videoState, seek) { const progressRef = vue.ref(null); const ballRef = vue.ref(null); const centerPlayBtnShow = vue.computed(() => props2.showCenterPlayBtn && !videoState.start); const controlsVisible = vue.ref(true); const controlsShow = vue.computed(() => !centerPlayBtnShow.value && props2.controls && controlsVisible.value); const state = vue.reactive({ touching: false, controlsTouching: false, centerPlayBtnShow, controlsShow, controlsVisible }); function clickProgress(event) { const $progress = progressRef.value; let element = event.target; let x = event.offsetX; while (element && element !== $progress) { x += element.offsetLeft; element = element.parentNode; } const w = $progress.offsetWidth; let progress = 0; if (x >= 0 && x <= w) { progress = x / w; seek(videoState.duration * progress); } } function toggleControls() { state.controlsVisible = !state.controlsVisible; } let hideTiming; function autoHideStart() { hideTiming = setTimeout(() => { state.controlsVisible = false; }, 3e3); } function autoHideEnd() { if (hideTiming) { clearTimeout(hideTiming); hideTiming = null; } } vue.watch(() => state.controlsShow && videoState.playing && !state.controlsTouching, (val) => { if (val) { autoHideStart(); } else { autoHideEnd(); } }); vue.watch([() => videoState.currentTime, () => { props2.duration; }], function updateProgress() { if (!state.touching) { videoState.progress = videoState.currentTime / videoState.duration * 100; } }); return { state, progressRef, ballRef, clickProgress, toggleControls, autoHideStart, autoHideEnd }; } function useDanmu(props2, videoState) { const danmuRef = vue.ref(null); const state = vue.reactive({ enable: Boolean(props2.enableDanmu) }); let danmuIndex = { time: 0, index: -1 }; const danmuList = Array.isArray(props2.danmuList) ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(props2.danmuList)) : []; danmuList.sort(function(a2, b) { return (a2.time || 0) - (b.time || 0); }); function toggleDanmu() { state.enable = !state.enable; } function updateDanmu(event) { const video = event.target; const currentTime = video.currentTime; const oldDanmuIndex = danmuIndex; const newDanmuIndex = { time: currentTime, index: oldDanmuIndex.index }; if (currentTime > oldDanmuIndex.time) { for (let index2 = oldDanmuIndex.index + 1; index2 < danmuList.length; index2++) { const element = danmuList[index2]; if (currentTime >= (element.time || 0)) { newDanmuIndex.index = index2; if (videoState.playing && state.enable) { playDanmu(element); } } else { break; } } } else if (currentTime < oldDanmuIndex.time) { for (let index2 = oldDanmuIndex.index - 1; index2 > -1; index2--) { const element = danmuList[index2]; if (currentTime <= (element.time || 0)) { newDanmuIndex.index = index2 - 1; } else { break; } } } danmuIndex = newDanmuIndex; } function playDanmu(danmu) { const p2 = document.createElement("p"); p2.className = "uni-video-danmu-item"; p2.innerText = danmu.text; let style = `bottom: ${Math.random() * 100}%;color: ${danmu.color};`; p2.setAttribute("style", style); const danmuEl = danmuRef.value; danmuEl.appendChild(p2); setTimeout(function() { style += "left: 0;-webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);transform: translateX(-100%);"; p2.setAttribute("style", style); setTimeout(function() { p2.remove(); }, 4e3); }, 17); } function sendDanmu(danmu) { danmuList.splice(danmuIndex.index + 1, 0, { text: String(danmu.text), color: danmu.color, time: videoState.currentTime || 0 }); } return { state, danmuRef, updateDanmu, toggleDanmu, sendDanmu }; } function useContext(play, pause, seek, sendDanmu, playbackRate, requestFullScreen, exitFullScreen) { const methods = { play, pause, seek, sendDanmu, playbackRate, requestFullScreen, exitFullScreen }; const id = useContextInfo(); useSubscribe((type, data) => { let options; switch (type) { case "seek": options = data.position; break; case "sendDanmu": options = data; break; case "playbackRate": options = data.rate; break; } if (type in methods) { methods[type](options); } }, id, true); } const props$6 = { id: { type: String, default: "" }, src: { type: String, default: "" }, duration: { type: [Number, String], default: "" }, controls: { type: [Boolean, String], default: true }, danmuList: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, danmuBtn: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, enableDanmu: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, autoplay: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, loop: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, muted: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, objectFit: { type: String, default: "contain" }, poster: { type: String, default: "" }, direction: { type: [String, Number], default: "" }, showProgress: { type: Boolean, default: true }, initialTime: { type: [String, Number], default: 0 }, showFullscreenBtn: { type: [Boolean, String], default: true }, pageGesture: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, enableProgressGesture: { type: [Boolean, String], default: true }, showPlayBtn: { type: [Boolean, String], default: true }, showCenterPlayBtn: { type: [Boolean, String], default: true } }; var index$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Video", props: props$6, emits: ["fullscreenchange", "progress", "loadedmetadata", "waiting", "error", "play", "pause", "ended", "timeupdate"], setup(props2, { emit: emit2, attrs, slots }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const containerRef = vue.ref(null); const trigger = useCustomEvent(rootRef, emit2); const { state: userActionState } = useUserAction(); const { $attrs: videoAttrs } = useAttrs({ excludeListeners: true }); const { t: t2 } = useI18n(); initI18nVideoMsgsOnce(); const { videoRef, state: videoState, play, pause, seek, playbackRate, toggle, onDurationChange, onLoadedMetadata, onProgress, onWaiting, onVideoError, onPlay, onPause, onEnded, onTimeUpdate } = useVideo(props2, attrs, trigger); const { state: danmuState, danmuRef, updateDanmu, toggleDanmu, sendDanmu } = useDanmu(props2, videoState); const { state: fullscreenState, onFullscreenChange, emitFullscreenChange, toggleFullscreen, requestFullScreen, exitFullScreen } = useFullscreen(trigger, containerRef, videoRef, userActionState, rootRef); const { state: gestureState, onTouchstart, onTouchend, onTouchmove } = useGesture(props2, videoRef, fullscreenState); const { state: controlsState, progressRef, ballRef, clickProgress, toggleControls } = useControls(props2, videoState, seek); useContext(play, pause, seek, sendDanmu, playbackRate, requestFullScreen, exitFullScreen); return () => { return vue.createVNode("uni-video", { "ref": rootRef, "id": props2.id }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "ref": containerRef, "class": "uni-video-container", "onTouchstart": onTouchstart, "onTouchend": onTouchend, "onTouchmove": onTouchmove, "onFullscreenchange": vue.withModifiers(onFullscreenChange, ["stop"]), "onWebkitfullscreenchange": vue.withModifiers(($event) => onFullscreenChange($event, true), ["stop"]) }, [vue.createVNode("video", vue.mergeProps({ "ref": videoRef, "style": { "object-fit": props2.objectFit }, "muted": !!props2.muted, "loop": !!props2.loop, "src": videoState.src, "poster": props2.poster, "autoplay": !!props2.autoplay }, videoAttrs.value, { "class": "uni-video-video", "webkit-playsinline": true, "playsinline": true, "onClick": toggleControls, "onDurationchange": onDurationChange, "onLoadedmetadata": onLoadedMetadata, "onProgress": onProgress, "onWaiting": onWaiting, "onError": onVideoError, "onPlay": onPlay, "onPause": onPause, "onEnded": onEnded, "onTimeupdate": (event) => { onTimeUpdate(event); updateDanmu(event); }, "onWebkitbeginfullscreen": () => emitFullscreenChange(true), "onX5videoenterfullscreen": () => emitFullscreenChange(true), "onWebkitendfullscreen": () => emitFullscreenChange(false), "onX5videoexitfullscreen": () => emitFullscreenChange(false) }), null, 16, ["muted", "loop", "src", "poster", "autoplay", "webkit-playsinline", "playsinline", "onClick", "onDurationchange", "onLoadedmetadata", "onProgress", "onWaiting", "onError", "onPlay", "onPause", "onEnded", "onTimeupdate", "onWebkitbeginfullscreen", "onX5videoenterfullscreen", "onWebkitendfullscreen", "onX5videoexitfullscreen"]), vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-bar uni-video-bar-full", "onClick": vue.withModifiers(() => { }, ["stop"]) }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-controls" }, [vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode("div", { "class": { "uni-video-control-button": true, "uni-video-control-button-play": !videoState.playing, "uni-video-control-button-pause": videoState.playing }, "onClick": vue.withModifiers(toggle, ["stop"]) }, null, 10, ["onClick"]), [[vue.vShow, props2.showPlayBtn]]), vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-current-time" }, [formatTime(videoState.currentTime)]), vue.createVNode("div", { "ref": progressRef, "class": "uni-video-progress-container", "onClick": vue.withModifiers(clickProgress, ["stop"]) }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-progress" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "style": { width: videoState.buffered + "%" }, "class": "uni-video-progress-buffered" }, null, 4), vue.createVNode("div", { "ref": ballRef, "style": { left: videoState.progress + "%" }, "class": "uni-video-ball" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-inner" }, null)], 4)])], 8, ["onClick"]), vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-duration" }, [formatTime(Number(props2.duration) || videoState.duration)])]), vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode("div", { "class": { "uni-video-danmu-button": true, "uni-video-danmu-button-active": danmuState.enable }, "onClick": vue.withModifiers(toggleDanmu, ["stop"]) }, [t2("uni.video.danmu")], 10, ["onClick"]), [[vue.vShow, props2.danmuBtn]]), vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode("div", { "class": { "uni-video-fullscreen": true, "uni-video-type-fullscreen": fullscreenState.fullscreen }, "onClick": vue.withModifiers(() => toggleFullscreen(!fullscreenState.fullscreen), ["stop"]) }, null, 10, ["onClick"]), [[vue.vShow, props2.showFullscreenBtn]])], 8, ["onClick"]), [[vue.vShow, controlsState.controlsShow]]), vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode("div", { "ref": danmuRef, "style": "z-index: 0;", "class": "uni-video-danmu" }, null, 512), [[vue.vShow, videoState.start && danmuState.enable]]), controlsState.centerPlayBtnShow && vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-cover", "onClick": vue.withModifiers(() => { }, ["stop"]) }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-cover-play-button", "onClick": vue.withModifiers(play, ["stop"]) }, null, 8, ["onClick"]), vue.createVNode("p", { "class": "uni-video-cover-duration" }, [formatTime(Number(props2.duration) || videoState.duration)])], 8, ["onClick"]), vue.createVNode("div", { "class": { "uni-video-toast": true, "uni-video-toast-volume": gestureState.gestureType === "volume" } }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-toast-title" }, [t2("uni.video.volume")]), vue.createVNode("svg", { "class": "uni-video-toast-icon", "width": "200px", "height": "200px", "viewBox": "0 0 1024 1024", "version": "1.1", "xmlns": "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, [vue.createVNode("path", { "d": "M475.400704 201.19552l0 621.674496q0 14.856192-10.856448 25.71264t-25.71264 10.856448-25.71264-10.856448l-190.273536-190.273536-149.704704 0q-14.856192 0-25.71264-10.856448t-10.856448-25.71264l0-219.414528q0-14.856192 10.856448-25.71264t25.71264-10.856448l149.704704 0 190.273536-190.273536q10.856448-10.856448 25.71264-10.856448t25.71264 10.856448 10.856448 25.71264zm219.414528 310.837248q0 43.425792-24.28416 80.851968t-64.2816 53.425152q-5.71392 2.85696-14.2848 2.85696-14.856192 0-25.71264-10.570752t-10.856448-25.998336q0-11.999232 6.856704-20.284416t16.570368-14.2848 19.427328-13.142016 16.570368-20.284416 6.856704-32.569344-6.856704-32.569344-16.570368-20.284416-19.427328-13.142016-16.570368-14.2848-6.856704-20.284416q0-15.427584 10.856448-25.998336t25.71264-10.570752q8.57088 0 14.2848 2.85696 39.99744 15.427584 64.2816 53.139456t24.28416 81.137664zm146.276352 0q0 87.422976-48.56832 161.41824t-128.5632 107.707392q-7.428096 2.85696-14.2848 2.85696-15.427584 0-26.284032-10.856448t-10.856448-25.71264q0-22.284288 22.284288-33.712128 31.997952-16.570368 43.425792-25.141248 42.283008-30.855168 65.995776-77.423616t23.712768-99.136512-23.712768-99.136512-65.995776-77.423616q-11.42784-8.57088-43.425792-25.141248-22.284288-11.42784-22.284288-33.712128 0-14.856192 10.856448-25.71264t25.71264-10.856448q7.428096 0 14.856192 2.85696 79.99488 33.712128 128.5632 107.707392t48.56832 161.41824zm146.276352 0q0 131.42016-72.566784 241.41312t-193.130496 161.989632q-7.428096 2.85696-14.856192 2.85696-14.856192 0-25.71264-10.856448t-10.856448-25.71264q0-20.570112 22.284288-33.712128 3.999744-2.285568 12.85632-5.999616t12.85632-5.999616q26.284032-14.2848 46.854144-29.140992 70.281216-51.996672 109.707264-129.705984t39.426048-165.132288-39.426048-165.132288-109.707264-129.705984q-20.570112-14.856192-46.854144-29.140992-3.999744-2.285568-12.85632-5.999616t-12.85632-5.999616q-22.284288-13.142016-22.284288-33.712128 0-14.856192 10.856448-25.71264t25.71264-10.856448q7.428096 0 14.856192 2.85696 120.563712 51.996672 193.130496 161.989632t72.566784 241.41312z" }, null)]), vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-toast-value" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "style": { width: gestureState.volumeNew * 100 + "%" }, "class": "uni-video-toast-value-content" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-toast-volume-grids" }, [vue.renderList(10, () => vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-toast-volume-grids-item" }, null))])], 4)])], 2), vue.createVNode("div", { "class": { "uni-video-toast": true, "uni-video-toast-progress": gestureState.gestureType === "progress" } }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-toast-title" }, [formatTime(gestureState.currentTimeNew), " / ", formatTime(videoState.duration)])], 2), vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-video-slots" }, [slots.default && slots.default()])], 40, ["onTouchstart", "onTouchend", "onTouchmove", "onFullscreenchange", "onWebkitfullscreenchange"])], 8, ["id"]); }; } }); const props$5 = { src: { type: String, default: "" } }; var index$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ inheritAttrs: false, name: "WebView", props: props$5, setup(props2, { attrs }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const iframeRef = vue.ref(null); const _resize = useWebViewSize(rootRef, iframeRef); const { $attrs, $excludeAttrs, $listeners } = useAttrs({ excludeListeners: true }); return () => { return vue.createVNode(vue.Fragment, null, [vue.createVNode("uni-web-view", vue.mergeProps($listeners.value, $excludeAttrs.value, { "ref": rootRef }), [vue.createVNode(ResizeSensor, { "onResize": _resize }, null, 8, ["onResize"])], 16), vue.createVNode(vue.Teleport, { "to": "body" }, { default: () => [vue.createVNode("iframe", vue.mergeProps({ "ref": iframeRef, "src": getRealPath(props2.src) }, $attrs.value), null, 16, ["src"])] })]); }; } }); function useWebViewSize(rootRef, iframeRef) { const _resize = () => { const { top, left, width, height } = rootRef.value.getBoundingClientRect(); iframeRef.value && uniShared.updateElementStyle(iframeRef.value, { position: "absolute", display: "block", border: "0", top: top + "px", left: left + "px", width: width + "px", height: height + "px" }); }; return _resize; } const props$4 = { id: { type: [Number, String], default: "" }, latitude: { type: [Number, String], require: true }, longitude: { type: [Number, String], require: true }, title: { type: String, default: "" }, iconPath: { type: String, require: true }, rotate: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, alpha: { type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, width: { type: [Number, String], default: "" }, height: { type: [Number, String], default: "" }, callout: { type: Object, default: null }, label: { type: Object, default: null }, anchor: { type: Object, default: null }, clusterId: { type: [Number, String], default: "" }, customCallout: { type: Object, default: null }, ariaLabel: { type: String, default: "" } }; var MapMarker = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSystemComponent({ name: "MapMarker", props: props$4, setup(props2) { const id = String(Number(props2.id) !== NaN ? props2.id : ""); const onMapReady = vue.inject("onMapReady"); let marker; onMapReady((map, maps, trigger) => { function updateMarker(option) { const title = option.title; const position = new maps.LatLng(option.latitude, option.longitude); const img = new Image(); img.onload = () => { const anchor = option.anchor || {}; let icon; let w; let h; let top; let x = anchor.x; let y = anchor.y; if (option.iconPath && (option.width || option.height)) { w = option.width || img.width / img.height * option.height; h = option.height || img.height / img.width * option.width; } else { w = img.width / 2; h = img.height / 2; } x = (typeof x === "number" ? x : 0.5) * w; y = (typeof y === "number" ? y : 1) * h; top = h - (h - y); icon = new maps.MarkerImage(img.src, null, null, new maps.Point(x, y), new maps.Size(w, h)); marker.setPosition(position); marker.setIcon(icon); marker.setRotation(option.rotate || 0); const labelOpt = option.label || {}; if (marker.label) { marker.label.setMap(null); delete marker.label; } let label; if (labelOpt.content) { label = new maps.Label({ position, map, clickable: false, content: labelOpt.content, style: { border: "none", padding: "8px", background: "none", color: labelOpt.color, fontSize: (labelOpt.fontSize || 14) + "px", lineHeight: (labelOpt.fontSize || 14) + "px", marginLeft: labelOpt.x, marginTop: labelOpt.y } }); marker.label = label; } const calloutOpt = option.callout || {}; let callout = marker.callout; let calloutStyle; if (calloutOpt.content || title) { calloutStyle = calloutOpt.content ? { position, map, top, content: calloutOpt.content, color: calloutOpt.color, fontSize: calloutOpt.fontSize, borderRadius: calloutOpt.borderRadius, bgColor: calloutOpt.bgColor, padding: calloutOpt.padding, boxShadow: calloutOpt.boxShadow, display: calloutOpt.display } : { position, map, top, content: title, boxShadow: "0px 0px 3px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)" }; if (callout) { callout.setOption(calloutStyle); } else { callout = marker.callout = new maps.Callout(calloutStyle); callout.div.onclick = function($event) { if (id !== "") { trigger("callouttap", $event, { markerId: Number(id) }); } $event.stopPropagation(); $event.preventDefault(); }; } } else { if (callout) { callout.setMap(null); delete marker.callout; } } }; img.src = getRealPath(option.iconPath); } function addMarker(props3) { marker = new maps.Marker({ map, flat: true, autoRotation: false }); updateMarker(props3); maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", () => { const callout = marker.callout; if (callout) { const div = callout.div; const parent = div.parentNode; if (!callout.alwaysVisible) { callout.set("visible", !callout.visible); } if (callout.visible) { parent.removeChild(div); parent.appendChild(div); } } if (id) { trigger("markertap", {}, { markerId: Number(id) }); } }); } addMarker(props2); vue.watch(props2, updateMarker); }); if (id) { const addMapChidlContext = vue.inject("addMapChidlContext"); vue.inject("removeMapChidlContext"); const context = { id, translate(data) { onMapReady((map, maps, trigger) => { const destination = data.destination; const duration = data.duration; const autoRotate = !!data.autoRotate; let rotate = Number(data.rotate) || 0; const rotation = marker.getRotation(); const a2 = marker.getPosition(); const b = new maps.LatLng(destination.latitude, destination.longitude); const distance = maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(a2, b) / 1e3; const time = (typeof duration === "number" ? duration : 1e3) / (1e3 * 60 * 60); const speed = distance / time; const movingEvent = maps.event.addListener(marker, "moving", (e2) => { const latLng = e2.latLng; const label = marker.label; if (label) { label.setPosition(latLng); } const callout = marker.callout; if (callout) { callout.setPosition(latLng); } }); const event = maps.event.addListener(marker, "moveend", () => { event.remove(); movingEvent.remove(); marker.lastPosition = a2; marker.setPosition(b); const label = marker.label; if (label) { label.setPosition(b); } const callout = marker.callout; if (callout) { callout.setPosition(b); } const cb = data.animationEnd; if (typeof cb === "function") { cb(); } }); let lastRtate = 0; if (autoRotate) { if (marker.lastPosition) { lastRtate = maps.geometry.spherical.computeHeading(marker.lastPosition, a2); } rotate = maps.geometry.spherical.computeHeading(a2, b) - lastRtate; } marker.setRotation(rotation + rotate); marker.moveTo(b, speed); }); } }; addMapChidlContext(context); } return () => { return null; }; } }); const props$3 = { points: { type: Array, require: true }, color: { type: String, default: "#000000" }, width: { type: [Number, String], default: "" }, dottedLine: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, arrowLine: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, arrowIconPath: { type: String, default: "" }, borderColor: { type: String, default: "#000000" }, borderWidth: { type: [Number, String], default: "" }, colorList: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, level: { type: String, default: "" } }; var MapPolyline = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSystemComponent({ name: "MapPolyline", props: props$3, setup(props2) { const onMapReady = vue.inject("onMapReady"); let polyline; let polylineBorder; function removePolyline() { if (polyline) { polyline.setMap(null); } if (polylineBorder) { polylineBorder.setMap(null); } } onMapReady((map, maps) => { function updatePolyline(option) { removePolyline(); addPolyline(option); } function addPolyline(option) { const path = []; option.points.forEach((point) => { path.push(new maps.LatLng(point.latitude, point.longitude)); }); const strokeWeight = Number(option.width) || 1; polyline = new maps.Polyline({ map, clickable: false, path, strokeWeight, strokeColor: option.color || void 0, strokeDashStyle: option.dottedLine ? "dash" : "solid" }); const borderWidth = Number(option.borderWidth) || 0; if (borderWidth) { polylineBorder = new maps.Polyline({ map, clickable: false, path, strokeWeight: strokeWeight + borderWidth * 2, strokeColor: option.borderColor || void 0, strokeDashStyle: option.dottedLine ? "dash" : "solid" }); } } addPolyline(props2); vue.watch(props2, updatePolyline); }); return () => { return null; }; } }); const props$2 = { latitude: { type: [Number, String], require: true }, longitude: { type: [Number, String], require: true }, color: { type: String, default: "" }, fillColor: { type: String, default: "" }, radius: { type: [Number, String], require: true }, strokeWidth: { type: [Number, String], default: "" }, level: { type: String, default: "" } }; var MapCircle = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSystemComponent({ name: "MapCircle", props: props$2, setup(props2) { const onMapReady = vue.inject("onMapReady"); let circle; function removeCircle() { if (circle) { circle.setMap(null); } } onMapReady((map, maps) => { function updateCircle(option) { removeCircle(); addCircle(option); } function addCircle(option) { const center = new maps.LatLng(option.latitude, option.longitude); function getColor(color) { const c = color.match(/#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})?/); if (c && c.length) { return maps.Color.fromHex(c[0], Number("0x" + c[1] || 255) / 255); } else { return void 0; } } circle = new maps.Circle({ map, center, clickable: false, radius: option.radius, strokeWeight: Number(option.strokeWidth) || 1, fillColor: getColor(option.fillColor) || getColor("#00000001"), strokeColor: getColor(option.color) || "#000000", strokeDashStyle: "solid" }); } addCircle(props2); vue.watch(props2, updateCircle); }); return () => { return null; }; } }); const props$1 = { id: { type: [Number, String], default: "" }, position: { type: Object, require: true }, iconPath: { type: String, require: true }, clickable: { type: [Boolean, String], default: "" } }; var MapControl = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSystemComponent({ name: "MapControl", props: props$1, setup(props2) { const onMapReady = vue.inject("onMapReady"); let control; function removeControl() { if (control) { control.remove(); } } onMapReady((map, maps, trigger) => { function updateControl(option) { removeControl(); addControl(option); } function addControl(option) { const position = option.position || {}; control = document.createElement("div"); const img = new Image(); control.appendChild(img); const style = control.style; style.position = "absolute"; style.width = "0"; style.height = "0"; img.onload = () => { if (option.position.width) { img.width = option.position.width; } if (option.position.height) { img.height = option.position.height; } const style2 = img.style; style2.position = "absolute"; style2.left = (position.left || 0) + "px"; style2.top = (position.top || 0) + "px"; style2.maxWidth = "initial"; }; img.src = getRealPath(option.iconPath); img.onclick = function($event) { if (option.clickable) { trigger("controltap", $event, { controlId: option.id }); } }; map.controls[maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT].push(control); } addControl(props2); vue.watch(props2, updateControl); }); return () => { return null; }; } }); const CONTEXT_ID = "MAP_LOCATION"; const ICON_PATH = ""; var MapLocation = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSystemComponent({ name: "MapLocation", setup() { const state = vue.reactive({ latitude: 0, longitude: 0, rotate: 0 }); return () => { return state.latitude ? vue.createVNode(MapMarker, vue.mergeProps({ "anchor": { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }, "width": "44", "height": "44", "iconPath": ICON_PATH }, state), null, 16, ["iconPath"]) : null; }; } }); const props = { id: { type: String, default: "" }, latitude: { type: [String, Number], default: 39.90374 }, longitude: { type: [String, Number], default: 116.397827 }, scale: { type: [String, Number], default: 16 }, markers: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, includePoints: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, polyline: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, circles: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, controls: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, showLocation: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false } }; function getPoints(points) { const newPoints = []; if (Array.isArray(points)) { points.forEach((point) => { if (point && point.latitude && point.longitude) { newPoints.push({ latitude: point.latitude, longitude: point.longitude }); } }); } return newPoints; } function useMap(props2, rootRef, emit2) { const mapRef = vue.ref(null); let maps; let map; const state = vue.reactive({ latitude: Number(props2.latitude), longitude: Number(props2.longitude), includePoints: getPoints(props2.includePoints) }); function onMapReady(callback) { } let isBoundsReady; function onBoundsReady(callback) { } const contexts = {}; function addMapChidlContext(context) { contexts[context.id] = context; } function removeMapChidlContext(context) { delete contexts[context.id]; } vue.watch([() => props2.latitude, () => props2.longitude], ([latitudeVlaue, longitudeVlaue]) => { const latitude = Number(latitudeVlaue); const longitude = Number(longitudeVlaue); if (latitude !== state.latitude || longitude !== state.longitude) { state.latitude = latitude; state.longitude = longitude; } }); vue.watch(() => props2.includePoints, (points) => { state.includePoints = getPoints(points); }, { deep: true }); function updateBounds() { const bounds = new maps.LatLngBounds(); state.includePoints.forEach(({ latitude, longitude }) => { const latLng = new maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude); bounds.extend(latLng); }); map.fitBounds(bounds); } try { const id = useContextInfo(); useSubscribe((type, data = {}) => { switch (type) { case "getCenterLocation": onMapReady(() => { const center = map.getCenter(); uniShared.callOptions(data, { latitude: center.getLat(), longitude: center.getLng(), errMsg: `${type}:ok` }); }); break; case "moveToLocation": { let latitude = Number(data.latitude); let longitude = Number(data.longitude); if (!latitude || !longitude) { const context = contexts[CONTEXT_ID]; if (context) { latitude = context.state.latitude; longitude = context.state.longitude; } } if (latitude && longitude) { state.latitude = latitude; state.longitude = longitude; if (map) ; onMapReady(() => { uniShared.callOptions(data, `${type}:ok`); }); } else { uniShared.callOptions(data, `${type}:fail`); } } break; case "translateMarker": onMapReady(() => { const context = contexts[data.markerId]; if (context) { try { context.translate(data); } catch (error) { uniShared.callOptions(data, `${type}:fail ${error.message}`); } uniShared.callOptions(data, `${type}:ok`); } else { uniShared.callOptions(data, `${type}:fail not found`); } }); break; case "includePoints": state.includePoints = getPoints(data.includePoints); if (isBoundsReady) ; onBoundsReady(() => { uniShared.callOptions(data, `${type}:ok`); }); break; case "getRegion": onBoundsReady(() => { const latLngBounds = map.getBounds(); const southwest = latLngBounds.getSouthWest(); const northeast = latLngBounds.getNorthEast(); uniShared.callOptions(data, { southwest: { latitude: southwest.getLat(), longitude: southwest.getLng() }, northeast: { latitude: northeast.getLat(), longitude: northeast.getLng() }, errMsg: `${type}:ok` }); }); break; case "getScale": onMapReady(() => { uniShared.callOptions(data, { scale: map.getZoom(), errMsg: `${type}:ok` }); }); break; } }, id, true); } catch (error) { } vue.provide("onMapReady", onMapReady); vue.provide("addMapChidlContext", addMapChidlContext); vue.provide("removeMapChidlContext", removeMapChidlContext); return { state, mapRef }; } var index$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineBuiltInComponent({ name: "Map", props, emits: ["markertap", "labeltap", "callouttap", "controltap", "regionchange", "tap", "click", "updated", "update:scale", "update:latitude", "update:longitude"], setup(props2, { emit: emit2, slots }) { const rootRef = vue.ref(null); const { mapRef } = useMap(props2); return () => { return vue.createVNode("uni-map", { "ref": rootRef, "id": props2.id }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "ref": mapRef, "style": "width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; overflow: hidden" }, null, 512), props2.markers.map((item) => item.id && vue.createVNode(MapMarker, vue.mergeProps({ "key": item.id }, item), null, 16)), props2.polyline.map((item) => vue.createVNode(MapPolyline, item, null, 16)), props2.circles.map((item) => vue.createVNode(MapCircle, item, null, 16)), props2.controls.map((item) => vue.createVNode(MapControl, item, null, 16)), props2.showLocation && vue.createVNode(MapLocation, null, null), vue.createVNode("div", { "style": "position: absolute;top: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;overflow: hidden;pointer-events: none;" }, [slots.default && slots.default()])], 8, ["id"]); }; } }); const _sfc_main$3 = { name: "CoverView", compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, props: { scrollTop: { type: [String, Number], default: 0 } }, watch: { scrollTop(val) { this.setScrollTop(val); } }, mounted() { this.setScrollTop(this.scrollTop); }, methods: { setScrollTop(val) { var content = this.content; if (getComputedStyle(content).overflowY === "scroll") { content.scrollTop = this._upx2pxNum(val); } }, _upx2pxNum(val) { if (/\d+[ur]px$/i.test(val)) { val.replace(/\d+[ur]px$/i, (text) => { return uni.upx2px(parseFloat(text)); }); } return parseFloat(val) || 0; } }, setup() { const content = vue.ref(null); return { content }; } }; const _hoisted_1$2 = { ref: "content", class: "uni-cover-view" }; function _sfc_render$3(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("uni-cover-view", {"scroll-top": $props.scrollTop}, [ vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_1$2, [ vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default") ], 512) ], 8, ["scroll-top"]); } _sfc_main$3.render = _sfc_render$3; const _sfc_main$2 = { name: "CoverImage", compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, props: { src: { type: String, default: "" } }, methods: { getRealPath, _load($event) { this.$trigger("load", $event); }, _error($event) { this.$trigger("error", $event); } }, mounted() { this.$trigger = useCustomEvent({value: this.root}, this.$emit); }, setup() { const root = vue.ref(null); return { root }; } }; const _hoisted_1$1 = {class: "uni-cover-image"}; function _sfc_render$2(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("uni-cover-image", { ref: "root", src: $props.src }, [ vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_1$1, [ $props.src ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("img", { key: 0, src: $options.getRealPath($props.src), onLoad: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => $options._load && $options._load(...args)), onError: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = (...args) => $options._error && $options._error(...args)) }, null, 40, ["src"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ]) ], 8, ["src"]); } _sfc_main$2.render = _sfc_render$2; function useKeyboard() { const key = vue.ref(""); const disable = vue.ref(false); return { key, disable }; } function usePopupStyle(props2) { const popupWidth = vue.ref(0); const popupHeight = vue.ref(0); const isDesktop = vue.computed(() => popupWidth.value >= 500 && popupHeight.value >= 500); const popupStyle = vue.computed(() => { const style = { content: { transform: "", left: "", top: "", bottom: "" }, triangle: { left: "", top: "", bottom: "", "border-width": "", "border-color": "" } }; const contentStyle = style.content; const triangleStyle = style.triangle; const popover = props2.popover; function getNumber(value) { return Number(value) || 0; } if (isDesktop.value && popover) { Object.assign(triangleStyle, { position: "absolute", width: "0", height: "0", "margin-left": "-6px", "border-style": "solid" }); const popoverLeft = getNumber(popover.left); const popoverWidth = getNumber(popover.width); const popoverTop = getNumber(popover.top); const popoverHeight = getNumber(popover.height); const center = popoverLeft + popoverWidth / 2; contentStyle.transform = "none !important"; const contentLeft = Math.max(0, center - 300 / 2); contentStyle.left = `${contentLeft}px`; let triangleLeft = Math.max(12, center - contentLeft); triangleLeft = Math.min(300 - 12, triangleLeft); triangleStyle.left = `${triangleLeft}px`; const vcl = popupHeight.value / 2; if (popoverTop + popoverHeight - vcl > vcl - popoverTop) { contentStyle.top = "auto"; contentStyle.bottom = `${popupHeight.value - popoverTop + 6}px`; triangleStyle.bottom = "-6px"; triangleStyle["border-width"] = "6px 6px 0 6px"; triangleStyle["border-color"] = "#fcfcfd transparent transparent transparent"; } else { contentStyle.top = `${popoverTop + popoverHeight + 6}px`; triangleStyle.top = "-6px"; triangleStyle["border-width"] = "0 6px 6px 6px"; triangleStyle["border-color"] = "transparent transparent #fcfcfd transparent"; } } return style; }); return { isDesktop, popupStyle }; } const {t, getLocale} = useI18n(); function getDefaultStartValue() { if (this.mode === mode.TIME) { return "00:00"; } if (this.mode === mode.DATE) { const year = new Date().getFullYear() - 100; switch (this.fields) { case fields.YEAR: return year.toString(); case fields.MONTH: return year + "-01"; default: return year + "-01-01"; } } return ""; } function getDefaultEndValue() { if (this.mode === mode.TIME) { return "23:59"; } if (this.mode === mode.DATE) { const year = new Date().getFullYear() + 100; switch (this.fields) { case fields.YEAR: return year.toString(); case fields.MONTH: return year + "-12"; default: return year + "-12-31"; } } return ""; } const mode = { SELECTOR: "selector", MULTISELECTOR: "multiSelector", TIME: "time", DATE: "date" }; const fields = { YEAR: "year", MONTH: "month", DAY: "day" }; const selectorType = { PICKER: "picker", SELECT: "select" }; var _sfc_main$1 = { name: "Picker", compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, components: {PickerView, PickerViewColumn}, props: { name: { type: String, default: "" }, range: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, rangeKey: { type: String, default: "" }, value: { type: [Number, String, Array], default: 0 }, mode: { type: String, default: mode.SELECTOR, validator(val) { return Object.values(mode).includes(val); } }, fields: { type: String, default: "" }, start: { type: String, default: (props2) => { return getDefaultStartValue.call(props2); } }, end: { type: String, default: (props2) => { return getDefaultEndValue.call(props2); } }, disabled: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, selectorType: { type: String, default: "" } }, data() { return { valueSync: null, visible: false, contentVisible: false, popover: null, valueChangeSource: "", timeArray: [], dateArray: [], valueArray: [], oldValueArray: [], isDesktop: false, popupStyle: { content: {}, triangle: {} } }; }, computed: { rangeArray() { var val = this.range; switch (this.mode) { case mode.SELECTOR: return [val]; case mode.MULTISELECTOR: return val; case mode.TIME: return this.timeArray; case mode.DATE: { const dateArray = this.dateArray; switch (this.fields) { case fields.YEAR: return [dateArray[0]]; case fields.MONTH: return [dateArray[0], dateArray[1]]; default: return [dateArray[0], dateArray[1], dateArray[2]]; } } } return []; }, startArray() { return this._getDateValueArray(this.start, getDefaultStartValue.bind(this)()); }, endArray() { return this._getDateValueArray(this.end, getDefaultEndValue.bind(this)()); }, selectorTypeComputed() { const type = this.selectorType; if (Object.values(selectorType).includes(type)) { return type; } return String(navigator.vendor).indexOf("Apple") === 0 && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 ? selectorType.PICKER : selectorType.SELECT; }, system() { if (this.mode === mode.DATE && !Object.values(fields).includes(this.fields) && this.isDesktop && /win|mac/i.test(navigator.platform)) { if (navigator.vendor === "Google Inc.") { return "chrome"; } else if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { return "firefox"; } } return ""; } }, watch: { visible(val) { if (val) { clearTimeout(this.__contentVisibleDelay); this.contentVisible = val; this._select(); } else { this.__contentVisibleDelay = setTimeout(() => { this.contentVisible = val; }, 300); } }, value: { deep: true, handler() { this._setValueSync(); } }, mode() { this._setValueSync(); }, range: { deep: true, handler() { this._setValueSync(); } }, valueSync: { deep: true, handler() { this._setValueArray(); } }, valueArray: { deep: true, handler(val) { if (this.mode === mode.TIME || this.mode === mode.DATE) { const getValue = this.mode === mode.TIME ? this._getTimeValue : this._getDateValue; const valueArray = this.valueArray; const startArray = this.startArray; const endArray = this.endArray; if (this.mode === mode.DATE) { const dateArray = this.dateArray; const max = dateArray[2].length; const day = Number(dateArray[2][valueArray[2]]) || 1; const realDay = new Date(`${dateArray[0][valueArray[0]]}/${dateArray[1][valueArray[1]]}/${day}`).getDate(); if (realDay < day) { valueArray[2] -= realDay + max - day; } } if (getValue(valueArray) < getValue(startArray)) { this._cloneArray(valueArray, startArray); } else if (getValue(valueArray) > getValue(endArray)) { this._cloneArray(valueArray, endArray); } } val.forEach((value, column) => { if (value !== this.oldValueArray[column]) { this.oldValueArray[column] = value; if (this.mode === mode.MULTISELECTOR) { this.$trigger("columnchange", {}, { column, value }); } } }); } } }, created() { initI18nPickerMsgsOnce(); this._createTime(); this._createDate(); this._setValueSync(); usePickerWatch.call(this); usePickerForm.call(this); const popup = usePopupStyle(this); this.isDesktop = popup.isDesktop; this.popupStyle = popup.popupStyle; }, mounted() { this.$trigger = useCustomEvent({value: this.$refs.root}, this.$emit); }, beforeUnmount() { this.$refs.picker.remove(); }, methods: { withWebEvent, $$t: t, _show(event) { if (this.disabled) { return; } this.valueChangeSource = ""; var $picker = this.$refs.picker; $picker.remove(); (document.querySelector("uni-app") || document.body).appendChild($picker); $picker.style.display = "block"; const rect = event.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(); this.popover = { top: rect.top, left: rect.left, width: rect.width, height: rect.height }; setTimeout(() => { this.visible = true; }, 20); }, _getFormData() { return { value: this.valueSync, key: this.name }; }, _resetFormData() { switch (this.mode) { case mode.SELECTOR: this.valueSync = 0; break; case mode.MULTISELECTOR: this.valueSync = this.value.map((val) => 0); break; case mode.DATE: case mode.TIME: this.valueSync = ""; break; } }, _createTime() { var hours = []; var minutes = []; hours.splice(0, hours.length); for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) { hours.push((i < 10 ? "0" : "") + i); } minutes.splice(0, minutes.length); for (let i = 0; i < 60; i++) { minutes.push((i < 10 ? "0" : "") + i); } this.timeArray.push(hours, minutes); }, _createDate() { var years = []; var year = new Date().getFullYear(); for (let i = year - 150, end = year + 150; i <= end; i++) { years.push(String(i)); } var months = []; for (let i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { months.push((i < 10 ? "0" : "") + i); } var days = []; for (let i = 1; i <= 31; i++) { days.push((i < 10 ? "0" : "") + i); } this.dateArray.push(years, months, days); }, _getTimeValue(val) { return val[0] * 60 + val[1]; }, _getDateValue(val) { const DAY = 31; return val[0] * DAY * 12 + (val[1] || 0) * DAY + (val[2] || 0); }, _cloneArray(val1, val2) { for (let i = 0; i < val1.length && i < val2.length; i++) { val1[i] = val2[i]; } }, _setValueSync() { let val = this.value; switch (this.mode) { case mode.MULTISELECTOR: { if (!Array.isArray(val)) { val = []; } if (!Array.isArray(this.valueSync)) { this.valueSync = []; } const length = this.valueSync.length = Math.max(val.length, this.range.length); for (let index2 = 0; index2 < length; index2++) { const val0 = Number(val[index2]); const val1 = Number(this.valueSync[index2]); const val2 = isNaN(val0) ? isNaN(val1) ? 0 : val1 : val0; const maxVal = this.range[index2] ? this.range[index2].length - 1 : 0; this.valueSync.splice(index2, 1, val2 < 0 || val2 > maxVal ? 0 : val2); } } break; case mode.TIME: case mode.DATE: this.valueSync = String(val); break; default: { const valueSync = Number(val); this.valueSync = valueSync < 0 ? 0 : valueSync; break; } } }, _setValueArray() { var val = this.valueSync; var valueArray; switch (this.mode) { case mode.MULTISELECTOR: valueArray = [...val]; break; case mode.TIME: valueArray = this._getDateValueArray(val, uniShared.formatDateTime({ mode: mode.TIME })); break; case mode.DATE: valueArray = this._getDateValueArray(val, uniShared.formatDateTime({ mode: mode.DATE })); break; default: valueArray = [val]; break; } this.oldValueArray = [...valueArray]; this.valueArray = [...valueArray]; }, _getValue() { var val = this.valueArray; switch (this.mode) { case mode.SELECTOR: return val[0]; case mode.MULTISELECTOR: return val.map((val2) => val2); case mode.TIME: return this.valueArray.map((val2, i) => this.timeArray[i][val2]).join(":"); case mode.DATE: return this.valueArray.map((val2, i) => this.dateArray[i][val2]).join("-"); } }, _getDateValueArray(valueStr, defaultValue) { const splitStr = this.mode === mode.DATE ? "-" : ":"; const array = this.mode === mode.DATE ? this.dateArray : this.timeArray; let max; if (this.mode === mode.TIME) { max = 2; } else { switch (this.fields) { case fields.YEAR: max = 1; break; case fields.MONTH: max = 2; break; default: max = 3; break; } } const inputArray = String(valueStr).split(splitStr); let value = []; for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { const val = inputArray[i]; value.push(array[i].indexOf(val)); } if (value.indexOf(-1) >= 0) { value = defaultValue ? this._getDateValueArray(defaultValue) : value.map(() => 0); } return value; }, _change() { this._close(); this.valueChangeSource = "click"; const value = this._getValue(); this.valueSync = Array.isArray(value) ? value.map((val) => val) : value; this.$trigger("change", {}, { value }); }, _cancel($event) { if (this.system === "firefox") { const {top, left, width, height} = this.popover; const {pageX, pageY} = $event; if (pageX > left && pageX < left + width && pageY > top && pageY < top + height) { return; } } this._close(); this.$trigger("cancel", {}, {}); }, _close() { this.visible = false; setTimeout(() => { var $picker = this.$refs.picker; $picker.remove(); this.$el.prepend($picker); $picker.style.display = "none"; }, 260); }, _select() { if (this.mode === mode.SELECTOR && this.selectorTypeComputed === selectorType.SELECT) { this.$refs.select.scrollTop = this.valueArray[0] * 34; } }, _input($event) { this.valueSync = $event.target.value; this.$nextTick(() => { this._change(); }); }, _fixInputPosition($event) { if (this.system === "chrome") { const rect = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect(); const style = this.$refs.input.style; const fontSize = 32; style.left = `${$event.clientX - rect.left - fontSize * 1.5}px`; style.top = `${$event.clientY - rect.top - fontSize * 0.5}px`; } }, _pickerViewChange(event) { this.valueArray = this._l10nColumn(event.detail.value, true); }, _l10nColumn(array, normalize) { if (this.mode === mode.DATE) { const locale = getLocale(); if (!locale.startsWith("zh")) { switch (this.fields) { case fields.YEAR: return array; case fields.MONTH: return [array[1], array[0]]; default: switch (locale) { case "es": case "fr": return [array[2], array[1], array[0]]; default: return normalize ? [array[2], array[0], array[1]] : [array[1], array[2], array[0]]; } } } } return array; }, _l10nItem(item, index2) { if (this.mode === mode.DATE) { const locale = getLocale(); if (locale.startsWith("zh")) { const array = ["\u5E74", "\u6708", "\u65E5"]; return item + array[index2]; } else if (this.fields !== fields.YEAR && index2 === (this.fields !== fields.MONTH && (locale === "es" || locale === "fr") ? 1 : 0)) { let array; switch (locale) { case "es": array = [ "enero", "febrero", "marzo", "abril", "mayo", "junio", "\u200B\u200Bjulio", "agosto", "septiembre", "octubre", "noviembre", "diciembre" ]; break; case "fr": array = [ "janvier", "f\xE9vrier", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juillet", "ao\xFBt", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "d\xE9cembre" ]; break; default: array = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ]; break; } return array[Number(item) - 1]; } } return item; } }, setup(props2) { const booleanAttrs = useBooleanAttr(props2, "disabled"); return { booleanAttrs }; } }; function usePickerWatch() { const {key, disable} = useKeyboard(); vue.watch(() => this.visible, (value) => disable.value = !value); vue.watchEffect(() => { const {value} = key; if (value === "esc") { this._cancel && this._cancel(); } else if (value === "enter") { this._change && this._change(); } }); } function usePickerForm() { const uniForm = vue.inject(uniFormKey, false); if (!!uniForm) { const field = { reset: this._resetFormData, submit: () => { const data = ["", null]; const {key, value} = this._getFormData(); if (key !== "") { data[0] = key; data[1] = value; } return data; } }; uniForm.addField(field); } } function _sfc_render$1(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { const _component_PickerViewColumn = vue.resolveComponent("PickerViewColumn"); const _component_PickerView = vue.resolveComponent("PickerView"); return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("uni-picker", vue.mergeProps({ref: "root"}, $setup.booleanAttrs, { onClick: _cache[13] || (_cache[13] = (() => $options.withWebEvent($options._show))()) }), [ vue.createVNode("div", { ref: "picker", class: ["uni-picker-container", `uni-${$props.mode}-${$options.selectorTypeComputed}`], onWheel: _cache[9] || (_cache[9] = vue.withModifiers(() => { }, ["prevent"])), onTouchmove: _cache[10] || (_cache[10] = vue.withModifiers(() => { }, ["prevent"])) }, [ vue.createVNode(vue.Transition, {name: "uni-fade"}, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode("div", { class: "uni-mask uni-picker-mask", onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (() => $options.withWebEvent($options._cancel))()), onMousemove: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = (...args) => $options._fixInputPosition && $options._fixInputPosition(...args)) }, null, 544), [ [vue.vShow, $data.visible] ]) ]), _: 1 }), !$options.system ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("div", { key: 0, class: [{"uni-picker-toggle": $data.visible}, "uni-picker-custom"], style: $data.popupStyle.content }, [ vue.createVNode("div", { class: "uni-picker-header", onClick: _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = vue.withModifiers(() => { }, ["stop"])) }, [ vue.createVNode("div", { class: "uni-picker-action uni-picker-action-cancel", onClick: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = (() => $options.withWebEvent($options._cancel))()) }, vue.toDisplayString($options.$$t("uni.picker.cancel")), 1), vue.createVNode("div", { class: "uni-picker-action uni-picker-action-confirm", onClick: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = (...args) => $options._change && $options._change(...args)) }, vue.toDisplayString($options.$$t("uni.picker.done")), 1) ]), $data.contentVisible ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_PickerView, { key: 0, value: $options._l10nColumn($data.valueArray), class: "uni-picker-content", onChange: _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = (() => $options.withWebEvent($options._pickerViewChange))()) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList($options._l10nColumn($options.rangeArray), (rangeItem, index0) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_PickerViewColumn, {key: index0}, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(rangeItem, (item, index2) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("div", { key: index2, class: "uni-picker-item" }, vue.toDisplayString(typeof item === "object" ? item[$props.rangeKey] || "" : $options._l10nItem(item, index0)), 1); }), 128)) ]), _: 2 }, 1024); }), 128)) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["value"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), vue.createVNode("div", { ref: "select", class: "uni-picker-select", onWheel: _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = vue.withModifiers(() => { }, ["stop"])), onTouchmove: _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = vue.withModifiers(() => { }, ["stop"])) }, [ (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList($options.rangeArray[0], (item, index2) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("div", { key: index2, class: ["uni-picker-item", {selected: $data.valueArray[0] === index2}], onClick: ($event) => { $data.valueArray[0] = index2; $options._change(); } }, vue.toDisplayString(typeof item === "object" ? item[$props.rangeKey] || "" : item), 11, ["onClick"]); }), 128)) ], 544), vue.createVNode("div", { style: $data.popupStyle.triangle }, null, 4) ], 6)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ], 34), vue.createVNode("div", null, [ vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default") ]), $options.system ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("div", { key: 0, class: "uni-picker-system", onMousemove: _cache[12] || (_cache[12] = (() => $options.withWebEvent($options._fixInputPosition))()) }, [ vue.createVNode("input", { ref: "input", value: $data.valueSync, type: $props.mode, tabindex: "-1", min: $props.start, max: $props.end, class: [$options.system, $data.popupStyle.dock], onChange: _cache[11] || (_cache[11] = vue.withModifiers((() => $options.withWebEvent($options._input))(), ["stop"])) }, null, 42, ["value", "type", "min", "max"]) ], 32)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ], 16); } _sfc_main$1.render = _sfc_render$1; const UniViewJSBridge$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ shared.extend(ViewJSBridge, { publishHandler(event, args, pageId) { UniServiceJSBridge.subscribeHandler(event, args, pageId); } }); const request = /* @__PURE__ */ defineTaskApi(API_REQUEST, ({ url, data, header, method, dataType: dataType2, responseType, withCredentials, timeout = __uniConfig.networkTimeout.request }, {resolve, reject}) => { let body = null; const contentType = normalizeContentType(header); if (method !== "GET") { if (typeof data === "string" || data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { body = data; } else { if (contentType === "json") { try { body = JSON.stringify(data); } catch (error) { body = data.toString(); } } else if (contentType === "urlencoded") { const bodyArray = []; for (const key in data) { if (shared.hasOwn(data, key)) { bodyArray.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data[key])); } } body = bodyArray.join("&"); } else { body = data.toString(); } } } const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); const requestTask = new RequestTask(xhr); xhr.open(method, url); for (const key in header) { if (shared.hasOwn(header, key)) { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, header[key]); } } const timer = setTimeout(function() { xhr.onload = xhr.onabort = xhr.onerror = null; requestTask.abort(); reject("timeout"); }, timeout); xhr.responseType = responseType; xhr.onload = function() { clearTimeout(timer); const statusCode = xhr.status; let res = responseType === "text" ? xhr.responseText : xhr.response; if (responseType === "text" && dataType2 === "json") { try { res = JSON.parse(res); } catch (error) { } } resolve({ data: res, statusCode, header: parseHeaders(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()), cookies: [] }); }; xhr.onabort = function() { clearTimeout(timer); reject("abort"); }; xhr.onerror = function() { clearTimeout(timer); reject(); }; xhr.withCredentials = withCredentials; xhr.send(body); return requestTask; }, RequestProtocol, RequestOptions); function normalizeContentType(header) { const name = Object.keys(header).find((name2) => name2.toLowerCase() === "content-type"); if (!name) { return; } const contentType = header[name]; if (contentType.indexOf("application/json") === 0) { return "json"; } else if (contentType.indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") === 0) { return "urlencoded"; } return "string"; } class RequestTask { constructor(xhr) { this._xhr = xhr; } abort() { if (this._xhr) { this._xhr.abort(); delete this._xhr; } } onHeadersReceived(callback) { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } offHeadersReceived(callback) { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } } function parseHeaders(headers) { const headersObject = {}; headers.split("\n").forEach((header) => { const find = header.match(/(\S+\s*):\s*(.*)/); if (!find || find.length !== 3) { return; } headersObject[find[1]] = find[2]; }); return headersObject; } const STORAGE_KEYS = "uni-storage-keys"; function parseValue(value) { const types = ["object", "string", "number", "boolean", "undefined"]; try { const object = typeof value === "string" ? JSON.parse(value) : value; const type = object.type; if (types.indexOf(type) >= 0) { const keys = Object.keys(object); if (keys.length === 2 && "data" in object) { if (typeof object.data === type) { return object.data; } if (type === "object" && /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\.\d{3}Z$/.test(object.data)) { return new Date(object.data); } } else if (keys.length === 1) { return ""; } } } catch (error) { } } const setStorageSync = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSyncApi(API_SET_STORAGE_SYNC, (key, data) => { const type = typeof data; const value = type === "string" ? data : JSON.stringify({ type, data }); localStorage.setItem(key, value); }, SetStorageSyncProtocol); const setStorage = /* @__PURE__ */ defineAsyncApi(API_SET_STORAGE, ({key, data}, {resolve, reject}) => { try { setStorageSync(key, data); resolve(); } catch (error) { reject(error.message); } }, SetStorageProtocol); function getStorageOrigin(key) { const value = localStorage && localStorage.getItem(key); if (typeof value !== "string") { throw new Error("data not found"); } let data = value; try { const object = JSON.parse(value); const result = parseValue(object); if (result !== void 0) { data = result; } } catch (error) { } return data; } const getStorageSync = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSyncApi(API_GET_STORAGE_SYNC, (key, t2) => { try { return getStorageOrigin(key); } catch (error) { return ""; } }, GetStorageSyncProtocol); const getStorage = /* @__PURE__ */ defineAsyncApi(API_GET_STORAGE, ({key}, {resolve, reject}) => { try { const data = getStorageOrigin(key); resolve({ data }); } catch (error) { reject(error.message); } }, GetStorageProtocol); const removeStorageSync = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSyncApi(API_REMOVE_STORAGE, (key) => { if (localStorage) { localStorage.removeItem(key); } }, RemoveStorageSyncProtocol); const removeStorage = /* @__PURE__ */ defineAsyncApi(API_REMOVE_STORAGE, ({key}, {resolve}) => { removeStorageSync(key); resolve(); }, RemoveStorageProtocol); const clearStorageSync = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSyncApi("clearStorageSync", () => { if (localStorage) { localStorage.clear(); } }); const clearStorage = /* @__PURE__ */ defineAsyncApi("clearStorage", (_, {resolve}) => { clearStorageSync(); resolve(); }); const getStorageInfoSync = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSyncApi("getStorageInfoSync", () => { const length = localStorage && localStorage.length || 0; const keys = []; let currentSize = 0; for (let index2 = 0; index2 < length; index2++) { const key = localStorage.key(index2); const value = localStorage.getItem(key) || ""; currentSize += key.length + value.length; if (key !== STORAGE_KEYS) { keys.push(key); } } return { keys, currentSize: Math.ceil(currentSize * 2 / 1024), limitSize: Number.MAX_VALUE }; }); const getStorageInfo = /* @__PURE__ */ defineAsyncApi("getStorageInfo", (_, {resolve}) => { resolve(getStorageInfoSync()); }); const getSystemInfoSync = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSyncApi("getSystemInfoSync", () => { { return { deviceId: Date.now() + "" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e7), platform: "nodejs" }; } }); require("localstorage-polyfill"); global.XMLHttpRequest = require("xmlhttprequest").XMLHttpRequest; var api = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, [Symbol.toStringTag]: "Module", request, setStorageSync, setStorage, getStorageSync, getStorage, removeStorageSync, removeStorage, clearStorageSync, clearStorage, getStorageInfoSync, getStorageInfo, getSystemInfoSync }); const uni$1 = api; const UniServiceJSBridge$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ shared.extend(ServiceJSBridge, { publishHandler(event, args, pageId) { UniViewJSBridge.subscribeHandler(pageId + "." + event, args, pageId); } }); var TabBar = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSystemComponent({ name: "TabBar", setup() { const tabBar2 = useTabBar(); useTabBarCssVar(tabBar2); const onSwitchTab = useSwitchTab(vueRouter.useRoute(), tabBar2); const { style, borderStyle, placeholderStyle } = useTabBarStyle(tabBar2); return () => { const tabBarItemsTsx = createTabBarItemsTsx(tabBar2, onSwitchTab); return vue.createVNode("uni-tabbar", { "class": "uni-tabbar-" + tabBar2.position }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-tabbar", "style": style.value }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-tabbar-border", "style": borderStyle.value }, null, 4), tabBarItemsTsx], 4), vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-placeholder", "style": placeholderStyle.value }, null, 4)], 2); }; } }); function useTabBarCssVar(tabBar2) { vue.watch(() => tabBar2.shown, (value) => { updatePageCssVar({ "--window-bottom": normalizeWindowBottom(value ? parseInt(tabBar2.height) : 0) }); }); } function useSwitchTab(route, tabBar2) { vue.watchEffect(() => { const meta = route.meta; if (meta.isTabBar) { const pagePath = meta.route; const index2 = tabBar2.list.findIndex((item) => item.pagePath === pagePath); if (index2 === -1) { return; } tabBar2.selectedIndex = index2; } }); return (tabBarItem, index2) => { const { type } = tabBarItem; return () => { if (__UNI_FEATURE_TABBAR_MIDBUTTON__ && type === "midButton") { return UniServiceJSBridge.invokeOnCallback(API_ON_TAB_BAR_MID_BUTTON_TAP); } const { pagePath, text } = tabBarItem; let url = "/" + pagePath; if (url === __uniRoutes[0].alias) { url = "/"; } if (route.path !== url) { uni.switchTab({ from: "tabBar", url }); } else { invokeHook("onTabItemTap", { index: index2, text, pagePath }); } }; }; } const DEFAULT_BG_COLOR = "#f7f7fa"; const BLUR_EFFECT_COLOR_DARK = "rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.8)"; const BLUR_EFFECT_COLOR_LIGHT = "rgb(250, 250, 250, 0.8)"; const BLUR_EFFECT_COLORS = { dark: BLUR_EFFECT_COLOR_DARK, light: BLUR_EFFECT_COLOR_LIGHT, extralight: BLUR_EFFECT_COLOR_LIGHT }; const BORDER_COLORS = { white: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.33)", black: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33)" }; function useTabBarStyle(tabBar2) { const style = vue.computed(() => { let backgroundColor = tabBar2.backgroundColor; const blurEffect = tabBar2.blurEffect; if (!backgroundColor) { if (blurEffect && blurEffect !== "none") { backgroundColor = BLUR_EFFECT_COLORS[blurEffect]; } } return { backgroundColor: backgroundColor || DEFAULT_BG_COLOR, backdropFilter: blurEffect !== "none" ? "blur(10px)" : blurEffect }; }); const borderStyle = vue.computed(() => { const { borderStyle: borderStyle2 } = tabBar2; return { backgroundColor: BORDER_COLORS[borderStyle2] || borderStyle2 }; }); const placeholderStyle = vue.computed(() => { return { height: tabBar2.height }; }); return { style, borderStyle, placeholderStyle }; } function isMidButton(item) { return item.type === "midButton"; } function createTabBarItemsTsx(tabBar2, onSwitchTab) { const { list, selectedIndex, selectedColor, color } = tabBar2; return list.map((item, index2) => { const selected = selectedIndex === index2; const textColor = selected ? selectedColor : color; const iconPath = (selected ? item.selectedIconPath || item.iconPath : item.iconPath) || ""; if (!__UNI_FEATURE_TABBAR_MIDBUTTON__) { return createTabBarItemTsx(textColor, iconPath, item, tabBar2, index2, onSwitchTab); } return isMidButton(item) ? createTabBarMidButtonTsx(textColor, iconPath, item, tabBar2, index2, onSwitchTab) : createTabBarItemTsx(textColor, iconPath, item, tabBar2, index2, onSwitchTab); }); } function createTabBarItemTsx(color, iconPath, tabBarItem, tabBar2, index2, onSwitchTab) { return vue.createVNode("div", { "key": index2, "class": "uni-tabbar__item", "onClick": onSwitchTab(tabBarItem, index2) }, [createTabBarItemBdTsx(color, iconPath || "", tabBarItem, tabBar2)], 8, ["onClick"]); } function createTabBarItemBdTsx(color, iconPath, tabBarItem, tabBar2) { const { height } = tabBar2; return vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-tabbar__bd", "style": { height } }, [iconPath && createTabBarItemIconTsx(iconPath, tabBarItem, tabBar2), tabBarItem.text && createTabBarItemTextTsx(color, tabBarItem, tabBar2)], 4); } function createTabBarItemIconTsx(iconPath, tabBarItem, tabBar2) { const { type, text, redDot } = tabBarItem; const { iconWidth } = tabBar2; const clazz2 = "uni-tabbar__icon" + (text ? " uni-tabbar__icon__diff" : ""); const style = { width: iconWidth, height: iconWidth }; return vue.createVNode("div", { "class": clazz2, "style": style }, [type !== "midButton" && vue.createVNode("img", { "src": getRealPath(iconPath) }, null, 8, ["src"]), redDot && createTabBarItemRedDotTsx(tabBarItem.badge)], 6); } function createTabBarItemTextTsx(color, tabBarItem, tabBar2) { const { redDot, iconPath, text } = tabBarItem; const { fontSize, spacing } = tabBar2; const style = { color, fontSize, lineHeight: !iconPath ? 1.8 : "normal", marginTop: !iconPath ? "inherit" : spacing }; return vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-tabbar__label", "style": style }, [text, redDot && !iconPath && createTabBarItemRedDotTsx(tabBarItem.badge)], 4); } function createTabBarItemRedDotTsx(badge) { const clazz2 = "uni-tabbar__reddot" + (badge ? " uni-tabbar__badge" : ""); return vue.createVNode("div", { "class": clazz2 }, [badge], 2); } function createTabBarMidButtonTsx(color, iconPath, midButton, tabBar2, index2, onSwitchTab) { const { width, height, backgroundImage, iconWidth } = midButton; return vue.createVNode("div", { "key": index2, "class": "uni-tabbar__item", "style": { flex: "0 0 " + width, position: "relative" }, "onClick": onSwitchTab(midButton, index2) }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-tabbar__mid", "style": { width, height, backgroundImage: backgroundImage ? "url('" + getRealPath(backgroundImage) + "')" : "none" } }, [iconPath && vue.createVNode("img", { "style": { width: iconWidth, height: iconWidth }, "src": getRealPath(iconPath) }, null, 12, ["src"])], 4), createTabBarItemBdTsx(color, iconPath, midButton, tabBar2)], 12, ["onClick"]); } var LayoutComponent = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSystemComponent({ name: "Layout", setup(_props, { emit: emit2 }) { const keepAliveRoute = __UNI_FEATURE_PAGES__ && useKeepAliveRoute(); __UNI_FEATURE_TOPWINDOW__ && useTopWindow(); __UNI_FEATURE_LEFTWINDOW__ && useLeftWindow(); __UNI_FEATURE_RIGHTWINDOW__ && useRightWindow(); const showTabBar = __UNI_FEATURE_TABBAR__ && useShowTabBar(); const clazz2 = useAppClass(showTabBar); return () => { const layoutTsx = createLayoutTsx(keepAliveRoute); const tabBarTsx = __UNI_FEATURE_TABBAR__ && createTabBarTsx(showTabBar); return vue.createVNode("uni-app", { "class": clazz2.value }, [layoutTsx, tabBarTsx], 2); }; } }); function useAppClass(showTabBar) { const showMaxWidth = vue.ref(false); return vue.computed(() => { return { "uni-app--showtabbar": showTabBar && showTabBar.value, "uni-app--maxwidth": showMaxWidth.value }; }); } function createLayoutTsx(keepAliveRoute, topWindow, leftWindow, rightWindow) { const routerVNode = __UNI_FEATURE_PAGES__ ? createRouterViewVNode(keepAliveRoute) : createPageVNode(); if (!__UNI_FEATURE_RESPONSIVE__) { return routerVNode; } const topWindowTsx = __UNI_FEATURE_TOPWINDOW__ ? createTopWindowTsx() : null; const leftWindowTsx = __UNI_FEATURE_LEFTWINDOW__ ? createLeftWindowTsx() : null; const rightWindowTsx = __UNI_FEATURE_RIGHTWINDOW__ ? createRightWindowTsx() : null; return vue.createVNode("uni-layout", null, [topWindowTsx, vue.createVNode("uni-content", null, [vue.createVNode("uni-main", null, [routerVNode]), leftWindowTsx, rightWindowTsx])]); } function useShowTabBar(emit2) { const route = vueRouter.useRoute(); const tabBar2 = useTabBar(); const showTabBar = vue.computed(() => route.meta.isTabBar && tabBar2.shown); return showTabBar; } function createTabBarTsx(showTabBar) { return vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode(TabBar, null, null, 512), [[vue.vShow, showTabBar.value]]); } function createPageVNode() { return vue.createVNode(__uniRoutes[0].component); } function createRouterViewVNode({ routeKey, isTabBar, routeCache: routeCache2 }) { return vue.createVNode(vueRouter.RouterView, null, { default: vue.withCtx(({ Component }) => [(vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.KeepAlive, { matchBy: "key", cache: routeCache2 }, [(vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.resolveDynamicComponent(Component), { type: isTabBar.value ? "tabBar" : "", key: routeKey.value }))], 1032, ["cache"]))]), _: 1 }); } function useTopWindow() { const component = vue.resolveComponent("VUniTopWindow"); return { component, style: component.style, height: 0, show: false }; } function useLeftWindow() { const component = vue.resolveComponent("VUniLeftWindow"); return { component, style: component.style, height: 0 }; } function useRightWindow() { const component = vue.resolveComponent("VUniRightWindow"); return { component, style: component.style, height: 0 }; } function createTopWindowTsx(topWindow) { } function createLeftWindowTsx(leftWindow) { } function createRightWindowTsx(leftWindow) { } function hexToRgba(hex) { let r; let g2; let b; hex = hex.replace("#", ""); if (hex.length === 6) { r = hex.substring(0, 2); g2 = hex.substring(2, 4); b = hex.substring(4, 6); } else if (hex.length === 3) { r = hex.substring(0, 1); g2 = hex.substring(1, 2); b = hex.substring(2, 3); } else { return {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0}; } if (r.length === 1) { r += r; } if (g2.length === 1) { g2 += g2; } if (b.length === 1) { b += b; } r = parseInt(r, 16); g2 = parseInt(g2, 16); b = parseInt(b, 16); return { r, g: g2, b }; } function usePageHeadTransparentBackgroundColor(backgroundColor) { const {r, g: g2, b} = hexToRgba(backgroundColor); return `rgba(${r},${g2},${b},0)`; } function usePageHeadTransparent(headRef, { id, navigationBar: {titleColor, coverage, backgroundColor} }) { vue.computed(() => hexToRgba(backgroundColor)); } const ICON_PATHS = { none: "", forward: "M11 7.844q-0.25-0.219-0.25-0.578t0.25-0.578q0.219-0.25 0.563-0.25t0.563 0.25l9.656 9.125q0.125 0.125 0.188 0.297t0.063 0.328q0 0.188-0.063 0.359t-0.188 0.297l-9.656 9.125q-0.219 0.25-0.563 0.25t-0.563-0.25q-0.25-0.219-0.25-0.578t0.25-0.609l9.063-8.594-9.063-8.594z", back: ICON_PATH_BACK, share: "M26.563 24.844q0 0.125-0.109 0.234t-0.234 0.109h-17.938q-0.125 0-0.219-0.109t-0.094-0.234v-13.25q0-0.156 0.094-0.25t0.219-0.094h5.5v-1.531h-6q-0.531 0-0.906 0.391t-0.375 0.922v14.375q0 0.531 0.375 0.922t0.906 0.391h18.969q0.531 0 0.891-0.391t0.359-0.953v-5.156h-1.438v4.625zM29.813 10.969l-5.125-5.375-1.031 1.094 3.438 3.594-3.719 0.031q-2.313 0.188-4.344 1.125t-3.578 2.422-2.5 3.453-1.109 4.188l-0.031 0.25h1.469v-0.219q0.156-1.875 1-3.594t2.25-3.063 3.234-2.125 3.828-0.906l0.188-0.031 3.313-0.031-3.438 3.625 1.031 1.063 5.125-5.375-0.031-0.063 0.031-0.063z", favorite: "M27.594 13.375q-0.063-0.188-0.219-0.313t-0.344-0.156l-7.094-0.969-3.219-6.406q-0.094-0.188-0.25-0.281t-0.375-0.094q-0.188 0-0.344 0.094t-0.25 0.281l-3.125 6.438-7.094 1.094q-0.188 0.031-0.344 0.156t-0.219 0.313q-0.031 0.188 0.016 0.375t0.172 0.313l5.156 4.969-1.156 7.063q-0.031 0.188 0.047 0.375t0.234 0.313q0.094 0.063 0.188 0.094t0.219 0.031q0.063 0 0.141-0.031t0.172-0.063l6.313-3.375 6.375 3.313q0.063 0.031 0.141 0.047t0.172 0.016q0.188 0 0.344-0.094t0.25-0.281q0.063-0.094 0.078-0.234t-0.016-0.234q0-0.031 0-0.063l-1.25-6.938 5.094-5.031q0.156-0.156 0.203-0.344t-0.016-0.375zM11.469 19.063q0.031-0.188-0.016-0.344t-0.172-0.281l-4.406-4.25 6.063-0.906q0.156-0.031 0.297-0.125t0.203-0.25l2.688-5.531 2.75 5.5q0.063 0.156 0.203 0.25t0.297 0.125l6.094 0.844-4.375 4.281q-0.125 0.125-0.172 0.297t-0.016 0.328l1.063 6.031-5.438-2.813q-0.156-0.094-0.328-0.078t-0.297 0.078l-5.438 2.875 1-6.031z", home: "M23.719 16.5q-0.313 0-0.531 0.219t-0.219 0.5v7.063q0 0.219-0.172 0.391t-0.391 0.172h-12.344q-0.25 0-0.422-0.172t-0.172-0.391v-7.063q0-0.281-0.219-0.5t-0.531-0.219q-0.281 0-0.516 0.219t-0.234 0.5v7.063q0.031 0.844 0.625 1.453t1.438 0.609h12.375q0.844 0 1.453-0.609t0.609-1.453v-7.063q0-0.125-0.063-0.266t-0.156-0.234q-0.094-0.125-0.234-0.172t-0.297-0.047zM26.5 14.875l-8.813-8.813q-0.313-0.313-0.688-0.453t-0.781-0.141-0.781 0.141-0.656 0.422l-8.813 8.844q-0.188 0.219-0.188 0.516t0.219 0.484q0.094 0.125 0.234 0.172t0.297 0.047q0.125 0 0.25-0.047t0.25-0.141l8.781-8.781q0.156-0.156 0.406-0.156t0.406 0.156l8.813 8.781q0.219 0.188 0.516 0.188t0.516-0.219q0.188-0.188 0.203-0.484t-0.172-0.516z", menu: "M8.938 18.313q0.875 0 1.484-0.609t0.609-1.453-0.609-1.453-1.484-0.609q-0.844 0-1.453 0.609t-0.609 1.453 0.609 1.453 1.453 0.609zM16.188 18.313q0.875 0 1.484-0.609t0.609-1.453-0.609-1.453-1.484-0.609q-0.844 0-1.453 0.609t-0.609 1.453 0.609 1.453 1.453 0.609zM23.469 18.313q0.844 0 1.453-0.609t0.609-1.453-0.609-1.453-1.453-0.609q-0.875 0-1.484 0.609t-0.609 1.453 0.609 1.453 1.484 0.609z", close: ICON_PATH_CLOSE }; var PageHead = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSystemComponent({ name: "PageHead", setup() { const headRef = vue.ref(null); const pageMeta = usePageMeta(); const navigationBar = pageMeta.navigationBar; const { clazz: clazz2, style } = usePageHead(navigationBar); const buttons = __UNI_FEATURE_NAVIGATIONBAR_BUTTONS__ && usePageHeadButtons(pageMeta); const searchInput = __UNI_FEATURE_NAVIGATIONBAR_SEARCHINPUT__ && navigationBar.searchInput && usePageHeadSearchInput(pageMeta); __UNI_FEATURE_NAVIGATIONBAR_TRANSPARENT__ && navigationBar.type === "transparent" && usePageHeadTransparent(headRef, pageMeta); return () => { const backButtonTsx = __UNI_FEATURE_PAGES__ ? createBackButtonTsx(pageMeta) : null; const leftButtonsTsx = __UNI_FEATURE_NAVIGATIONBAR_BUTTONS__ ? createButtonsTsx(buttons.left) : []; const rightButtonsTsx = __UNI_FEATURE_NAVIGATIONBAR_BUTTONS__ ? createButtonsTsx(buttons.right) : []; const type = navigationBar.type || "default"; const placeholderTsx = type !== "transparent" && type !== "float" && vue.createVNode("div", { "class": { "uni-placeholder": true, "uni-placeholder-titlePenetrate": navigationBar.titlePenetrate } }, null, 2); return vue.createVNode("uni-page-head", { "uni-page-head-type": type }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "ref": headRef, "class": clazz2.value, "style": style.value }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-page-head-hd" }, [backButtonTsx, ...leftButtonsTsx]), createPageHeadBdTsx(navigationBar, searchInput), vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-page-head-ft" }, [...rightButtonsTsx])], 6), placeholderTsx], 8, ["uni-page-head-type"]); }; } }); function createBackButtonTsx(pageMeta) { const { navigationBar, isQuit } = pageMeta; if (navigationBar.backButton && !isQuit) { return vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-page-head-btn", "onClick": onPageHeadBackButton }, [createSvgIconVNode(ICON_PATH_BACK, navigationBar.type === "transparent" ? "#fff" : navigationBar.titleColor, 27)], 8, ["onClick"]); } } function createButtonsTsx(btns) { return btns.map(({ onClick, btnClass, btnStyle, btnText, btnIconPath, badgeText, iconStyle }, index2) => { return vue.createVNode("div", { "key": index2, "class": btnClass, "style": btnStyle, "onClick": onClick, "badge-text": badgeText }, [btnIconPath ? createSvgIconVNode(btnIconPath, iconStyle.color, iconStyle.fontSize) : vue.createVNode("i", { "class": "uni-btn-icon", "style": iconStyle, "innerHTML": btnText }, null, 12, ["innerHTML"])], 14, ["onClick", "badge-text"]); }); } function createPageHeadBdTsx(navigationBar, searchInput) { if (!__UNI_FEATURE_NAVIGATIONBAR_SEARCHINPUT__ || !navigationBar.searchInput) { return createPageHeadTitleTextTsx(navigationBar); } return createPageHeadSearchInputTsx(navigationBar, searchInput); } function createPageHeadTitleTextTsx({ type, loading, titleSize, titleText, titleImage }) { return vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-page-head-bd" }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "style": { fontSize: titleSize, opacity: type === "transparent" ? 0 : 1 }, "class": "uni-page-head__title" }, [loading ? vue.createVNode("i", { "class": "uni-loading" }, null) : titleImage ? vue.createVNode("img", { "src": titleImage, "class": "uni-page-head__title_image" }, null, 8, ["src"]) : titleText], 4)]); } function createPageHeadSearchInputTsx(navigationBar, { text, focus, composing, onBlur, onFocus, onInput, onKeyup, onClick }) { const { color, align, autoFocus, disabled, borderRadius, backgroundColor, placeholder, placeholderColor } = navigationBar.searchInput; const searchStyle = { borderRadius, backgroundColor }; const placeholderClass = ["uni-page-head-search-placeholder", `uni-page-head-search-placeholder-${focus.value || text.value ? "left" : align}`]; return vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-page-head-search", "style": searchStyle }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "style": { color: placeholderColor }, "class": placeholderClass }, [vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-page-head-search-icon" }, [createSvgIconVNode(ICON_PATH_SEARCH, placeholderColor, 20)]), text.value || composing.value ? "" : placeholder], 6), disabled ? vue.createVNode(Input, { "disabled": true, "style": { color }, "placeholder-style": { color: placeholderColor }, "class": "uni-page-head-search-input", "confirm-type": "search", "onClick": onClick }, null, 8, ["style", "placeholder-style", "onClick"]) : vue.createVNode(Input, { "focus": autoFocus, "style": { color }, "placeholder-style": { color: placeholderColor }, "class": "uni-page-head-search-input", "confirm-type": "search", "onFocus": onFocus, "onBlur": onBlur, "onInput": onInput, "onKeyup": onKeyup }, null, 8, ["focus", "style", "placeholder-style", "onFocus", "onBlur", "onInput", "onKeyup"])], 4); } function onPageHeadBackButton() { if (getCurrentPages().length === 1) { uni.reLaunch({ url: "/" }); } else { uni.navigateBack({ from: "backbutton" }); } } function usePageHead(navigationBar) { const clazz2 = vue.computed(() => { const { type, titlePenetrate, shadowColorType } = navigationBar; const clazz3 = { "uni-page-head": true, "uni-page-head-transparent": type === "transparent", "uni-page-head-titlePenetrate": titlePenetrate === "YES", "uni-page-head-shadow": !!shadowColorType }; if (shadowColorType) { clazz3[`uni-page-head-shadow-${shadowColorType}`] = true; } return clazz3; }); const style = vue.computed(() => { const backgroundColor = __UNI_FEATURE_NAVIGATIONBAR_TRANSPARENT__ && navigationBar.type === "transparent" ? usePageHeadTransparentBackgroundColor(navigationBar.backgroundColor) : navigationBar.backgroundColor; return { backgroundColor, color: navigationBar.titleColor, transitionDuration: navigationBar.duration, transitionTimingFunction: navigationBar.timingFunc }; }); return { clazz: clazz2, style }; } function usePageHeadButtons({ id, navigationBar }) { const left = []; const right = []; const { buttons } = navigationBar; if (shared.isArray(buttons)) { const { type } = navigationBar; const isTransparent = type === "transparent"; const fonts = Object.create(null); buttons.forEach((btn, index2) => { if (btn.fontSrc && !btn.fontFamily) { const fontSrc = getRealPath(btn.fontSrc); let fontFamily = fonts[fontSrc]; if (!fontFamily) { fontFamily = `font${Date.now()}`; fonts[fontSrc] = fontFamily; } btn.fontFamily = fontFamily; } const pageHeadBtn = usePageHeadButton(id, index2, btn, isTransparent); if (btn.float === "left") { left.push(pageHeadBtn); } else { right.push(pageHeadBtn); } }); } return { left, right }; } function usePageHeadButton(pageId, index2, btn, isTransparent) { const iconStyle = { color: btn.color, fontSize: btn.fontSize, fontWeight: btn.fontWeight }; if (btn.fontFamily) { iconStyle.fontFamily = btn.fontFamily; } return { btnClass: { "uni-page-head-btn": true, "uni-page-head-btn-red-dot": !!(btn.redDot || btn.badgeText), "uni-page-head-btn-select": !!btn.select }, btnStyle: { backgroundColor: isTransparent ? btn.background : "transparent", width: btn.width }, btnText: btn.fontSrc && btn.fontFamily ? btn.text.replace("\\u", "&#x") : btn.text, btnIconPath: ICON_PATHS[btn.type], badgeText: btn.badgeText, iconStyle, onClick() { invokeHook(pageId, "onNavigationBarButtonTap", shared.extend({ index: index2 }, btn)); } }; } function usePageHeadSearchInput({ id, navigationBar: { searchInput } }) { const focus = vue.ref(false); const text = vue.ref(""); const composing = vue.ref(false); const { disabled } = searchInput; if (disabled) { const onClick = () => { invokeHook(id, "onNavigationBarSearchInputClicked"); }; return { focus, text, composing, onClick }; } const onFocus = () => { focus.value = true; invokeHook(id, "onNavigationBarSearchInputFocusChanged", { focus: true }); }; const onBlur = () => { focus.value = false; invokeHook(id, "onNavigationBarSearchInputFocusChanged", { focus: false }); }; const onInput = (evt) => { text.value = evt.detail.value; invokeHook(id, "onNavigationBarSearchInputChanged", { text: text.value }); }; const onKeyup = (evt) => { if (evt.key === "Enter" || evt.keyCode === 13) { invokeHook(id, "onNavigationBarSearchInputConfirmed", { text: text.value }); } }; return { focus, text, composing, onFocus, onBlur, onInput, onKeyup }; } var _sfc_main = { name: "PageRefresh", setup() { const {refreshOptions} = usePageMeta(); return { offset: refreshOptions.offset, color: refreshOptions.color }; } }; const _hoisted_1 = {class: "uni-page-refresh-inner"}; const _hoisted_2 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createVNode("path", {d: "M17.65 6.35C16.2 4.9 14.21 4 12 4c-4.42 0-7.99 3.58-7.99 8s3.57 8 7.99 8c3.73 0 6.84-2.55 7.73-6h-2.08c-.82 2.33-3.04 4-5.65 4-3.31 0-6-2.69-6-6s2.69-6 6-6c1.66 0 3.14.69 4.22 1.78L13 11h7V4l-2.35 2.35z"}, null, -1); const _hoisted_3 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createVNode("path", { d: "M0 0h24v24H0z", fill: "none" }, null, -1); const _hoisted_4 = { class: "uni-page-refresh__spinner", width: "24", height: "24", viewBox: "25 25 50 50" }; function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("uni-page-refresh", null, [ vue.createVNode("div", { style: {"margin-top": $setup.offset + "px"}, class: "uni-page-refresh" }, [ vue.createVNode("div", _hoisted_1, [ (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("svg", { fill: $setup.color, class: "uni-page-refresh__icon", width: "24", height: "24", viewBox: "0 0 24 24" }, [ _hoisted_2, _hoisted_3 ], 8, ["fill"])), (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("svg", _hoisted_4, [ vue.createVNode("circle", { stroke: $setup.color, class: "uni-page-refresh__path", cx: "50", cy: "50", r: "20", fill: "none", "stroke-width": "4", "stroke-miterlimit": "10" }, null, 8, ["stroke"]) ])) ]) ], 4) ]); } _sfc_main.render = _sfc_render; var PageBody = defineSystemComponent({ name: "PageBody", setup(props2, ctx) { const pageMeta = __UNI_FEATURE_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH__ && usePageMeta(); const refreshRef = __UNI_FEATURE_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH__ && vue.ref(null); const pageRefresh = null; return () => { const pageRefreshTsx = __UNI_FEATURE_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH__ && createPageRefreshTsx(refreshRef, pageMeta); return vue.createVNode(vue.Fragment, null, [pageRefreshTsx, vue.createVNode("uni-page-wrapper", pageRefresh, [vue.createVNode("uni-page-body", null, [vue.renderSlot(ctx.slots, "default")])], 16)]); }; } }); function createPageRefreshTsx(refreshRef, pageMeta) { if (!__UNI_FEATURE_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH__ || !pageMeta.enablePullDownRefresh) { return null; } return vue.createVNode(_sfc_main, { "ref": refreshRef }, null, 512); } var index$2 = defineSystemComponent({ name: "Page", setup(_props, ctx) { const {navigationBar} = providePageMeta(getStateId()); return () => vue.createVNode("uni-page", null, __UNI_FEATURE_NAVIGATIONBAR__ && navigationBar.style !== "custom" ? [vue.createVNode(PageHead), createPageBodyVNode(ctx)] : [createPageBodyVNode(ctx)]); } }); function createPageBodyVNode(ctx) { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(PageBody, {key: 0}, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [vue.renderSlot(ctx.slots, "page")]), _: 3 }); } function reload() { window.location.reload(); } var index$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSystemComponent({ name: "AsyncError", setup() { initI18nAsyncMsgsOnce(); const { t: t2 } = useI18n(); return () => vue.createVNode("div", { "class": "uni-async-error", "onClick": reload }, [t2("uni.async.error")], 8, ["onClick"]); } }); const clazz = {class: "uni-async-loading"}; const loadingVNode = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createVNode("i", {class: "uni-loading"}, null, -1); var index = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSystemComponent({ name: "AsyncLoading", render() { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock("div", clazz, [loadingVNode]); } }); exports.AsyncErrorComponent = index$1; exports.AsyncLoadingComponent = index; exports.Audio = _sfc_main$8; exports.Button = index$q; exports.Canvas = _sfc_main$7; exports.Checkbox = index$n; exports.CheckboxGroup = index$p; exports.CoverImage = _sfc_main$2; exports.CoverView = _sfc_main$3; exports.Editor = index$m; exports.Form = index$r; exports.Friction = Friction; exports.Icon = index$l; exports.Image = index$k; exports.Input = Input; exports.Label = index$o; exports.LayoutComponent = LayoutComponent; exports.Map = index$3; exports.MovableArea = index$j; exports.MovableView = index$i; exports.Navigator = _sfc_main$6; exports.PageComponent = index$2; exports.Picker = _sfc_main$1; exports.PickerView = PickerView; exports.PickerViewColumn = PickerViewColumn; exports.Progress = index$h; exports.Radio = index$f; exports.RadioGroup = index$g; exports.ResizeSensor = ResizeSensor; exports.RichText = _sfc_main$5; exports.ScrollView = _sfc_main$4; exports.Scroller = Scroller; exports.Slider = index$e; exports.Spring = Spring; exports.Swiper = index$d; exports.SwiperItem = index$c; exports.Switch = index$b; exports.Text = index$a; exports.Textarea = index$9; exports.UniServiceJSBridge = UniServiceJSBridge$1; exports.UniViewJSBridge = UniViewJSBridge$1; exports.Video = index$5; exports.View = index$8; exports.WebView = index$4; exports.clearStorage = clearStorage; exports.clearStorageSync = clearStorageSync; exports.defineBuiltInComponent = defineBuiltInComponent; exports.defineSystemComponent = defineSystemComponent; exports.disableScrollBounce = disableScrollBounce; exports.getApp = getApp$1; exports.getContextInfo = getContextInfo; exports.getCurrentPages = getCurrentPages$1; exports.getStorage = getStorage; exports.getStorageInfo = getStorageInfo; exports.getStorageInfoSync = getStorageInfoSync; exports.getStorageSync = getStorageSync; exports.getSystemInfoSync = getSystemInfoSync; exports.initScrollBounce = initScrollBounce; exports.plugin = index$6; exports.removeStorage = removeStorage; exports.removeStorageSync = removeStorageSync; exports.request = request; exports.setStorage = setStorage; exports.setStorageSync = setStorageSync; exports.setupApp = setupApp; exports.setupPage = setupPage; exports.uni = uni$1; exports.uniFormKey = uniFormKey; exports.useAttrs = useAttrs; exports.useBooleanAttr = useBooleanAttr; exports.useContextInfo = useContextInfo; exports.useCustomEvent = useCustomEvent; exports.useNativeEvent = useNativeEvent; exports.useOn = useOn; exports.useScroller = useScroller; exports.useSubscribe = useSubscribe; exports.useTouchtrack = useTouchtrack; exports.useUserAction = useUserAction; exports.withWebEvent = withWebEvent;