import { isHTMLTag, isSVGTag, hyphenate, camelize, normalizeStyle as normalizeStyle$1, isString, parseStringStyle, isArray, normalizeClass as normalizeClass$1, isFunction, isPlainObject, extend, capitalize } from '@vue/shared'; const BUILT_IN_TAG_NAMES = [ 'ad', 'ad-content-page', 'ad-draw', 'audio', 'button', 'camera', 'canvas', 'checkbox', 'checkbox-group', 'cover-image', 'cover-view', 'editor', 'form', 'functional-page-navigator', 'icon', 'image', 'input', 'label', 'live-player', 'live-pusher', 'map', 'movable-area', 'movable-view', 'navigator', 'official-account', 'open-data', 'picker', 'picker-view', 'picker-view-column', 'progress', 'radio', 'radio-group', 'rich-text', 'scroll-view', 'slider', 'swiper', 'swiper-item', 'switch', 'text', 'textarea', 'video', 'view', 'web-view', ]; const BUILT_IN_TAGS = => 'uni-' + tag); const TAGS = [ 'app', 'layout', 'content', 'main', 'top-window', 'left-window', 'right-window', 'tabbar', 'page', 'page-head', 'page-wrapper', 'page-body', 'page-refresh', 'actionsheet', 'modal', 'toast', 'resize-sensor', 'shadow-root', ].map((tag) => 'uni-' + tag); const NVUE_BUILT_IN_TAGS = [ 'svg', 'view', 'a', 'div', 'img', 'image', 'text', 'span', 'input', 'textarea', 'spinner', 'select', // slider 被自定义 u-slider 替代 // 'slider', 'slider-neighbor', 'indicator', 'canvas', 'list', 'cell', 'header', 'loading', 'loading-indicator', 'refresh', 'scrollable', 'scroller', 'video', 'web', 'embed', 'tabbar', 'tabheader', 'datepicker', 'timepicker', 'marquee', 'countdown', 'dc-switch', 'waterfall', 'richtext', 'recycle-list', 'u-scalable', 'barcode', 'gcanvas', ]; const UVUE_BUILT_IN_TAGS = [ 'loading-indicator', 'list-view', 'list-item', 'swiper', 'swiper-item', 'rich-text', 'sticky-view', 'sticky-header', 'sticky-section', // 自定义 'uni-slider', // 原生实现 'button', 'nested-scroll-header', 'nested-scroll-body', ]; const UVUE_WEB_BUILT_IN_TAGS = [ 'list-view', 'list-item', 'sticky-section', 'sticky-header', 'cloud-db-element', ].map((tag) => 'uni-' + tag); const UVUE_IOS_BUILT_IN_TAGS = [ 'scroll-view', 'web-view', 'slider', 'form', 'switch', ]; const NVUE_U_BUILT_IN_TAGS = [ 'u-text', 'u-image', 'u-input', 'u-textarea', 'u-video', 'u-web-view', 'u-slider', 'u-ad', 'u-ad-draw', 'u-rich-text', ]; const UNI_UI_CONFLICT_TAGS = ['list-item'].map((tag) => 'uni-' + tag); function isBuiltInComponent(tag) { if (UNI_UI_CONFLICT_TAGS.indexOf(tag) !== -1) { return false; } // h5 平台会被转换为 v-uni- const realTag = 'uni-' + tag.replace('v-uni-', ''); // TODO 区分x和非x return (BUILT_IN_TAGS.indexOf(realTag) !== -1 || UVUE_WEB_BUILT_IN_TAGS.indexOf(realTag) !== -1); } function isH5CustomElement(tag, isX = false) { if (isX && UVUE_WEB_BUILT_IN_TAGS.indexOf(tag) !== -1) { return true; } return TAGS.indexOf(tag) !== -1 || BUILT_IN_TAGS.indexOf(tag) !== -1; } function isUniXElement(name) { return /^I?Uni.*Element(?:Impl)?$/.test(name); } function isH5NativeTag(tag) { return (tag !== 'head' && (isHTMLTag(tag) || isSVGTag(tag)) && !isBuiltInComponent(tag)); } function isAppNativeTag(tag) { return isHTMLTag(tag) || isSVGTag(tag) || isBuiltInComponent(tag); } const NVUE_CUSTOM_COMPONENTS = [ 'ad', 'ad-draw', 'button', 'checkbox-group', 'checkbox', 'form', 'icon', 'label', 'movable-area', 'movable-view', 'navigator', 'picker', 'progress', 'radio-group', 'radio', 'rich-text', 'swiper-item', 'swiper', 'switch', 'slider', 'picker-view', 'picker-view-column', ]; function isAppUVueNativeTag(tag) { // 前端实现的内置组件都会注册一个根组件 if (tag.startsWith('uni-') && tag.endsWith('-element')) { return true; } if (UVUE_BUILT_IN_TAGS.includes(tag)) { return true; } if (NVUE_CUSTOM_COMPONENTS.includes(tag)) { return false; } if (isBuiltInComponent(tag)) { return true; } // u-text,u-video... if (NVUE_U_BUILT_IN_TAGS.includes(tag)) { return true; } return false; } function isAppIOSUVueNativeTag(tag) { // 前端实现的内置组件都会注册一个根组件 if (tag.startsWith('uni-') && tag.endsWith('-element')) { return true; } if (NVUE_BUILT_IN_TAGS.includes(tag)) { return true; } if (UVUE_BUILT_IN_TAGS.includes(tag)) { return true; } if (UVUE_IOS_BUILT_IN_TAGS.includes(tag)) { return true; } return false; } function isAppNVueNativeTag(tag) { if (NVUE_BUILT_IN_TAGS.includes(tag)) { return true; } if (NVUE_CUSTOM_COMPONENTS.includes(tag)) { return false; } if (isBuiltInComponent(tag)) { return true; } // u-text,u-video... if (NVUE_U_BUILT_IN_TAGS.includes(tag)) { return true; } return false; } function isMiniProgramNativeTag(tag) { return isBuiltInComponent(tag); } function createIsCustomElement(tags = []) { return function isCustomElement(tag) { return tags.includes(tag); }; } function isComponentTag(tag) { return tag[0].toLowerCase() + tag.slice(1) === 'component'; } const COMPONENT_SELECTOR_PREFIX = 'uni-'; const COMPONENT_PREFIX = 'v-' + COMPONENT_SELECTOR_PREFIX; const LINEFEED = '\n'; const NAVBAR_HEIGHT = 44; const TABBAR_HEIGHT = 50; const ON_REACH_BOTTOM_DISTANCE = 50; const RESPONSIVE_MIN_WIDTH = 768; const UNI_STORAGE_LOCALE = 'UNI_LOCALE'; // quickapp-webview 不能使用 default 作为插槽名称 const SLOT_DEFAULT_NAME = 'd'; const COMPONENT_NAME_PREFIX = 'VUni'; const I18N_JSON_DELIMITERS = ['%', '%']; const PRIMARY_COLOR = '#007aff'; const SELECTED_COLOR = '#0062cc'; // 选中的颜色,如选项卡默认的选中颜色 const BACKGROUND_COLOR = '#f7f7f7'; // 背景色,如标题栏默认背景色 const UNI_SSR = '__uniSSR'; const UNI_SSR_TITLE = 'title'; const UNI_SSR_STORE = 'store'; const UNI_SSR_DATA = 'data'; const UNI_SSR_GLOBAL_DATA = 'globalData'; const SCHEME_RE = /^([a-z-]+:)?\/\//i; const DATA_RE = /^data:.*,.*/; const WEB_INVOKE_APPSERVICE = 'WEB_INVOKE_APPSERVICE'; const WXS_PROTOCOL = 'wxs://'; const JSON_PROTOCOL = 'json://'; const WXS_MODULES = 'wxsModules'; const RENDERJS_MODULES = 'renderjsModules'; // lifecycle // App and Page const ON_SHOW = 'onShow'; const ON_HIDE = 'onHide'; //App const ON_LAUNCH = 'onLaunch'; const ON_ERROR = 'onError'; const ON_THEME_CHANGE = 'onThemeChange'; const OFF_THEME_CHANGE = 'offThemeChange'; const ON_KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_CHANGE = 'onKeyboardHeightChange'; const ON_PAGE_NOT_FOUND = 'onPageNotFound'; const ON_UNHANDLE_REJECTION = 'onUnhandledRejection'; const ON_EXIT = 'onExit'; //Page const ON_LOAD = 'onLoad'; const ON_READY = 'onReady'; const ON_UNLOAD = 'onUnload'; // 百度特有 const ON_INIT = 'onInit'; // 微信特有 const ON_SAVE_EXIT_STATE = 'onSaveExitState'; const ON_RESIZE = 'onResize'; const ON_BACK_PRESS = 'onBackPress'; const ON_PAGE_SCROLL = 'onPageScroll'; const ON_TAB_ITEM_TAP = 'onTabItemTap'; const ON_REACH_BOTTOM = 'onReachBottom'; const ON_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH = 'onPullDownRefresh'; const ON_SHARE_TIMELINE = 'onShareTimeline'; const ON_ADD_TO_FAVORITES = 'onAddToFavorites'; const ON_SHARE_APP_MESSAGE = 'onShareAppMessage'; // navigationBar const ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_BUTTON_TAP = 'onNavigationBarButtonTap'; const ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_CHANGE = 'onNavigationBarChange'; const ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_CLICKED = 'onNavigationBarSearchInputClicked'; const ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_CHANGED = 'onNavigationBarSearchInputChanged'; const ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_CONFIRMED = 'onNavigationBarSearchInputConfirmed'; const ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_FOCUS_CHANGED = 'onNavigationBarSearchInputFocusChanged'; // framework const ON_APP_ENTER_FOREGROUND = 'onAppEnterForeground'; const ON_APP_ENTER_BACKGROUND = 'onAppEnterBackground'; const ON_WEB_INVOKE_APP_SERVICE = 'onWebInvokeAppService'; const ON_WXS_INVOKE_CALL_METHOD = 'onWxsInvokeCallMethod'; function isComponentInternalInstance(vm) { return !!vm.appContext; } function resolveComponentInstance(instance) { return (instance && (isComponentInternalInstance(instance) ? instance.proxy : instance)); } function resolveOwnerVm(vm) { if (!vm) { return; } let componentName =; while (componentName && isBuiltInComponent(hyphenate(componentName))) { // ownerInstance 内置组件需要使用父 vm vm = vm.parent; componentName =; } return vm.proxy; } function isElement(el) { // Element return el.nodeType === 1; } function resolveOwnerEl(instance, multi = false) { const { vnode } = instance; if (isElement(vnode.el)) { return multi ? (vnode.el ? [vnode.el] : []) : vnode.el; } const { subTree } = instance; // ShapeFlags.ARRAY_CHILDREN = 1<<4 if (subTree.shapeFlag & 16) { const elemVNodes = subTree.children.filter((vnode) => vnode.el && isElement(vnode.el)); if (elemVNodes.length > 0) { if (multi) { return => node.el); } return elemVNodes[0].el; } } return multi ? (vnode.el ? [vnode.el] : []) : vnode.el; } function dynamicSlotName(name) { return name === 'default' ? SLOT_DEFAULT_NAME : name; } const customizeRE = /:/g; function customizeEvent(str) { return camelize(str.replace(customizeRE, '-')); } function normalizeStyle(value) { if (value instanceof Map) { const styleObject = {}; value.forEach((value, key) => { styleObject[key] = value; }); return normalizeStyle$1(styleObject); } else if (isString(value)) { return parseStringStyle(value); } else if (isArray(value)) { const res = {}; for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { const item = value[i]; const normalized = isString(item) ? parseStringStyle(item) : normalizeStyle(item); if (normalized) { for (const key in normalized) { res[key] = normalized[key]; } } } return res; } else { return normalizeStyle$1(value); } } function normalizeClass(value) { let res = ''; if (value instanceof Map) { value.forEach((value, key) => { if (value) { res += key + ' '; } }); } else if (isArray(value)) { for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { const normalized = normalizeClass(value[i]); if (normalized) { res += normalized + ' '; } } } else { res = normalizeClass$1(value); } return res.trim(); } function normalizeProps(props) { if (!props) return null; let { class: klass, style } = props; if (klass && !isString(klass)) { props.class = normalizeClass(klass); } if (style) { = normalizeStyle(style); } return props; } let lastLogTime = 0; function formatLog(module, ...args) { const now =; const diff = lastLogTime ? now - lastLogTime : 0; lastLogTime = now; return `[${now}][${diff}ms][${module}]:${args .map((arg) => JSON.stringify(arg)) .join(' ')}`; } function cache(fn) { const cache = Object.create(null); return (str) => { const hit = cache[str]; return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str)); }; } function cacheStringFunction(fn) { return cache(fn); } function getLen(str = '') { return ('' + str).replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g, '**').length; } function hasLeadingSlash(str) { return str.indexOf('/') === 0; } function addLeadingSlash(str) { return hasLeadingSlash(str) ? str : '/' + str; } function removeLeadingSlash(str) { return hasLeadingSlash(str) ? str.slice(1) : str; } const invokeArrayFns = (fns, arg) => { let ret; for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { ret = fns[i](arg); } return ret; }; function updateElementStyle(element, styles) { for (const attrName in styles) {[attrName] = styles[attrName]; } } function once(fn, ctx = null) { let res; return ((...args) => { if (fn) { res = fn.apply(ctx, args); fn = null; } return res; }); } const sanitise = (val) => (val && JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(val))) || val; const _completeValue = (value) => (value > 9 ? value : '0' + value); function formatDateTime({ date = new Date(), mode = 'date' }) { if (mode === 'time') { return (_completeValue(date.getHours()) + ':' + _completeValue(date.getMinutes())); } else { return (date.getFullYear() + '-' + _completeValue(date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + _completeValue(date.getDate())); } } function callOptions(options, data) { options = options || {}; if (isString(data)) { data = { errMsg: data, }; } if (/:ok$/.test(data.errMsg)) { if (isFunction(options.success)) { options.success(data); } } else { if (isFunction( {; } } if (isFunction(options.complete)) { options.complete(data); } } function getValueByDataPath(obj, path) { if (!isString(path)) { return; } path = path.replace(/\[(\d+)\]/g, '.$1'); const parts = path.split('.'); let key = parts[0]; if (!obj) { obj = {}; } if (parts.length === 1) { return obj[key]; } return getValueByDataPath(obj[key], parts.slice(1).join('.')); } function sortObject(obj) { let sortObj = {}; if (isPlainObject(obj)) { Object.keys(obj) .sort() .forEach((key) => { const _key = key; sortObj[_key] = obj[_key]; }); } return !Object.keys(sortObj) ? obj : sortObj; } function formatKey(key) { return camelize(key.substring(5)); } // question/139181,增加副作用,避免 initCustomDataset 在 build 下被 tree-shaking const initCustomDatasetOnce = /*#__PURE__*/ once(() => { const prototype = HTMLElement.prototype; const setAttribute = prototype.setAttribute; prototype.setAttribute = function (key, value) { if (key.startsWith('data-') && this.tagName.startsWith('UNI-')) { const dataset = this.__uniDataset || (this.__uniDataset = {}); dataset[formatKey(key)] = value; }, key, value); }; const removeAttribute = prototype.removeAttribute; prototype.removeAttribute = function (key) { if (this.__uniDataset && key.startsWith('data-') && this.tagName.startsWith('UNI-')) { delete this.__uniDataset[formatKey(key)]; }, key); }; }); function getCustomDataset(el) { return extend({}, el.dataset, el.__uniDataset); } const unitRE = new RegExp(`"[^"]+"|'[^']+'|url\\([^)]+\\)|(\\d*\\.?\\d+)[r|u]px`, 'g'); function toFixed(number, precision) { const multiplier = Math.pow(10, precision + 1); const wholeNumber = Math.floor(number * multiplier); return (Math.round(wholeNumber / 10) * 10) / multiplier; } const defaultRpx2Unit = { unit: 'rem', unitRatio: 10 / 320, unitPrecision: 5, }; const defaultMiniProgramRpx2Unit = { unit: 'rpx', unitRatio: 1, unitPrecision: 1, }; const defaultNVueRpx2Unit = defaultMiniProgramRpx2Unit; function createRpx2Unit(unit, unitRatio, unitPrecision) { // ignore: rpxCalcIncludeWidth return (val) => val.replace(unitRE, (m, $1) => { if (!$1) { return m; } if (unitRatio === 1) { return `${$1}${unit}`; } const value = toFixed(parseFloat($1) * unitRatio, unitPrecision); return value === 0 ? '0' : `${value}${unit}`; }); } function passive(passive) { return { passive }; } function normalizeDataset(el) { // TODO return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(el.dataset || {})); } function normalizeTarget(el) { const { id, offsetTop, offsetLeft } = el; return { id, dataset: getCustomDataset(el), offsetTop, offsetLeft, }; } function addFont(family, source, desc) { const fonts = document.fonts; if (fonts) { const fontFace = new FontFace(family, source, desc); return fontFace.load().then(() => { fonts.add && fonts.add(fontFace); }); } return new Promise((resolve) => { const style = document.createElement('style'); const values = []; if (desc) { const { style, weight, stretch, unicodeRange, variant, featureSettings } = desc; style && values.push(`font-style:${style}`); weight && values.push(`font-weight:${weight}`); stretch && values.push(`font-stretch:${stretch}`); unicodeRange && values.push(`unicode-range:${unicodeRange}`); variant && values.push(`font-variant:${variant}`); featureSettings && values.push(`font-feature-settings:${featureSettings}`); } style.innerText = `@font-face{font-family:"${family}";src:${source};${values.join(';')}}`; document.head.appendChild(style); resolve(); }); } function scrollTo(scrollTop, duration, isH5) { if (isString(scrollTop)) { const el = document.querySelector(scrollTop); if (el) { const { top } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); scrollTop = top + window.pageYOffset; // 如果存在,减去 高度 const pageHeader = document.querySelector('uni-page-head'); if (pageHeader) { scrollTop -= pageHeader.offsetHeight; } } } if (scrollTop < 0) { scrollTop = 0; } const documentElement = document.documentElement; const { clientHeight, scrollHeight } = documentElement; scrollTop = Math.min(scrollTop, scrollHeight - clientHeight); if (duration === 0) { // 部分浏览器(比如微信)中 scrollTop 的值需要通过 document.body 来控制 documentElement.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop = scrollTop; return; } if (window.scrollY === scrollTop) { return; } const scrollTo = (duration) => { if (duration <= 0) { window.scrollTo(0, scrollTop); return; } const distaince = scrollTop - window.scrollY; requestAnimationFrame(function () { window.scrollTo(0, window.scrollY + (distaince / duration) * 10); scrollTo(duration - 10); }); }; scrollTo(duration); } const encode = encodeURIComponent; function stringifyQuery(obj, encodeStr = encode) { const res = obj ? Object.keys(obj) .map((key) => { let val = obj[key]; if (typeof val === undefined || val === null) { val = ''; } else if (isPlainObject(val)) { val = JSON.stringify(val); } return encodeStr(key) + '=' + encodeStr(val); }) .filter((x) => x.length > 0) .join('&') : null; return res ? `?${res}` : ''; } /** * Decode text using `decodeURIComponent`. Returns the original text if it * fails. * * @param text - string to decode * @returns decoded string */ function decode(text) { try { return decodeURIComponent('' + text); } catch (err) { } return '' + text; } function decodedQuery(query = {}) { const decodedQuery = {}; Object.keys(query).forEach((name) => { try { decodedQuery[name] = decode(query[name]); } catch (e) { decodedQuery[name] = query[name]; } }); return decodedQuery; } const PLUS_RE = /\+/g; // %2B /** * * @internal * * @param search - search string to parse * @returns a query object */ function parseQuery(search) { const query = {}; // avoid creating an object with an empty key and empty value // because of split('&') if (search === '' || search === '?') return query; const hasLeadingIM = search[0] === '?'; const searchParams = (hasLeadingIM ? search.slice(1) : search).split('&'); for (let i = 0; i < searchParams.length; ++i) { // pre decode the + into space const searchParam = searchParams[i].replace(PLUS_RE, ' '); // allow the = character let eqPos = searchParam.indexOf('='); let key = decode(eqPos < 0 ? searchParam : searchParam.slice(0, eqPos)); let value = eqPos < 0 ? null : decode(searchParam.slice(eqPos + 1)); if (key in query) { // an extra variable for ts types let currentValue = query[key]; if (!isArray(currentValue)) { currentValue = query[key] = [currentValue]; } currentValue.push(value); } else { query[key] = value; } } return query; } function parseUrl(url) { const [path, querystring] = url.split('?', 2); return { path, query: parseQuery(querystring || ''), }; } function parseNVueDataset(attr) { const dataset = {}; if (attr) { Object.keys(attr).forEach((key) => { if (key.indexOf('data-') === 0) { dataset[key.replace('data-', '')] = attr[key]; } }); } return dataset; } function plusReady(callback) { if (!isFunction(callback)) { return; } if ( { return callback(); } document.addEventListener('plusready', callback); } class DOMException extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); = 'DOMException'; } } function normalizeEventType(type, options) { if (options) { if (options.capture) { type += 'Capture'; } if (options.once) { type += 'Once'; } if (options.passive) { type += 'Passive'; } } return `on${capitalize(camelize(type))}`; } class UniEvent { constructor(type, opts) { this.defaultPrevented = false; this.timeStamp =; this._stop = false; this._end = false; this.type = type; this.bubbles = !!opts.bubbles; this.cancelable = !!opts.cancelable; } preventDefault() { this.defaultPrevented = true; } stopImmediatePropagation() { this._end = this._stop = true; } stopPropagation() { this._stop = true; } } function createUniEvent(evt) { if (evt instanceof UniEvent) { return evt; } const [type] = parseEventName(evt.type); const uniEvent = new UniEvent(type, { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, }); extend(uniEvent, evt); return uniEvent; } class UniEventTarget { constructor() { this.listeners = Object.create(null); } dispatchEvent(evt) { const listeners = this.listeners[evt.type]; if (!listeners) { if ((process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')) { console.error(formatLog('dispatchEvent', this.nodeId), evt.type, 'not found'); } return false; } // 格式化事件类型 const event = createUniEvent(evt); const len = listeners.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { listeners[i].call(this, event); if (event._end) { break; } } return event.cancelable && event.defaultPrevented; } addEventListener(type, listener, options) { type = normalizeEventType(type, options); (this.listeners[type] || (this.listeners[type] = [])).push(listener); } removeEventListener(type, callback, options) { type = normalizeEventType(type, options); const listeners = this.listeners[type]; if (!listeners) { return; } const index = listeners.indexOf(callback); if (index > -1) { listeners.splice(index, 1); } } } const optionsModifierRE = /(?:Once|Passive|Capture)$/; function parseEventName(name) { let options; if (optionsModifierRE.test(name)) { options = {}; let m; while ((m = name.match(optionsModifierRE))) { name = name.slice(0, name.length - m[0].length); options[m[0].toLowerCase()] = true; } } return [hyphenate(name.slice(2)), options]; } const EventModifierFlags = /*#__PURE__*/ (() => { return { stop: 1, prevent: 1 << 1, self: 1 << 2, }; })(); function encodeModifier(modifiers) { let flag = 0; if (modifiers.includes('stop')) { flag |= EventModifierFlags.stop; } if (modifiers.includes('prevent')) { flag |= EventModifierFlags.prevent; } if (modifiers.includes('self')) { flag |= EventModifierFlags.self; } return flag; } const NODE_TYPE_PAGE = 0; const NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT = 1; const NODE_TYPE_TEXT = 3; const NODE_TYPE_COMMENT = 8; function sibling(node, type) { const { parentNode } = node; if (!parentNode) { return null; } const { childNodes } = parentNode; return childNodes[childNodes.indexOf(node) + (type === 'n' ? 1 : -1)] || null; } function removeNode(node) { const { parentNode } = node; if (parentNode) { const { childNodes } = parentNode; const index = childNodes.indexOf(node); if (index > -1) { node.parentNode = null; childNodes.splice(index, 1); } } } function checkNodeId(node) { if (!node.nodeId && node.pageNode) { node.nodeId = node.pageNode.genId(); } } // 为优化性能,各平台不使用proxy来实现node的操作拦截,而是直接通过pageNode定制 class UniNode extends UniEventTarget { constructor(nodeType, nodeName, container) { super(); this.pageNode = null; this.parentNode = null; this._text = null; if (container) { const { pageNode } = container; if (pageNode) { this.pageNode = pageNode; this.nodeId = pageNode.genId(); !pageNode.isUnmounted && pageNode.onCreate(this, nodeName); } } this.nodeType = nodeType; this.nodeName = nodeName; this.childNodes = []; } get firstChild() { return this.childNodes[0] || null; } get lastChild() { const { childNodes } = this; const length = childNodes.length; return length ? childNodes[length - 1] : null; } get nextSibling() { return sibling(this, 'n'); } get nodeValue() { return null; } set nodeValue(_val) { } get textContent() { return this._text || ''; } set textContent(text) { this._text = text; if (this.pageNode && !this.pageNode.isUnmounted) { this.pageNode.onTextContent(this, text); } } get parentElement() { const { parentNode } = this; if (parentNode && parentNode.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT) { return parentNode; } return null; } get previousSibling() { return sibling(this, 'p'); } appendChild(newChild) { return this.insertBefore(newChild, null); } cloneNode(deep) { const cloned = extend(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this)), this); const { attributes } = cloned; if (attributes) { cloned.attributes = extend({}, attributes); } if (deep) { cloned.childNodes = => childNode.cloneNode(true)); } return cloned; } insertBefore(newChild, refChild) { // 先从现在的父节点移除(注意:不能触发onRemoveChild,否则会生成先remove该 id,再 insert) removeNode(newChild); newChild.pageNode = this.pageNode; newChild.parentNode = this; checkNodeId(newChild); const { childNodes } = this; if (refChild) { const index = childNodes.indexOf(refChild); if (index === -1) { throw new DOMException(`Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node.`); } childNodes.splice(index, 0, newChild); } else { childNodes.push(newChild); } return this.pageNode && !this.pageNode.isUnmounted ? this.pageNode.onInsertBefore(this, newChild, refChild) : newChild; } removeChild(oldChild) { const { childNodes } = this; const index = childNodes.indexOf(oldChild); if (index === -1) { throw new DOMException(`Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.`); } oldChild.parentNode = null; childNodes.splice(index, 1); return this.pageNode && !this.pageNode.isUnmounted ? this.pageNode.onRemoveChild(oldChild) : oldChild; } } const ATTR_CLASS = 'class'; const ATTR_STYLE = 'style'; const ATTR_INNER_HTML = 'innerHTML'; const ATTR_TEXT_CONTENT = 'textContent'; const ATTR_V_SHOW = '.vShow'; const ATTR_V_OWNER_ID = '.vOwnerId'; const ATTR_V_RENDERJS = '.vRenderjs'; const ATTR_CHANGE_PREFIX = 'change:'; class UniBaseNode extends UniNode { constructor(nodeType, nodeName, container) { super(nodeType, nodeName, container); this.attributes = Object.create(null); = null; this.vShow = null; this._html = null; } get className() { return (this.attributes[ATTR_CLASS] || ''); } set className(val) { this.setAttribute(ATTR_CLASS, val); } get innerHTML() { return ''; } set innerHTML(html) { this._html = html; } addEventListener(type, listener, options) { super.addEventListener(type, listener, options); if (this.pageNode && !this.pageNode.isUnmounted) { if (listener.wxsEvent) { this.pageNode.onAddWxsEvent(this, normalizeEventType(type, options), listener.wxsEvent, encodeModifier(listener.modifiers || [])); } else { this.pageNode.onAddEvent(this, normalizeEventType(type, options), encodeModifier(listener.modifiers || [])); } } } removeEventListener(type, callback, options) { super.removeEventListener(type, callback, options); if (this.pageNode && !this.pageNode.isUnmounted) { this.pageNode.onRemoveEvent(this, normalizeEventType(type, options)); } } getAttribute(qualifiedName) { if (qualifiedName === ATTR_STYLE) { return; } return this.attributes[qualifiedName]; } removeAttribute(qualifiedName) { if (qualifiedName == ATTR_STYLE) { = null; } else { delete this.attributes[qualifiedName]; } if (this.pageNode && !this.pageNode.isUnmounted) { this.pageNode.onRemoveAttribute(this, qualifiedName); } } setAttribute(qualifiedName, value) { if (qualifiedName === ATTR_STYLE) { = value; } else { this.attributes[qualifiedName] = value; } if (this.pageNode && !this.pageNode.isUnmounted) { this.pageNode.onSetAttribute(this, qualifiedName, value); } } toJSON({ attr, normalize, } = {}) { const { attributes, style, listeners, _text } = this; const res = {}; if (Object.keys(attributes).length) { res.a = normalize ? normalize(attributes) : attributes; } const events = Object.keys(listeners); if (events.length) { let w = undefined; const e = {}; events.forEach((name) => { const handlers = listeners[name]; if (handlers.length) { // 可能存在多个 handler 且不同 modifiers 吗? const { wxsEvent, modifiers } = handlers[0]; const modifier = encodeModifier(modifiers || []); if (!wxsEvent) { e[name] = modifier; } else { if (!w) { w = {}; } w[name] = [normalize ? normalize(wxsEvent) : wxsEvent, modifier]; } } }); res.e = normalize ? normalize(e, false) : e; if (w) { res.w = normalize ? normalize(w, false) : w; } } if (style !== null) { res.s = normalize ? normalize(style) : style; } if (!attr) { res.i = this.nodeId; res.n = this.nodeName; } if (_text !== null) { res.t = normalize ? normalize(_text) : _text; } return res; } } class UniCommentNode extends UniNode { constructor(text, container) { super(NODE_TYPE_COMMENT, '#comment', container); this._text = (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') ? text : ''; } toJSON(opts = {}) { // 暂时不传递 text 到 view 层,没啥意义,节省点数据量 return opts.attr ? {} : { i: this.nodeId, }; // return opts.attr // ? { t: this._text as string } // : { // i: this.nodeId!, // t: this._text as string, // } } } class UniElement extends UniBaseNode { constructor(nodeName, container) { super(NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT, nodeName.toUpperCase(), container); this.tagName = this.nodeName; } } class UniInputElement extends UniElement { get value() { return this.getAttribute('value'); } set value(val) { this.setAttribute('value', val); } } class UniTextAreaElement extends UniInputElement { } class UniTextNode extends UniBaseNode { constructor(text, container) { super(NODE_TYPE_TEXT, '#text', container); this._text = text; } get nodeValue() { return this._text || ''; } set nodeValue(text) { this._text = text; if (this.pageNode && !this.pageNode.isUnmounted) { this.pageNode.onNodeValue(this, text); } } } const forcePatchProps = { AD: ['data'], 'AD-DRAW': ['data'], 'LIVE-PLAYER': ['picture-in-picture-mode'], MAP: [ 'markers', 'polyline', 'circles', 'controls', 'include-points', 'polygons', ], PICKER: ['range', 'value'], 'PICKER-VIEW': ['value'], 'RICH-TEXT': ['nodes'], VIDEO: ['danmu-list', 'header'], 'WEB-VIEW': ['webview-styles'], }; const forcePatchPropKeys = ['animation']; const forcePatchProp = (el, key) => { if (forcePatchPropKeys.indexOf(key) > -1) { return true; } const keys = forcePatchProps[el.nodeName]; if (keys && keys.indexOf(key) > -1) { return true; } return false; }; const ACTION_TYPE_PAGE_CREATE = 1; const ACTION_TYPE_PAGE_CREATED = 2; const ACTION_TYPE_CREATE = 3; const ACTION_TYPE_INSERT = 4; const ACTION_TYPE_REMOVE = 5; const ACTION_TYPE_SET_ATTRIBUTE = 6; const ACTION_TYPE_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE = 7; const ACTION_TYPE_ADD_EVENT = 8; const ACTION_TYPE_REMOVE_EVENT = 9; const ACTION_TYPE_SET_TEXT = 10; const ACTION_TYPE_ADD_WXS_EVENT = 12; const ACTION_TYPE_PAGE_SCROLL = 15; const ACTION_TYPE_EVENT = 20; /** * 需要手动传入 timer,主要是解决 App 平台的定制 timer */ function debounce(fn, delay, { clearTimeout, setTimeout }) { let timeout; const newFn = function () { clearTimeout(timeout); const timerFn = () => fn.apply(this, arguments); timeout = setTimeout(timerFn, delay); }; newFn.cancel = function () { clearTimeout(timeout); }; return newFn; } class EventChannel { constructor(id, events) { = id; this.listener = {}; this.emitCache = []; if (events) { Object.keys(events).forEach((name) => { this.on(name, events[name]); }); } } emit(eventName, ...args) { const fns = this.listener[eventName]; if (!fns) { return this.emitCache.push({ eventName, args, }); } fns.forEach((opt) => { opt.fn.apply(opt.fn, args); }); this.listener[eventName] = fns.filter((opt) => opt.type !== 'once'); } on(eventName, fn) { this._addListener(eventName, 'on', fn); this._clearCache(eventName); } once(eventName, fn) { this._addListener(eventName, 'once', fn); this._clearCache(eventName); } off(eventName, fn) { const fns = this.listener[eventName]; if (!fns) { return; } if (fn) { for (let i = 0; i < fns.length;) { if (fns[i].fn === fn) { fns.splice(i, 1); i--; } i++; } } else { delete this.listener[eventName]; } } _clearCache(eventName) { for (let index = 0; index < this.emitCache.length; index++) { const cache = this.emitCache[index]; const _name = eventName ? cache.eventName === eventName ? eventName : null : cache.eventName; if (!_name) continue; const location = this.emit.apply(this, [_name, ...cache.args]); if (typeof location === 'number') { this.emitCache.pop(); continue; } this.emitCache.splice(index, 1); index--; } } _addListener(eventName, type, fn) { (this.listener[eventName] || (this.listener[eventName] = [])).push({ fn, type, }); } } const PAGE_HOOKS = [ ON_INIT, ON_LOAD, ON_SHOW, ON_HIDE, ON_UNLOAD, ON_BACK_PRESS, ON_PAGE_SCROLL, ON_TAB_ITEM_TAP, ON_REACH_BOTTOM, ON_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH, ON_SHARE_TIMELINE, ON_SHARE_APP_MESSAGE, ON_ADD_TO_FAVORITES, ON_SAVE_EXIT_STATE, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_BUTTON_TAP, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_CLICKED, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_CHANGED, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_CONFIRMED, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_FOCUS_CHANGED, ]; function isRootImmediateHook(name) { const PAGE_SYNC_HOOKS = [ON_LOAD, ON_SHOW]; return PAGE_SYNC_HOOKS.indexOf(name) > -1; } // iOS-X 和安卓一致,on_show 不参与判断,避免引入新的运行时判断,导出两份 function isRootImmediateHookX(name) { const PAGE_SYNC_HOOKS = [ON_LOAD]; return PAGE_SYNC_HOOKS.indexOf(name) > -1; } function isRootHook(name) { return PAGE_HOOKS.indexOf(name) > -1; } const UniLifecycleHooks = [ ON_SHOW, ON_HIDE, ON_LAUNCH, ON_ERROR, ON_THEME_CHANGE, ON_PAGE_NOT_FOUND, ON_UNHANDLE_REJECTION, ON_EXIT, ON_INIT, ON_LOAD, ON_READY, ON_UNLOAD, ON_RESIZE, ON_BACK_PRESS, ON_PAGE_SCROLL, ON_TAB_ITEM_TAP, ON_REACH_BOTTOM, ON_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH, ON_SHARE_TIMELINE, ON_ADD_TO_FAVORITES, ON_SHARE_APP_MESSAGE, ON_SAVE_EXIT_STATE, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_BUTTON_TAP, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_CLICKED, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_CHANGED, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_CONFIRMED, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_FOCUS_CHANGED, ]; const MINI_PROGRAM_PAGE_RUNTIME_HOOKS = /*#__PURE__*/ (() => { return { onPageScroll: 1, onShareAppMessage: 1 << 1, onShareTimeline: 1 << 2, }; })(); function isUniLifecycleHook(name, value, checkType = true) { // 检查类型 if (checkType && !isFunction(value)) { return false; } if (UniLifecycleHooks.indexOf(name) > -1) { // 已预定义 return true; } else if (name.indexOf('on') === 0) { // 以 on 开头 return true; } return false; } let vueApp; const createVueAppHooks = []; /** * 提供 createApp 的回调事件,方便三方插件接收 App 对象,处理挂靠全局 mixin 之类的逻辑 */ function onCreateVueApp(hook) { // TODO 每个 nvue 页面都会触发 if (vueApp) { return hook(vueApp); } createVueAppHooks.push(hook); } function invokeCreateVueAppHook(app) { vueApp = app; createVueAppHooks.forEach((hook) => hook(app)); } const invokeCreateErrorHandler = once((app, createErrorHandler) => { if (isFunction(app._component.onError)) { return createErrorHandler(app); } }); const E = function () { // Keep this empty so it's easier to inherit from // (via from }; E.prototype = { on: function (name, callback, ctx) { var e = this.e || (this.e = {}); (e[name] || (e[name] = [])).push({ fn: callback, ctx: ctx, }); return this; }, once: function (name, callback, ctx) { var self = this; function listener() {, listener); callback.apply(ctx, arguments); } listener._ = callback; return this.on(name, listener, ctx); }, emit: function (name) { var data = [], 1); var evtArr = ((this.e || (this.e = {}))[name] || []).slice(); var i = 0; var len = evtArr.length; for (i; i < len; i++) { evtArr[i].fn.apply(evtArr[i].ctx, data); } return this; }, off: function (name, callback) { var e = this.e || (this.e = {}); var evts = e[name]; var liveEvents = []; if (evts && callback) { for (var i = evts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (evts[i].fn === callback || evts[i].fn._ === callback) { evts.splice(i, 1); break; } } liveEvents = evts; } // Remove event from queue to prevent memory leak // Suggested by // Ref: liveEvents.length ? (e[name] = liveEvents) : delete e[name]; return this; }, }; var E$1 = E; const borderStyles = { black: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)', white: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.4)', }; function normalizeTabBarStyles(borderStyle) { if (borderStyle && borderStyle in borderStyles) { return borderStyles[borderStyle]; } return borderStyle; } function normalizeTitleColor(titleColor) { return titleColor === 'black' ? '#000000' : '#ffffff'; } function normalizeStyles(pageStyle, themeConfig = {}, mode = 'light') { const modeStyle = themeConfig[mode]; const styles = {}; if (!modeStyle) { return pageStyle; } Object.keys(pageStyle).forEach((key) => { let styleItem = pageStyle[key] // Object Array String ; styles[key] = (() => { if (isPlainObject(styleItem)) { return normalizeStyles(styleItem, themeConfig, mode); } else if (isArray(styleItem)) { return => isPlainObject(item) ? normalizeStyles(item, themeConfig, mode) : item); } else if (isString(styleItem) && styleItem.startsWith('@')) { const _key = styleItem.replace('@', ''); let _styleItem = modeStyle[_key] || styleItem; switch (key) { case 'titleColor': _styleItem = normalizeTitleColor(_styleItem); break; case 'borderStyle': _styleItem = normalizeTabBarStyles(_styleItem); break; } return _styleItem; } return styleItem; })(); }); return styles; } function getEnvLocale() { const { env } = process; const lang = env.LC_ALL || env.LC_MESSAGES || env.LANG || env.LANGUAGE; return (lang && lang.replace(/[.:].*/, '')) || 'en'; } export { ACTION_TYPE_ADD_EVENT, ACTION_TYPE_ADD_WXS_EVENT, ACTION_TYPE_CREATE, ACTION_TYPE_EVENT, ACTION_TYPE_INSERT, ACTION_TYPE_PAGE_CREATE, ACTION_TYPE_PAGE_CREATED, ACTION_TYPE_PAGE_SCROLL, ACTION_TYPE_REMOVE, ACTION_TYPE_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, ACTION_TYPE_REMOVE_EVENT, ACTION_TYPE_SET_ATTRIBUTE, ACTION_TYPE_SET_TEXT, ATTR_CHANGE_PREFIX, ATTR_CLASS, ATTR_INNER_HTML, ATTR_STYLE, ATTR_TEXT_CONTENT, ATTR_V_OWNER_ID, ATTR_V_RENDERJS, ATTR_V_SHOW, BACKGROUND_COLOR, BUILT_IN_TAGS, BUILT_IN_TAG_NAMES, COMPONENT_NAME_PREFIX, COMPONENT_PREFIX, COMPONENT_SELECTOR_PREFIX, DATA_RE, E$1 as Emitter, EventChannel, EventModifierFlags, I18N_JSON_DELIMITERS, JSON_PROTOCOL, LINEFEED, MINI_PROGRAM_PAGE_RUNTIME_HOOKS, NAVBAR_HEIGHT, NODE_TYPE_COMMENT, NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT, NODE_TYPE_PAGE, NODE_TYPE_TEXT, NVUE_BUILT_IN_TAGS, NVUE_U_BUILT_IN_TAGS, OFF_THEME_CHANGE, ON_ADD_TO_FAVORITES, ON_APP_ENTER_BACKGROUND, ON_APP_ENTER_FOREGROUND, ON_BACK_PRESS, ON_ERROR, ON_EXIT, ON_HIDE, ON_INIT, ON_KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_CHANGE, ON_LAUNCH, ON_LOAD, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_BUTTON_TAP, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_CHANGE, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_CHANGED, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_CLICKED, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_CONFIRMED, ON_NAVIGATION_BAR_SEARCH_INPUT_FOCUS_CHANGED, ON_PAGE_NOT_FOUND, ON_PAGE_SCROLL, ON_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH, ON_REACH_BOTTOM, ON_REACH_BOTTOM_DISTANCE, ON_READY, ON_RESIZE, ON_SAVE_EXIT_STATE, ON_SHARE_APP_MESSAGE, ON_SHARE_TIMELINE, ON_SHOW, ON_TAB_ITEM_TAP, ON_THEME_CHANGE, ON_UNHANDLE_REJECTION, ON_UNLOAD, ON_WEB_INVOKE_APP_SERVICE, ON_WXS_INVOKE_CALL_METHOD, PLUS_RE, PRIMARY_COLOR, RENDERJS_MODULES, RESPONSIVE_MIN_WIDTH, SCHEME_RE, SELECTED_COLOR, SLOT_DEFAULT_NAME, TABBAR_HEIGHT, TAGS, UNI_SSR, UNI_SSR_DATA, UNI_SSR_GLOBAL_DATA, UNI_SSR_STORE, UNI_SSR_TITLE, UNI_STORAGE_LOCALE, UNI_UI_CONFLICT_TAGS, UVUE_BUILT_IN_TAGS, UVUE_IOS_BUILT_IN_TAGS, UVUE_WEB_BUILT_IN_TAGS, UniBaseNode, UniCommentNode, UniElement, UniEvent, UniInputElement, UniLifecycleHooks, UniNode, UniTextAreaElement, UniTextNode, WEB_INVOKE_APPSERVICE, WXS_MODULES, WXS_PROTOCOL, addFont, addLeadingSlash, borderStyles, cache, cacheStringFunction, callOptions, createIsCustomElement, createRpx2Unit, createUniEvent, customizeEvent, debounce, decode, decodedQuery, defaultMiniProgramRpx2Unit, defaultNVueRpx2Unit, defaultRpx2Unit, dynamicSlotName, forcePatchProp, formatDateTime, formatLog, getCustomDataset, getEnvLocale, getLen, getValueByDataPath, initCustomDatasetOnce, invokeArrayFns, invokeCreateErrorHandler, invokeCreateVueAppHook, isAppIOSUVueNativeTag, isAppNVueNativeTag, isAppNativeTag, isAppUVueNativeTag, isBuiltInComponent, isComponentInternalInstance, isComponentTag, isH5CustomElement, isH5NativeTag, isMiniProgramNativeTag, isRootHook, isRootImmediateHook, isRootImmediateHookX, isUniLifecycleHook, isUniXElement, normalizeClass, normalizeDataset, normalizeEventType, normalizeProps, normalizeStyle, normalizeStyles, normalizeTabBarStyles, normalizeTarget, normalizeTitleColor, onCreateVueApp, once, parseEventName, parseNVueDataset, parseQuery, parseUrl, passive, plusReady, removeLeadingSlash, resolveComponentInstance, resolveOwnerEl, resolveOwnerVm, sanitise, scrollTo, sortObject, stringifyQuery, updateElementStyle };