import { createUniInstance } from './uni'; function callHook (vm, hook, params) { return (vm.$vm || vm).__call_hook(hook, params) } function callAppHook (vm, hook, params) { if (hook !== 'onError') { console.debug(`App:${hook} have been invoked` + (params ? ` ${JSON.stringify(params)}` : '')); } return (vm.$vm || vm).__call_hook(hook, params) } function callPageHook (vm, hook, params) { if (hook !== 'onPageScroll') { console.debug(`${vm.$page.route}[${vm.$}]:${hook} have been invoked`); } return callHook(vm, hook, params) } let appCtx; const NETWORK_TYPES = [ 'unknown', 'none', 'ethernet', 'wifi', '2g', '3g', '4g' ]; function getApp () { return appCtx } function initGlobalListeners ({ uni, plus, UniServiceJSBridge }) { const emit = UniServiceJSBridge.emit; plus.key.addEventListener('backbutton', () => { uni.navigateBack({ from: 'backbutton' }); }); plus.globalEvent.addEventListener('pause', () => { emit('onAppEnterBackground'); }); plus.globalEvent.addEventListener('resume', () => { emit('onAppEnterForeground'); }); plus.globalEvent.addEventListener('netchange', () => { const networkType = NETWORK_TYPES[plus.networkinfo.getCurrentType()]; emit('onNetworkStatusChange', { isConnected: networkType !== 'none', networkType }); }); } function initAppLaunch (appVm, { __uniConfig }) { const args = { path: __uniConfig.entryPagePath, query: {}, scene: 1001 }; callAppHook(appVm, 'onLaunch', args); callAppHook(appVm, 'onShow', args); } function registerApp (appVm, instanceContext) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log(`[uni-app] registerApp`); } appCtx = appVm; initAppLaunch(appVm, instanceContext); initGlobalListeners(instanceContext); } const _toString = Object.prototype.toString; function isPlainObject (obj) { return === '[object Object]' } function parseTitleNView (routeOptions) { const windowOptions = routeOptions.window; const titleNView = windowOptions.titleNView; if ( // 无头 titleNView === false || titleNView === 'false' || ( windowOptions.navigationStyle === 'custom' && !isPlainObject(titleNView) ) ) { return false } const ret = { autoBackButton: !routeOptions.meta.isQuit, backgroundColor: windowOptions.navigationBarBackgroundColor || '#000000', titleText: windowOptions.navigationBarTitleText || '', titleColor: windowOptions.navigationBarTextStyle === 'black' ? '#000000' : '#ffffff' }; if (isPlainObject(titleNView)) { return Object.assign(ret, titleNView) } return ret } function parsePullToRefresh (routeOptions, { plus }) { const windowOptions = routeOptions.window; if (windowOptions.enablePullDownRefresh) { const pullToRefreshStyles = Object.create(null); // 初始化默认值 if ( === 'Android') { Object.assign(pullToRefreshStyles, { support: true, style: 'circle' }); } else { Object.assign(pullToRefreshStyles, { support: true, style: 'default', height: '50px', range: '200px', contentdown: { caption: '' }, contentover: { caption: '' }, contentrefresh: { caption: '' } }); } if (windowOptions.backgroundTextStyle) { pullToRefreshStyles.color = windowOptions.backgroundTextStyle; pullToRefreshStyles.snowColor = windowOptions.backgroundTextStyle; } Object.assign(pullToRefreshStyles, windowOptions.pullToRefresh || {}); return pullToRefreshStyles } } const WEBVIEW_STYLE_BLACKLIST = [ 'navigationBarBackgroundColor', 'navigationBarTextStyle', 'navigationBarTitleText', 'navigationBarShadow', 'navigationStyle', 'disableScroll', 'backgroundColor', 'backgroundTextStyle', 'enablePullDownRefresh', 'onReachBottomDistance', 'usingComponents', // 需要解析的 'titleNView', 'pullToRefresh' ]; function parseWebviewStyle (id, path, routeOptions = {}, instanceContext) { const { __uniConfig } = instanceContext; const webviewStyle = Object.create(null); // 合并 const windowOptions = Object.assign( JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(__uniConfig.window || {})), routeOptions.window || {} ); Object.keys(windowOptions).forEach(name => { if (WEBVIEW_STYLE_BLACKLIST.indexOf(name) === -1) { webviewStyle[name] = windowOptions[name]; } }); const titleNView = parseTitleNView(routeOptions); if (titleNView) { if (id === 1 && __uniConfig.realEntryPagePath === path) { titleNView.autoBackButton = true; } webviewStyle.titleNView = titleNView; } const pullToRefresh = parsePullToRefresh(routeOptions, instanceContext); if (pullToRefresh) { if ( === 'circle') { webviewStyle.bounce = 'none'; } webviewStyle.pullToRefresh = pullToRefresh; } // 不支持 hide if (webviewStyle.popGesture === 'hide') { delete webviewStyle.popGesture; } // TODO 下拉刷新 if (path && routeOptions.meta.isNVue) { webviewStyle.uniNView = { path, defaultFontSize: __uniConfig.defaultFontSize, viewport: __uniConfig.viewport }; } return webviewStyle } function parseNavigationBar (webviewStyle) { let titleText = ''; let textColor = ''; let backgroundColor = ''; const titleNView = webviewStyle.titleNView; if (titleNView) { titleText = titleNView.titleText || ''; textColor = titleNView.textColor || ''; backgroundColor = titleNView.backgroundColor || ''; } return { titleText, textColor, backgroundColor } } let id = 2; const WEBVIEW_LISTENERS = { 'pullToRefresh': 'onPullDownRefresh', 'titleNViewSearchInputChanged': 'onNavigationBarSearchInputChanged', 'titleNViewSearchInputConfirmed': 'onNavigationBarSearchInputConfirmed', 'titleNViewSearchInputClicked': 'onNavigationBarSearchInputClicked' }; function createWebview (path, instanceContext, routeOptions) { const webviewId = id++; const webviewStyle = parseWebviewStyle( webviewId, path, routeOptions, instanceContext ); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log(`[uni-app] createWebview`, webviewId, path, webviewStyle); } const webview ='', String(webviewId), webviewStyle); webview.$navigationBar = parseNavigationBar(webviewStyle); return webview } function initWebview (webview, instanceContext, routeOptions) { if (isPlainObject(routeOptions)) { const webviewStyle = parseWebviewStyle( parseInt(, '', routeOptions, instanceContext ); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log(`[uni-app] updateWebview`, webviewStyle); } webview.$navigationBar = parseNavigationBar(webviewStyle); webview.setStyle(webviewStyle); } const { on, emit } = instanceContext.UniServiceJSBridge; // TODO subNVues Object.keys(WEBVIEW_LISTENERS).forEach(name => { webview.addEventListener(name, (e) => { emit(WEBVIEW_LISTENERS[name], e, parseInt(; }); }); // TODO 应该结束之前未完成的下拉刷新 on( + '.startPullDownRefresh', () => { webview.beginPullToRefresh(); }); on( + '.stopPullDownRefresh', () => { webview.endPullToRefresh(); }); return webview } const pages = []; function getCurrentPages () { return pages } /** * @param {Object} pageVm * * page.beforeCreate 时添加 page * page.beforeDestroy 时移出 page * * page.viewappear onShow * page.viewdisappear onHide * * navigateTo * redirectTo * * * * * * */ /** * 首页需要主动registerPage,二级页面路由跳转时registerPage */ function registerPage ({ path, webview }, instanceContext) { const routeOptions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(instanceContext.__uniRoutes.find(route => route.path === path))); if (!webview) { webview = createWebview(path, instanceContext, routeOptions); } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log(`[uni-app] registerPage`, path,; } initWebview(webview, instanceContext, === '1' && routeOptions); const route = path.slice(1); webview.__uniapp_route = route; pages.push({ route, $getAppWebview () { return webview }, $page: { id: parseInt(, meta: routeOptions.meta, path, route } }); return webview } const uniConfig = Object.create(null); const uniRoutes = []; function parseRoutes (config) { uniRoutes.length = 0; /* eslint-disable no-mixed-operators */ const tabBarList = (config.tabBar && config.tabBar.list || []).map(item => item.pagePath); Object.keys( (pagePath) { const isTabBar = tabBarList.indexOf(pagePath) !== -1; const isQuit = isTabBar || (config.pages[0] === pagePath); const isNVue = !![pagePath].nvue; uniRoutes.push({ path: '/' + pagePath, meta: { isQuit, isTabBar, isNVue }, window:[pagePath].window || {} }); }); } function registerConfig (config, { plus }) { Object.assign(uniConfig, config); uniConfig.viewport = ''; uniConfig.defaultFontSize = ''; if (uniConfig.nvueCompiler === 'uni-app') { uniConfig.viewport = plus.screen.resolutionWidth; uniConfig.defaultFontSize = uniConfig.viewport / 20; } parseRoutes(uniConfig); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log(`[uni-app] registerConfig`, uniConfig); } } function initOn (on, { getApp, getCurrentPages }) { function onError (err) { callAppHook(getApp(), 'onError', err); } function onPageNotFound (page) { callAppHook(getApp(), 'onPageNotFound', page); } function onPullDownRefresh (args, pageId) { const page = getCurrentPages().find(page => page.$ === pageId); if (page) { callPageHook(page, 'onPullDownRefresh'); } } function callCurrentPageHook (hook, args) { const pages = getCurrentPages(); if (pages.length) { callPageHook(pages[pages.length - 1], hook, args); } } function createCallCurrentPageHook (hook) { return function (args) { callCurrentPageHook(hook, args); } } function onAppEnterBackground () { callAppHook(getApp(), 'onHide'); callCurrentPageHook('onHide'); } function onAppEnterForeground () { callAppHook(getApp(), 'onShow'); callCurrentPageHook('onShow'); } function onWebInvokeAppService ({ name, arg }, pageId) { if (name === 'postMessage') ; else { uni[name](arg); } } const routeHooks = { navigateTo () { callCurrentPageHook('onHide'); }, navigateBack () { callCurrentPageHook('onShow'); } }; function onAppRoute ({ type }) { const routeHook = routeHooks[type]; routeHook && routeHook(); } on('onError', onError); on('onPageNotFound', onPageNotFound); { // 后续有时间,h5 平台也要迁移到 onAppRoute on('onAppRoute', onAppRoute); } on('onAppEnterBackground', onAppEnterBackground); on('onAppEnterForeground', onAppEnterForeground); on('onPullDownRefresh', onPullDownRefresh); on('onTabItemTap', createCallCurrentPageHook('onTabItemTap')); on('onNavigationBarButtonTap', createCallCurrentPageHook('onNavigationBarButtonTap')); on('onNavigationBarSearchInputChanged', createCallCurrentPageHook('onNavigationBarSearchInputChanged')); on('onNavigationBarSearchInputConfirmed', createCallCurrentPageHook('onNavigationBarSearchInputConfirmed')); on('onNavigationBarSearchInputClicked', createCallCurrentPageHook('onNavigationBarSearchInputClicked')); on('onWebInvokeAppService', onWebInvokeAppService); } let bridge; function initServiceJSBridge (Vue, instanceContext) { if (bridge) { return bridge } const Emitter = new Vue(); bridge = { on: Emitter.$on.bind(Emitter), off: Emitter.$off.bind(Emitter), once: Emitter.$once.bind(Emitter), emit: Emitter.$emit.bind(Emitter) }; initOn(bridge.on, instanceContext); return bridge } let uni$1; function createInstanceContext (instanceContext) { const { weex, Vue, WeexPlus } = instanceContext; const plus = new WeexPlus(weex); const UniServiceJSBridge = initServiceJSBridge(Vue, { plus, getApp, getCurrentPages }); function __registerPage (page) { return registerPage(page, instanceContext) } if (!uni$1) { uni$1 = createUniInstance( weex, plus, uniConfig, uniRoutes, __registerPage, UniServiceJSBridge, getApp, getCurrentPages ); } return { __uniConfig: uniConfig, __uniRoutes: uniRoutes, __registerConfig (config) { return registerConfig(config, instanceContext) }, __registerApp (appVm) { return registerApp(appVm, instanceContext) }, __registerPage, plus, uni: uni$1, getApp, getCurrentPages, UniServiceJSBridge } } export { createInstanceContext };