import { NOOP, EMPTY_OBJ, extend, isString, isArray, capitalize, camelize, hasOwn, } from '@vue/shared' import { ConditionalExpression, isObjectExpression, isConditionalExpression, identifier, callExpression, ObjectExpression, objectExpression, ObjectProperty, SpreadElement, isObjectProperty, BlockStatement, ArrowFunctionExpression, ReturnStatement, isCallExpression, isIdentifier, isSpreadElement, Identifier, } from '@babel/types' import { DirectiveNode, ElementNode, NodeTypes, Property, RootNode, ParentNode, TemplateChildNode, TO_DISPLAY_STRING, CompilerError, helperNameMap, ExpressionNode, JSChildNode, CacheExpression, locStub, } from '@vue/compiler-core' import IdentifierGenerator from './identifier' import { CodegenRootNode, CodegenRootScope, CodegenScope, CodegenVForScope, CodegenVForScopeInit, CodegenVIfScope, CodegenVIfScopeInit, TransformOptions, } from './options' import { EXTEND } from './runtimeHelpers' import { createObjectExpression } from './ast' import { SCOPED_SLOT_IDENTIFIER } from './transforms/utils' export interface ImportItem { exp: string | ExpressionNode path: string } export type NodeTransform = ( node: RootNode | TemplateChildNode, context: TransformContext ) => void | (() => void) | (() => void)[] export type DirectiveTransform = ( dir: DirectiveNode, node: ElementNode, context: TransformContext, augmentor?: (ret: DirectiveTransformResult) => DirectiveTransformResult ) => DirectiveTransformResult interface DirectiveTransformResult { props: Property[] needRuntime?: boolean | symbol } export interface ErrorHandlingOptions { onWarn?: (warning: CompilerError) => void onError?: (error: CompilerError) => void } export const enum BindingComponentTypes { SELF = 'self', SETUP = 'setup', UNKNOWN = 'unknown', } export interface TransformContext extends Required> { selfName: string | null currentNode: RootNode | TemplateChildNode | null parent: ParentNode | null childIndex: number helpers: Map components: Set imports: ImportItem[] bindingComponents: Record< string, { type: BindingComponentTypes; name: string } > identifiers: { [name: string]: number | undefined } cached: number scopes: { vFor: number vueId: number } scope: CodegenRootScope currentScope: CodegenScope currentVueId: string vueIds: string[] inVOnce: boolean inVFor: boolean helper(name: T): T removeHelper(name: T): void helperString(name: symbol): string replaceNode(node: TemplateChildNode): void removeNode(node?: TemplateChildNode): void onNodeRemoved(): void addIdentifiers(exp: ExpressionNode | string): void removeIdentifiers(exp: ExpressionNode | string): void popScope(): CodegenScope | undefined addVIfScope(initScope: CodegenVIfScopeInit): CodegenVIfScope addVForScope(initScope: CodegenVForScopeInit): CodegenVForScope cache(exp: T, isVNode?: boolean): CacheExpression | T } export function isRootScope(scope: CodegenScope): scope is CodegenRootScope { return !isVIfScope(scope) && !isVForScope(scope) } export function isVIfScope(scope: CodegenScope): scope is CodegenVIfScope { return !!(scope as CodegenVIfScope).condition } export function isVForScope(scope: CodegenScope): scope is CodegenVForScope { return !!(scope as CodegenVForScope).source } export function isScopedSlotVFor({ source }: CodegenVForScope) { if (source.type !== NodeTypes.COMPOUND_EXPRESSION) { return false } const first = source.children[0] as ExpressionNode return ( first.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION && first.content.includes(SCOPED_SLOT_IDENTIFIER) ) } export function transform(root: CodegenRootNode, options: TransformOptions) { const context = createTransformContext(root, options) traverseNode(root, context) root.renderData = createRenderDataExpr(, context) // finalize meta information root.helpers = [...context.helpers.keys()] root.components = [...context.components] root.imports = context.imports root.cached = context.cached return context } export function traverseNode( node: RootNode | TemplateChildNode, context: TransformContext ) { context.currentNode = node // apply transform plugins const { nodeTransforms } = context const exitFns = [] for (let i = 0; i < nodeTransforms.length; i++) { const onExit = nodeTransforms[i](node, context as any) if (onExit) { if (isArray(onExit)) { exitFns.push(...onExit) } else { exitFns.push(onExit) } } if (!context.currentNode) { // node was removed return } else { // node may have been replaced node = context.currentNode } } switch (node.type) { case NodeTypes.COMMENT: // context.helper(CREATE_COMMENT) break case NodeTypes.INTERPOLATION: context.helper(TO_DISPLAY_STRING) break // for container types, further traverse downwards case NodeTypes.IF: for (let i = 0; i < node.branches.length; i++) { traverseNode(node.branches[i], context) } break case NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH: case NodeTypes.FOR: case NodeTypes.ELEMENT: case NodeTypes.ROOT: traverseChildren(node, context) break } // exit transforms context.currentNode = node let i = exitFns.length while (i--) { exitFns[i]() } } export function traverseChildren( parent: ParentNode, context: TransformContext ) { let i = 0 const nodeRemoved = () => { i-- } for (; i < parent.children.length; i++) { const child = parent.children[i] if (isString(child)) continue context.parent = parent context.childIndex = i context.onNodeRemoved = nodeRemoved traverseNode(child, context) } } function defaultOnError(error: CompilerError) { throw error } function defaultOnWarn(msg: CompilerError) { console.warn(`[Vue warn] ${msg.message}`) } export function createTransformContext( root: RootNode, { filename = '', isTS = false, inline = false, hashId = null, scopeId = null, filters = [], bindingMetadata = EMPTY_OBJ, cacheHandlers = false, prefixIdentifiers = false, skipTransformIdentifier = false, renderDataSpread = false, nodeTransforms = [], directiveTransforms = {}, miniProgram = { class: { array: true, }, slot: { fallback: false, }, directive: '', }, isBuiltInComponent = NOOP, isCustomElement = NOOP, expressionPlugins = [], onError = defaultOnError, onWarn = defaultOnWarn, }: TransformOptions ): TransformContext { const rootScope: CodegenRootScope = { id: new IdentifierGenerator(), identifiers: [], properties: [], parent: null, } function findVIfParentScope(): CodegenVForScope | CodegenRootScope { for (let i = scopes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const scope = scopes[i] if (isVForScope(scope) || isRootScope(scope)) { return scope } } return rootScope } function createScope( id: IdentifierGenerator, initScope: CodegenVIfScopeInit | CodegenVForScopeInit ) { return extend( { id, properties: [], parent: scopes[scopes.length - 1], get identifiers() { return Object.keys(identifiers) }, }, initScope ) } const vueIds: string[] = [] const identifiers = Object.create(null) const scopes: CodegenScope[] = [rootScope] const nameMatch = filename.replace(/\?.*$/, '').match(/([^/\\]+)\.\w+$/) const context: TransformContext = { // options selfName: nameMatch && capitalize(camelize(nameMatch[1])), miniProgram, isTS, inline, hashId, scopeId, filters, bindingMetadata, cacheHandlers, prefixIdentifiers, nodeTransforms, directiveTransforms, expressionPlugins, skipTransformIdentifier, renderDataSpread, isBuiltInComponent, isCustomElement, onError, onWarn, // state parent: null, childIndex: 0, helpers: new Map(), components: new Set(), imports: [], bindingComponents: Object.create(null), cached: 0, identifiers, scope: rootScope, scopes: { vFor: 0, vueId: 0, }, get currentScope() { return scopes[scopes.length - 1] }, currentNode: root, vueIds, get currentVueId() { return vueIds[vueIds.length - 1] }, inVOnce: false, get inVFor() { let parent: CodegenScope | null = scopes[scopes.length - 1] while (parent) { if (isVForScope(parent) && !isScopedSlotVFor(parent)) { return true } parent = parent.parent } return false }, // methods popScope() { return scopes.pop() }, addVIfScope(initScope) { const vIfScope = createScope( scopes[scopes.length - 1].id, extend(initScope, { parentScope: findVIfParentScope() }) ) as unknown as CodegenVIfScope scopes.push(vIfScope) return vIfScope }, addVForScope(initScope) { const vForScope = createScope( new IdentifierGenerator(), initScope ) as CodegenVForScope scopes.push(vForScope) return vForScope }, helper(name) { const count = context.helpers.get(name) || 0 context.helpers.set(name, count + 1) return name }, removeHelper(name) { const count = context.helpers.get(name) if (count) { const currentCount = count - 1 if (!currentCount) { context.helpers.delete(name) } else { context.helpers.set(name, currentCount) } } }, helperString(name) { return `_${helperNameMap[context.helper(name)]}` }, replaceNode(node) { context.parent!.children[context.childIndex] = context.currentNode = node }, removeNode(node) { if (!context.parent) { throw new Error(`Cannot remove root node.`) } const list = context.parent!.children const removalIndex = node ? list.indexOf(node) : context.currentNode ? context.childIndex : -1 /* istanbul ignore if */ if (removalIndex < 0) { throw new Error(`node being removed is not a child of current parent`) } if (!node || node === context.currentNode) { // current node removed context.currentNode = null context.onNodeRemoved() } else { // sibling node removed if (context.childIndex > removalIndex) { context.childIndex-- context.onNodeRemoved() } } context.parent!.children.splice(removalIndex, 1) }, onNodeRemoved: () => {}, addIdentifiers(exp) { if (isString(exp)) { addId(exp) } else if (exp.identifiers) { exp.identifiers.forEach(addId) } else if (exp.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION) { addId(exp.content) } }, removeIdentifiers(exp) { if (isString(exp)) { removeId(exp) } else if (exp.identifiers) { exp.identifiers.forEach(removeId) } else if (exp.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION) { removeId(exp.content) } }, cache(exp, isVNode = false) { return createCacheExpression(context.cached++, exp, isVNode) }, } function addId(id: string) { const { identifiers } = context if (identifiers[id] === undefined) { identifiers[id] = 0 } identifiers[id]!++ } function removeId(id: string) { context.identifiers[id]!-- } return context } function createCacheExpression( index: number, value: JSChildNode, isVNode: boolean = false ): CacheExpression { return { type: NodeTypes.JS_CACHE_EXPRESSION, index, value, isVNode, loc: locStub, } } export declare type StructuralDirectiveTransform = ( node: ElementNode, dir: DirectiveNode, context: TransformContext ) => void | (() => void) export function createStructuralDirectiveTransform( name: string | RegExp, fn: StructuralDirectiveTransform ): NodeTransform { const matches = isString(name) ? (n: string) => n === name : (n: string) => name.test(n) return (node, context) => { if (node.type === NodeTypes.ELEMENT) { const { props } = node // structural directive transforms are not concerned with slots // as they are handled separately in vSlot.ts // if (node.tagType === ElementTypes.TEMPLATE && props.some(isVSlot)) { // return // } const exitFns = [] for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { const prop = props[i] if (prop.type === NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE && matches( { // structural directives are removed to avoid infinite recursion // also we remove them *before* applying so that it can further // traverse itself in case it moves the node around props.splice(i, 1) i-- const onExit = fn(node, prop, context) if (onExit) exitFns.push(onExit) } } return exitFns } } } function createRenderDataExpr( properties: (ObjectProperty | SpreadElement)[], context: TransformContext ) { const objExpr = createObjectExpression(properties) if (context.renderDataSpread || !hasSpreadElement(objExpr)) { return objExpr } return transformObjectSpreadExpr(objExpr, context) } function hasSpreadElement(expr: ObjectExpression): boolean { return => { if (isSpreadElement(prop)) { return true } else { const returnStatement = parseReturnStatement(prop as ObjectProperty) if (returnStatement) { return hasSpreadElement(returnStatement.argument as ObjectExpression) } } }) } // 目前硬编码识别 _f,应该读取 context.helperString const returnObjExprMap = { _f: 1, // _f(_ctx.items,()=>{return {}}) _w: 0, // _w(()=>{return {}}) } function parseReturnStatement(prop: ObjectProperty) { if ( isObjectProperty(prop) && isCallExpression(prop.value) && isIdentifier(prop.value.callee) ) { const { name } = prop.value.callee as Identifier if (hasOwn(returnObjExprMap, name)) { return ( ( prop.value.arguments[ returnObjExprMap[name] ] as ArrowFunctionExpression ).body as BlockStatement ).body[0] as ReturnStatement } } } function transformObjectPropertyExpr( prop: ObjectProperty, context: TransformContext ) { // vFor,withScopedSlot const returnStatement = parseReturnStatement(prop) if (returnStatement) { const objExpr = returnStatement.argument as ObjectExpression if (hasSpreadElement(objExpr)) { returnStatement.argument = transformObjectSpreadExpr(objExpr, context) } } return prop } function transformObjectSpreadExpr( objExpr: ObjectExpression, context: TransformContext ) { const properties = as (ObjectProperty | SpreadElement)[] const args: (ObjectExpression | ConditionalExpression)[] = [] let objExprProperties: ObjectProperty[] = [] properties.forEach((prop) => { if (isObjectProperty(prop)) { objExprProperties.push(transformObjectPropertyExpr(prop, context)) } else { if (objExprProperties.length) { args.push(objectExpression(objExprProperties)) } args.push( transformConditionalExpression( prop.argument as ConditionalExpression, context ) ) objExprProperties = [] } }) if (objExprProperties.length) { args.push(objectExpression(objExprProperties)) } if (args.length === 1) { return args[0] as ObjectExpression } return callExpression(identifier(context.helperString(EXTEND)), args) } function transformConditionalExpression( expr: ConditionalExpression, context: TransformContext ) { const { consequent, alternate } = expr if (isObjectExpression(consequent) && hasSpreadElement(consequent)) { expr.consequent = transformObjectSpreadExpr(consequent, context) } if (isObjectExpression(alternate)) { if (hasSpreadElement(alternate)) { expr.alternate = transformObjectSpreadExpr(alternate, context) } } else if (isConditionalExpression(alternate)) { transformConditionalExpression(alternate, context) } return expr }