const compiler = require('../lib') function assertCodegen (template, templateCode, renderCode = 'with(this){}') { const res = compiler.compile(template, { resourcePath: 'test.wxml', mp: { minified: true, isTest: true, platform: 'mp-weixin' } }) expect(res.template).toBe(templateCode) expect(res.render).toBe(renderCode) } describe('mp:compiler', () => { // TODO // it('generate directive', () => { // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('view',{directives:[{name:"custom1",rawName:"v-custom1:arg1.modifier",value:(value1),expression:"value1",arg:"arg1",modifiers:{"modifier":true}},{name:"custom2",rawName:"v-custom2"}]})}` // ) // }) it('generate filters', () => { assertCodegen( 'text {{ d | e | f }} text', '{{"text "+$root.f1+" text"}}', 'with(this){var f0=_f("c")(_f("b")(a));var f1=_f("f")(_f("e")(d));${},{$root:{f0:f0,f1:f1}})}' ) }) it('generate filters with no arguments', () => { assertCodegen( '{{ d | e() }}', '{{$root.f0}}', 'with(this){var f0=_f("e")(d);${},{$root:{f0:f0}})}' ) }) it('generate v-for directive', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) // iterator syntax assertCodegen( '', '' ) // TODO // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('view',_l((items),function(item,key,index){return _c('view')}),0)}` // ) // destructuring // TODO // assertCodegen( // '', // `` // ) // TODO // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('view',_l((items),function({ a, b },key,index){return _c('view')}),0)}` // ) // v-for with extra element assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate v-if directive', () => { assertCodegen( 'hello', 'hello' ) }) it('generate v-else directive', () => { assertCodegen( 'helloworld', 'helloworld' ) }) it('generate v-else-if directive', () => { assertCodegen( 'helloworld', 'helloworld' ) }) it('generate v-else-if with v-else directive', () => { assertCodegen( 'helloworldbye', 'helloworldbye' ) }) it('generate multi v-else-if with v-else directive', () => { assertCodegen( 'helloworldelseifbye', 'helloworldelseifbye' ) }) it('generate ref', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate ref on v-for', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) // it('generate v-bind directive', () => { // assertCodegen( // '', // `` // ) // }) // it('generate v-bind with prop directive', () => { // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('view',_b({},'view',test,true))}` // ) // }) // it('generate v-bind directive with sync modifier', () => { // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('view',_b({},'view',test,false,true))}` // ) // }) it('generate v-model directive', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate multiline v-model directive', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate multiline v-model directive on custom component', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate template tag', () => { assertCodegen( '', '{{hello}}' ) }) it('generate single slot', () => { assertCodegen('', '') assertCodegen('default', 'default') assertCodegen('{{hello}}', '{{hello}}') assertCodegen('', '') }) it('generate named slot', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) // it('generate slot fallback content', () => { // assertCodegen( // 'hi', // `with(this){return _c('view',[_t("default",[_c('view',[_v("hi")])])],2)}` // ) // }) it('generate slot target', () => { assertCodegen( 'hello world', 'hello world' ) assertCodegen( 'hello world', 'hello world' ) }) // it('generate scoped slot', () => { // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('foo',{scopedSlots:_u([{key:"default",fn:function(bar){return [_v(_s(bar))]}}])})}` // ) // assertCodegen( // '{{ bar }}', // `with(this){return _c('foo',{scopedSlots:_u([{key:"default",fn:function(bar){return _c('view',{},[_v(_s(bar))])}}])})}` // ) // }) // it('generate named scoped slot', () => { // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('foo',{scopedSlots:_u([{key:"foo",fn:function(bar){return [_v(_s(bar))]}}])})}` // ) // assertCodegen( // '{{ bar }}', // `with(this){return _c('foo',{scopedSlots:_u([{key:"foo",fn:function(bar){return _c('view',{},[_v(_s(bar))])}}])})}` // ) // }) // it('generate scoped slot with multiline v-if', () => { // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('foo',{scopedSlots:_u([{key:"default",fn:function(bar){return (\nshow\n)?[_v(_s(bar))]:undefined}}])})}` // ) // assertCodegen( // '{{ bar }}', // `with(this){return _c(\'foo\',{scopedSlots:_u([{key:"foo",fn:function(bar){return (\nshow\n)?_c(\'view\',{},[_v(_s(bar))]):_e()}}])})}` // ) // }) it('generate class binding', () => { // static assertCodegen( 'hello world', 'hello world' ) // dynamic assertCodegen( 'hello world', 'hello world' ) // assertCodegen( // 'hello world', // `hello world`, // `with(this){var c0=__get_class(class1);${},{$root:{c0:c0}})}` // ) }) it('generate staticStyle', () => { assertCodegen( 'hello world', 'hello world' ) }) it('generate style binding', () => { assertCodegen( 'hello world', 'hello world' ) // assertCodegen( // 'hello world', // `hello world`, // `with(this){var s0=__get_style(error);${},{$root:{s0:s0}})}` // ) }) it('generate v-show directive', () => { assertCodegen( 'hello world', '' ) }) it('generate DOM props with v-bind directive', () => { // input + value assertCodegen('', '') // non input assertCodegen('', '') }) it('generate attrs with v-bind directive', () => { assertCodegen('', '') }) it('generate static attrs', () => { assertCodegen('', '') }) it('generate events with v-on directive', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate events with method call', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) // empty arguments assertCodegen( '', '' ) // without semicolon assertCodegen( '', '' ) // multiple args assertCodegen( '', '' ) // expression in args assertCodegen( '', '' ) // tricky symbols in args // assertCodegen( // ``, // ``, // `with(this){if(!${${"e0":{on:{"input":function($event){onInput(");['());")}}}})}}` // ) }) // it('generate events with multiple statements', () => { // // normal function // assertCodegen( // '', // ``, // `with(this){if(!${${"e0":{on:{"input":function($event){onInput1();onInput2()}}}})}}` // ) // // function with multiple args // assertCodegen( // '', // ``, // `with(this){if(!${${"e0":{on:{"input":function($event){onInput1($event,"text");onInput2("text2",$event)}}}})}}` // ) // }) // it('generate events with keycode', () => { // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('input',{on:{"input":function($event){if(!('button' in $event)&&_k($event.keyCode,"enter",13,$event.key,"Enter"))return null;return onInput($event)}}})}` // ) // // multiple keycodes (delete) // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('input',{on:{"input":function($event){if(!('button' in $event)&&_k($event.keyCode,"delete",[8,46],$event.key,["Backspace","Delete","Del"]))return null;return onInput($event)}}})}` // ) // // multiple keycodes (esc) // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('input',{on:{"input":function($event){if(!('button' in $event)&&_k($event.keyCode,"esc",27,$event.key,["Esc","Escape"]))return null;return onInput($event)}}})}` // ) // // multiple keycodes (space) // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('input',{on:{"input":function($event){if(!('button' in $event)&&_k($event.keyCode,"space",32,$event.key,[" ","Spacebar"]))return null;return onInput($event)}}})}` // ) // // multiple keycodes (chained) // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('input',{on:{"keydown":function($event){if(!('button' in $event)&&_k($event.keyCode,"enter",13,$event.key,"Enter")&&_k($event.keyCode,"delete",[8,46],$event.key,["Backspace","Delete","Del"]))return null;return onInput($event)}}})}` // ) // // number keycode // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('input',{on:{"input":function($event){if(!('button' in $event)&&$event.keyCode!==13)return null;return onInput($event)}}})}` // ) // // custom keycode // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('input',{on:{"input":function($event){if(!('button' in $event)&&_k($event.keyCode,"custom",undefined,$event.key,undefined))return null;return onInput($event)}}})}` // ) // }) it('generate events with generic modifiers', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) assertCodegen( '', '' ) assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) // GitHub Issues #5146 it('generate events with generic modifiers and keycode correct order', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate events with mouse event modifiers', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) assertCodegen( '', '' ) assertCodegen( '', '' ) assertCodegen( '', '' ) assertCodegen( '', '' ) assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate events with multiple modifiers', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate events with capture modifier', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate events with once modifier', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate events with capture and once modifier', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate events with once and capture modifier', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('generate events with inline statement', () => { assertCodegen( '', '', 'with(this){if(!_isMounted){e0=function($event){current++}}}' ) }) it('generate events with inline function expression', () => { // normal function assertCodegen( '', '', 'with(this){if(!_isMounted){e0=function(){current++}}}' ) // normal named function assertCodegen( '', '', 'with(this){if(!_isMounted){e0=function fn(){current++}}}' ) // arrow with no args assertCodegen( '', '', 'with(this){if(!_isMounted){e0=()=>current++}}' ) // arrow with parens, single arg assertCodegen( '', '', 'with(this){if(!_isMounted){e0=e=>current++}}' ) // arrow with parens, multi args assertCodegen( '', '', 'with(this){if(!_isMounted){e0=(a,b,c)=>current++}}' ) // arrow with destructuring assertCodegen( '', '', 'with(this){if(!_isMounted){e0=({a,b})=>current++}}' ) // arrow single arg no parens assertCodegen( '', '', 'with(this){if(!_isMounted){e0=e=>current++}}' ) // with modifiers assertCodegen( '', '', 'with(this){if(!_isMounted){e0=function($event){$event.stopPropagation();return(e=>current++)($event)}}}' ) }) // #3893 it('should not treat handler with unexpected whitespace as inline statement', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) // it('generate unhandled events', () => { // assertCodegen( // '', // `with(this){return _c('input',{on:{"input":function(){}}})}`, // ast => { // = undefined // } // ) // }) // it('generate multiple event handlers', () => { // assertCodegen( // '', // ``, // `with(this){if(!${${"e0":{on:{"input":[function($event){current++},function($event){$event.stopPropagation();return onInput($event)}]}}})}}` // ) // }) it('generate component', () => { assertCodegen( '
', 'hi' // `with(this){if(!${${"e0":{on:{"notify":onNotify},component:true}})}}` ) }) // it('generate svg component with children', () => { // assertCodegen( // '', // `` // ) // }) it('generate is attribute', () => { assertCodegen( '
', '' ) // assertCodegen( // '
', // '' // ) // maybe a component and normalize type should be 1 assertCodegen( '
', '' ) }) // it('generate component with inline-template', () => { // // have "inline-template'" // assertCodegen( // '

hello world

', // `with(this){return _c('my-component',{inlineTemplate:{render:function(){with(this){return _m(0)}},staticRenderFns:[function(){with(this){return _c('p',[_c('span',[_v("hello world")])])}}]}})}` // ) // // "have inline-template attrs, but not having exactly one child element // assertCodegen( // '

', // `with(this){return _c('my-component',{inlineTemplate:{render:function(){with(this){return _c('hr')}},staticRenderFns:[]}})}` // ) // try { // assertCodegen( // '', // '' // ) // } catch (e) {} // expect('Inline-template components must have exactly one child element.').toHaveBeenWarned() // expect(console.error.calls.count()).toBe(2) // }) it('generate static trees inside v-for', () => { // TODO vue的数字 item 是从1,小程序是从0,后续考虑抹平差异 assertCodegen( '

', '' ) }) it('generate component with v-for', () => { // normalize type: 2 assertCodegen( '
', '{{item}}' ) }) it('generate component with comment', () => { assertCodegen( '
', '' ) }) // #6150 it('generate comments with special characters', () => { assertCodegen( '
', '' ) }) // #8041 it('does not squash templates inside v-pre', () => { assertCodegen( '
', '{{msg}}' ) }) it('not specified ast type', () => { assertCodegen( '', '' ) }) it('not specified directives option', () => { assertCodegen( '

hello world

', 'hello world' ) }) // #9142 it('should compile single v-for component inside template', () => { assertCodegen( '
', '' ) }) })